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World Values Surve

Anyone who has studied or is working in the field of intercultural communication or management will
be familiar with Geert Hofstede’s dimensional model of culture.

Based on empirical research with IBM employees in over 50 countries, the model illustrates how the
dominant cultural preferences differ across national societies and gives insights into the consequences of
bringing groups of people with different preferences together. Hofstede’s work has always been
controversial. It has been widely applied to international management and is still a mainstay of many
corporate intercultural training programmes. However, the model is also increasingly criticised for its
limitations such as old data, one company approach and too few dimensions. There is no doubt that
Hofstede’s model remains one of the most valuable pieces of work in the field of intercultural
communication helping organisations to understand how they can collaborate more effectively across
cultures – and if nothing else causing thought-provoking discussion and further developments in the


The four core dimensions are power distance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus
femininity and uncertainty avoidance. Partly in response to the criticisms mentioned above, a fifth
dimension focused on long and short term time orientation based initially on a survey developed with
Chinese employees was later added. In 2010 a sixth dimension was added to the model, Indulgence
versus Restraint. This was based on Bulgarian sociologist Minkov’s label and also drew on the extensive
World Values Survey. Indulgence societies tend to allow relatively free gratification of natural human
desires related to enjoying life and having fun whereas Restraint societies are more likely to believe that
such gratification needs to be curbed and regulated by strict norms. Indulgent cultures will tend to focus
more on individual happiness and well being, leisure time is more important and there is greater freedom
and personal control. This is in contrast with restrained cultures where positive emotions are less freely
expressed and happiness, freedom and leisure are not given the same importance. The map below
broadly reflects where indulgence and restraint tend to prevail.

This sixth dimension has not as yet been widely adopted within the intercultural training and
management field and this may simply be because it is still relatively new. There is also less data and
fewer countries than the previous dimensions. And perhaps it is also due to the ambiguities of focusing
on happiness research. Happiness is viewed very differently across cultures and it is represented and
discussed quite differently. This might call in to doubt the validity of using data originating from
questions asking respondents to describe how happy they are.

However, there may well be some interesting application of the sixth dimension to the international
work place. For example, indulgent cultures place more importance on freedom of speech and personal
control while in restrained cultures there is a greater sense of helplessness about personal destiny. In
workplace this is likely to have an impact on how willing employees are to voice opinions and give
feedback. In cultures that are perceived as placing a greater importance on personal happiness and
freedom, employees may be more likely to leave an organisation when they are not happy in their role.

Another interesting facet to this dimension is around attitudes to customer service. In indulgent
cultures such as in the USA the expectation is that customer service representatives visibly demonstrate
their ‘happiness’ with a smile and friendly demeanour. However, in more restrained cultures such as
Russia or eastern European countries this would be considered inappropriate an unnatural.

Indulgence versus Restraint would also seem to have an impact on generational differences. The impact
of technology on younger generations would suggest that the need for instant gratification is more
prevalent but more research is still needed.

Что такое индекс расстояния питания (PDI)?

Индекс дистанции власти (PDI) - это измерение принятия иерархии власти и богатства людьми,
которые составляют основное население нации, культуры или бизнеса. Разработанный
голландским социальным психологом Гиртом Хофстеде, PDI, в конечном счете, дает
представление о том, в какой степени обычные граждане или подчиненные принимают или
оспаривают полномочия ответственного лица или людей.
ИДП Хофстеде ниже в странах и организациях, где авторитетные деятели тесно сотрудничают с
подчиненными. PDI выше в местах с сильной иерархией.

Понимание индекса Power-Distance

Сильно структурированные предприятия, общества и учреждения часто имеют высокие

показатели. Высокий индекс указывает на то, что иерархия четко определена, присутствует и не
подвергается сомнению.


Индекс дистанции власти измеряет степень, в которой члены группы или общества принимают
иерархию власти и власти.

ИДП является частью теории культурных измерений, попыткой количественно оценить различия
в отношениях между культурами.

PDI оказал существенное влияние на международное бизнес-обучение.

Низкий индекс указывает на менее жесткую или авторитарную систему. Люди в обществе или
группе с низким индексом готовы бросить вызов авторитету и охотно взаимодействовать с
авторитетными фигурами в ожидании того, что они могут повлиять на решения.

PDI и теория культурных измерений

Индекс дистанции власти - один из компонентов теории культурных измерений Хофстеда,

которая была первой попыткой количественно оценить различия между культурами. Эта теория в
настоящее время широко применяется в ряде областей, включая межкультурную психологию,
межкультурную коммуникацию и международный бизнес.

Основанная на факторном анализе, теория культурных измерений в ее первоначальном виде была

основана на результатах глобального опроса Hofstede о ценностях сотрудников IBM. Тестирование
и сбор результатов проводились между 1967 и 1973 годами.
Основываясь на этих и других результатах, Хофстеде определил, что в каждой культуре есть шесть
различных измерений: дистанция власти, избегание неопределенности, индивидуализм против
коллективизма, краткосрочная борьба против долгосрочной, мужественность против
женственности и сдержанность против потворства своим желаниям.





Professor Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the
workplace are influenced by culture. He defines culture as “the collective programming of the mind
distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others”.

The six dimensions of national culture are based on extensive research done by Professor Geert Hofstede,
Gert Jan Hofstede, Michael Minkov and their research teams.

The application of this research is used worldwide in both academic and professional management


The Hofstede model of national culture consists of six dimensions. The cultural dimensions represent
independent preferences for one state of affairs over another that distinguish countries (rather than
individuals) from each other.
The country scores on the dimensions are relative, in that we are all human and simultaneously we are
all unique. In other words, culture can only be used meaningfully by comparison. The model consists of
the following dimensions:


This dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect
that power is distributed unequally. The fundamental issue here is how a society handles inequalities
among people.

People in societies exhibiting a large degree of Power Distance accept a hierarchical order in which
everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. In societies with low Power Distance,
people strive to equalise the distribution of power and demand justification for inequalities of power.


The high side of this dimension, called Individualism, can be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit
social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of only themselves and their immediate

Its opposite, Collectivism, represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which
individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular ingroup to look after them in exchange
for unquestioning loyalty. A society’s position on this dimension is reflected in whether people’s self-
image is defined in terms of “I” or “we.”


The Masculinity side of this dimension represents a preference in society for achievement, heroism,
assertiveness, and material rewards for success. Society at large is more competitive. Its opposite,
Femininity, stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life.
Society at large is more consensus-oriented.

In the business context Masculinity versus Femininity is sometimes also related to as “tough versus
tender” cultures.

The Uncertainty Avoidance dimension expresses the degree to which the members of a society feel
uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity. The fundamental issue here is how a society deals with
the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen?

Countries exhibiting strong UAI maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour, and are intolerant of
unorthodox behaviour and ideas. Weak UAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice
counts more than principles.


Every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the
present and the future. Societies prioritize these two existential goals differently.

Societies who score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honoured traditions and
norms while viewing societal change with suspicion.

Those with a culture which scores high, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they
encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future.

In the business context, this dimension is referred to as “(short-term) normative versus (long-term)
pragmatic” (PRA). In the academic environment, the terminology Monumentalism versus Flexhumility is
sometimes also used.


Indulgence stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives
related to enjoying life and having fun. Restraint stands for a society that suppresses gratification of needs
and regulates it by means of strict social norms.
♦ Try our Country Comparison tool or compare your personal preferences to the scores of a country of
your choice, with Culture Compass™ ♦


Professor Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the
workplace are influenced by culture. He analysed a large database of employee value scores collected
within IBM between 1967 and 1973.

The data covered more than 70 countries, from which Hofstede first used the 40 countries with the
largest groups of respondents and afterwards extended the analysis to 50 countries and 3 regions.

Subsequent studies validating the earlier results include such respondent groups as commercial airline
pilots and students in 23 countries, civil service managers in 14 countries, ‘up-market’ consumers in 15
countries, and ‘elites’ in 19 countries.

In the 2010 edition of the book, “Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind”, scores on the
dimensions are listed for 76 countries, partly based on replications and extensions of the IBM study on
different international populations and by different scholars.

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What Is the Power-Distance Index (PDI)?

The power-distance index (PDI) is a measurement of the acceptance of a hierarchy of power and wealth
by the individuals who make up the general population of a nation, culture, or business. Developed by
Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede, the PDI ultimately provides insight into the extent to which
regular citizens, or subordinates, accept or challenge the authority of the person or people in charge.

Hofstede’s PDI is lower in countries and organizations where authority figures work closely with
subordinates. The PDI is higher in places with a strong hierarchy.

Understanding the Power-Distance Index

Highly structured businesses, societies, and institutions often have high indices. A high index indicates
that the hierarchy is clearly defined, present, and unchallenged.


The power-distance index measures the degree to which the members of a group or society accept the
hierarchy of power and authority.

PDI is a part of cultural dimensions theory, an attempt to quantify the differences in attitudes between

PDI has had a substantial influence on international business training.

A low index indicates a less rigid or authoritarian system. The people in a low index society or group are
willing to challenge authority and readily interact with authority figures in the expectation that they can
influence decisions.

PDI and Cultural Dimensions Theory

The power-distance index is one component of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, which was the
first attempt to quantify the differences among cultures. This theory is now applied extensively in a
number of fields including cross-cultural psychology, cross-cultural communication, and international

Driven by factor analysis, the cultural dimensions theory in its original form was based on the results of
Hofstede’s global survey of the values of IBM employees. Testing and collection of the results were
conducted between 1967 and 1973.

Based on these and other results, Hofstede determined that there are six distinct dimensions to every
culture: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus collectivism, short term versus long
term, masculinity versus femininity, and self-restraint versus indulgence.






Что такое индекс расстояния питания (PDI)?

Индекс дистанции власти (PDI) - это измерение принятия иерархии власти и богатства людьми,
которые составляют основное население нации, культуры или бизнеса. Разработанный
голландским социальным психологом Гиртом Хофстеде, PDI, в конечном счете, дает
представление о том, в какой степени обычные граждане или подчиненные принимают или
оспаривают полномочия ответственного лица или людей.
ИДП Хофстеде ниже в странах и организациях, где авторитетные деятели тесно сотрудничают с
подчиненными. PDI выше в местах с сильной иерархией.

Понимание индекса Power-Distance

Сильно структурированные предприятия, общества и учреждения часто имеют высокие

показатели. Высокий индекс указывает на то, что иерархия четко определена, присутствует и не
подвергается сомнению.


Индекс дистанции власти измеряет степень, в которой члены группы или общества принимают
иерархию власти и власти.

ИДП является частью теории культурных измерений, попыткой количественно оценить различия
в отношениях между культурами.

PDI оказал существенное влияние на международное бизнес-обучение.

Низкий индекс указывает на менее жесткую или авторитарную систему. Люди в обществе или
группе с низким индексом готовы бросить вызов авторитету и охотно взаимодействовать с
авторитетными фигурами в ожидании того, что они могут повлиять на решения.

PDI и теория культурных измерений

Индекс дистанции власти - один из компонентов теории культурных измерений Хофстеда,

которая была первой попыткой количественно оценить различия между культурами. Эта теория в
настоящее время широко применяется в ряде областей, включая межкультурную психологию,
межкультурную коммуникацию и международный бизнес.

Основанная на факторном анализе, теория культурных измерений в ее первоначальном виде была

основана на результатах глобального опроса Hofstede о ценностях сотрудников IBM. Тестирование
и сбор результатов проводились между 1967 и 1973 годами.
Основываясь на этих и других результатах, Хофстеде определил, что в каждой культуре есть шесть
различных измерений: дистанция власти, избегание неопределенности, индивидуализм против
коллективизма, краткосрочная борьба против долгосрочной, мужественность против
женственности и сдержанность против потворства своим желаниям.



Татьяна Дьяченко / Кризисная психология

Согласано теории нидерландского социолога Герт Хофстеде, который считается основателем

сравнительных межкультурных исследований, существует 5 основных параметров по которым
различается психология людей в разных странах
1. Дистанцированность от власти

2. Индивидуализм - коллективизм

3. Избегание неопределённости

4. Маскулинность- феминность

5. Краткосрочная или долгосрочная ориентация на будущее

Самый основной параметре, который рассматиривается в литературе это обособленность

(индивидуализм) — как противоположность сплочённости (коллективизму).

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Автор Татьяна Дьяченко, канд. психологических наук

Author Tatiana Dyachenko, PhD in psychology,

psychology professor at GCC, Glendale, Arizona,

systemic life coach



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Татьяна Дьяченко / Кризисная психология

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Автор Татьяна Дьяченко, канд. психологических наук

Author Tatiana Dyachenko, PhD in psychology,

psychology professor at GCC, Glendale, Arizona,

systemic life coach

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Heldere weergave van organisatie ontwikkeling, waar staat jouw organisatie en waar sta jij?!

More: see for more info. Contact me

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Laloux's book Reinventing Organizations, we examine why lean and agile adoption efforts often struggle
to realize their potential and share some ideas for how to make them more successful.
Инна Молиторис

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Это видео о культурном различии, которое называется Power Distance. Почему американцы более
демократичны? Потому что у них короче "дистанция" между теми в обществе, у которых есть
деньги и власть, и теми, у которых их нет.

Зайдите на вебсайт, который предлагает хороший инструмент для анализа культурных различий.

Введите названия стран United States, Russia, China и вы получите график, о котором я говорю в
этом видео.

Поиграйте с этим инструментом, выберите другие страны, посмотрите, какие у них баллы. Вы
сможете сравнивать одновременно ТРИ страны.

Пишите, что вы думаете. Приводите свои примеры. Соглашайтесь или не соглашайтесь. Спасибо!
Критерии измерения деловых культур Ф. Тромпенаарса и Ч. Хэмпден-Тернера

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно

отличаться от версии, проверенной 6 октября 2019; проверки требует 1 правка.

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Эту страницу предлагается переименовать в Критерии измерения деловых культур Тромпенаарса

и Хэмпден-Тернера.

Пояснение причин и обсуждение — на странице Википедия:К переименованию/13 декабря 2016.

Пожалуйста, основывайте свои аргументы на правилах именования статей. Не удаляйте шаблон до
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Критерии измерения деловых культур Ф. Тромпенаарса и Ч. Хэмпден-Тернера — набор из семи

пар критериев для классификации деловых культур, разработанный европейским специалистами
по кросс-культурному менеджменту Фонсом Тромпенаарсом и Чарльзом Хэмпден-Тернером.
Данная модель измерения различий деловых культур состоит из семи пар критериев:
универсализм — партикуляризм, конкретность — диффузность, индивидуализм-коллективизм,
эмоциональность — нейтральность, достижение — аскрипция, ориентация во времени и
отношение к окружающей среде.[1]


1 История

2 Авторы

3 Критерии измерения деловых культур

3.1 Универсализм — партикуляризм

3.2 Индивидуализм — коллективизм

3.3 Эмоциональность — нейтральность

3.4 Конкретность (специальная культура) — диффузность

3.5 Достижение — аскрипция (принадлежность)

3.6 Время

3.7 Окружающая среда

4 Критика

5 Применение

6 См. также

7 Примечания

8 Литература


Исследования Ч. Хемпден-Тернера и Ф. Тромпенаарса были выполнены на основе большого

эмпирического материала, полученного в 1986—1993 гг. в ходе опросов почти 15 тыс. менеджеров
из многих стран мира. Опросы проводились во время семинаров в Центре изучения
международного бизнеса и его филиалах. Помимо того, что Ч. Хемпден-Тернер и Ф. Тромпенаарс
предложили семь параметров для сравнительного анализа и интерпретации национальных
деловых культур, они исследовали проблемы взаимодействия и взаимного влияния национальной
и внутрифирменной культуры управления в условиях глобализации экономики. Их вывод
заключался в том, что доминирование национальной деловой культуры при её взаимодействии с
организационной культурой компании обусловливает существование различных моделей
последней.[2] Основой для данной модели классификации культур являются идеи выдвинутые
нидерландским социологом Гертом Хофстеде.


Фонс Тромпенаарс — крупнейший европейский специалист по кросс-культурному менеджменту.

Сын голландца и француженки, получил образование в Европе и США. Доктор Уортонской школы
Пенсильванского университета (США). Чарльз Хэмпден-Тернер — британский исследователь в
области менеджмента, создатель Теории Дилеммы, концепции социального маркетинга и
дилеммы инноваций.

Критерии измерения деловых культур

Универсализм — партикуляризм
Универсализм подразумевает тот факт, что идеи и практики могут использоваться где угодно без
всякого изменения. Представители культуры с высоким индексом универсализма
концентрируются больше на формальных правилах, чем на отношениях, контракты в сфере
бизнеса рассматриваются очень узко. В культурах с низким значением универсализма упор
делается на отношениях и доверии, а не на формальных правилах. В таких культурах контракты
часто изменяются, и так как партнеры знают друг друга намного лучше, они часто изменяют
способ достижения результата в соответствии с обстоятельствами. США, Австралия, Германия,
Швеция и Великобритания — страны с высоким значением индекса универсализма, а Венесуэла,
страны СНГ, Индонезия и КНР — с низким.

Индивидуализм — коллективизм

Для Ф. Тромпенаарса понятие «индивидуализм» включает в себя ощущение своей уникальности. А

термин «коллективизм» относится к людям, оценивающим себя как часть группы. Согласно
исследованиям Ф. Тромпенаарса, высокое значение индекса индивидуализма характерно для таких
стран, как США, Чехословакия, Мексика, Аргентина и страны СНГ. Важная проблема, связанная с
этим индексом, — способ принятия решений. При высоком индексе индивидуализма решения
принимаются индивидуально, полномочия делегируются. В «коллективных» культурах
преобладает групповое принятие решений, создаются комитеты, комиссии и т. п.

Эмоциональность — нейтральность

В нейтральных культурах эмоции принято контролировать. В этом смысле одинаковыми

оказываются такие разные культуры, как японская и английская. Представители этих наций не
показывают своих чувств. Они стоически переносят трудности, используя все свое самообладание.
Представители эмоциональных культур выражают свои чувства открыто и естественно. Они часто
шумны и говорливы. По Тромпенаарсу, к представителям эмоциональных культур относятся
мексиканцы, голландцы, швейцарцы.

Конкретность (специальная культура) — диффузность

Специальная культура предполагает жесткое разграничение публичного и приватного

пространства личности. Представители специальной культуры стремятся к увеличению своего
публичного пространства, они охотно делят его с другими, легко вступают в контакты. В то же
время они довольно строго охраняют свою частную жизнь, впуская в неё только близких друзей и
коллег. Для диффузной культуры характерно совмещение публичного и приватного пространств.
Соответственно представители данного типа культуры строже блюдут свое публичное
пространство, так как доступ в него означает и проникновение в частную сферу индивида. На
основании эмпирических исследований к странам со специальной культурой относят
Великобританию, США, Швейцарию, а в Венесуэле, КНР и Испании господствует диффузная

Достижение — аскрипция (принадлежность)

Культура достижений характеризуется тем, что статус члена общества определяется успешностью
выполнения им своих функций. В культуре принадлежности статус определяется
принадлежностью человека к той или иной группе по кровнородственному или
профессиональному признаку. В культуре принадлежности, например, уже сам факт длительной
работы в фирме придает человеку большой вес. В таких культурах статус часто зависит от возраста,
образования, круга родственников и знакомых и т. п. К культурам достижений Ф. Тромпенаарс
отнес Австрию, США, Великобританию, Швейцарию, Мексику, Германию. Лидерами в низких
значениях этого индекса являются Венесуэла, Индонезия, Чили, страны СНГ.


Кроме описанных пяти типов отношений важным фактором, дифференцирующим культуры,

является понимание времени и отношение к нему: последовательного (США) и синхронного
(Мексика, Франция). При первом подходе время течет от прошлого к будущему, каждый момент
времени уникален и неповторим, поток времени однороден. Синхронный подход основан на
концепции временных циклов: все рано или поздно повторяется, всегда есть шанс закончить дело.
В культурах, в которых господствует последовательный подход, люди стремятся делать одно дело
в каждый данный промежуток времени, точно соблюдают назначенное время деловых встреч,
предпочитают строго следовать разработанному плану. Представители культур с синхронным
подходом, как правило, делают несколько дел одновременно, распорядок дня определяется
социальными отношениями: представители этих культур могут прервать дело, которым они
занимаются, для того, чтобы поприветствовать знакомого, пришедшего в данный момент в офис, и
пообщаться с ним. Другим моментом, дифференцирующим культуры и связанным со временем,
является ориентация на прошлое, настоящее или на будущее. В США, Италии или Германии
будущее важнее прошлого и настоящего, а в Венесуэле, Индонезии или Испании люди в большей
мере ориентируются на то, что есть. Во Франции же все три временных периода примерно
одинаково важны при принятии деловых решений.

Окружающая среда

По отношению к окружающей среде Ф. Тромпенаарс делит культуры на внутренне и внешне

управляемые. Представители первого типа культур верят в возможность контроля получаемых
результатов. Люди, принадлежащие ко второму типу культур, считают, что события идут своим
чередом и к этому можно только приспосабливаться. Большинство американских менеджеров
полагают, что они хозяева своей судьбы, и это выражается в стремлении переделать окружающую
среду, причем зачастую они действуют в довольно агрессивной манере. Однако американский
менеджер будет чувствовать себя весьма неуютно, если события выходят из-под контроля.
Большинство азиатских культур не разделяют подобных убеждений. Их представители
основываются на том, что развитие идет зигзагообразно и важно «ухватиться за гребень волны и
плыть по течению». Отсюда большая гибкость и стремление к гармонии с природой.[3]


Работа Тромпенаарса и Хэпден-Тернера не подвергалась масштабной критике. Тем не менее

некоторые исследователи указывают на ряд недоработок данной классификации деловых культур.
Например, исследование Тромпенаарса и Хэмпден-Тернера критикуют за жесткую привязку к
территориальному признаку. Наконец, стоит сказать и о недостатке ситуационных тестов,
использованных при опросах, который заключается в том, что исследователь заранее предлагает
респонденту возможные варианты поведения, то есть исследователь ограничивает свободу
волеизъявления опрашиваемого. Исследователь М. Руднев считает, что классификация
Тромпенаарса и Хэпден-Тернера отвечает в большей степени интересам предпринимателя, а не
исследователя, что включает нежелание авторов исследования раскрывать научному сообществу
собранные данные и прислушиваться к критике.[4]


Оценка влияния культурно-ценностного аспекта на внутренне-организационную среду и на

конкурентоспособность компании является одним из важнейших вопросов в современном
менеджменте. Исследования Ф. Тромпенаарса и Ч. Хэмпден-Тернера дали много информации о
том, как надо строить бизнес в разных странах. Согласно критериям данной модели измерения
деловых культур, можно выделить четыре типа корпоративной культуры: «Инкубатор»
(ориентирована на самосовершенствование и достижение личного результата), «Ракета»
(ориентирована на командную реализацию высоко рентабельных часто краткосрочных проектов),
«Эйфелева башня» (включает точном взаимодействии всех элементов группы, четкое
распределение обязанностей) и «Семья» (иерархичный тип культуры с ориентацией на раскрытие
личного потенциала сотрудника).[5]

См. также

Хофстеде, Герт
Корпоративная культура

Парсонс, Толкотт


Букина В. Г. Кросс-культурный менеджмент и межкультурная коммуникация. М., ГУУ, 2008. с. 59

Пивоваров С. Э., Максимцев И. А. Сравнительный менеджмент. Спб, Питер, 2008. с. 12.

Пивоваров С. Э., Максимцев И. А. Сравнительный менеджмент. Спб, Питер, 2008. с. 49

ЯКОВЛЕВ МИХАИЛ МИХАЙЛОВИЧ Сравнительный анализ инструментов исследования ценно-

культурного фактора в организации // Известия Санкт-Петербургского государственного
экономического университета. 2013. № 6 (84) С.164-167.

Букина В. Г. Кросс-культурный менеджмент и межкультурная коммуникация. М., ГУУ, 2008. с. 67


Букина В. Г. Кросс-культурный менеджмент и межкультурная коммуникация. М., ГУУ, 2008.

Пивоваров С. Э., Максимцев И. А. Сравнительный менеджмент. Спб, Питер, 2008.

Тромпенаарс Ф., Хэпден-Тернер Ч. Четыре типа корпоративной культуры. Минск, Попурри, 2012.

Тромпенаарс Ф., Хампден-Тернер Ч. Национально-культурные различия в контексте глобального

бизнеса. Минск, Попурри, 2004.
КНИГИ :: Менеджмент, Управление персоналом (HRM) ::

4 типа корпоративной культуры

4 типа корпоративной культуры

КУПИТЬ КНИГУ - 4 типа корпоративной культуры

КУПИТЬ КНИГУ «4 типа корпоративной культуры» в (за гривни)

КУПИТЬ КНИГУ «4 типа корпоративной культуры» в (за гривни)

Примечание: относительно приобретения книг просим обращаться в соответствующие интернет-

магазины либо издательства.

Название: 4 типа корпоративной культуры

Автор(ы): Фонс Тромпенаарс, Чарльз Хэмпден-Тернер

Издательство: "Попурри", — 2012

Оригинал (англ.): "Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business" by
Charles Hampden-Turner, Fons Trompenaars

В книге повествуется о том, на какой основе необходимо строить международные отношения и

насколько важно осознавать национально-культурные различия в рамках глобальной деловой

Авторы рассказывают о семи измерениях делового поведения в национально-культурном

контексте и о том, как они сочетаются, образуя четыре базовых типа корпоративной культуры:
"семья" (Японии, Бельгия), "Эйфелева башня" (Франция, Германия), "самонаводящаяся ракета"
(США, Великобритания), "инкубатор" ("Кремниевая долина").

Для широкого круга читателей.


Предисловие ко второму изданию

Глава 1. Введение в культурологию

Глава 2. Одного наилучшего способа организации людей не существует

Глава 3. Смысл культуры

Глава 4. Отношения и правила

Глава 5. Коллектив и индивидуум

Глава 6. Эмоции и отношения

Глава 7. Насколько глубоко наше участие

Глава 8. Как мы присваиваем статус

Глава 9. Как мы распоряжаемся временем

Глава 10. Как мы относимся к природе

Глава 11. Национальные культуры и корпоративная культура

Глава 12. На пути к междунородному и транснациональному менеджменту

Глава 13. Разрешение межкультурных противоречий

Глава 14. Южно-Африканская Республика: «радужная» нация

Глава 15. Вопросы гендерных различий, этноса и функционального многообразия

Приложение 1. Некоторые вопросы, использованные для измерения аспектов корпоративной

Приложение 2. База данных Фонса Тромпенаарса

Приложение 3. «Trompenaars Hampden-Turner

Intercultural Management Grorip»

ДРУГИЕ КНИГИ АВТОРА (Фонс Тромпенаарс):

100 ключевых моделей и концепций управления

В основе курса лежит классическая американская теория менеджмента. Стержнем, на котором

построено изложение материала, выбран PEST-анализ, то есть комплексное представление любого
общественного явления с учетом его политической (P), экономической (E), социально-культурной
(S) и технологической (T) составляющий и соответствующих ролей бизнесменов: менеджера-
администратора, предпринимателя, менеджера-лидера и профессионала. В ходе изложения
активно используется теория ролей английского психолога Р.М. Белбина, которая позволяет
наиболее ярко представить возникающие управленческие ситуации и определить требования к
свободным вакансиям при приеме на работу. В отличие от ряда существующих описательных
курсов менеджмента, изложение ведется системным образом с учетом всех необходимых аспектов
теории, но лаконично, без какой-либо лишней информации. Все аспекты менеджмента
рассматриваются эволюционно с активным использованием теории жизненного цикла фирмы и
теории деловой культуры. В курсе нашли отражение научные работы автора в области теории
деловой культуры, практика многолетнего преподавания менеджмента на экономическом
факультете СПбГУ, в рамках Президентской программы подготовки менеджеров, курсов MBA, а
также опыт автора, который длительное время работал финансовым директором ряда Санкт-
Петербургских научно-технических компаний.
world values survey

World Values Survey Wave 7: 2017-2020

Select WaveSelect CountriesSurvey questionsResponsesMapsTime Series

Select a variable and click [show] to view results. You can write text on the white boxes to filter
text.Show tree



B_COUNTRY ISO 3166-1 numeric country code Show

A_YEAR Year of survey Show

J_INTDATE Date of interview Show

K_TIME_START Start time of the interview [HH.MM] Show

K_TIME_END End time of the interview [HH.MM] Show

K_DURATION Total length of interview [minutes] Show

Q_MODE Mode of data collection Show

N_REGION_ISO Region ISO 3166-2 Show

N_REGION_WVS Region country specific Show

N_TOWN Settlement name Show

G_TOWNSIZE Settlement size_8 groups Show

G_TOWNSIZE2 Settlement size_5 groups Show

H_SETTLEMENT Settlement type Show

H_URBRURALUrban-Rural Show

S_INTLANGUAGE Language in which interview was conducted Show

E_RESPINT Respondent interested during the interview Show

F_INTPRIVACY Interview privacy Show

P_HIJAB Women respondents - Wearing Hijab during interview Show

Q1 Important in life: Family Show

Q2 Important in life: Friends Show

Q3 Important in life: Leisure time Show

Q4 Important in life: Politics Show

Q5 Important in life: Work Show

Q6 Important in life: Religion Show

Q7 Important child qualities: good manners Show

Q8 Important child qualities: independence Show

Q9 Important child qualities: hard work Show

Q10 Important child qualities: feeling of responsibility Show

Q11 Important child qualities: imagination Show

Q12 Important child qualities: tolerance and respect for other people Show

Q13 Important child qualities: thrift saving money and things Show

Q14 Important child qualities: determination perseverance Show

Q15 Important child qualities: religious faith Show

Q16 Important child qualities: unselfishnessShow

Q17 Important child qualities: obedience Show

Q18 Neighbors: Drug addicts Show

Q19 Neighbors: People of a different race Show

Q20 Neighbors: People who have AIDS Show

Q21 Neighbors: Immigrants/foreign workers Show

Q22 Neighbors: Homosexuals Show

Q23 Neighbors: People of a different religion Show

Q24 Neighbors: Heavy drinkers Show

Q25 Neighbors: Unmarried couples living together Show

Q26 Neighbors: People who speak a different language Show

Q27 One of main goals in life has been to make my parents proud Show

Q28 Pre-school child suffers with working mother Show

Q29 Men make better political leaders than women do Show

Q30 University is more important for a boy than for a girl Show

Q31 Men make better business executives than women do Show

Q32 Being a housewife just as fulfilling Show

Q33 Jobs scarce: Men should have more right to a job than women Show

Q34 Jobs scarce: Employers should give priority to (nation) people than immigrants Show

Q35 Problem if women have more income than husband Show

Q36 Homosexual couples are as good parents as other couples Show

Q37 Duty towards society to have children Show

Q38 It is children duty to take care of ill parent Show

Q39 People who don´t work turn lazy Show

Q40 Work is a duty towards society Show

Q41 Work should always come first even if it means less spare time Show

Q42 Basic kinds of attitudes concerning society Show

Q43 Future changes: Less importance placed on work Show

Q44 Future changes: More emphasis on technology Show

Q45 Future changes: Greater respect for authority Show

Q46 Feeling of happiness Show

Q47 State of health (subjective) Show

Q48 How much freedom of choice and control Show

Q49 Satisfaction with your life Show

Q50 Satisfaction with financial situation of household Show

Q51 Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Gone without enough food to eat Show

Q52 Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Felt unsafe from crime in your own home Show

Q53 Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Gone without needed medicine or treatment that you
needed Show

Q54 Frequency you/family (last 12 month): Gone without a cash income Show

Q55 In the last 12 month, how often have you or your family: Gone without a safe shelter over your
head Show

Q56 Standard of living comparing with your parents Show

Q57 Most people can be trusted Show

Q58 How much you trust: Your family Show

Q59 Trust: Your neighborhood Show

Q60 Trust: People you know personally Show

Q61 Trust: People you meet for the first time Show

Q62 Trust: People of another religion Show

Q63 Trust: People of another nationality Show

Q64 Confidence: Churches Show

Q65 Confidence: Armed Forces Show

Q66 Confidence: The Press Show

Q67 Confidence: Television Show

Q68 Confidence: Labor Unions Show

Q69 Confidence: The Police Show

Q70 Confidence: Justice System/Courts Show

Q71 Confidence: The Government Show

Q72 Confidence: The Political Parties Show

Q73 Confidence: Parliament Show

Q74 Confidence: The Civil Services Show

Q75 Confidence: Universities Show

Q76 Confidence: Elections Show

Q77 Confidence: Major Companies Show

Q78 Confidence: Banks Show

Q79 Confidence: The Environmental Protection MovementShow

Q80 Confidence: The Women´s Movement Show

Q81 Confidence: Charitable or humanitarian organizations Show

Q82 Confidence: Major regional organization (combined from country-specific) Show

Q82_EU Confidence: The European Union (EU) Show

Q82_APEC Confidence: The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Show

Q82_ARABLEAGUE Confidence: The Arab League Show

Q82_ASEAN Confidence: The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Show

Q82_AFRICANUNION Confidence: The African Union (AU) Show

Q82_CIS Confidence: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Show

Q82_ECO Economic Cooperation Organization Show

Q82_GULFCOOP Confidence: Cooperation Council for the Arab states of Gulf (GCC) Show

Q82_ISLCOOP Confidence: The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation Show

Q82_MERCOSUR Confidence: The Mercosur Show

Q82_NAFTA Confidence: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Show

Q82_OAS Confidence: The Organization of American States (OAE) Show

Q82_SAARC Confidence: The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Show

Q82_SCO Confidence: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Show

Q82_TLC Confidence: The Free Commerce Treaty (Tratado de libre comercio) Show

Q82_UNDP Confidence: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Show

Q83 Confidence: The United Nations (UN) Show

Q84 Confidence: International Monetary Found (IMF) Show

Q85 Confidence: International Criminal Court (ICC) Show

Q86 Confidence: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Show

Q87 Confidence: The World Bank (WB) Show

Q88 Confidence: The World Health Organization (WHO) Show

Q89 Confidence: The World Trade Organization (WTO) Show

Q90 International organizations: being effective vs being democratic Show

Q91 Countries with the permanent seats on the UN Security Council Show

Q92 Where are the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) located? Show

Q93 Which of the following problems does the organization Amnesty International deal with?
Q94 Active/Inactive membership: church or religious org Show

Q95 Active/Inactive membership: sport or recreational org Show

Q96 Active/Inactive membership: art, music, educational org Show

Q97 Active/Inactive membership: labor union Show

Q98 Active/Inactive membership: political party Show

Q99 Active/Inactive membership: environmental organization Show

Q100 Active/Inactive membership: professional organizationShow

Q101 Active/Inactive membership: charitable/humanitarian organization Show

Q102 Active/Inactive membership: consumer organization Show

Q103 Active/Inactive membership: Self-help group, mutual aid group Show

Q104 Active/Inactive membership: women’s group Show

Q105 Active/Inactive membership: other organization Show

Q106 Income equality vs larger income differences Show

Q107 Private vs state ownership of business Show

Q108 Government´s vs individual´s responsibility Show

Q109 Competition good or harmful Show

Q110 Success: hard work vs luck Show

Q111 Protecting environment vs. Economic growth Show

Q112 Perceptions of corruption in the country Show

Q113 Involved in corruption: State authorities Show

Q114 Involved in corruption: Business executives Show

Q115 Involved in corruption: Local authorities Show

Q116 Involved in corruption: Civil service providers Show

Q117 Involved in corruption: Journalists and media Show

Q118 Frequency ordinary people pay a bribe, give a gift or do a favor to local officials/service providers
in order to get services Show
Q119 Degree of agreement: On the whole, women are less corrupt than menShow

Q120 Risk to be held accountable for giving or receiving a bribe Show

Q121 Impact of immigrants on the development of the country Show

Q122 Immigration in your country: Fills useful jobs in the workforce Show

Q123 Immigration in your country: Strengthens cultural diversity Show

Q124 Immigration in your country: Increases the crime rate Show

Q125 Immigration in your country: Gives asylum to political refugees Show

Q126 Immigration in your country: Increases the risks of terrorism Show

Q127 Immigration in your country: Helps poor people establish new lives Show

Q128 Immigration in your country: Increases unemployment Show

Q129 Immigration in your country: Leads to social conflict Show

Q130 Immigration policy preference Show

Q131 Secure in neighborhood Show

Q132 Frequency in your neighborhood: Robberies Show

Q133 Frequency in your neighborhood: Alcohol consumed in the streets Show

Q134 Frequency in your neighborhood: Police or military interfere with people’s private life

Q135 Frequency in your neighborhood: Racist behavior Show

Q136 Frequency in your neighborhood: Drug sale in streets Show

Q137 Frequency in your neighborhood: Street violence and fights Show

Q138 Frequency in your neighborhood: Sexual harassment Show

Q139 Things done for reasons of security: Didn’t carry much money Show

Q140 Things done for reasons of security: Preferred not to go out at night Show

Q141 Things done for reasons of security: Carried a knife, gun or other weapon Show

Q142 Worries: Losing my job or not finding a job Show

Q143 Worries: Not being able to give one´s children a good education Show
Q144 Respondent was victim of a crime during the past year Show

Q145 Respondent´s family was victim of a crime during last year Show

Q146 Worries: A war involving my country Show

Q147 Worries: A terrorist attack Show

Q148 Worries: A civil war Show

Q149 Freedom and Equality - Which more important Show

Q150 Freedom and security - Which more important Show

Q151 Willingness to fight for country Show

Q152 Aims of country: first choice Show

Q153 Aims of country: second choice Show

Q154 Aims of respondent: first choice Show

Q155 Aims of respondent: second choice Show

Q156 Most important: first choice Show

Q157 Most important: second choice Show

Q158 Science and technology are making our lives healthier, easier, and more comfortable Show

Q159 Because of science and technology, there will be more opportunities for the next generation

Q160 We depend too much on science and not enough on faith Show

Q161 One of the bad effects of science is that it breaks down people’s ideas of right and wrong

Q162 It is not important for me to know about science in my daily life Show

Q163 The world is better off, or worse off, because of science and technology Show

Q164 Importance of God Show

Q165 Believe in: God Show

Q166 Believe in: life after death Show

Q167 Believe in: hell Show

Q168 Believe in: heaven Show

Q169 Whenever science and religion conflict, religion is always right Show

Q170 The only acceptable religion is my religion Show

Q171 How often do you attend religious services Show

Q172 How often to you pray Show

Q173 Religious person Show

Q174 Meaning of religion: To follow religious norms and ceremonies vs To do good to other people

Q175 Meaning of religion: To make sense of life after death vs To make sense of life in this world

Q176 Degree of agreement: Nowadays one often has trouble deciding which moral rules are the right
ones to follow Show

Q177 Justifiable: Claiming government benefits to which you are not entitled Show

Q178 Justifiable: Avoiding a fare on public transport Show

Q179 Justifiable: Stealing property Show

Q180 Justifiable: Cheating on taxes Show

Q181 Justifiable: Someone accepting a bribe in the course of their duties Show

Q182 Justifiable: Homosexuality Show

Q183 Justifiable: Prostitution Show

Q184 Justifiable: Abortion Show

Q185 Justifiable: Divorce Show

Q186 Justifiable: Sex before marriage Show

Q187 Justifiable: Suicide Show

Q188 Justifiable: Euthanasia Show

Q189 Justifiable: For a man to beat his wife Show

Q190 Justifiable: Parents beating children Show

Q191 Justifiable: Violence against other people Show

Q192 Justifiable: Terrorism as a political, ideological or religious mean Show

Q193 Justifiable: Having casual sex Show

Q194 Justifiable: Political violence Show

Q195 Justifiable: Death penalty Show

Q196 Government has the right: Keep people under video surveillance in public areas Show

Q197 Government has the right: Monitor all e-mails and any other information exchanged on the
Internet Show

Q198 Government has the right: Collect information about anyone living in [COUNTRY] without their
knowledge Show

Q199 Interest in politics Show

Q200 How often discusses political matters with friends Show

Q201 Information source: Daily newspaper Show

Q202 Information source: TV news Show

Q203 Information source: Radio news Show

Q204 Information source: Mobile phone Show

Q205 Information source: Email Show

Q206 Information source: Internet Show

Q207 Information source: Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Show

Q208 Information source: Talk with friends or colleagues Show

Q209 Political action: Signing a petition Show

Q210 Political action: Joining in boycotts Show

Q211 Political action: Attending lawful/peaceful demonstrations Show

Q212 Political action: Joining unofficial strikes Show

Q213 Social activism: Donating to a group or campaign Show

Q214 Social activism: Contacting a government official Show

Q215 Social activism: Encouraging others to take action about political issues Show
Q216 Social activism: Encouraging others to vote Show

Q217 Political actions online: Searching information about politics and political events Show

Q218 Political actions online: Signing an electronic petition Show

Q219 Political actions online: Encouraging other people to take any form of political action Show

Q220 Political actions online: Organizing political activities, events, protests Show

Q221 Vote in elections: local level Show

Q222 Vote in elections: national level Show

Q223 Which party would you vote for if there were a national election tomorrow Show

Q224 How often in country´s elections: Votes are counted fairly Show

Q225 How often in country´s elections: Opposition candidates are prevented from running Show

Q226 How often in country´s elections: TV news favors the governing partyShow

Q227 How often in country´s elections: Voters are bribed Show

Q228 How often in country´s elections: Journalists provide fair coverage of elections Show

Q229 How often in country´s elections: Election officials are fair Show

Q230 How often in country´s elections: Rich people buy elections Show

Q231 How often in country´s elections: Voters are threatened with violence at the polls Show

Q232 How often in country´s elections: Voters are offered a genuine choice in the elections Show

Q233 How often in country´s elections: Women have equal opportunities to run the office Show

Q234 Some people think that having honest elections makes a lot of difference in their lives; other
people think that it doesn’t matter much Show

Q234A How much would you say the political system in your country allows people like you to have a
say in what the government does? Show

Q235 Political system: Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and
elections Show

Q236 Political system: Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is
best for the country Show

Q237 Political system: Having the army rule Show

Q238 Political system: Having a democratic political system Show

Q239 Political system: Having a system governed by religious law in which there are no political
parties or elections Show

Q240 Left-right political scale Show

Q241 Democracy: Governments tax the rich and subsidize the poor Show

Q242 Democracy: Religious authorities interpret the laws Show

Q243 Democracy: People choose their leaders in free elections Show

Q244 Democracy: People receive state aid for unemployment Show

Q245 Democracy: The army takes over when government is incompetent Show

Q246 Democracy: Civil rights protect people’s liberty against oppression Show

Q247 Democracy: The state makes people´s incomes equal Show

Q248 Democracy: People obey their rulers Show

Q249 Democracy: Women have the same rights as men Show

Q250 Importance of democracy Show

Q251 How democratically is this country being governed today Show

Q252 Satisfaction with the political system performance Show

Q253 Respect for individual human rights nowadays Show

Q254 National pride Show

Q255 Feel close to your village, town or city Show

Q256 Feel close to your district, region Show

Q257 Feel close to your country Show

Q258 Feel close to your continent Show

Q259 Feel close to the world Show

Q260 Sex Show

Q261 Year of birth Show

Q262 Age Show

Q263 Respondent immigrant Show

Q264 Mother immigrant Show

Q265 Father immigrant Show

Q266 Country of birth: Respondent Show

Q267 Country of birth: Mother of the respondent Show

Q268 Country of birth: Father of the respondent Show

Q269 Respondent citizen Show

Q270 Number of people in household Show

Q271 Do you live with your parents Show

Q272 Language at home Show

Q273 Marital status Show

Q274 How many children do you have Show

Q275 Highest educational level: Respondent [ISCED 2011] Show

Q275A Highest educational level: Respondent (country specific) Show

Q275R Highest educational level: Respondent (recoded into 4 groups) Show

Q276 Highest educational level: Respondent´s Spouse [ISCED 2011] Show

Q276A Highest educational level: Respondent´s Spouse (country specific) Show

Q276R Highest educational level: Respondent´s Spouse (recoded into 4 groups) Show

Q277 Highest educational level: Respondent´s Mother [ISCED 2011] Show

Q277A Highest educational level: Respondent´s Mother (country specific) Show

Q277R Highest educational level: Respondent´s Mother (recoded into 4 groups) Show

Q278 Highest educational level: Respondent´s Father [ISCED 2011] Show

Q278A Highest educational level: Respondent´s Father (country specific) Show

Q278R Highest educational level: Respondent´s Father (recoded into 4 groups) Show

Q279 Employment status Show

Q280 Employment status - Respondent´s Spouse Show

Q281 Respondent - Occupational group Show

Q282 Respondent´s Spouse - Occupational group Show

Q283 Respondent´s Father - Occupational group (when respondent was 14 years old) Show

Q284 Sector of employment Show

Q285 Are you the chief wage earner in your house Show

Q286 Family savings during past year Show

Q287 Social class (subjective) Show

Q288 Scale of incomes Show

Q288R Income level (Recoded) Show

Q289 Religious denominations - major groups Show

Q289CS Religious denomination - detailed list Show

Q290 Ethnic group Show

Q291P1 Parliament: Overall, parliament is competent and efficient Show

Q291P2 Parliament: Parliament usually carries out its duties poorly Show

Q291P3 Parliament: Parliament usually acts in its own interests Show

Q291P4 Parliament: Parliament wants to do its best to serve the country Show

Q291P5 Parliament: Parliament is generally free of corruption Show

Q291P6 Parliament: Parliament’s work is open and transparent Show

Q291G1 Government: Overall, the government is competent and efficient Show

Q291G2 Government: The government usually carries out its duties poorly Show

Q291G3 Government: The government usually acts in its own interests Show

Q291G4 Government: The government wants to do its best to serve the country Show

Q291G5 Government: The government is generally free of corruption Show

Q291G6 Government: The government’s work is open and transparent Show

Q291UN1 United Nations: Overall, the UN is competent and efficient Show

Q291UN2 United Nations: The UN usually carries out its duties poorly Show

Q291UN3 United Nations: The UN usually acts in its own interests Show

Q291UN4 United Nations: The UN wants to do its best to serve the world Show

Q291UN5 United Nations: The UN is generally free of corruptionShow

Q291UN6 United Nations: The UN’s work is open and transparent Show

Q292A I am unsure whether to believe most politicians Show

Q292B I am usually cautious about trusting politicians Show

Q292C In general, politicians are open about their decisions Show

Q292D In general, the government usually does the right thing Show

Q292E Information provided by the government is generally unreliable Show

Q292F It is best to be cautious about trusting the government Show

Q292G Most politicians are honest and truthful Show

Q292J Politicians don’t respect people like meShow

Q292I Politicians are often incompetent and ineffective Show

Q292K Politicians often put country above their personal interests Show

Q292L Politicians usually ignore my community Show

Q292M The government acts unfairly towards people like me Show

Q292N The government understands the needs of my community Show

Q292O The government usually has good intentions Show

Q293 How much you trust [name of the Head of State] Show

Q294A How many world leaders from this list you generally trust (Group A) Show

Q294B How many world leaders from this list you generally trust (Group B) Show

G291 Who decides how earnings will be used: man vs woman Show

G292 Who decides major household purchases: man vs woman Show

G293 Who decides health care visits and spending: man vs woman Show

G294 Who deicdes whether a woman should give birth at a clinic: man vs woman Show

G295 Who decides care for children’s health: man vs woman Show

G296 Who decides to visit to family or relatives: man vs woman Show

G297 Who decides whether girls should go to school: man vs woman Show

G298 Who decides when girls should marry: man vs woman Show

G299 Who decides with whom girls should marry: man vs woman Show

G300 Who decides if and when to have children: man vs woman Show

G301 Who decides on the number of children: man vs woman Show

G302 Who decides if and when to have sex: man vs woman Show

G303 Who decides whether to use condoms: man vs woman Show

G304 Who decides whether to use other modern contraceptives: man vs woman Show

G305 Who decides if girls should be circumcised: man vs woman Show

G306 Who decides if boys should be circumcised: man vs woman Show

G307 Girls and women should themselves decide when, if and with whom they should marry

G308 A girl should wait to marry until she has completed secondary school Show

G309 A boy should wait to marry until he has completed secondary school Show

G312 Marrying girls young can help provide them security Show

G316 A boy should wait to have children until he is at least 18 years old Show

G317 It is important for a woman to have children as soon as possible after she has married Show

G318 It is important for a man to have children as soon as possible after he has married Show

G321 A woman should be in love with someone before having sex with that person Show

G322 A man should be in love with someone before having sex with that person Show

G323 Women who carry condoms on them are easy Show

G324 Men should be outraged if their wife/partner asks them to use a condom Show
G327 A real man produces a male child Show

G329 A couple should decide together if they want to have children Show

G330 A man and a woman should decide together whether to use contraceptives Show

G334a Have you ever heard of contraceptive methods? Show

G334b_1 Familiar contraception: Injectable (Depo, Norigynon etc) Show

G334b_2 Familiar contraception: Pill Show

G334b_3 Familiar contraception: Emergency contraception Show

G334b_4 Familiar contraception: Implant ie Jadelle Implanon Show

G334b_5 Familiar contraception: Bilateral Tubal ligationShow

G334b_6 Familiar contraception: Lactation Amenorrhoea (breastfeeding) Show

G334b_7 Familiar contraception: Male condom alone Show

G334b_8 Familiar contraception: Female condom alone Show

G334b_9 Familiar contraception: My spouse/partner did vasectomy Show

G334b_10 Familiar contraception: IUD Show

G334b_11 Familiar contraception: Diaphragm Show

G334b_12 Familiar contraception: Foam/Jelly Show

G334b_13 Familiar contraception: Withdrawal Show

G334b_14 Familiar contraception: Safe periods Show

G334b_15 Familiar contraception: Other Show

G337a Women in the community are motivated to use modern contraceptives Show

G337b Men in the community are motivated to use modern contraceptives (including supporting female
partner) Show

G338a How easy is modern contraceptives use for women in the community Show

G338b Acceptable to use contraceptives for women in your community and neigbourhood Show

G339 Current/last pregnancy: did you want to get pregnant Show

G340 Confidence: Doctor Show

G341 Confidence: Nurse Show

G342 Confidence: Auxiliary Nurse Show

G343 Confidence: Midwife (at the clinic) Show

G344 Confidence: Family planning counselor Show

G345 Confidence: Community health worker Show

G346 Confidence: Traditional birth attendant Show

G347 Confidence: Traditional healer Show

G348 Confidence: Religious leader (imam, church, priest, faith healers etc) Show

G349 Confidence: Youth clinic or center Show

G350 Confidence: Family member Show

G351 Confidence: Others Show

G352 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Safe contraceptives Show

G353 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Family planning counseling Show

G354 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Safe delivery Show

G355 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Antenatal care Show

G356 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Postnatal care Show

G357 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Safe abortion Show

G358 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: HIV testing and counseling Show

G359 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Antiretroviral therapy Show

G360 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV

G361 Confidence nearest clinic to deliver: Support for gender-based violence Show

H295 How old were you when you had your first child Show

H296 How many children would you like to have Show

H297 Free choice and control over family planning Show

H298 Honour related oppression: family decides on young women’s life choice Show
H299 Justifiable: Female genital circumcisionShow

H300 Justifiable: To use contraceptives Show

H301 Justifiable: To have more than one sexual partner at the same time Show

H302 Justifiable: Getting paid for porongraphic photos or films Show

H303 Women in your community work outside of their home for money Show

H304 Agreement: woman who works outside of her home for money will be criticized Show

H305 Woman works for money: She may be criticized Show

H306 Woman works for money: She may have arguments with her husband Show

H307 Woman works for money: She may have conflicts with her in-laws Show

H308 Woman works for money: She may be considered immoral Show

H309 Have you ever worked outside the home? Show

H310 If yes, how often you think women receive unwanted sexual attention Show

H311 How often in neighbourhood: Sexual assault/rape Show

H312 How often in neighbourhood: Women and girls trading sex for money Show

H313 How often in neighbourhood: Men and boys hurting women and girls Show

H314 How often in neighbourhood: Men and boys making unwanted sexual comments or gestures
towards girls or women Show

H315 A husband shouldn’t have to do household chores Show

H316 A man who discusses important decisions with his wife is considered weak Show

H317 A man should pay more attention to his mother´s opinion than his wife´s Show

H318 A woman who shows that she is interested in sex is considered vulgar Show

H319 Men may use violence to keep their wives in line Show

H320 Parents may use violence or threats when bringing up their children Show

H321 A woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together Show

H322 No-one else should interfere when it comes to violence within a family Show

H323 It is not good for a boy to be taught how to cook, sew, clean the house etc Show
H324 Men, not women, should really be the ones to bring money, to provide for the family Show

H325 A man should always have the final say about decisions in his relationship or marriageShow

H326 If a man has a girlfriend or wife, he should know where she is all the time Show

H327 It is a man’s duty to exercise guardianship over his female relatives Show

H328 Gainful employment is good but home and children is what most women really want Show

H329 On the whole, family life suffers when women works full timeShow

H330 It is a man’s job to earn money and a women’s job to take care of home and family Show

H331 It is important for girls to continue their schooling even if they become pregnant and have
children Show

H332 A girl is ready for marriage once she starts menstruating Show

H333 A girl should honour the decisions/wishes of her family even if she does not want to marry

H334 A boy should honour the decisions/wishes of his family even if he does not want to marry

H335 A girl should wait to have children until she is at least 18 years old, even if she is married

H336 It is safer for a woman to give birth at a clinic than at home Show

H337 Women should have access to safe abortion services (to terminate an unwanted pregnancy)

H338 It is a woman´s responsibility to avoid getting pregnant Show

H339 Only when a woman has a child is she a real woman Show

H340 Having a son is always better than having a daughter Show

H341 Contraceptives should be available for everyone, whether or not one is married Show

H342 Sexual education promotes sexual activity among young people Show

H343 Sexual education helps people make informed decisions Show

H344 A couple who cannot conceive should have access to infertility services Show

H345 People who dress, act or identify as the opposite sex should be treated just as anyone else
H346 A man who cannot father children is not a real man Show

H347 It is acceptable to have sex with someone in exchange for gifts and favours Show

H348 A man who talks a lot about his worries, fears, and problems doesn’t deserve respect Show

H349 A homosexual man is not a "real man" Show

H350 A “real man” should have as many sexual partners as he can Show

H351 A man should use violence, to get respect, if necessary Show

H352 Confidence: Healthcare system Show

H353 Confidence: Hospitals Show

MENA_01 To what extent is the government working to crackdown on corruption and root out
bribes Show

MENA_02 It is impossible to get a job without wasta vs. that posts are attributed according to
qualifications Show

MENA_03 Degree of agreement: Citizens must support the government’s decisions even if they
disagree with them Show

MENA_04 Degree of agreement: Political reform should be introduced little by little instead of all at
once Show

MENA_05 Current government’s performance - Creating employment opportunities Show

MENA_06 Current government’s performance - Narrowing the gap between rich and poor

MENA_07 Current government’s performance - Controlling prices Show

MENA_08 Current government’s performance - Provision of utilities Show

MENA_09 Current government’s performance - Providing security in the country Show

MENA_10 Satisfaction - The way democracy is developing in our countryShow

MENA_11 Satisfaction - The way the economy is developing in our country Show

MENA_12 Satisfaction - The educational system in our country Show

MENA_13 Satisfaction - The healthcare system in our country Show

MENA_14 Satisfaction - The way the government performs its duties in national office Show
MENA_15 Satisfaction - The way the local authorities are solving the region’s affairs Show

MENA_16 Satisfaction - The system of social security in our country Show

MENA_16B Satisfaction - Support of the needy Show

MENA_17 If you had your preference, in which of the following would you prefer to work?

MENA_18 Opinion of those who start and run their own businesses Show

MENA_19 Have you actively looked for work in the past four weeks Show

MENA_20 If you get a job in the last four weeks or next month, are you able to start working?

MENA_21 Registered through your employer with the national social security agency of the country

MENA_22 Satisfaction with the salary and benefits of your current primary job Show

MENA_23 Satisfaction with the opportunities for professional development and promotion in your
current primary job Show

MENA_24 Do you own a business or have taken tangible steps to start a business during the past
twelve months (either by yourself or with others)? Show

MENA_25 Over the past year, did you or a member of your family living with you borrow money?

MENA_26 Borrow money from Show

MENA_27 Loan used for Show

MENA_28 Formal education system provides people with the skills and training they need - To find
employment Show

MENA_29 Formal education system provides people with the skills and training they need - To
perform their jobs well Show

MENA_30 Formal education system provides people with the skills and training they need - To start
a business Show

MENA_31 Satisfaction with quality of services - The public transportation systems Show

MENA_32 Satisfaction with quality of services - The roads and highways Show

MENA_33 Satisfaction with quality of services - The schools Show

MENA_34 Satisfaction with quality of services - The quality of airShow

MENA_35 Satisfaction with quality of services - The quality of water Show

MENA_36 Satisfaction with quality of services - The quality of health care Show

MENA_37 Satisfaction with quality of services - The quality of housing Show

MENA_37B Satisfaction with quality of services - Beauty construction Show

MENA_38 Satisfaction with quality of services - The beauty or physical setting of city Show

BO_Q272B Mother tongue or the first language spoken at home Show

BO_Q279C Detail for [other] occupational status Show

CL_COMUNA Commune name Show

CO_COQ148 TO end the peace process Show

CO_COQ216 Social activism: Vote for a demobilized as a congressman Show

CO_COQ259 Of 100 people, how many would be reconciled with demobilized from an armed group

CO_COQ260 Of 100 people, how many think it´s good for citizens to reconcile with the demobilized
from an armed group Show

CO_COQ261 How important in your life: Own your house Show

CO_COQ262 How important in your life: Own car Show

CO_COQ263 How important in your life: Education Show

CO_COQ264 How important in your life: Travel Show

CO_COQ265 How important in your life: Have a permanent employment contract Show

CO_COQ266 How important in your life: To work independently Show

CO_COQ267 Affiliation with a family compensation fund Show

CO_COQ71 Confidence: The government (in your municipality) Show

CO_COQ78 Confidence: Family Compensation Funds Show

CO_COQ26 Demobilized from armed groups Show

DE_Q221a Voting in Landtag elections Show

DE_Q222a Voting in European Parliament elections Show

DE_Q273a Marital status ZP: current cohabitation with partner Yes/No Show

DE_Q275 National Classification: RESPONDENT: Highest Level of Education, SCHOOL Show

DE_Q275a National Classification: RESPONDENT: Highest Level of Education, STUDIES Show

DE_Q275b National Classification: RESPONDENT: Highest Level of Education, VOCATIONAL


DE_Q276 National Classification: PARTNER/SPOUSE: Highest Level of Education, SCHOOL


DE_Q276a National Classification: PARTNER/SPOUSE: Highest Level of Education, STUDIES


DE_Q276b National Classification: PARTNER/SPOUSE: Highest Level of Education, VOCATIONAL


DE_Q277 National Classification: MOTHER: Highest Level of Education, SCHOOL Show

DE_Q277a National Classification: MOTHER: Highest Level of Education, STUDIES Show

DE_Q277b National Classification: MOTHER: Highest Level of Education, VOCATIONAL


DE_Q278 National Classification: FATHER: Highest Level of Education, SCHOOL Show

DE_Q278a National Classification: FATHER: Highest Level of Education, STUDIES Show

DE_Q278b National Classification: FATHER: Highest Level of Education, VOCATIONAL Show

DE_Q279 National classification: Occupational status, RESPONDENT Show

DE_Q280 National classification: Occupational status, PARTNER/SPOUSE Show

EG_Q75A Confidence: Private universities Show

EG_Q78A Confidence: Private banks Show

GR_Q291_1 Best way to find a job: 1st choice Show

GR_Q291_2 Best way to find a job: 2nd chaise Show

GR_Q292A_1 Way they found a job 1st - RespondentShow

GR_Q292A_2 Way they found a job 2nd - Respondent Show

GR_Q292B_1 Way they found a job 1st - 1st child Show

GR_Q292B_2 Way they found a job 2nd - 1st child Show

GR_Q293_1 Factor to take into account during conflict 1st Show

GR_Q293_2 Factor to take into account during conflict 2nd Show

GR_Q293_3 Factor to take into account during conflict 3rd Show

GR_Q294 When the country has spent on someone´s education, it is their duty to stay and to help

GR_Q295 Everybody has a right to migrate to another country for living Show

GR_Q296 People enjoy a better life than me, even though they have made less effort Show

GR_Q297 Many people seem important but they should not get such attention Show

GR_Q298 Frequently I feel that many take advantage of my kindness Show

GR_Q299 Frequently I feel that people do not respect meShow

GR_Q300 When things go wrong in my life, I ask myself: why me? Show

GR_Q301 My hopes and dreams will never come true Show

GR_Q302 Feelings due to the crisis - Fear Show

GR_Q303 Feelings due to the crisis - Agony Show

GR_Q304 Feelings due to the crisis - Shame Show

GR_Q305 Feelings due to the crisis - Hope Show

GR_Q306 Feelings due to the crisis - Sorrow Show

GR_Q307 Feelings due to the crisis - Anger Show

HK_Q201A Information source: Mainland China daily newspaper Show

HK_Q201B Information source: Overseas daily newspaper Show

HK_Q202A Information source: Mainland China TV news Show

HK_Q202B Information source: Overseas TV news Show

HK_Q203A Information source: Mainland China radio news Show

HK_Q203B Information source: Overseas radio news Show

IQ_Q78A Confidence: Central Bank of Iraq Show

IQ_Q223_Other Closest political party [Other] Show

IQ_Q65A Confidence: General Intelligence Service Show

IQ_Q65B Confidence: Gendarmes forces Show

IQ_Q70A Confidence: The Ministry of EducationShow

IQ_Q75A Confidence: Public universities Show

JO_Q65B Gendarmerie (Jordan) Show

JO_Q70A Ministry of education Show

JO_Q75A Public universities Show

KR_A1 Degree of happiness: the current state Show

KR_A2 Degree of happiness: After 5 years Show

KR_A3 How much are you satisfied with your current work Show

KR_A4 How much is your work valuable Show

KR_A5 How valuable do you think your work is evaluated in society Show

KR_A6 When you perform your work, do you have free choice Show

KR_A7 How much are you satisfied with your family relationship Show

KR_A8 How much do you prepare for old age Show

KR_A9 Have you considered suicide Show

KR_A10 National happiness Show

KR_A11 National happiness 5 years ago Show

KR_A12 National happiness after 5 years Show

KR_A13 All South Koreans are happy Or there is large gap among each person Show

KR_A14 Our society is well integrated Show

KR_A15 Level of social inequality in South Korea: Income Show

KR_A16 Level of social inequality in South Korea: Property Show

KR_A17 Access to education is equal regardless of social and financial abilities of their parents or
acquaintances Show

KR_A18 Job opportunities of all people are fair regardless of social and financial abilities of their
parents or acquaintances Show

KR_A19 You will be promoted only by your own abilities regardless of your parents’ or
acquaintances’ social and financial abilities Show

KR_A20 Possibility of moving from non-regular workers to permanent positions Show

KR_A21 Your personality: Extraversion, Passionate Show

KR_A22 Your personality: Calm, Emotionally stable Show

KR_A23 How much peaceful do you think of on-going diplomacy and security in South Korea

KR_A24 The status of your job Show

KR_A25 How many do people work in your company including you Show

KR_A26 The class your family will belong to after 5 years Show

KR_A27 Average income of your household including you (unit 10,000 won) Show

KR_A28 The property of your household including you (unit 10,000 won) Show

KR_A29 The debt of your household including you (unit 10,000 won) Show

KR_A30 The status of your net assets (total property – total debt) Show

KR_A31 Property type where the respondent lives Show

KR_B1 Participation in candlelight protests from 2016 to 2017 Show

KR_B2 Which candidate did you vote for in last Presidential election? Show

KR_B3 The THAAD system should be located. Show

KR_B4 The National Security Law should be abolished. Show

KR_B5 If North Korea´s provocations happen, strong sanctions against that are needed. Show

KR_B6 The Gaesong Industrial Complex should be reopened Show

KR_B7 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Moon Jae-in Show

KR_B8 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Hong Joon-pyo Show

KR_B9 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Ahn Cheol-soo Show

KR_B10 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Yoo Seung-min Show

KR_B11 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Sim Sang-jung Show

KR_B12 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Democratic Party of Korea Show

KR_B13 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Liberty Korea Party Show

KR_B14 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: The people’s Party Show

KR_B15 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Bareun Party Show

KR_B16 Attitudes on a 10-point feeling thermometer: Justice Party Show

KR_B17 If democracy is in danger, would you like to participate in civic movements to protect it?

KR_Q290_2 Spouse´s ethnic group Show

LB_Q75A Confidence: Lebanese University Show

LB_Q78A Confidence: Bank of Lebanon Show

MX_150 Between equality and security, what is more important? Show

MX_M212 Attend a protest or political event convened via social networks Show

MX_M258 How close do you feel: North America Show

MX_M300 Whom would you vote for in Presidential elections Show

MX_M301 Generally, do you consider yourself PRI, PAN, Green PRD or Morenoist? Show

MX_M301b Do you consider yourself anti-partisan or only non-partisan? Show

MX_M302 In general, do you approve or disapprove the work that Enrique Peña Nieto is doing as
President of the Republic? Show

MX_M303 In politics, people talk about progressives and conservatives. Your position on this scale?

MX_M304 Political leader: honesty vs efficiency Show

MX_M89 Confidence: National Electoral Institute, INE Show

MY_AQ0 Respondent: self-employed, employee, manual worker, without professional activity

MY_AQ1 Would you prefer to be employee or self-employed Show

MY_AQ2_1 Why employee: Regular, steady income Show

MY_AQ2_2 Why employee: Job security Show

MY_AQ2_3 Why employee: Fixed working hours Show

MY_AQ2_4 Why employee: Covered by social welfare / insurance Show

MY_AQ2_5 Why employee: No business idea Show

MY_AQ2_6 Why employee: Not enough capital/ resources to be self-employed Show

MY_AQ2_7 Why employee: Not enough skills to be self employed Show

MY_AQ2_8 Why employee: It is a major step to take/ hard to turn back Show

MY_AQ3 Working in a family company vs public/not family Show

MY_AQ4_1 Why family company: Faster career Show

MY_AQ4_2 Why family company: International Show

MY_AQ4_3 Why family company: Higher wages Show

MY_AQ4_4 Why family company: More personal Show

MY_AQ4_5 Why family company: Job security Show

MY_AQ4_6 Why family company: Better working Show

MY_AQ4_7 Why family company: Stronger commitment Show

MY_AQ4_8 Why family company: Long-term view Show

MY_AQ5_1 Why family company: Faster career progression Show

MY_AQ5_2 Why family company: International mobility Show

MY_AQ5_3 Why not-family public/private company: Higher wages Show

MY_AQ5_4 Why not-family public/private company: More personal training, le Show

MY_AQ5_5 Why not-family public/private company: Job security Show

MY_AQ5_6 Why not-family public/private company: Better working conditions Show

MY_AQ5_7 Why not-family public/private company: Stronger commitment to theShow

MY_AQ5_8 Why not-family public/private company: Long-term view by the owned Show

MY_AQ6_1 Why not-family public/private company: Personal independence / self-fulfillment


MY_AQ6_10 Why not-family public/private company: Other Show

MY_AQ6_2 Why to be self-employed: Exploiting a business opportunity Show

MY_AQ6_3 Why to be self-employed: Better income prospects Show

MY_AQ6_4 Why to be self-employed: Freedom to choose place and time of working Show

MY_AQ6_5 Why to be self-employed: Lack of attractive employment opportunities Show

MY_AQ6_6 Why to be self-employed: Members of family/ friends are self-employed Show

MY_AQ6_7 Why to be self-employed: Favorable economic climate Show

MY_AQ6_8 Why to be self-employed: To avoid uncertainties related to paid employment Show

MY_AQ6_9 Why to be self-employed: To contribute to society Show

MY_AQ7 Would it be feasible for you to be self-employed within the next 5 years Show

MY_AQ8_1 Why not be self-employed: No business idea Show

MY_AQ8_2 Why not be self-employed: Not enough capital/ financial resources Show

MY_AQ8_3 Why not be self-employed: Not enough skills to be self-employee Show

MY_AQ8_4 Why not be self-employed: Burden of red tape/administrative di Show

MY_AQ8_5 Why not be self-employed: The risk of failure and its legal an Show

MY_AQ8_6 Why not be self-employed: It would be difficult to reconcile w Show

MY_AQ8_7 Why not be self-employed: The current economic climate is not Show

MY_AQ8_8 Why not be self-employed: Other Show

MY_AQ9 How desirable is it for you to become self-employed within the next 5 years? Show

MY_AQ10 At school of university, have you ever taken part in any course or activity about
entrepreneurship – that is turning ide Show

MY_AQ11 I am good at resisting temptation Show

MY_AQ12 I have a hard time breaking bad habits Show

MY_AQ13 I am lazy Show

MY_AQ14 I say inappropriate things Show

MY_AQ15 I do certain things that are bad for me, if they are fun Show

MY_AQ16 I refuse things that bad for me Show

MY_AQ17 I wish I had more self-discipline Show

MY_AQ18 People would say that I have iron self-discipline Show

MY_AQ19 Pleasure and fun sometimes keep me from getting work done Show

MY_AQ20 I have trouble concentrating Show

MY_AQ21 I am able to work effectively towards long term goals Show

MY_AQ22 Sometimes I can’t stop myself from doing something, even if I know it is wrong

MY_AQ23 I often act without thinking through all the alternatives Show

NG_1 What is your ethnic community, cultural group or tribe? Show

NG_2 How important is your ethnic belonging? Show

NG_3 Confidence: Hospitals Show

NG_4 Confidence: Community Leaders/Village elders Show

NG_5 Confidence: Religious leaders Show

NG_6 Confidence: Nearest health care facility Show

NG_7 Impact of emigration on the development of the country Show

NG_8a When young people leave it affects the future of Nigeria negatively Show

NG_8b There will be more possibilities for the ones who stays Show

NG_8c People leave because the elderly doesn’t give the young ones any chances Show

NG_8d People leave because they can earn more abroad Show

NG_8e People leave because there’s too much violence in the country Show

NG_8f People leave because of environmental issues Show

NG_9 Justifiable: To use contraceptives Show

NG_10 Justifiable: To have more than one wife at the same time Show

NG_11 Justifiable: Any form of violence Show

NG_12 What was the age of your first child’s mother when she gave birth for the very first time ever?

NG_13 What was your own age when you gave birth to your first child Show

NG_14 Do you live in the same area where you were born? Show

NG_ADM2 Nigeria ADM2 Regions Show

PRI_Q258b The United States Show

PRI_QB1 How have your perceptions about social values, norms, stereotypes changed from the
experience of Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB10 How have your perceptions about religious values changed from the experience of
Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB11 How have your perceptions about ethical values and norms changed from the experience
of Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB12 How have your perceptions about political interest and participation changed from the
experience of Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB13 How have your perceptions about political culture and political system changed from the
experience of Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB2 How have your perceptions about social welfare changed from the experience of
Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB3 How have your perceptions about social capital, trust and membership in associations
changed from the experience of Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB4 How have your perceptions of economic values changed from the experience of
Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB5 How have your perceptions of corruption changed from the experience of Hurricane
Maria? Show

PRI_QB6 How have your perceptions of migration changed from the experience of Hurricane
Maria? Show

PRI_QB7 How have your perceptions of security changed from the experience of Hurricane Maria?
PRI_QB8 How have your perceptions of post materialism changed from the experience of
Hurricane Maria? Show

PRI_QB9_ How have your perceptions of science and technology changed from the experience of
Hurricane Maria? Show

KY_Q82_EAEU Confidence: Eurasian Economic Union Show

KY_Q82A_TC Confidence: Customs Union Show

Y001 Post-Materialist index 12-item Show

Y002 Post-Materialist index 4-item Show

Y003 Autonomy Index Show

SACSECVAL SACSECVAL.- Welzel Overall Secular Values Show

RESEMAVAL RESEMAVAL.- Welzel emancipative values Show

I_AUTHORITY AUTHORITY - Welzel defiance - 1: Inverse respect for authority Show

I_NATIONALISM NATIONALISM - Welzel defiance - 2: Inverse national pride Show

I_DEVOUT DEVOUT- Welzel defiance - 3: Inverse devoutness Show

DEFIANCE DEFIANCE.- Welzel defiance sub-index Show

I_RELIGIMP RELIGIMP - Welzel disbelief- 1: Inverse importance of religion Show

I_RELIGBEL RELIGBEL - Welzel disbelief- 2: Inverse religious person Show

I_RELIGPRAC RELIGPRAC - Welzel disbelief- 3: Inverse religious practice Show

DISBELIEF DISBELIEF.- Welzel disbelief sub-index Show

I_NORM1 NORM1 - Welzel relativism- 1: Inverse norm conform1 Show

I_NORM2 NORM2 - Welzel relativism- 2: Inverse norm conform2 Show

I_NORM3 NORM3 - Welzel relativism- 3: Inverse norm conform3 Show

RELATIVISM RELATIVISM.- Welzel relativism Show

I_TRUSTARMY TRUSTARMY- Welzel skepticism- 1: Inverse trust in army Show

I_TRUSTPOLICE TRUSTPOLICE- Welzel skepticism- 2: Inverse trust in police Show

I_TRUSTCOURTS TRUSTCOURTS- Welzel skepticism- 3: Inverse trust in courts Show

SCEPTICISM SCEPTICISM.- Welzel skepticism index Show

I_INDEP INDEP- Welzel autonomy-1: Independence as kid quality Show

I_IMAGIN IMAGIN- Welzel autonomy-2: Imagination as kid quality Show

I_NONOBED Emancipative Values-1: Obedience not kid quality Show

AUTONOMY AUTONOMY.- Wezel Autonomy sub index Show

I_WOMJOB WOMJOB- Welzel equality-1: Gender equality: job Show

I_WOMPOL WOMPOL- Welzel equality-2: Gender equality: politics Show

I_WOMEDU WOMEDU- Welzel equality-3: Gender equality: education Show

EQUALITY Emancipative Values-2: Equality sub-index Show

I_HOMOLIB HOMOLIB- Welzel choice-1: Homosexuality acceptance Show

I_ABORTLIB ABORTLIB- Welzel choice-2: Abortion acceptable Show

I_DIVORLIB DIVORLIB- Welzel choice-3: Divorce acceptable Show

CHOICE CHOICE.- Welzel choice sub-index Show

I_VOICE1 VOICE1- Welzel voice-1 Show

I_VOICE2 VOICE2- Welzel voice-2 Show

I_VOI2_00 VOI2_00- Welzel voice-3 (auxiliary) Show

VOICE VOICE.- Welzel voice sub-index Show
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