Curso de H2S

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Why is local exhaust preferred over other types of ventilation?

It draws contaminated air out of a worker's breathing zone.

It is the most feasible type of ventilation in large spaces.

It provides make-up air to reduce the concentration of contaminants in

the worker's breathing zone.
It draws contaminated air out before it passes into a worker's breathing
Which of the following is a FALSE statement?

Hydrogen sulfide is often encountered when thief hatches are opened to

crude oil storage tanks.
Hydrogen sulfide can usually be detected by its yellowish color.

In small concentrations, hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs.

None of the above

What can be an important indicator of H2S concentration in the air above a tank of crude

Concentration of CO (Carbon Monoxide) dissolved in the oil

Concentration of H2S dissolved in the oil

The temperature of the crude oil

The atmospheric pressure above the crude oil

Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

During rescues, the LEL is the least of concerns.

Before entering a confined space, test its internal atmosphere for hazards.

All of the above

None of the above

Which one of the following statements about H2S is true?

H2S has a higher autoignition point than most other gases.

Very high concentrations can explode.

H2S generally does not irritate the eyes.

None of these statements is true.

Concentrations of H2S below its LEL:

Are always below the PEL

Are too lean to burn

Are too rich to burn

Are always below the REL

Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

Very low concentrations of H2S can explode.

Hydrogen sulfide does not form explosive atmospheres.

All of the above

None of the above

Incorrect, the correct answer is: None of the above

Which three are the most significant H2S hazards?

Fire, explosion, inhalation

Explosion, skin, eyes

Inhalation, explosion, eyes

Skin, eyes, fire

Eyes, fire, explosion

The IDLH for H2S is:

10 ppm

20 ppm

50 ppm

100 ppm

Incorrect, the correct answer is: 100 ppm

The NIOSH REL for H2S is:

10 ppm

20 ppm

50 ppm

100 ppm

What should you do next when rescuing an H2S victim? Assume the oxygen level is
between 19.5% and 23.5%.

If the gas is H2S and the LEL is between 5% and 8% LEL, call for area
Obtain the appropriate respiratory gear for the tested concentration of H2S
and put it on.
Use a gas monitor that tests for H2S and ensure the LEL of the atmosphere
is below 10% LEL.
When the victim is moved away from the area of H2S exposure, administer
rescue breathing or CPR and obtain medical attention immediately.
What is the autoignition point of H2S?

650 degrees C

500 degrees C

375 degrees C

260 degrees C

Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

In the petroleum industry, hydrogen sulfide is always encountered in low-

lying areas.
In the petroleum industry, H2S is often mixed with other hydrocarbons.

In the petroleum industry, H2S is generally encountered in its pure form.

None of the above

In which of these industries can H2S be encountered?

Paper manufacturing

Rayon textile plants

Leather tanneries

Nuclear power plants

Oil refineries

All of the above

Generally, at what concentration of H2S can the respiratory tract start to become severely

500 ppm or more

50-200 ppm
50 ppm

Less than 1ppm to 10 ppm

Where can H2S be typically encountered?

Oil storage tanks

Building roofs

Manholes and pits

Open, well-ventilated areas

Both A and C are correct

What does an air-purifying respirator do?

Supply clean air via a hose from a remote pump

Supply clean air from a carried air tank

Absorb specific chemicals

Remove harmful particulates

How often must rescue teams conduct simulations?


At least once a year

At least once every five years

Twice a year or more

Incorrect, the correct answer is: At least once a year

At what concentration does H2S smell like rotten eggs?

.13 - 30 ppm

30 - 100 ppm

Above 100 ppm

All of the above


Generally, at what level of H2S concentration do victims appear intoxicated and

500 ppm or more

50-200 ppm

50 ppm

Less than 1ppm to 10 ppm

Incorrect, the correct answer is: 500 ppm or more

Which of the following is a FALSE statement?

When the concentration of H2S in a rescue area is 100 ppm or more,

powered air purifying respirators should be used.
Unconscious victims of H2S may not begin breathing again voluntarily when
brought into the fresh air.
True or false? OSHA requires employers to provide training and equipment
for rescue team employees.
None of the above

Which is the most reliable method of detecting H2S in the atmosphere?



Gas meter

All of the above


Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding why a worker would need to be
medically evaluated before using a respirator?

Increased stress when wearing a respirator in a hot or humid environment

A medical evaluation is not required.

The worker believes he/she may have a medical condition that could
prevent wearing a respirator.
OSHA requires a medical evaluation.

Increased weight and effort when wearing a respirator with other PPE

The OSHA PEL is:

10 ppm

20 ppm

50 ppm

100 ppm

Incorrect, the correct answer is: 20 ppm

Which of the following is a FALSE statement?

Air-purifying respirators are suitable for areas with oxygen levels between
19.5% and 23.5%.
You must determine what toxic gas is likely to be in an area before using an
air-purifying respirator.
If there is an unknown concentration of H2S present in the crude stored in a
tank, you should assume that the air surrounding the thief hatch is IDLH.
Workers are not required by OSHA to check respirators for proper fit before
using them on the job.

Hydrogen sulfide has an LEL of:






Unconscious victims of H2S should be resuscitated within ___ minutes after exposure to
the gas.




Generally, at what concentration of H2S do eyes, nose, and throat begin to be irritated?

500 ppm or more

50-200 ppm

50 ppm

Less than 1ppm to 10 ppm

Which respirators are NOT suitable for H2S concentrations of 100 ppm?



All of the above


Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

At concentrations of 30 ppm or lower, the average person can smell H2S

for lengthy periods of time.
You cannot rely on your sense of smell to detect H2S.

An H2S-sensitive badge should be used to check out an area for H2S.

None of the above

Where can H2S be encountered?

In sewage, crude oil, animal products.

In coal pits, gas wells, manure pits.

In sulfur springs, volcanoes.

All of the above

What does a supplied-air respirator do?

Supply clean air via a hose from a remote pump

Supply clean air from a carried air tank

Absorb specific chemicals

Remove harmful particulates


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