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CICLOS 3,4,5

A continuación seleccione la opción correcta (a,b,c) para completar la oración

1. Peter has a pet, __ pet is a dog.

a. an b. a c. the

2. Dora and Mike go to ___ house

a. they b. their c. theirs

3. My car is cheap, but your car is the ___

a. cheaper b. cheapest c. more cheap

4. It is __ good movie
a. an b. a c. my

5. That blue smartphone is __

a. my b. mine c. I

6. Cartagena is __ than Bogotá

a. hot b. hotter c. the hottest

7. Your uncle and his brother have two __

a. houses b. housess c. houseos

8. Bolivia and Peru are ___ in South America

a. countrys b. countries c. countris

A continuación seleccione T si es verdadero o F si es falso

9. Colombia is the biggest country in the world T F

10. A Formula 1 car is faster than a taxi T F
11. The plural of taxi is taxies T F

12. ​En el siguiente párrafo hay seis errores, corríjalos

I have two friendss but my best friend is Joel. He is the taller student at the university. Joel
have two brothers, his brother Arturo and her brother Albert. Joel is the more oldest in his
family. They enjoy eating a ice cream in the afternoon.

Traduzca al español​:
13. I love my bike because it is the best bike in the world, and it is mine
14. My parents drink wine with their food.

Traduzca al inglés:
15. Es mi país favorito
16. Yo estudio en tu colegio

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