Question Bank Orals Class 3

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Question bank

First attempt
From - 0930 to 1200

1. what kind of ships i have sailed?

2. what were the teu capacity of each of the three ships?
3. what are the key safety factors to consider when in higher teu capacity ships and in
lower capacity ships?
4. what did you find different and similar?
5. He asked me the trading areas of the last ship i sailed?
6. what i did onboard as a deck cadet what were the key
7. what are the duties as a deck cadet when keeping watch with chief officer?
8. how did you keep lookout?
9. what do you mean by full appraisal?
10. what are the all available means you used?
11. how do you use AIS for keeping a good lookout? justify
12. principle of ais?
13. data transmitted and received by the ais?
14. Inherent limitations of the ais?
15. as an officer how will you take over the watch?
16. how are you going to do the anchoring starting from going towards the anchor station
17. what's the length of the anchor shackle?
18. length in fathoms?
19. what are the maneuvring characteristics of the vessel?
20. Lrit principle?
21. How do you maintain medical locker?
22. what are the differences between x band and s band radars?
23. why do captains bring the vessel to the cockabill posn? reason?
24. range and bearing discrimination of radar?
25. passage plan from Australia to west coast of America?
26. more methods of finding the position of a port
27. how to calculate the distance between two points? accuracy of admiralty distance
28. difference between auto routine function and route check function?
29. radar limitations and errors
30. characteristics of radar
31. explain the second trace echo and indirect echo
32. When you determine a safe speed for the vessel what factors you consider in my
own words what is basically a safe speed?
33. how do you proceed in a narrow channel
34. how do you proceed in a tss?
35. how do you determine if another vessel is overtaking you or not?
36. what is restricted visibility?
37. avoiding actions?
38. what is the overtaking phenomenon in restricted visibility can you overtake from both
sides? =--} yes sir as an avoiding action .. overtaking as a rule applies on in sight of
one another.
39. for a fog signal forward of your beam your actions?
40. how you know your radar is working fine? can you change the magnetron onboard?
41. how you do performance monitoring?
42. contents of radar log book
43. contents of gmdss log book
44. stability criteria?
45. explain equilibriums?
46. angle of lol?
47. synchronous rolling?
48. how you correct for angle of lol
49. how do you set up your radar?
50. how to do a trial maneuver
51. rate aiding and smoothing
52. situation

● Always remember studying hard will never make you more smarter than the
examiner remember he can always ask questions in areas you have absolutely no
idea.. when giving the answer make sure you present it in a humble manner and
● Thanks goes to all the lecturers and my dearest colleagues thank you for keeping me
humble and grounded special thanks goes to Kreshan/Dasun/Liyanage for making
me equipped with the much needed practical knowledge and the presentation skill
Thank you and good luck all! :)

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