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Here's an idea based in current lore.

Acererak is not interested in helping the Yuan-Ti with Dendar (it says so in ToA;
Ras Nsi is being duped). I believe Acererak has figured out who Dendar is. Dendar
is the leader of Sigil also known as the Lady of Pain. Physically, she resides in
the Fugue Plane, but her actual prison is Sigil.

If you want a super epic campaign have the culmination be the conflict of whether
to release Dendar or not. The only way to release her will likely involve
travelling to Sigil, learning about her true identity, and then chasing down the
different subplots about the different factions wanting to either release Dendar or
Keep her there.

Mind you that Ubtao is likely stuck in one of Dendar's nightmares, and a possible
lead could be the attempt to rescue him.

So, what does Acererak want? For one, he wants control over all the undead in the
negative plane. His bid for power is one from the sidelines. He pulls at strings
from behind the curtain. Pitting gods against each other and manipulating the
events of the multiverse. He is a jester. His ultimate goal is hard to guess, but
I'd say it is to act as a wild card.

Eshowdow, los yuan ti de ras nsi piensan que la deidad que esta levantando acererak
es esta, pero los de daashi saben que no.

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