Our Town August 24, 1916

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proven untrue, we are very glad to i MONEY FOR I -----


Mr. George H. El)' and Miss Carol ne

Ely, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. James
COUNTY WORK NewFire Whistle
Harrison, of Newburgh, N. Y., are In order that the Volunteer Firemen may becqme
visiting, Mrs. Edward S. Haws, of Dud- Taxes Paid Since June First accustomed to the sound of Whistle recently installed
ley avenue. Total $24,581-Receipts Dur- on the fire House,
--- ing Past Month Were The whistle will be blown at 7.30 P. M. on the
A marked improvement has been
made to the Methodist Church by About $62,000 LASr 1UESDAY OF EACH MONTH
I hinging a portion of each of the win-
dows in a way that permits excellent which is the date for regular monthly meeting of the
The amount of county tal'es paid on
ven tllation. members. CHAS. V. NOEL, Chief.
THE FIRESIDE the 1916 duplicate, during the month
lVIr. and Mrs. Elwood Smedley, for- of July, lacked but $16',088.11 of the
Bl'tt~· Raxt>:!r's Gossip. merly of Narberth, but now living in
total amount of cOllnty orders, accord-,
Philadelphia, have rented a house ing to the returns made by County
near Montgomery avenue, and Intend
Mr. Arthur Haight is home from
Eagles Mere. returning here in the fall. Controller W. D. Heebner and Couuty
Treasurer George Anders to the Coun- ' To the Editor 0/ Our Town:
Mr. Charles R. Jones and family are Mr. T. Noel Butler and wife, of 229 ty Commissioners, covering the May I ~uggest that announcement be made in Our Town
at Ocean City. Essex avenue, Narberth, with Mr. finances of the county for the mont~ p,.~mi11tl1 Iy, Just to whom subscriptions for the paper shoulJ b~
William Chase, wife and daughter, of ending July 31st. The total taxes paid paid. Several pers~n~ recently have told me they did not know
Mr. Samuel T. Atherholdt has re- Overbrook, motored to Asbury Park on the current duplicate for the month to whom the subscnptlOns should be sent. I WOUld do this in
turned from his vacation. on Saturday 1'01' a week's stay at the was $23,581.43, while the county or-
ders totaled but $39,669.04, this cover- no unmistakable form. Yours truly,
Ing, much of the permanent improve- SUBSCRIBER.
Secretary Hampton. of the Y. M. C.
A., has returned from his vacation. There arrived at the home of Mrs. , ment work now under way. The to a I
Mail a/l Remittances to P. O. Box
O. S. Cook, of Haverford avenue, on receipts, from all sources, ror tile!
Mr. F. H. Hewitt and family have Saturday, a boy. His name is John period was $61,941.32, while the di
returned to their home on Essex ave- Allison Gribble, Jr. He is the son ,l?f bursements for all departments for the Narberth.
Mrs. Cook's daughter, Mrs. John Alli- same period was $68,901.23, or an In-
son Gribble, and makes five living I crease of disbursements over total re-
Rev. John Van Ness and Mrs. Van generations in the famil)'.
Kess have returned from Northfield,
ce~~tst~: ~~~:i~~:' for the month are
I IN-A-'R'"B'-E"-R'T"H'" TAKES stole second, Fleck scoring on the
hit. Mellon then singled scoring
Mass. Mrs. Clarence P. Fowler, of Wind- credited interest on sinking fund to'
Koons with the fifth run of the
SOl' avenue, entertained at bridge last the amount of $2683 and also $5.872.08, I,
Mrs. Frederick A. Brown is at the I Wednesday afternoon. Her guests which was paid Into the treasury of'
LEAD AGAIN inning. Humphries then was thrown
out by the shortstop.
St. Charles, Atlantic City, for an ex- were Mrs. William Cameron, Mrs. the county by former Prothonotary S. Narberth scored again in the fifth
tended stay. Horace C. Obdyke, Mrs. Edgar H. B. Drake, on demand from the officials inning when Walzer singled and was
Cockrill, Mrs. William Kirkpatrick,' to cover discrepancies in the late of- In Main Line League-Defeat
sacrificed to s.econd by Fleck. Koons
and daughter Mrs. W. A. Stewart, Mrs. James MC-,' ficial's accounts, as determined by Paoli, 15-2-Bon Air Trims was then passed. Walzer and Koons
Mrs. James R. Cole !\Iagara Falls Kell, Mrs. James Donnelly and Mrs. audits completed to date. R. G. Dun & Co., 5-3
have g.one on a trip to
and Canada.
i Harvey E. Butcher.
i ---.
The balance in the hands of the
County Treasurer at the close ot 1111
I tl~en worked the double steal, and
alzer scored on Simpson's out.
Mellon was passed and stole second,
Mrs. Charles R. Blackall has re-I Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Easton, of month, for all accounts under his Uesults of Sllturtlll"'s Gllllles. I but Humphries fii.ed out to short.
turned to !';arberth from Lake Brant- 407 Narberth avenue, were among the care, was $96,730.37, as compared to :,\arberth, 15; Paoli, 2. Just to make it safe, Narberth
ingham, :'\. Y. I party that spent the week-end at' $103,690.28 a month previous. Of the Bon-Air, 5; Dun & Co., 3. scored their final run in the seventh
Stone Harbor. They have decided to moneyf< on hand, but, $37.584.40 is Wayne, 8; Berwyn, O. inning when Koons went to second on
Mrs. Aldine K. Siler and son Aldlne erect a sllll~mer home at this seaside available for the general expenses ot West Philadelphia, 7; Autocar Rice's error, and was advanced to
are spending the rest of the summer resort. QUIte a number of Narberth the county, the balance of the moneys Club, 2. third on Simpson's out and scored on
In Siler City, :'\. C. people have become interested In belonging to special items, such as Stllnding of the ('lu"s. McCLellan's infield single.
,Stone Harbor: and th~ prospects are dog tax, mercantile licenses and
w~ll ~.
W. Pet.
Mr. Frank H. Prescott and party that there I be qUIte a Narberth! Sta:e tax account, none of which can, :'\arberth . .
have returned from their motor trip colony there m the future. i be used for county purposes. There, i Dun & Co. .
15 5
Paoli was forced to use three
.789 pitchers, none of which proved to be
.750 a terror for Narberth
through the South. - - - ! however. is over $13,260.35 in tllP.' Bon-Air . . 13 7 .650 Cogan start.ed to pitch for Paoli,
. Interest in our annual tournament I hands of the County Treasurer, rep-: Wayne . . 9 9 .500 but was relieved by Magill in the
lnc~eases 'Elvery day and entries for I resenting excess of receipts over dis- i Autocar Club 8 12 .400 third inning, who lasted until the
Dr. A. L. Orr and family have re- varIOus events are pouring in which I bursements in the offi~es of the Regis-I West Philadelphia 7 1a .350 fifth inning when he was relieved by
turned from a three weeks' trip to ~oes to show ~ur memberShip is! ter, Recorder, Prothonotary, Sheriff' Berwyn . . 6 14 .300 Willitts.
Western Pennsylvania. It was too late then for
~Ive ?ne. .The prIzes now on display i and other departments, Which, at the I Paoli . ..., 5 14 .26:: an)'thing to happen, so the Narberth
III FIedler s drug store are the finest! close of the year, with such additional In a rather listless game the
Miss Jean Chalfant has returned the. ~IUb has ever put up for . com- balances as may accrue, will then be Champions hand.ed the Paoli te~m its boys just took things easy.
home. after an extended trip through- petitIOn, and we f,eel the majority of available for the general eXpenses of worst defeat of the season. Pitcher Flick Stites and Bill Simpson had
out the western part of the State. a big da)' with the bat. Stites retiring
our members are good live sports the county. As compared to the same Mayer held Paoli to three hits during from the game in the fifth inning.
and will want to try to win one or period last year, tIle balances this year the three innings in which he worked
Mrs. Norman Jefferies, of North m~re. The club has put up more to date in these departments are far while Graufl', Narberth's new left Burns. the State College lad, catching
Narherth avenue, is at Plymouth, N. prizes than e:er for the ladies, so we In excess of any of the previous handel', only allowed one hit during for Paoli, was the only one able to
H.. for the remainder of the summer. hope the! WIll. all enter. solve Mayer's shoots, poling out three
years. his stay in the box. hits, one a doublE! from lefty Grauff's
". ,T. Klrpl\trick, S~rctar,.. With the expected payment of the Paoli scored their first run in the shoots.
Miss Ethel Ridge, of 215 Forrest $1(iO.OOO taken from the general funcl first inning when Youkel, the first
avenue, has just returned from a two Xow tILe Norelt,.l
ACCnmXT A'L' HIU,)IONT at the elose of last year by the form~r man up. singled to deep short. !\ARBERTH.
weeks' trip to Island Heights, N. J. nACE TRACK sinldng fund commission and the in- Raudenbush was tlLen safe on HUIll-
terest thereon back to the County phries' error, advancing Youkel to R. H. O. A. E.
Mrs. Barry :Mellor and her two 2 1 0 0 0
William Brier, 2206 North Broad Treasurer, the financial status of the second. Dunbar was safe on Hum- Howes, cf. .
small children. of Chestnut avenue, street, Philadelphia, the Milwaukee aecounts will be materially improved phries' second errol' of the inning, on Wallace, lb. . 7 1 0
2 2
are in Pittsburgh on a stay of several molorl'vl'1e 2 0 0 0
racer, whose machine during this month. which play Youkel scored their first Stites, rf. . 3
weeks. crashed into a lence at the Belmont run. I Walzer, rf. 1
1 0
o 0 1 0
0 0

race track on Saturday. died on Mon-'

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson and day in the Bryn Mawr Hospital from
UNION TWILIGHT SERVICES I Nllr"erl,h ScorCH Threc Rnns In "'Irsl., Grauff, P. .
Aft.er George Howes had flied out Fleck, If., ss
2 3 1 0
Miss Elizabeth Wilson, of South Nar- his injuries. Coroner McGlathery, of 1 6 1 0
. to short. three successive singles by K.oons, 2b. .
'I 3 4 2
herth avenue, are spending this month Montgomery county, decided not to 3 0
Wallace, Stites and Fleck, with Simpson. sS" If 0
in Maine. hold an Inquest. and 'gave a certlfi- The last meeting of this season will Koons out and Simpson's single, MelJon. 3b. . I 0 1 1 0 1
cate of accidental death. Severe be held next Sunday evening, August ~nabled the Champions to score their MCClella.n, 311.•.•• 0 1 0 1 0
Mr. and Mrs. William LiVingston, shock and Internal injuries cost 27th. Rev. F. S. Hort, pastor of the hrst three runs. HumphrIes. 2b. c... 1 1 4 0 2
of North Narberth avenue, have been Brier's life. Calvin Presbyterian Church of Phila-. Paoli came back strong in their I Mayer, P. 0 1 2 3 0
entertaining :Miss Florence McCauley,
from Philadelphia.
While hospital surgeons were treat- delphia, will speak alHl the Y. M. C. A. : half of the second Inning and scoren
ing the young man, they found a sl1- Quartette will sing This is )'our last, one more run, which proved to be
I Totals .
....... . 15 16 27 10 ..,
chance. Come PAOLI.
vel' plate in his head, affixed in i ' and attend the service t1 lelr . fi
lIlal run of t h e game. R. H. O. A. F..
Mrs. Deal, mother of Mrs. William trephining, and it was learned that n the open all'. . l"Ive i\lore for ChllDlllions,
Parker, of Essex and Merion avenues, Brier was almost fatally injured about Last Sund.a y evenmg Rev. Georg.e G. Walter Humphries started off the Youkel, ss . 1 1 2 4 1
has returned to her home in Charles- a year ago In a motorcycle race acel- I Craft, wh~ IS 110t a stranger to Nar- Hoecond inning by poking a single to Raudenbush, rf. .. o 0 0 0 /)

town, West Virghlia. dent at Savannah. His body will be berth audiences, gave a .most helpful right field, Mayer then sacrlfice(i Rice, 3b . o 0 3 1 1
sent to his home in Milwaukee to- address and Mr. F ..W. StItes, ~ho h~s Humphries to second, George Howes Dunbar, 2b . o 0 1 7 0
The Holiday House has been order- morrow. He was one of the speediest been leading the smging durmg thIS, singled to left. Humphries being held Cogan, P., cf. . o 0 1 0 0
ed closed by the Board of Health on of the professional motorcycle riders series of meeting~, s~ng a very ef-' at second. Stites was then passed, Shank, If . 1 0 0 0 0
account of the prevailing epidemic in the east. ~ectlve solo. Don t IllISS these meet- filling the bases; Fleck was then Mateer, lb. . . o 0 15 0 0
of Infantile paralysis. Brier was an entrant in the 100- mgs. Come and bring your neighbor. passed, Humphries scoring. Koons Burns, c. . . o 3 2 a 0
Todd, cf . o 0 0 0 /)
Dli1e professional race. He ,,'as ap- -------- then tripled to center field, clearing
Magill, P . o 0 0
Mrs. Mary S. Butler, of Columbia proachlng, a curve at a speed of sev- : ('N('I,AHIEn U':T'rEUS AT 0 0
the bags. Simpson poled out his Willitts, p. . . o 0 0 2 0
. avenue, Philadelphia, Is staying at the enty-five miles an hour. His machine! NARBERTU POST O}'FICF. ~,econd hit of the game, scoring
home of her son, T. Noel Butler, of skidded, he lost control and went Koons. Mellon ended the Inning by
Essex avenue, Narberth. Totals . 2 4 24 17 2
tearing through the fence. Mrs. Helen Addlcks. grounding out via shortstop.
Just to make things more liveIv the Paoli 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 2
Several young ladies from Narberth Mr. Harry W. Colain. Narberth bats got busy again i~ the Narberth . . ..• 3 5 5 0 1 0 1 0 x--15
had a pleasant trip to Atlantic City BOARD OF MANAGERS Mrs. G. Hollinstine. tl\ird Inning and scored five more (Continued on Second Page)
last Sunday, chaperoned by Mr, S. L. OF THE COmmNITY CLUB Mrs. T. Keefers. runs when after two were out Howes
Jones, of Windsor avenue. Chairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron. Post Cardll. was passed and stole second, Wallace
Financial Manager-Mrs. WIlUam Mr. Walton SulUvand. then doubled scoring' Howes,' Stites CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
Mr. Joseph Nash has purchased the Curtis POllock, Jr. Miss Katie Wayethe. also doubled scoring Wallace. Fleck Two cents per word In advance; minlmulD
new residence at 136 Merion ayenue. Library Manager-Miss Fanny Loos. Mrs. Ed. Harris. then singled advancing Stites to third, teD worde.
and expects to move in with his fam- House Manager-Mrs, James F. Miss Freda Kirkmen. and FLeck then made a dash for FOR SALE-Rich top 8011, from otd garden
ny about the 20th of September. Donnelly. Mr. Walter Gleaves. second, while Stites started for home. 61:0~0~~~0~::yo~v:~~~IBes. F. M. J'uBUce:
Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler. Mrs. Ed. W. 'Brooks. and scored on a clOSe play at the LOST, strayed or stolen from Dudle)' and
There have been seyeral rumors ot Membership Manag,er-Mr. Harry Miss Hazel Bradley. plate. Fleck stole third' and Koons Sabine avenueB, Sunday last, a male sk)'
a case of Infantile paralysis In Nar-j Hartley. Edward S. Haws, was passed, Simpson then cracked terrier dog, partly clipped and deaf. Re-'
ward for return or Information as to where-
berth. After an investigation, it was Athletic Manager-Mrs. E. Hurth. Postmaster. out his third hit of the day and again abouts. L. H. "'\I IIams, 432 Dudley aVl'nue.

NABJ3EHTH, l>A.-UUR TOWN--AUGUS1.' 24. 1916

of them all, seemed to come to life. He I
OUR TOWN AN iNTERESTING A DAY AT___ and stretched himself by a
I supreme effort. "Measure ag,ain," i H. O. R. A. E-
Owned, and Published every Thurll- COMMUNICATION was a lovely September morn at done,
shouted the excited crowd. 'Twas Panzuello, 2b. . . O 0
and with wild acclaim the ver- Misklt, rf. . . 0
3 2
day lIY the Narberth Civic Assocla-
A reader of Our Town recently re- Lake Paupac. The. sun, ~ust rising dlct was announced: "Eduardo Strasser, ss. . . 1 3 1 2 I}
ceived a letter from a friend who is o.ver the eastern hills, pierced the wins!" Eighteen feet and one quarter F. Robinson, cf. .. 1 2 2 0 .,
HARRY A. JACOBS. at PreSidio, Texas, Joseph Knox For- light mist tlmt ~oated over the mlr- Inch!" J. Robinson, 3b . 0 I 1 0 I}
nance, a resident of Montgom.ery ror-like water with rosy shafts, rapld- Overcome by emotion, Eduardo and Coughlan, If. . . 1 1 1 0 0
COUllty and First Lieutenant of the Iy dispersing It ~n wreaths and Gull1aume clasped hands. Words fall- McCann, lb. . . 0 1 5 0 I}

Mrs. C. R. Blackall A. J. Laos Third Regiment. The letter whicll streamers of fantastic shape, and dls- ed at this supreme moment. They re- l'4cGillies, c. . . 1 1 11 1 I)

Mrs. C. T. Moore Henry Rose may be of interest to some of the closin~ the gem of the Poconos In a,1 tired to their rooms for a much- Greaser, p. . . 1 1 0 1 t)

Mrs. E. C. Stokes W. T. Melchior readers of Our Town is Iwrewith its radIant beauty. The low hills, cov-I needed rest only emerging when
Earl 1<'. Smith O. L. Hampton reproduced in part: ered with fore~t .of primeval grOW~h, night fell with a gentle hush on the Totals.. . 7 10 27 6 2
"Your two letters and the magazine were reflected III Its placid bosO~, dls- glorious scene, and ended this wonder-
lQ. M. l\enry
Associate Editors, arrived safely. Thank you for think- turbed by naugllt except the mimature ful, never-to-be-forgotten day! AUTOCAR CLUB.
ing of me down here. The arrival of geysers caused by the sportive bass, Ajax. R. H. O. A. E-
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, our one daily mall ]Iere at Ute Post as in sheer ecstasy of joy they leape.1 Fitzmaier, lb. . . 1 .) 10 O I)

Cashier. by ambulance from post office in town into th~ .alr and plunged ag,ain i~to ShOCk, ss . 1 2 1 4 0
· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l i s the one event of the day, and it t1.le entIClIlg, .crystal water, winch XAUBIUrfll TAK};S LEAD AGAIX. SWElet, 2b. . . o 1 1 3 1
',heIPs a lot to find a. letter or two in rIppled away III ever widening wave- Barker, cf . o ] 0 1 l)

Ad"erUslllg Manager. it lets. The morning song of countless (Continued from First Page) Henzr, c . o 0 13 1 1
_________________ '''Well until We got down here at birds, mingling in a harmonious cho.r, Gilmore, rf. . o 0 0 2 I)
Send all letters and news item to I Pr,esidid four weeks ago last F'riday, or ceasing, to permit some feathered Two-base hits-WaJlac.e, Stites, L'tadt, If. . . 000 0 I)

P. O. Box 404. we had been kicking around pretty prima donna to warble her native Mayer. Three-base hit-Koons. Sacri- Kelly, 3b . 000 2 I
Send all advertising copy to ·P. O. much everywhere since we mobilized \~00~1 note wild in a solo of raVishing, fice hits-Mayer, Fleck. Stolen bases Black, P . 000 0 I)

Box 820. at the Second Regiment Armory on liqUId melody, was the only sound to -Howes, Simpson 3, Mellon 2, Koons, S'bondy, p . 002 0 I)
;\lake all remittances to P. O. Box June 22. W.e stayed at the armory break the silence of this sequestered Walzer, Burns, Humphries, l<~leck.
118. until June 25, then we went to Mt. Eden, far from the busy haunts of Struck out-By Mayer, 4; by Grauff, Totals ......... 2 6 27 la ..
Our Town Is on sale at the depot Gretna where we worked almost night men. 2; by WilIltts, 4; by Cogan, 2; by
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. and day, getting equipment issued to 'Tile windo,;s of Ch~valier Eduardo Maglll, 2. Wild pitch-May.er. Um- West Phillies .. 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0-7
Davis. the men, drilling, preparing muster Mouschomme s room III Lake Paupae plre-Ferguson. Bases on balls-Orr Autocar . , 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
Entered hS Second-class matter, Oc- rolls undergoing examinations, and Inn looked out on this scene of Idy1l.c Grauff, 2; off Cogan, 2; off MagiJI, 2.
:ober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at, being vaccinated and inoculated beauty. He had just awakened from Hllse Hllll Pickulls. Two-base hits-Sweet. F. Robinson:

Act ?f March 3, 1879.

i\arberth, Pennsvlvania, under the against typhoid. We .,tayed at Mt. a profound slumber, to find himself
Gretna until June 3D, when we were subconsciously r~lling with one hand
Wayne at Narberth next week. Three-base hit-Coughlan. Sacrifice
Stites left early to witness the Dun- hit-Henzy. Stolen bases-Fltzmaie1"
THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 1916 put on a train for an unknown a. Hul1 Durham clg.arette. Long .prac- Bon Air game. Sw.eet. Struck out-By Greaser 10,
_ ___'__ _ _ destination, which later prov.ed to be, tICe and reflex actIOn enabled 111m to Thanks to Bon Air we aroe now by Black 5, by Gilmore 6. Double
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS EI Paso, Texas. We got there in the' do this, while still sweetly sleepIng. in first ·place. Let's hope we sta~' plays-Strasser to Panzuello to Mc-
Fire 350. ,morning of July 6, and camped out! "Ah,". mll~mured t.he chevalier. rising there. Cann. Bases on balls-Off Greaser 2,
Police 1250. I
at Fort Bliss. about [our miles out: and hghtlllg the fragrant roll, as be, Bill Simpson had there singles in off black 2. off Gilmore 2. Hit by
from the city. On the evening of' gazed at the gleaming bass, flashing' suceession. pitched ball-Miskit. Umpire-Kirk.
Al:lIITOUS' R};POUT OF July 11, fOllr companies from my in the sunlight as they broke from Every Narberth player had a hit or
SCHOOL TREASl'R}:U regiment wer.e ordered out, and left the surface of the water, "this is to more. WIl)'ne, IS; lll'r,vyn, 0,
for Marfa, Texas, reaching there the be my great day, when I will van- Twelv,e stolen bases for Narberth. Wayne, Pa., Aug. 19.-Manager
next morning. We camped at Marfa I quish the Teutonic sportsman at his One for Paoli. Singl,eton's speedy Wayne Suburban-
Z'\arberth, July 25, 1916. all night, and left at 7 o'eloele the own game, and make )lis catch look l<~ifteen earned runs ites blanked the Berwyn Pirates in a
To the School Board of the Borough next morning-that is, two of the even like unto thirty cents. With the Gene Davis is battin~ at a .361 clip Main Line League game on the home
of Z'\arberth: four companies, by motor truck train asshltance of my faithful companion, at Cape May. We will welcome Gene grounds here to-day. 8 to O. The

for this place, 70 miLes away. The Guillaume Homerre, I will lure so: home soon.
ride was across two or three moun- many finny denizens of the deep from
We. the Auditors, ILcreby certify tain ranges and hot barren desert their element that Herr Wein von
I non Air, ;j; U. G, nUll 3.
;: Suburbanites again played an error-
less game and hit the ball at oppor-
tune times, completely outclassing
that we have examined the books of for the wllOle distance. The great I~genberg will hide his diminished BOil Air, Pa., Aug. 19~-JaU1es the Pirates. Brooke was in fine form.

Will K. Ridge and find snme to be heat and the alkali dust made the head, and silently steal away." I Dykes' Bon Air Barons, staging a I allowing but six scattered hits.
correct as follows: rid.e very unpleasant. especially as Quickly arraying himself in his sim- great offensive in the opening inning The score:
lteceilltl;, our last night at El Paso was spent pie hut elegant sporting costume, Ed- of th,e Main Line League game on the
From Tax Collector on on a pile of rolled lIP canvag tents uardo proeeedell to the breakfast home grounds here to-day, surprised WAYNE.
1910 Taxes $ 6.78 and the next night in the train of a room. "Alg,s, chawps or steak?" in- the pacemaking Dun & Co. tourists H. H. O. A. E.
From Tax Collector on day coach. terrogated the gentlemanly waitress.: with a 5 to 3 defeat score. Five runs Weaver, c
1911 Taxes
From Tax Collector on
22.80 "Presidio is a little Mexican town II "Yes," responded Eduardo. "Which?" i were scor.ed by Bon Air in the first Brooke, p
in the Southern part of Texas, right count~l'ed the svelte. servitor, deftly I-on McMonigle's hit, a walk, singles Ruser, 3b
. 2 0
. 2 0
. 0 2 1 0 ()
1912 Taxes 72.61 on the Rio Grande ill what is the Big 'I swattlllg a fly on IllS marble brow. by Kane and Harrison, errors by Gear, cf . 0 0 2 0 .)
From Tax Collector on ! Bend District. Th,e population, with "All, or none," was his firm reply. Markley. R. Barnitz and Deegan. After Patt.erson, ss. . . 1 3 2 2 I}
1913 Taxes 250.64 : the exception of about six Americans, "Then it shall lIe none," replied she, tile first inning the game develop.cd W. Lewis. 2b. . . 1
From Tax Collector
1914 Taxes
on I
is all Mexican, practicalh' none of with hauteur. "Very well then, hring hila a pitching battle, Markley ollly Murphy, If. .
1824.91 whom can or care to speak English. a quadruple order of hot cakes, maple allowing three hits. after the explo- Getz, rf
. 2 3
4 0
if I)
From Tax Collector on I
The town consists almost entirely of syrup and coffee,". firmly Insisted sion. Burke was in fine form, fan- Ferguson, lb. . . 0
. 0 1
1915 Taxes 18,171.41 little one story adobe mud houses I<Jduardo, accustomed to have his ning nine.
Tuition . 76.00 with .back. bUilding~ of willow sticks Sl.igl~test ~Iehest. obeyed. Bowing to I
McMonigl,e and the Barnitz brothers Totals . . . . . . . .. 8 10 27 10
Interest. 14.42 and IS laid out WIthout any regard hIS ImperIOUS WIll, she produced the played sensational ball.
Class Donation 100.00 tor stre.et lines or very much of any- degil'ed refection, which speedily dis- i BERWYN.
Field Day Receipts 18.38 thing else. It is so scattered around appeared before his impetuous appe-, BON AIR.
Refund on Boiler Insurance 21.50 among the mesquite and low sanll tite. R. H. O. \. E. .
High School Appropriation..
State Appropriation
344.00 hills that it is hardly visihle at any
1494.94 distance.
Gathering to~ether the implements I . .
of the chase, l~duardo and Guillaume McMomgle, ss. . . 1 0
R. H. O. A. K C
1 1 1
2 0 ass, p
1 Kelly, ss. .
. o 1
. o 2 1 1
3 1 I}

1 1
Borrowed Money I
7000.00 ":\'ow that we are acclimated and embarked in their fragile canoe, ~'Re'ds.; 3b. . . 1 1 o 2 oo Wat'n, 2b . o 1 2 3 .)
Balance on hand last Audit 281.61 settled down we are enjoying our- Guillaume handling the paddle with h.ane, ~b. . . 1 1 12 o Fitzgerald, If. . o I 1 I) 1
E:~lves. The' men are all satisfied. consummate skill. and Eduardo pre- Har'son, c .
o 1 1 o 1 Lewis, cf . o 0 0 1 I)
o Davis, 1h . o I 11
$29,700.00 have good food including meat pared to lure the finny denizens of the Gallagher, d. . . o 1
(fresh) and ice Wilich come to us bv deep to their doom. Von Esenberg ~urke, ~'I . 1
1 1
o Trego. e. . . o 0 6
0 9 o o Hig's, 3h
$13 314.25 motor truck three tin1,es a weeie was ~ll'eadY landing al~ernate bass K~v:;tzif ) . o 0 0 4 I)
Teachers' Salaries . o 1 2 o o 1\'[oran, rf. .
1237.50 when the roads are passable from and pIckerel with rhythmIC and deadly Dela~ey' . o 0 . o 0 0 0 I)
Janitor's Salaries o o Hay'n, rf . o 0 0 0 I)
Text Books 433.17 Marfa, our nearest railroad station accuracy, but. bis rivals noted tbey , rf. . .
Supplies , 457.60 and base of supplies, across those 70 were of minimum size. Soon there Totals ........ 5 6 27 6 2
Sundries (Kitchen Gas and I miles of desert and mountains. There was a terrific strike. and ~duardo Totals ........ 0 6 24 12 4
supplies included) 840.34 1s a good sized garrison her.e of nerved himself for the excitmg en-I DUN & CO.
Te1ephone '" .. . 80.35 regular cavalry, mountain guns and counter with an enormous and gamy Berwyn 000000000--0
Light . . 74.60 1I machine guns, and Texas and Penn- hass, Which. kept the lin.e taut and; R. H. O. A. E. I Wayne . . 1 a l l 2 0 0 0 x-S
Auditors' Fees 30.00 I sylvania Infantry. We have entrench- tow~d the ll~ht canoe sWIftly towa~:l : Mudie, If. 0 2 2 0 o
Surety Bonds 84.00 Iments around the whole Post and at the 1I11et. SkIlfully Eduardo hauled III : De'an, rf. 1 0 1 0 1 Two-base hits-Huser. W. Lewis.
Repairs . .
Water Rent
1283.87 night the ce:ltries alwavs keep th.ci'· the line, with Guillaume's assistance, 'I He'er, rf. .
103.98 rifles loaded, for. whiLe there seems and flna.ll Y, with a tremendous swish Schwartz, lb. .
o Getz, K,elly. Sacrifice hits-W. Lewis,
IJ Getz. Stolen bases-Weaver, Brooke
I) 2, RuseI', Patterson, Murphy, Fer-
Tax Collector's Commission 1022.24 to he at present no danger of a raid, of his powerful tail, the eight pound Gilbert, cf. 1 0 0 0
Rent. . 145.00 one can never teII when the bandits hass was thrown into the bottom or i H. Barnitz, 2b 0 0 3 4 1 guson, Casso Left on hases-\Vavnc
Furniture . 105.88 will try to put one across. I
the boat. Gracefully throwing his, Fahey, c. . 0 1 7 1 o 10, Berwn 6. Struck out-by Bro~k,e
Interest on Bonds 760.00 "Across the Rio is a little Mexican sombrero over the struggling monste-, i Lahner 3b. . 0 0 0 0 o 3, l)y Cass 1, by Lewis 5. DOUble play
Fuel . 514.45 town called Ojinaga, which has a I Eduardo sat on him until life was' Collins: 3b. 0 0 0 1 1 -Getz to Ferguson. Bases on balls
Institute Expenses I
240.00 Carranza garrison in it. They appear extinct. GulJlaume then measured Markl,ey. p. 1 1 0 1 1 -Off Cass 2. off Lewis I, off Brooke
1 1. Wild pitch-Lewis 2. Passed ball
L.egal Expenses. 50.00 to be very friendly to us, and their him with scientific accuracy, an'l R. Barnltz, ss 0 0 1 6
Treasurer's Salary 150.00 soldiers and officers often come over found him to he thirty-four inches in -Trego. Umpire-Jones. Time-l.50
Secretary's Salary 175.00 to presidio, although our own orders length. Casting triumphant glances Totals 3 7 24 13
Traveling Expenses to Con- are not to cross over into Mexico. We at von Esenberg, they continued the l\IEl\mr.us OF TilE NARBERTII
ventions, etc. 153.23 have had no trouble with t1wm at all exciting sport, until they _had slmilar- Dun & Co 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 1-3 SCHOOL BOARD.
Invitations . 35.13 since I have been here, but from Ily landed and despatched nine more Bon Air 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-5
Diplomas . 10.55 what we are told til ere was none be- monstrous bass. President-C. Howard McCarter.
Tuition . 15.00 fore that, although at the time the By this time the heat of the sun Two-base hits-Schwartz, Fahey. Vice·President-Carroll Downes.
Postage . . .............•.. 5.00 two Pennsylvania companies were had caused the 'fish to retire to the Stolen bases-Deegan 2, Lahner, Treasurer-Will I{. Ridge.
Insurance . 67.25 sent down there was a very strong cool shadows of the lily pads, and Markley. Kirk. Struck out-By Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
State Tax 144.40 possibility of a Villa raid against both parties In the contest retired Markley 7, by Burke '9. Bases on Robert H. Dothard.
Lecture Expense 80.43 Ojlnaga and then against this place from the fray. An enthusiastic crowd balls-Off Markley 3. off Burk.e 1. Hit
AthLetic Field ,...... 155.25 for supplies and money. At that of admirers go.reeted the rival sports- by pitched ball-Gilbert, McMonigle.
Loans Repaid 8610.50 time Vi1la was reported as about 100 men with cheers,and speedy prepara- Umpire-Otis.
Sinking Fund ............• 700.00 miles south of here and heading tions were made to compare the catch.
north, but we later received word Von Esenberg had twentY-four, ag-
31,123.97 that he had turned south again. l!'regatlng 211-2 pounds in weight.
We-st PhUlles, '1; Autocar, 2.
Deficit. $1423.97. "Have very nice quarters for my- Eduardo's ten weighed exactly the Ardmor~, Pa., Aug. 19.-Bob Black's
Sinking Fund Account. self almost with most of the other same. "A tie!" shouted the crOWd. hard hitting West Phillies hammered
On hand at last AuJit...... $4047.22 regular and militia offioers, being ~'Hold," commanded Roberto another out a victory over the Autocar Club
Build Up Your Homo
Interest . 116.57 located in a long adobe building right skllled expert, "they must be ~easured on the ho~ grounds here to-day in Don't forget that this Is a com-
Deposit . 700.00 off Ute plaza and near headquarters. to decide the Victory." Quickly the a Main Line League game by the score munJty of home makers and home
Was appointed about two weeks ago twenty-four fish were placed end to end. of 7 to 2. Black had llttIe on the keepers and that one of YOUR
Total with Merio:l T. T. on the staff of the regular army They measured exactly eighteen feet. ball and was knocked from the box MOST IHPORTA.NT DUTIES Is to
Co.• , $4683.79 officer commanding tbe Post, and en- ,BreathlesslY, Eduardo's ten bass in the fourth Inning. The hitting of
keep It so.
Wm. E. Yost, joy it although it means work both were lined up. Again a tie! lust ]Strasser and Frank Robinson featur.ed You ean aid materially by do-
L. B. Trotter, Ing your shopping and marketing
week-days and Sunday While the rest eighteen feet of glistening bass! But the game the latter's double driving lrltb the advertisers In this paper.
!'"' Auditors. of the garrison rests." hold! Eduardo's first catch, the giant In the fI;st two runs.
~ AltB~; nTH~ PA.-OUR TOWN-A.UGUST ~4. 1916

., NrWli of 1111' mll1trr11ra

Merion Meeting House Is opened for County .Treasurer Anders Has rel\ceiOIVree mthaalnl tthhrrOeUeghthOUthsaendNPaerrbseOrnthS
worship every Frlst-day at 11 A. Received More Than 7000 I
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. post office. It Is difficult to remem- . y
A registry book Is kept for visitors. County Treasurer George H. Anders ber them all. By having your box our health IS your most prized possession. When it is in
All are asked to register their names. has received 7250 hunters' licenses for number placed danger you wisely hasten to the best physician you know.
on your mail you will.
1916. from the State and has begun lli~ in having the mail cased upIt is equally important that you choose your druggist to get best
g them.
• • •UAUGAUET'S CllURClI • Iissum
Last , year more than 6500 of the ,wIthout
I delay. resu ItS. p '
unty, Strengt,
h Sk'II I ,Accuracy, Carefulness and Clean!:-
l~t to October 31st at C.JO A .•\'1. From hcenses were taken out. During 1914
Early Mass on Sun:lll.Y from April . UETTER }'ACILITIES ness are 0 great Importance. W e lay stress on all of these and yOll
f '
NO\'ember 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. t~le first yea: the act requiring the FOR POST OF}'IC}~ can .rest assured that your prescription has been compounded JUSt
Late Mass, 9.30 A. 1\1. throughout tlld licenses was m force, nearly nO? were KarbertIl post offlce is unabLe to, as your physician wishes it Jrepared if you leave it at
year. Masses on holydays, 6.3U anJ
8.30 A. M. Weekda~'s at 8. Evening,
devotl n and other services at regular
tlmes. o s
secured by Montgomery countlans. take complete advantage of the
The llcense tags this year are lilac second-class privilege owing to the
In color and are of a more substantial lack of room in which to place the
material than those formerly used by equipment that a second-class office
the hunters. The number of the coun- is entitled to, such as modern casing
I ty is printed In inch black letters racks sorting tables, cancelling Prescription Drug Store
};"AXG}~L nAPTIS'l' CHUUCH. · above the centre of the tag, with the machine, filing cases for supplies and
Phone, Narberth 625 or 1284
I llcense number below. The year is records, saek racks for outgoing mall
Ih~\·. Emerson L. S\dft~ Pastor. prln ted In th e upper left-hand corner. and many other things too numerous I:::==::::::====::::::::=::;:=::::::::=:::::==:::=====::::::::::=====::::::::==:=
Beneath It are the words, "Pennsyl- to enumerate. These wlll be secured I "
9.45 A. M.-Bible school. School vania Resident Hunter's License."
open for all classes. Fletcher W. As heretofore, the licenses cost $1
when new quarters are pro:vlded.
1I IJft ft
Stites, Esq., our fellow townsman, wlll each, and the County Treasurer r()- Printed Btampea envelopes may be AND
be the speaker. A good attendance Is celves a commission of 10 cents each secured at the post office at the fol- OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED BUILD A HOME
requested. for their issuance. Application for lowing prices:
11 A. M.-Morning worship. Rev. the licenses can be made also be~ore 500 I-cent envelopes $5.62
J. A. Larkin, First Baptist Church of a justice of the peace, but he is a.1- 500 2-cent envelopes ••••.•.•••.• $10.62 Pasteurized Milk
Woodbury, N. J., wlll preach.
6 P. M.-Unlon Twlllght service on serVices,
lowe.d an additional 15 cents for his

These envelopes are of first quality. BrynClov~iJl~erUlied WEST PHILA.

The name and address of purchaser (Pedrlallc Society)

I According to Your Own Plans. Balonc
·On Easy Terms.
Narberth's Highest Tract
. d t k All Conveniences-Old Shade. M01:odam
Justice lawn. Rev, Francis S. H ?rt, . TIIe T reasurer Is reqUIre a eep a neatly printed in upper left hand cor- Special "Guernsey" MERIO:'\l Road.CementSldewoll<s. Etc.
Calvin Pr~sbyterian Church of Phl1a- I~st of the ~ames and a?dresses of the ner, with request to return in Milk I WYNNEFIELD
delphia, WIll speak. licensees m alphabetical order, and da)'s. Note the price. (Roberts'''' Sharpless' BALA-CYNWYD FM Justice
Montgomerv Avenu..
Wednesday, August 23, 1916, union: this data. must be sent the State Game Edward S. Haws, Dairies) I NARBERTH •• , 612 ~:..~r:.:~~:~;'lIa.
prayer service at this church; leader 1Commission, in addition to the montIl- Postmaster. Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE \
from the Methodist Church. Iy remittances of moneys collected.
Friday, September 1, meeting of the The money Is used for bird and game
-_. b
Private correspondence as well as To Ie Bl:':eo':' pp no

Ladles' Aid Society at the church at protcctlon and propagation and the that for business purposes should be
i Contracting Painter
2.30 P. M. ' payment of bounties for the kll\lng of ; marked showing to where it should
Illoxlous animals. ! be returned, if undelivered at post Narberth, Pa.
)IETIIODIST E1'IS(,0I'A1.. Cllt'UCII.! The State pa.ys $1 for each weasel; office of address. If this precautlon- Estimates Telephone
__ I $2 for every mmk and fox, and $4 for ary measure could be generally ob-
' C G KIP t
I .e'f. .• • °llpe, as or. I cvery wildcat killed in the Common- served it would greatly assist post
wea Itl1. office officials in the handling of
Every appllcant for a llcense mnst mall matter. }Ioward F . Cotter
Sunday services:
11 A. M.-Mornlng worship. Ser- I give his name, address. color, height Try a Pound of
man by Rev. T. L. J. Russell.
and other data, as required hereto-
U. S. lUAII,-l'Iay 28, 1916. MEATS of
6 P. M.-Union lawn service on
~arberth avenue.
Wednesday evening:
S-Union prayer service held in the
A NOTABLE SERMON 6.00 A. M.-East and through west
6.43 A. M.-East and through west H. E. DAVIS Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
S.59 A. M.-Local west 1
Baptist Church. Rev. C. G. Koppel,
It Is to be regretted that a com- 10.37 A. M.-East and through west I
paratively small cong,regatlon heard 11.50 A. M.-East and through west
George B. Suplee
AJ,L SAINTS' I'. }:. t'urnclI.
Mr. Robert C. McQuilkin's sermon at 12.26 P. M.-Local west
:\arberth Presbytrian Church last 1.37 P. M.-East and through west lIA,'E YOUR MAIL AnnRESSEn
I '8t
&H W H
ot ater eating
Sunday morning. This, of course, I 3.26 P. M.-Local west TO YOUR BOX NUl'mERS Plumbing
He\". Andrew S. Burke, Rl·etor. was due to the fact that so many are 4.37 P. M.-East and through w.est Patrons of the post office should Bell Telephone.
The services at All Saintts' P. E. absent all vacations. Mr. McQullkln's 6.37 P. M.-Local west endeavor to have their mall addressed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Church, Montgpmery and Wynnewood Bible Class at thc Y. M. C. A. winter
"avenues for next Sunday are as fol- ~)efOre last, Is recalled with enthus- 6.43 A. M.-Local west
lows' '
Departure. to their box numbers, as delays are
frequently caused in the delivery of
msm by all who attended, and a large 8.59 A. M.-East and through west letters due to the address being sim-
Modern Homes
S M -Holy communion. I congregation on Sunday would have 10.37 A. M.-Local west ply given as Narberth, even when SALE OR RENT
11 M.-Morning prayer with ser-I been. certain at any other than the 110.47 A. M.-East and through west street and llumber is given It Is fre- I
mono vacatIOn season. 12.26 P. M.-East and through west quentl~· necessary to look up the WM. D. SMEDLEY
The Rev. WlIllam T. Metz will be The young preacher is equipped 1.37 P. M.-Local west
in charge of both services next Sun- with a thorough knowledge of the 3.26 P. M.-East and through west be cased up, caUsing extra work as
name in directory before the mail can Builder

day. Scriptures, and has the ability to Im- 4.37 P. M,-Local west
Dr. Burke extends a most cordial part with wonderful clarity the re- 6.37 P. M.-East and throu'gh west
invitation to any new Episcopalian suit of his studies, not with cold and 6.59 P. M.-East and through west A WORn TO THE NEW UESIDENTS
familles who hav~ moved to Narberth, pltlless logic, but alI permeated wit.h
well as necessary delay.
c. P. COOK
Wynnewood, Ardmore and vicinity, to ~he tende.rness of Christian love. HIS Arrives 6.00 A. M.
m~de All Saints' their church home. IS t1~e kllld of sermon that has a Departs 5.47 P. M.
Snnday. For the Information of the lately
arriving residents of Narberth we an-
nounce again that to purchase postage
Anihrae .-t e Coal
TI S nday school sessions and the speCIal appeal to men who stay away
afte;~oo~ services wlIl not be resumed from c1.1urch,. dr~~ding deadly, d,ulI
-------- stamps and stamped envelopes in the; WOOD AND
untll the third Sunday In September. theologIcal dISQUisItion, and needlllg DOG SHOW local post office is of great advantage
to the office as its advancem~nt is BUILDING SUPPLIES
Th free bus to and from All the real bread and water of life. To -- I based upon the saLes. We aim to "
saint~' Church leaves Wynnewood and I p~raphrase the immortal lines of
Narberth stations at 10.40 on Sunday Milton, he shows: To be Held at General Wayne I~~n~o~:t~~u~U:i~~S~~~~~~~~r '::tr~~ss~
mornings. You are urged to use
"How lovely Is Divine rellglen;
Hotel Next Month Ed\mrd S. I1aws, Postmaster.
Narberth, Pa.
it. Not harsh and crabbed, as dull fools
During the past week members of I
Stamps are on sale of every de-
1'Ht: 1'In~SnYT}~mA~ CHURCH.

ne'f••Jolm Van Xess, )I1nister.

But musical as is Apono's lute,

. the ~ain Line Kenncl Club held a nomination from one cent to fifteen
And a perpetual fiow of nectared, meetmg at the General Wayne Inn, cents, except eleven and fourteen;
Narberth, and decided upon plans for 111so a plentiful supply of postal cards,
Citrate Magnesia
Fresh Daily at
Where no cr~de surfeit reigns," their fall all-breed show. The fixture stamped envelopes and newspaper
Meeting for public worship next
SundaY at 11 A. M, The preacher wll1
will be held 011 the grounds of the inn, wrappers,
The Ideals and standards set by Mr. which are conveniently located on the Prices of stamped envelopes:
be Rev. Francis S. Hort, pastor of McQuilkin are high, but not unattain- i Montgomery plk:. Auto 'buses will 25 Ie envelopes ......•. $ .28 NARBERTH, PA.
the Calvin Presbyterian Church in able. He would have us enter into I carry the exhibitors free of charge 100 1c. envelopes 1.10
West Philadelphia. Mr. Hort has been the higher rellgious Ilfe and partake from Narberth station, and a special 25 2c envelopes........ .53 COXVEXIENCE ANn ECONOMY
unusually successful In his great work of aU the loveliness and beauty that effo~t Will. b~ made to give the entire I
In the Calvin Church, having receiver! await us there. Once having tasted affair a PICIllC aspect.
100 2c envelopes
- - - - ------
2.10 I
large accessions. 16 were received of the pure joys of the spirit, we According to Charles C. Clark, sec- NARUERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION.
on one SundaY and many at other would not care for the meaner pleas- retary of the clUb, the show wlll be The attention of the patrons or the
times. It will be a great privlleg e to ures of the world, As much, he said, held on September 22. Judges select- President, A. J. Laos.
Narberth Post Office is called to the
convenience of sending money by pos-
have Mr. Hort with us next Sunday would a trained foot ball athlete care ed are all of the hlg)lest calibre. Levi
Vice-president, A. C. Shand, J. B. tal money order. The following low
morning. He wlll also preach at the to play marbles. Wilcox wlll judge unclassified specials WllIlams, James Artman.
union twllight meeting in the even- rates are charged for sending sums to
I regret that I cannot give an and a number of the larger breeds; Secretary and treasurer, Frank J. any money order post office in the
Ing at six o'clock on the Justice lawn. analysis of this sermon. such as It Mrs. W. McDermott wlll
Union prayer meeting, Wednesday deserves, but I can and do recommend poodles. Magistrate Thomas W, Mac- Wisse.
Dircetors, Fredericlt L. Rose, George
United States: I
evening of this week in the Baptist all who may have an opportunity of Farland wlll look after Boston ter- M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.
Church and next week the final meet- hearing Mr. 'McQullkln, and especially rlers, and R. F. Height, of Lakewood, ColesworthY, Mrs. William S. Horner, For orders from $.01 to $2.50, 3
Ing of the summer wlll be held In the men and boys who do not ordlnarlly N. J" has been selected for Airedales A. E. Wahlert Mrs. George M. Henry, cents.
Presbyterian Church. From $2,51 to $5, 5 cents.
go to churcl;, to take advantage of It. For Doberman Pinschers, German Fletcher W. Stites, E. A. Muschamp, From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.
The congreglttion was deIlghted ll\st Personally. I hope we may often hear sheepdogs and daschunds the club
SundaY morning in the enjoyment of him in Narberth.
H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward' S'I From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.
has asked Mrs. Herman E. Meyer to Haws, Mrs: Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Les- From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.
the cool breezes from the two large officiate.
ApllreclnUve. ter W. Nickerson, Wllliam D. Smed- From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents.
electric fans that have recently been A meeting was held by a number of ley.
installed in the main auditorium. prominent fanciers of various breeds From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.
CO)J}IITTEES OF COUNCIL. From $50.01 to $60, 20 cents.
to decide upon an idea of holding a
BOROUGH OFFICERS. Finance and Law Committee-A. P. five-breed show on Labor Day at the From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents.
Redifer, W. D. Smedley, H. D. Narri- Black Horse Hotel, Bala. It is bp.- OUR TOWN will gladl1 print From 75.01 to $100, 30 cents.
Bur/l:eEs-Geo. M. Henry. Same fees as quoted above charged
'1'''''RR"rer-Edwin P. Dold. gan. lieved that the affair wlll be a big suc- anJ news Item about aUJ subject
Highway Committee-H. D. Narri- cess, as the j\Jdges selected wlll all that Is of Interest to Narberth tor remittances to a number 01' toreign'
Clerk'or Counclls-Chas. V. Noel. countries. Orders are paid at 52,000
Tax Collector-James F. sherrOD. gan, F. L. Rose, Robert Saville. be men of prominence·. foIls, but In order to meet
Police and HeaIth-W. D. Smedley, post offices in the United States. Re-
street commissioner-W. S. McClel· the printing SChMUIe, all "copy" mittances received in this way are
F. L. Rose. Robert Cavllle. Riches do not bring happiness. -manuscripts-must reach the
Ian. Neither does poverty, for that mat- convenient for merchants, pUblishers.
Building Inspector - J. Howard Water, Fire and Light-F. L. Rose, editor by 6 P. M. Monday each
William J. Henderson, Robert Saville. ter, so people might just as well ac- seedsmen, insurance companies, etc..
Smedley. week. etc.
Counselor-Fletcher· W. SUtes. I Ordlnance-WflIlam J. Henderson, cumulate what wealth they can In an
F. L. Rose. Robert Saville. honest way. Edward S. Haws, Postmllder.
Constable-Fred. Walzer.
A Feature Moving Furniture and Hauling! • • PRESBYTERIAN cnURCH.
Automobiles for Passenger Service
Our Prescription Deparlmenl
DIRECTORS' OUTING I Public Worship, 11 A. M.
Preachers and Hymn numbers for
is complete wuh the highest Night Trips When Orderea WHERE-Dwight Farms, Downing- August, 1916:
quality of town, Par . Aug. 6-Rev. J. Clement Berry, pas-


Phone, Narberth 672 WHEN-Saturday, September 9. tor of Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church,
WHO-Board of Directors and Board Philadelphia. Psalter 6, Hymns 85,
of Managers. 519, 500.
Your physician knows our ability in com·
pounding, and our prices are much lower
than those in Philadelphia, with superior
I Capital Surplus Undivided Profits
Plans are under way to make this
a meeting of considerable interest.
Aug. 13-Rev. L. M. Keim, Narberth
Pa. Psalter 7, Hymns' 70, 507, 498. '
Our schedule for the season's work Aug. 20-Mr. Robert C. McQuilkin.-
$/50.000 $/25,000 $75,000 will b.e discussed in detail at this ~arberth, Par Psalter 8, Hymns 40,
meeting. 012, 488.
Aug. 27-Rev. Francis S. Hort, pas-
tor of Calvin Presbyterian Church
The following article is taken from Philadelphia. Psalter 9, Hymns 52:
"Border Work," a semi-monthly pub- 411, 453.
MEATS & PROVISIONS, lication giving the news of the armr Union Twilight Meetings are held
Hi&h Grade Butter
Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
The Merion Title & Trust Co. Y. M. C. A. with the troops:

('OJU'OU'fS 01" TilE fLUB.

each Sabbath at 6 P. M. on the Jus-
tice lawn, if storm, in the Presbyter-
ian Church.
Mr. Berry will preach on the eve-
CQrresl'0ndl'nt of ('blcugo lIernlll ning of August 6 and Mr. Hort on
SAFE! SOUND! C01VVENIENT! !'rnlses Work on Uordcr us Jlost the evening of August 27.
('onstructlve 111111 Ucneficllli.
I 2% interest allowed on checking accounts on balances of Mr. Keith Jones, correspondent of
$50.00. the Chicag.o Herald, writing from (From Date.)
______________ 3% interest allowed on Saving Fund accounts, com-/ Brow~sVll1e, Texas, to his paper un-
pounded ~emi-annually.
A A. 1 . der.date of July 28th, makes the fol- August 26th-Wayne at Narberth
lowmg comment upon the Y. M. C. A. Berwyn at Paoli, Dun & Co. at Auto~
Plumbing, Gas

Fitting Fund
DeposHs of $1.00 and upward received in the Savlllgi work among the troops:
Depaitment. "According to army officers the
car, West Philadelphia at Bon-Air.
September 2d-Bon-Air at NarbertlI
dH work the Y. M. C. A. is doing among Dun & Co. vs. West Philadelphia:
an eating NARBERTH OFFICE, Open From 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. the militia troops on the border is the Autocar at Berwyn, Paoli at Wayne.
NARBERTH. PA most constructive and beneficial of all September 4th A. M.-Berwyn at
Friday Evenillgs, 7 to 9. of the patriotic endeavors entered into Narberth, Dun & Co. at Wayne, West
by the people not actually in the army
Philadelphia at Autocar, Plloll at Bon-
BOYLE'S MARKET· HOUSE "The equipment and plan of the

Prime Meats WEEK-END TRIP AUG. 26 MEN-VACATION houses are the nearest approach to
September 4th P. M.-Narberth at
Paoll, Dun & Co. at Berwyn, West
Home DresseJ poultry. Butter, E~Ks anJ Game. the comforts Ilf the club of anything Philadelphia at Wayne, Bon-Air at
Fancv FrUIt anJ Ve~etables. '"A STORE FOR Are You Going? The Country Club of the Young along the border, and everrthing is Autocar.
PARtICULAR PEOPLE." Men's Christian Association of Phila- free-absolutely free! September 9th-Autocar at Nar-
NARBERTH. PA.. )f any association member wants to delphia, at Dwight Farms, Downing- "Colonel Milton J. Foreman, com- berth, Dun & Co. at I~oli, West Phila-
Te eph"ne.
know if week-end trips to Dwight town, Pa., opened for the season on manding the First Illinois Cavalry, delphia at Berwyn, Bon-Air at Wayne.
farms of the Y. M. C. A. Country Club Saturday preceding Decoration Day also praised the work of the Y. M. C.
Properties For Rent and Sale at Downingtown are worth while, let, and will close October 1st. The reo' A. organizations, when asked his at I\'arberth, Wayne at Berwyn, Auto-
September 16th-W\!st Philadelphia

Fire Insurance him ask either Newton Compton 0:' sort is open to members of any views on their activities. car at Paoli, Dun & Co. at Bon-Air.
Bell Phone 852 W. ~ecretary Hampton or Mr. Justice or branch, department or division of the "'The men engaged in that work September 23d-Dun & Co. at Nar-
Mr. Gara. Young Men's Christian Association of and the people who are backing, it,' berth, West Philadelphia at Paoli, Ber-
Wall Building. Narberth, P.. These were only four of the sev- Philadelphia and to the members of said Colonel !<'oreman. 'are contrlbut- wyn at Bon-Air, Wayne at Autocar.
I enty-five at the club last Saturday any other association who may be ling to the mental and physical health
Miesen's Bakery and Sunday, and these because of the t~le. temporary guests of these asso- of the men of the camp. It gives the PARCELS POST CONVENTION BE-
nne time and good eats they had clatIons. Those who are members of men who want to take advantage of it TWEEN THE UNITED STATES
NARBERTH ARCADE agreed to repeat the dose at an early other associations and not the tem-I an opportunitr to spend their leisure AXD CHINA.
BUILDING I date. In the meantime if you are in- porary guests of the Philadelphia as- hours in an environment of clean A parcels post convention having
Bread, Cake. Rolls. PIes, terested in a delightful week-end sociations may, upon presentation of living and clean thinking, and that been concluded between the United
_. Candy~ Ice Cream _ "sal' something" and have yourself' tl1e i r mem b ers h'Ip car d s, secure a III . t urn IS ug1ler d'
. re ft ec t e d i n a I· egrerl States and China to take effect Au-
CATERING FOR PARTIr.S registered for some Saturday and pass from the executive secretary of morale in the regiment as'a whole. gust 1st, 1916, parcels post packages
Sundar between now and September entitling them to the privileges of And on the morale of an organization, will be admitted on and after that
15th. You'll find it time well spent the resort, limited to the time of the be it said, depends much of its errect- date to the parcel post mails for that
rar~ M~Gin1e~ '3
'lIz sGUlIIll~5Vhllldt(hl&l~ at a small money cost. Take the stay. By the terms of the trust, the iveness in combat and general condi- country made up in and dispatched
Detective Bureau word for it of
Don't miss this chance.
resort is open only to white mem- tions of war.''' • • •
bers over eighteen years of age.
from this country. Weight of a pack-
"There are no 'don't' placards tack- age must be not more tlIan 11 pounds
One Wlto Knows. Members mar bring guests to spend: ed about the walls of the Y. M. C. A. nor measure more than 3 feet 6
the da)', and excursions may be ar- houses. There is nothing that reads: inches in length or 6 feet in length
ranged for through the executive sec-I 'Don't Spit on the Floor,' 'Don't and girth combined. Rate of postage
BAD LEAKS ARRESTED Ol'POnTUXITY TO SlmVE. retary or the secretaries of the dif-, Smoke,' 'Don't Chew: 'Don't Swear.' will be twelve cents per pound or
I Vegetables are always acceptable ferent associations, departments or I If the men want to spit, they spit; fraction thereof. Parcels post pack-
NOW IS THE TIME TO ! at the King's Daughters' Holiday divisions. i it they want to swear, they swear: ages for China may be registered.
I House on Sabine avenue, near Wynne-

B uy a HOIne
Equipment. i and there is no reproof. But some-
IW?Od avenue. Contributions o~ money Six comfortable cottages, each' how or another the inclination to do BO,\Rl) OF JlEALTH.
WIll also be thankfully receIVed, as equipped with single beds bath room these things in the average case
Betore Prices Advance the funds are running dangerously and running water. An' attractive seems lacking, and the men omit the President-Chas. E. Kreamer.
'low at this time. dining hall, situated on the edge of language and action of the troop i Secretarr-A. P. Redifer.
CALDWELL & CO • It might be said in connection with: the plateau, where an l\lnsurpassed street and tent without there being i Health Officer-W. S. McClellan.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the above announcement that there. view may be had, and where refresh- noticeable an atmosphere of restraInt. Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies,
are no doubt numerous gardens in ing breezes constantly keep the din- "There is one reminder only posted T. B. Dn Marias, Carden Warner and
FIRE COMPANY. and about Narberth where there is a ing hall cool and inviting. The clll' for the men, and that one is a positivI' Chas. V. Noel.
,surplus of vegetables, oftentimes con- house, with its library victrola writ- and not a negative suggestion. It is
President, Chas. E. Kr:amer; sec-I si?er~ble going to waste. I f . the, ing tables, pocket bi1li~rd and billiard the little sign, 'Write Home: tacked
retary, Charles V. Noel, financial Kl11g s Daughters could be notIfied i tables, chess, checkers and other in a conspicuous place on the wall of guide and you will be the gainer in
Make truth your motto and your
secretarr, E. C. Stokes; treasurer, they would gladly send for vegeta- games, has two extensive fireplaces the lounging-room.
the end.
Carden war~er; chief engine~r" hies in cases where i~ is inconvenient and wide verandas, one side over- "There arp. a great many thousands
Chas. V. No~l, first assistant engm- for the donors to delIver same to the looking the base ball field. of parents in the United States who
eer, Edw, Wlpf; second ~ssistant en- Summer House where so many poor In the open, one will find a partic- have that sign, 'Write Home: tacked
gineer, A. P. Redifer; thIrd assistant children are being cared for. Call ularly good base ball diamond, t 1 in a conspicuous place. They 11ave
Large Gas Stove
engineer, H. B. Wall; fourth as- up the house on 'phone or send a pos- tennis courts ready for use hand ball the Y. M. C. A. buildings to thank for FOR SALE CHEAP
sistant engineer, A. W. Needham. tal card. court and swimming po~l. These the fr.equent letters they have re-
= features and the good fellowship that ceived from sons in the federalized 209 Forrest Ave.
prevails, the impromptu entertain- militia regiments along the Mexi.can
ments, music, sports and competi- border."
tions, the comera room and the show- MISS WETHERILL·S
To the Heart of Leisureland er baths, make the Country Club an
ideal summer resort for the man of
]9,;;00 DOn TAGS.
Elementary School
where woods are cool, streams allur·
moderate means.
The plateau upon which the p,.
I County Commissioners' Clerk Dan- RE·OPENS MONDAY, SEPt. 18,1916
A lim,ted number of purils received. For infor-
ing, vacations ideal. Between New York is placed rising over 500 feet insures iel Stout has been obliged to secure mation apply to mISS MAUDE E. WETHERILL
City (with Albany and Troy the gate. cool breezes, invigorating air, and 500 more dog tags and receipts to cor- 200 Dudley Au..nu.., Narb..rth.
ways) and
Lake George
The Adirondacks
extensive views overlooking the Ches- respond, in order to meet the demandS
of persons who are desirous of paying
t~r Valley, which form ever-changing a tax in order to save the lives of their
PI~~~~ls'Of the vegetables, fruit, milk, canines. This makes a total of 12,500
tag,s this year. So far only four con-
CHESTNUT. Bel. 16th St
Finest Photoplav The-
Lake Champlain cream and other supplies are pro- stables have completed their work of
duced on the place, which assures a n .
I .tre 01 It. Size In the
The North and West abundant and attractive table. destroying canIlles untagged. The rea-, Photopl.ys-ContinunWl lOA. M. to 11.30
The logical route is "The Luxurious Rates
• h b
son for this Is that many of the canine .
owners, realizing that the law'S man-
P. M.
PhUa.. Pa.
Way" Tl1er e a re no f ees or c arges e- PRO G RAM
yond those for board and lodging. date was actually going to be carried
Largest and most magnificent river The rate for board and lod in v- out, have asked fo~ time in order to Week Commencing Monday, Aul· 21st
g g, co secure the required tags, and the con-
steamships in the world ering all other privileges, is $1 a t bl I t illl t th l\londo~, TUt'octo ... ond ",..dDt'.do,·
day. Saturday afternoon to Sunday s a es, on y 00 w ng 0 save em- WII.FRED LUCAS
evening, $1.50; dinner, 50c.; break- ~elvesbwhat i~imany i~~tandce: W~Uld with U....le I....'·.. In til.. W ... tt'rn stor,·
fast and supper, 35c.; lodging, S5c. ~avdeil een a t sdagtrelea ethu lYi' avef "'HELL.TO·PAY' AUSTIX"

Send for free copy of Beautiful Th d t t d th b lila y consen e a lave eves 0 Thul'8do,' Frida,· and Satul'da,·
"Searchlight Magazine" ef ems o nedra e tCOS an theI a sence the dogs thus saved. 'fhe constables HEN~Y B WALTHALl. .
lione place
of a eexdrast mak e s a vaca- will be required to make a report to (of "U1rth of .. Nothoo"
th . Yam..) In Adl,ata-
S con a none 0 er. court September 1st. tlon from U .. nrlk lb8t'n'.
HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Why shouldn't Narberth get a party
to go. up over some :week end?
Add..d Att1'8ctlon. ilion.. Tu...... Wt"d.
Pier 32, North River New York Are you interested? If so, see One can't always judge a fool by BILLIE BURKE
Secretary Hampton for details book- his actions; many a man masquerades In S\J,t~nth Chapt..r or
let, etc. ' a s a simpleton for the purpose of "GLORIA'S RO~NCE"
"T h e Sea r c h Ii h R ute" g t 0 D
f Ii th
00 ng 0 ers.
MAIN production Start. at 10.40, 12.30.
:.111, ., 6. 'MG and 9.80.

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