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On Monday evening. May 22nd, at
CHOSEN BY LARGE MAJORITY 8 o'clock, there wl1l be a very fine or-
gan recital at All Saints' P. E.
BON AIR, 8-7
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood
The School Board at its meeting Monday evening, May 15, counted the avenues. Charlie Humphreys Stars-
informal votes on location of the new school building, and announce
the resnlt as followR:
This will be under the direction of i Has Perfect Day at Bat
Mr. J. Phillips ROWland, the church
Total nunlher of votes cast. " " . . .. 353 organist and choirmaster. assisted by
For Plan lI:o. 1.................................... 249 the choir and other talented musi- The !\'arberth champions defeated
For Plan I\o. 2.................................... 102 cians. the Bon Air team on Bon Air's fie1<l
For Plan !\'o. 3.................................... 2 Those who attended the last organ in a very rugged and drawn out game.
:\Iajority for Plan lI:o. lover all ..................• 145 recital at the church are looking for- It was not until the last inning that
Percentage of total vote for Plan i\'o. 1.......... 70th per cent. ward to this one with great pleasurp.. the lI:arherth team won out. as the
In accordance with their agreement, the board will at once take the as they know Mr. Rowland has ar- Bon Airites were in the lead by one
necessary \,ega I steps, and arrange for a loan to be voted for at the next rangell a very beautiful program. Beit)" Bllxtl2r's Gossip.
run when successive hits by Vernon
regUlar election this fall. lI:o tickets are being sold. but an Flec!<. Barker, Charlie Humphreys
The Faculty of i\'arberth Schools for the next year, so far as select.~d. Mr. anll Mrs. Stuart McClellan, of
offering will be taken up in the and Davis scored two runs which gave
is constituted as follows: Woodside avenue, spent last week in
church. lI:arberth the game.
Principal-William T. Melchior.
We hope ~'ou will take advantage The Boroughites were forced to put Asbury Park, I\. J.
:\Iathematies-Miss Anna Sailor.
of this recital, as it will be the last a patchell up line up owing to the
French and German-Miss Elizaheth Snyder. Mr. Daniel M. Houghton and
English-Miss Grace Turn,er. one for this season. absence of several regUlars, but the
Come and bring several friends. subs were there in the right time. family have taken up their resid.ence
3cience-Mr. William l':::shlen1Un.
Latin-Not ~'et chosen. Much to the llelight of the loyal at 500 Woodside avenue.
}:Ieml'ntllr)' Hrades. rooters, Vernon Fleck was in his old
A TALK O~ OI'llDI pla(~e at iel't field, and started the rally i\lr. J. H. LYbarger, of Uniontown,
Supervisor Music and Art-Miss Helen Wilson. AND WESTERX filCH by a douhle to right field in the ninth Pa., has moved to Narberth with his
Physical Cultur,e-Not yet chosen. family and will live at 101 Price ave-
Domestic Science-Miss Anna E. Fryer. inning.
On Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, nue.
Elementary Department-Miss N'ellie Wetherill. The Bon Airs were the first to score,
Dr. Edgar Shields, of the University
Elementar~' Department-Miss Ada Cla~'ton. putting two runs over in the second
of Penns~'lvania, will give an interest- Mrs. Robert Byers, of Philadelphia,
Elementary Department-Miss Margaret Kemery. inning on two hits and a couple of
ing talk in the Community Club Room, has be,en visiting Mrs. A. K. Siler, of
Elementary Department-Miss Anne Cooper. errors. They increased their runs two
Y. M. C. A., on his personal .ex- \\'ynnewood avenue.
Elementar~' Department-Miss Ida Read. periences with the opium traffic in more in the next inning on a base
Secretary and Elocution-Miss Mary Melchior. Western China. He will explain in on balls anll thre~ sing.~es. ~ar~er~h Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, of
Supervisor of Lunch Room-Mrs. Alfred R. Justice. detail how opium is grown, its effects sc?red Ol~e run III theIr ha a t Ie Philadelphia, expect to lUOVe in their
The board wiII lose the services of the following very efllcient and how it is brought into the coun- thIrd innlllg when Bowen was safe: new hOIlle at 103 Merion avenue this
teachers: try. He will also show some souvenirs on McMonigle's error. Walter Hum- 'week
Physical Culture-Miss LaRue McGowan. of his trip. It is hoped all the mem- phries then dOUbled, advancing Bowen .
Elementary Grade--Mr. Ellgar Kehler. bers and their friends will avail them- to third. who scored on Koon's sacri- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Peas-e. of Seat-
Elementar~' Grade-Miss Mary McCarter. selves of this opportunity of hearing ficed fly. tle, Wash., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
--------------.,..,...~--------------~ __ I
Dr. Shields. Come early and bring The game was anybOlly's first one Clement Booth, of I\arberth and
being in the lead and then the other Vvoodside avenues.
-! you I' friends.
nomI I~ XAUUERTH ::UnUt::UTII ASSlmnLY. when the ninth inning Came and I\ar-
REAL ESTATE. berth was one run to the bad, when Mr. Frank VI·. Bergman and family
--- I A very enjoyable and successful "Has the bell rung?" Y. 1\1. C. ex-Captain Fleek started the rally' have moved into 127 l':::lmwood ave-
Caldwell & Company. Narberth's en- season of the Narberth Assembly was A. Gym.• May 20. . with a double, and Barl<er singled, nue.
terprising real estate brokers, report' iJrought to a close with the last dance 'scoring Jo'leck. Charlie Humphreys'
lots of business these last few days. 'of the series on Friday evening, April , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . , then poled his second single of the
The following houses have been rent- ' 28th. The committee in charge for
I Mr. John D. Haas, formerly of
game. scoring Barker, 'while Hum- Merion, has rent,ed 303 Gra~"ling ave-
cd: the e\'eniug consisted of Mr. and Mrs. WHY STAY 1I0lUE 'plll'e~'s himse\[ was caught at the nue.
500 "Woodside avenue. 'Charles Y. Noel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SrXDA y EYE~IXG? plate on Davis' single, while Ensinger 'I
127 ElmWOOd avenue" ,G. Sa\"i1l and Mr. George ROse. ellllecl the inning, by fouling to the Mr. Charles A. McBride and family,
103 Merion avenue. A mee~ing, of the committee which catcher. of Philadelphia. have moved to :"ar-
303 Grayling avenue. ; had charge of tile dances during .thd UI'SIC 1\ ~n •SI ~ ('IN. 'G 0'"£.''IF'RIT
., The Bon Air tribe looked dangerous: berth and will live at 227 I\orth Essex
227 Essex avenue. 'seaRon was held on T ues d ay evenmg, in their half of the ninth inning, when' avenue.
101 Price avenue. 'i\lay 9th. at which time the committee after two were out, McMonigle doubled
123 Woodside avenue. I deeided to give to the members of the
and Kane singled. which was too short 1\11'. Henry C. MUller, of Ardmore,
'Villiams avenue hOllse. : Assembly an informal dance on the ORCUX R HTI'A I,. )IISS 'UXTZ
for McMonigle to score, Harrison then' has Illlrchased 224 Forr.est a\·enue.
Those sold were: ,evening of May 24th, in Elm Hall. cIIonrs cllom AXn SOI,0ISTS enrle{l the game by flying out to Davis.
212 Woodbine avenue. ,Ca rds admitting couples not members at short. 1\11'. Frank C. Eves and family wlll
224 Forrest avenue. ! can be obtained from any member of
so~n SI~m'ICE Of' }'AJIII,IAU
speIHI the Hummer at 123 Woodside
: the committee or the secretary, Wm. I\ARBERTH.
IInI~S a \'enue, lI:arberth.
i J. Henderson. R. H. O. A. E.
sn'FIt,Ha; l'IEETI~G. , The committee reorganized for the nnmF, lIEJ,}'fTL AHDRl:SS W. Humphreys, 2b. 1 1 4 3 1, 1\11'. and 1\Irs. Harry .T. Bogert. of
season of 1916-17 as follows: Messrs. l\I!.:Clellan. 3b. . 0 1 0 2 0 111 Rockland avenue, have moved to
The quarterly meeting of the Mont- Hezo Brookes, Charles Bodansky, C. Koons, c 0 0 6 3 0 :"ew York.
gomery County 'Vomen's Suffrage 1 P. Fowler. Andrew Green, A. T. Gru- )U:TIlOIHST CIIUHCU Fleck, If 1 1 1 0 0
party was held at the Hotel Hamilton, gan, L. D. Hess, John C. Holme, 'W. Barker. cf. 1 1 1 1 1 MI'. and Mrs. W. Sherman :i\IcClel-
I\orristown, Pa.• May 10th. Suffrage .J. Kirkpatric!" Ray C. Jones, Carl B. C. HumphreYH. 1h. 1 2 11 0 1 Ian have tak,ell up their residence on
business matters were attended to at Metzgar, Charles V. i\oel. George WIII' )[188 IT? ]lavis. ss.
Ensinger. rf.
1 3
. " 2 Williams avenue, l"arberth.
the morning session, and after lunch- Hose. President, Robert G. Savill; 1 0 0
eon, we had the pleasure of listen- treasurer. Edwin P. Dohl; secretary, ------- - ,Bowen, p. . 2 0 0 4 1 \"ou will linll ('ver"bod)' going' nil to
ing to the following speakers: Mrs. WIll. J. Henderson. +++++++++++++++++++++.]0++++ i Ih(. org'llll reclt.lll at A.II Saints'
L. L. Smith, Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs.. 0&0 ++++++++++++-10++++++++++ - Totals 8 .,-
S _I 16 6 C'hurc!l next l'Ionday night. ,,"0 tickets
C. E. Martin, Mrs. J. Orine, Mrs. Pear- j ('O)nIr~I'l'I' fLl'H. hHln!!, sold, .lust lln ofil'ring ill the
dlnl·clt. 1'011 Cll11 not llt'l'orll to miss
sall and Dr. Mohr. It was a great i Tuesday, the 23rd, will be the last
pleasure to hear these ladies and learn meeting of the Community Club until No Premium "inan, cf.
H. H. O. A. E.
0 1 7 0 0
this muslclli trent.
of the work accomplished by our sis- Fall. There will be an important
For Admission to he
l\IcJlonigle. ss. .., 1 1 0 3 :l
A valuable Boston terrter belong-
tel' districts. 'Ve are sure that all husiness meeting before the talk of t Kane. If. . 0 1 1 1 0
ing to Mrs. W. B. Goodall. of DudleY
hearers were filled with new enthus- Dr. Edgar Shields, so be on hand: Harrison, c. . 2 2 5 4 1 avenue. is missing, and it is feared he
iasm and eagerness to do their share promptly at 3 o'clock.
for the 'Women's Suffrage party. _
I Second Annual Sinclair, 3b. 2 :~ 0 0 0 has heen stolen.
The Narberth delegation attending UlU'fUHAY PARTI'. Stunt Kirk. rf.
l\lorris, lb. .
:l 10
0 0
IContinued on Fourth Page)
this meeting was Mesdames C. Verna, I . . "
:K Towne. 'V. Dothard, A. Cole, E. I MISS Marjofle Dorrance COW1l1, of to be staged by the Women's GYlU- Swartz, 2h. . 1 1 4 5 4 lIowllrll·s Urllg Store Enlnrgl'd.
Cockrill and J. Wisse. Merion avenue, gave a party in honor nasium Class of the Y. M. C. A. Com- . Greenfield, P. . 0 1 0 2 0 The new drug store conducted by
The recent visit to Narberth of Mrs. of her twelfth birthday. The follow- munity Club, although the prestige: :'Ill'. W. B. Howard, on Haverford
Leonidus Beck, of Cynwyd, was of ing were present: Catheri~e Foster, gained by last year's Circus fully War- I Totals 7 14 27 15 S 3wmue, has been enlarged to double
special interest to our suffrage work- :erna Malt?y, Mabel KlrkPatr.lck, rants it. 35 CENTS I
" 0 ~ ~ 1 0 4 ~ 0 2-~ its former size by removing the par-
ers, as Mrs. Beck is one of the most Charlotte Hllega~, lima Scott, ElIza- Bon All' 0 ~ ~ 0 1 0 ~ 0 0-/ lition which separated the former
ardent supporters of the Women's beth Jones, ~flca. Krell, Dorot~lY Two-base hlts-W. aumphreys, SIn- s~ol'e from adjoining one. This will
Suffrage party. Chalfonte, LOUIsa "\ oung and EmIly will be the admission charge-a flat clair, McMonigle, Harrison. Sacrifice; gIve Mr. Howard an oPP?rtunity to
rate-one price to all. hits-McMonigle, Kane, Morris, Koons, make a proper display of g?ods, as
Mrs. S. Muschamp called a special lI:eedham.
meeting at her residencp. Monday -------- B St I b I- S· I ' ,well as greater accommodatIOns for
morning to discuss future suffrage
plans, as it is hoped that nothing will
,,"AUU}:U'ru nOYS' CLlJR "WIX.
The Narberth Boys' Club defeated
SPECIAL ,?wen. ~ en ases- ....ane, mc all', : his customers.
KIrk, MorrIS, Fleck, W. Humphreys.
Left on bases-Narberth, 7; Bon All', .
be left undone in an effort to enlist the Ashland Boys' Club on Thursday This Year's stunt will not be a Circus 7 Struck out-By Bowen, 4; by IL\SE HALl, pn'Kl~PS.
-not' literally-but it will be a
every resident of Narberth in the by the score of 11-10 in a twelve in- Scream! GI'eenfleld, 3. Double plays-Me-,
'Women's Suffrage party and that for ning game.
which it stands. The I\arberth Boys' Club also de- K-K-K EXTRA Monig,le to Swartz to Morris. Earned. The Grand Old Man Charlie Hum-
runs-Narberth, 7; Bon Air, 4. Bases' phreys was hit three times at bat and
feated the Lansdowne Grammar on balls-Off Bowen, 5; 01'1' Green- had two singles-a perfect day with
School by the score of 3-2 on Satur- Mr. Kelvin K. Keech, of Hawaii. will field, 4. Hit b)' pitched ball-C. Hum- the stick.
POST OFFICE NOTES. render selections on a native instru-
day. ment-the Ukalale. phreys, 3; Koons. Umplre-Do~'le. Next week the Berwyn tribe will
John Dickie pitched both games, Time of game-2.30. Scorer-Earl F. visit us at Coffee Pot Pot. Are you
Printed stamped envelopes may be having nine strike-outs on Saturda~·.
secured at the post office at the fol- THE DATE Smith. coming?
Glad to see Vernon Fleck back
lowing prices: UNCLAUUED LETTERS 1)0 not make any engagement for again.
50If l-cent envelopes .••..••.•••. $5.62 AT NARBERTH POST OFFICE Saturday, May 20, at 8.15 P. M. l'[onday nlgltt, May 22, as ~Ir. J. Phil. Davis played short in grand fashion,
500 2-cent envelopes ..••.•.•••.. $10.62 Mr. Arthur Brown, Mr. Edgar Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium 1I11S Rowland wants yon to come up considering the condition of the field.
These envelopes are of first quality. DaVis, Mr. Frank Surveston, Mr. B. to the organ recital at All Saints' The N'arberth team is not hitting
The name and address of purchaser I)eanlng, H. Sassamann, J. UrUn, M. Cllurch, lUontgomery and Wynnewood the ball safe, eight flies to the out-
neatly printed In upper left hand cor- Woodmansee, W. Williams, F. Wid- WATCH FOR FURTHER avenUIlS. Tllere will be a treat for all field.
ner, with request to return In - - - - man, A. Wolf, E. Bicklngs, W. Cooper, PRESS NOTICES lovers of music. Bon All' had their hitting clothes on.
days. Note the price. J. Badger, Edw. Brown, M. Hoff, T. Some "Ump"!
Edward S. Haws, Hudson, Mr. S. Douglass, T. Johnson. .................' ++ K. K. K.!!! May 20, 8.15 P. M• Hard luck, Ardmore. Something
Postmaster. Edward S. Haws, P. M. .... II ' .. Where? Y. M. C. A. soft for Dun & Co.
COlLUUNITY CLUB. ARDMORE FORFEITS TO DUN AND I According 10 _\cl ~o., 301, approved 3rtl
OUR TOWN It I'S earnestly requested that all
members be present on Tuesday, May
I (lay or .June, A. D., 191." I hereb)' puhU.h
a IIRt or dngJo; a!ol~f>NNed In the Borough ot
Owned, and Published every Thurs- 23, promptlY at three o'clock in the Nal11e A ,],1 re," Sex
day by the l\arberth Civic Associa- club room of the Y. M. C. A. It being Narberth, Pa., May 13.-R. G. Dun Tag ~o.
tioD. the last meeting of the Community & Co. gained a cheap victory in the A. O. I,clghlon. ~Il \\'oo,I.lde Male ';201
Club until fail, there will be business form of a forfeit verdict, the manager ~;: ~~" DII~;~I,:~r' I ~ \\~~;~,7~11~~e i :;;~~
HARRY A. JACOBS, of Importance brought before the, of the Ardmore team falling to place .1. Jo:. ~edrcker. ~~ W04l(1"l<le G~:.4
Editor. mem b ers a t th ree 0 '1 c oc k sap.
h r i his team on the field. The officials of J.;. w. A.H. :\Iu"chnmp.
:\[cCleldon. 2~ I~:I \\'oou"lde
Woorlslole 620;;
Mrs. W.. M. Cameron will receive,l the Main Line have expressed them- H. H. Felton, mn1\"o,,,1 62:,7
Mrs. C. R. Blackall G. M. Henry assisted by l\1rs. 1. S. Hepler and Mrs. selves, and doubtless the Ardmore~: :~J.1I~~~,H'l:)~7].~(r'~l~\~~:~~d ~;~~
Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos C. T. Moore. contingent will lose their franchise. H. w. Hl'Ily, IQO EIIl1,..o",1 "2';0
Mrs. E. C. Stokes Henry Rose School motto: . OVERBROOK
';eo. Hhel<lol1, IO~ ":lll1l1'oorl
n. Lll('l"Y, 114 (~onway
Miss .Adah Durbin W. '1'. Melchior Without halting, without rest, R. H. O. A. E. I ""1l1. n. Cumnu:>r. :!111 Elmwood ti2fi:l
Earl F. Smith O. L. Hampton Lifting better up to best. Uncle Sam likes our flak all tattered DeFrates, ss. . . 1 0 1 3 21' ;:: j~·lIt~(~I;,h'1111t'.J(~(~:1~~\~·~.ll1g ~~:;~
Associate Editors. I and torn. Grey.2b . 3 1 1 2 O·J. Pa rkfot. I:!X ('011 \\'1I~' tj:!titi
The Senior play was a great suc- l<'or it stands for anI' nation true; l<"z'ler, ct. . . 1 3 1 0 0 : ~~~:~~i. J~·lt~,~~::!n~l~~n·E~~::~·III.t ~;:~~
l\IAIZIE J. SIMPSON, cess. The class feels that this was And I think that you'll find, although L'ghrey, lb . o ~ 6 0 0 I J';. ()ntl,;e, 41)S E~~l!x li;!ti!1
Cashier. because of the hearty co-operation
_________________ I which it received. The net procee~s It iH still Red. White and Blue.
it is torn. Packey, rf. . 1 2 0 0 0 ; ~1~IHi;: ~~~I~;~ll~: ~(:~llll;;~~~n~~I~\~I'ace Female ::;~~
l<Jvers, If . o 0 -1 0 0: ,.;. ,r. Hul1ahan. :\JolltJ:oll1~'ry Male tj2i~
H. C. GARA, were over one hundred dollars. ThIS Storer, 3b . 1 0 1 0 l' lJa\'f' 1'~I1I!'l, :\lnntg-Clmt'ry Female 6~73
money is to be used for the beneflt But the people. as by the post office Riley. c I 0:1\'(' Ell 1:00, :\lftnt~nIl1PI'~· li274
Adl'crtisillg' Manager. . 1 1 15 1 2: ';f'0. 8UP<,I', :'\10JltJ,rolllt'I'Y 627f'i
of the school. pass, Schell, P...•..•.•• 2 1 1 2 0 I \\·n1. D. Smedlp;\". :"arhprth
! \\•• "p.
Al<pl"fot, J':Jmwond
~rale li:!i7
Send all letters and news item to I They stop and look at our flag anrl Pnlch, If, O! X. ,1t"Tl'rit~t-l. :!lft XHI'lll~r1h
0 1 0 0 ti:!iS
P. O. Box 404. The Senior class wishes to pub- laugh; 1 o 0 0 0 j ~'. ,~~:~~,~,~p;jHl:!:rra;ill~'II:'I'lh ~;~~~
Send all advertising copy to P. O. "liclv thank Miss Malzie Simpson for ,Just you look once again, then you'll Lavan, 3b. - ..-\. P. Hpdlfer. E:-::-;f'X li~"'1
Box 820. her' kindness to th.em in coaching the think the same. ... '~al1lllP) Laird, 114 I·:....!"t'x t.i:!Sj
Make all remittances to P. O. Box Senior dramatics. Totals ... ...... 11 11 27 8 a ti. F. PhIlIlJl~, 1114 1':Sfotl'X f;~~:1
Although it is tattered and torn, BERWYN. J.. Paltf'n, :no Ffll't~~t li~\.:4
118. It is Red, White and Blue as sure
Our Town is on sale at the depot The next and °last" great event at R. H. O. A. E. :~.. ~~:. ~~~f~~\'Jll~~.:~t.;.'~f;:~·~'t-l{\"ln~nr :;~~~
a,; you're born. E. H'm'n, ef. o 0 4 1 1·r. K l\:f>tchnm, 41)j Jlaw'l'forll 62S7
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. the school house In the entertainment H. Jr. Kel'lllln. Kelly. ss . 1 1 o \\P Ill . Pugh 1;2~S

Davis. line will bl:! the "Nautical Knot," a 1 0 H. BU('ha nail. 1;0 t 1111 \"('1'(111"(1 ti2S9
Watson, 3b . 3 2 2 1 1 ll, BUC'hlllllll1, ,;U1 lIll\'f'rforl! fi:!!tO
Entered as second-class matter, O~- musical comedy to be given by the! :----------------~
toher ] 5. 1914. at the Post Office at. High School girls on Friday night, Evans, c . 2 2 3 2 O~:~: ~~~~I~;~'n,9~1 o;~·II~~~~lll~\"llntl :~;~~
l'I:arberth, Pennsvlvania, under the IllIay 26, at 8.15 o'clock. Prices of
OUR TOWN wJll gladly prInt Davis, If ,. 1 :l 2 o o ,H. ~lrel'l, IOu .:'\Illpl(~
i ,'. 1·~. ShoPJ1ll1 kel', 1 t.iO :\1"l'ion
any news Item about any subject G. I-I'nl'n, rf 2 " 4 2 O l \\.. H. ('ohk, 11,:! :\Jt>rinll
Act of March 3, 1879. admission will be announced later. fi:!!t:-,

Those who were present at the time

that Is of Interest to Narberth F'z'ld, lb. . 0 1 3 o o I: "·aI1f'1' l'o\\,ln. :!Ulj :\lr:ol"ioll
C. If. Cal'ler, 410 ~arherlh
THURSDAY, :!\fAY 18, 1916 when "Snow White" was given will folks, but In order to meet H'gins. 2h. 0 o 6 1 01 ,\P. •1. :\lul1hollld, ~JII f'I1f'~tnllt fi~!h;;
Trump, p. 0 o o 2 2 i K. Dutl, ~f1I; \\"f)U1I~ldf" ti~!.!.
--Ei\IERGEXCYPHONE CALLS - ('ertainly enjoy this. the printing sclIe<lule,
-manuscripts-must reach tbe
all "copy"
Lewis. p
A. I.amll(lrt. 11:'", 1{II{'klallll
0 o o o O ~:ulif' .1"lll~!'l. \\'1 nll:-;OI'
Fire 350. _ t .Ia~. :\laC':\ll1('}.~II1. ;~:!fI:\J(lrilin t;:~it::
Police 1250. I The Shand Athletic Field was cllitor b)' 6 P. M. ~Ionday each .J oJ ".T. II. ""ihwll, :lftl !'. :'\nrht-'Ith .. ,;:1114
~~==~====::::=::-::=~==~~ formally opened on Friday afternoon,
I week. 1'ota18 , , 9 1... ...4 10 4 11. '~;tr·IH'r. Et-ll"PX ilud :\!f'rlon J','rnalC' ,::In;l

. '" • " . May 12, when the Narberth H. S. team

Tbls publIcation IS. t.hE olfic~al played the Jenkintown H. S. warn.
Berwvn 0 2 2 0 1 0 :l 0 1- 9 I:. I.. He""
Overbrook ..... 1 [i 0 0 0 ;j 0 0 x-II H('7.0 Bro"k_. ~I ,'he-tll"l
" I
J•• .r \. ,John:-oon
Male n:ln,;
.. ,;:l'I7
.. ,;"O~
organ of the ;o.;arbert~l CIVIC Asso;.la- Mr. Shand threw the first ball; the i I~m~n Brlllll\~. !I ,'1Jt'''''tllul .. li:W!)

:~: ,~: ~~~';~~::::~~~. .. :;~:~

tion. whOse purpose IS the p:omo,1011 School Board and Faculty were well
of the w~lfare of our town m every represented, and as for the student MAIN LINE At Wayne-
,John :\lc:\1innn1l1in, 11J.J ('hp:oOtlltit
F. 1·;. .:\10\ er, 2lJ7 'h"l"tnul t
I;:~I j
way pOSSIble. As SUcll, ~e ~l1lst de- bodv well few were "missing," Nar-
cline to receive for publIcation :~(\m- bertl; pla~ed a wonderful game, de- BASEBALL SCHEDULE T. Forbes, 21>.
R. H. O. A. E. '\·111. h:irkpatrkli, 1111 ('h .. :-;tnllt
1 1 2 2 1 1 ~:: ~;hf~~.~I(~pr. I J I; ('I"·:-ot nut
.. (,:114
rl'rn'f't1t~ :~~~ ~
munications that reflect on
character or ~otives . of. a.llY of or,r 7 to 2.
governing bodIes, or mdlvlduals. We
the feating Jenkintown by the score
The schedule follows:
May 20-Berwyn at Narberth, Dun & Hazlett, 3b
Brooke, lb
Singleton ss
, • • • • ,.
,. 0
1 1

7 0
2 3 1 \\'111. KIt·k. :10' "·",,,1,1,1,,
1 :l
0 !(;'>H. (iiirol·c1. :nfl -\\·olld!"ld,·
,'. JI. Churf'hill. ::U!I ""ood:·ddl'
1 ""'Toll Down•. 31:, '\'",)(1,1<1"
:\tale ,;:111
want it clearly understood that this In spite of the "school question" CO. at Wayne. Overbrook at Paoli,. Casso cf 0 2 1 0 0,:',~~·.n,;:,~~:p 'i:·I~·,'~.~ltl" :;~g
is not a medium for the airin~ of P~:'- which has been re-op,ened, plans for Ardmore at Bon Air. iJ. Forbes, p 0 0 1 0 11 \\"In. 11. '·annlnt. :;o~ \\'",,,I,i<l,' ';::~:l
sonal spite. nOr for destructive cnt- next vear's work are going on with- May 27-Narberth at Overbrook, Bon Pow·ell. rf I' 0 0 2 0 0 1"1"'" "al<lll'ell, 2110 \\'"",1,1<1,· F"male ,,"2·1
('hit!". Ihll1lpJlI't~yS, 1n" \\'oodshlt> .:\1all'tl:l:!;J
iclsm of Council, School Board or I out a~y interruption. We have every Ail' at Paoli, Wayne at Ardmore, Dun IWeaver, c ,. 0 1 10 0 0.\1.:. I'. Flanl1"n· .. '::I~,:
Board of Health. The gentlemen ~v.ho reason to believe that the Narberth & Co. at Ber,,'yn. i l\'1ayer, p , .. 0 0 0 2 0 ~~:~~~:~:::: I])~' :\~~ . •~:;~~~:::I· : :;~~~
serve Narberth in o.fficial c~paclt(e.5 schools are growing finer and better
do so at a great saCrIfice of time and
convenience. i'\o fair mmded persons,
I every year.
May 30, A. M.-Ardmore at Nar-! H. Forbes, p. ,
berth. Dun & Co. at Overbrook, Ber-
wyn at Paoli, Wayne at Bon Air. Totals... .... , 2 6 27 10
0 0 0 0 0 .Iohn P. Willial\,"
'·h".. I'" lIH,,1
4 ~~~;y I:... '.;::;~;I,~.I\ 1
.. ,;3~9
.. ,;:1:1,)
~:'''lll~~I,::~;.e)" ].''''';;'''' ::m
question their motives, nor see~ to I' The Girls' Tennis team has taken
impugn their cha~acter. Fro~ ~iJIle a permanent place in the school ath- Overbrook at Wayne, Berwyn at Ard-
May 30, P. M.-Paoli at Narberth, PAOLI M. C. I
D ... \\-m. %"nlll1l.I~."'" I~;; "·I'."l~O" :\Iale ,;:1:1:1
\\"111. ,J. ("Il'dh>r, :!:.!:: Ha\'prfort! ,;:l:14
R. H. O. A. E. JI. 10:. Va"i'. 2~4 lIa,.erfnrd ,;:I~;;
to time we recelv~ communIcatIons I letics. A good schedule is being ar- more. Dun & Co. at Bon Air. i Youkel, ss. 3 4 0 5 0 :~~··.r ;:';,n';;~~e~~i~,1 ~~ ~;,;i,~~~~il Fe~:::~ ~::~i
couched in ~uch mtemperate lan-: ranged and will be printed later. June 3-Paoli at Overbrook, Nar-I Supplee. lb 1 0 7 0 11 \\'. D. 1''''''''. :1~2 DlI<lI,,~· !i:l~~
guage, and With so palpabLe a per-j Meanwhile we play Swarthmore (at berth at Wayne. Dun & Co. at Ard- Ryan, lb 1 0 5 0 0 :~.' \~.: :\·II:.:;{::~t';;./ I~\ :~\~:~,';.~" Female ::~~~
sonal b~as, that .the y are nnfit for Swarthmore) Wednesday, and on Fri- more, Berwyn at Bon Alt·. Rice, 2b 2 II 1 2 0.1. \\'. ~1{'AlIlin£'. ~I:I \\'ayn" ~Iale !i:loll
publicatIOn. It mIght as well be Ull- day Swarthmore at home. Every- June 10-Bon Air at Narberth, Calhoun. cf. 0 2 0 0 1 1,:,'1,' 1,"£'11. 2f1~, I'd,'" '::14~
Ilerstood first as last that such com- I d' t' Wayne at Paoli, Overbrook at Ard- Jeffers, If. 0 4 0
F. 1.,. P:Hlgr:oll, :!.:!s J';Hsex
0 0 Th"""" ""n"')" F"n",l" ':H4
munications will go into the waste )0 y OU .
more, Dun & Co. at Berwyn. S·sh'tz.2h 0 0 0 1 1 ~.;~'ll~ia:.~,';:~~:1l'~·I:,1 l:o,~';:"Tesl :\[ale ~~~~
basket unless accompanied by return Notice-The night of the Senior June 17-Narberth at Overbrook, Brown. rr 1 1 0 0 0,\. KlIg"'n, Ul'I'l1a. ~:I~ I"l1a ';:;~7
play, a class pin was found in Assem- Dun & Co. at Wayne, BOil Air at Pawling, c 1 1 13 2 0 ~I:"h;~' I:~:";;':~':;:·:;·;'. 2;iOl~;~:::"e,.)' :;~~~
bly Hall. Tllte owner may obtain it Paoli. Berwyn at Ardmore. I Magill. p 0 0 1 2 0.1. H..I"hn_on. :llIll Ura~'lIn!< ';":,0
The results of the Informal vote on upon application to any member of
1 t' f"t f th proposed new
June 24-Paoli at Narberth, Dun & I _ Hay .I,,"e.. l1a 11<1""11
1·;llwflocJ Did,pl, \Yl)oclfotilh~ Female 9S57
~ ec IOn 0 Sl e or e the Senior class. Co. at Overbrook, Berwyn at Wayne, I T.otals , 9 12 27 12 3 I."" II.,,, ~Ial,- I"r.,
school building, given in this issue. Ardmore at Bon Air. ,. Paoli M. C 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 0-9 ,;,,,11,' .I"n"" Wind"n,. .. 98,.9
. t e ting The vote ShO\V8 P . .:'\1. ),;1111'(, .:\lulltg"olllf'ry Fl?male ~t\til)
lire very 111 er s . The :\arberth H. S. Base Ball team July I-Berwyn at Overbrook. Dun Wayne 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 P.:\1. Eill. ,Sq
that many neglected their civic duty, I its next game on Friday, May & C P I' N b I t A d f ('1 I ".,,,. 1.1.111"111. ll"l'!,Ian<l ~[ale ~,~,:~
hut probably no greater proportion pays Good luck say . o. at ao I. ar ert 1 a r more. Slmllllng (I the 11 JS. S. W. 1o'o,le,·. 1:11 ~I"I'I"n " !""~
I t' TI e ballot so 19. at Conshohocken.. Wayne at Bon Air. I ,V. L. P. C. .1. H. ,I "O·"rlo-,. );arl ..·rlh 1"':4
than in any e ~c IOn. 1.000'1. H . . ldTI'ri",. ~al'l"'l'lh
,e tl prized In other countries IS
gl1 a y
d d'
. • . we!
July 4, A. M.-Berwyn at Narberth" Overbrook
SCHOOl. "rayne at Overbrook, Paoli at Ard- Dun A. A. . ,
I :\
.. ' ,.
~Ial')" %"nlln""r
1.000 11""'(l'e ~1. S,·lwll. ~1I' Habln
often very IIghtl}- regar e 11l t liS I' Yotl'c~READ " ~
THE • more. Dun & Co. at Bon Air. ,Karberth 2 1 .666 ,'arl ~"wll"I'!<. :ll~ lona 9":S
country. f
Even when matters 0 , '•. 'OTE"S'. They are written for YOUR . . .Iohn I·'. !<nll'h. Elm 'I'''''race ~"t:11
momentous III eres a
. t t re to be voted "
. benefit for YOUR Information!
July 4, P. M.-Dun & Co. at Nar- Paoli M. C
berth, Bon Air at Overbrook. Ard- Bon Air
,' .. ' .. 2
.666 AII'Nt t·. ~lIl1e,·. 214 ~Ierl""
"~3 AII"'I·t Walll·'·'. 1~4 ,'onwa)"
for, voters stay at home because It ' . ..,,, .1. Il. AII«'r. 10'''1'1''',1 I"'~
I'S ral'nl'ng, or ":;cause they want to more at WaynE', Berwyn at Paoli. Wayne 1 2 -.333 Fl'lInl< '·.. na"III,'. Sallin ~l',:l
J 1 8 D & C N b tb F. 1>. '\"aIJu·r. Ellilwootl F\~male !1:-;i4
.000 Dun bal'. ~a'·l,,'r. h ~Iale ~"'~'
go a-fishing. LA lVX Jo'ETE. u y - un • o. at ar er , Berwyn ' 0 3
TIle SCll ool Board did what it could . .
I L' ht S . ty of the IBerwyn at Wayne, Paoli at Ardmore, Ardmore
The Fart ler Ig s OCle 1 ' I k t B A'
0 a .000 r·. S. Fuy, Jo:,_,'x I
lIa'T)" Str·",'I. IU" :\la"le
to make voting easy. Full publICIty Bapti3t Church will hold a lawn fete 0 ,er )roo a on Ir. Wal',,1' 1I""g,,~. ::0' I':'""x Female 99'1:1
to the plan was given in Our Town, I on the afternoon and ev£'ning of Fri- [ T July 15-Ardmore at Overbrook, "Goodrnornin'. MiSs Snod- ~ ii·a ..I,I;. ~~::::~:,~~' 1';llIIw.. ,,1I :\Iale ~~?,~
circulars and ballots were sent out, day June 2. at tiM! horne of Mrs. Wil- I Narb.erth at Wayne, D.un & Co. at '" Wh . h? C t th I\\'. I':. I' ""<'1<11l a 11. :,11 E",·x 91lu"
and Rtamped, addressed envelopes I I' ., J Jones of South Narberth ave- I Paoli. Berwyn at Bon AIr. grass. 0 IS S e. orne 0 e I \\'111. H,-ll'·i,I",. F"l11l1le !'907
sent to every family; yet only 35:l II lam. , July 22-Berwyn at Overbrook, Y. M. C. A. May 20, at 8.15 P. i ~~:"'il~'·::·:;I,<I,~'" Ha,·.'rf",·" ~Iale ~~~~
otes ,"ere cast. It must be conceded nue.
".'ayne .at Paoli, Dun & .Co. at Ard- M. and see!
' \ \ ' 1 1 1 . \\·ri~ht. ~,I ,;\llJl1tg-oll1f>rr
F. ~1. .Iuxil<·l'. :\llI"llIl111·'·~· !19lfJ
"that nothing could have been fairer more, !l;arberth at Bon AIr. I F. S. HI"I,I_,. 1':lm Terrllee 991 ~
than the plan of voting suggested by A~~(,ATJ };TJ};CTION. July 29-Berwyn at Narberth. Paoli
XAnnl~nTll CIYIC ASSOCIATION. ';.·..rge
s. 111,,1<1". 1·:lm 'l'I'r"a,'I'
[· ..guham. Ila,,"lr"l1
the board. Full particulars were given at Overbrook, Dun & Co. at W ayne, I';•• '. 'l'owl1'''n,1. 11 II ,'..n\\'ll)" IlIII"
nents of t he board's AIlllual electl'oll of officers of the Bon Air at Ardmore .' J L ,·hllmbll'~·, I"~ ,:,.ayUng 991':
to tlle oppo
. . r PreSIdent, A. . oos. I':. ,·a,"el·OIl. \\'o"d_i<l,' 1'!1I7
favorite plan, to present the last Karberth Fire Company will be held Angust 5-0verhrook at Narberth, Vice-president, A. C, Shand, J. B. .1. ' ..,·d. 21), ';"aylill!< ~'91 s
argument through the columns of in "Elm Hall" on Tuesday evening, Ardmore at Wayne, Paoli at Bon Air. , Williams. James Artman. :~'Ih~';'l l~d~',I;'li;;,:'2~~"~~~~~,~~';lne ~~~;:
Our Town. and ample time to send May 30th. at 8 P. M. Dun & Co. at Berwyn. I Secretary and treasnrer, Frank J . .1''''·I,h »ollahn,'. I'''' "oll\\'ay !t!1~1
out circulars in favor of a central All members expected to be present. August 12-Dun & Co. at Over- i m' Ii. S. <lelz. II I \\'Insor 9923
H lSSe. ,'!t'\"elanc1 Yowd1. JIJ:~ C'on",;!\" !tll:!:l
location. No one can complain of not Dues should be paid liP in order to brook, Bon Air at Wayne. Berwyn at Dircetors Frederick L. Rose, George 'l'·o. Hal·e... PI'ie,'
I' .
having had an opportunity to express II ave privilege of voting. Paoli. Narberth at Ardmore. I\T H • W' A tl C 1 G r M .\1 .... 1·:lId,lellman. Sal,11I I'~'~:'
, I · enr), . r Hlr 0 e, eo ge . w. ~1. T. Hal'I'I" 21111 Price 91l:1~1
a choice, and now that the vote 1las If vou are lIot a member, have your August 19-0verbroolc at '\\ ayne, ~ Colesworthy Mrs. Willlam S Horner, Il. ". 10'10.\"<1, 0\ I s [ludh'~· ~'1I41
so decisively been in favor of t.he Ilame' presented at this meeting, dues l'I:arberth at Paoli. Berwyn at Ard- I A E n, II '.t Mrs. Gcorge M' , H enry, Ah.. 1 ;;ml'h. 4'J'; nudl.. ~· F"male (1112:,
. nO 1 et Ilalph .:\Iagl'p, 40~ Dtulll'Y .. ~'!141)
location of the new building on t le $3 per year. I more. Dun & Co. at Bon Air. I Fletcher W. Stites E. A. Muschamp, w.. J. Dull,..'", ~21) );arhl"'lh
I • :.I.

~Iale !11I42
hill, it becomes the duty of our GI','e your nn'ne and address to any August 26-Wavne at Narberth' H C G H 'R Ed d S w. S. ~!<'Kllln,,)'. ~:;:, I';""x .. j'lln
l ara, enry ose. war . TllOIIHlfot ('onlp~', :\lolltJ.;"flm(-'I'~·
u.l • •

voters to approve the loan at the member of the fire company, or mail Overbrook at Paoli, Dun & Co. at Haws. Mrs. Roy E. Clark, :Mrs. Les- .Joe Oaw,ou. 241 \\'o"<I_i",, I • • Ft'male !I!144
:\1"le ';:144
regular election. To oppose it longer, to Box' No.2 Narberth. Arclmore. Berwyn at Bon Air. . W ",. k Will' D S d ';oltlleh l·;s_lInge,·. lOlli' .. !",.,:
. d tl' d . Iter . "IC erson, lam. me - H. II. Durl"'". 2:11 );a"II""lh "~;;I
after this opportunIty, an liS e- September 2-Bon Air at Narberth, ley '1 Blil Humpl"·"Y_. ~~:, \"oo,lI.iue 111l4:.
cided expression would be a. serious .--------. ----.-------.------------- Ardmore at Overbrook Paoli at .. ,·ha,. Han_, :I'''; W"o,lhlno 11114':
. t ( , :~14


('hll:-l, ,"oun).:, IOlla Female !1!147

~;~~:ke~ua:c~s:;~~l~~ ifd~~:a~~:OSI\~~ W;:~~~n~~:r~. C1: ~. B~'::~~~OOk at \ noard of Mllnogers. ,·ha". You Ill', :114 Joua :\lale IlIlH
loan hold up the needed improve- Narberth. Dun & Co. at Wayne. Ber-I Monday i'\ig,ht-H. C. Gara, financial
ment Indefinltely.-Associate Editor. wyn at Ardmore, Paoli at Bon Air. Imanager. l'OST OF)<,W}~ NOTES.

BU"lld Up Your Home September 4. P. M.-Dun & Co, at Tuesday Night-A. G. MacKenzie,
Overbrook, Berwyn at Wayne, Nar- religious and educational work man-
berth at Paoli. Bon Air at Ardmore. ager.
Stamps are on sale of every de-
nomination from one cent to fifteen
Chairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron. September 9-Ardmore at Narberth, Wednesday Night-R. G. Savill, cents. except eleven and fourteen;
n'lll' Don't forget that this Is a com- Berwyn at Overbrook, Bon Air at house manager. also a plentifUl supply of postal cards,
Financiai Manager-Mrs. " lam nlUnlty of borne makers and home stamped envelopes and newspaper
Curtis Pollock, Jr. keepers and that one of YOUR Wayne. Dun & Co. at Bon Air. Thursday Night-F. W. Stites, so- wrappers.
Library Manager-Miss Fanny Loos. MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is to September 16-Berwyn at Narberth, clal worlc manager. Prices of stamped envelopes:
House Manager-Mrs. I. S. Hepler. so. Wayne at Overbrook, Ardmore at Friday Night-Daniel Leitch, mem-
Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler. You can aid materially by do- Paoli. Dun & Co. at. Bon Air. bership manager. 25 Ie envelopes $ .28
Membership Manag,er-Mr. Harry Jng your sbopplng and marketing September 23-rlun & Co. at Nar- Saturday Night-Fred Rose, athletic 100 Ie envelopes .....•.. 1.10
Hartley. with the advertisers In this paper. berth. Berwyn atl Paoli, Wayne at manager. 25 2c envelopes ,. .53
Athletic Manager-Mrs. E. Hurth. Ardmore, Overbrook at Bon All'. O. L. Hampton, ExecuUvl! secretary. 100 2c envelopes 2.10
~'AHB~RTH~ PA.---:OUR TOWN-MAY 18. 1916
ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. )[utllal ApprecJatJoD.

Spe~ial Sale 01 Soaps

Mrs. Case, of Haverford avenue, ap-
ltel'. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. preciates the patronage of her Beauty
MERIOX MEETING JlOUSE. Parlors by many ladIes of Narberth,
Merion Meeting House is opened for The services at All Saints' P. E. and the patrons appreciate the fact
worship every Frist-day at 11 A.
Church for next Sunday are as fol- that Mrs. Case has recently installed
M. Visitors are cordially welcome.
A registry book is kept for visitors. lows:
a new ancl very comfortabl~ chair. FOR THIS WEEK
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
All are asked to register theIr names.
9.45 A. M.-Sunday school.
11.00 A. M.-Morning prayer, con-
WIIO'S wno
'With Each Purchase of 3 Cakes of
Early Mass on Sunday from AprU
firmation and sermon.
4.00 P. M.-Evening prayer.
BurgNs-Geo. ::\1. Henr:y. Colgate's Natural Odor Soap at
l<;t to October 31st at 6.JO A. :'of. From
November 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M.
I~ast Sunday afternoon the final in-
structions to the confirmation class
TI'easurer-Edwin P. Dold.
Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel. 25e. An Extra Cake Free.
Tax CoIl ector-James F. sherron.
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the were given.
year. ~Iasses on holydays, 6.30 anll Next Sunday morning, May 21st, at Street Commlssioner-W. S. McClel· FOR SALE AT
8.30 A. M, Weekdays at 8. EyenIng the 11 o'clock service, Bishop Garland Ian.
will confirm the largest class that Building Inspector - J. Howard
devotions and other services at regular
times. AIl Saints' Church has ever llad.
On Monday evening, May 22nd, there
will he an organ recital in the church
Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites.
Constable-Fred. Walzer.
.;"A~('f.J, IUl'TIST l'IIUnCII. at the corner of Montgomery avenue
and Wynnewood road, at 8 P. M. This ~[};~mF.]{S O}' TIlE NARUERTJI
PHONE, NARBERTH 625 or 1284.
l:merSOll ll. Swift, I'astor. I wiIl be under the direction of Mr. J.

SundaY, 9.45 A. M., Bible study.

Preparation for Childrcn's day the
second Sunday of June.
I Phillips Rowland, organist and choir-

mastcr, assisted by the church choir

and other talented musicians. No
tickets are being sold, but an offering
President-C. Howard McCarter.
Vice-President-Carroll Downes.
Treasurer-WilI K. Ridge.
Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
ThaI if is jusl
aboul as cheap
and much ,more
sllisfactory 10 se-
lect your lot from

11.00 A. M.-Morning worship; sub-

ject of the sermon hy the pastor, "The
I<~ndurance Test."
will be taken in the church.
The church 'busses leave Narberth
and Wynnewood stations at 10040 on
Robert H. Dothard.

Anthracite Coal Narberth's Highest Tract and build your house according to your own plans
.nd Ihe way you wnnl it-and where you wanl
7.00 P. 1\1.-Young people's service. Sunday morning,s. You are urged to President-Chaa. E. Kreamer. WOOD AND ,1-0.10 buy a Ready-Made House?
Dr. Edgar T. Shields will be the lead- use them. Secretary-A. P. Redifer.
er. Mr. Stafford Webb, president of Health Officer-W. S. McClellan. BUILDING SUPPLIES MAKE SURE OF YOUR CHOiCE NOW
the Phil~delph.ia Baptist Young Peo- PRIZES FOR BEST Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, TERMS TO SUIT
pIe's UnIOn, WIll speak. Mr. Ralph C.
Rowland and friends from West
T. B. DII Marias, Carden Warner and
Chas. V. Noel. _ _
Narberth, Pa.
I ---------'-- FM JUstl'Ce
Montgomery Avenup,
612 Chestnut St., Phlla.
Philadelphia, will be present and
present the interest of the Chicago }<'JRE CO~[PANY.
eonvention to be held in July. This At a reccnt committee meeting or i President, Chas. E. Kreamer; seC- SAVILL "SWAN NECK" FAUCET J JAMES G. SCANLIN
will be a feast of great things. ,the directors of the Civic Association,' retary, Charles V, Noel; financial Non·SplllhlngPollti.. THE "SAYILL"
7.45 P. u.,--Evening,
,n worship. Miss "l't '''a~.
'. ~, proposed b" one of tile mem- secre t ary, E . C . St0 k es; t reasurer, OulckAcling RecommendedShut·Off
an~ In. Contracting Painter
Reg. U. S. Pal. Olliu
Minnie C, Morris, representing the bel'S to offer a series of prizes for the Carden Warner; chief engineer, Ilall- dune
Door of Hope, Shanghai, China. will : best I{ept premises in Narberth. Real- Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engin· ed br 18, '12 Narberth, Pa.
Thomas Savill's Estimates Telephone
speak. The account of this particu-
lar work is intensely interesting. We
invite you to be present.
I izing the difficulty in covering the eel', Edw. \Vipf; second assistant en· All
wholc field at such a late day, the gineer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant Plum·
con(~lusion reached was to leave the engineer, H. B. Wall; fourth as-\ berl
1310·12·14 Walleee SI.
Praver and praise service Wednes- matter with Mr. Wohlert, to make a sistant engineer, A. '\T.
Needham. Patents! Patents!
day e~ening, at S o'clock. It will be I start with district No. 6 to induce Let us senu you our free hook. "PATENTS
AND THADI':~IARJ(S." Don't pay exorbitant
in eharge of the Women's Bible Class.
The meetings are always helpful.
A very pleasant evening service was
friendly rivalry and to encourage those COIHENIENCE AND ECONOMY
interested in gardening. Consequent-
Iy prizes were offered. It may be
The attention of the patrons of the
B uy a Hom.e fees, Our sen'lce Is of the highest type
antI our fees are reasonable. Bell phone,
'Valnut 1564.

held last Sunday evening, when the possible that these will lJe changf!d Narberth Post Office is called to the FOSTER & WEBSTER
subject for consideration was "The slightly, but not in any material way. convenience of sending money by pos-I Before Prices Advance Sull" O:l1, 1011 Ch".tnut Stre"t
Ideal Home." Many letters were re- It is proposed to g,ive a trophy cup tal money order. The following low CALDWELL & CO.
as a first prize and a bronze trophy rates are charged for sending sums to I _
ceived and read which gave the con-
census of Christian judgment. (,UP as a second prize for each street; any money order post office in the
that is, a trophy cup for the south United States: (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
Estimates Furnished Heating Appliances
side of Montgomery avenue as a first For orders from $.01 to $2.50, .3 HEATER AND RANGE WORK
- El'ISCOl'AIl cnURCIJ. prize, and as a second prize a bronzeu .,..
Ite\'. C. (~. Koppel, I'astor.
finish trophy cup; Narberth avenue, From $2.51 to $5, 5 cents. . C 104 Forrest ATeDUe
East Side, first prize, a silver trophy From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents. Electrlcal ontractor Jobbing a Specialty. Narberth, P ..
CliP; second prize, bronze trophy cup.
}o~or yards with fronts of less than
From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents. 242 HAVERFORD AVE. I
Miss Wentz, organist.
Miss Prescott, leader. f I
twenty feet. it is proposed to give t h e
From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.
From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents.
Repairin~ floward F. Cotter
9.45-Sunday school. Classes or following prizes: First prize, $5;
I·'rom $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.
all a g e s . . . second prize, $3, and third prize, $2.
1l.00-Mornmg worshIp. Subject of These prizes are offered for the best }o'rom $50.01 to $60, 20 cents. 'MEATS of
i.:~~~ ~:.~~\:0$1~70~'3~5c~::~·
sermon, "The Child's GOd-~hat Shall kept lots on lona avenue in district &LEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME l I. QUALITY
Be Our ElementarY Teaclnng About Xo. 6 for Hampden avenue in district 'Y. M. c. A. BUILDING
God?" . NO.6: and for the north side of Wood- Same fees as quoted above charged lOUR PRODUcrS ARE GUARANTEED
GA5-Epworth Leag,ue. Mr. Stites I bine avenue between Montgomery and for remittances to a number of foreIgn
countries. Orders are paid at 52,000 1
will speak upon the s~bje,~t, "Captur- I Hampden avenues for lots twenty feet
ing the Students ~f Chma. or Icss wide. post offices in the United States. Re-
PlI5 t eurlzed Milk IDELW1E:RrES
George B. Suplee
7A5-0rgan recItal. MIS.S Wentz. A special prize of a trophy cup is mittances received in this way are Bryoclovls CertUled WEST PHILA. Steam & Hot Water Heating
8.00-Gospel song servIce. Sel~c- also offered for the best kept corner convenient for merchants, publishers. (PedrlaUc Milk
tions by the chorus choir and MISS lot with the most effective planting; seedsmen, insurance companies, etc., Society) OVERBROOK Plumbing
Prescott. Short, helpful sermon by in other words, the most attractive etc. Special •• Guernsey" MERION
BeIl Telephone.
the pastor. comer lot in district No. G, all corner Ellward S. Haws, Postmaster.
J[hl·W~k Service.. lots competing. (Roberls' &: Sharpless' BALA-CYNWYD
s.OO-Wednesd.a y evening servIce of A special grand prize is also being Women's Gymnasium Class, Cream Buttermilk
prayer and praIse, conducted by the offered for the most attractive and ARDMORE
Second Annual Stunt, Y. M. C. Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD To you what an advantage it is
pastor. hest kept premises in all Narberth. to own your own home?
Strawberrr l'estJ'lll. This will be a valuable solid silver A., May 20, 1916, 8.15 P. M. Ad- Cream.
The annual strawberry festiv~l wi,lI cup and has to be won twice in suc- mission, 35 cents. WM. D. SMEDLEY
he held by the Ladies' Aid SocIety m cession
the lectu;~ room an(~ on the church IThe ~ups will be displayed in the ISCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES At the Cabin,
Narberth & Haverford Aves.
lawns 1· rlday evelJlng, June 9th. window of the Merion Title & Trust
Tickets can be sccured from any mem- Co" on Haverford avenue near the &'~~~L@ 45th and Parrish Sts. Telephone-Narberth 368.
Detective Bureau
her of the society. post office in Narberth.
The vice-presidents of the Narberth
THE I'JU:8Rl'TERJAX eUnUCH. Plaster and Cement Work
John B. Williams and James Artman, ALL KINDS OF LEAKS DETECTED
offer the following prizes to the boys BAD LEAKS ARRESTED Try a Pound of Estimates Furnisbed Jobbing
Itel', ,Tohn Vun Xt·ss, }Jlnlster. of our town: To boys not over 12 LOSSES FROM LEAKS PREVENTED
years of age for the best designed
The meetings for next Sunday will and built birdhouse, first prize $5, NOTE-Say! We are now worldng on HOME MADE FUDGE I HARRY B. WALL
be as follows: second prize $3 and third prize $1; 5 residences in ~arberth and have
10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. Re- for boys over 12 years and on to 16
years, prizes as follows: First prize good men and ladders, etc., somewhere
H. E. DAVIS Plumbing, Gas Fitting
hearsals for Children's day.
11.00 A. M.-Public worship, with $5, second prize $3 and third prize $1.
and Heating
near your house. Why not have one
sermon by the pastor on the ThIrd NARBERTH, PA
Commandment. of our inspectors call and examine
7.00 P. M.-Young people's meeting. NARUERTH MAILS.

A~s£r~.E!A GEO. &W. J. MARKtE

your rOOfs, spouts. gutters, etc., and
led by Miss Marian Haws.
8.00 p. M.-Evening worship. 'fhe Arrival.
we'll report condition or same, wIthout Finest Pholoplay Th e-
theme of the sermon wil1 be "LosIng 6.00-All points. stre 01 Its Size In Ihe
the Chris.."
Church Xotes.
6.50-All points.
9.00-Local Wesl
cost to you.
G. McG. Co.
Write or phone to
Entire World.

lOA. M. to 11.30
Select Dairies
There will be special Memorial day
services on the morning of Sunday, 10.34-All points. Program
Speilln.l Nursery Milk in Paper Car-
May 28. when all veterans of the Civil
War are invited to be present.
11.50-AU points.
12.29-Local Wesl A BOX OF ,n:Jo:K 0 ..' :lIlAY FIJo'TJo:Jo:NTII
:\,"..1111)', TII".IIII)' IUld WPllnp.,my ton Filled at Penhurst Farm.
Bell Phi/ue-Narberth 669 D
1.34-AU points. Trlllngle Play
The celebration of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the organization of 3.29-Local
(Jlu"hUllll of ~llLry PI"I,rorl1) In
100 Narberth Avenue •

this church wiII take place on Sun- ""UIS,\:-/ RO(lKS TIlJo: nOAT"
day, June 4th, and on the following 6.29-Local West. 24 Envelopes A.I<I"l1 Attrllctlnn-Seconu Epl"ode NARBERTH PA
Departure. 24 Sheets of Paper BJl.I~IE HURKI~ In ' •
WednesdaY and Friday evenings. Ex- "tiU)RL\'S UO:\IANCE"
tensIve preparations are being, made 9.00 A.M. East aU poInts. 'W'eHandle
for thIs event of which due notice 10.34 Local West. And a Can of Superior Talcum Thllr.dll)', ],'rhlll)' 1IU11 SlItllrclll)'
Trhllllrle 1'111)'
will be given later. 11.59 - Phila. and all points. Powder for lOco WILJ.IA~I S. 'HART HERMAN'S BREAD~
12.30 - All points. Admlttedlr Americn"N PI"emt£'r Int('rpreter
For several days next week the pas- of Hugg"d ],'rontler Type" In ROLLS, PIES AND CAKES
tor of this church will attend the
meetings of the General Assembly of
the Presbyterian Church now in ses- I
1.34 P.M. Local West.
All poInts.
Local West.
"Til..: PUIIII,\!. LUUE"
A Story of the Far Northwest
~IA]N Producllon Stllrts nt 10.40, 12.30,
2.1G, 4, 6, 7.45 and 9.30
The Imperiol Grocerv
sion at Atlantic City. 6.59 Phila. and all points.
:> -
States imported 13,401,316 pounds of
Moving Furniture and Hauling!
VACATION! (Where?) I
chicle, valued at $5,119,500. Now the
, word "chicle" to most people in this
Automobiles for Passenger Service : cuuntr~" might be Green, but it isn't.
Night Trips When Ordered
Drug Store WALTON BROS. Phone, Narberth 672
According to the pamphlets on Mex-
ico, recently issued by the Pan-
I American Union at Washington, the
I word "chicle" is of Aztec origin, and is
the name given to the sap of the sa-

CaDlI' Tohlckon IIIu!'trlltcd-)Ionda)', i pote tree, botanically known as the
" , dl I I
sapota zapotilla. It is this sap which
~Iu,. 22, s. 1'. ~I.-ron Are Cor II - ,is the basis of practically all the
Has It I)" Invlted-Y. ~I. C. A. i chewing. g,um used in the Unitfld
"There are t~~ts that exist in, The Aztecs in Mexico are said to I
At The To be prepared against want in old age is to
start a savings account with the heart of every normal boy: First, i ~a~~nb~~n t~:~~ ofir:S~org~~at c~:7te:r~
his desire to get away from the con-: n. tl 0 tinent The followers of

Right Price ventionalities of his usual mode of: acn~ to ler, c n d thOat the Indians

Phone, Narberth 1267

The Merion Title & Trust Co. I · . d
IVlllg, a? secon, us
d I ' inte
to be WIth fellows of his own kmd. I r
e desire:
>or ez repor te
i chewed a gum to quench thirst and re-
1 sU n They obtained it from
This is boy natur~ in ~he early teens: t;~:es:~~~~ t:e~ by tapping, and to-
and demands .gratlficatlOn.. The prob- i day the manner of gathering the sap

BEGIN NOW! lem confrontIng parents IS how to . I cl s analogy to the process of

satisfy these desi~es and make them ~atl~ri:ge maple sugar in New Eng-
serve in t,he all round development land. The tree Is indigenous in the
Frank Crist You can open an account with only one dollar. You can make additions of the boy s character, for when once thern countries of South America,
MEATS & PROVISIONS to this from time to time to suit your convenience. If. you only save two dol· satisfied, the appreciation of home ~~~tral America, and especially in
lars a week, you will have saved a hundred dollars III less than a year. ~f grows u?on him ,~nd the regard for Mexico, the last named furnishing
Hilh Grade Butter i you persistently keep on for five years putting the following amounts in thiS parents mcreases. . about six-sevenths of the entire supply
Bank ever"" day, and draw nothing ont, here are the results. not counting
_ _Telephone-Narberth
__________ 644
__ A._ _ Interest: "With the approach. of sprmg, the consumed annually in the United
call of the outdoor lIfe comes with St t

Fresh Fish I 1 cent a dal' in the )'ears wJ1l be

10 eents a dn)' In five )'cars will be ......•........ '" . .
$ 18.2:;
. . t'bl
Irresls I e
or~e an
appe. .
al He I a es.
. I The sapote tree is usually found in
wants to live III the open WIth hiS groups, frequently g,rows to a height
GO cents n dll)' In fh'e )'ears wJ1l be................... 912,J;O chnms. Surel.y the town lots, nearby, of forty or fifty feet, Is generally very
And Oysters $1.00 a dll)' in five )'curs will be 182;;.90 woods, artifiCIal par~s or. even sum- straight and has long, clear length
mer hotels cannot gIve 111m the best which makes it most desirable for

THE IMPERIAL GROGERY i'\arbertl1 Office open from 8 A. 1\[, to 4 P. M. Friday Evening, 7 to 9. type of outdoor life. The summer timber. The wood Is of a reddish ma-
camp well planned and carefully su- I hogany color, is quite hard, heavy,
pervised, wh~re bOY~ can h.ave this I compact in texture and fine grained.
POST OHICE NOTES. natural inherIted deSIre gratIfied and Door frames and sills of this remark-
BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE Anyone d-esiring double postal cards be with the rlgllt kind of companions. able wood have been unearthed in the
can secure them at the post office. solves the vacation problem for both prehistoric ruins of Uxmal and found
Prime Meals Patrons of tbe post office are urged parent and boy." to be in an excellent state of preser-
Home DresseJ Poultry. Butter. EgRs anJ Game. to have all th.eir mail directed to their The Narberth Young Men's Chris- vaUon. The wood is in demand by
Fancv FruIt and Vel!etables. "A STORE FOR box numbers. tian Association is intimately connect- cabinet makers, who employ it in the
Ednwrd S. Haws, Postmlls~er ed with just such a camp or camps. manufacture of high grade furniture
Te ephone, NARSe:RTH. PA. Last season we sent about twent~" boys and household fittings.
What does D. C. mean? You to ~am,p Tohickon, ?n the. Delaware, I The fruit, the s~podill~ pear, :was
Japanese Maples Properties For Bent and Sale SOh e'II te II you
Fire Insurance
d n't know but Zenobia does! I \~h~Ch IS under ~he Imm.el1l~te super.- i once very popular m Latm-Amencan
' t th Y M C A VISIOn of the Plnladelplll.a Centra;l. 1"1 markets, but the constant dema~d for
a e . . . ., M. C. A. We are also III a positIOn I the gum and the constant tappmg so
In tubs for planting-·at any time, Bell Phone 852 W. May 20, 8.15 P. M. to give information concerning the, reduced the size and quantity of the
at ATTRACTIVE PRICES. State Y. M. C. A. Camp at Inglenook I fruit that it has become almost a
Wall Building. Narberth, Pa. 80m; SCIENTIST. on the Susquehanna and the Scout i negligible prodUCt.
I Camp on the Delaware. All these ThrougJlOut the rainy season, while
The famous botanist was pacing
I Miesen's Bakery slowly along the country road, his
camps have splendid facilities offered the sap is up. the tapping is done

Dwarf Red Maples I NARB~~I~CADE eyes, as usual, roaming from side to

side for new plants to study.
for fun and training. aud the cost per by the "chic1eros," whose only imple-
week is within the reach of all. : ments are a machete and piece of
The boys are put on their honor.: rope. The rope is fastened about the
all sizes, up to four feet high. I Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies, Suddenly an eager look swept
They live in the great out-of-doors, waist and slipped around the tree,
Candy, Ice Cream across his features and he leaned over
the low fence inclosing a cottage gar- amid ideal surroundings. They have I leaving the chiclero's hands free to
den. He had found a plant he did not as their leaders choice Christian men! hlal(e thg V-shaped incisions spirally
-high-minded, big-souled leaders who: rOUIHl ..he tree. The sap runs along
Winning Pansy Plants HOARD OF ]rANAGERS OF
What could It be? If only he had count their life experience a steward- I the incisions and Is collected in cups
WO~IEN'S CO.l\OIUNITY CLL'U a specimen of it to study! ship to be passed on to their younger i at the base. It looks like milk at first.
the best you ever saw. 51.00 Chairman-Mrs. C. T. Moore. At that moment a shock-headed lad comrades. Certainly you are Interested. ' but soon turns to the consistency or
per dozen, and worth it. Clark. Financial Manager-Mrs. Roy E. ~trolled along the road and stopped to Phone Secretary Hampton, Narberth' treacle. It is collected and boiled in
gaze open-mouthed at him. G94-W, and he will be pleased to call. a rather primitive manner in large
\Vollderful large flowers and Library Manager - Miss Grace "I sav" called the botanist urgent- and explain all details. : kettles, and when it has reached the
new colors. Haight. l~·. "S~~ that plant there-that pale There will be a meeting at the Y. proper consistency it is kneaded and
House Manager-Mrs. Alexander pink one in the corner? Do you know M, C. A. Thursday evening, May 11, the surplus moisture expressed. It is
Chambley. it ?" of all members of the Camp Club. then molded into large loaves and is
"Vhuh!" said the country boy brief- Boys Who attended Camp Tohickon reacl~' for shipment, When It reacnes
A. E. WOHLERT Social Manager-Mrs. F. W. Stites.
Membership Manager-Mrs. David Iv
D. Stickney.
Athletic Manager-Mrs.
'·"What·s is name? Do you know
Walter what family it belongs to?"
last year. be sure to he on hand.
"[I'll! ~[ell!! l'lt~II!!!
' the factories in the United States it is
mixer! a ud boilerl in large copper ket-
While your boy is away at camp you t.les to a required conslstenc~', flavor-
Narberth, Pa. Dothard. The lad jerked a grUbby thumb \ViII probably want to get a sample ing extracts. such as vanilla, pepper-
over his shoulder toward the little of the saUle type of recreation. 'Ve· mint or wintergreen are added with
cottage as be spoke more briefly still: can give it to you and ~'ou'll have the the required amonnt of sugar,
·I With U-Ran- rOJDUTTI-:ES O}' COUNCIL. "Higginses! " time of your life. Where? Why at
W h y N 0 t Clean S1 ver l'l.. te Silver the Counlry Club of the Young Men's, A recruiting sergeant one day met
Polish (lahcl blue) that posltl"ell" docs N01' li'inance and Law Committee-A. P.
wear a.wav the surface-that does NOT Redifer. chairman; W. D. Smedley, Christian Assoeiation of Philadelphia, an ignorant country youth idling
blacken tho hands-that actually RESISTS From a recent novel we extract the at Dwight Farms, Downingtown, Pa.' with his hands In bis pockets, and
the return of tarnish, keeping the sHver H. n. Karrigan. following passage: This is a well equipped resort with the' standing in front of a house on which
bright. and sa"lnl; labor-that makes the Highway Committee-H. D. Narri-
silver ,,"car longer-that is \'er)~ sanitary "The notary was walking In his attractions of a Country Club and the. wus the notice, "This Building to be
and clean to use '! gun, chairman; E. C. Stokes, Robert garden with both his hands behind, best features of camp life. Secretary' Sold bv Private Treaty." The ser-
hi!' back and reading a. newspaperl" Hampton will be glad to confer with; p;e::tnt ~pproached the youth and ask-
U.e lJ-Jilln-I'hlt.. Extrll StrenJ>;th (Io.bel red) Saville.
tor SIl,-.. r 1'\(ltlnJ>; Dra••.
Buy n. Dottle, 2Jc, or CUD, GOe, To·dB)·! Police and Health-W. D. Smedley,
chairman: E. C. Stokes, William J. anr one who is contemplating such a. ed him if he had ever thought of
Dept. Stores or Imperial Grocery Company Hyman E. Markel, of Nashville, l~as I vacation. Details will be published: joining the army.
NARBERTH, PA. Henderson. invented a sound reprod~cing macl.nne later. "Not me;' was the reply. "What's
A. R. Justice Co., IIlak"..... 612 Chestnut St. Water, Fire and Light-William
~Iaving a no~el co~structlOn f?r brl1l~- the good? There no money in it,'.
Henderson, chairman; A. P. Redifer,
IIlg succeSSIvely lI1to operat.lve P~SI- 'I.'EX l'IILI,IOX Ala; IXYETf:RATE: "Is that so?" said the other. "How
Robert Saville.
lion the cylindl>rs arranged I1l senes. GIn\[ CIU;W}; it. then that Private Treaty has
GODFREY ---.--."--,.-~-.--.----.-._,,,.,... "::'
__ ::-:""."::'------------------.-~ ! a house for sale?"

Tbe Real Estate Man at How man)" people in the United - Tllp. youth lool,ed puzzled and
114 Woodside Ave.,
wlIl be pleased to assist you in get·
To the Heart of Leisureland States cllew gum? Ko accurate gov- - thOl1g!ltful. and presently the possl-
ernment statistics being available, a' lJility of owning a house by joining
tlng a home. consen'ative estimate may place the the army grew Into a certainty. and
where woods are cool. stl'eams allur- number at 10,000,000, diViding them thE" country !<ecured another recruit.
Telepbone-:-:arbertb 685 A. ing, vacations ideal. Between New York into two classes, the inveterate or:
.---- ._------- City (with Albany and Troy the gate- habitual chewers and the occasional' NOT PROFITABLE.
ways) and chewers. Under the latter class may.
nett)· nnder's Gossll'.
Lake George be placed school children, who are not' "Did the old man settle anything
(Continued from First Page) The Adirondacks permitted to chew during study hours. on the young couple when they went
According to the census of 1910, to housekeeping?"
Lake Champlain there Were in the United States 27,-' "Oh, yes; himself,"
W,e have not heard much recently The North and West 750,599 persons between the ages of
of tbe project to tunnel under the six and twent~' )'ears in the forty-eight CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
railroad at Essex avenue. What has The logical ronte is "The Luxurious States and the District of Columbia.
become of the proposition? Of this Humber 17300204 attended Two "ents I)er word In BdmB"e; minimum
Way" , , , I ten words.
school, at least occasionally, and may:
Mrs. Marth Bowers, a resident of Largest and most magnificent river be classed as potentially occasional' FOR SAI,F..-Stnhle with two stalls and ho,"
Narberth many years ago, and whose st'lll wagon hQuse, hay 10ft and man s
steamships in the world chewers, leaving a balance of 10,450,- roo';'.' CORt $1000. Good condition. Sale
husband, Mr. G,eo. W. Bowers, built 395 as potentially inveterate chewers. price. $lfiO. F. M. Justice. Narberth, Penna..
the house now occupied by George DAILY SERVICE of gum, all under the age of twenty i ),'OR S,\(,F..-R1ch top Roll. trom old garden.
Markle, corner Narberth and Haver- Send for free copy of Beautiful years. Of course all these may not i rooc per lond on premises. F. 1\[. Justice.
ford avenues, was a visitor in Nar- ,
have been gum chewers; equally, or:, 616 ?tontgomer:r n\"l'nue. . _
berth last week. "Searchlight Magazine" course inveterate gum chewers can-I "'OR !'l,\I.F-one Qunllt)· gas st?~·e.".goOd~
conl1lt1on. Appl:r t!'venlngs at 1~.. ,," 00
not be confined to persons under the shle a"enue. I
Mr. H. S. Tyson died on Wednes- HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY age of twent~" years. These figures I :L:':'O::S-:T::_':'U=ln=':c-k--r-lb-b-on--w-n-tc-:h--t-:-o-:b--:n-=n-;d
day a.t his home, 112 Merion avenue.
Pier 32, North River New York
may be taken, however, to show that I
chnln. Chnrm or black Intnglln "'I~h
Mr. Tyson had been suffering many the estimate of 10,000,000 chewers Is Initials S. S. B. on Inside. Reward. 1.3
months. He leaves a wife and two very COD'3ervati ve. I "·{loilRhtp.
n vpnUe. _
sons and four daughters. He was The latest statistics published by LOST-A light )'ellow Uoston bull dog, llam~
seventy-five years of age. "T h e Sea r chi i g h t R 0 ute" h " S t.. Disappenred l\[ay 10th. Llbero.
the department 0 f commerce s ow rewa~~r fot Intormatlon lending to reCO\'ery.
that during the year 1913 the United Will. U. Goodall. 108 Dudley avenue.


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