Daily Prayers

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Joseph Hero


Part I Prayers for Daily Living

Week 1
1. Counting My Blessing
2. Go Another Mile
3. Keep On Going
4. Model The Way
5. My Life’s Blueprint
6. My Humble Self
7. Gift Of Time

Week 2
1. Gift Of Space
2. My Great Day
3. Feeling Of Importance
4. Laughing At Life
5. The Little Things
6. Welcome Every Morning
7. Be Patient, Persevere


Week 3
1. Control Me Lord
2. The Good Seed
3. Reach Out … Share
4. Keep On Smiling
5. Prosper Me, Lord
6. Joy Of Giving
7. Forget, Forgive, Forward

Week 4
1. My Meaningful Moment
2. Power Of Believing
3. Asking And Receiving
4. Seeking And Finding
5. Knocking And Opening
6. Dream Big Dreams
7. Serve, Serve, Serve

Part II - Conventional Prayers

A. Daily Prayers
Daily Offering
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
The Angelus


B. Common Prayers
The Lord‟s Prayer
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Grace Before Meals
Grace After Meals
The Apostles‟ Creed
Act Of Faith
Act Of Hope
Act Of Love
Act Of Contrition
Come, Holy Spirit
Prayer For Generosity
Prayer For Peace
Soul Of Christ
The Benedictus
The Beatitudes
Divine Praises
Novena To The Sacred Heart

C. Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary

Hail Holy Queen
Act Of Consecration To Mary
Prayer To Mary, Help Of Christians

D. Special Prayers
Prayer For Priests
Prayer For the Church
Prayer For All Christians
Prayer For Families
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Visit To The Blessed Sacrament
Consecration To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Oratio Imperata
Prayer For A Happy Old Age

E. Healing Prayers
Healing Invocation
Prayer For Healing
Prayer For the Sick
Prayer To The Divine Healer
Prayer Of A Sick Person
Prayer When Down
Prayer When Frustrated
Prayer When Hurt

F. Personal Prayers
A Lover‟s Prayer
Prayer For Loved Ones
Prayer For Married Couples


Prayer For Husband Or Wife

Prayer For A Son Or Daughter
A Student Prayer
A Teacher‟s Prayer
Prayer To God‟s Love

G. Thanksgiving Prayers
Thank You, Lord
Act Of Appreciation


Prayer is an experience with God. It is a

communication process in which we speak to God and He
listens. God always wants to talk to us through His Word
and when we open our heart and mind to Him, He is
present. We pray in order to change ourselves so that
God‟s word can be done in us.

We pray with attention, reverence and sincerity

in order to obtain favors from God. It cleanses us from
sin, drives away temptation, comforts the afflicted,
restores health, and strengthen relationship and
friendship with others.

It draws us closer with Him. It inspires awe and

reverence. It brings touching moment, enjoyable time
and blissful situation. Because it is a spiritual experience,
it calls us to be committed to Him. Thus the more we
pray, the more we feel His constant presence in our lives
in whatever we do, in all circumstances we are in.

We need to have more time for God. In our

daily lives we tend to be busy at work and less time for
ourselves and for our Creator. In Ecclesiastes, it is
declared, “there is a time for everything under heaven,
and above all a time for God.” Time is a great gift from
God. It is fitting that we reserve a time for Him.

The purpose of prayer is to offer our daily life to
God. It is to take us deep into the heart and mind of
God. In this act, we transform ourselves into loving and
caring persons who are ever grateful for the abundant
blessings and graces we receive from His bounty. It
enhances to save us from many challenges we face,
whether in relationships, finances, health and other
aspects of our life.

Even though he is a Hindu, Mahatma Gandhi

wrote: “Prayer has saved my life. Without it, I should
have become insane. I had my share of bitter
experiences. They put me in a temporary despair. If I
was able to get rid of that despair, it was because of

In life, we find similar situation that seemingly

we cannot endure. But through prayer, our faith in God
increases, our trust in Him grows. And in due time we
are able to overcome these challenges as we go on with
our journey. Jesus told His disciples to pray continually
without ceasing and not to lose heart.

Prayer can be expressed through adoration,

contrition, thanksgiving and supplication. In the act of
adoration, we praise and glorify God for being our
Creator and Father. He is a merciful God so we beg Him
for forgiveness of our sins and failures. With deep
gratitude, we thank Him for the graces and blessings
bestowed on us. 9
We beseech Him to continually provide for our
needs. We implore Him to keep us with a sound mind
in a healthy body. And we pray to share our blessings
with others.

There are many ways to pray. It can be done

through reading, singing, acting or reciting. We can
speak to Him through our heart and mind. Wherever
we are, we can say our prayer. We can go to a church
or chapel and visit the Blessed Sacrament. Or go to a
corner and sit down for a „quiet time‟ with the Lord and
have a heart to heart talk with Him. We can do
meditation, close our eyes, breathe and imagine God
being with us.

Quiet time is done with a breathing technique

in which you inhale and exhale very slowly. You focus
on your life, that while you are breathing you think of all
the good and beautiful moments that happen in the
past. When you breath out you cast out the past hurts,
unhappy experiences, miseries and all negative feelings.
Then connect with God by opening your mind and heart
to Him, full of gratitude and faith and ask to receive His
blessings for you and your love ones.

This can also be a fine time for healing. It can

help our physical and emotional being to be healthy and

strong. The million of cells in our body undergo a
process of renewal and tuning up. When some cells
break down, another set comes into life. So when you
inhale, carry with your mental power the oxygen that
brings healthy nutrients to nourish our cells. And when
you exhale, bring the dead cells out to be part of the
carbon dioxide. Concentrate on one organ or part of your
body one at a time and carry the oxygen to it as you
breathe in. After finishing the process, connect with God
and thank Him for the healing and blessing. You may
also link up with your guardian angel and your favorite
saints and request their help for intercession. Having
been blessed with a renewed feeling and empowerment,
go and do something worthwhile, something good to
other people and god‟s creation.

Lord Jesus taught us how to pray with the

Lord‟s Prayer. This encompasses everything we can say
in a prayer, from glorifying, praising, thanking, asking for
mercy to supplicating and avoiding temptations.

The best prayer is a dialogue we have with God

that comes from the heart. However, this book is a
guide and it is divided into two parts. Part I leads us to
praying daily for a full and joyful life. These prayers can
be recited daily for a month and be repeated all over
The second part is a compilation of conventional
but relevant prayers. We can select and recite in prayer
the ones that suit our needs. The Daily Prayers bring us
an awareness that God is with us throughout the day.
The Common Prayers have become part of our daily
spiritual routine that make us closer to God. The
Devotions to our Blessed Mother enhances our relation
with God. It helps us to venerate and invoke her to pray
and intercede for us.

The Special Prayers are those that we say for

special event or to a special person. The Healing Prayers
are intended to mend our brokenness and make us well
in body and spirit. It can heal our pain whether in health,
relationships, or finances. Personal Prayers show us to
pray for our dear ones and significant others. Gratitude
Prayers are what the Lord wants us to declare always.
He rejoices when we thank Him for our blessings and
answered prayers and even for the trials we encounter.

When we pray it may be more significant if we

bless and light three candles. One is for God. Another is
for our significant others, like family, relatives and
friends. And the third one for peace and solidarity of
peoples throughout the whole world.



There are 28 sets of Prayers in this book. It is

preferable that these can be recited on a daily basis. The first
seven sets (1-7)shall be for Week 1, the second set (8-14) for
Week 2, the third set (15-21) for Week 3, and the fourth set
(22-28) for Week 4.



Almighty God and Father,

You are my source of strength and power.
In the lowest moments of my life
I experience defeats and failures.
Have mercy on me Your faithful servant.
Forgive me when I despair in times of trouble,
When I lose heart whenever I suffer pain.
But Lord, I believe You make a great life for me,
With prosperity and amazing abundance.
Lord, help me to appreciate my being.
Let me realize that You love me
And how valuable I am.
I can walk, I can talk, I can look.
I am free, I have the power to choose.
I have a sound mind in a healthy body.
I have a family that love and care for me.
I have friends to whom I can turn to for help.
Many opportunities abound around me.
Lord, let me always count my blessings.
Touch me, embrace me, put me in Your heart,
That Your graces will keep flowing through me
Towards others who need and depend on me.
In Jesus‟ mighty name.


Do we know how to count? Obviously we do. It

is a simple math, arithmetic or multiplication. Let‟s try to
list down our blessings or the good things that we have
or the experiences we encounter. We will discover that
our blessings far outweigh the adversities or negative
things in our life. We will realize that there are so many
miracles happening to us. Some are major, some are
small. Everyday we go through a process called constant

The most important thing is the gift of life. We

may live for some years here on earth, but we still hope
to live everlastingly in the next. The fact that we breathe
free air that carries oxygen, keeps our lungs to function
well and nourishes the blood that flows though our
arteries and veins to make our hearts beat in perfect

God provides us with many freebies that we

take for granted as we go though the rigors of daily
living. The energy of the sun. The romance of a moonlit
and starry night. The softness and beauty of a flower.
The sweet songs of the bird. The sound of the waves.
The kiss of the breeze. Keep counting! God is with us.

Lord, You are my Father and Provider.

I am sorry for being complacent and unproductive.
Mediocrity tend to haunt my day.
However, thank You for your reassuring Word,
“If you are asked to go a mile, go two miles.”
I will go the extra mile, Lord.
From this day forward, I will deliver
More than I am getting paid for.
I will make myself worthy to my family,
To my friends, to my colleagues, to my customers.
I will accomplish more in my job.
I will work harder to grow my business.
I will exercise my privilege to go another distance,
To seize every opportunity at hand.
To improve my level of excellence in service.
I will create and add more value and worth
In everything I think, say and do.
I will do something new, something nice,
Something worthwhile, something significant.
I will establish good relationships.
I will lead the way towards prosperity and abundance
And share my miracles and blessings with others.
In Jesus‟ name.


What makes a person extraordinary? It is the

prefix word, “extra”. It seems that mediocrity or being
ordinary is the mind-set and attitude of many. This
puts us in the position of getting no-where, of being
average and just be one of the guys.

But we have the opportunity to be special, to

act remarkably. We can be exceptional in our ways.
We can do great things. We can win in this wonderful
game of life.

God helps us with what we do. If we plant

more, we harvest more. What we give is what we get.
If we go the extra mile we will reach our dreams. If we
take care of our jobs and do more, our boss will notice.
And he will promote us. If we take care of our
customers and add value for them, our business will
thrive. Creating or adding value is simply done by acts
of kindness or doing something new or nice for others
everyday. It can be a simple gift of joy or saying a little

We have the choice to be ordinary or to be

extraordinary, to be average or above average, or to be
mediocre or to be excellent.

With God‟s guidance, there is a better way.


Lord God, my Father and my Strength.

There are times when I lose hope,
When there are insurmountable problems.
There seems to be no way out, no solutions.
I feel I am dragged deeper into hardship.
I am sorry, Lord for my lack of trust in You.
Thank You for assuring me these things will pass.
And I believe that You will always provide.
You said everything is possible if I have faith in You.
I will keep on going, living, loving and caring.
Show and guide me to learn from failures.
Let me shake off those blunders,
Those mistakes, those strike-outs.
Stir me to try and try to serve again and again,
Until I attain my goals and my objectives.
Let me realize that life is a game to be played,
That victory comes after a series of defeats.
Let me persevere and go on with this game.
Send Your Holy Spirit to inspire me.
I know my turn will come
Just as the sun shines after the storm.
With Your grace and miracles.
And the power of Your Word.
In Jesus‟ name.


Perseverance is steady persistence to attain a

purpose or accomplish a course of action in spite of
obstacles, difficulties or discouragement. There are
many road blocks along the way in achieving our goals.
But if we are steadfast with our grace, we can survive
and reach our destination. If we endure, we can
conquer. The race is not always to the swift, but to
those who keep on running.

There are enemies within our self that we need

to fight. One is fear, which we can defeat with the
courage and strength of our character. Another is worry.
To eliminate this we have to have full faith in God and
that hope is always in our hands. Still another enemy is
doubt, which immobilizes us to act. With trust in the
Lord, we are certain we will find a way and overcome any
crisis. Another is indecision, which is related to our
doubts. But if we are resolute with our actions, we will
move on.

Let us be fervent in our prayer. We can talk to

God for solutions to our problems. If Christ is with us,
who can be against us. Jesus said, “Seek first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these
things shall be added unto you.”

Lord, our Father, You are a Leader and a Model

Creating me in Your own image and likeness.
After all the glory and praise that I do for You,
My family is of prime importance.
Let me show my spouse and children the best side of me
To have a loving and faithful family.
I am sorry Lord, for the times
When I became inconsiderate and negligent.
When I am out of touch or absent minded.
Never again, Lord!
Let me be a role model to my family and others,
With You in my heart and soul,
Guiding and teaching them by my example.
Let me be around to lift them up
Whenever they stumble or fall.
Just like You lifted me up when I am down.
I know Lord, that there are little eyes watching me
Little ears that hear what I say,
And little hands eager to do what I do.
Let me set an example for the child who is waiting
To live and grow up and be like me.
Let me honor them with good words and actions
Let me hug and kiss them as often as I could.
And celebrate and honor You through them.
In Jesus‟ name.

What does it take to be a model? Primarily in

the family, we play many roles. We are the father or
mother, teacher, leader, provider, protector, and
caregiver, etc. Our sons and daughters look up to us
as an example. What we think, feel and act , they can
sense. They mark what we say, and tend to imitate
and idolize us.

Thus, it is imperative on us to watch ourselves.

We have to act with integrity. There must be a set of
values that we observe as guide to our action. What
are our beliefs and principles? Do we honor our
commitments? Do we follow standards of excellence.

If we are to be honored as a Model Parent or

an Outstanding Citizen, what do we want to hear from
those who grant the award? What are the contributions
we made to our family, colleagues, organization, and

Our real model is the Lord Jesus Christ. To

follow Him, we must be His disciples. To be a disciple is
to be like Him, in love, commitment, obedience and
passion for the world.

My Lord, my Creator and ever-loving God,

My Guide, My Protector and the Source of my Power.
Thank You for the gift of life, for being Your child.
Thank You for my dreams and my aspirations,
And the ability to achieve them.
I lift up my thoughts and feelings to You.
Let the vision I see in my mind and in my heart
Be my life‟s blueprint as my design,
To glorify and praise You in every worthwhile thing
That I do for You and for others.
Let me build this day on the foundation
Of pleasant, happy and valuable thoughts.
Let me think of great and grand ideas,
Of seeds that will grow and bear much fruits.
Let me think positively and move on
To do what is useful and beneficial for others.
Let me have a proper sense of self-worth
And the power to change my conditions.
No more complaints, no more blames.
Let me consider success in every endeavor
To grow and flourish with faith and trust in You.
Let me bless others in Your Name,
With time, treasure as well as my talents.
In Jesus‟ name.


Blueprint is a lingo of architecture and

engineering, of building homes and bridges and other
infrastructures. In life, we need to have our own
blueprint, on the basis of our purpose, goals and
aspirations. To realize our dreams we need a blueprint,
that consists of our vision, mission and values. We
have to plan our life strategically to make our dreams
come true.

There are many ways to prepare our blueprint.

It can be in a form of a Credo, declaring our beliefs and
principles. It can be a Vision-Mission Statement. What
is important is to abide by them, to follow them in our
everyday life, in our dealings with our family, our
company, our communities.

We must have significant values that we

observe at home, on the road, in our offices, in the
church, in schools, in government and other places.
When faced by adversities, we are ready to decide and
act accordingly. In times of crisis, we know how to deal
with the issue at hand.

the ultimate blueprint is how we relate with

our God, loving Him and obeying His commands.

I adore You, O God and I praise You.

In You, I humbly place my heart and mind.
Have mercy on me as I ask for Your pardon.
At times I am arrogant and conceited
With false pride that tend to disable me
And halt my progress in my relationships.
Forgive me and let me go on in my modest way.
Thank You for the graces of talents, skills and wisdom
That You help me develop as I grow .
I will treasure them in my heart and use them.
Let every little success I make in service
Be to honor You for the benefit of others.
Make me meek and humble in my ways.
Knowing myself fully well.
That I am nothing without You.
Live in me Lord, and be my guide.
You are my way, my truth and my life.
Let Your Word be my light
To brighten up the road I am travelling.
Let me be like Your Son, Jesus as my Model
To endure whatever challenges I may encounter.
Just like You, let me love and take care of Your people
Till it hurts without expecting in return.
With full faith and loving kindness.


Humility requires three attributes. One is

gratitude. The other is being detached and the third
is being available.

We must always be thankful to others who

provide services for us. Whatever they do, however
small it is always fitting that we give credit where it is
due. And when we appreciate others, we attract
more blessings coming our way in the form of more
services, more love and even more financial rewards.

Being detached means we must always be

a tool for the flow of graces. When we receive
blessings, let it not stay or stop with you. Give it
away and share. Certainly it will come back to you.
We are stewards of God‟s creation. Thus, the wealth
that we acquire belongs to our God.

Availability requires us to be always willing

to help others, share with others. For God‟s glory,
we need to give and dedicate our time, treasure and
talents to make this world a better place. When we
do these things for God‟s Kingdom, many more will
bring back to us, with graces filled to the brim.

Almighty Father, I adore You and praise You.

You are our Provider and Creator of time.
Thank You for this day.
Thank You for the abundant blessings.
Time is a special gift from You.
Forgive me Lord, whenever I do not make use of it.
Pardon me for my attitude of indolence.
I am sorry if I whine, if I complain, if I blame anyone.
Have mercy on me when troubles come to haunt me.
Remind me Lord that You love me
And You take good care of me every minute.
Stay beside me, hold me in Your arms every moment.
Put a smile on my lips whenever I talk.
Walk with me as I journey through life.
Make every time valuable for me and for others.
I know that a day is gone and cannot be retrieved.
A second ticks away and will never be back.
Let me enjoy every minute with Your creation,
The people I meet, the song I sing, the prayers I share.
The birds and the bees, the flowers and plants.
I am blessed indeed with Your gift.
The world is mine, let me take care of it.
In Jesus‟ Name.


The value of time is measured every day,

every hour, every minute, every second. We create
or add value with time, if we do something good or
something nice whenever we can.

Time spent can never be retrieved. So let‟s

make use of our time that if ever we are to recall the
past, we have no regrets, but more joys in living our
life. Quality time with our family is precious for our
sons and daughters. It is also important to our
parents. It is cherished whenever we are with
friends or colleagues. Keep the love alive with every
chance that comes. Say what you want to say! Kiss
your spouse and hold his or her hands! Hug your
children! Embrace your mom or dad. Send a
greeting card to a friend.

They say yesterday is gone and tomorrow

may never come. What is important is now. Today
is what matters most. If I can do something good,
let me do it now. For somehow there may no longer
be a chance.
Let God be with you always to guide you in your
achievements and carry your load whenever you
have problems. Keep praying and stay happy!


O Lord God, I adore You and praise You

You are the Maker and Ruler of the universe.
You created and provided us with a place to live.
Forgive me when I do not acknowledge You,
In this world in which You are always around.
Pardon me for being too busy at home,
Yet my place is cluttered and in disarray.
Excuse me when I tend to forget to trust You.
And turn myself to You only when I am down.
Thank You Lord for being patient and understanding.
From now on I will stay with You
I know my success and happiness
Come solely from You.
Let me focus on my purpose in life,
Which is to do Your will in accord with others,
To make this world a place of glory for You.
Align my goals and objectives with the vision
To see You face to face in heaven.
Let my mission be to do great things
To continue Your creation here in this world.
Let me perform my tasks and responsibilities
With full faith and complete trust in You,
That positive changes may occur
To exalt and glorify You with praise and thanksgiving.
Keep this world a place of peace and love.
In Jesus‟ Name. Amen.

We dwell in God‟s creation or what we call

the Universe. This is a gift that we have to treasure.
Many things happen to keep our world wonderful.
God‟s love for us is immense and without limits. We
may not last forever in this world. But we a second
life to live for eternity.

We don‟t realize it, but God is with us. There

is a law of attraction that whatever you thought you
have in your mind is transformed into feelings, which
manifest into actions. Always fill your mind with
positive and useful ideas or thoughts. We live in a
complex world, but if we simplify our lives, we can
always make it wonderful. If we appreciate everything
we see around us, we will always have a happy
disposition. If we count the blessings we have, it will
outnumber the adversities we encounter.

Let us keep this world a better place than

when we came into it. It is always nice to take care of
the environment. We must let peace and
understanding rule that place we are living. It still
revolves around the love we have for each other as
children of God.

Father God, You are the Source of Power.

You are the Creator of time.
Today is my day, a great day for me.
Let me live it sweetly, patiently, lovingly,
And purely till I go to sleep tonight.
Let me do something great today,
One task at a time to make progress
To fulfill my purpose and reach my goal.
Let me show the world my talents
That can be useful and valuable.
Let me handle any moment with passion
No matter how tough and hard.
Let me live this day with strong determination
And every hour with zeal and enthusiasm.
When my head hits the pillow,
Let me rest, relax and take a break,
And put my feet up for a sound sleep,
Knowing that I have done my best.
Let me share my treasures,
And lift up to You
All the graces and blessings
That come my way.
This is my day.
In Jesus‟ name.


What makes a day great? This means

different things to many people. Some would say,
he was able to strike a deal that makes him gain
more profit. Others would consider getting promoted
at work. Still others would be happy if his or her
lover said “yes” to their steady relationship.

But what matters most to a person is doing

something nice to anyone with love and care. If you
give something in terms of service or in kind to
someone in need, you feel elated. You experience a
feeling of excitement.

When graces and blessings come your way,

be grateful to God. Let those graces flow. Give it
away without expectation. Spend your money
prosperously. Help your community and your world.
And you will realize it comes back tenfold or even a
hundred fold.

Always start the day and end it with prayer.

Pray without ceasing. Ask God for help. And keep
asking others to help you too.

Keep a smile on your face and have a happy


O God, You have a command

To love You above all things.
And to love my neighbor as I love myself.
Forgive me for taking You for granted,
For not giving and reaching out to others
In their times of need and hardship.
Lord, beginning today, I will treat
Everyone I meet, friend or foe.
With the best of care and kindness
To make them feel important in Your name.
I will be more understanding and more loving,
Doing things with no thought of reward.
I will extend the best conduct to my family
To my neighbors and co-workers;
To my customers, whether buyer or supplier.
Let me do it day after day.
I will make a person, whoever he or she is
To feel valuable and significant,
And extend the best service I can give.
I will give all the care and kindness,
Understanding and love to others.
In Jesus‟ name.


Treating a person with importance and

respect is a noble act. It brings joy, delight and
excitement. It makes us feel elated and ecstatic as

We give various titles to important person.

We address them as “Your Excellency” or “Your
Honor”. Other titles can be “Your Highness” or “Your
Eminence”. We pay tribute to them. With such mark
of distinction, we give due respect or reverence to
that person.

Are we important to God? He always treat

us as unique and special. He created us in His own
image. He makes us feel important. He is our
Father, our Leader and our Provider. He is our
Protector, our Shield and our Healer. He makes all
things beautiful to bring happiness to us.

Is God important to us? Obviously He is.

Thus, we give Him due honor and praise. It is
always nice to thank and glorify Him. And this can
be manifested by doing some acts of kindness to
others. Make everyone you meet feel importance.

O God, our Father, Provider and Healer.

I am sorry for the times of my life,
When I complain with self pity,
When I lose my confidence and trust in You,
When I worry with tension and anxiety.
But I am grateful for Your care and protection
Thank You for the gift of life
For preserving my health.
Thank You for Your healing power
For making laughter as the best medicine.
Lord, make me laugh at myself and at the world.
Keep my smile to provide happiness to others,
So I can free my mind to think clearly
With all the joy and delight
In solving the problems and facing issues
And coping with the challenges of daily living.
Let my laughter ease my pains and sorrows,
And help me to put my life in proper perspective.
Teach me to smile and laugh more often,
Make it a natural remedy, a miracle drug
To win this game called life.
In Jesus‟ name.


It is said that laughter is the best medicine. And

This proven by many. It takes only 7 muscles to smile and
70 to frown. There is an exercise called the “Laughing
Buddha”. It is said that when this is done regularly, many bod
ailments will be cured. Blood pressure and blood sugar will be
lowered down to control hypertension and diabetes.

Stress causes many infirmities, like gastric ulcers,

Heart diseases, mental disorders. The best way to manage
Stress is to have a happy disposition, which is to put a smile
on your face or to keep laughing. A smile or laugh is an antido
to anxiety and tension.

God is always happy for us. When you smile, God is

with you. He never wants us to be lonely. When we pray,
God blesses us. Thanksgiving and praise must always be in a
happy mood. Even when we cry with Him, we shed tears of joy

It is a good practice that every morning when we wak

up, we call upon God to thank Him for the good rest. After
that we realize that our day will be full of happy thoughts and
joyful feelings. And our work becomes easier to accomplish.

At the end of the day, we count all the things that

we have done. And an act of gratitude to God and the persons
Who have touched us will bring us more joy and blissful rest.

O Lord, my Creator and my Leader

Thank You for making me a special person,
For my talents, my skills, and my capabilities.
Forgive me for neglecting my tasks,
For cutting corners, for taking short-cuts
To avoid my responsibilities.
Guide me, teach me, Lord,
To act and perform with excellence,
To put extra effort in what I do,
To spend additional minutes and hours
To say soft words of praise and admiration,
To deliver more than what I promise,
To pay special attention to details,
To take care of the little things,
The things that matters most.
Lord, remind me always to respect and honor
Every person under my care.
Let me always say a word of encouragement,
Inspiration, motivation and gratitude
To the people I come in contact with.
In Jesus‟ name.


Sometimes we take for granted the small

things. We think that they are not relevant or
significant. We always want to take the easier route.
And so we cut corners.

If we have a goal to make, we need to

perform with excellence. It requires us to do more
extra efforts. We need to initiate. We have to add or
create values. We must do something worthwhile

Oftentimes we tend to forget to give thanks

to the person who are helping us to achieve our
objectives. Gratitude has become inappropriate. It is
a lonely word. Even in the Bible, only one out ten
lepers who were healed came back to thank the Lord.

There are three little praises that are very

important in preserving or nurturing relationships.
These are: “I am sorry”, “Thank you”, and “I love
you”. Very short yet very hard to utter. If we can
only have the habit to say these more often, there will
be more harmony and peace in our family, community
and in our work place.

Let‟s try verbalizing this! It may be more

beneficial and advantageous for us.

O God, You are worthy of praise and adoration.

As I wake up this bright morning,
I welcome this day with a smile.
Thank You for this special gift,
Another golden opportunity
To do what I left unfinished yesterday.
I am sorry Lord, for wasting my days
For being desperate at times.
Lord, make me a self starter.
Let my first hour set the theme
Of success and positive action,
That is certain to echo through my day.
Remind me to plan my work,
And to work according to my plans.
Let me welcome each morning
As a superb and wonderful time,
Full of faith and hope in You.
Let me greet with a smile everyone I meet
With gentleness, kindness and courtesy.
Let me smell the sweetness of flowers
And listen to what the birds sing.
In Jesus‟ name.


Morning is the start of every new day. It

sets the mood of what is going to happen. If we
welcome it right with prayer and positive attitude,
our day will be blessed and we will have a wonderful

With full faith in God, we attract many good

things into our life, whether abundant riches, happy
relationships, vigorous health and prudent wisdom.

It is always nice to pray to God, praising

and thanking Him for new and fresh life.

You can also ask for forgiveness of

transgressions and wrongdoings, and resolve to do
better next time. You can tell Him your problems
and seek for appropriate solutions. Most of all you
can supplicate and beseech the Lord for all your
needs, as we pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.”

The secret to attracting what we want is to

ask God, have faith in Him and receive. After you
get it, it is important that you are appreciative and
grateful for what comes your way.

Almighty Father and generous Provider.

Thank you for granting and imparting me
With the faculty to dream and to aspire,
To believe, wish, think, feel and act.
Forgive me whenever I become impatient
Whenever I fall below expectation.
Teach me Lord, to be patient and kind.
Let me persevere till my dreams come true,
Through a program You design for me,
One day at a time, step by step,
Always through a constant process.
Let me set my goals thoroughly
Not just in my mind but in writing.
So I can be guided of what to do
With the best that I can,
And enjoy every fruitful day,
Satisfied and pleased with what I achieve.
Bless me Lord, to fulfill my grand dreams.
Let me go the distance to achieve my goals.
Let me realize I am under Your loving care.
In Jesus‟ name.


Being patient in dealing with people, places

and things is a good character trait to practice because
it is a win-win situation. You wait for things to happen
always in your favor, but beneficial to all concerned.
When you are patient, there is always hope that
everything will be alright. We believe that God is on our
side. And if God is with us, who can be against us.

When we are patient, it means we are

persevering, to maintain a purpose in spite of
difficulties, obstacles or discouragement. In every
action that we take, there will always be road blocks
along the way. When we have a strong attitude of
perseverance, these road blocks will be erased in due
time, and we can go on our way to achieving our goals.

Prayer is done with both patience and

perseverance. The answer to our prayers will come in
God‟s time. It may not be what we actually asked for,
but it will be according to the measure of what we
request Him to do for us. If God tells you, “wait a
minute”, it is forever. So we just have to keep on


Lord, You are my Savior and Protector.

Thank You for taking care of me,
And keeping me in Your loving embrace.
I am sorry Lord, when at times
I tend to be careless and inconsiderate.
And be affected by other‟s envy and jealousy.
To feel gloomy and defeated.
Take control of me, Lord.
Let me not allow anyone to rain on my parade.
You will always be my shield and guard
To take care of my fragile life.
Protect me from any harm and temptation
And let me combat these menial forces
With the strength of my character
And the gentleness of my loving heart.
With a positive mindset that will prevent
External influence to overpower me.
Stay beside me, all around me,
To be assured of being efficient and effective
In what I will ever do.
In Jesus‟ name.


“The Lord is my shepherd, there‟s nothing I

shall want.” God takes care of us. But we have to be
with Him, get connected through prayers. If we call
upon Him, He will always be there for us. The Bible
says, “If Christ is with us, who can be against us.”

Sometimes, we do not know what will happen

to us. But we rely on ourselves too much. We are not
aware that God is watching us. He give and He does
what is best for us. There is a universal law of
attraction, that what we think or what we want, with
full faith in God, it will manifest into reality. So we
have to think good and positive thoughts that will help
us and in return help others.

We know that God is the author of life and

the creator of things in this world. We wonder how
this universe came about. So we believe there is God
who makes these things possible. And He controls us,
our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.

It is imperative that we get connected to

Him. And how do we do that. It is through prayers
and His Word. We can tell Him of our worries and
disappointments; but most of all our achievements and
successes. We have to offer accts of gratitude to Him.

O God of Power and Might.

Thank You for Your provisions
To test and challenge me to be better.
Forgive me when I become discouraged,
Whenever troubles come my way
With only a small amount of trust in You.
Help me Lord, to keep on searching
For a better way to live.
Let me sow a seed of love and affection,
Friendship, tenderness and passion.
Let me look long and hard enough
To find the key to a door of opportunity.
Keep reminding me Lord,
That whenever a door is shut close,
You open another for me.
Let me take time to discover
What possible benefits and advantages
Can I get from any crisis or adversity.
Show me to make assets out of my liabilities
And turn defeats into victories.
Allow me to search for the seed of good
In every predicament or difficulty I may encounter
Lead me to open doors with new opportunities
And perform great miracles for me.
In Jesus‟ name

I have a garden where I plant various kinds

of vegetables. Sometimes I plant cuttings to grow,
but most of the time, I use seeds to be germinated
to be nurtured and develop into a healthy plant. I
noticed that seeds are not the same. There are good
and bad seeds. Bad seeds do not grow, but good
seeds grow to bear good produce.

I have learned a lesson that before I sow

the seeds I have to select only the good seeds.

This is also true in our lives. In order for us

to achieve the fullness of life, we have to plant good
seeds. The law of nature states that what you sow is
what you reap. What you give is what you get.
Thoughts are seeds that become feelings and
eventually manifest into action. That is why it is
advisable that we avoid junk or negative thoughts or

We must think only of the positive things, or

what can be done: not what can‟t be done. Think of
your assets and make use of it to propel us into
action, not our liabilities, that blocks our sight into
achieving our goals.

We are even challenged to do great things.

And so let‟s plant great seeds as well.

Ever loving God, my Source of Joy and Happiness

Thank You for the abundant blessings
Thank You for the grace of inner peace
Thank You for Your love and attention.
Lord, make me an instrument for the flow of graces.
You said there is no happiness in getting or having.
But there is greater joy in giving.
Let me give more of myself.
Let me reach out and share
Let me smile and have a gentle heart.
Let me hug and embrace others.
Let me support and donate with gladness
Let me honor and respect others.
Let me listen and encourage
Let me be compassionate and sensitive.
Let me be thoughtful and considerate.
Let me be kind and helpful.
Let me be concerned and sympathetic
Let me be nice and caring
Let me teach and inspire others
Let me love and pray for those in need.
Let me be grateful always
In Jesus‟ name.


When we reach out to other people, our hands

are open ready to give and to serve. It becomes a
medium of graces that flows through us. It attracts
the Spirit of God to come into our lives to serve as
inspiration and keeps the light burning as we go on with
the tasks that propel us to greater heights.

On the other hand, if our hands are close, no

blessings enters because the is no space available in it.
We tend to shut the opportunities that may be
available. That is why it is imperative that we keep our
hands open. It also opens our hearts and minds for any
positive thoughts or feelings that will be translated into
useful deeds. We experience a kind of ecstasy that
puts us under the divine protection and care of God.

Sharing is an act that gives us a feeling of

fulfillment, that carries us to a higher level of existence.
When we share there is always the element of love and
care. We become more affectionate and warm with our
relationship with other people. They become close to
them because we are part of them. When we share we
become part of the object of that person.

Reaching out and sharing make us always

contented and happy.

Lord, You are a Loving and Happy God.

You created me in Your likeness and image.
Grant me the grace to be joyful and happy.
Let my smile radiates towards others
Let my happiness reflect a light of bliss
Let it brighten the dark spots in the universe.
Let my laughter resonates through a space
That inspire and stir others to find solutions
In every problem and hardships they meet.
Let Your greatness pass through me
And go beyond to be of service and use
For the benefit and maintenance of Your creation.
Let the muscles in my face
Flex easily to smile and never to frown.
And keep up the things that are pleasing to You.
Let me overcome any road blocks
That prevent me from achieving my goals
And becoming a person who cares for others.
Let me be grateful always for any blessing
That come my way from Your benevolence.
Let me appreciate any help and support
Coming from anyone with generous heart.
In Jesus‟ name.


One of the greatest creations of God is

smile. A smile can build many great things. It can
build friendship, peace and a happy life.

Friends are usually developed through

smiles and laughter. You even start friendship with a
smile together with knowledge and understanding of
the other person . Peace among people among
people and nations are achieve not with arms, but
with negotiation with understanding and smile from
the faces of their respective leaders. A happy life is
indicated when you are avail to put a smile that
radiates throughout your whole being. With a smile,
health is enhanced because our body systems
function in complete harmony. Smile is anti-stress
and can give way to healing not just our bodily pains
but also of our hurts and troubles. Our struggles
become easier and achievement of our goals simple.

God always smiles at us. He wants us to be

happy. He likes that we enjoy our life here on earth
as He awaits for us in heaven. He provides a
guardian angel to each one of us so that we will be
protected and shielded from wrongdoing and
transgressions and from safeguarded from the evil

Keep smiling. God loves you!


Almighty Father and Great Provider.

You give us with so much provisions.
We are stewards of Your creation and nature.
Your opportunities are boundless.
Bestow on us the strength and power
To handle and direct these resources
For Your greater glory and magnificence.
Enlighten us Lord, to trust in You
To prosper in Your abundant graces,
To grow in Your spirit with full faith and determination
And share them with others who are left behind
In order to build an community of love and harmony.
Preserve us with good health
For us to endure and combat challenges
And become victorious for You.
Let me know and adopt what is right
And avoid what is wrong to protect my integrity.
Let me create values by continually doing
What is worthwhile and meaningful.
Let me follow Your ways as You taught us
Through Your Word.
In Jesus‟ name.


Abundance and prosperity comes from God.

“Abundantes in opere Domine semper. There is
always abundance in working for the Lord. Always
offer your thoughts, feelings and actions with the
Lord, and He will reward us with rich blessings.

Lord God, Our Father and Author of life.

You are the source of greater joy and happiness.
Thank You for providing us with abundant graces.
Thank You for giving us Your begotten Son Jesus
For us to have everlasting life.
Forgive us Lord, if we become selfish and greedy,
For not being considerate of others who are in need.
For wasting our time, talent and resources
In the material concerns of this world.
Lord, teach us to be generous.
Show us the virtue of giving good things to others
Without expecting anything in return.
Enhance our journey of charity;
Deepen my faith in You and expand my adventure.
Let me spread the joy of giving
By encouraging others on their own journey.
I would like to excel myself in the grace of giving.
Please help me and guide me to be true to myself,
To offer myself, my time assets and talents
To be of service to others in need.
Let me experience Your presence in me
As I go on my way to achieve my goals.
With deep faith and with a caring heart.
In Jesus‟ name.

Imagine a child, begging on the street. He

looks dirty, wears dirty clothes and smell filthy. It
seems he has not bathed for a week or so. Then we
get some coins and candies to give him. But we
keep on thinking this boy is being fielded out by a
syndicate. And so we become sorry for him. And we
are disturbed. We think it is not noble to give
because somebody else is taking advantage of the

But when we give freely without those

annoying thoughts, we become happy. We get a
sense of fulfillment and joy. We experience the joy
of giving when we have no reservations of what we
have done and we do not expect something in

God Almighty, our Father in Heaven.

You are full of mercy and forgiveness.
We are sorry for our sins and our transgressions.
Please pardon me and absolve me.
Thank You Lord, for taking care of me
And accepting me with Your compassionate heart.
Let me express my gratitude to You
For the favors, kindness and support.
Lord, let me experience the freedom and peace
Of offering forgiveness and reconciliation.
Show me to let go of my grudges and bitterness.
It may not come easy for me,
But let me persevere that mercy and forgiveness
Flow in my being whenever I have been wronged.
Allow me to forgive by faith and obedience.
Set my heart to be free from anger and bitterness.
Release me from the bondage of resentments
From now on Lord, push me to move forward.
To think, feel and do good for others.
Press me on to do any act of kindness.
Sustain me to always be in Your company.
In Jesus‟ name.



Lord God, You are the source of my power,

My thoughts, my feelings and my actions.
I praise You and give glory to You.
There are times when I am down,
When my world seems to crumble and fall.
Forgive me Lord, for not trusting you enough.
I know You carry me with my heavy burdens.
Thank You Lord, for helping and guiding me.
This moment with You is my meaningful moment.
Keep me in Your loving embrace.
Show me the way, the truth and the life.
Bless me with Your grace to move on,
Always in the right side of things,
And making this life full of love and meaning.
Equip me with the tools to use for Your glory.
Anoint me with Your Hands to do what is great.
Make me prosperous with Your blessings.
And generous to share what I have.
Let me appreciate every thing happens to me.
I know you‟re the one in control of me.
For without You I am nothing.
Let me do something nice, something worthwhile
To everyone I meet today.
In Jesus‟ name.


Lord God and Father, You are the source of Power

You give us the power of faith,
And the power to choose to enhance our life.
Thank You for this power and freedom.
Your Word says, “if you have faith as a mustard seed
Say to this mountain, „move from here to there‟
And it will move.”
How powerful and creative.
From now on Lord, we will continue to trust You.
We know Lord,
That whatever my mind can conceive and believe,
I can achieve with Your guidance and help.
If You are with me, who can be against me.
With deeper meaning and understanding,
Let me seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness,
So that all the things I ask, You will grant me.
And I will share them Lord to those in need.
Take away all my worries and fears.
I believe You will take care of me.
Each day, I will praise and thank You,
And give You honor and glory.
I lift up my life to You, Lord.
Bless my family and my friends.
Bless the place I live and all things in it.
In Jesus‟ name.

Holy God, You are the source of my provisions.

You know my desires and my wishes.
You tell us, “Everyone that asks, receives.”
Thank You for this promising and assuring Word,
That lights up my paths and clear my ways.
I am sorry that I tend to depend too much on me,
Not know knowing that You are always there.
Lord, I request that You help me always.
Stand by me every moment of my life.
Make my thoughts follow Your will.
Let my feelings come from the way of Your heart,
My actions and performances be for Your glory.
Lord, I pray for healing and good health.
For knowledge and wisdom to proclaim Your truth;
For the wishes and dreams of my family and friends;
For the order and stability of my community;
For the harmony and peace of this world.
Bless me with amazing abundance
To share with others who are in need.
Love me for to give more love and care.
Let me experience more joy,
Dreams fulfilled, financial increase
And greater generosity.
In Jesus‟ Name.


Lord God, You are my strength and my Inspiration

I offer my life in the service and in the love
Of You and of my fellowmen.
You say, „I am the way, the truth and the life.”
Sometimes I am lost and wandering.
I am sorry for not looking out for You.
Forgive me if I missed many opportunities,
Due to my negligence to seek Your help.
Because I depend too much on me, less on You.
Lord, I lift to You my life.
Let me seek You and find You in everyone I meet,
See You in the beauty of Your creation.
Hear You in the singing of the birds,
Touch You in the softness of the breeze
Smell You in the sweetness of a flower.
Taste You in the savor of the food.
Let me look at You in the face of others.
Let my visions be for Your joy and glory.
And live in my heart.
In Jesus‟ Name.


Lord God, You are my shield and my refuge.

I know You are watching me
I believe You are always there for me.
Thank You Lord, for Your love and care.
Forgive me if I have doubts on You,
If I do not knock hard enough to be heard,
To enter Your door of holiness and devotion.
I am sorry if I live the pleasures of this world.
At times, I close my mind to Your teachings,
And remain cold and indifferent to others.
Lord, let me knock on You more often,
For me to enter the door of Your love.
To live in Your presence and care.
To walk in the light of Your Spirit,
To think and create ideas to make better world.
To feel Your hand touching my heart.
To act in accordance with Your holy will,
To praise and be grateful to You
To give glory to You, the Holy Spirit,
And Your Son, Jesus Christ.


Lord God, You are the source of hopes and wishes.

You inspires us to pursue our goals and aspirations.
We thank You for what You are doing for me.
For my dreams to become reality,
For my vision to come true.
Thank You for all the blessings that come my way.
For the grace to be always in Your loving care.
Lord, forgive me when I whine.
There may be times that we blame You and others
With our failures, defeats and disappointments.
Let me not complain anymore,
But rather be thankful and offer You praise.
Plant in me the big dreams that I can carry
And achieve for Your glory and Your creation.
Sow in me the seed of greatness that I can follow
Towards adoring and worshipping You.
Make me go after those dreams and persevere
Till I find my way to success and triumph.
To reach for my brilliant star
and be a winner in this game of life.
Lead me towards sanctifying myself
In Your service and that of others.
I pray this in Jesus‟ name.


Lord God Almighty, You showed us how to love;

Love till the death of Your Son on the cross.
Through Your love, I become what I am,
Living in Your protection and care.
I am sorry Lord, whenever I tend to be selfish,
When I just focus on myself
And forgetting there are people around me
Who need my attention and love.
But I thank You for keeping my devotion
To my tasks, duties and responsibilities
Satisfying me and the people I serve.
Bless me for what I am, my talents and resources.
Make it abundant, so I can give and share
To those people in need.
Make me an instrument of Your peace,
To make my family happy, my community blissful
My country prosperous, and world calm at ease.
Remain with me, that I may continue my mission
To be a person of service and help to others.
Place me in a position that I can be of good use
To keep your creation beneficial to everyone.
Let me find time to serve You in the sacraments
And in the Holy mass rendering praise and glory to You.
In Jesus‟ name.





O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer You my prayers, works and joys
As well as my sufferings and pains of this day.
In union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Throughout the whole world,
I offer them for all the intentions
Of the Sacred Heart:
The salvation of souls,
The reparation of sins,
The reunion of all Christians.
I offer them for the intention of our Bishops
And all the Apostles of Prayer,
And in particular
For those recommended
By our Holy Father.


Almighty God and Father

Thank You for the sound and peaceful rest last night.
Thank You for this new day.
Help me make productive every hour, every minute.
Let me seize today‟s opportunities to do well
For myself and to be of service to others.
Let Your Holy Spirit inspire me
To obey my conscience, to do what is right,
What is pleasing and what is beneficial to others.
Let me do something good and worthwhile
That can fulfill my heart this evening.
Lord, encourage me to persevere in my plans
To reach my goals and realize my dreams.
Help me to go on even when difficulties
And disappointments cross my path.
Help me to be kind and patient with my self and others
And show positive attitude in anything I do.
Above all Lord, may I show love and friendship
To everyone I meet this day.


O my God, I thank you for everything

That has happened this day.
Thank You for my home, for the food that I eat,
And the clothes that I wear.
Thank You for all the good people who love me.
Thank You for my family, my relatives and friends.
Thank You for my health and wellness.
Thank You for bringing me safe and sound
Up to the end of this day.
Holy God, I commend to You
All my thoughts and actions of the night,
My rest, my sleep and my dreams.
Keep me safe in Your care and grace.
Grant that I may sleep soundly and peacefully.
May You bless and comfort all who are sick,
All who are sad and lonely,
All who are in trouble and in distress.
May Your hand touch their hearts
And show Your love
For them to trust in Your mercy and goodness.


V. The angel of the Lord declared to Mary.

R. And she was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary…
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R. Be it done unto me according to Your Word.
Hail Mary…
V. And the Word was made flesh.
R. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary…
V. Pray for us, Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.

Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord.
Your grace into our hearts.
That we to whom the Incarnation of Christ,
Your Son was made known
By the message of an angel.
May by His passion and cross
Be brought to the glory of His resurrection.
Through Christ, our Lord.



Our Father in heaven,

Holy be Your name;
Your kingdom come;
Your will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Do not bring us to the test,
But deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
And blessed is the fruit
Of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for us, sinners.
Now, and at the hour of our death.


Glory be to the Father,

And to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning
Is now and ever shall be
World without end.


Bless us, O Lord

And these Your gifts
Which we are about to receive
From Your bounty.
Through Christ, our Lord.


We give You thanks, almighty God

For all Your gifts.
Through Christ, our Lord,
Who live and reign, now and forever.


I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit,
And born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day He rose again.
He ascended into heaven
And is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge
The living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The Holy Catholic Church,
The communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
And life everlasting.


O my God, I firmly believe

That You are one God in three Divine Persons,
Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
I believe that Your Divine Son became man,
And died for our sins, and that He will come
To judge the living and the dead.
I believe these and all truths
Which the Holy Catholic church teaches,
Because we have revealed them,
Who neither deceive nor are deceived.


O my God,
Relying on Your almighty power
And infinite mercy and promises.
I hope to obtain pardon of my sins,
The help of Your grace,
And everlasting life,
Through the merits of Jesus Christ,
My Lord and Redeemer.


O my God, I love You above all things,

With my whole heart and soul,
Because You are all good
And worthy of all love.
I love my neighbor as myself
For the love of You.
I forgive all who have injured me,
And ask pardon of all whom I have injured.


O my God, I am heartily sorry

For having offended You,
And I detest all my sins,
Because I dread the loss of heaven
And the pains of hell.
But most of all I offended You, my God,
Who are all good
And deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve,
With the help of Your grace,
To confess my sins,
To do penance and amend my life.


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful

And enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created,
And You will renew the face of the earth.
Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit,
You have taught the hearts of Your faithful.
In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right
And always rejoice in Your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


O Lord, teach me to be generous;

Teach me to serve You as You deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil and not to seek rest;
To labor and not to ask for reward,
Save that of knowing
That I am doing Your holy will.

(St. Francis of Assisi)

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love with all my soul.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
Oh good Jesus, hear me.
With Your wounds, shelter me.
Permit me not to be separated from You.
From the evil one, protect me.
At the hour of my death, call me,
And bid me to come to You.
With all Your saints, forever and ever.


Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel!

He has visited His people and redeemed them.
He has raised up for us a mighty Savior
In the house of David, His servant,
As promised by the lips of holy men
Those who were His prophets of old.


A Savior who would free us from our foes.

From the hands of all who hate us.
So His love for our fathers is fulfilled,
And His holy covenant remembered.
He swore to Abraham, our father
To grant us, freedom from fear,
And saved from the hands of our foes.
We might serve Him in holiness and justice
All the days of our life in His presence.
As for you, little child, you shall be called
A prophet of God, the Most High.
You shall go to the Lord
To prepare the way before Him.
To make known to His people their salvation
Through forgiveness of all their sins,
The loving kindness of the heart of our God
Who visits us like the dawn from on high.
He will give light to those in darkness,
Those who dwell in the shadow of death,
And guide us into the way of peace.


Blessed are those who have the spirit of the poor,

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
For they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the gentle,
For they shall possess the land.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice,
For they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are those with a pure heart,
For they shall see God.
Blessed are those who work for peace,
They shall be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted
For the cause of justice,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you, when people insult you
And persecute you and speak all kinds of evil
Against you because you are my followers.
Be glad and joyful, for a great reward
Is kept for you in God.


Blessed be God.
Blessed be His holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ,
true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament
of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God,
Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary,
virgin and mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph,
her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels
and in His saints.


My soul magnifies the Lord,

And my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior;
Because He has regarded the lowliness
Of His handmaid;
For behold henceforth
All ages shall call me blessed.
Because He who is mighty
Has done great things for me,
And holy is His name;
And His mercy is from generation
To generation on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud
In the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones
And has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich he has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, His servant,
Mindful of His mercy, even as he spoke
To our fathers, to Abraham
And to His posterity forever. Amen.


Divine Jesus, You have said, “Ask and you shall receive;
Seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened
unto you.” Behold me kneeling at Your feet, filled with a
lively faith and confidence in the promises dictated by
Your Sacred Heart and pronounced by Your adorable lips.
I cone to ask You this favor: (mention silently)

I turn to You whose heart is the source of all graces and

merits. I seek in the treasure which contains all the
richness of Your kindness and mercy. I knock at the
door through which God gives Himself to us. I have
recourse to You, Heart of Jesus. In You I find
consolation when afflicted, protection when persecuted,
strength when burdened with trials, and light in doubt
and darkness.

Dear Jesus, I firmly believe that You can grant me the

grace I implore. You only have to will it and my prayer
will be granted. I admit that I am not worthy of Your
favors, but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged.
You are the God of mercy and You will not refuse a
contrite heart.

Sacred Heart … (con‟t.)
O Sacred Heart, whatever may be Your decision, I will
never stop adoring, loving, praising, and serving You. My
Jesus, be pleased to accept my act of perfect resignation
to the decrees of Your adorable Heart.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I know that it is always possible to

You to have pity for those who are suffering and in
distress. Look upon me, I beg of You, dear Jesus, and
grant me the grace for which I humbly implore You
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your mother.
You have entrusted me to her as her child and her
prayers are all powerful. Amen.



Hail Holy Queen,

Mother of mercy
Hail our life,
Our sweetness and our hope.
To you do we cry,
Poor banished children of Eve;
To you do we send up our sighs,
Mourning and weeping
In this valley of tears,
Turn then,
Most gracious advocate,
Your eyes of mercy towards us;
And after this, our exile,
Show us the blessed fruit
Of your womb, Jesus;
O clement, o loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary.


O my Queen and my Mother, Mary

I now give and consecrate myself
Entirely to you;
And to show my devotion to you,
I dedicate to you my whole life.
Dear Mother,
Since I belong to you,
Keep me and guard me
As your child here on earth;
And afterwards,
Bring me home safely
To my Father in heaven.


O most gracious Virgin Mary,
That never was it known
That anyone who fled to your protection,
Implored your help,
Or sought your intercession
Was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
I fly to you, o Virgin of Virgins,
My Mother.
To you I come, before you I stand,
Sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
Despise not my petitions
But in your mercy,
Hear and answer me.


Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin,

Help of Christians, Mother of the Church,
We place ourselves
Under your motherly protection.
We promise to be faithful to our vocation
And to work for greater glory of God
And the salvation of our souls,
And of those entrusted to us.
With faith in your intercession,
We pray for the Church,
For our family and friends,
For youth, especially those most in need.
Grant, O Mary, Help of Christians
The graces of which we stand in need.
(Mention your intentions).
May we serve God with fidelity
And generosity until death.
Help us and our dear ones
To attain the boundless joy
Of being forever with our Father in heaven.



O Jesus, Eternal Priest,

Keep your priests within the shelter
Of your Sacred Heart,
Where none may touch them.
Keep unstained their anointed hearts
Which daily touch Your Sacred Body.
Keep them, and comfort them
In hours of loneliness and pain
When their life of sacrifice for souls
Seems but in vain.
Keep pure and unearthly their hearts
Sealed with sublime mark of the priesthood.
Let your love surround them and shield
Them from the world‟s contagion.
Bless their labors with abundant fruit,
And may the souls to whom they minister be
Their joy and consolation here,
And in heaven.


We pray You, O almighty and eternal God,

Who through Jesus Christ
Have revealed Your glory to all nations,
To preserve the works of Your mercy,
That Your Church,
Being spread through the whole world,
May continue with unchanging faith
In the confession of Your name.


Lord God and Father,

Hear the prayer of Your people.
Let your Spirit of life and holiness
Renew us in the depths of our being,
Unite us throughout our life to the risen Christ,
For He is our brother and savior.

With all Christians we seek to follow

The way of the Gospel.

For Christians… (Con‟t)

Keep us faithful to the teaching of the Church,

Alive to the needs of our brothers and sisters.
Give us strength to work for reconciliation,
Unity and peace.

May those who seek the God

They do not yet know
Discover in you the source of light and hope;
May those who work for others
Find strength in You;
May those who know You seek even further
And experience the depths of Your love.

Forgive us our sins; deepen our faith;

Kindle our hope and enliven our hearts
With love for one another.
May we walk in the footsteps of Christ
As Your beloved sons and daughters.


God, our Father, loving and merciful,

Bring together and keep all families
In perfect unity of love and mutual support.
Infuse in each member
The spirit of understanding, forbearance,
And affection for each other.

Keep quarrels, bitterness

And pettiness far from them,
And for their occasional failures
Instill forgiveness and peace.

May the mutual love and affection of parents

Be a source of loving obedience and discipline.
May their chastity and fidelity
Be an inspiration to their children.

Instill in children such self-respect

That they may respect others,
Obey their parents and those in authority
And grow in mature independence
And the tender joys of friendship. Amen


O Holy Spirit, in these days of doubt,

Confusion and uncertainty,
Come into our hearts with Your light,
Your strength and your consolation.
Come with the light of truth and teach us
The will of God in our daily living
Especially now when God‟s basic laws
Are challenged or ignored.
Come with Your strength that purifies our heart
And our desires and guards us
Against the danger of pride, and self conceit.
Bring Your consolation
So that with a heart attuned to Your holy love
We may live in peace and harmony
In our families and give to our communities
The spirit of cooperation, tolerance
And understanding.

O God, You have instructed the faithful

With the light of the Holy Spirit.
Grant that through this same Holy Spirit
We may enjoy His consolation. Amen.


Lord Jesus, for the love You bear mankind

You remain night and day
In the Blessed Sacrament,
Full of tenderness and love,
Expecting, inviting and receiving
All who come to visit You.
I believe that You are really present
In the Sacrament of altar.
I adore You and thank You for all the favors
You have bestowed upon me and my loved ones.
I pay my homage to Your most loving heart
And this I do for three intentions:
First, in thanksgiving for this great gift;
Second, in reparation for all the insults.
Third, to adore You in all places on earth.
My Jesus, I love You with my whole heart,
And I consecrate myself wholly to You.
I give You my entire will, all my affections, all
My desires, and all that I possess.
I ask and desire only Your holy love,
Perseverance and perfect fulfillment
Of Your will. Amen.


Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race,

Look down upon us,
Humbly kneeling before Your altar.
To be united with You,
We freely consecrate ourselves
To Your most Sacred Heart.

Many have never known You;

Many, too have rejected You.
Have mercy on them, most merciful Jesus,
And draw them to Your Sacred Heart.
May you be recognized as Savior by all those
Who are still in darkness of disbelief.
Draw them into the light and kingdom of God.

Grant, O Lord, to Your Church

Freedom and immunity from harm;
Give peace to the divine heart
That wrought our salvation;
To it be glory and honor forever.

(In times of calamity and disaster)

Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to You

In gratitude for the wonders of creation,
For Your providence that sustains us
And for Your wisdom that guides
The course of the universe.
We acknowledge our sins against You
And we ask for Your forgiveness.
We have not been good stewards of Nature.
We have confused Your command to subdue the earth.
The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing,
And now we reap the harvest
Of our abuse and indifference.
Global warming is upon us.
Typhoons, floods, volcanic eruption,
And other calamities occur
Increasing in number and intensity.
We turn to You, our loving Father.
We ask that we, our loved ones
And our hard-earned possessions
Be spared from the threat of calamities,
Natural and man-made.
We beseech You to inspire us all
To grow into responsible stewards of Your creation,
And generous neighbors to those in need.
Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Grant us, Lord Jesus, always to follow

The example of Your Holy Family,
That at the our of our death
Your glorious Virgin Mother
With blessed Joseph
May come to meet us
And so we may deserve
To be received by You
Into Your everlasting dwelling-place.




Lord, You are the source and fountain of all life,

I humbly invoke for Your –
Divine guidance
Divine healing
and divine protection
Make me an instrument of Your healing hand
And Your compassionate heart.
With gratitude and in full faith.


Thank You, Lord for Your divine blessing,

Your divine energy and protection.
Thank You for guidance and healing.
With gratitude and in full faith.


Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy.

May Your healing Spirit rest upon me.
It is through Your power that I was created.
Since You created me from nothing
You can certainly recreate me.
Fill me with the healing power of Your Spirit.
May Your life-giving powers flow
Into every cell of my body
And into the depths of my soul.
Mend what is broken.
Cast out anything that should not be within me.
Rebuild my brokenness.
Restore my strength
For service in Your Kingdom.
Touch my soul with Your compassion for others
Touch my heart with Your courage
And infinite love for all.
Touch my mind with Your wisdom,
That my mouth may always proclaim Your praise.
Teach me to reach out to You by my example
Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health
In mind, body and spirit
That I may serve You with all my strength.


Dear Lord, You bore our sufferings

And carried our sorrows
In order to show us clearly
The value of human weakness and patience.
I now turn to You to heal the soul and body
Of (Name)
Lord, there is no illness and no wound
That You cannot heal.
Come and touch (Name)
Where he/she is most wounded and afflicted.
I believe in Your healing power
And I trust and hope that You will hear
My request for my sick brother/sister.
Grant that he/she and all those
Who are now weighed down
With pain and other afflictions
May realize that they are among the chosen ones
Whom You call blessed.
Help them to understand that they are united
With You in Your sufferings
For the salvation of the world.


Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer

We turn to You in this time of illness.
Alleviate our worry and sorrow
With Your gentle love,
Dear God,
We place our worries in Your hands.
We place our sick under your care.
And humble ask that You restore Your servant
To health again.
Above all, grant us the grace
To acknowledge Your will
And know that whatever You do,
You do for the love of us.
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake,
Or watch, or weep, and give Your angels
Charge over those who sleep.
Tend Your sick ones.
Soothe Your suffering ones.
Pity Your afflicted ones.
Shield Your joyous ones.
And for all Your love‟s sake.


Dear God, merciful Father,

I pray for myself.
I surrender myself to Your holy will.
Do what is best for me:
Touch me with Your caring hands
That I may be healed;
Speak consoling words to me
That my strength returns;
Ease my pain that I may bear it with faith;
Cure me of my illness
That I my do more for You;
Restore my health
That I may serve You better.
With Your constant grace and love,
Let me understand Your ways.
Let me know Your divine plan in my life.
From You I have to come, to You I must return.
I pray for those who care for the sick.
That they may perform their tasks well:
A heart that never ceases to love
Despite the constant witness
Of illness and suffering;
Hands that is always warm and caring,

Never holding back in indifference
Nor pushing away in disgust;
A spirit that never ceases to serve,
Never weighed down
By discouragement and frustration.
With your deep love and unconditional mercy,
Grant them:
Renewed understanding
Abiding compassion;
Selfless service
Faith in Your word
And in the teaching of the Church.
I pray for all who are sick.
Bestow on us the gift of your self.
May our faith endure.
May we never lose hope.
May we continue to trust.
May our prayer ever be:
“Father, into Your hands
I commend my spirit.”


There are decisions that must be made

And obligations that must be fulfilled.
There are deadlines to be met
And duties to be performed.
But I know, Lord,
That You will lead me to the right path.

I do have bad days

And I make stupid mistakes;
I know I sometimes fail
To live up to people‟s expectations.
But, Lord, despite my shortcomings
I know you have not given up on me.

Lord, make me feel I am someone great

Because You choose me to be Your servant.

I know I am special
And important in Your eyes;
You gave up Your life to save me
And set me free. Amen.


Dear Lord, I humbly come to You,

I lay bare the disappointment and pain in me.
I did not receive what I expected.
I did not reached what I aimed for.
I did not get what I wanted.

Help me get over my frustrations

And strive to continue giving my best.
Raise me from the depths of despair;
Grant me the grace to do what is good.

Rid me of feelings of discouragement;

Lead me to hope and work harder.
Lord, lift me from the veil of pride and arrogance
Though I may not always get the desired result,
I must continue to do my best.
If ever I fall short of success,
I must not look for scapegoats;
If something does not come up as expected,
I must neither complain nor condemn.

In my darkest moments, I shall not lose hope,
Knowing that despite my failings
You see the good in me.
You overlook my defects,
My failures, my mistakes.
You heal my weakness.
You ease my pain.
You forgive all my sins.

Thank You so much for being there.

Thank You so much for Your faith in me.
Thank You so much for Your trust.
Thank You so much for Your trust.
You believe in me and take me as I am.

Because of what You did for me.

I will be a complete success.
You have given me dignity and worth.
Because you gave up Your life for me
You have made me a winner.

Thank You, O Lord, for everything.



Lord, I open my heart to You

And reveal my real feelings.
I am hurting, I am embittered.
I am frustrated. I am discouraged.
But as I kneel before You
And see You crucified on the cross,
I realize that You will never give up on me,
You hope in my goodness,
Your trust in me is unwavering,
You still believe in me.
Yes, there is still a chance for me,
Great opportunities await me.
A new dawn comes for everyone.
Teach me now, O Lord,
Not to count the cost.
Teach me now, Lord,
To risk and endure anything.
Teach me now, O Lord,
To keep within me the promise
That I will be with You forever in heaven.



Lord, I am in love. It is so beautiful and exciting

It brings me joy and makes me happy.
Lord, help me and my sweetheart to be pure,
To keep our love so beautiful,
So inspiring, so enriching.
Give us Your grace
To let us pray often together
For strength to grow in Christian virtues.
Lord, may we always inspire each other
To be faithful to You holy laws
On courtship and marriage.
May we continue to live in love and admiration
For each other.
May we always revere our bodies
As temples of the Holy Spirit
And the dwelling place of Your Father.
Lord, let me and my beloved always be true and
Loyal to each other.
Guide us now as we prepare for our future.
Lord, let our courtship be clean

And our marriage happy.
Bless us with children
Who will be our delight and joy.
And may we all merit to be with You always,
Now and forever.


Dear Lord, we pray

For those who are near to us
And who are very dear to us.
For those who are far away
Yet live in our hearts night and day.
May God with special care
Keep our dear ones while they wake or sleep.
Give their guardian Angels power
To guide and help them every hour.
For he who hears and answer prayer,
Can see the absent everywhere,
Can tell them all we think and say,
And let them hear us while we pray.


O God, we come to thank You for our vocation

To be the married state of life.
We thank You for all the favors and graces
We have received from You in our marriage.

We thank You, Lord, for the love and care

We have been able to show to each other.
We thank You for our home and our family.

We want also to say sorry for the many sins

We commit in our daily lives.
We have been negligent,
Taking each other for granted,
Even taking You for granted.

Forgive us, Lord for the many times

We have spoiled the beauty of married life.
We have been impatient and inconsiderate.
In some ways, we have failed in our commitment
To love and to cherish each other,
Above everyone and everything else.

Help us Lord, to be more thoughtful,
Keeping the promises in our nuptial vows.
In our marriage, You were present, Lord,
Assuring us of life-long graces to be loyal
To each other as husband and wife.

Teach us Lord, to constantly ask for Your graces.

Make us realize our need for You in marriage.
Inspire us to reserve time for prayer.
Without You Lord, we cannot have
A truly happy life with each other.

Please continue to bless our home and family.

Give us good health in mind and body.
Protect us from every evil.
Keep us in Your love and care.


Keep us, O Lord from pettiness.

Let us be thoughtful in word and deed.
Help us to put away pretense,
And to face each other in deep trust,
Let us be done with fault-finding,
And quick to discover the best
In every situation. Guard us from bad temper
And hasty judgment.
Inspire us to take time out
For all the things with each other,
And to grow calm, serene and gentle.
Help us to be swift with kind words,
And never to ignore each other,
Never hurt each other,
And never take each other for granted.
Lord, put in our hearts a great love
And compassion for each other,
Reaching out to each other,
Leaning on each other, forgiving each other.
Lord, grant that we will continue to grow
In appreciation and understanding of each other.


O God, thank You for my Dad and Mom.

They are Your gifts to me, and I to them.
Thank You for all their love and care,
For a home, food, clothes and education.
Forgive me Lord, for the times I disobeyed them.
Disregarded their advise and neglected to help,
When they needed me.
Forgive me if I have been too demanding,
Too critical, expecting them to be perfect.
Help me now, Lord never to forget them,
And never to drift away from them.
Bless them, dear Lord
With good health and peaceful lives.
Comfort them when worried or troubled.
Strengthen them when weak and tired.
Let them grow to love each other and You.
Lord, let me be a source of pride and joy
To my parents in their old age.
May I always show my love and care for them.


O God, thank You

For the privilege of pursuing my education.
Help me to be diligent in my studies,
Attentive in class, active in school programs,
Respectful and grateful to my teachers,
And kind to my classmates.
Grant me the light and grace of Your Holy Spirit.
So that I may learn easily.
Give me a keen mind to understand my lessons,
A retentive memory and facility in language.
Help me to pass my tests and exams,
And to bring honor to my family and school.
Lord, thank You for my parents and others
Who provide everything I need as a student.
Bless them Lord, for their kindness.
Let me not forget their sacrifices,
Grant Lord, that I may advance,
Not only in academic knowledge
But also in divine knowledge and faith.
Bless and keep me safe in Your love and care.


Lord Jesus, You are a teacher.

When You preached the good news of salvation,
Large crowd listened to You.
They were in admiration of Your teaching,
For never did anyone speak like You.
Thank You for my vocation as a teacher.
Help me to love it and appreciate its beauty,
Educating the minds and hearts of the young.
May I always do this noble work,
Diligently and conscientiously,
Remembering that they will learn from me.
Let me not enter my class unprepared.
Lord, give me Your grace to relate well,
In their academic and spiritual growth.
May I influence them to be good persons
By my example of Christian living.
Above all, may I, in one way or another,
Lead them all to You.


Today, I receive all of God‟s love for me.

Today I open myself to the unbounded,
Limitless, Overflowing abundance of God‟s Universe.
Today, I open myself to You blessings,
Healing and miracles.
Today, I open myself to God‟s word
So that I become more like Jesus everyday.
Today, I proclaim that I‟m God‟s beloved,
I‟m God‟s servant, I‟m God‟s powerful champion,
And because I am blessed, I will bless the world.
In Jesus‟ name.



Lord, each day I receive so many gifts from You.

Thank you for all I have seen, heard, touched,

tasted, and smelled today.

Thank you for my hands to work, for my feet to walk

and run, for a mind to think, for a memory
to remember, for a heart to love, for a
wonderful life to live.

Thank You for the clothes I wear, for the books I

read and papers I enjoy, for the friends
who love and care for me.

Thank You for my family, for my parents who are

kind, teachers who are patient, and
neighbors who are helpful.

Thank You for the food that sustains my body, for the
water and drinks that I relish.

Thank You for this great world, for all the beautiful,
interesting and useful things in it.

Thank You for giving me so many things to enjoy,

to do, to learn and so many people to love.

Thank You for the hills and the valleys, the flowers
and plants, the trees and the birds that make
life so pleasant.

Thank You for the sun, moon and stars that give light
to the world around us.

Thank You for the wonderful people here on earth.

For all the graces and talents You have
given me.

Thank You for loving me, for saving me, for making
me Your child and heir of Your heavenly

Thank You Lord, thank You!



O God, thank You for making me as I am.

Thank You for my health and for my talents.
Thank You for my eyes to see, for my ears to hear,
For my hands to work, for my feet to walk and run,
For my mind to think, for my memory to remember,
For my heart to love, for my wonderful life.

O God, I thank You for my parents

Who are kind to me,
For my friends who are true to me.
For my teachers who are patient with me.

God, thank You for this great world.

Thank You for all the beautiful things in it,
For all the interesting things in it,
For all the useful things in it.
Thank You for giving me many things to enjoy,
Many things to do, to learn and to love.

Help me to make this world a better place

To add something to its beauty,
And to put a little more into life than I take out.


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