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Name: Roxana Chowdhury

Id: 1603010402459
Course title: Literary Criticism, Theory and after
Course Code: 801
Section: A
Batch: 30 th
Date: 14/9/2020

Theme about of The forest’s blessed abode

The forest’s blesses abode was written by

Belinda stother . One day, when the poet of this poetry, returned
from a trip there she saw some of the loveliest forests and surreal
scenery she have ever seen. She has so fascinated by these natural
beauties that she wrote the poem “the forest’s blessed abode “to
express his fascination. The main theme of the poem “the forest’s
blessed abode “is natural beauties. It is a poem about beauty of
forest and trees. She saw many past forests, water falls, island and
mountains. She thought she reached the very paradise of nature
the abode of the blessed. In this poem, the poet described tress
and forest as natural blessings because it helped other species
from natural disaster. Thus the forests had taught poet a deep
respect for all living species dependent upon it though every
season. The poet thought trees colorful leaves decorated earth into
a new way. Moreover, sound of whispering trees and burbling
streams, beauty at earth sent his mind wondering into a fantasy
world where she dreams of a lovely, tension free life. And for this
, when the poet felt lonely , she found nature his blossom friend ,
which gave her all kind of enjoyment ,pleasant , Scenery
satisfaction and comfort .

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