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Important Letter Deals With Facts And Shows Careful Study of Defeat Brookdale, 4-1-Durbin
Narbertb Champions Open Up Against R. G. Dnn
The Present Conditions All-around Star & Co., Coffee Pot Park, 3.30 P, M.
To the Editor of Our Town: In the last exhibition game before Mr. Harry S. Hopper, Pr••ident of the Y. M. C. A. Will To.. Out the
Having been priVileged to read t he subjoined letter from Mr. J. George the league opening, Narberth de~eated Fir.t Ball.
Becht. executive secretary of the Pennsylvania State Board of Education, to Brookdale 4 to 1 in seven innings. Manager \-Valzer has about rounded up his team for the opening of
Mr. J. Howard McCarter, president 0 f our local board, I have obtained Bow'EIl and Durbin holding visitors to the Main Linc Season. which takes place next Saturday.
permil;sion to give it publicity in t he columns of "Our Town," as it con- two hits. The game was called at the The usual functions of a baseball opening at the various leagues
cerns matters of vital interest to thi s community. end of the sev.enth inning on account of will also be conspicuous at this league opening.
The grounds wl1l all be in shape by next weel<. and everything
the possible future growth of the com- thE- cold, which might upset the work promises to be in first-class order. The back stop has been repaired,
"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
"State Board of Education munity. : alread)' accomplished in the i
pre-season which will afford much more safety behind than has heretofore been.
"Harrisburg "The determination of the centre games. I The Narberth boys wlll appear in new uniforms, and the same will
-0- of the present school population may: The o.pponents ~~er.e at the ~ercy i appear in Davis' window about the middle of the week. Be sure and
look them over.
"April 18, 1916. be readily and definitely established,: of the ~arberth tw 1~lers. at all tl~es, I
but the question of the extent and di- ; and onl) collected two hits, both bemg The league promises to be considerably stronger this year than
last, and with such an attraction as the Dun & Co. team, a record-
rection of future growth is generally ! oft' of Bowen's delivery. Both I
"Mr. C. Howard McCarter, President,
"BoaI'd of School Directors, breaking crowd is expected.
a debtable one, upon which local: t\\ Irlers had plenty of stUff, and stru~k
"Narberth. Pennsylvania. authorities in the majority of cases: out elev.en of the Brookdaler~, willie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fail to agree and even when a person; McDonald also had eleven strtke outs '1=
"Dear Mr. l\IcCartel':
is in full pdssession of the [acts, the, to his cr~dit. DU~bin struck out six
"In compliance with a request of decision reached is more or less specu- men stralgh~, willIe ~cDonald also,
some members .of YOUl' Board of Edu- lative. Therefore, the question o[ the struck out SIX men str~lght. . I
(~ation. two members o[ the staft' of direction and extent of the future: Brookdal~ s~ored the~r first run Ill,
the State Boarll of Education were growth of a community is probablv: the fourth mnll1g on a sll1gle, an ,err.or :
asked to make an investigation of the on.e that ought to be left to the 10c~1 a.nd a couple of bas~s on balls, willie:
school conditions of l'\arberth and authorities to determine. It cannot ~ l'\arbe~th scored t1le~r ~rst run of the On October 19th, 1915, the first Board of l\Ianagers retired. leavin!;
their relations to the selection of a t' I tl t t l ' game III the second mnlllg on a single thc secollli boal'd to take UIJ the WI; rk where they left off. We felt so
escape our no Ice, lOwever, Ja Ie 'bv Humphries and two consecutive encouraged at the condition o[ the dub when we assumed the respon-
site for a proposed new school build- apparent developments seem to lJe ly.. i . " •• •
ing or addition to the old building, ing largel\' to the north side of tt e ~ ~rr~rs. Narberth scor-ed ~gal~ III t1llrd sibility, but to·day we feel even more so, as there is ever)' reason to be-
"At the suggestion o[ the State" . I , Illnll1g on three consecutive slllgies hv lieve that the Women's Cluh of ~arberth is stronger aIllI in better con-
railroad tracks. The Improvement. to i Dnrbin, Koons and Barker. Narbertil dition than ever before.
Board of Education, Mr. H. C. Rich- the south, upon the same presumption.' scored again in the fifth inning on It is thoroughly estahlished now and onl)' lIeeds the conscientious
ards alld :\lr. M. I. Kast, meu wh~I have seems to. be m.uch slower and that the "SI'llgles by DurlJI'n allLl IrOOllS .... and support of the people in the town to ma I(e It . one of the lillest clubs along
had wide experience in schoo I louse popnlat.lon Will not increase nea.rl y I, J'~nsl'llger's sacrifice fl)'. Tile Ilonle
construction anLi who have been in a ap dl tl tl' I ' the Main Line.
so r I y as upon le nor I SH e. ' boys scored their final run in the sixth Last year there seemell to he a disposition on the part of many 'Jf
position to study school conditions, "~rom the figures at hand, it seems I l'lllll'llg 011 sl'ngles IJ\' E Da\'is all"
, were detailed to secure al1 the infor- tI t I 8 ? ' I 393 '1 .' u our members to have some definite object in view in coming out Oil
la a lont - of ~ Ie pUpl s come McClelland, an error and a passed Tuesda)'s, many busy housewives feeling that while it was IJleasant, it W:1:;
mation they could by a personal visit from the. south SIde of the town and ball. a waste of time simpl)' meeting for a sodal chat and a cup of tea.
I I I I S t
to !\"arbert 1 aIH. to ma (e to tIe ta e • the pupil farthest removed from the' Dllrbin led tIle attack at IJat \"I'tll
Board of EducatIOn f;uch recommenda- ' present location is about eight blocks I" h • < . " . About that time a solution to litis problem presented itself in that
. . I' j d t I I " . three nts Wit I\.oons havlllg two Ints. very worthy anll charitable work, sewing for the sUffering and wounll-
ttons as III t lelr n gmen tie COlllt -, "Assuming that the Question of a
lions as they found warranted.
" . I I···'
1'\ I 'I d' g fi Id
; ('('ntr,al loea'tion is funda~ental in! w 11 e tIe ea dllll • e Elrsl,~ere Durbm
onc.e more an ...oons le lind the bat.
I . '
ed solLliers in Europe. It met with the approbation of a great majority
of the club, and during the winter the meetings have been most en-
I beg to sa~ at t Ie outset t lat 111 I selecting a site the one [actor appear- 'fl t . 11 t f tl .
their conclusions there was a differ- I'ing against th~ selection of a central [ ~e s ~g~ ISL~ s~ or le opel1lng thusiastic. A great many new In~mbel',; were added after the sewin;;
enCe of opinion and the following re- ! site is in the case where a communitv ON tble I allli lIlte neagGue Dseaso&n (,at started. The money to proviLie the3e sewing materials having come from
. 1 I t I' [t1 p es : . '1 ar ert 1. w len lle . . un ' ,0. volUIl tary donations both in and om of the dub. Over one hundred dol-
port ~s Jase( o.n a SIll<) 0 'dle r. -! is already in possession of a school team will be the opponents. i .
entatIOn of facts anI a consl erattOn building suitable for school purposes i 1 ' 1 ' lars ($100) being raised [or til s purpose Irom the moving picture \)enefit
. d t I e I IJ tl e mell . , l.e score. h\.· i\lrs. Carroll Downes, in whic!1 she was abl)' assisted by the ladie::;
o f th e JU gmen s. ren< e.r I • Y I I place!I(JIl gr0I!!)I.~Ut~!.d~ !9L.§Q.hool !
who made the IIIvestlgatlOll. "These purposes, and owned by the commun-i l'\ARBERTH. I of th<l club.
matters were carefully considered b~' ity. In this connection the Question: E, About five thousand articles l1:l\'e been sent from our club to Europe.
three members o[ the State Board o.f of economy enters and forms a factor: D b' OJb R. H. °i Ai We have had twenty-three teas allli entertaineLi four hundreLi anJ
Education and, while the boar,d has no as against the adoption of a central I'u~ I~I, ." .. p..... ~ ~ 13 0 0 eighty-three people, making an average attendall(~e of twenty-one at eal'h
llesire. whatever to ohtrude its opin- location i ~o ~IS, L ········· 0 1 0 0 1 mceting. "'e cannot help but bc optimistic with such figures he[ore us.
ion. it is not unwilling to frankly ex- r
"The' present school building in' E,a . er. c r . foo .. 00 .. 0 0 0 0 0 Our paid members up to date are fifty-four, and still more coming in.
. j I t f tI 't 1'0 ~nslllger, r . 1 When the present board came in ntlke, we had in the clui> treasury
!lreSF" ItS utl gn~el[l 0 t' Ie sldua I n Xarberth is situated on the highest: Humphries, 2b 1 1 0 1 0
b ase d upon lIe III orma Ion an upon grounds within the limits of the com- i E D ' 11 1 1 6 0 eight doHars and forty cents. To-da~' we have one hundred and [our dol-
such possibilities af; may reasonably munity at the end of the borOugn.! ':1' Clalvlls . d J 0 1 0 1 0 lars and thirty,two cents. In the trt!asury for athletics last year, one
I I d d f tI I' t d e an . ss. 0 11l1lldred and four dollars and fifty-uine cents. To-day, it is ninety-threp.
rlom lIe acls atn I con - There is at present no free transp0rta. i G'ilmore', If.
,lV C

l~t.conc u e 0 0 1 0 0
( I IOns as t ey lave leen a J e 0 earn j lion furnisheLi by the school board. i Walzer, 3b. .
h 0 0 0 0 0 Llolla;l~r ~~u~~~:~ti~~n~li~h~:~~I~der the superVision of Mrs. F. \V. Stites,
them. The children from the opposite ends· Davis 0 0 0 0 0'
"The question of 'site' of the public. o[ the borough are compelled to walk: . have been most successful. "'e have hall threle. and entertained [our 11111.-
school building is alwaYs one of vital the eutire distance to and frolu their! l' t I 9 21 2 dred and thirty people, avera/!;ing one hundred and forty-three per even-
Importance . 't
111 any commnlll y. espec-' homes to the school This would.l o a s . ........ 4 - 3 - ing. 1'1lC Ias t C,ommUIll·t y "Ig "'. II t 0 f the season will be Thursday, April
ial1y is this true in the case of subur- probably be a hardship during incle-: BROOKDALE. ~7th.
han districts and the smaller com- ment. weather to a large number of: R. H. O. A. E.' On account of so much sicknes!S in ~arberth this winter. and so Illuch
munities where one 01' two buildings children or else would impose an ex- 1\ 0 0 0 0 0 going on. it did not seem feasible at any time to give any form of enter-
'l\erve to accommo(Iate tl Ie sc I100r . tra expellse upon the parents in pro- Leckie, ss
, faginn. cf. 0 0 0 0 0 tainlllent to raise moner. so at a meetlllg o[ t le
. . I B I f J\K
oan o,anagers, It

population. viding, transportation for their chil- Lingg, 2b. . 0 0 1 1 0 was decided that each of the se\'en raise ten !lollars in any may they d,}-
"Se\'eral determining factors enter dren. This objection might be over- Burger, c 1 1 11 0 2 sired, Which sum they would share with the Y. M. C. A. To-day we are
into the selection of the location for come b)' having the bonrLl provide Gross, lb 0 1 3 0 0: handing over to them half of the money accumulated, which amounts t:l
the school building: ' proper transportation fOr the children McDonald. D 0 0 1 1 l' thirt)',one dollars and sixty-three ('entH.
"The site selecterl should be elevat- ; coming from the extreme points. W& Eckert, If 0 0 0 0 0 We are sure you all have great cause for rejoicing that the Women'"
ed·e the su.rroundin g, premises.: are not prepared to say how serious Page. Ih. . 0 0 1 1 0 Community Club of Narberth has pro spered so well; it has such a good
If tillS IS not pOSSible. then the ground this phase of the question is. Some Of, Fleck, rf. 0 0 1 0 1 start now; al1 it needs to keep it going and growing is the hearty co-
'l\hould have a natural grade away, the citizens hold this as the greatest I operation of all the members. Whe'l you hear anyone mention the COlll-
from the building. objection to an addition to the pres-I Total.. 1 ::! 18 3 4 Illunity Club. do not "Imock" it. say a good word for it. it might mean
"It should be dry anll removed as ent building. Generally speaking, the a new mcmber. and it certain I)' wiIl mean a fine. prosperous club, one
far as possible from any section in site ought to be near the centre of Brookdale 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 our town will he proud of.
which water collects and is aIlowed to sehool population and easily acces- Xarberth 0 1 1 0 1 1 x-4 Help the managers by your presence at the meetings, and your en-
become stagnant. sible for the grcatest number of chil- Stolen hases-Koons, Durbin, Bar- couraging words, not criticism.
"The close proximity o[ the site to dren. Yet this one factor doeR not ker, E. Davis. Sacrific.e hits-En- We are fortunate in having foI' ollr leaLier next term one who is very
a steam or electric railroad is objec- outweigh all other consideratinns. A singer. Struck out-By Bowen, :>: capable and proficient in such wor l ., having taken active interest in c1.uus
tionable and the school buildin~ large aI'ea of good healthful so'l, awa.\' Durbin. 6; McDonald, 11. Bases on hefore-Mrs. W. M. Cameron, ollr financial manager, Mrs. William Curtis
should be so sitnated that. the least from distracting infiuences, will add Balls-Bowen, 2; McDonald, 1. PaSSEd PollOck. Jr.: library manager. Miss Fanny Laos; house manager, Mrs. 1.
possible number of children are forced materially to the health, comfort and halls-Off Koons. 1; Burger, 1. Double S. Hepler; social manager, Mrs. C. P. Fowler: membership manager,
to cross such railroads in going to welfare of the pupils. Tt.esc advan- plays-McDonald to Page. Umpire- Mrs. Harry Hartley, and athletic man ager. Mrs. 10::. Hurth.
and returning from school. tages will more than compensate for ScheIlenberger. With such live wires on the board' we look for nothing else but sue-
"The character of the neighborhood the possible inconvenience that some cess. but the)' cannot do it all; it will rest with each individual mem-
should be taken into careful consider- pupils may experience in walking, an I ber to do her part. •
atlon. This item of consideration. additional distance. I r01\DH'XITY XIGIIT The cluh wlll close shortly fOl' the summer, but in the fall we hope
llowever. does not enter into the Nar- "In considertn;;' this prol-Iom, we i nil will come bacl< with renewed interest; don't let any other town get
1ler tlI Sl·t ua t'IOn t 0 any apprecla . bl e ex- aI'e compeIled to acccpt the [act that,' Thur~da)', .\111'11 2ith nhenrl or Narberth with their clnb; let ollrs head the list.
tent. for the reason that all sections at present there is a school building.: Y. 1\r. C. A. 'We wouid ask each one here to-da)" to make up her mind that she
of this partiCUlar community appear that sufl1cient adjoining ground is: Don't lUi~~ This will 110 her part to make our cluh such that we wlll all be proud ano.
to he of the same high standard of ex- owned by the community upon whicl~ YO[" ARE CORDIALLY IXVITI-:D say. "I am a meml1er of the Women's ('Inh o[ Narberth."
cellence. . to erect a new building to properly (:1I1'~, e. T.) A. Jr. Jroore.
"The chief fac.tor. however, in de- honse the present school population l'rEX'S JrEETIXG Chairman.
termining the selection, of the site for and thereby relieve the present con· i
the school hullrllng. the one which is gested conditions and care for the fu- S\IIIIIal', April 30tb
of equal. if not of greater import- ture growth for a term of three or four 3.30 P. Jr. l'ARI-:XTS He is able to .explain the situation
ance thail any other feature that has yenrs. Thosc who arc wonLiering if their in a clear anll simple manner.
1Jeen or could he mentioned. is that "Two sOIUtiO'lS of the problem pre- I ARCADE THEATRE children are making the most of thEir . .lust lIrop him a card for an appo i n t -
the I"chool huilding. shOUld IJe so sent themselves and upon these two Slleaker time in school. those who have diffi- men\. P. O. Box 590, Narberth Post
sitnat~d that. its loeation wll1 he fair solutions there appears to be a de-' Dr. }" H. Green cuHy in assisting their children with Office.-(Adv.)
and1ust to t.he majority of the school clded difference of opinion: home-worl. either through lack of
State Norullll School, West Chester,
nODulation in the question of the dis- "1. Erect a new school building time or on account of the changES in
tance the chlll1ren must travel to upon the present school premises at Penns)'lvanla the modern system, those who are ('OJnruxITY CLUB.
rPAch the bUlldin~, and. of course, in the end of the borough lIirge enougn Subject anxious to make the school work and
ol'der to meet this most important to accommodate the present grade'
condition, the site should be as nearly pupils and provide for future growth ['
"Sacred Spots"
A Most Popular Speaker to l\[en
I home-work harmonize and to make
both pleasant and interesting to the
Everr member of the Women's
Community Club is urged to be on
('entral to the school pODulation as It o[ three or four years. and at the end Don't :!tIlss Hearing Him I :roung folks will profit b)' a caH from hand at the tea next Tuesday after-
exists, consideration being given to: (Continued on Second Page) :1 .:.:.1\11'. Walter J. Meyer. noon, the second of May. at 3 o'clock.

OUR TOWN He would sca!! those papers care-II also Signor Bagonghi, Italy's famous
fully and would be able to give the dwarf ,equestrian. More than twenty
Everybody is going! Where? Why
to the community night at the Y. 1lII.
information as he had stated. trained animal acts will be Included C. A. Building, on Thursda)' evening,
Owned, and Published every Thurs- He would judge the business pro.5_ lin the progrm, headelj. by Pallenberg's April 27th, at 8 o'clock.
day b)' the Narberth Civic Associa- pects from the advertising columns; I two marvelous troupes of traln.ed
tion. the prospective selling possibilities I bears. Come to the community night recep-
by the local happenings, the tastes II The Barnum & Bailey Circus is tion in the Women's Club room in
HARRY A. JACOBS, anll intelligence of the people by the, larger tl~ls season than ever before the Y. M. C. A. Building, Thursday
Editor. reading matter the paper gives its i and require 89 cars to transport it. It evening, April 27th. This is for the
readers, and whether they were a i carries 1400 persons, 745 horses anu , men as well as the ladies, so we will
Mrs. C. R. Blackall G. M. Henry progressive and alert or an easy- i a greatly enlarg,ed menagerie of 108 : look for you all there.
Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Laos going and comparatively inactive SOI·1. ! cages and 41 elephants.
Mrs. E. C. Stokes Henry Rose
Miss Auah Durbin W. T. Melchior
Your paper tells the story fully to i
the active, ohservant business mali,
I'OST OJ<'Jo'Jl't: ~OTf:S. THE FIRESIDE The funeral of Americus 1\1. Redifer
took place on I~riday. April 21st, from
Earl l<'. Smith O. L.. Hampton who never saw your town or its peo- can Anyone d,(siring double postal cards:
secure th m t tl t m the home of his brother. A. Perry
Associate EdItors. pie. e a Ie pas a Ice. i Redifer. of Essex avenue. Mr. Redifer
If the town merchants are not all to Patrons have all of the post
tlLeI'r officet.1aret urged,
'1 .1' I ' . Bett,. Hnxl'2r's GossIp. harl been an invalid for several '·ears.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, represented in its columns it would hox numbers. mal ulrec eu 0 t lelr I He was sixty-five years of age. '
Cashier. spells "Little husiness." and a bad ' Miss Virg)nia Downes is spending,
knock for the town. If the local I1aws. : the gaster holidays with relatives in Mrs. A. L.. Jacoby and daughters. of
AlhertlsIng Manager.
columns showed a scarcity of news
allli little of the social life it WOUlll
MORE ABOUT DR. POHLMAN I Dovel', Delaware_.__ lona avenue, entertained at luncheon
'on Monday the following ladies: Mrs.
Send all letters and news item to spell in glaring letters "~othins 1 l<'riends of Mr. Jol1l\ Wallace wiII I Carden Warner. Mrs. P. Redifer, Mrs.
1'. O. Box 404. doing." If there was a lack of high The m.en of Narberth are invited to ' be ~I?d to hear that he has recovered! R. H. Wallace, Mrs. W. B. Smith, Miss
Send all advertising copy to P. O. ('lass, up-to-date reading matter on a meeting of the Presbyterian Men's i :mtll~lently to be removed from the I Ethel Wallace. Miss L. Wallace and
Box 820. the liveliest topics of the comlllun- Club to be Jleld Friday ,evening, April i hOSPital to his sister's home in Balti- ; Miss Bertha Redifer.
Make all remittances to P. O. Box ity interests what would it spell for 28, to be addressed by Dr. Pohlman. I more. i
118. him? We feel at liberty to urg,e you to i , - I. P 1'0 f essor F'. B. Hills, of Delaware
Our Town is on sale at the depot Tile investigation would end and come an(l hear this man because of You cannot afford to miss the last College, was a week-end guest at the
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. the town would be passed over as not his e1ever and unique way of present- community night given by the retiring home of W. B. Smith, of Windsor
Davis. worth considering. ing Christian truths to his hearers. board of managers 0[ the Community avenue.
Entered as second-class matter, Oc- So then, the weekly paper 52 times A little about the man himself: Cluh.
tober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at. a year is showing the people who do After graduating from Johns Hopkins no\, ~('orT XEWS.
Act of March 3, 1879.
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under tbe ~ot re.side in th~ town just how t,) at Baltimore as a medical missionarv
Judge It as a busllless and social cen- Dr. Pohlman entered the field i;
J\Irs. Miller Burkhardt, of 100 Maple Two seouts have passed their first-
avenue. entertained at luncheon on class tests and many others are pre-
ter. You can help your town and its L.iberia. His work there was very Wednesday 19th inst. Her guests paring to pass it. The two first-class
THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1916 merchants hy educating them to do succeSSful, but was brought to a j were Mrs. Frank L. Thomson, Mrs.: scouts are Paul Braden and Herber~
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS their part. hut you must pUblish a premature end on account of the fever· Middleton, Mrs. William Cowperth- Krell.
Fire 350. real up-to-Ilate newspaper. , so prevalent in that region. This com- waite, Mrs. Benjamin Neall, Mrs. j Mr. Braden, Paul Braden and Her-
Pollce 1250. i pelled him to return to his own climate John R. Davies, Mrs. Dr. Cowperth-, hert Krell hiked to Valley Forge '1lI
In another column of this issue we to regain health. He then accepted waite, Mrs. James Dallas, of Tioga, the 21st. They started at 3 o'clock
EDITORIALS. publisll an interestin~ letter from a the pastorate of th,e Temple Lutheran amI Mrs. John J. Caine, of German- and got baclc at 6.15 after a 36-mile
The Editor announces that the arti- Stale educational authority on the Church in West Philadelphia, at which town. hike. They visitell the headquarters
cle in the last issue of Our Town lo~al Sch?OI question, with comments church he ha.s been ext.remelY success- . ., I and other places of interest in the
headed "Ushers' Association Dance h~ a reSident. We note that the fUI and frllltfui. HIS congr,egation, MISR Rlllle Street. of 100 Maple ave- . parle
a Big Success," waR given to the School Board is quote~l as desiring a Iwhich was merely a handful, has: nue, has returned from New Britain,
printer as follows. "Ushers' Associa- decide[] expression on the question of grown to nearly fifteen hundred per-' Pa., where she has been visiting: Those who offer bargains get rich
tion Banquet a Big Success." !ocation of the proposed n.ew build- I sons. During the Sunday campaign. friends. 1 quicker than thos.e who seek them.
How the mistake happened he does mg. There are some citizens who be- his activities were very numerous and
not know, nor does the printer. Heve that our voters lJave twice very the scope of his work is worthy of
However, he hopes that 110 one decidedly express,ed an opinion ad- great praise. Dr. Pohlmall's strong
toO\{ the meaning wrongly, for mis- verse to locating it on the hill, on the point is his interest in men. It is in MccARTER REGARDING NARBERTH SCHOOL SITUATION
takes will happen now and then, and present grounds. this point that we want to interest
they usually happen just when allll We do not quite agree with this you; being well read on the general Continued From First Page
where tI "1 I 1 't view, because, on tlLe former occasions topics of the day. it is not uncommon
le~ s IOU (n . when this question came up for a for him to include in his talks some of that time, or whenever compelled nearer the railroad would give a cer-
vote th I' w I' t ' t d po' t f tl 1 I'f f by future needs, to build another tain lIumber of children the advantage
I'unr . , F.(,TI()~S
. ,\U\, I'J . . • 'namely ' , e location.
e e e wo andIssues presenofe,
purchase a 111 ers or .le eVer)'1 ay I e a men.
The Men's Club f,eel that they have I sc I100l I ocat e d centra IIy. The new of location. If the distance to be
Th.ere is no contes: at primary I' playground. As a consequence, many secured a speaker who will 'appeal bUil.di~g, on the pr~sent site would also traveled to the present site from the
eleetlOns hetween partIes. Often vot- who would have voted for the loan by to the men of our town and heartilY : ll1a~e 101' better IlIgh school accommo- extreme end of the borough is too far,
el'l:; get the idea that at a primary itself, and location on the present site invite you to their meeting. . 'datlOns. then, unless a building is erected for
there is some contest between DemO-I voted "no," because they opposed th~ FR1DAY EVE:\'I~G, APRIL 28. "2. The alternate proposition is to their accommodation, transportation
erats and Republicans or some other I playground, Others, not opposed to purchase a new site centrally located' might be provided. If a building
party organization. This is not the the playground. vot.ed against the loca- fOJUIU~ITY XIGIIT. to present school population and as should be erected on a central site, it
ease. At primary elections the Re- tion on the present site. Don't forget to be on hand on 'nearly central to future growth as can might be designed on the elastic type
publicans vote for their candidates, Enough time has been lost by this Thursday night, April 27th, at the club i be. es.tablished; upon this site. erect a plan. large enough to accommodate
the Democrats vote for theirs, Pro- confusion of issues. W.e should have room in the Y. M. C. A. Building. It' hUlldmg of t!l~ proper size to relieve the present number of grade children
gressives, Socialists, etc.. do Iike- an opportunity to vote separately on is g,oing to be a good one, and every.: ~resent condItIons and to take care at and so arranged that additional rooms
wise. May 18th will be the next pri- these entirely distinct questions. In- person in Narberth is especially in- i lutu~'e growth. . could he added from time to time.
mary election day in Pennsylvania. creased school accommodations are of vited to be there. "1 he arguments 111 favor of the first "Considering, the matter from every
Any contest that may exist must be' paramount importance. and must t.rst proposition are: point of view, taking into considera-
between members of the same party. be considered, and the qURstion of In'SI:SI~SS Axn SOCIAJ~ l1U:ETIXG. "That the cost of a new site will tion the advantages and disadvan-
Primary elections are especially im- location in connection therewith, must The monthly husiness and social; be eliminated, though this is some- tages, and the possibilities insofar as
portant because that is where the be settled by itself. meeting of the Bible class of the I wha~ minimi~ed by the fnrther cansid- they may be measured, and basing
candidates are selected to be voted I ?llany citizens heartily favor the. Methodist Church was hel(l on Tues- : eratlOn that It may only be a question judgment upon the facts; figures and
for at the regular elections follow- playground, and others honestly op- I day evening, 13th inst., at the home' of. a few years when the community' information gathered from every
ing. The primary election tllis sprin~ pose it from .economical or other: or 1\11'. K E. Smedley. That the meet- I WIll be confronted with the expense of available source, it is our judgment
is particularly important, because Ii reasons. This issue should be pre- jng was one of pleasure and profit: a new huilding on a new site. ; that the school community as a whole
is the. first time the voters of ~enn- ,seTl~ed se~arateIY, a,nd decided up~n, goes ,~ithout saying. I "There may also. b: advanced the! ~\'ill probahly he hes~ ~er\'ed hy plac-
sylvallla have had the opportulllty to! on ItS ments. If an ~n.r0rmal ballot IS, The interest of those present in the ,argu~ent that by bUlldlllg.o~.the pres- I IIIg a new school llUlldmg or addition
express their choice for a candidate pr~par.ed ~or ou.r CItIzens, we trust transaction of business looking to the ent Slt.e. the school a.ctlVltles come: on the present site with this qualifica-
for President of the United States. thiS .sl,~uatlO~l WIll. be met squarely. welfare of the class, and the comfort under ~ue c?ntro!. TillS to. be tio.n, t~lUt.if the distance of the farthest
This fact alone should be suffiP.ient Glllel \1 Ise, "e face another fiasco. of its members, did not prevent them a Vel.
y Important consideratIOn. clllid IS too great. provision ought to
to inspire every voter who is inter-I Intert"stt"d. : from giving attention to the pathetic There IS a marked tendency e\'ery- he marie for transportation and fur.
ested in the affairs of his country to case of a young bo)' in destitute eir- w~le~e throughout the. country to thermore, as soon as the grades in-

from this important duty there is a,

go to the primary election. Aside JUn"rJI.'I.: IUlI,I;\' CJRfTS fOJ[)"G cumstances, which was presented by ~hmmate the smaller U~lt.S of bulld- crease sufficiently.
__" . ,.T, Howard Smedley. The ready re- lIIgs and merge the admllllstraUon of school should be placed nearer the
an additional

~ational Committeeman to be select-! f~Natest Show 011 l:al'th Will I'osUile. I Rponse made in the shape of substan- sCI~OOls under lar~er unit~ of control. opp~~ite end of the borough.
ed for each party, candidates select- I Ir Exhibit In 'fhl VI I It. ' tial offerings for the relief of the .boy, TillS in ~eneral IS consulered g,ood By order of the State Board
ed for the ~ational Congress, for the I At last tlle welcome snew~~I;S· b.een indicated the true Christian spirit. sc~~oOI policy. ,.. of Education.
State Senate. House of Representa- announced that the )'oungster 1 The hearty expressions of thanks ex- TI~e second proPoslt~on, VIZ: the "J. GEORGE BECHT.
tiYes, State Treasurer, Auditor Gen-I oldsters of t1:is vicinity will h:V ana~ tended to the ho~t and his good wife erectIOn of a new hulldmg on a sltliJ "ExeclltiYe Secretary."
eral, etc, opportunity to visit the , Barnume &' g~ve evu'I ence to the~ that their cor- The foregoing letter speaks for ilself. It demonstrates the careful
____ I Bailey Greatest Show on Earth. This' dial efforts ~o entertam the class had thong,ht that has been given to the Nal'berth school situation by the State
gr,eat circus will be within easy travel- heen appreciated. educational authorities. The arguments for the two plans proposed for
TOW~'S WI:A'fHEUVANI:. ing e1i.stance whoen it exhibits in Phila- meeting our present urgent needs are carefully weighed, and the conclu-
A reader has handed us the f0I10W-\ delpilla, week of May 1, 1916. l:~nl:It XI:W JUNAGI:J[EN'J'. sion is, that our interests will be hest served by locating a new school
ing editorial clipped from one of the This year Barnum & Bailey an- huihling on the present site, and providing transportation when necessary
papers he reads with the suggestion nounce an all new novelty circus, com- Under new management, Tuesday, for children requiring it.
that It ought to be printed here. We posell of mor.e foreign acts tha~ ever May 2. PI~oto~lays de lu.xe-first ti~le , I understand the board has heen waiting for some expression of opinion
agree with him and here it is: before. An Important ~eature IS th.e on the Mam L.llle the Stmagree serml i on the subject by the State authorities. Unfortunately, however, this does
"Show me some copies of the paper nell', .Oriental spectacular pageant, picture. consisting of twelve episodes' not hring us any nearer a SOlution, there being still a decided difference of
published in your town and I will tell "P,ersIa, or the Pageant of The Thou- of two p~rts each to he shown every! opinion among our residents on the qnestion of site. The board is con-
you some facts about it and your sand and. One Nights." In this Friday ~lIght, Universal moving plc- fronted by some very practical difllculties in malting application for a
people." gorgeous .dl.splay more than 1350 pe:- ture. Tickets accepted obtained from i loan. to be "oted upon. The application must specially state the proposed
1'he man who said that was an ac- ~on.s partlclpate. The Ortental. mUS1C merchants, thus offering free amuse-llocalJon of the building. and its cost. Before making, application for the
tive business man, who was consider- mCldental to th,e. ?roduction IS ren- menl. . , ; loan. it wouId be very desirable to obtain as definite an idea as possible of
ing an expensive proposition. Thc derell by 350 mU~lcmns, a~d 3500 ~os- Few words relatIve to first week s; the wishes of the majority of parents, !!S to the location of the proposed
information he wanted was all in is- tumes are worn III the varIOus actIons prog.r~m.. '. i addition. I am informed that the board is considering the advisability of
sues of a weekly newspaper. of tlle p a g e a n t . . ~Xlllbitlllg IIIghts every Tuesday.' asking for an informal expression by those interested. both men, and
He wanted to know about the stocks The circus progran! Will. be one of Fl'Hlay and Saturday. ' women, on this subject. This could be done by preparing an informal bal-
of goods carried by the mercnants, to unllsual nov~lty vanety. More i lot. to be filled out and deposited in a place designated by the board, or
judge of their business capacity by ~:::~:~~u~r:~l~ba;~lsts aPr~~lln
"';11: I'OST OJo't'ICl; NOTES. , sent by mail. These ballots could be distributed with the regular issue
the style and amount of advertising nne I' c, aer a an I' ng . of "0111' Town." or be attached to one of its regular Issues as a coupon, to
thev employed-the paper would . u lD rs, and an army of fifty of the Stamps are on sale of every de- he filled Ollt, detached and deposited in a ballot box or mailed to the
h' hi funniest clowns on earth will keep the nomination from one cent to fifteen board '
s ~: w~ted to know something of audience convulsed with laughter. cents. €xcept eleven and fourteen: S~ch an expression of opinion would bl~ of great assistance to the
the social activities of the town, ~~o~; the new acts to be offered for also a plentiful supply of postal cards. board In preparing Its application to the Courts for permission to issue
which the paper would show him. nea t~~uti;:ea this season are four stamped envelopes and newspaper bonds for the school loan. If I understand their position correctly, they
He wanted to know something about ~e tit p s / Chinese artists, pre- wrappers. are perfectly wl1ling to carry out the wishes of the majority on the ques-
the pursuits of the people In the I:t ng ~hCOt~p'I~~e Chln~se circus, re- Prices of stamlled envelopes: Uon of location. While the; favor the present site, In which view they
town and the condition of tbe sur- ~ati e ~at l~h n~ aer al ~nd a;rod 25 1c envelopes $ .25 are supported by the State' authorities, I am convinced they will base their
rounding country The paper woulll Fam~IY ~ I e ~~ous f a~ne or 100 1c envelopes 1.10 application for a 'Ioan on whatever location may be decisively chosen by
show him . • c amp on I' ers 0 urop.e. 25 2c envelopes........ .53 an informal ballot, such as indIcated above.
. . are anothe!: new Importation, as is 100 2c envelopes 2.10 AUGUSTUS J. LOOS.

1~{AHB~HTH4 PA.-OUR TOWN-APJ=tIL 27. 1916
Nrwl1 of 1l1f OLl1urrl1ra i well rendered. The address by Dr.


GUY C. Lawson on "The Scar and
Its Healing," was listened to with
Why We Would Like to Fill Your Prescriptions
rapt attention by both the younger Because we conscientiously believe that we have one of the
Merion Meeting House is opened for best equipped prescription departments in Our Town. This you
worship every First-day at 10.30 A. and the older people present. The
1\1. Visitors are cordiallY welcome.
attendance was the largest recorded. may think is a broad claim, but we can back up this claim by giv-
Beginning ,fifth montb, the time of The beautiful floral decorations lellt ing you the very best kind of service, accurate and scientific com-
meeting will be changed to 11 o'eloc.,;:. a harmonious touch to the glad Eas- pounding of all drugs and chemicals. .
A registry book is kept for visitors. ter fact that "Christ is risen." The
All are asked to register their names. event will remain a milestone in the Our Prescription Department Is One of the largest Along the Main line
Clarence Smith, of the University of progress of the school. We are in business for your health-it will pay you to do all
Pennsylvania, expects to be with us
)1 E'I'IIOJlIS'f }:l'ISl'Ol'A IJ l'lIrnCII. School motto:
your drug store buying at Fiedler's. Your business is not solicited
first day (Sunday), the 30th. with empty promises, but with a very earnest desire to please you
nt"·' ('.... KOllllel, I'llstor.
\Vithout haltiilg, without rest, and give you absolutely satisfactory service.
ST. JUnGAU};'1"S CnURClI. Lifting better up to best. Have your doctor telephone your prescription to Narberth
Early Mass on Sun:hl.y from April 625 or 1284, or if he leaves it with you call our prescription de-
1<;t to October 31st at. 6.JO A. ;\L From Miss Wentz, organist.
November 1st to Maren :Ust at 7 A. M.
Miss Prescott. leader. The ]<:;aster exercises held on partment, Narberth 625, to call for the prescription, and it will
Sunday services: ,Thursday morning were enjoyed by be delivered promptly. We are always at your service.
Late 1',1 ass, 9.30 A. :\1. throughout the 9.45. Sunday school. Classes for: all. The prog.ram under the direction
year. ;\Iasses on holydays, 6.30 and all ages.
8.30 A. l\I. Weekda~'s at 8. Evening
devotions and other services at regular
11.00. Morning wOrf;hip.
by the pastor. Selections by the i
: of Miss MelchIOr was unusually enter-
Sermon; taining. FIEDLER'S Drug Store
times. We were glad to see Director Patent Medicines at Cut Prices
7.00. choir.
Union Young People's meet-·! C"Ogg~s1la II presen t at ltle . op,emng .
mg . t I1e Bap t'IS t CI lurc I1. L ea d~'
111 d , exercIses on Tuesr!ay mormng.
.-- -
C P COOK - -- ._.--- ---'1'-----------------------

i, ARE YOU AWARE aboul il cheap

Thai as is lust
Jh~,'. AJlllrew S. Durke, Rector. supplied by the Presbyterian Society. ~ Th.e girls' basket ban season ended _. - , and much more
satisfactor)' to se-

Anthrae. te Coal Narberth's Highest Tract


Tile servl'ces at All Sal'nts' P. E. 7.45. Union church service in the' successfully. This year's team , was lect your 101 Irom
Church, Montgom.ery and Wynnewood Baptist Church. Sermon by Mr. Kop· probably the most hrilliant in the his- , e
avenues for next Sunday, are as fol- pel. The churches unite in extend· lory of tile' high school. We feel that'
lows: ing a cordial welcome to all. the girls are to be congratulated, hav- and build vour bouse according 10 your own plana
S.OO A. i\L-Holy Communit)·, 1:lIstl'r Week. ing won thirteen games out of twenty. WOOD AND lnd the way you wont ii-and where yOU want
,I-as to buy a Ready.Made House?
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. .Joyous Easter services with fine,
11.00 A. l\I.-Morning prayer anll musical programs attracted con grega- Three tennis matches hav,e been ar- BUILDING SUPPLIES MAKE SURE OF YOUR CHOICE NOW
sermon. I ions that filled the church both ranged by the manager of the girls' TERMS TO SUIT

FM Jnstl'Ce
3.00 P. i'lL-Confirmation instruc- morning and evening. tennis team, Hilda Smedley, for the
tion. The musical program prepared by spring season. They are with Darhy, Narberth, Pa. "
Montgomery Avenue.
612 Chestnut St.• Phlla.
4.00 P. l\L-Evening prayer. 'll\liSS Prescott and the chorus choir Swarthmore and Woodbury. Th.e other
The services at All Saints' were bet- with Miss Wentz at the organ was matches scheduled will he played in
ter attended on Easter than ever be- an important feature of the servicl'$ September.
·fore in the history of the church. The' and splendidly rendered. ,
Non-Splashing Positive THE "SAVILL" JAMES G. SCANLIN
Oulck Acting Shut-Off Reg. U. S. Pit. OWco
quartet cboir under the direction of I The decorations were particularly' The Senior Class wili leave for Rocommcnded an~ In-
Mr. J. Phillips Rowland, rendered a I impressive. The chancel was a ver- V.rashington next week, May 3. and stall-
dune Contracting Painter
most excellent musical program: itable bowel' of Easter lilies, with a will return on tILe 6th. ed br 18, '12
Thomas Savill's Narberth, Pa.
.The Confirmation Instruction Class I
,especially appropriate for Easter day. I background of palms. :
Eight new meml~ers were re~eived, I The Senior play will be given in
wl1l resume on next Sund~y afterno~n three by letter, two by profeSSIOn of Assembly Hall on May 12. at S.15 P.
1310.12.14 Wallace St.
Estimates Telephone

at three o'clock. Those mterested In I faith, and three into preparatory: M. The cast of characters consists of
confirmation, be on hand on Sunday, membership. Two infants received Hilda Smedley, Augusta Witherow. NOW IS THE TIME TO Patents! Patents!
L.t"t u:-: !-°pntl you (lUI" (1"('(' hook. "PATENTS
the 30th inst. baptism at the morning service and, Marion Haws. Madeline McCoy. Agnes
The Rev. Andrew S. Burke will r,e- two adults on Good Friday.
turn and have charge of all the ser-
Rose. Estelle Cohic, Charles McCarter
and Carr01l Downes, assisted lly Frank
Buy a BODle A:\'J) THADI·;:\JAH.K~." Don't pay exorbltant
rep=-,. f )ur :-:ervlef> 1:-; of the hiJ:he~t tYPtl
and Clll1' f(>f's are reH:-\onalJ!C'. De-It phone.
Walnut 15G4. .
vices next Sunday. 'flit: I'Rt:SHYTt:RUX clluncn. Winne and Fanny Brown. The play is
Do not forget the Sunday School at under the supen'ision of Maizie Simp- Before Prices Advance FOSTER & WEBSTER
9.45 next Sunday morning. we. want Ile,-••John Yam Xess, )lillister. son. Tickets may be obtained from CALDWELL & CO. __ l'lIilt:...Il:H. 1011 Clt~stnut Stre,·t
every scholar to he pr,esent, and If pos- The meetings next Sunday are as any member of th,e class. Candy will .
I;ible, bring a. frien:l. follows: . he' sold between acts. Mr. Robert; - - - - - - - - J. A. MILLER
The church 'busses le:tve w~'snne- I
10 A. M. Sabbath school. All de- McCracken will preside at the piano. E f. I Fur ·h d Heal n" Appl al "es (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
wood and Narberth seations on un- partments. Tickets 35 cents and 50 cents; chil-I 'S ,na es . n,s e ' h ' 1C
1 mormngs a
. t 1040
11 A. M. Public worship. Sermon dren under ten years. 25 cents. Come I ••
by the pastor on the Third COOl- and bring the children. See the fas-\ 104 Forrest A
t;YAXla:I, BAI'TIS'I' ClIeRell.

l:mHsllI1 L. Swift, 1'I1!'tol'.


ing in the Baptist Church, led by a
cinating Fanny Brown! See the human
7 P. M. Fnion )'oung pl'opll"s nJt:>et- dog- fight!

I representative of the Presbyterian So- UNCIJAIMED LETTERS AT

'I '
Electrical Contractor
Jobbing a SpecIalty. TeWa~bertb.p..
IIoward F_ Cotter -
Sunda~', 9.30 A. M. Prayer service ciety. I
for the teachers and friends of the
Bible School.
S P. M. Union meeting, Baptist
Church. Rev. C. G. Koppel will

~~rl'sss' GMeaOrrggaereMt·HManarnSahlla.l1.
It ••• ••• aJ III Y
'M'EA15 of
9.45 A. 1\1. Bible School. The reg-I preach. m
ular work will be resumed with Chnrch Xotes. Mrs. J. H. Rush. lOUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED I V. M. C. A. BUILDING
vigor. The annual congregational meeting Mrs. Rlngole. ' UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
11.00 A. i\I. ~lorning worship. Sub- I is held V.rednesday night of this Dr. and Mrs. A. McConaughy. i I
ject of the sermon by the pastor. week.
"What Lack I Yet?" The Sunday school teachers will
Edward S. Haws
P t t'
Pasteurized Milk jDELIVERTES
Brynclovls Certilied WEST PUILA. I George B. Suplee
Stearn & Hot Water Heatmg .
7.00 P. M. Union young peop 1e ' s hold their month I '
y meetmg . I
111 t le
os mas er. Milk
(PedriaUc Society) OVERBROOK
service in our ehurch. Members frOl'} ! church on Thursday evening.
the three young people's societies Willi The Men's Club will meet on Frida~' ...+01·+1'+10++010+++++‫ןס‬o+io
speak. evening when an address will be de-
SpecIal "Guernsey" M E R I O N ;
Bell Tele bone.
7.45 P. M. Union service. Rev. C.lliverell by Rev. A. Pohlman, a popu- ++'1'+++++++++++++++111'+'101+'. (Rober~~I~~:rrPless' NARBERTH ----------------
G. Koppel will be the speaker.
the church will be held Wednesday vited.
lar and eloquent Lutheran elergy-
The prayer and praise service of man of Philadelphia. All men in- Men-Women '. Cream Buttermilk

Table and Cream.Whipping

To you what an advantage it IS
evening this week at S o'clock. Sub- The Girls' Club (the Mary Martha's) to own your own home?
ject. "The Beatitude or Faith." Ju. 20; will meet next Friday evening at the
24-29. 'home of Edith Humphreys.
Remember Monday evening, May 1.1 The fragrance of the beautiful ~as- THE CIRCUS? At the Cabin,
A good time is awaiting you. Come ter services will tarry witl} us for Narberth & Haverford Aves.
prepared to play old-fashioned games. a long while. The attendance during -that stupendous stunt so su-r 45th and Parrish StS.
The social is for ever)'one connected the entire day was most encouraging periorly staged by the Women's Telephone-Narberth 368.
with the church and congregation, and especially at the morning wor- Gymnasium Class of the Y. M.
and for members of the Sunday sbip, when 237 were present. The
school above the primary depart- music by the quartette in the morn- A. Community Club last year? Try a Pound of Plaster and Cement Work
ment. ing and by the large chorus in the
The second general meeting of the evening was dignified, pleasing and IF YOU DO
HOME MADE FUDGE Estimates Furnished Jobbing
Ladies' Aid Society will be held at worshipful, and was greatly appre- I H
the church Friday afternoon, May 5. ciated by all. The decorations were
The Teachers' Association will meet beautiful. and the large number of you will immediately list the date ••
in the evening. palms, ferns and Easter blooms was of their coming annual per- Plumbing, Gas Fitting
The Easter service of the Bible most
School last Sunday
tastefully arranged. These formance, and let nothing inter-
afternoon were distributed later to the sick and
eclipsed anything ever un!lertaken in "shut ins" of the congregation. fere to prevent your attendance. AR CAD IA an
d H t'
ea Ing
its special services. The processlon-
'th tl d'ISP1ay
a 1, prompt1y a t 2.30 ,WIle
of new banners, was a marl,ed feat-
Finest Photoplay
atre otllll Size InThe-
Entire World.
ure of the occasion. For several
weeks there has been considerable in-
G.OO-All points.
6.30-Philadelphia. ask some one of your neighbors
PhotoplaYII-Continuous lOA. M. to 1l.30
P. M.
• III ••

terest in the preparation of the indl-

vidual class for this event. What a
6.50-All points.
9.00-Local West.
who does-and then we know
that you, too, will not miss
PhD&.. Pa.
Select Dat-ft-es
revelation met the eyes of everyone 10.34-All points. • d Attractive All Easter Weel, combina-I
present as they viewed them in line, 11.50-All points. thIS year's pro uction-even at tion. Two Pictures of the Highest
and later as the superintendent. Mr. 12.29-Local West. double the cost. Merit-Two Stars of the Greatest Dis- Spel1(nl Nursery Milk in Paper Car-
H. S. Hopper, receiving them from 1.34-All points. tinction ton Filled at Penhurst Farm.
the hands of two members of each 3.29-Local West. THE DATE DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Bell Phone-Narberth 869 D.
class in the presentation, arrangerl 5.04-All points. In His Best Characterization 100 Narberth Avenue
them on the platform. We belleve it
is no exaggeration to state that the
6.29-Local West.
Departure. Saturday, May 20, at 8 P. M. \1
collection is equal to the finest of 9.00 A.M. East all points. Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium Extra Added Attraction-The $670,000
any school in any town or city. They 10.34 Local West. Comedian '\IVe Handle
will be displayed every Sunday and 11.59 - Phlla. and all pointe. WATCH FOR FURTHER CHARLIE CHAPLIN
carried on all similar occasions. 12.30 - All points. In a Brand New Burlesque on HERMAN'S BREAD
The entire service maIntaIned a
particularly high grade of excellence.
1.34 P.M. Local West.
3.18 All points.

The little tots were at their best, the I 4.34 Local West. ........... +....+ ...++ ..+••• + 1 ...... The Comedy You've Been Waiting for
songs and recitations were especially 6.59 Phlla. and all points. , t +t t ++++t ' i Both Pictures at Every Performance The Imperiol Grocery
XAHBEHrl'H.. PA.-OUR TOWN-Al~RIJ...j 27.. IH16
IF IT'S TO BE DAD IN A Moving Furniture and Hauling! Y. M. c. A. NEWS IUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT
Automobiles for Passenger Service TWO BIG nATURES THIS WE};K.I -ARCADE THEATRE
Night Trips When Ordered
Phone, Narberth 672
JIen's Mee,tlug.
Reserve Sunday afternoon. April Beginning Next Tuesday, May 2,

HOWARD 30-our next big meeting for men,

We are very fortunate in having se- "Better Pictures In A Better

Has It PREPAREDNESS! cur,ed as our speaker for this meet-

. ing Dr. F. H. Green, of West Chester
State Normal School. His subject wllI :

'be "Sacred Spots." Dr. Gre.en is al-' Offering the' best of photoplays d.e
ways a popular speaker with men and luxe. Next Tuesday. opening night-
At The To be prepared against want in old age is to
start a savings account with
those who have heard him will not fail Henry W. Savage presents Doroth)'
to hear him this time. To thOSe who Donnelly in the emotional dramatic
have not heard him We want to say photoplay. "Madam X," in six acts.
Right Price ihis: You can't afford to miss this I Produced from the famous play of the

Phone, Narberth 1267

The Merion Title & Trust Co. opportunity of hearing one of the: same name.
most popular speakers of the day. i Friday. May 5-The- most popular of
Don't forget the date. Sunday, 3.30., novel stories "East Lynne:' In three
April 30. The place-, Arcade Theatr.e,. acts;" "An Enemy to Mankind." in
and the speaker. Dr. l~. H. Green. : two parts. First episode of the Stina-

Frank Crist
BEGIN NOW! ('omnl~JIIit)· Nlg~lt.
I gree series to be shown every Friday
i night, with oth.ers.
Thursday. Api'll 27. It IS not neces-! Saturday. May 6-The- massive war
You can open an account with only one doIlar. You can make additions
MEATS & PROVISIONS to this from time to time to suit your convenience. If you only save two dol-
I lars a week, you wiIl have saved a hundred dollars in less than a year. If
sary for us to enlarge on this an- I production, "Captain Macklin." in five
nouncement. This feature is alWays! wonderfUl parts, illustrating the hor-
Hi~h Grade Butter I )'ou persistently keep on for five years putting the following amounts in this a most attractiv.e one to the com-; rors of war and teaching a strong
Telephone-Narberth 644 A. , Bank every day, and draw nothing out. here are the results. not counting munity. It apl}eals to all Narberthites.: lesson on preparedness, combined with
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interest: whether new or old. Come and get other pictures.

Fresh Fish I 1 cent 11 dn" in jive ~'ellrs will be . $ 18.:!;)

acquainted. Don't forget the date. Every night a feature night.
Tuesday. Friday and SaturdaY-Ad-
10 cents II dll)' In the )'ellrs will be . 182...11 UowIing 81111 Pocket Ulllillrcls. ! mission: childr.en. 10 cents; adults.
;)0 cents II dll)' ill Ih'e )'ellrs will be 912.;)0
And Oys'ters $1.00 11 111\" ill ih'e "enrs will be
. 182;).00
It may not be generaIly known that· 15 cents.
arrangements have been made en- : We accept Universal moving picture
abling the public as weIl as members ~ tickets. They take )'ou to the movies
THE IMPERIAL GROGERY Xarberth Office open from S A. J\1. to 4 P. 1\1. Friday Evening. 7 to 9. to USe the Y. M. C. A. tables and al-, free.
leys. We have an attractive and well
----------1--------------·--------- -- equipped men's game room. Come in

\Vinter's snow and ice are

hard on roofs and spouts. Prime Meals The law requires. that there shall
If )'ou are interested in this game ..
nur!?;e~s-Geo. :\J. Henry.
Home D'esseJ Poultry. Butter. Egg'S an.! Gam ... lie advertised in a local paper names say so. Prospects look good. See t TI'easltrer-F;dwin P. Dold.
Fane\' FrUit and Veg'etahles. "A STORE FOR of all persons having paid tax on Clerk of Conncils-Chas. V. Noel.
PARtiCULAR PEOPLE." J. G. Scanlin for details.
their dog and receiving a tag which Tax ColIeC'tor-James F. sherron.
Te ephon,·. NARBERTH. PA.
---_.-._--- must be worn on the dog.
Wm. W. Akers.
ramp. Street Commissioner-W. S. McClal'
H. C. FRITSCH Only sixty-eight days until camp I Ian.
H. Buchanan, A. W. Brockmeyer, opens. Already Camp Booklets are Building Inspector - J. Howard
Properties For Bent and Sale 'VIIl. H. Benjamin. Samuel B. Bow- hein~ distributed. Drop in to see Mr. Smedley.
Fire Insurance man. Hezo Brooks. Hampton and talk the matter over. Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites.
Bell Phone 862 W. Charles Caldwell. A. A. Chalker Your hoy will soon start talking and Constable-Fred. Walzer.
Wall BnJldJng. Narberth, P.. w. G. ClIlnmer, C. H. Churchill, W. dreaming "camp." Would it not he
----------- n. Carmint. W. H. Cohic. W. Cowen. wise to have some pre·information on JJ)DlnEHS OJ"' TilE NARBERT))
r ... iesen 'B k
s aery. H. Davis, Carroll Downs, Kennedy
Duff, fJlliott Dodge.
t h.~ subject. ~CHOOI, nOARD.
President-C. Howard McCarter.
NARBERTH ARCADE E. P. l<'lannery, Dr. C. T. Faries. UOJ!;, Vice-President-·Carroll Downes.
BUILDING Will. F. Fielden, H. R. Felton. Don't. forget the Saturday Morning· Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.
The Japanese Bread, Cake, Rolls~ PIes,' w. B. Goodall. Guyan G. Gray, Geo.
Candy. Ice Cream • [I. Gillord.
GYIll. ClasR-cross country runs and
hikes hecome popular now.
TheIlwell R. Coggeshall.
Robert H. Dothard.
Flowering CATERING FOR PARTIES , Lewis Hatton, W. F. Hodges. F.
- - - - : H. Harjes. Jr.. H. G. Hamer, Chas.

The scout. organization is thriving, nOARD OF HEALTH.
nOAm) 010' lUANAGERS OF i Humphreys, H. R. Hillegas. E. J. Hal in J!.'ood style now. Don't the new President-Chas. E. Kreamer.
Cherry Trees WOMEN'S COl'illUNITY CLcn lahan.
Chairman-Mrs. C. T. Moore. : RaYlllond Jones. Korman Jeffries,
suits. Secretary-A. P. Redifer.
Health Officer-W. S. McClellan.
AnE TIn; :!'lOS1' ATTUACTIYE OF Financial Manager-Mrs. Roy I'.:. John R. Johnson. E. C. Jacoby, F. M. Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies,
ALL OUXA)It:~TAI. TREES. Clark : Justice. H. A. Jacobs.
OF POSTAL MONEY ORDERS. '1'. B. On Marias. Carden Warner and
Lib~arv Manager - Miss Grace Charles E. Kreamer, Adolph Kuy- Chas. V. Noel.
THEY AnE orn TOWX'S TR};ES. Haight. . , lensgat, John S. Ketchum, Eric KreIl.The attention of the patrons or the
$1.2;) Each, :1 to 4 ft. Iligll. House Manager-Mrs. Alexander'.J. R. Kernan, Wm. Kirk, W. J. Narberth Post Office is called to the
Chambley. i Kirkpatrick. con venlence of sending money by po,,- President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec·
12 Trees, $12, :1 to 4 ft. high.
Social Manager-Mrs. F. W. Stites. I Hichard Lac)', Samuel Laird, A. L tal money order. The folIowing low retary. Charles V. Noel; financial
2/; Trees fOI' $20, 3 to 4 ft. bigh.
Membership Manager-Mrs. David I Lumhert, A. O. Leighton. rates are charged for sending sums to secretary. E. C. Stokes: treasurer,
The SUPllly is limitl'd. Order now D. Stickney. : A. H. Mueller. E. A. Muschamp, O. any money order post office in the Carden ·Warner; chief engineer.
if wllllted. Athletic Manager-Mrs. Walter i S. Mellor, Frederick MoeI'. Wm. J. United States: Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engin-
Dathard. : Mulholland, Wm. Mann. C. H. McCa\'- For orders from $.01 to $2.50, & eer, Edw. 'Vipf; second assistant en·
_______. _ _ ter, Daniel J. McGarry. J. W. Mc- cents.
Apple Trees fOJDUTTEl;S Ot' (:OUXCII,. Anliffe. W. S. l\IcCleIlan. J. W. Me-From $2.51 to $5. 5 cents.
From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.
gineer. A. P. Redifer; third assistant
engineer. H. B. Wall: fourth as-
Finance and Law Committee-A p. Menamin. sistant engineer. A. ¥oT. Needham.
Have fresh fruit by picking your Hedifer. chairman; W. D. Smediey, From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.
Jos. H. ;\'af;h. Robert J. Nash, J.
own. Our trees will bear the same From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.
year as planted. H. D. Xarrigan. : E. Nidec!,er.
Highwa)' Committee-H. D. Narri-' Dr. A. L. Orr. From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents. 1". ~l. C. A. Board of Directors.
8 to 10 ft. high, WI'Il brullched gan. chairman; E. C. Stokes. Rohert! Jos. Parke. W. D. Price, T. F. Phil· From $40.01 .., $50, 18 cents.
$2.;)0 to $3.50 each Saville. I lips. F. L. Padget. F. E. Patton, H.From $50.01 to .~60, 20 cents. H. S. Hopper, president; C. E.
From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents. Kreamer. vice presi~ent; J. S. Harris,
Police an,l Health-'Y. D. Smedley. i G. Parl,er. "Wm. Pugh.
From 75.01 to $100, 30 cents. secretary; D. D. StIckney. treasurer;
Oriental Planes chairman; Eo C. Stokes. William J. ,: A. p. Redifer. P. L. Reed.
Henderson. R. G. Saville. W. E. Speal,man, WSame fees as quoted above charged G. 1\1. Henry. ~. S. Haws. Dr.
for remittances to a number of foreign; R. C. Hoffman, ¥O. D. Smedley. .E.
10 to 12 ft. higb, $1.:;0 eacb Water. Fire and Light-William D. Smedley. Harry Street. Willial\.
Henderson, chairman; A. p. Redifer. Selfridge, G. B. Sheldon, C. F. Shoe- "otlntries. Orders are paid at 52,000 E. Seaver. Carrol .Downes. G. H, Gil':
20 trees for $2;).00 post offices in the United States. Re- i f('rd. J. B. EsenweJll. T. C. Trotter. C.
Hohert Saville. maker.
12 to 14 ft. high, $2.00 each I::tephen Tasl'er. ",itfanees received in this way are i H. McCarter, T. R. Coggeshall. A. J.
20 trees for $3/;.00 C'onvenient for merchants. pUblishers. J,oos. Frank Stone. J. G. Walton. [,
.J. B. Williams. J. H. Wilson. Jas. P.
XAIWJo:Il1'H n\'u' ASSOI'L\TIOX. ,Witherow. Will. Wright. . T. Ward. Vernon Fleck, R. L. Beatty.
!"perlsmen. msurance companies, etc., n I ' "I
Sllecial Prices 011 Iurger qUlllltities ete. oar, o. lJ nllngers.
.Teff YoweIl, Charles Yocum. Monday Night-H. C. Gara. financIal
OUR TREJ:S GROW. President. A. J. Loos. Dr. Wm. Zentmeyer,
Yice-president. A. C. Shand. J. B. Geo. Urqllardt. Edward S. Haws, Postmaster. manager.
i Tuesday Night-A. G. MacKenzie,
Norway Maples Wll1iams. James Artman.
Secretary and treasurer', Frank J.
A. G. MacKenzie.
Milton Townsend, Alex. Chambley, I~Vf:UYnonY WJo;LCO)IE. religious and educational work man-
10 to 12 ft. higb, $2.00 each Wisse. E. Cameron. J. V. Laird. Albert S. The Community Bible Study Class Wednesday Night-R. G. Savill.
Dircetors. l~rederick L. Rose. George. Smith. Joe Donohoe. H. S. Getz. which has been held every Tuesday house manager.
12 to 14 fl. high, $3.00 each M. Henry. W. Arthur Cole. George M. ' Cleveland Yowell. George Baree.
evening in tiLe Community room of the Thursday Night-F. W. Stites. so-
Colesworthy. Mrs. William S Horner. Mrs. Enduman. Goo.Bottom. Ellwood Y. M. C. A. has aroused a great deal
A. E. Wohlert Mrs. George M. Henry, Sickles. Lew Hess. Isaak Block, J. H. cial work manager.
of interest. and so much has been Frldal' !'\ight-F. R. Rainear (re-
Why Not Clean Silver With U-Kan-
Plate Silver Fleteher W. Stite.;. E. A. l\1n5clJamp, , Jeffries. J. S. Diamond. Carl Newbor~. manifested that the members have
signed), membership manager.
Polish (label blue) that posltlvel)' does NO'!' H. C. Gara, Henry Rose. Edward S. Rav Jonel". Horace M. Schell. C. W. almost unanimously voted to have the
wear awn}" the surface-that does NO'l'
blaclten the hands-that actually RESISTS Haws. Mrs. Roy E. Clark. Mrs. Les- He~itag.e. Jack's Friends. S. W. Fos- R,ev. ". r
W. R ug11 con t·Jllue tlIe c Iass Saturl1a,' . Night-Fred Rose, athletic
the return of tarnish. keeping the silver ter \\'. Xiel,erson. William D. Smed- ter. I f I tl manager.
for another ser es 0 essons on Ie , O. L. Hampton, Executive secretary.
"right. and savlnS" labor-that lnakes the
sliver wear longer-that is very sanitary le~'. J. D. Alker, J. F. Smith, F. S. Hip- hoole of Hebrews. The first lesson of
nnd clean to use'!
Use U-linn-Plate ExIra Strenlfth (mbel red) kiss. Albert Walters. Alhert C. Miller rhe new course was given Tuesday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
for 8llv.. r Plating n .....s.
evening. April 4. at 8 o'cloclc In the
and George Jones.
Dny a not tIe. 25c, "I' Can. GOc. To-dayl meantinte all those interestecl in Bible Two cenl. I)~r word In od""nce; minimum
Depf. Stores or Imperial Grocery Company
A. n.
,Ju.tlce C.... Mnkers. 612 Che.tnut St.
BUILD UP YOUR TOWN OUR TOWN will gladly print
stud)' are cordially invited to hear tile
closing lessons.
t"n word•.
Ji'on S"'I~};-~tnhle with two Atal1s nnd box
stall. wagon homie. hn)" 10ft and mn..n'g
rnOlll, Cost ~lI)Or). 00011 condition. Sale
any news Item nbout any !!ub.lect 11I·lce. $t:,0. F. :II. .Tn"lIce. Narberth. Penna.

GODFREY Build Up Your Home that Is of Interest to Narberth

folks, but In orlIer to meet



bring a good
I;,on SAI~...;-c_·heap. A JlUtnber one C~'ph{"t"'g
Incuhatfw, 1·1-1 (.gog- l':lPllclty: also brnol1l\r
the prlutlng sebe"ule, all "copy" nlhl Pldl!) Cnlnn~' Conp, All In finl' ('oll,li-
The Real Estat3 Man at J)on't forget tlmt this Is a com· tioll. Apply E, (', Anderson. {'orn{"r )lont-
mUll It)· of home makers and bome -manuscripts-must reach the price in market. don't they? . gomf"t'~· anti Efl:-:PX ll"enue~. Narberth,
114 Woodside Ave.,
keepers and that one of YOUR Friend-I believe so.
will be pleased to assist you in get· editor by 6 P. M. 1'londay ench "Then I suppose monev might be J'OR S.\l,~;-Hlch top 5011. from 01,1 ~ar,lpn.
~IOST llIPORTANT DUTIES is to ?' • , $1.00 pel' loa,1 on premises. F. 111. Ju"tlce,
tlng a home. keep it so. week. made in raising frogs. ' I r.lG lI("nt~ol1lpr~' annue.
T~lephone-Narbertb 685 A. "Possiblv' but why do vou ask?":
You can aid materially by do. u • t .. ll"on ~.:\I.. "~Strll\\'b~rr~· ptantfol. e,"erbenrlng
ing your shopping and marketing Oh. nothing; only Bome time ago ,·arlet'·. Will ·produce fruit until frost.
Its many feet are what makes a gas with tile advertisers In this paper. Poverty has taken many a hard fall I bought a corner lot in Boom Cit" i I,ll11lt~d' numher of plnnl" at 35 cent" a
bill run up So rapidll'. out of ambition. • j b t it It .' d07.{"n;
I $~,fiO }J{"r hurhlr~t.l. Box 19. Narberth,
. an d I ,'e ust een ou to see. or phone N. 3Gi-W.

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