Dynamic Stiffness of Foundations On Inhomogeneous Soils For A Realistic Prediction of Vertical Building Resonance

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Dynamic Stiffness of Foundations on Inhomogeneous Soils

for a Realistic Prediction of Vertical Building Resonance

L. Auersch, Ph.D.1

Abstract: The aim of this contribution is a practice-oriented prediction of environmental building vibrations. A Green’s functions method
for layered soils is used to build the dynamic stiffness matrix of the soil area that is covered by the foundation. A simple building model
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is proposed by adding a building mass to the dynamic stiffness of the soil. The vertical soil-building transfer functions with building-soil
resonances are calculated and compared with a number of measurements of technically induced vibrations of residential buildings. In a
parametrical study, realistic foundation geometries are modeled and the influence of incompressible soil, deep stiff soil layering, soft top
layers, and increasing soil stiffness with depth is analyzed. All these special soil models reduce the resonant frequency compared to a
standard homogeneous soil. A physically motivated model of a naturally sedimented soil has a stiffness increasing with the square root of
the depth and yields a foundation stiffness that decreases with foundation area considerably stronger than the relatively insensitive
homogeneous soil. This soil model is suited for the Berlin measuring sites and reproduces satisfactorily the experimental results.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2008兲134:3共328兲
CE Database subject headings: Stiffness; Foundations; Predictions; Resonance; Vibration.

Introduction The main concern of this contribution is ground-borne vibra-

tion of buildings caused by railway traffic 共Fig. 1兲, pile driving,
Dynamic soil-structure interaction is a field that has been in- and other technical sources. For railway traffic and pile driving,
tensely investigated in the last decades. A basic topic of soil- there is primarily vertical excitation in the soil. The dynamic
structure interaction is the stiffness and damping of foundations. forces generate a wave field that is propagating through the soil.
A variety of methods have been developed to calculate the foun- Generally, at some distance from the source, the wave field is
dation stiffness and damping as a function of the excitation fre- dominated by surface waves, namely, Rayleigh waves with a
quency. There exists a large number of theoretical publications major vertical component. The frequency range of excitation is
about the stiffness and damping of foundations, just as examples between 5 and 20 Hz for pile driving and between 5 and 100 Hz
共Richart et al. 1970; Gazetas 1983; Wolf 1985兲. In early studies, for railway traffic. When ground-borne vibration of buildings is
foundations on homogeneous soil were investigated. Later on, investigated, the transfer function between the free-field ampli-
layered soil, that means at least one layer resting on a usually tudes of the soil and the response of the building is considered.
stiffer half-space, has been an important subject of theoretical The main question is whether an amplification or a reduction of
studies 共for example, Waas 1972; Kausel 1974; Luco 1974兲. An- the free-field amplitudes of the soil occurs when the soil vibration
other type of inhomogeneous soil was also analyzed, but not as is transferred to the building foundation.
intensely as layered soils, that is the inhomogeneous soil with a Experimental soil-building transfer functions, which are suited
stiffness that varies continuously with depth, see for example for technically induced vibration problems, are rarely published,
共Waas et al. 1988; Vrettos 1991; Kalinchuk et al. 2005兲. Due to for example 共Nelson and Saurenmann 1983; Jakobsen 1989;
the long history of soil-structure interaction, the effects of specific Auersch et al. 2004兲. In general, the measured vertical transfer
soils—as cut-off frequencies and trapped mass—have already functions show, more or less clearly, a building-soil resonance
been analyzed and discussed by a number of authors 共Gazetas and a reduction of amplitudes at higher frequencies. In the present
1987; Wolf 1994兲. There are also some experimental results about contribution, this vertical building-soil resonant frequency is
foundations published that are made to verify the theory of dy- compared with calculated resonance frequencies of theoretical
namic soil-structure interaction 共Richart and Whitman 1967; Nii soil, foundation, and building models.
1987; Gazetas and Stokoe 1991; Verbic and Meler 1991; Auersch The general tendency in comparison of theory and experiment
et al. 2002兲. is that the experimental resonant frequencies are often lower than
the theoretically expected. This problem of lower experimental
Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing 共BAM兲, Unter den resonance frequencies is very old and it has been suggested to add
Eichen 87, D 12200 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: lutz.auersch-saworski@ a fictitious “soil mass” to the model of the soil-foundation system
bam.de 共Reissner 1936; Barkan 1962兲. The added “soil mass” reduces the
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2008. Separate discussions dynamic stiffness and yields a lower resonant frequency. How-
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
ever, this represents only a description of the experimental obser-
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- vation and not its explanation.
sible publication on April 24, 2006; approved on July 23, 2007. This A number of possible reasons for the shift of the resonance
paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental frequencies are investigated in the present contribution. For a
Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 3, March 1, 2008. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/ number of parameters of the foundation geometry and the soil
2008/3-328–340/$25.00. structure, the dynamic stiffness is calculated. The results are


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 1. Train induced vibrations of buildings

checked as to whether a reduction of the stiffness and a shift of Boundary-Element Method for the Building-Soil
resonance frequencies is possible, and whether these effects are Interaction
strong enough to explain the experimental results. Even if no
agreement with experiment is found, the merit of the study is the The stiffness matrix of the soil area is constructed by means of the
quantification of different softening effects on soil-foundation Green’s functions of the homogeneous or layered soil. The
systems. Green’s functions, which are the solution due to a harmonic point
This contribution consists of five parts. The first part recapitu- load on the surface of the soil, are calculated by an integration in
lates the theoretical methods to calculate the stiffness and damp- wave number domain 共Appendix I兲. The solution in wave number
ing of foundations on layered soil. It is based on the Green’s domain is obtained by elementary matrix methods 共Appendix II兲.
functions of a layered soil that are obtained by integration in the When the Green’s functions have been established, the
wave number domain. A similar method using the full-space boundary-element method for the soil is introduced in a very
Green’s functions has already been presented in Auersch and simple way. First, the foundation area is described by a set of
Schmid 共1990兲. The Green’s functions of layered soil were pre- surface points with coordinates x␣. A portion A␣ of the surface
sented in Auersch 共1994兲 to calculate the wave propagation. The area belongs to every surface point. For each pair of surface
method given here is similar to the method of Wolf 共1985兲 and points x␣ and x␤, the displacements
Kausel and Roesset 共1981兲. The second part discusses the moti-
vation of this contribution. A number of measurements are pre- u共x␤兲 = F共x␤ − x␣兲p共x␣兲 共1兲
sented where measured resonance frequencies and measured
wave velocities do not fit together. or
The central part of this contribution is the calculation of the
stiffness and damping of different foundations on different soils. u␤ = F␤␣p␣ 共1⬘兲
Homogeneous soils are compared with inhomogeneous soils. that are due to a force p at point x␣ are calculated using the
Deep stiff soil layers are examined as well as soft top layers. Most Green’s functions F. The singularity of the Green’s function at the
effectively, a soil with a stiffness continuously increasing with point of excitation x␣ is overcome by
depth is investigated. In addition, an incompressible soil and the
effect of a foundation, which is not in perfect contact with the
soil, are examined. Results, stiffness, and damping functions are
presented for different realistic foundation geometries as single
u␣i =

F共x − x␣兲p共x␣兲dA 共2兲

foundations, unilateral or orthogonal strip foundations, and plate calculating the mean value over the corresponding surface area.
foundations, which cover the whole building area. The Green’s function matrices F␤␣ are assembled in a flexibil-
In the following section, the effects of the different foundation ity matrix of the soil
and soil models are analyzed for buildings that are excited by

冤 冥冤 冥冤 冥
vibrations of the soil. Vertical soil-building transfer functions are u1 F11 ¯ F1␣ ¯ F1m p1
calculated and compared with measured ones. The soil-building
interaction is solved for the simplest case, a vertical uniform ex- ] ] ] ] ]
citation of the building, which is assumed to respond as a rigid u␤ = F␤1 ¯ F␤␣ ¯ F␤m p␣ 共3兲
system. The calculated transfer functions and resonance frequen- ] ] ] ] ]
cies are compared with the experimental results in the following
um Fm1 ¯ Fm␣ ¯ Fmm pm
section, and some other effects are discussed that can influence
the soil-building interaction. with m the number of points, or in short form


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

u = Fp 共3⬘兲 the buildings were located, and 160 m / s for one building outside
of Berlin. The measured transfer functions of nine residential
The inversion of this equation buildings are shown in Fig. 3共b兲. The building response was mea-
p = F−1u ¬ KSu 共4兲 sured at several measuring points, and the mean value for all
foundation points is shown in Fig. 3共b兲 for each building. The
gives the dynamic stiffness matrix KS = F−1 of the soil. transfer functions show resonances between 5 and 7.5 Hz. For
To get the stiffness matrix K⬘ of a rigid foundation, the stiff- higher frequencies 共f ⬎ 10 Hz兲, the amplitudes decrease clearly. A
ness matrix KS of the soil must be transformed with a n ⫻ 6 minimum value of 0.1 to 0.3 is reached at 50 Hz. The average of
matrix B, which contains the displacements of the six rigid body all nine buildings is given in Fig. 3共b兲 as well. The average trans-
motions. The stiffness matrix of the rigid foundation is fer function has a resonance between 5 and 7 Hz and values of
K ⬘ = B TK SB 共5兲 about 1 at 10 Hz, 0.5 at 20 Hz, 0.3 at 30 Hz, and 0.2 at 50 Hz.
The different curves of the different buildings are very close to
and the vertical stiffness of a rigid foundation is simply the sum of the average curve and this is due to the fact that up to ten foun-
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all vertical elements of KS that are due to a vertical displacement dation points have been averaged for each of the buildings.
Both test series with 15 small residential buildings showed
k = Kzz 兺
KSzz 共6兲 vertical building-soil resonances between 5 and 7.5 Hz. These
resonance frequencies are considerably lower than expected for a
This vertical stiffness of a rigid foundation is discussed homogeneous soil with the measured stiffness. 共A plate founda-
throughout the rest of this contribution. tion with an area of FF = 100 m2, a building mass of m = 300 Mg,
and a soil stiffness G = 8 ⫻ 107 N / m2 according to a wave velocity
of vS = 200 m / s would yield f0 = 15 Hz; that is, at least twice as
Experimental Motivation and Measured Transfer high as the measured resonance frequencies.兲 Similar observa-
Functions of Buildings tions of lower soil-structure resonances are made for model struc-
tures 共Auersch 1988兲 and railway tracks 共Auersch 2005兲. It is the
A number of small buildings, 1- to 3-story residential buildings, aim of the present investigation to find the reasons for the mea-
have been measured in the south central 共Auersch et al. 2004兲 and sured transfer functions and resonance frequencies. In the next
southeast of Berlin 共Meinhardt and Wuttke 2006兲. The Berlin soil sections, different foundation geometry, different soil models, and
is determined by the glacial time. A glacial stream crossed Berlin additional effects are analyzed to find out which model or effect
and left a deep sand deposit 共valley sand兲. North and south of the can explain the low resonance frequencies.
glacial stream, the Barnim and Teltow plate are built of thick
morainic deposits 共marl, glacial till兲. Both types of soil that are
found in and around Berlin are of nearly homogeneous material
down to depth of 20 or 30 m. For the south-central area, the soil Dynamic Stiffness of Typical Building Foundation
conditions have been measured by the harmonic excitation of an and Realistic Soil
eccentric mass vibrator 共Pmax = 20 kN兲 and an electrodynamic vi-
brator 共Pmax = 1.5 kN兲. The wave velocities vW are measured Foundation Geometry
along a line of 6 to 30 equidistant geophones and the results
are vW = 210 m / s for f = 16 Hz, vW = 180 m / s for f = 20 Hz, and The following types of foundation are considered 共Fig. 4兲. Paral-
vW = 155 m / s for f = 35 Hz 共Fig. 2兲. Potential errors of this lel strip foundations or frames of strip foundations are considered
method can be detected by the redundant information of the geo- as typical for residential buildings. A number of equally spaced
phones. Two geophones would establish a unique wave velocity, individual foundations are calculated as typical for office or in-
whereas the coincidence of the whole wave front with a straight dustrial buildings. The stiffest type of foundation, a plate founda-
line would prove the quality of the results. tion, which covers all the building area FF = FB, is considered as
The amplitudes of the building foundation v are related to the well. Whereas the types of the foundations are varied consider-
amplitudes v0 of a free-field point of the soil. These transfer func- ably, the dimensions are chosen as those of the small residential
tions v / v0 of the buildings are presented in Fig. 3共a兲 for the south- buildings that have been measured. The outer dimension is 7 or
central region of Berlin where pile driving was used as excitation. 10 m; some examples are calculated also with a = 5 m. The width
The transfer functions of the six different buildings show a similar of the strip or single foundations is varied between 0.5, 0.7,
behavior. All transfer functions start with a value near to 1 at low and 1.0 m. The standard soil parameters are G = 8
frequencies. That means that the soil and building vibrate at the ⫻ 107 N / m2 , ␯ = 0 , 33, ␳ = 2 Mg/ m3 , vS = 200 m / s, which
same level at low frequencies. Most of the buildings have a mod- are varied in the subsequent sections, and a hysteretical material
erate resonance amplification at 5 or 7.5 Hz, where 7.5 Hz is damping of D = 2.5% is used for all numerical calculations.
more frequent. For higher frequencies above 10 Hz, there is a As a result, the stiffness and damping values of the rigid group
clear reduction of the amplitudes. The reduction is about 0.3 at foundations are presented as a function of frequency 共0 to 20 Hz兲.
20 Hz and the minimal value is 0.2 at 30 Hz. The transfer func- Fig. 5共a兲 shows the results of the different foundations of
tions are a little increasing or nearly constant at frequencies above a = 10 m. Generally, the variations with frequency are weak. Only
30 Hz. However, this could be due to the low energy content of the stiffness of the plate foundation 共FF / FB = 1兲 has a clear reduc-
the pile driving in that frequency range. tion with frequency so that it is only half of the static value at
The buildings in the southeast region of Berlin have been 20 Hz. However, this is the exception of all foundation geom-
monitored during train passages nearby. The soil parameters have etries. For the other foundations with 共FF / FB ⬍ 1兲, the stiffness
been measured by impulse excitation using an impulse hammer of tends to higher values at higher frequencies.
m = 5 kg and drop weights of m = 10 and 50 kg. The measured The static and low-frequency values of the calculated stiffness
wave velocity was about 240 m / s for the region where most of and damping functions are evaluated for a number of different


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 2. Wave speed measurements with harmonic vibrator excitation of frequency: 共a兲 f = 16 Hz; 共b兲 20 Hz; and 共c兲 35 Hz

foundations. They can be compared with the formula of an is obtained for the plate foundation. Nearly the same value is
equivalent circular foundation and are given as a function of the obtained by foundations for RF / RB ⬎ 0.5. Only foundations,
ratio RF / RB with the radii which cover a minor part of the building area, have a consider-

冑 冑
ably smaller foundation stiffness.
RF = and RB = 共7兲 The same evaluation has been done for the low-frequency
␲ ␲ damping of these foundation groups 共Fig. 6兲. The same rules can
in Fig. 6. For equal radii RF / RB = 1 共or equal areas兲, the calculated be stated, but the deviations from the equivalent and the total
stiffness ratio k / kF is 1. If the foundations are distributed over a plate foundation are stronger for the damping. The highest value
wider area 共RF / RB ⬍ 1兲, the stiffness is higher than the stiffness of compared to the equivalent plate foundation is c / cF = 3.5, and the
a concentrated foundation. The highest calculated stiffness ratio is lowest value compared to the total plate foundation is c / cB = 0.1.
k / kF = 2 for the group of individual foundations. Similar results about the low- and high-frequency stiffness and
Another comparison is made with the stiffness kB of a com- damping can be found in Auersch 共1988兲. Nine single foundations
pletely covered building area. In Fig. 6共b兲, once again the value 1 have been analyzed, of which the distance is varied. As a general


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Fig. 3. Soil-building transfer functions of 1- to 3-story buildings: 共a兲

excited by pile driving, eight single foundation points of six Fig. 4. Geometry of the analyzed building foundations
buildings; 共b兲 excited by rail traffic, the mean value of all foundation
points for each of the nine buildings—the average function of all
buildings tact of the foundation with the soil has a minor effect on the
dynamic foundation stiffness if there are enough contact points.

rule, the stiffness is increasing and the damping is decreasing with Incompressible Soil
increasing frequency. If the low-frequency results are presented as
a function of RF / RB 关the solid lines in Figs. 6共a and b兲兴, almost An incompressible soil or a soil with a high compressional stiff-
the same functions k / kF and k / kB are observed. ness has a special effect on the foundation stiffness. Foundations
on imcompressible soil have a very strong frequency dependence
for their foundation stiffness. Fig. 7共a兲 shows the stiffness and
Foundation with Imperfect Contact damping of a square foundation of a = 10 m, one for a standard
In the preceding section, it was discussed what happens if the soil of ␯ = 0.33, and one for an incompressible soil with ␯ = 0.5.
building area is more or less covered by the foundation. A related The static stiffness is increased by a factor of
question is about the influence of an imperfect contact between
foundation and the underlying soil. This situation is analyzed by k2 1 − ␯1 1 − 0,33
= = = 1,33 共8兲
reducing the contact area of each nodal point of the numerical k1 1 − ␯2 1 − 0,5
model by a certain amount. By that, the actual area of the foun- due to the incompressibility. The stiffness is then highly reduced
dation is reduced, but the result could also depend on the discreti- with increasing frequency. The value 0 is passed—here at
zation. This is studied for a square foundation of 16 m ⫻ 16 m, 15 Hz—and the stiffness is negative for higher frequencies. This
which is discretized by 4 ⫻ 4, 8 ⫻ 8, and 16⫻ 16 elements. For all can formally explained by a vibrating “soil mass” of
discretizations, the following coverages of the building area FB
are investigated: k
m= = 400Mg 共9兲
F/FB = 1, 1/4, 1/16
The general formula of the zero-frequency f 0 and the “soil mass”
Fig. 6共c兲 shows the static and low-frequency values of the
m are 关in agreement with Wolf 共1994兲兴
stiffness and damping compared to the nominal values of a per-
fectly covered building area. It is found that, namely, the stiffness vS vS
curve of the foundation with the highest numbers of contact f 0 = 0.4 = 0.75 and m = 1.26␳R3 = 0.23␳a3 共10兲
R a
points is close to 1, the deviation being less than 20% of the
nominal value. The deviations are stronger for the damping and Whereas the stiffness of the incompressible soil is strongly fre-
for fewer contact points. The conclusion is that an imperfect con- quency dependent, the damping is increased in the whole fre-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 5. Frequency-dependent stiffness k and damping c of single, strip, frame, and plate foundations FB = 10 m ⫻ 10 m; 共a兲 homogeneous soil with
vS = 200 m / s; 共b兲 soil with a soft top layer 共h = 1 m, vS1 = 70 m / s兲

quency range by a factor of 1.3 compared to the homogeneous quency range, the stiffness is negative but turns again to higher
soil. positive values. The most important effect is that a resonance may
The effect of incompressible soil was also analyzed for the occur without any building mass at the frequency of zero stiff-
other foundation geometries. For the strip foundations, the effects ness. This resonant frequency can be calculated according to
are not so strong as for the plate foundation and a zero of the vS
stiffness does not occur. The effect can be explained by remem- f0 = 共11兲
bering that a plate foundation radiates mainly compression waves 2h
down into the soil. If the soil is incompressible, that means a with the wave velocity vS and the height h of the layer.
portion of the soil under the foundation is almost in phase with This frequency is also of importance for the damping of a
the foundation. This in-phase or trapped soil mass can explain the foundation on a layered soil 关Fig. 7共b兲兴. For frequencies below the
zero or negative foundation stiffness of an incompressible soil. layer frequency f 0, the damping is very low. The radiation into the
soil is prevented by the reflecting interface between the layer and
Deep Stiff Layering of the Soil the stiff half-space. For frequencies above the layer frequency f 0,
the damping values are—with some oscillations—around the
The most important effect of the soil layering is that the layering higher values of a homogeneous half-space.
of the soil can result in layer resonances at certain frequencies. The more general studies about layered soils 共Auersch 1995兲
These resonances can have an effect on the building-soil reso- show that the effects of soil layering depend on the contrast of
nance if the layer frequency is lower than the building frequency. wave velocities and on the relation between foundation length and
The following soil structure is considered: A stiff half-space of layer depth. The effect of a zero foundation stiffness is only found
vS = 1,000 m / s starts at 10 m depth under a normal soil with if the foundation is large enough compared to the depth of the
vS = 200 m / s. The typical effects of this soil layering can be found layer.
in the stiffness and damping given in Fig. 7共b兲. In comparison
with the homogeneous standard soil, the underlying stiff half-
space increases the low-frequency stiffness. The stiffness of the Effect of a Soft Top Layer
layered soil drops considerably with higher frequencies, and at The layering of the soil is discussed as the deviation from a stan-
10 Hz, the value of the stiffness is zero. In the following fre- dard homogeneous soil. Whereas in the preceding section the de-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 6. Low-frequency stiffness k and damping c of different foundations as a function of RF / RB, compared with the values kF, cF of a circular
equivalent foundation: 共a兲 or kB, cB of a foundation with the total building area; 共b兲, 共c兲 square foundation with imperfect contact, FB = 16 m
⫻ 16 m and 䊐 256, 䊊 64, 䉭 16 contact areas; and 共d兲 soil with continuously increasing stiffness


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 7. Frequency-dependent stiffness k and damping c of a square foundation 共FB = 10 m ⫻ 10 m兲: 共a兲 on an incompressible soil 共␯ = 0 , 5兲; 共b兲 on
a soil with a deep stiff layering 共h = 10 m, vS2 = 1,000 m / s兲, 䊐 homogeneous standard soil 共␯ = 0,33兲

viation was in great depth and with a stiffer underlying material, foundation or thick top layers, the foundation stiffness approaches
in this section, a softer thin layer is considered on top of the the half-space value of the top soil, which is—in that example—
standard soil. The wave velocities are vS = 70 m / s for the layer four times softer than the standard half-space.
and vS = 200 m / s for the half-space and the layer thickness is
h = 1 m. The stiffness and damping of different foundation geom-
Continuously Increasing Stiffness of the Soil
etries with FB = 10 m ⫻ 10 m are presented in Fig. 5共b兲. In con-
trast to the deep layering, almost no frequency-dependent In addition to the simply layered soil, a soil with continuously
phenomena are found. The layer frequency for the soft top layer is increasing stiffness is analyzed. The stiffness increases with depth
at f = 35 Hz, which is higher than the frequency range considered z according to the relation
here. Nevertheless, there is a strong influence of the top layer. The
high compliance of the top layer reduces the foundation stiffness G ⬃ z0,5 共12兲
considerably from k = 3 ⫻ 109 N / m 关Fig. 5共a兲, curve FF / FB = 1 for
the plate foundation兴 to less than 2 ⫻ 109 N / m 关Fig. 5共b兲兴. For that is, an increase proportional to the square root of the depth.
strip and individual foundation groups 共FF / FB ⬍ 1兲, the stiffness This is the law for a naturally sedimented soil and is due to the
reduction is even more pronounced. The maximum reduction for increasing pressure and the pressure-dependent stiffness of granu-
the individual foundations 共FF / FB = 0.09兲 is from k = 1.5 lar material. This type of stiffness variation can be regarded as a
⫻ 109 N / m to 0.3⫻ 109 N / m, that means the thin soft top layer standard continuously increasing soil. An example of this distri-
reduces the stiffness of this foundation group to 20% of the ho- bution is used in the calculation, where the continuous stiffness or
mogeneous value. wave velocity distribution is approximated by 20 layers. Corre-
The smaller the foundations are, the stronger are the effects of sponding to the wave velocity variation, the layer thickness is
the thin top layer. If the length a of a square foundation or the selected very small when approaching the soil surface. The com-
height h of the top layer is varied, one finds the stronger reduction plete soil profile is defined by the power of stiffness increase
with decreasing ratio a / h in Fig. 8, see also Auersch 共1995兲. If 共p = 0.5兲 and the wave velocity at a certain depth, here by
the foundation is large compared to the layer height, then the vS = 200 m / s at z = 4 m. The soil profile has both characteristics of
stiffness is ruled by the stiffness kH2 of the underlying half-space. the preceding layered soils, low wave velocities of the top layers
If the foundation is of the same size as the layer height, the 共the very thin top layer has vS = 32 m / s兲, and high wave velocities
foundation stiffness is reduced by the top layer. For very small in great depth.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 8. Low-frequency stiffness k / kH2 of a square foundation 共length Fig. 9. Low-frequency stiffness k / kV10 of a square foundation 共length
a兲 on a layered soil 共vS2 / vS1 = 2兲, compared with the stiffness kH2 of a兲 䊊 on a soil with continuously increasing stiffness, 䊐 and a
the underlying half-space, as a function of the ratio a / h, 䊐 vertical, homogeneous half-space, 䉭, and ⫹ horizontal stiffness
䊊 horizontal, 䉭 rocking, and ⫹ torsional stiffness

The stiffness and damping functions of different foundation z0/a = 0.2共vertical兲 0.07共horizontal兲 0.05共rocking兲
groups are very similar to those of the soft top layer of the pre-
0.02共torsional兲 共17兲
ceding section. There is little frequency dependence, but a strong
influence of the foundation area FF / FB. This is further analyzed That means that the torsional stiffness is determined by the high-
in Fig. 6共d兲, where it is found—as for the top layered soil—that a est and softest soil, whereas the vertical stiffness is determined by
considerable reduction of foundation stiffness can be obtained by the deepest and stiffest soil. The same effect can be read from Fig.
a reduction of the foundation area or equivalent radius, which is 8 for the soil with a thin soft top layer. The strongest reduction in
much stronger than for the foundations on homogeneous soil. stiffness is found for the torsional mode, the horizontal and the
The same rule can be found in Fig. 9 for plate foundations of rocking modes have a medium reduction. Finally, Fig. 9 demon-
different lengths a. Whereas for the homogeneous soil, there is a strates the stronger reduction of the horizontal stiffness compared
linear increase of the stiffness to the vertical stiffness.
k⬃R or k⬃a 共13兲
Influence on Dynamic Stiffness
with the foundation dimension 共radius R or length a兲, the increase
of the foundation stiffness is of a higher power than 1 for the A number of soil and foundation models have been presented for
regularly inhomogeneous soil. The stiffness law can be derived which the stiffness is reduced, compared to a standard homoge-
theoretically as neous soil. An incompressible soil and a deep stiff layering of the
soil yield a highly frequency-dependent foundation stiffness,
G ⬃ z0.5 where zero values are possible. A reduced foundation area, a soft
It can be written with a new material parameter H of the soil top layer, or a soil with generally increasing stiffness with depth
yield a reduction of the stiffness at all frequencies. The next sec-
G tion will show which soil and foundation model has the strongest
G = Hz0.5 or H= 共14兲
z0.5 influence on the building-soil resonant frequency.
Due to the dimension of this parameter H, which is N / m2.5, the
only possible relation for the foundation stiffness is
Soil-Building Interaction
k ⬃ HR1.5 ⬃ R1.5 共15兲
After the dynamic stiffness of different foundations on different
see also 共Holzlöhner 1999兲. This power law 共p = 1.5兲 is stronger soils have been calculated, the effects on the soil-structure inter-
than for the homogeneous half-space 共p = 1兲, but not as strong as action are analyzed. The most simple model of soil-structure in-
for a Winkler foundation 共p = 2兲. It is well proved by the numeri- teraction is a rigid mass, which is vertically excited by a vertical
cal results of Fig. 9. vibration of the soil. This model is used here to find out which
The results of Fig. 9 can be used to calculate the depth where soil model is able to represent the measured soil-building interac-
the corresponding soil stiffness yields the appropriate foundation tion. The soil-building transfer function between the vertical
stiffness when it is introduced into the formula of the homoge- building amplitude v and the vertical free-field amplitude v0 of
neous soil. This depth is at the soil is calculated as
z0 = 0.38R = 0.2a 共16兲
v k + ci␻
This can be interpreted as follows. A larger foundation is sup- = 共18兲
v0 k + ci␻ − m␻2
ported by deeper and, therefore, stiffer soil layers. The foundation
stiffness increases not only with its dimension, but also with the k and c = frequency dependent stiffness and damping of the foun-
deeper and stiffer soil on which it is supported. dation as calculated in the preceding section. The building is only
The representative depth 共16兲 for the soil with continuously represented by its mass m. Standard values for the mass have
increasing stiffness is also evaluated for the other modes as been chosen for the building examples, m = 150 Mg for the build-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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Fig. 10. Soil-building transfer function of a building with plate

foundation of length a = 10 m, 䊐 homogeneous soil 共vS = 200 m / s兲, 䊊
incompressible soil and 䉭 soil with deep stiff layering 共h = 10 m,
vS2 = 1,000 m / s兲

ings with FB = 7 m ⫻ 7 m, and m = 300 Mg for the buildings with

FB = 10 m ⫻ 10 m.
At first, a building with a plate foundation is analyzed with
different soil conditions, a homogeneous soil, an incompressible
soil, and a deep and stiff soil layering 共Fig. 10兲. The correspond-
ing foundation stiffness and damping are given in Fig. 7. The
calculated soil-building interaction is very small. The relation be-
tween the building and soil amplitudes is nearly 1, and for the
homogeneous compressible and incompressible soil, the reso-
nances are very small. Only the deep layering of the soil yields a Fig. 11. Soil-building transfer function of buildings on different
remarkable resonance. For all three buildings on a plate founda- foundations 共d = 0 , 5 m兲: 共a兲 on homogeneous soil 共vS = 200 m / s兲; 共b兲
on a soil with increasing stiffness
tion, no reduction of amplitudes is observed. This is due to the
high radiation damping of a plate foundation on a homogeneous
soil. For the layered soil, the remarkable resonance is mainly
determined by the layer resonant frequency f 0 = vS / 2h. At higher average transfer functions of all calculated building foundations
frequencies, the layered soil approaches the homogeneous soil on soils with increasing stiffness. The results of a soil with soft
and the amplitude reduction is as small as in the homogeneous top layer are very similar to those of the soil with continuously
case. increasing stiffness 共Fig. 11兲. The average results of the calcula-
The incompressible and the deep layered soil have been inves- tions in Fig. 12 are shown together with the experimental results,
tigated for plate foundation because their effects are strongest for the average and envelope curves of Figs. 3共a and b兲. The com-
the plate foundation. The other soil models are now analyzed for parison in Fig. 12 shows that the inhomogeneous theory can result
different strip foundations. For a homogeneous soil, the resonance in almost as low building resonance frequencies as measured
frequencies are far higher than 10 Hz. This is even increased by while the amplitudes at the resonance are higher. The good agree-
the increasing stiffness with frequency so that the lowest reso- ment between theory and measurement is obtained by thin strip
nance is nearly 20 Hz for the narrowest strip foundations 关Fig. foundations on a soil with increasing stiffness with depth, either
11共a兲兴. continuously increasing or layered. The most important parts of
The results for the soil with the continuously increasing stiff- the layering are the soft layers near the soil surface, which
ness is given in Fig. 11共b兲. The building-soil resonance frequen- strongly influence the foundation stiffness.
cies are at 8.5 Hz for the frame foundations 共FF / FB = 0.25兲 and at The following additional effects can be considered as reasons
7 Hz for the strip foundations 共FF / FB = 0.15兲. Similar results are for the reduced building-soil resonant frequency:
obtained for a soil with a soft top layer. It is typical for both • Foundation installation effects can reduce the stiffness of the
inhomogeneous soil models that the damping is reduced so that top layer of the soil. This argument holds especially for model
the building-soil resonances are much clearer than for the homo- tests if the complete model structure or building is placed on
geneous soil. Both inhomogeneous soil models yield a resonant the foundation area 关see discussions in Gazetas and Stokoe
frequency of 7 Hz in the case of strip foundation of width 共1991兲兴.
d = 0.5 m. This important result is a combination of the inhomo- • Kinematic interaction or wave-passage effects give an addi-
geneous soil profile and the reduced area of the foundation type. tional reduction of the foundation amplitudes. If the free-field
vibration of different points of the foundation are of a different
phase, the complex average of the displacements of all foun-
Comparison with Measurements and Discussion dation points yields a reduced input motion. This holds for
deterministic, as well as, for stochastic incoherencies of the
To compare the calculated results for buildings on inhomoge- wave-field 共Kim and Stewart 2003兲. At low frequencies as
neous soils with the experimental results, Fig. 12 presents two considered here, the kinematic effect can be neglected. At


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

stiffness for a realistic prediction of the vertical building-soil
resonant frequency.


The study has shown different soil and foundation models that
yield reduced building-soil resonances.
The foundation geometry 共plate foundations, strip foundations,
or single foundations兲 has an influence on the stiffness of the
foundation. The main parameter is the foundation area FF. For
homogeneous soils, the stiffness is proportional to the square root
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of the foundation area. Therefore, the foundation area has only a

minor influence f 0 ⬃ F0.25
F on the resonant frequency.
Fig. 12. Average soil-building transfer functions of buildings on Foundations that are not in perfect contact with the soil would
different foundations 䉭 on a soil with increasing stiffness, ⫹ on a soil also reduce the stiffness and the resonant frequencies. For this
with soft top layer, experimental results 共average and envelope兲 of the case, the same laws are found as for the different foundation
䊐 south central and 䊊 south east region of Berlin geometries. A considerable reduction of resonant frequencies can
only be observed if large parts of the foundation area are not in
contact with the soil.
higher frequencies if the wavelengths are smaller than the
An incompressible soil has a specific mass-like behavior so
length of the foundation, the kinematic effects are stronger and
that even a foundation without any mass would have a resonance.
should be considered for the prediction of technically induced
vibration. The exact kinematic effects 共rigid wave-passage ef- For massive buildings, the additional “soil mass” of an incom-
fects兲 seem to be too strong at high frequencies, as real build- pressible soil is only of importance if the building mass is not
ings do not react as rigid bodies. It could be replaced by much greater than the “soil mass.” In addition, the effect is stron-
weaker elastic wave-passage effects 共Auersch and Schmid gest for a plate foundation, which is the foundation type with the
1990兲 or rigorously truncated at a certain level 共Mylonakis highest resonant frequency. Therefore, an incompressible soil is
et al. 2006兲. not suited to explain the measured low resonance frequencies.
• Top-down interaction, that is the elastic behavior of the build- A deep stiff soil layering yields a low-frequency resonance due
ing in vertical direction, modifies the inertial forces of the to the reflection of waves at the layer interface. At this layer
building that act on the foundation area. The resultant force is frequency, the stiffness of a foundation is reduced or zero. For
increased around the first elastic resonance of the building lower frequencies, the foundation damping is considerably re-
whereas at higher frequencies, it is reduced compared to a duced. Due to these effects, the soil layering can have an influ-
rigid building. For the low buildings considered here, the top- ence on the building-soil resonance, and this influence is strongest
down effects are expected at considerably higher frequencies for light-weight buildings and plate foundations. Therefore, the
than the building-soil resonant frequency 共Auersch et al. deep stiff soil layering is not a helpful explanation for the reduced
2004兲. However, these effects are of importance for higher resonant frequencies of buildings.
buildings and higher frequencies, and certainly are included in A different soil layering has been analyzed, a thin soft top
the practice-oriented prediction method presented in Rücker layer. The top layer of the soil generally has an important influ-
et al. 共2005兲. ence on the foundation stiffness. The soft top layer reduces the
• Nonlinearity of the soil properties can also explain a reduced foundation stiffness. The smaller the area of the foundation or the
resonant frequency. As the soil stiffness is reduced for higher foundation parts is, the stronger is the reduction effect.
vibration amplitudes, the soil near the soil surface has a lower A soil with a continuously increasing stiffness can show simi-
stiffness than deeper soil material. This argument holds for lar effects as the soil with a soft top layer. The effects can clearly
earthquake excitation, whereas technically induced vibrations be studied for a soil of which the stiffness increases regularly with
are generally in such a low amplitude range that no stiffness depth as G ⬃ z0.5. Explicit laws are given for the stiffness of a
reduction occurs. square plate foundation and for the depth, where the correspond-
This discussion shows that the experimentally observed low ing stiffness of a homogeneous soil can be found. For soils with
resonant frequencies can best be explained with the soft top soil increasing stiffness, the foundation stiffness depends considerably
layers. The discrepancy with the measured soil stiffness can be stronger on the foundation radius k ⬃ R1.5 F than for homogeneous
interpreted as follows: The measured wave velocities of the soil soils.
are higher than the wave velocities of these soft top layers. This is An acceptable explanation of the lower measured resonant fre-
due to the fact that at low frequencies, the measured wave veloci- quencies has been found by soil models with a soft top layer or
ties correspond to deeper and, therefore, stiffer soil layers. The with a stiffness increasing with depth. Building models on these
top layers, which are important for the stiffness of the building soils can reproduce the measured building-soil resonances and the
foundation, can only be measured with a high-frequency excita- building-soil transfer functions for ground-borne vibrations.
tion. It should be added that wave velocity measurements below a Finally, there is also an experimental conclusion. At a site with
possible cut-on frequency and above typical cut-off frequencies of a nonhomogeneous soil, it is necessary to measure the frequency-
soils 共Auersch 1994兲 have usually a high uncertainty, whereas dependent wave velocities 共dispersion兲. Moreover, for a soil with
measurements at the dominating midfrequencies are generally of soft top layers, it is necessary to measure the wave velocities at
high precision. Nevertheless, the results of this contribution show much higher frequencies than the resonant frequency of a build-
that it is very important to establish the high-frequency top-soil ing for which an appropriate soil model has to be established.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

Appendix I. Green’s Functions of the Soil by Wave
Number Integrals a P = a Pk and q P = 冑k2P − k2 kP =

vP = 冑 G共2 − 2␯兲
␳共1 − 2␯兲
The elastic half-space is excited on the surface by a harmonic 共27兲
force p of angular frequency ␻. The displacements u at a distance Thus, the compressional wave can be expressed as
r of the load p have to be calculated.
The displacement u as well as the force p can be described in u P = 共ker − q Pez兲ei共kr−qPz兲 共28兲
cylindrical 共transversal, radial and vertical兲 components as
and the stresses at the surface are, according to Eq. 共26兲

冤冥冤 冥冤 冥
ut Ftt 0 0 pt t P = iG共2q Pker − 共k2S − 2k2兲ez兲eikr 共29兲
ur = 0 Frr Frz pr 共19兲
The SV wave
uz 0 − Frz Fzz pz
uS = 共qSer + kez兲ei共kr−qSz兲 共30兲
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The four functions Fij共r , ␻兲 can be calculated by integration in

wave number domain, the vertical Green’s function is a solution of the field Eq. 共24兲 with

Fzz =


Nzz共k兲J0共kr兲kdk 共20兲 a·k=0 and qS = 冑k2S − k2 kS =

vS = 冑 G


and yields the surface stresses

the radial component due to vertical excitation

⬁ tS = iG共共k2S − 2k2兲er − 2qSkez兲eikr 共32兲
Frz = Nrz共k兲J1共kr兲kdk 共21兲 To obtain the in-plane compliances, one combines a compres-
2␲ 0
sional wave and a SV wave
and the two horizontal solutions for the transverse and the radial
u = a Pu P + a Su S 共33兲

冕冋 册
giving the equations

冋册冋 册冋 册

1 J0 − J2 J0 + J2
Frr = Nrr共k兲 共kr兲 + Ntt共k兲 共kr兲 kdk 共22兲 ur k qS aP
2␲ 0 2 2 = 共34兲
uz − qP k aS

冕冋 册
⬁ and
1 J0 − J2 J0 + J2

冋册 冋 册冋 册
Ftt = Ntt共k兲 共kr兲 + Nrr共k兲 共kr兲 kdk 共23兲
2␲ 2 2 tr 2q Pk k2S − 2k2 aP
= iG 共35兲
tz 2k2 − k2S 2qSk aS
k⫽wave number and Ji⫽Bessel functions of the first kind. The
compliances Nij共k , ␻兲 in wave number domain are calculated by or in abbreviated form
matrix methods in Appendix II.
u = Ba, t = Ta
B and T⫽displacement and stress matrices for a homogeneous
Appendix II. Solution in Wave Number Domain for half-space. By elimination of the wave contributions a
Homogeneous or Layered Soils
u = BT−1t = NHt 共36兲
The solution for homogeneous or layered soils is based on the either the compliance NH or the stiffness matrix KH of the homo-
field equation of elasticity geneous half-space

G div grad u +
1 − 2␯
grad div u = ␳ü 冊 共24兲
t = TB−1u = KHu
is obtained. The compliance NH, which can also be given explic-

The elastic material is described by the parameters G the shear itly 共Auersch 1994兲, can be introduced directly in the integrals
modulus, ␯ the Poisson’s ratio, and ␳ the mass density. 关Eqs. 共20兲–共23兲兴 to get the Green’s functions of the homogeneous
Plane harmonic waves half-space.
In case of a layered soil, a stiffness matrix KL for each layer is
u = aei共k·x+␻t兲 共25兲 calculated. The solution of a layer consists of four waves. In
addition to the downward waves, an upward compressional wave
with wave number k and circular frequency ␻ are considered 共the u−P and an upward shear wave u−SV have to be considered. The
time factor ei␻t will be omitted throughout this paper兲. The corresponding displacements and stresses are obtained from Eqs.
stresses t of such a wave at a plane interface with normal n are 共34兲 and 共35兲 by inversion of the vertical wavenumbers qi. The

t = iG k · na + a · nk +
1 − 2␯

a · kn eik·x 共26兲
displacements and stresses at the bottom of the layer are the same
as at the top of the layer 共z = 0兲, but multiplied by the factor e−qih
of the corresponding wave type. By that, a 4 ⫻ 4 displacement
For the in-plane problem, one has to consider two types of matrix B and 4 ⫻ 4 stress matrix T
waves, a compressional wave u P and a vertical polarized shear
u = Ba t = Ta 共38兲
wave 共SV wave兲 uSV. The compressional wave u P is a solution of
the field Eq. 共24兲 if with


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:328-340.

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