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Reptiles and

Amphibians of
Sharp-Tailed Snake
• They are usually about 8 to 12 inches long.
• Their main diet is slugs but they can also
eat slug eggs and little salamanders.
• Some people believe that they can use
their sharp tails to stabilize slugs to make it
easier to capture.
Ellie-pygmy short-horned lizard

• You can find them in deserts or semi-arid

enviorments in north and central enviorments.
• They are endemic to western north america.
• Its nickname is the horny toad.
• They are usually 1.3 to 2.5 inches.
• They eat insects 70% of there diet are ants.
• Name: Striped Whipsnake
• Order: Snakes (Squamata)
• Family: Common Snakes
• Can reach 36 to 72 inches in
• Feed on snakes, small
mammals, insects, small
birds, and occasionally
• Live in specific parts parts of
western United States and
northern Mexico

Annie-Striped Whipsnake
Western Fence Lizard

• Sagebrush and dry grassland

• Eat ants, caterpillars and spiders.
• Can tolerate a large range of
Diya- Green Sea Turtle
• Green Sea Turtles are one of the largest turtles
• They can weigh of up to 450 pounds
• Adults eat plants only (algae and sea grass)
• Babies eat the same things as the adults, but they also eat
small animals
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. 6-9 inches.
.Van be yellow or tan, but usually dark brown or black.
.Underside is yellow, orange or red.
Carter W .Dry, granular skin.
Rough-Skinned Name: Rough- Skinned Newt
Newt Order: Salamanders (Caudata)
Family: Newts (Salamandridae)

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Cashel-Western Racer
• Depending on the subspecies, adult racers can be
around 35 to 75 inches long.
• They have narrow heads and long, smooth bodies
usually of a solid dark color. Including black, gray,
blue and olive brown.
• Their undersides are always a light color, ranging
white to yellow.
• Name: Western Racer (Coluber Constrictor)
• Order: Snakes (Squatamata)
• Family: Common Snakes (Colubridae)
• Western Racers are found in southern Canada and
• There are many subspecies of racers, each of which
have very different ranges.
• Racers are most often found in dry sunny areas,
including open woodland, fields, hedgerows,
thickets, and wood edges. They’ve also been seen
in wet areas like marshes, and lake edges.
Greg Common Sagebrush Lizard

• 2-3.5 inches.
• They eat
spiders, beetles, ticks, and
• Females breed 2 to 8 babies
in June - August
. Painted turtles can be found all around
the US.
. Younger pained turtles eat a wide range
of small animals including snails, slugs,
tadpoles, insects, small fish, and dead
animals. Older painted turtles like to eat
aquatic plants.
These are some facts about the
snapping turtles.
1. did you know that the
snapping turtles have the tenth
strongest bite force.
2. did you know that snapping
turtles can live under the ice
for the whole winter.
3. snapping turtles have been
seen eating small snakes.

Snapping turtle: Rudy

Desert Night snake

Desert Night snakes can be 12 to 26 inches.

Desert Night snakes are usually tan or
brown skin.
Desert Night snakes eat lizards, small
snakes, frogs, salemanders and small mice.
Desert Night snakes have venom but the
venom is not a threat to humans.
Reptile Facts
• Despite the Western Racers name, racers only run at a speed of 4
miles per hour.

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