Procedures in Recording Business Transaction in A 2-Column

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Procedures in Recording Business

Transaction in a 2-Column Journal

The Journal
• It is a permanent chronological record of
business transactions.
• It is where the day-to-day transactions of the
business are recorded for the first time.
• It is also called the book of original entry.
• Journalizing is the process of entering or
recording a transaction to the general
Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
General Journal
Date Description PR Debit Credit
Jan. Cash 20,000 -
Supplies 14,000 -
Equipment 18,000 -
Melqui Darren R. Fuellas, capital 52,000 -
Initial investment of the owner

3 Taxes and licenses expense 3,000 -

Cash 3,000 -
Paid business permits and taxes

5 Accounts Receivable 2,000 -

Professional fee 2,000 -
Rendered services on account
The General Journal

1. Date Column
2. Description Column
3. Posting reference column
4. Debit Column
5. Credit Column
Date column
• It is where the date of transaction to be journalized is
DATE written.
• The date is very important in determining the
occurrence of the transaction. It is part of the formal
• The year is written in small figures on the top of the
first line, first sub column.
• Under the date is the month of the first transaction
written on the same line.
• The specific day of the transaction is written on the
right sub-column of the date column. It is repeated
for every transaction on the same day.
Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
Description column
Debit row
Cash • The first line of any entry must
show the account debited.
Melqui Darren R. Fuellas, capital • It is written on the leftmost side
Initial investment of the owner of the description column.
Taxes and licenses expense • Its corresponding debit amount
Cash is recorded under the debit
Paid business permits and taxes column, of the same line.
Accounts Receivable
Professional fee
Rendered services on account
Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
Description column
Credit row
Cash • The second line must show the
account credited.
Melqui Darren R. Fuellas, capital • The credit account is written
Initial investment of the owner with a half-inch indention to the
Taxes and licenses expense
Cash • Its corresponding credit amount
Paid business permits and taxes is recorded under the credit
column of the same line.
Accounts Receivable
Professional fee
Rendered services on account
Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
Description column
Explanation row
• A short explanation must
follow below the line for
Melqui Darren R. Fuellas, capital credit account.
Initial investment of the owner • The explanation for the
transaction is written with full
Taxes and licenses expense
indention to the right.
Paid business permits and taxes • The explanation must fully
describe the transaction yet
Accounts Receivable in an acceptable language.
Professional fee
Rendered services on account
Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
Posting reference column

• This column shows the account number of the

account titles debited or credited.
• No number appears in this column until the posting
process is observed. Some business refer to this as the

Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
Debit and credit column

20,000 - • The debit column shows the amount of the

14,000 -
debit entry on the same line as the title of the
18,000 -
52,000 -
account debited.
• The credit column shows the amount of the
credit entry on the same lines as the title of the
3,000 -
3,000 -
account credited.

2,000 -
2,000 -

Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.
General Journal
Date Description PR Debit Credit
Jan. Cash 20,000 -
Supplies 14,000 -
Equipment 18,000 -
Melqui Darren R. Fuellas, capital 52,000 -
Initial investment of the owner

3 Taxes and licenses expense 3,000 -

Cash 3,000 -
Paid business permits and taxes

5 Accounts Receivable 2,000 -

Professional fee 2,000 -
Rendered services on account
Advantages of a journal
1. The journal is an information bank of all the transactions
of the business enterprise.
2. The journal serves as the diary of the business enterprise.
3. It serves as the bridge to posting process.
4. The journal is a time-saving device since the
explanation is given each entry.
5. There is a check and balance.

Avelino, Caraan Jr.; Roxas, Leila L.(2012) Bookkeeping Simplified. JRU Press.

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