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GUÍA DE APRENDIZAJE N°:13 ASIGNATURA: Inglés (Tercer periodo) FECHA: 03 de agosto al 06 agosto
DOCENTE: Eliana Castañeda Betancur GRADO: Undécimo A-B-C-D TEMA: Book socialization

Solución guía #13 Ingles

Juan Felipe Martinez Patiño
FIRST CLASS: (one hour)-Reading-writing
 Read and write the summary of chapters 5-6 of the book. (Lee y escribe los resúmenes de los capítulos 5 y 6 del libro)
Chapter 5. ALI BABA
This sixth chapter is about a poor, humble, and abominable man. Ali Baba was this man, one morning like all of
them, he went out to cut wood, this was his job, from one moment to another he saw a sandstorm approaching, so he
took his donkeys and hid them behind a stone, and the he climbed a very tall tree, no one could see him there.
Within minutes he saw some men on black horses approaching him, when he heard what they were talking about
they said "open sesame" and the rock opened, when these men came out they said "close sesame" and the rock
closed, when Ali Baba he realized that they were no longer decided to enter this "magic cave" there was gold, silver
and jewelry in there, Ali Baba realized that these men were thieves, so he took a little of all that and was where his
very cheerful wife.
Ali Baba kept going to the magic cave to get more gold, silver and jewelry, the brother realized and since Kassim
was a greedy man so he decided to chase him, he "learned" the magic words and entered the cave and took
everything But when he left he did not remember the words, so he remained locked in the cave, after many hours
they went looking for him in the forest and Ali Baba found him dismembered inside the cave. That same day they
cooked him, and they buried him, the thieves already knew that someone had entered the cave to remove Kassim,
they asked all the way around if they had buried someone dismembered, until he found Ali Baba and the head of the
calf ( 36 more thieves) made a plan, which did not work for them thanks to Ali Baba's maid, named Morgiana who
saved them, spent a year in peace, but the boss returned in search of revenge and Morgiana saved them again ... I
stab him. After all this chaos Morgiana married Ali, the son of Baba and they lived very calmly and finally in peace.


It tells the story of a person who when he was very young his father died and left him an inheritance of abundant
money, with this money he bought a boat and paid a captain and some sailors to work for him.
They traveled far and found a small ilsa and decided to go, except for the captain who was asleep.
Suddenly they saw something that flew higher than the tallest tree on the island, the island came to life and the
captain, already awake, told him to get out of there, that he was in great danger, when they got on their boat, a sailor
I said was on top of a huge fish, and he was right it was the largest fish in the world and that the fire that they had lit
had awakened him, he wagged his tail and destroyed the small boat and what saved me was a boat with dirty clothes,
but the boat was far away and I can't reach it, so I woke up on a white beach and wondered where I am? he climbed
to the top of a tree and saw a white dome and he thought it was a church and when he got there he saw that it was
the egg of the largest bird in the world, he was going to escape and before doing it the bird sat on top of the egg And
this one stayed under the bird, this was the idea to tie the bird's leg, after flying the bird low and the young man took
the opportunity to untie himself from the bird's leg and fell in a very strange place full of black rocks and very
lonely, among those rocks there were some snakes asleep from the heat of the rocks, one was up and was coming
towards me, but as soon as I saw below I was surprised when I saw a diamond, the largest I have ever seen, in that
At that moment a bird came and took one of the snakes and the others walked away because they are afraid of birds.
Just then something heavy fell next to him and he thought that it had been a bird and he realized that it was a piece.
of meat, and had understood that the people who lived If they threw pieces of meat for the birds to take them out of
there because they were afraid of snakes, so he filled his pockets with diamonds and took meat waiting for a bird to
get him out of there, when he went to give the meat to his calf thought that he would eat it too but another person
came and scared the bird out there.
The young man told him to help him out of there and that he would give him half of the diamonds he had, they
became very good friends.
He had enough money to buy six ships, paid captains and sent treasure ships to sail, and he left on the ship with the
greatest treasure.
One day they found land and the captain told him that he did not like the place, so a small ship approached at full
speed, they were Marines as small as monkeys, soon they were taken prisoners of their own ship, a giant monkey ate
the sailor more Fat that was the cook, this giant monkey wanted the rest to get fat to eat then, one day they ran away
by throwing a white cane at the giant monkey in the eye and then they ran away.
After sailing all night they arrived at what they thought was an island but this one was collected and it was not a
fish, it was the largest snake in the world, it ate the sailors and the captain fell into the water and never saw him
again , the young man alone with the snake thought that he would die there, untied one of the boats and used it as a
coffin, after trying to eat me I couldn't and left, after a while a boat came and rescued him, the sailors told him that
his Captain was strange because he had a lot of wealth but he did not spend it for Sinbad, the captain and the young
man met and he told him that Sinbad was the first captain of him and that he had been eaten by a large fish.
When they returned to Baghdad they were surprised that all the young man's ships were there and he was as rich as a
king, the captain bought another great ship and went sailing and the young man stayed for a time in Baghdad and
then returned to navigate.

SECOND CLASS: (one hour)- vocabulary

CHAPTER 5: Put the answers in the right places. In the centre of the puzzle you will see the two words that Kassim forgot. Use these
words; the first one has been done for you. (Ponga las respuestas en los lugares correctos. En el centro del crucigrama veras las dos
palabras que Kassim olvidó. Usa las siguientes palabras, la primera fue hecha para ti)
wonderful, treasure, gold, magic, closed, pieces, jewels, coin, silver, cave
Kassim's wife showed Kassim the gold (1) coin Later, Ali Baba told Kassim about the thieves and the (2) cave. Kassim wanted all the (3)
treasure for himself. When Ali Baba went to the cave to get a small bag of (4) gold, Kassim followed him.The next day Kassim went into
the cave by himself. He (5) closed the door behind him. He wanted to look at all the (6) wonderful gold and (7) silver and (8) jewels.
But when he wanted to get out he could not remember the (9) magic words. The robbers found him in the cave. They killed him and cut
his body into small (10) pieces.

THIRD CLASS: (one hour)- Grammar

CHAPTER 6 The underlined sentences are all in the wrong paragraph. Which paragraph should they go in? Write them out in the right
place. (Las oraciones señaladas están todas en el párrafo equivocado. ¿En cuál párrafo deberían ir) Escríbelas en el lugar correcto.
1 A huge, ugly man came through the gales. He was bigger than an elephant. He locked the gates and then lit a fire in the yard outside
his house.
2 The giant picked up our fattest sailor. He was our cook. The giant held him over the fire, and then ate the poor man.
3 The giant gave us food and water. He wanted us to be fat. Every evening he came home and ate one of us for supper.
4 One night we pushed white-hot slicks into the giant's eyes. He was blind, but he guild still hear us. We climbed up the benches,
over the wall, and escaped.
 English dictionary  Los estudiantes que tengan conectividad deben
 Book: Tales from the Arabian Nights enviar la guía resuelta al correo de contacto.
 Quienes no tengan conectividad, lo pueden
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evidencias al whatsApp
 Si no tienen ningún medio para enviar las
evidencias, guardarlas en una carpeta, luego se les
dirá cómo y cuándo se recibirán las carpetas con los

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