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Compiled by Official Scorer, Earl F. Smith-Excellent Showing for Your Ne",spaper
Narberth Champions-Praise for Players
The following are the averages of the two games he pitched. Flick This paper is published for the welfare of our com-
the Narberth, the champions of the Stites pitched three games and re- munity.
Main Line Base Ball League, as com- turned home a winner twice. It might
piled by Official Scorer Earl F. Smith: be well to add that the Autocar game, It is your paper, and you own just as much of it as any-
Stites again leads the team in bat- which was pitched by Stites and
ting with an average of .376, while which went thirteen innings, was won
one else.
Fleck comes next with .357. The third
man on the list is Bill Simpson, with
by himself when he poled out a home
run in the thirteenth inning. Havi-
THE FIRESIDE It is not published for profit; those who have volunteered
.633. Simpson played the best games of land, Bowen and Moore won the OnlY,'
to look after it receive no pay for their services. No one is
Betty Baxrer's Gossip. paid for any work done in regard to Our Town except the
Ilis career at shortstop. games they pitched.
Gibson is the leading twirler with Stites also leads in home runs, Mrs. F. H. Ritter is fl1 with typhoid concern that prints it and mails it.
ten victories out of fourteen starts, while Fleck reig,ns supreme with two- f v r
while Mayer has five victories out of baggers, having twelve to his credit. e e . The paper is not self-supporting, but it could be if some
six starts to his credit. The above two Fleck also leads In the stolen bases Don't forget the base ball banquet of those who read it would pay up their old subscriptions
twirlers were the mainstays for the with eighteen, although he played in to be given to the Champions.
Narberth team, although Durbin won fewer games. and would include the current year's subscription therewith.
Mr. R. H. Cook has just returned
Then, too, it would be self-supporting if a few more of our
Team Batting Average.
from a business trip through the local merchants and business men would advertise in a
Games. AB. R. BH. SB. SH. Average. West. systematic way; for they must bear in mind that every
30 1067 227 303 131 21 .281
Mrs. A. H. Mueller and daughter
household in Narberth is mailed a copy of this paper, and it
Team l'ieldlng Average. is therefore, a cheap and profitable medium of exchange.
Marguerite are spending the week in
Games. PO. A. E. TC. Average. Atlantic City. Our Town is read with great interest by every member of
30 830 349 77 1256 .931 every household in Narberth-it is not thrown into the
Pitching Records. waste basket immediately upon its receipt.
G. W. L. SO. BB. H. Average Short, crisp news items are always desired. Oftentimes
Durbin ... ................... 2 2 0 16 3 11 1.000 you know of something that is of interest. ,It is your duty
Haviland ... ................... 1 1 0 7 0 7 1.000
to send the item to Our Town, even though it concerns your
Bowen ... .... ....... ....... • 0. J 1 0 4 5 12 1.000
Moore ... ........ ................ 1 1 0 14 2 7 1.000 own household. YOU are the only reporter we have. If
Mayer .. ............................ 7 5 1 37 7 32 .833 Mr. W. B. Reed and family, of Nar- there's no news, YOU alone are to blame-you didn't do
Gibson ... .................15 10 4 154 35 89 .714
Stites ..................... 4 2 1 26 9 22 .667
berth avenue, have g,one to Atlantic your little part.
City to spend the winter.
EnSing,e,r .................. 4 0 0 8 5 13 .000 These are the facts concerning Our Paper and Your
Koons .. , .................. 1 0 0 2 0 0 .000 For a full evening's enjoyment
Fisher. . ..................... 1 0 0 3 0 1 .000 Paper. Why not begin to-day to think how to make it a
come to the opening meeting of the
Walzer ... .... •• 0.00°° ..... 1
... 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Community Club, Friday evening. livelier little sheet?
Grauff ... . ........ ...... ....
1 0 0 0 2 1 .000
Individual Batting.
Mrs. McQuilken and her two daugh- =~~-"'-~""-=-=--""--"".=""'._""'.""--""'-=-=--=-~~=-=~="=======-=-"'-~=-=-=-==-""'-""'
._--_._- BASE BALL
ters and Miss Helen McQuilkin have,

Charles Humphreys 2 3 1



0 .667
AVE. Extra base hits
visit in I;~:~s~o
for several :~:urgh I
4 _. 2 1
Fisher 2 2 0 .500 0 0 0 Mrs. Lambie, Mrs. McQuilkin's moth-
Barker 4 18 7 8 2 0 .444 1 1 1 er, is entertaining her son, who just
Stites 25 101 27 38 13 0 .376 7 1 3 1arrived home from the mission fields Big Event to be Held on Thurs- A most unique program has been
Vernon Fleck
William Simpson
27 112 15 40
20 69 9 23
.357 12
.333 2
0 in Africa.
I day Evening, November 23d planned for the congregation of the
Bell 4 16 2 5 3 0 .313 0 2 0 I
Miss Mary Chalfant, of Chestnut ave- -Committee is Actively En- Methodist Church covering the entire
month of November. Every member,
Gene Davis 20 86 21 26 9 0 .302 4 2 1 ~ nue, is spending the week as the guest gaged in Arranging for Af-
Wallace 20 87 20 25 6 3 .287 4 2 0 of her sister Jean at Carlisle, who is fair-Everybody Invited to friend and visitor will be sure to find
Koons 29 104 28 29 13 4 .279 4 4 2 attending the Dickinson College. I' som.ethlng of interest. Here are some
Gibson 15 58 10 16 5 1 .271 6 0 2 Atte'nd of the services already arranged:
Ensinger . . . . 12 38 6 10 2 0 .263 1 0 0 The editorial department of the Wednesday, first-A team of women
McClellan 20 54 10 14 8 3 .259 1 0 0 S~nday School Times, including the At a meeting held last Monday even- representing the Home Missionary
Colwyn Humphreys
1 MIsses Bailey, Mapes, Schull,. Norton ing, it was decided to hold the ban-
0 and La Fevre, were entertamed at .
work of the PhiladeipWa Confer.ence
in charge of the service. Addresses
Jack Jefferies 2 4 0
1 0 1 .250 0 0 I
0 the home of Mr. Robert C. McQuilkin' quet on the evenmg of Thursday, No-
Vember 23d. The banquet Is to be by some of the best women speakers
Bennis 7 25 6 4 0 .240 3 0 0 last Saturday afternoon. given to the members of the Narberth of the conference.
10 27 9
Walzer, manager
Howes 13 53 16 12
6 8
0 Meet your fe~ownsmen at the, !
team, champions of the Main Line Friday, third-College Night. Repre-
sentatives of some thirtY-five Univer-
Mellon 13 42 4 9 7 1 .214 1 1 1 Community Club opening FridaY eve- ,League. If you remember the banquet sities, Colleges, Seminaries, Prepar-
Durbin 9 3S 9 8 5 0 .211 2 0 2 n Ing, 0 coer ' t th Y M C A ,tendered the team last year, it was a
27 ,a
t b e . . . .1 db' atory and High Schools in the con-
Mayer 8 19 3 4 0 1 .311 2 0 0 Tickets can be obtained at the Y. M. gr~at success a~ the one to e gIven
: C A f m mber 'of the thIS year promIses to surpass last gregation furnish the program. A
Walter Humphries 26 91 20 19 9 0 .209 3 2 0 · . or rom any e . year's In every respect happy evening of old college yells,
Haviland 1 3 0 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 I Board of Managers of the Commumty Th tl h . '11 experiences and songs. The young
Grauff 1 1 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 Cl b e gen emen w 0 WI serve on
people of the Epworth League will
2 2 1 u . the committees are as follows:-
Bowen 1 0 0 .000 0 0 0 r.ecelve, furnish refreshments, and
Turner 1 3 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Mr. Fred L. Rose, chairman.
0 The Narberth Fire Company receiv-I Mr. Hobert Savill, treasurer. decorate the lecture rooms with col-
Johovlch 1 1 0 • 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 ed an alarm about 9 o'clock Monday \ lege colors. No admission fee. All
Gilmore 1 2 0 0 0 2 .000 0 Mr. Andrew Greene, secretary.
0 0 morning from Merion. The company, friends and members invited.
Uallqllet Committe<'.
Odds and Ends. responded with their usual alacrity: Mr. Arthur McClellan. Sunday, twelfth-Mr. Michael M.
and found the cause of the alarm to' Mr. Duer. Dorizas, the noted champion athLete
Shortest time of game 1 hour 20 minutes be an automobile on fire at Merion. Mr. Raymond C. Jones. of the University of Pennsylvania,
Longest time of game 2 hours 30 minutes The car belonged to Mr. J. L. Glace, Mr. Robert Saville. speaks upon the SUbject, "Christianity
Earned runs 170 Left on base 203 6452 Woodbine avenue, Overbrook. Mr. Charles Ensinger. in the Balkans." Mr. Dorizas, being
Double plays by Narberth .. 13 Against Narberth 16 Souvenir Committee. a native and student of Greece, is
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Laird, ()f Mr. Raymond C. Jones. well qualified to pr.esent his subject
I Woodside avenue, entertained at a I Mr. Guyon Gray. from first hand sources.
Don't forget to come to the opening VOTEUS TAKE NOTICE.
'I "house warming" over the last week- Mr. William S. Howard. Sunday, nineteenth-Boys' Day in
meeting of the Community Club Fri- end. Th.e guests present were Mr. Flnauce Committee. the Sunday School. Program, decora-
day evening, October 27, at the Y. M. 'To the Editor of "Our Town," Iand Mrs. Frank Martin, Miss Carlton, Mr. William Horner. tions and the entire session in charge
C. A. I
Narberth has over seven hundred I Mr. Gene Brady, Mr. A. Engle, of New
listed voters, and only one polling York, and Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-! Mr. Albert Eyre.
Mr. Andrew Greene. of the boys. Bully time. Special
place, the fire house on Forrest ave- Hugh, of Girard Farms. I Mr. Edwin Dold. SundaY, nineteenth, evening-
nue. In order to avoid being shut out Mr. Daniel Leitch. Musicale. Music of merit by trained
'"Would You at 7 o'clock P. M. on November 7th, Two new cases of infantile paralysis Donations can be sent to, and
when the polls close, the members of were reported Tuesday at Paoli. They tickets can be had at $1 per plate
chorus choir. Quartet and solos.
Organ recital.
Live Here the election board request voters who were Grace Todd, 17 years old, daugh- from the following: Messrs. Edwin
can do so, to vote early in the day. ter of William Todd, and Paul Menlg, Dold, C. A. S. McClellan, Guyon Gray,
Third Annual Banquet of Men's
Bible class. Date to be announced
with prominent speakers.
If There Were No The polls wl1l be open just twelve 7 months old, son of John Menig. The Andrew Greene, F. L. Rose, Wl1liam
All other SundaY' services with
hours, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. If sufferers were taken to the Chester Duer, William Howard, Albert Eyre,
special Sermon subjects. It you are
Sunday Schools? every listed voter casts a ballot, it will County Hospital at West Chester. Miss IRobert Savill, William Horner, Charles
require that a ballot be recorded every Todd had complained of illness for a Ensinger, Raymond C. Jones, O. L. I without a church home, come! We
can help you.
minute during, the entire twelve hours. week before symptoms of paralysis de- Hampton, secretary Y. M. C. A.
Then Attend Some School Thomas C. Grotter, Jr.. veloped. Be sure and reserve the date:
Judge of Election. --- !Tltursday, November 23d. Get your Are )"on coming to the base ball
, Next Sunday. ------- Precautionary quarantine measures, tickets early. Come on-get In on bnnqueU
TIle Evangel Circle of King's adopted when Bryn Mawr College this
Narberth Daugbters will bold a fair in the opened, to prevent infantile paralysis,
Community Room of the Y. :M. C. A. were lifted Tuesday. Under the quar-
Methodist Building, Thursda"' J 9
October 28th, af. antine, students were not permitted to The Evan.....l
ternoon and evening. There will be leave the college grounds. Removal Daughters will hold a fair in the
Circle of King's Two cents per word ln advance; ID1Jlbnn,/,\
ten words.

Sunday School on sale aprons, fancy and useful ar· of this restriction and the belated Community Room of the Y. M. C. A.
tIoIes, also candy and home baJdng. opening Monday of three girls' schools ·BulldIng, Thursday, October 28~ af.
FOR SALE-Two new Navajo Indian rugs,
low price. Abel Smith, 406 Dudley ave.
at Bryn Mawr restored to the town Its temoon and evening. There will be FOR SALE-Quartered oak dining room
Welc:ome. Sunday at 9.45
Don't forget the base ball banquet usual busy appearance.
to be given to the Champions. (Continued on Third Page)
on sale aprons, fancy and useful are
ticles, also candy and home baking.
.uti. lD cood condltlon. Butret 66 Inohes
long, pedestal table and 8 chall'B, with
leather seats. P, O. Box No. 104, Narberth.

OUR TOWN At an enthusiastic basket ball IWlet-
Ing Monday evening at the Y. M. C. IN BEST OF SHAPE
Owned, and Published every Thurs- AT ELM HALL ASSOCIATION' NOTES A., Mr. Harry Simpson was elected
manager. Prospects look fine for a
day by the Narberth Civic Assocla-
tiora. big season. Basket ball wlll start the Controller Reports More Than
Recreation. first week In Watch for
Prominent Speakers to Appear The tennis season Is over. What further announcements. Half l\.qllion Dollars-Is
EcUtor. are yOu going to do now to keep In Don't forget that victrola. We are Best Ever
Narberth people wlll have an oppor- shape physically? You have had an still on the market for one.
Mrs. C. R. Blackall A. J. Loos tunlty to hear the Issues of the pres- active' season; think what it will 1 County Controller Wllliam D. Heeb-
Mrs. C. T. Moore Henry Rose
Mrs. Roy E. Clark W. T. Melchior
ent political campaign dlscuss.ed by I mean to suddenly stop vigorous exer-
prominent speakers at a big Repub-I else and patiently walt till spring
LOCAL BOWLING LEAGUE 'I ner, In his report to the County Com-

missioners of the condition of the

Earl 1<'. Smith O. L. Hampton IIcan rallY, to be held at Elm Hall, comes so you can get at tennis again. --- county finances, declares that there
Q. M. Henry on Tuesday evening, October 31. It Feast and famine Is not a good theory The local bowling league, composed Iis a balance In the county treasury of
Associate EcUtors. Is expected that ~e, list of speakers on any proposition, and particularly of six teams, started their schedule $508,750.05, gen.eral fund, and $235,OOIJ,
wllI includ.e Hon. John R. K. Scott, when It concerns one's health. last Monday evening. The league Is sinking fund.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, candidate for Congressman-at-large; Here is one plan-think it over. composed of the local bowlers, who The general fund balance on the
Casbler. I
Hon. Henry W.. Watson, candidate for Our Business Men's Gym Class meets enjoy sliding the ball down the alleys. first of September was $181,321.95.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ICongress from the Eighth d·istrlct; J'I every Friday night and wllI continue The names of the teams and their cap- This was Increased by $389,081.96, of
Ambler Wllliams, Esq., of Norristown, to do so till the next tennis season. talns are as follows:- which amount $iOO,ooo came from the
Adve~its~~gGAM~ager. and Fltcher W. Stites, Esq., Narberth's· Come one Friday night and get a Montgomery, I. T. Ward. sinking fund by order of court, and
candidate for the State Assembly from! sample. and if you don't hav.e the South Side, Ludovlcl. $175,613.64 from State taxes. The r.e-
Send all letters and news item to the First Leglslatlv.e district of Mont-I time of your life you'll be an excep- Colts, Fred Walzer. ceipts, itemized, follow:
P. O. Box 404. gomery county. It is anticipated that tion to those who have attended this Narbrook, Allan Kirk. I County taxes, $104,439.46; prlsQll
Seud all advertising copy to P. O. Narberth Republicans and others In- feature. Just give us one trial-also, Essex, McKell. cash, $153.84; almshouse cash, $354.33;
Box 820. I
terested In hearing the great national when the tennis sport starts you wiIl
Make all remittances to P. O. Box questions inteIligently discussed, will have the privlIege of making your
Plugs, Robert SavlIl. maintenance of
The teams formally got under way special election of Narberth, $73.96;
insane, $574;

118. turn out In foroo. Ladies are Invited headquarters here-with hot and cold last week when Fred Walzer's Colts sinking fund trust inter.est received
Our Town is on sale at the depot to attend the meeting as well as those showers always at your serVice-aIl handed Ward's Montgomery three from Penn Trust Co., December 28,
newsstand, and at the store of H. El. of the sterner sex. this for $5 per year. Start this week. straight defeats. George Fleck has 1915, to August 5, 1916, at 3 Per cent.,
Davis. I Don't put it off. the high score so far with 196. Cum- $2016.66; sinking fund cash returned
Entered hS second-class matter, Oc- J[OXTCW)[ERY COUNTY ! For further information ask any mer has the low score with 79. Ludo- to County Treasurer by oder of court,
~ober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at 1 SV}'}'RAGISTS PLEDGE $2000! of the following men: Gara, Cole, vlcl's South Siders took two out of $100,000; mlsceJ]aneous, $283.34; dog
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the --_. IHenry, Nash, Trotter, Orr, Atherholt, three from AIlan Kirk's Narbrook taxes, $250; m.ercantlle licenses,
Act of March 3, 1879. Nearly one hundred prominent DonneIl~.. Seymour, Harris, Ludo- team, although the second game was $53.32; State taxes, $175,613.64;
representatives of the Woman sur-I vici, Shields, Cameron, Matthews or close the margin being seven pins, hunters' licenses, $600; Treasurer's
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1916 frage Party of Montgomery County Hampton. . which is very cl~se considering the fee on mercantile licenses, $1; Clerk
- - - , RGENCY PHONE CALLS attended the quarterly conference held I Notice-Because of the. Commumty number of pins which topple over dur- of Court's offioo account (returns),
EME FI 350 at Wilgus HaIl in Hatboro, October. Club entertainment Friday night, ing the course of a game. $150; Prothonotary's office account,
P ~~ 1250 11. This meeting marked the opening IOctober 27, the regular weekly Gym The scores foIlow:- $504.26; Register of WlIls' office re-
o ce .. I
: of the autumn campaign, and the dls- Class wiIl be held Thursday evening, turns, $1853; Recorder of Deeds' office
I cussion of the activities emphasized October 26. SOUTHSiDE VS. NARBROOK returns, $1670.15; Sheriff's ,office re-
It is hoped that the nation-wide a p -\ the non-partisan political attitude of "Boys' Game Room." turns, $500.
peal for help for the starving Armen- the organization. Mrs. A. M. Snyder, Work is progressing very nicely. Southside. The dlsburs.ements during the
ians, made last Saturday and Sunday, Iof Ardmore, presided.
has boon met with a mos~ genero~s
with this department. We will an-
Reports of the National Association nounce in next w.eek's issue of Our
1st 2nd
Game. Game. Game.
3rd month were:
County (proper), $50,700.86; prIson,

response. While other natIOns are ~n at Atlantic City were given by Mrs. Town the "Opening Night." Then we G. W. Brown 118 102 129 $1l5~.88;. almshouse, $3184.89; mer-
almost as bad a plight, th.elr i Snyder county delegate; Miss Mar- want alI the boys and their parents M. Brown 130 130 110 cantlIe hcense money pal~ to State,
situation is peculiarly distressing, and garet P. Saunders, of Glenside, and: to come. We want you to see the J. Harris 111 115 109 $2238.75; Clerk Of, Court s expenses,
proportionately, they have suffered Mrs. George A. Dunning, chairman of I splendid room the boys will have. We L d I I 146 135 100 1$150; Prothonotary s offioo expenses,
more than any of the others, b.ecause Philadelphia County. Mrs. John O. I again thank all who contributed sa u ov C . ' • ••••••• $759' Register of Wills' office ex-
one-half of their number has been ex- Miller, first vice-president of th.e liberallY to this feature. Laird 157 165 163[ pens~s, $1268.28; Recorder of Deeds'
terminated by the ruthless Turk, who Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Asso- Watch for the "Opening :->ight." We 647 ~ office expenses, $1971.73; Sheriff's of-
shows no mercy to women and chll- ciation.· addressed the meeting on "The want you to come. Totals 662 fice expenses, $221.49. Total, $61,-
dren. . Interlocking Federal and State Cam- Y. M. C. A., Work In Mexico. Narbrook. 653.88.
A contemplation of the awfUl mls- paigns," and Mrs. Lewis Lawrence One of the Narberth boys who has 1st 2nd 3rd The balance In treasury is made up
ery n.ow prevailing throughout the Smith explained how the Federal cam- just returned from the border, said: Game. Game. Game. as follows:
countries involved in the paign will help State work. Dr. "Gee, if It hadn't been for the faithful D. Kirk 109 140 158 County funds account. $251,628.13:
war, and likely to continue for an m- Eleanor M. Hiestand-Moore illustrated work of the Y. M. C. A. down there, Ensinger . . . •..... 86 117 101 dog tax account, $10,064.49; liquor
definite period, should dispose ~very- the kind of pUblicity required in these I don't know what would have hap- Dunn . . . . 147 116 110 license funds account, $4734.62; mer-
body to do the utmost possible m the campaigns. Mrs. William Ward. Jr., pened. They certainly treated us Smedley
way of relief. It Is hard for us to I acting chairman of Delaware county, fine," . A. Kirk
149 cantile license funds account, $1331.46;
154 State tax funds account, $222,250.85;
put ourselves in their place; we can- spoke abou the financing of the new The foIlowing article wlIl gIve you hunters' license funds account, $600;
not Imagine our countrY over-run by budget of $125,000, to be raised in some idea of the type of work carried Totals 632 640 672 ,appraiser's fee funds account, $1700;
invaders, our clUe,S and towns laid Pennsylvania State during the year, on: MONTGOMERY VS. COLTS. I Treasurer's fee funds account, $1101;
wast.e, and inhabitants driven to the and at the close of her address, a Army Young Men's ChrlstianAssocla- )[ tome ,Clerk of Court's office account, $10.99;
wilderness to escape extermination. resolution was unanimously adopt.ed, tlon Sends Three-Truck Expedition
But we must remember how eas~ it that Montgomery county should raise tarr)'ing SuppUes to Mexican
1 on g IS;r' 2nd 3rd I Prothonotary's, account, $7636.05;
Game. Game. Game. Register of WIlls office a,ccount.
is for any country to be drawn mto its apportionment of $2500.. The hos-I Base. . $1983,13' Recorder of Deeds offlc..~.
the struggle, and how little we are pltallty committee, includmg Mrs., The Y. M. C. A. expedition of three ccompton . . . . ..... 1~~ 130 149 account,' $5431.08; Sheriff's office ac-
prepar.ed to make effective resistance Philip MitchelI. Mrs. Hannah Logan, United States Army motor trucks, ummer.......... 9 0 ' " I count, $61.85; ex-Sheriff's office ac-
at this time. Le us therefore be as Mrs. Warner HalIowelI, Mrs. Frank Icarryin g letter beads, envelopes, p.en- Lybarger. . . . .. , I count, $211.38. Total balance, $508,-
generous as possible to those suffer- Horner and Mrs. I~rank Colby. all of cils magazines, lIew Testaments and Hartley. . . 169 147 75003
ing from the loss of kindred, homes Hatboro, received the guests. and oth~r Y. M. C. A. equipment, has re- Dickie 153 155 110 S'lnkin2: fUlld account.
and the ordinary of life, among those present were Mrs. J. lIeved the shortage of such Ward 116 124 113 Sinking Fund Account.
and especla]1y to those who have been Howard Brown, of Ardmore; Mrs. J. among the men of General Pershing's Scanlin 137 174 DR.
drawn Into the vortex of war through Mitton. >lecretary of the Montgomery command in Mexico. 668 693 To balance $235,000.00
no fault of their own. Let us re- County Woman Suffrage Party; Mrs. The trucks left Columbus, New Totals 618
member tJhat it Is only by the grace I C. S. Childs, treasurer; Mrs. James Mexico in charge of a Young Men's Colts. $235.00000
of God that w.e have thus far been I Winsor. Miss Ellen Winsor, of Haver- Chrlstl~n Association secretary with 1st 2nd 3rd CR.
spared these horrol"B. ford; Mrs. Edmund C. Evans, of Ard- 100000 sheets of writing paper, 75,000 Game. Game. Game. By amount transferred to
ASRociate Editor. 'more; Mrs. Richard S. Francis, of env'elopes, 24 gross of lead pencils, 24 Winnie 123 164 152 the County Fund Account
Bryn Mawr; Mrs. Edward Pearson cases, weighing more than three tons, Anderson . . . . 122 177 119 by order of Court $100,000.00
Flannery, of Wynnewood; Mrs. Wal- of magazines and 1000 copies of the Smedley . . . . 141 123 150 By balanc.e:
A movement is on foot to provide ter E. Wlreback, of North Wales; Mrs. New Testament. Fleck 169 196 113
faclIities for pubIlc worship for color- G. Herbert Jenkins, of Gwynedd. and I The expedition visited all the Lacey . . . . 148 150 165
Penn Trust Co.... $70,000
Montg. Trust Co.. 65,000 135,000.00
ed people doing domestic and other Miss Lydia Jamison, of Glenside. •camps of General Pershing's command I I
work in Narberth. A number of gen-
tlemen have been working towards
I and the secretary arranged for a man Totals.... ..... 703 810 69.9 $235,000.00
this end. Rev. A. Markland Taylor, lUmnntTH RESERVES at each place to act as the Y. M. C. Standing-.
AR}; VICTORS! A. representative In distributing sup- W. L. P. C. STATf,)rENT OF THE OWNERSHIP,
a colored evangelist, has been look- plies, which are to he sent to the men Colts 3 0 1.000 )lANAGE][ENT. CIRCULA.
ing over the field, and will consult
our local pastors as to the possibilities In all exciting foot ball game, the as theY are needed. Southside . . . . 2 1 .667 TION, ETC..
along this line. It has been suggest.ed first of the season In Narberth, the An Appreciation. INarbrook . . . . 1 2 .333 of "Our Towll," published weekly at
that possLbly arrangements could be Narberth Reserve team defeated the I During the past week one of our Montgomery 0 3 .000 Narberth, Pa., required by Act of
made with the directors of the Y. M. Highland Park elev.en. Features of kind friends sent us a wagon load I August 24, 1912.
C. A. to provide a room for a Sunday the gam.e were the fine generalship of I of wood. The open fire place f.eels Are )'on coming to the base bal Editor-Harry A. Jacobs, Narberth,
evening meeting. This would very Frank Winne at quarterback, and the good this time of year and we can banqneU Pa.
satisfactorilY solve th.e problem of a line charging of John Lacey. Bill always use wood. of Managing Editor-Harry A. Jacobs,
meeting place, and would help along Jefferies, playing at left halfback, was Night SCllOOL T]w Evan~el Circle King's Narberth, Pa.
a very good work. Injured in the fourth period. The Young man, why not put one or two Dllug],ters wJll llOld a fair In the Business Manager-Harry A. Jacobs,
Associate EcUtor. score was Narberth, 18; Highland nights a week to some real value; Community Room of the Y. M. C. A. Narberth, Pa.
Park, O. Line-up: Had you thought of night school. Building, Thursday, October 26th. af· Publisher-Narberth Civic Assocla-
Narberth.' HI g hI an d P ar.
k Can you Imag Ine wllat a winter's ternoon I1nd evenin"'. .. There will be tion, Narberth, Pa.
Brockmeyer .. l.eft end J. Smith course will do for you? Do you want on lIale aprons, fancy and useful sr· Owners-Narberth Civic Association.
NOTICE. Odell left tackle Barnes to Improve your tiIWl in a way that ticles, also candy and ]lOme baking. Officers-President, A. J. Loos; vlce-
Rose left guard Ralph you wlIl advance In more ways than presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. Wil-
Everyone Is cordlaIlY invited to t er It i h one.?
attend the opening meeting of the Anderson cen liams, James Artman: secretary
D. Lac.ey right guard Cole Drop In at the Y. M. C. A. and see and treasurer, Frank J. Wisse.
Community Club. Friday evening, Harsch. . . .. right tackle Snyder Seoretary Hampton. He has l1tera- President, MT'S. W. M. Cameron; Directors-George H. Henry, W. Ar-
October 27, at the Y. M. C. A. Jenkins right end Cook ture of the Central Y. M. C. A. Educa- vice-president, Mrs. C. P. Fowler; thur Cole, Frederick L. Rose, A.
Mr. J. B. ehamberlaln, secretary Winne quarterback Connors tlonal Institute-the Drexel Institut.e, recording secretary, Mrs. Wm. Livlng- E. Wohlert, George M. Colesworthy,
of the Civic and Equity League of W. Jefferies . left halfback Yocum Temple University and the Public ston; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mrs. William S. Horner, Mrs.
Philadelphia, wll1 deliver an Inter- L. Smith .. right halfback .. CampbelI Evening Schools. We are here to Roy Clarke; treasurer, Mrs. W. C. George M. Henry, Fletcher W.
esting lecture entitled "The Iniqui- J. Lacey , fullback Moore "serve." "HoMst, sober, industrious Pollock, Jr. E H C G
ties of Civilization." b t th e Chal Stites, . A. Muschamp, . . ara,
TouchdownS-Winne, 2; L. Smith. employes are goo d to h ave, u os rmen. Henry Rose, Edward S. Haws, Mrs.
As an added attraction the Berna Subs-Compton for D. Lacey; D. who are ideal have one other quality Gymnasium-Mrs. E. Hurth. Roy E. Clark, WllIlam D. Smedley,
Concert Company has been secured Lacey for Jenkins; Jenkins for W. and that is ambition." Civics-Mrs. W. Arthur Cole. Mrs. Lester W. Nickerson.
to entertain the club members. A .Jefferies. Referee-P. Redifer, Nar- Foot Ball Election&. Membership-Mrs. Harry Hartley.
most enjoyable evening is assured. l-terth. Umpire-G. Humphreys, Haver- At the foot ball rally last Wednes- House-Mrs. James Ford Donnelly. (Signed) HARRY A. JACOBS,
FEEL FREE TO INVITE MEM- .ord Prep. Head linesman-L. Jef- day evening Mr. Jas. G. Foote was Legisla.tion-MIrs. Edward Mus- Business Manager.
BERS OF FAMILIES THAT HAVE "eries, Peddle Institute. elected manager, and Mr. Chas. En- cbamp. Sworn to and subscribed before me
RECENTLY MOVED TO NAR- Next week's game-Overbrook A. C. singer, assistant manag,er. Press-Mrs. C. T. Moore. this eleventh day of October, 1916.
BERTH. TO THEM NO ADMIS- You will see other foot ball notes (Seal) Walter M. Barber,
Are you comIng to the base ball in this issue. We are goIng to have
some foot ball season.
Are you comIng to the base ball
My commission expires Feb. 6, 1919.

"Every member present at the prayer
meeting." ALEnERFROM Dr. W. M. CAMERON
Wednesday, November l-Church
meeting to elect a deacon. REPORTER "CUB" DENTIST
Merion Meeting House is opened for
worship every Frlst-day at 11 A.
ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCIL To the Editor of Our Town: Arcade Building Acute Poliomyelitis
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. Now I know what is meant by the
A registry book Is kept for visitors. Gas AdlDln".ered An ounce of prevention is worth
neve Andrew S. Burke, Pastor. '''sad days." Wh.en the leaves begin a thousand pounds of cures. For
All are asked to register their names. to fall, daddy's fancy naturally turns Artistic Hairdressing, Electrical Treatment, further prevention, see our window
The services at All Sa.lnts' P. E. to thoughts of winter and he wonders American Wave :lIlanlcurlng
ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH. how he's going to get by with coal at
Early Mass on Sunda.y trom April
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood
l!1t to October 31st at C.ilO A. :'If. From
Noyember 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M.
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol-
8 A. M.-Holy communion.
$8, the whole family demanding new
overcoats and shoes, flour $10 a bar- Scalp Treatment. Facial Massage. Dyeing.
rel, Thanksgiving In the offing with Bleaching. Clipping, Singeing, Shampooing,
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M, throughout the 9.45 A. M.-Sunday school. turkey soaring (I mean the price), 242 Haverford Ave., Narberth The Prescription Druggist
year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and 11 A. M.-Mornlng prayer with ser- and then he reads this: "Do your Phone. Narberth 302-,7
8.30 A. M. WeekdaYs at 8. Evening mon. Christmas shopping early." But cheer ----------~---
devotions and other services at regular 4 P. M.-Evenlng prayer. up, brother! Ws pretty nearly the rLEAN.••SAFE••.WHOLESOME JAMES G. SCANLIN
times. same story every year and It wouldn't II
be any different If you had ten Contracting Painter
THE PRESBYTEIUAN as much as you have. It mig h t b e OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED

--- (Continued trom First Page) worse. Think of the guy who has to ' _ Narberth. Pa.
Rev. Jolm Van Ness, .....
.....In Ister. The annual sermon to the Narberth support an automob IIe. ,. , Estimates , Telephone
--- Base Ball Champions will be given by -- Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES "
The meetings for next Sunday are
as follows:
the Rev. John Van Ness In the Pres-
byterian Church on the fifth of Novem-
No, Caldwell & Company are not in BrYnelo~~lkCertUled WEST PUILA.
the jitney business. They meet all (Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
Iloward F. Cotter
10.00 A. M.-Sunday School. A ber. This is also the first Sunday In trains and give joy rides to all those Special "Guernsey" MERION
place and a welcome for all. November. The service for the Main requesting them, free of charge. Milk WYNNEFIELD 'M'EATS of
n.oo A. M.-Morning worship, In-
fant baptism. The pastor wlll preach
Line Champions will be held In the
evening, and it Is hoped that a large
Plnchback Holme will forego his
(Roberts· '" Sharple_' BALA-CYNWYD
on the theme, "Religion in the number wlll be present to hear Mr. annual trip to Bermuda this year in Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE Y. M. c. A. BUILDING
Home. Par.ents are especially in- Van Ness' sermon, which will surely quest of onions. He Is afraid of sub- WYNNEWOOD ,---------------
7.00 P. M.-Union Young People's
be Interesting. marines and seasickness and wll 1 wa It
for low tide or until they build a
Table aDd Whipping
Cream. ======= , eorge B. Suplee
meeting In the Baptist Church. Miss Augusta Blspham Witherow bridge.
Leader furnished by the Methodist entertained at cards on Tuesday after- -- _
SCOTT POWELL DAIRIES' Stearn & H t W t Heating
Society. I noon. Among tlle guests invited ,,'ere: Charley Noel was absent from the
7.45-Unlon meeting in the Baptist Misses Mildred Harris, Madeline Mc- fire house fifte.en minutes last week, Bell Telephone.
Church. Rev. John Van Ness will de- Coy Jane Laird Marian Trotter Mar-
liver the sermon. Theme, "The gar~t Eyre Ruth Jones, Eleano~ WIl-
Do not blame me for this: Dun
45th and Parrish Sts.
son ElIz~beth Speakman, Carolyn minus Reed equals Done.
Sychar Reviva)."
Church Notes. 'IIrw'ln, Edythe Humphreys, Dorothy
More than $130 was placed on the Durbin, Virginia Downes, Lydine
Dave Stickney walked to Over- Try a Pound of C. P. COOK
collection plates last Sunday morning; Bolich, Hel,en Duff. Betty McCay, brook Sunday. What's the matter,

been promised. The generous resp6nge

for the Armenian RelLef Fund. A Agnes Rose, Jean Justice. Marjory Dave, doesn't the pass work on the

I ---
number of other contributions h av ? Chase and Mrs. R. S. Toughill. Sabbath?
I ---
HOME MADE FUDGE Anthracite Coal
to the appeal is very gratifying. Trying to leap on a train as it was Was this a misprint : "Girl wanted H. E. DAVIS WOOD AND
The annual .election of elders and I moving out of Ardmore station, on the Ifor general house shirk." I ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::! BUILDING SUPPLIES
deacons takes. places on Wednesday Pennsylvania Railroad, toward the, --- ,.
evening of tillS week. Every member city Monday night, Jacob Muench, of The thought occurred to your re- nALA·CYNWYD CLUB
of the church should be present. Fifty-second and Media streets, was porter, while walking down Ch.estnut
The Mission Study class will hold dragged and then fell between the street Saturday afternoon, that we
Narberth, Pa.
the first meeting of this Fall next latform and the wheels. He was might in time become resigned to the The Bala-Cy.nwyd Neig~borhOod

Mrs . Van Ness. All ladies are dl in- tram' was s t oppe.
d D r. W a Iter I . Stel' n only wash their necks.
Monday afternoon at the 'home of ~olled over several times before the whitewash and red Ink, If th.ey would Club held. its mnth a~nual dmner at
the ArcadIa, new Widener Building,
You will find a varlets of
I · Th
vlted. Mrs. S. W. Foster has kin .y found that the man had been Injured
consented to be the leader of thiS
1 b ck a d was sufferin also
on t 1e a n . . g
"Cub." on Tu.esday evenmg of this week.
dinner committee, of which Robert
Patrick was chairman, established a
A ~ew society has be.en organized from cuts and brUises on Ius legs and, Are )'011 coming to the base ball record in the quality of fOOd and en- AND OTHER TASTY CAKES
.. by the younger married women of the hands. i
banflueU tertainment prOVided.' Wllliam A. Mc-
At Miesen's
congrlegatlFon:d The fir1st ~:~~ngh:X:: The Delta Sigma Sorority wishes to 1 Y. M. c. A. tcanntm' prteSride~tm~fngtht~C~Up~~:~::~:: EVERY SA1URDAY
held ast rl ay even ng e publicly thank all those who so kindly __ oas as e .
of the pastor. The following 'lfficers helped to make their "home bake" a' Board of Directors. Brigadier General William .C. Price, Try Our Sticky Cinnamon Bons
were elected:, President, Mrs.G O. W
L. success an d w Is h es t 0 an nounce that I
H . S. H opper presl'd en'
t C. E . Jr., In command of the dPhiladelphia h We guarantee the purity of our Ice
Hampton; secretary, Mrs. . . they are now receiving funds for th.elr Kreamer vice-pr~sident; D. 'D. Stlck- tr?ops at the Mexican bor er, who as Cream. All orders pro!nplly attended to.
Braden; treasurer, Mrs. C. L. War-
wi k J
"X b
mas oxes.
"Th e "boxes" are dls- I t '
es ney, reasurer,
. R L B tt
. . ea y,
G M just returned from the front. In
. . responding to a toast "our troops on
c, r . . _ t.rlbuted among the various hospitals Henry, J. S. Harris, E. S. Haws. Dr. the Mexican Bor<Ler," General Price P. MIESEN, Confectioner
and settlements wh~re they.are most R. C. Hoffman, W. D. Smedley, T. c·1
stated that the sending of the troops
needed. Any contribution m money Trotter, A. J. Loos, T. R. COggeShall" to the front was not a political move UNCLAIMED LETTERS AT
"The Little Church on the HilL" may be sent to Miss Edythe Hum- J. G. Walton, I. T. Ward. Vernon as has frequently been contended, but NARBERTH POST OFFICE
_ phreys, Qr In substance to any mem- Fleck, CarrOl Downes, G. H. GllIord, was absolutel nee.essary to preserve
Rev. C. G. Koppe], Pastor. b~r of the soro~lty. Any contribution E. E. Seaver, J. B. Esenweln. Frank the peace alO~g the border line. He M. P, Sakuke, 2; Miss Grace Erb.
___ Will be most highly appreciated. StOM. also spoke of the precautions taken Miss M. E. Doyle, Sara Davidson, Mrs.
Sunday services: --- Board of Managers. to protect the health of th.e soldiers, Alfred R. Drescoll, Mrs. Wm. W.
9.45-Sunday School. A well organ- The monthly meeting of the Men's Monday night-Daniel Lletch, Mem- and declared that not a man was lost Farion, Mrs. H. W. Fairfield, Mrs. H.
Ized school with efficient teachers for Bible Class of the Methodist Church Ibershlp Manager. by reason of sickness acquired through J. Hare, J. M. Louden, Miss Sadie
all ages. We welcome all strangers. was held on Tuesday evening, October Tuesday night-Samuel W. Foster. service. contrasting this with the con- Metoxen, Mrs. Edw. T. Maguire. Mrs.
n.OO-Mornlng worship. Sermon 17th, at the home of the vice-president Educational and Religious Work Man- dlUon of the soldiers In camp at the H. H. Needles, Mrs. Jos. Robinson,
by the pastor. Selections by chorus of the class, E. G. Dodge, 502 Essex ager. time of the Spanish-American war. Miss M. Van Dever, Miss E. W.
choir. . avenue. In addition to other import- Wednesday nlght-R. G. Savlll, In discussing the question of the Everlt.
7.00-Young people's meeting in the ant business transacted; nominations House Manager. necessity of being prepared for Edward S. Haws, Postmaster.
Baptist Church. for officers for next year were made Thursday night-F. W. Stites, Social emergencies, General Price referred
8.M-Unlon church service of local and a committee was appointed to ar- Work Manager. I
to a new law which It was proposed C010UTTEES FOR 1916.1917
churches held In the Baptist Church.
The Rev. John Van Ness. speaker.
Strangers are especially Invited to
range for the annual banquet. The
class has been very fortunate In se- Manager.
curing the services of Mr. Bartholo-
Friday night-H. C. Gara, Financial to pass, making an allowance. to pri-
vates and officers in the National
Saturday night-Fred Rose, Ath- Guard, such as would reasonably com-
Specla] Dance March 17tJl, Mask.
attend this service and help foster the mew as teacher. A cordial invitation letic Manager; T. R. Coggeshall, Gen- pensate them for th.e time spent in
spirit of Brotherhood. is extended to all men of the commun- eral Manager; O. L. Hampton, Execu-I drill 01" service He stated he be- November 17-Charles Bodansky C
8.00-Prayer service conducted by ity to attend the meetings of the class tlve Secretary. lIeved a law of this kind would have P. Fowler and John C. Holme. '
the pastor; come and pray for the on Sunday mornings at 10 o'clock. the effect of increasing our militia' December 15-Rezo Brooks, Andrew
Master's cause in Narberth. The ser- -- A WORD TO THE NEW RESIDENTS to 450,000, but If not, the only alterna- Greene and A. T. Grug,an.
vice last week was one of th.e most A number of Mr. Pugh's friends --- tlve would be a compulsory military January 19-L. D. 'Hess, Edwin P.
profitable and prayer ser- recently entered into a benevolent For the Information of the lately service by every able-bodied man for Dold and William J. Henderson.
vices In the experience of the church. conspiracy with Mrs. Pugh, to sur- arriving residents of Narberth we an- a period of probably six months im- February 16-Wllliam J. Klrk-
• November Events. prise him by assisting at the ceLebra- nounce again that to purchase postage mediately upon reaching a certain patrick, Carl B. Metzger and George
See announcement of activities pub- tlon of his birthday anniversarY on stamps and stamped envelopes in the age and providing suitable Rose.
lIshed elsewhere In Our Town. Sunday last, at his lovely home, 601 local post office Is of great advantage for' allY evasion of this duty. April 20-Raymond C. Jones. Chas.
Haverford avenue. This plot came to to the office as its advancement is Hon. Abram M. Beitler, formerly V. Noel and Robert G. SaVill.
EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. a happy culmination between four based upon the saLes. We aim to Judge of Common Pleas, No. I, of R. G. Savm,
--- and six o'clock, when twenty-five of be courteoUll and obliging. We also Philadelphia County, spoke on the President.
Rev. John Gordon, D. D., Acting his friends sud<LenlY appeared and want to do business with our patrons. subject of civil Improve.ment with par-
Pastor. overwhelmed him with their congrat- Edward S. Haws, Postmaster. t1cular reference to the needs of Tbe Evangel Clrc]e of KIng's
-- ulatlons and good wishes. Mr. Pugh Philadelphia. The next speaker was Daughters wlJI hold a fall' In the
Sunday services: withstood the shock smilingly and PARCELS POST CONVENTION BE- Dr. Arthur H. Quinn, dean of the Community Room of the Y. M. C. A.
9.45-Blble school, all classes. Men's apprecillitively, while Mrs. Pugh, a TWEEN THE UNITED STATES University of Philadelphia, whose topic Building, Thursday, October 26th, af-
and women's Bible classes. Every- most charming hostess, presided at AND CHINA. was "Playing In America," with ternoon and ,evening. Then! will be
body welcome, esp,eclally those who the generously provided r.efreshment --- special reference to dramatic art. He on sale aprons, fancy and useful ar-
are not attending any other school. table. Those present were: Mr. and A parcels post convention haVing strongly urged the recognition and ticles, also eandy and home bakIug.
Every scholar should make a special Mrs. Aubrey Bunting and Mr. A. A. been concluded between the United encouragement On the part of the pub- .
effort to be present. Stevenson of Ardmore; Mr. and Mrs. States and China to take effect Au- lie of our American talent along this
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng worship. Dr. W. E. WI;eback, of North Wales; Mr. gust 1st, 1916, parcels post packages line. Among other/gu.ests of the club
Gordon will preach on the subject, and Mrs. G. A. Doughten, of Haddon- wlll be admitted on and after that who sat at the speakers' table were
"The Shading Leaf." 'field, N. J.; Mr. Giovanni Davio, date to the parcel post malls for that representatives from the various other BUILD UP YOUR TOWN'
7.00 P. M.-Young people's meeting. Rome, Italy; Dr. and Mrs. O. E. country made up In and dispatched associations along the Main Line, Nar-
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Boericke, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith, from this country. Weight of a pack- berth being represented by our
Preaching by Dr. Gordon: subject, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Feger, Mr. and Mrs. age must be not more than 11 pounds burgess, Geo. M. Henry.
"Everlasting Things." All services Robert Radford, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. nor measure more than 3 feet 6 All those present united in pro-
Build UP Your Homo
wlIl 'be held to-day in the Sunday Rogers, Miss Elise Stokes and Mr. inches in length or 6 feet In length nouncfng the alIalr a great success. Don't forget that this Is a eom.
school room, as the church is being Frank Metzger, all of PhUa d epa, I hi and girth comb ine. d Rate of postage Our Town extends congratulations munlty keepersofandhome muers
that one and home
renovated. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Dothard, will be twelve cents per pound or to Bala and Cynwyd on the occasion MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is to

Tuesday, October 24, 8.00 P. M.- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Laos and Miss fraction thereof. Parcels post pack of the celebration of their ninth a.nnl-
Community Bible claes at the Y. M. Fanny Harwood LoosA of Narberth. ages for China may be registered. versary. and compliments them on
their rapid strides as well as the fra-
keep It so.
You ean aid materlaU, br
Ing 10ur shopping and marketing
·W~l1esday. October 26. 8.00 P. M.- Don't forget the base ball banquet Are rou eomlng to the base balI ternal and co-operative spirit shown with the achertlsen In this paper.
Prayer and praise service. Our motto: to be given to the Champions. banquet! 'in their efforts toward civil pro~ess. ..1

The film they use for motion pictures
The film that told the stories of Peary
and Scott
Moving Furniture and Hauling!
The film that is telling the story of Automobiles for Passenger Service
the war Night Trips When Ordered
The film that is always chosen for
important work. WAL TON BROS. Phone, Narberth 672
Eastman, the Dependable Film. We
sell it.
Capital Surplus Undi11ided Profits

HOWARD'S DRUe STORE $150,000 $/25,000 $75,000

COnly Eastman Agent in Narberth) WHY NOT BANK IN YOUR HOME TOWN?
MEAT~&PROVISIONS The Merion Title & Trust Co.
Blah Grade Butter
GET THE HABIT-Open an account with us. You can start an account
with an amount as low as ONE DOLLAR. You can add to it from time to
time to suit your convenience. A little put aside in a saving account is not
a talent buried. It is earning all the time; like heart-beats, it's work goes
on while you sleep. .
BEGIN NOW-If you only put two dollars a week by, you will have
HARRY B. WALL saved one hundred dollars in less than a year.
Open an account for your children. Get· them in the habit of saving.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting 3 % Interest Allowed on Saving Accounts. 2 % on theekfng Accounts
and Heating The Merion Title and Trust Company
NARBERTH. PA Narberth Office, Arcade Building. Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Friday
evenings, 7 until 9.

Prime Meats POST OFFICE NOTES Arrhal.

Home Dressed Poultry, Buller. Eggs and Game. More than three thousand persons 6.00 A. M.-East and through west
Fancy FrUIt and Vegetables. "A STORE FOR
PARTICULAR PEOPLE:' receive mall through the Narberth 6.43 A. M.-East and throug,b west Burgess-Geo. M. Henry. President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec·
Te ephone. NARBERTH. PA. post office. It is difficult to remem- 8.59 A. M.-Local west Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold. retary, Charles V. Noel; financial
----------------1 ber them all. By having your box 10.37 A. M.-East and through w('st Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel.
H. C. FRITSCH number placed on your mall you will 11.50 A. M.-East and through west Tax Collector-James F. sherron.
secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer,
Carden Warner; chief engineer,
Properties For Bent and Sale aid in having the mall cased up 12.26 P. M.-Local west Street commissioner-W. S. McClel·
Fire Ins1ll'llDce without delay. 11.37 P. M.-East and through west Ian. Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engin-
Ben Phone 869 W. 3.26 P. M.-Local west Building Inspector - J. Howard eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en-
Wan Bnlldlng. Narberth, P.. Printed stampel1 envelopes may be 4.37 P. M.-East and through w.est Smedley. gineer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant
secured at the post office at the fol- 6.37 P. M.-Local west Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites. engineer, H. B. Wall; fourth as-
lowing prices: Departure. Constable-Fred. Walzer. sistant engineer, A. Vt. Needham.
n. 500 I-cent envelopes •.•.•••••••• $5.62 6.43 A. M.-Local west
500 2-cent envelopes ••..•••••••• $10.62 8.59 A. M.-East and through west
Detective Bureau These envelopes are of first quality. 10.37 A. M.-Local west
The name and address of purchaser 10.47 A. M.-East and through west
neatly printed in upper left hand cor- 12.26
ner, with request to return in
da~'s. Note the price.
M.-East and through west
M.-Local west
M.-East and through west
Narberth Register
LOSSES fROM LF.AKS PREVENTED Edward S. Haws, 4.37 P. M.-Local west Two Line., IOc per i••ae; Sc for each atItIitionalline
Postmaster. 6.37 P. M.-East and through west
Don't forget the base ball banquet 6.59 P. M.-East and through west Stites, Fletcher lV. 413 Haverford ave.
to be ghen to the Champions. Private correspondence as well as Sunday. I
Green, Andre:cCOUNTANTS Phone. 372-'V. Phlla. address, Crozer Bldg.
--NOW IS I;T8E TIME TO \that for busi~ess purposes should be ~:~~:t~ ~~~ -;.~. K:I~,heH:nC: ave. Phone, moM. Ca.e, A. 1\1. Phone, 302-J. ~
.J marked showmg to where it should I 202 Dudley ave.
See display advertisement In this Issue.

Duy a Horne I
be returned, if undelivered at post Lanahan, Frederic A. Uo)·les'. Phone. 398,
office of address. If this precaution- CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY 205 Io'orrest ~;;V~~I~I~~·R. See display advertisement
Cotter, Howard F. Phone, 1298.
In this Issue.
ary measure could be generallY ob- I OF POSTAL MONEY ORDERS. C<l1P. W. Arthur. Phone. 632-R. See display advertisement In this Issue
Before Prices Advance served it would greatly assist post I Ideas, Plans, ~~~iI~~cilPograPhY. Crist. ]<·mnk. Phone, 644-'V.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
office officials in the handling of The attention of the patrons of the Wallace and Warner, Real Est. Tr. Co. I\I1LK
mail matter. Narberth Post Office is called to the "'lie)',
convenience of sending money by pos-
Phlla. H.Phone, Walnut 2353.
108 Merion ave. Phone, 373.
Seott-Powell Dairies. Phone, Preston 2398.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
..d 1. tJ11 nIl comnTTEES OF COUNCIL. tal money order. The following low Koro:..~f~~~Fcc;~er:_,;:"D BUILDERS Loa., F..nny II. Plano Teacher and Aecom-
panlst. 417 Haverford ave. Phone, 316-J
tFl,Cfl:Jan 11(' lUontz Finance and Law Committee-A. P'I rates are charged for sending sums to 107 Chestnut ave. Phone. 608. "'entx, A. 1\1. Phone, 604. .
(l J' Redifer, W. D. Smedley, H. D. Narri- any money order post office In the 1\lIe.en. P. Phone~~S See display advertisement In this Issue.

'11/ gan.
Highway Committee-H. D. Narri-
gan, F. L. Rose, Robert Saville.
I United States:

or orders from
$.01 to
$2.50, Q
See display advertisement
BANKS In this Issue. Fenton. Carl F. 506 Essex ave. Phone, 638-W.
.. l\Ierlon Title it Tru.t Co. Phone, Ardmore 3. Zl'ntnla"9f'r,
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Phlla. address. 1806 Chestnut st
Frank. •
N 6 ARCADE BUILDING 1 cents I R1UenboUHe TtuHt Co. 1323 Wanutl St. Phlla. 125 'Vlnsor ave. Phone. 651-J.
Phone, 604 Narberth I
I Police and Health-W. D. Smedley, I
I • $ 5 $5 5 Phone, \V"I. 4041. See display adv. In lIartman, Wm. II.

CAD IA F. L. Rose, Robert Caville.
Water, Fire and Light-F. L. Rose,
William J. Henderson, Robert Saville.
From 2. 1 to , cents.
From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.
From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.
this Issue.
728 Montgomery a,'e. Phone, 328.
Smedle)', Wnt. ~'i!I~~~R~oo.
104 Dudley ave, Phone, 641-W.
Cole. James R.
246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1225-J.

A CBESTNUT.Bel.l41th St Ordinance-William J. Henderson,l From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents. WaJzer. Fred.

117 Winsor ave. Phone, 1247-J.
'Finest Photoplay The- F. L. Rose. Robert Saville. From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents. See dlspla~' advertisement In this Issue. I'AISTDIG, ETC.
.Ii .treEo0ttlIrtsewSlo:Zreldln. the From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents. Da"ls, H. E. Phone,CANDY,1254-"'.
ETC. Scanlin. James G. Phone. 1299.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Photoplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.30 \ddresslng I'arcel Post P lcknges From $50.01 to $60, 20 cents. See display. advertlsen,'ent I,! this Issue. PAPER IIANGERS
P. M. J I • From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents. I CARPE~TERS AND BUILDERS "'ute, Geo. A. 320 'Voodblne ave.
PhUa. P..
• pIt
arce pos pac ages s lOU
1 ld b
e a -
d I , 0
From 75.01 to $10 , 30 cents.
Same fees as quoted above charged
I·Jenklns. Cha.. L.
103 Dudley ave, Phone. 382-1Il.
Phone, 1203- 'V. First-class work.
Foster, Samuel lV.
dressed plainly. The sender's n a m e ·
h Id b
S ou
Itt ill for remittances to a number of foreign
e wr en nconsp cuous y on countries. Orders are paid at 52000
ICook, C. P. Phone, 302-W.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
131 lIlerlon ave. Phone, 1233-J.
16th a'nd Chestnut sts,. Phlla.
WEEK OF OCTOBElt 23RD the upper left hand corner of the ' Cameron, Dr. W. 1\1. Phone. 344-111. See display a<!vertlsement In this Issue.
eel Th address and return card post offices in the United States. Re-, See display advertisement In this Issue.
mitto.nces received in this way are Orr, Dr. A. I,. 101 Elmwood a,'e. Phone, 393-W. Suplee, G('(). PLUIIIBING. ETC. 4
I\londa3', Tuesday and "·edne.daY Pa r . e B. Phone, 1289.
H. B. WARNER and DOROTJlY DALTON on a parcel should appear but once, i f h t bU h i Phil". Phone, Filbert 4252, Keith Bldg. See display advertisement In this Issue.
Triangle Presents and that In the same relative posi- conven ent . or mere an s, pu s ers' , DRUGGISTS Wall. n. B. Phone, 319-.1.
. seedsmen msurance companies, etc., Fiedler s. Phone. 625. See display advertisement In this Issue.
In Fll'Ilt Showlng of lion as a letter with return c a r d ' j See display advertisement In thl. Issue. REAL ESTATE
Thul'llday. Io"rlday and Saturda)'
Id b
e prepare
d f ili
or ma ng.
Edward S. Haws, POlltmllJlter. IHousekeeper'•. Phone, 304-W.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Howard's. Phone. 1267.
it Co. Phone. 1271·W.
display advertisement In this Issue.
IIAVE YOUR MAIL ADDRESSED See display advertisement In this Issue. Frltseh. n. C. Phone, 252-W.
Triangle present. See display advertisement In this Issue.
In First Sbowlnll" of the Tho.. H. Ince TO YOUR BOX UJILD N~ERS. Stamps are on sale of every de-I 1'ulI"h. Veri.' 225ELECTRICIANS
nomination from one cent to fifteen I lona ave.
Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard. Phone, 163·J.
Justice, F. 1\1. Phone, 371-R.
See display advertisement In this tssue.
Production Patrons of the post office should cents except eleven and fourteen; (iARDNEUS Godfre)·. Wm. B.
114 'Voodslde ave, Phone, G85-W.
"FIFTY·FlFTY." endeavor to have their mail addressed also a' plentiful supply of postal cards, Yowell Fisher·ave. Phone, 334-J.
101 Conway Nash. Rob.,rt .J. Phone, 605.
Money for First and Second Mortgages.
lllAIN PRODUCTION STARTS 10.00 A. 1\1.. to their box numbers, as d elays are stamped envelopes and newspaper Yow.,II, J. D. Yost. "·m. E.
11.40 A. 1\1., 1.20, 3.00, 4.415, 6.30, 8.15, 10.00 frequently caused in the delivery of . 95 Winsor ave. Phone, 392-J. 209 Chestnut ave. Phone. 1285-W.
letters due to the address being sim- wrappers. GARDEN NURSERIES ROOFING. ETC.
P. JI.
ply given as Narberth, even when f
Prices of stamped envelopes:
25 1c enve10pes........ $ .28 I Wohlert. A. E. Phone,
See displayHARDWARE,
advertisementETC. In this Issue.
Gara-l\leGinley Co. Phone. 1258-W.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
IIll11er, John A. 243 lana ave. Phone, 661-.r.
Why nof keep warm the.e cool street and number is given i t i s re- 100 Ie envelopes 1.10 I Rlekllns'. Phone, 319-W. Shop, 246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1225-J.
moming. antI eueninp besitIe a quently necessary ·to look up il the 25 2c e nvelopes . . . • . • . . 53 ., See display advertisement
WetherllI, 111188 Maude E.
Ricklin Perfection name in d i rectory b e fore th e ma can
be cased up, causing extra work as
100 2c envelopes .•.•.... 2.10 \ Walton Bro•. Phone, 672.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
200 Dudley ave. Phone. 1260·R.
Zentmayer. I\II"s. Phone. 651-.1.
Portable Oil Heater? we11 as necessary d e ay. Narberth Is fast becoming a busi- IBowman, Samuel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 653-W.
See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.
Phone or call at ness as weI 1 as a res id enti a 1 t own. IBurkhardt, !\Illler. Phone, 659-M. P. O. Box, The above Is a new department, and In
203)Haverford Avenue New ventures are frequent, the lat-I L. (Life, Fire, Accident, Health, Auto, etc,) order that It shaH be of the largest use
to the community the list should contain
est being a Talking Machine Shop in IJO~;:'N~h;:'r~~th ave. Phone, 696-W. the name of every profesBional man. trades.
OUB TOWN will gladlY print I
the Arcade. It will not be long be- Jones, Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone, man, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc" who doe.
or can In any Way serve his feHow·towns-
Modern Homes any neWB Item about auy subject fore our residents will have no ex- 680-J. Phlla. address, Penn Mutual Bldg. men.
Snyder, ltobt. As It Is dlmeult for those contributing
that Is of Interest to Narberth
folkB, but In order to meet
cuse for making their purchlllS'es in
the c i ty, as merc h an di se 0 f a 11 ki n d s I
I 313 Woodside ave. Phone, 383.
Trotter Bros. (Fire, etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R.
their time and etrorts to the produotlon of
"Our Town" to personaHy either know or

WM. D. SMEDLEY -manuscripts-must reach the o ug'"u.

the printing sch&lule, all "copy" will be on sale right here in the bor-,
Gilroy, John, 211 Essex ave. Phone, 1246·R. Hst would
Philo.. address. Lincoln Bldg.
Henry, Geo. M. 107 Chestnut ave. Phone, 608.
Interview aH such, It would be most help-
ful If those not now found In the printed
send In 0. memO of their name, ad·
dr~II8, phone number and bustne.... or p."..
BuDder editor by 8 P. M. MouilAy eaeb feSlllon, for listing. This will cost &II follows:
Don't forget the bBlle ball banquet, 8eheU. add~ess, Finance Bldg.
Philo..Horace 10 cents each Issue for 2 lines; 6 cents tor
DOB't forget the base ball banquet :.... week. :to be glTen to the Champions. l 208 Sabine ave. Phone, 1245·W. each additional line.
to be given to the QhamplonB. ,L

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