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The Halliburton Business Code of Conduct code states that ...

" . . . policies are in place to only suggest ways the Company can
environmental goals."
" . . . the effect that a company or individual has on the surrounding air,
water, land, people and wildlife is problematic."
"All employees must conduct their duties and responsibilities in
compliance with applicable laws and industry standards relating to health
and safety in the workplace and protection of the environment."
Only Halliburton's global onshore activities can potentially impact the
environment in significant ways.

Wich statements are TRUE?

"Halliburton has the potential to impact the environment in North and South
"Halliburton has the potential to impact the environment in Africa."

"Halliburton has the potential to impact the environment in Asia and

"Halliburton has the potential to impact the environment in the Far East."

All the statements are true statements.


Halliburton activities that contribute to Air Pollution are...

Vehicle exhausts

Flaring and venting

Chemical blending

Bulk cement emissions

All of the above


Underground storage tanks, sumps, separators and leaking trucks are the sources of what
kind of common pollution?

Air Pollution

Water Pollution

Waste Production

Land Contamination

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Land Contamination

Which of the following effects is associated with Community Issues?

Pollutes soil and groundwater supplies

Pollutants leach into the groundwater

Obnoxious odors that bother neighbors

Acidification of freshwater sources

One liter of oil can contaminate up to one million liters of water

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Obnoxious odors that bother neighbors.

Which of the following effects is associated with Waste Production?

Pollutes soil and groundwater supplies

Pollutants leach into the groundwater

Obnoxious odors that bother neighbors

Acidification of freshwater sources

One liter of oil can contaminate up to one million liters of water

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Pollutes soil and groundwater supplies

Which of the following effects is associated with Contaminated Land?

Pollutes soil and groundwater supplies

Pollutants leach into the groundwater

Obnoxious odors that bother neighbors

Acidification of freshwater sources

One liter of oil can contaminate up to one million liters of water

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Pollutants leach into the groundwater

Cooperate regard for the environment is expected by all of the following except...



The public




When it comes to the environment, Halliburton thinks of itself as a proactive company.

Being "proactive" means...

Trying to change environmental laws.

Reacting to crises as they occur.

Taking action to prevent crises.

Not doing anything.

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Taking action to prevent crises.

Halliburton supports sustainable development. Sustainable development means...

...being able to meet the needs of the present generation, without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
...redesigning production processes and changing work practices.

...creating an incident-free environment and conducting business with no

adverse environmental impact.
...meeting expectations to gain competitive advantage.

Incorrect, the correct answer is: ...being able to meet the needs of the present
generation, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

Halliburton does not support waste minimization.

Halliburton does not have policies that reinforce its commitment to

environmental excellence.
Minimizing waste is reducing waste at the source.
Minimizing waste is not good for business.

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Minimizing waste is reducing waste at the source.

Halliburton has a vision of Environmental Excellence which means...

Creating and incident free environment

The company will only persue what is required by law

Conducting business with no adverse environmental impacts

Answers A and C


Why is the accurate reporting of environmental incidents essential?

Because Halliburton desires that ALL spills or releases to the environment

be cleaned up
Because employees are responsible for reporting environmental incidents

Because reports provide information used to change the way Halliburton

does business
All of the above


In the event of a RECORDABLE incident who do you need to notify first?

PSL Manager

Team Leader

HSE Advisor

Regulatory agency
Incorrect, the correct answer is: HSE Advisor

What information is essential for reporting and incident?

How the incident happened.

When did the incident happen.

Where did the incident happen.

Non of the above

All of the above


Which of the following statements best describes Halliburton's guiding principle of


We shall adopt and impose our health, safety, and environmental standards
in accordance with relevant industry standards of practice.
We will develop and provide products and services that have no undue
environmental impact, safe in their intended use, efficient in their
consumption of energy and natural resources, can be recycled, reused, or
An ongoing assessment, self-evaluation, and audit program shall be
implemented and maintained throughout the Company.
We will enhance a culture that allows for the transfer of information and
best practices across all levels of the Company.
We will develop, implement, and continuously improve effective health,
safety, and environmental management systems and develop standards
that reflect best industry practices.
Incorrect, the correct answer is: An ongoing assessment, self-evaluation, and audit
program shall be implemented and maintained throughout the Company.

Which of the following activities list is NOT an eco-friendly habit?

Preventive Maintenance

Make one-sided copies rather that two-sided copies when ever it is possible

Turn off lights and electrical appliances after use

Recycle waste

Insulate Building

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Make one-sided copies rather that two-sided
copies when ever it is possible

Halliburton's 10 Guiding Principles are based upon what beliefs?

That effective environmental management is good business and that

Halliburton will meet these requirements everywhere, at all times
That environmental excellence is reflected in day to day operations

That effective management requires on-going assessment

That Halliburton will develop and provide products and services that have
no undue environmental impact and are safe in their intended use, efficient
in their consumption of energy and natural resources and can be recycled,
reused or disposed of safely
Incorrect, the correct answer is: That effective environmental management is good
business and that Halliburton will meet these requirements everywhere, at all times

Which of the following statements best describes Halliburton's guiding principle of


Provide information on health, safety, and environmental matters

appropriate to each employee's job duties and responsibilities.
The Company believes that effective HAE management is good business.

We must all "walk the talk" and "practice what we preach."

The Company will strive to eliminate or manage any foreseeable hazards

which may endanger health, safety, or the environment.
Responsibility for health, safety, and the protection of the environment is a
matter of corporate policy and law, with potentially severe consequences for
failure to comply.
Incorrect, the correct answer is: Provide information on health, safety, and
environmental matters appropriate to each employee's job duties and

Which of the following are NOT part of the steps for dealing with a recordable
environmental incident?

You need to notify the HSE Advisor

You need to notify the PSL Manager or Team Leader

The Supervisor is responsible for completing the Radian Health and Safety
Incident Report
You need to notify appropriate government agencies

Incorrect, the correct answer is: You need to notify appropriate government

Which of the following effects is associated with Water Pollution?

Pollutes soil and groundwater supplies

Pollutants leach into the groundwater

Obnoxious odors that bother neighbors

Acidification of freshwater sources

One liter of oil can contaminate up to one million liters of water

Incorrect, the correct answer is: One liter of oil can contaminate up to one million
liters of water.

Halliburton expects its employees to ...

" . . . continuously improve our core values by recognizing these guiding
principles as HSE performance. "
" . . . effect the surrounding air, water, land, people and wildlife positively".

" . . . embrace the government's serious responsibility to protect the

" . . . conduct their duties and responsibilities in compliance with applicable
laws and industry standards relating to health and safety in the workplace
and protection of the environment".

An incident that involves large amounts of released materials, dangerous materials like
radioactive sources or explosives, or materials released into a very sensitive area like a
waterway or during a rainstorm is what kind of incident?




Not an incident

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Recordable

Major uses of energy in the office include...




Operating copiers

All of the above

Incorrect, the correct answer is: All of the above

Halliburton environmental impacts may be felt at ...

Local level

National level

Global level

All of the above


Which of the following effects is associated with Air Pollution?

Pollutes soil and groundwater supplies

Pollutants leach into the groundwater

Obnoxiuos odors the bother neighbor

Acidification of freshwater sources

One liter of oil can contaminate up to one million liters of water

Incorrect, the correct answer is: Acidification of freshwater sources

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