Our Town October 11, 1917

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CONSOLATION DOUBLES The sUbjoined~r regarding en-I
tertainment of sailors and marinI's II
Refe'ree Bm Hall Plays Heroic Icommends itself to the hospitable I (
This issue marks the beginning of the fourth volume-and fourth
year-of Our Town. It has been a great source of pleasure to me to
' R d ' th
R()1.e an d . escue In e
IS , eral ways .
people of our town. There are sev-
. tbe boys may be,I
In WblCh
place, for the past one hUlHlrpd and four consecutive weeks. this little
paper b ef iall!
ore you. t a t'Hnes WII II e 0 tlleI' lI '
utles Imve been pressing,
Nick Of Time I
entertained, either Saturday after-
I no effort nor time has been sacrificed to have the weekly visitor out on
I I time and up to the minute in eVery way possible.
--- I noon and evening only, or Saturday While 1 had hoped that some volunteer might have come to the front
As friend Briggs would say "it Wo.lS afternoon until Sunday afternoon cr to take over your paper for the present new volume. yet it seems im-
a p;rand and glorious" occasion. last evening, or from Saturday afternOGlI
or Sunday morning until early Mon-
THE FIRESIDE probable that any change can be made at the present time, and there-
fore at the request of Mr. A. J. Loos. President of the Civic Association.
Saturday afternoon-the winJ,lp of day morning. 1 shall continue the editorial work for the present ,and I trust you will
the Tennis Association's Red CroS3 Arrangements will be made if poo- n tty n t ' G • not overlook the fact that I need your support; particularly in short let-
. ,~e ax er 8 08SIP tel's to the editor as well as fireside items.
tournament. I SIble, to ba"e tbe visitors go directly I thank you for the support during the past two years. and I shall
Considered from any augle ther'3 to the Narberth Y. M. C. A., whf'n I FOUND-License tag for dog. calli; endeavor to make Our Town-your paper-better in every way possible
never was an athletic carnival like they can be taken to the homes of at post office.
it! First of all, it marked the eud their hosts. Any families desiring tOI
of tIle tournament, an event which entertain in this way may commun-
I during the present volume.

Back up the boys in the trenehes ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

lUUUY A. ,JACOnS, Editor.
none of the members honestly ex- leate either directly with Mr. Richard Buy a Liherty Bond I-::==::::======::::::::============~':::::======:::::::
pected to live to see. Second, Referee S. Bond. Secretary Home Entertain- . . .
Bill Ball. garbed in a tennis suit and ment. Y. M. C. A .• 1421 Arch etreet,
overcoat and wearing his cap a In. or with Mr. A. J. Laos. The lette>r S
Newton Compton was home. 0%1' GRAND OPENING OF MERCER AND FARMER I
GrallUm Wbite, sat perched on the follows: unda~', on leave from Camp !\leade, NA'RBERTH'S NEW STORE"
referee's stand for three solid hours, "October 5. 1917. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Cameron spe:lt' At the Presbyterian Church at
thereby qualifying for the Royal "Mr. A. J, Loos, President Narbert!1 the week-end with friends in Ridley i
l<'lying Corps. Thinl. your corre~pon- CiVic Association, Box 45, Narber~h. Park. The attention of all housewives is: 7.45 Sunday Ev'ening,
dent assisted by Signor Donnelli. the Pa. called to the opening of Narberth's October 14, 1917
unc(owned dahlia king of Woocside . ':My dea: ~r. Loos-I wonder ~f the Mr. a'nd Mrs. ~~ Grant Stepheu- new "uP~o. the mInute" gro~~ry
avenue came within twenty games ',)f cItizens o[ l'arberth would be mter-, son have moved into their new home store. on FrIday, October 26.
w.innln~ a medal! And fourth and ested in entertaining some of the 319 Grayling avenue. Narberth. 1':1.' trade name of this new enterprise is
:\'arberth is in such .close proximity
last, but by no means least, Messrs. sailors and marines from League __ Ito be "The o~d time countr~ store" to Philadelphia that it is seldom she
Shaw and Newell won the Consola- Is~~nd.. I Mr. William D. Smedley has gone to and th~ proprIetors Messrs. h.reamer has the opportunity to have within her
tion Doubles Finals, thus finishing the
Some tlll1e ago Mr. Norstellt, of Wisconsin to attend the funeral of a and Stickney.
1917 tournament which started years Ardmore. came into the office and neal' relative who resided in that
own limits two SUCh nota.ble and far-
A recent intervie\v revealed the famed speakers as Ed Mercer and Tom
and years ago, along about the Satur- asked us to send fifty sailors to Arl!- State fact that it is in reality a combina- Farmer. who are the principal speak-
day before Labor Day; or, as the poet more for entertainment. When these . tion of Kreamer experience and Sticl{- ers at the Philadelphia Conventioon of
would have put it, "hardly a man is boys reached Ardmore they were Mrs. John 1'.O·Neill invites yeu to Jley nerve. but the success of the the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Mr.
now alive. who remembers that fateful divided into squads of two. three, an auxiliarv tea 'at her hom·e. ::WII undertaking is more or less assured, C. Adrian Casner, formerly of Nar-
day", etc., etc. four and six and taken to the various Grayling av~nue. on Wednesday, Octo- owing to the fact that the project is berth. writes one of the committee
Anticipating the "finishing touches" homes. Some enjoyed automobile bel' 17. I being. underwritten by Mr. Robert about having recently heard these
of the Burkhardt-Burkhardt Donnelly- rides. Otbers stayed in the house and Beatly, who, we are told is president men speak. Mr. Casner is president
Muschamp match, which had started had a little touch of family life. At It will be a rare privilege to hear of. a sm~ll trust company doing a of the Men's Club of the Church of
several weeks ago as regular tennis, night afte~ a hearty supper they went Ted Mercer and Tom Farmer Jlrxt qUiet busmess down somewhere near the Holy Apostles 'Of Philadelphia.
but which wound up as a Twilight to the tram and came back to Phil a- Sunday night. in the Presbvteriaa the wharf. Messrs. Thomas J. Farmer and Ed-
Bombing Contest. a small but select delphia. This entertainment was on Church. " I Judging from the extensive list of ward C. Mercer are two of the most
audience was on hand at the ap- Sunday. ihelp already employed. these new interesting and inspiring speakers on
Iloln ted hour of two. "Ea~h Saturday afternoon at about Mr. and Mrs. George Bakel' YoUll'~. s~orekeepers evidently believe in effi- the value of personal Christianity and
At 2,15 the northwest gate swung 1.30 0 clock from three to four thou- formerlY o[ Ardmore have takCl one clency. The personnel of the work- its power to reform criminals that I
open and in strode what appeared to sand sailors and marine~ are. given of the ~ew houses u~ on the 01; ha \1 ing force inc1ud:s ~a:ry Gara •. a~ have ever heard.
be a mYsterious stranger. \~hat they call a forty-eIght hberty. field, and will move in this weelL bookl{eeper; Damel .....e1tch. cashier, Mr. Farmer was born in the slums
"it looks like a prominent citizen 1 hey do not haYe to report back :0 I A. J. Loos, Esq.• has been engaged as of New Yorl{ City, the son 'Of a saloon-
whl> got up in the middle of the nigllt the ship until 7 A. M. Monday. We On Sunday morning. there were legal counsel and Clarence Metzgar keeper.
and (ll'essed hurriedly to go a Jirr." want to give these boys an opportul'- nineteen new members taken inti, the is the purchasing ag,ent and chief Young Farmer never went to school
suggested one. ity to get a little touch of home life Methodist }<jpiscopal Church. Con- beggar, while William Smedley is be- and what education he has he picked
";":0," said another, "I think its tile during their week-end, and hope to gratUlations. Little Church on the ing trained in the duties of an ohlig.- up in the streets.
Chief Resident Physieian from .TPCfer- have several of the communities do a I Hill ing errand boy. Mr. H. S. Hopper He started in stealing smail article!l
son Hospital who has slipped on bi3 similar work to that of Ardmore. Oak . will have charge o[ the Montgomery and by the time he was twelve years
overcoat and sneaked ou t of tlle Lane has had one party already and Mrs. H. L. Beatty, Mrs. Edwa~d S. County Farms. from which the major old was an accomplished thief.
operating room, for· a walk. this finl' hopes to have another pa~ty a. week Haws and Mrs. Arthur G. Compt011, portion of all fresh vegetables on sale As he grew older and more verse,1
autumnal afternoon." [rom Sunday. Oak Lane did tlungs a are in Pittsburgh attending the Fifty-. will be grafted. in crime. he moved west and became
But ladies and gentlemen, thej little differently. They got togethp,r fifth Annual State Sunday School CO;1-1 In addition to the above bunch of a fUll-fledged train robber, highway
were both mistaken. for it was 'Mr a number of automohiles and toc,k the vention. Ibosses and titled dignitaries. there man and bank burglar. becoming a
Referee Hall, as described in a fore- boys from the Y. M. C. A. to Oak La!'e
going paragraph.
However. t.o get on WI'tlI II1e ac- their
by auto. They then took them to
. homes, had supper, and then to
I' - . - - .
will also be a large corps of well- "pal" of the n'oted "Jesse James."
I groomed and appropriately
w I1sperlllgs 111 town last \ storekeepers . .
dressed Farmer led a criminal career for
Horace Ob- over thirty years and finally came
. . wee of a card party and dance to .
cOllnt of the Tennis Tournament, as the Presbytel'Ian Church at mght. b ' I S ff B . dyke. Clarence SmIth. Tom Trotter, back to New York, and while waiting
we Intimated but did not positively where they had a smoker and general I. e given by tie u r~ge ranc!l. L.p.t !liomaine Hoffman, William McAuliffe, for dark to arrive, to commit a burg-
state, the audience was disappointed entertainment. They then put them It be come
there real soon. lalhes. and we w111 Al' tllur C.0 I e, B 0 b S aVl'11 e, e t c. It'ill
\\ lary, he, by chance. straYed into the
in the matter of the linal innings of On the trolley and sent them back t o · he the duty of Mr. W. C. Poor to see Jerry McCauley Mission, under Brool{-
the Aerial Bombing Contest. Mr the city. --- 1 that these employes are very cour- lyn Bridge. Here he was converted
Burkhart. Jr.. 1~'as compelled t.o be "The boys appreciate an opportun- Mr. and Mrs. Horac~ Obdyke: ofl teous to all patrons and th~t they al- by the wonderful message and person-
aw~y on a business trip. and so ti,e ity to go out for a Saturday after- Essex ~~enue. entert~llled a d:nne:I IOW no one to leaVe the store withont ality of Mr. S. H. Hadley, superintend-
unf1nished match was defaulted. noon and evening. They appreciate party}' rIday evening 111 honor of Dr. making a purchase. ent of the mission.
At 2.30 the mounted pollee drove, an opportunity to go out Sunday and Mrs. Waage, who are leaving fOf ' The store will be opened on Fri- (Continued on Fourth Page)
the crowd back to the side lines and' morning and come back Sunday night. El Paso. Texas. day evening, October 26, and the
the first match of the afternoon was Of course far better than all is the (Continued on Tbird Page) lights will not be lowered until tne OCTonER CALENDER OF TilE
on. it was a topsy turvey, head over opportunity of going out Saturday rush is over. On ,Saturday morning WOJ[EN'S COlUJfUNITY CLUB
heels sort of a contest, with the wind afternoon and coming back Snnday the building will remain closed to OF NARDEnTII
blowing what seemed like 60 miles an night. For then they have a weel,-
hour, and Referee Hall's voice boom- end with some private family and
NARBERTH SCHOOLS giVe the employes a much needed rest,
but in the afternoon it will be re- October 25, County Federation
ing out the score, from time to time, get a real touch of home life-such a
like the train announcer at Broad touch as they have not had since thpy
FAIR POSTPONED TO opened at 2 o·clock. and will continue meeting, to be held at Cynwyd, Pa.,
operations until all goods are dis- in the Presbyterian Church. Business
street station on the Saturday bf'fore left home in the Middle West or North
FOlUth of July. or South quite a while ago.
SATURDAY, OCT. 20TH posed of and everyone exhausted. meeting, 10 A. M. Luncheon, 1 P M.
Now. ladies, please bring your bas- for which a charge of thirtY-five cents
And after While the match ended, "We have the boys sign up for kets and husbands along. for while will be made to each member. Pro-
Donnelly and Muschamp defeating these parties during the week anti Owing to the fact that the Belmont you are making your selection of gro- gram 2 P. M. All members welcome
Philler and Schulte, 7-5. 1-6. 7-5.. I
h.ave the~ at the Y. M. C. A. a~ ar.y races take so many of the boys from ceries and vegetables for the week- and urged to come. Further par-
Then came the finals, and If it time a gUide from your town Will be the fair on the 13th, we are postpon- end. Kreamer and Stickney have fin- ticulars will appe..lr in next week';>
had n't been for Sure-shot Newell and here to escort them to the train. ling onr fair to the following Saturday, up a corner in the basement of this issue of Our Town.
Sevell League Boots Shaw. your cor "The men who come here for enter- October 20th. wonderful store, where the gentlemen October 26 and 27-The club will
respondent and Signor Donnelli (who tainment of this kind are mostly from EXhibits of vegetables. animals fancy may be entertained with checkers. be in charge of the "Fish Pond" at
in addition to being the uncrowned distant states. They are a fine clean-I work, flowers and dolls will be shown. dominoes. bowling, etc.• and after you the Auxiliary Bazaar. Come out anJ
dalllia king is also the pretender to cut type of men who will appreciate The children will demonstrate have finished all purchasing you are help to make it a success.
tile Rose Throne), would certainly a trip of this kind. Early in the games, races and drills which they do very cordially invited to rest awhile October 30-Luncheon in Commuu-
have won that medal. Score: Newell week they come in the office to sign from day to day. In I,ove)" l[llr)"s Garlhm. ity Room at Y. M. C. A., 1 P. 1\1, to
and. Shaw defeated Donnelly and up for the trip and are on hand Satur- Booths of amusement such as Afri- _ all members. This is the opening
Muschamp, 6-1, 6-2, 0-6, 6-1. day or Sunday when the guide comes can minstrels. beauty show, hypno- WAR LmnARY }'UND day of the club's program for the
Mention should also be made of the to lead them. We always have one i Ust, ventriloquist and mock opera will coming year. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss
Canine Jazz Band. composed of of our secretaries here to get the I be there.
. L
selected musiCIans from the awrencc body of men together and if you could
I PreviouslY' reported
Don't miss the famons heavenly Mrs. Clarence N. Callender...
66.60 Nichols will address the club on this
2.00 occasion. Entertainment features in
To\)in and Alf Delmont Conservatories have a guide to, tal{e them to Nar- twins, the six-months-old babies charge of Entertainment Committee.
Who oc<:upied boxes on the station berth from the Y. M. C. A. and dis- weighing 300 pounds each. $68.60 October 31-Meeting at Cynwyd,
platform, and rendered a lively pro- tribute them among the homes every, Booths to test the skill, like hit the Needed to complete our quota 81.40 Pa., at Which time reports of dele-
gra:I1l throughout the afternoon. thing would run smoothly. Kaiser, nigger baby stand, dart throw- gates having attended convention at
And at 5.14 a rescning party. aid~d "We would greatly appreciate hear- ing. disk throwing, sbooting gallery $150.00 Erie, Pa.. will be heard.
by scaling ladders, succeeded m ing from you that the Narberth citi- and fish pond will be there. Who will help make up this deficit
reaching the top of the lookout plat· zens would be willlng to ,do their bit Come all to see the school children of $81.40? Address Mr. Daniel Leitch. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
form and saving Referee Hali, who in this way. May we expect a repl~· drill and to have a good soclal time. treasurer.
Two cents per word each Insertion, cash
wae; all but frozen. In the near future? on the school grounds. In advance. No advertisement accepted un-
It is rumored that next Year's "Very truly yours. In case' of cold weather the fair Success comes to those who make les. cash accompanies copy.
tournament will be started early i n . . "RICHARD S. BOND," will be given in the new school build- I up tbeir minds to do a thing and then \VANTED-Rellahle woman who can "pend
May. : '\ Secretary Home Entertainment." ing. The date, October 20, 1 P. M. I do it. an OCCllHlonnl atternoon or evening car...
lng for 1"'1>~·. Phone, Narberth 342.J.

OUR TOWN matter. who are looking to you for

help in this matter. OnlY $68.60 has Y. M. C. A. NOTES Ice Cream and a Modern Maxim!
been subscribed thus far in Narberth
An ExperIment In Co.operathe and the War Department Is asking for EYERY ONE NElmS EX}:RCISE
;ournaUsm-:No PuJd Workers. $150. Think this' over. Some people when they are asked

Owned and Publlshed every Thurs-

- why they don't join the gym and Keeping everlastingly at it brings success, they say, and we
exercise In it a few times a week, Ray that's true! For Breyer's is here at last-here every day and
day by the Narberth Civic Associa- ,\ '.'·OTHL;I' "'.····('.(,;ESTION TO II I "WI I d 't need
., ... ~ ."OJ TH}: N}:W (;OUNeIL the genera y rep y. lY. on
gym. I get plenty of work at my
twice a day-here to satisfy the demand for an ice-cream which
business;" or, "I am outdcors half is undeviating in its high quality, an ice-cream which will fill the
NARBEltTII CIVIC ASSOCIATION. Our Town would make another sug- the time. walking around." or. "I get bill for the most particular occasion! The cream of the cream-
President, A. J. Loos. gestion to the incoming borough om-
Vice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. cers. You are representing the peo- a great deal of lifting, I don't nee'l land, for Philadelphia has many good ice-creams-but only one
the gym." This is a great mistal.e,
\\' illiams. James Artman. ple. Last week we suggested that for everyone needs some kind <"If Breyer's-"AII-Ways Delicious!" Four or five flavors are here,
Secretar~" and tr":lasurer, Frank J. the people be urged to attend your
Wiese. hygienic gym worl•• no matter what lOW a rule-and sold at a very moderate price-lower than usual-
meetings. You know that ALL can-
Directors, Frederick L. Rose, George not do this-your quarters are too his daily work may be, e~en if it h'~ su close in fact that an extra nickel has to be added on delivered
M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M. small and toO uncomfortable to al- outdoor work of a heavy kllld. as th:1t I
worker, orders. Remember, then, that Breyer's is in Narberth-here
Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner. low. l':ext best thing is to take it to of a carpenter, bridge
A. E. Wohlert, Mrs. George M. Henry, the people a report of your proceed- farmer. coal heaver. or a labore •• All l ready for you all the time-and sent right home as soon as we

Fletcher W. Stites, E. A. :Muschamp, need hygienic exercire of some Idnd uet the word! Make sure to buy Breyer's. '
ings. to counteract the deforming tendency <>
H. C. Gara, Henry Rose. Edward S. The columns of Our Town are yours that continually doing one kind or
Haws, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Les-
to use-and a simple instruction i.O work has upon the human body. Tll'S
ter W. Nickerson, William D. Smed-
vour clerk to send along to the editor is especially true of indoor work en Telephones,

ley. ~ carbon copy of his minutes will whose OCcup:ltion calls for Of course, we
much deliver - any
easily and satisfactorily fulfill this stooping over. 1267
HARRY A.•lACOBS, like bookkeeper~, place - any
Editor. duty, which you owe to your constit- draftsmen. shoemakers, sales-peop :e, 1268 time.
uents. students. masseurs. The faulty posi-
Mrs. Roy E. Cla:rk A. J. Loos tion that one holds hi3 body in most
F.arl F. Smith Henry Rose JrH. llAHltY A. ,LU;OBS ('ON'fINU}:S of the time is sure finally to become The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Q. M. Henry W. T. Melchior AS };IHTOR O}' O('R '['OWN permanent if he very often does nflt
--- take corrective work to prevent it. A drug store in the most modern sense of the term
Associate Editors. The officers and directors of the Civ- No kind of work that men do in thC'ir
ic Association are fortunate in having daily occupations use3 all parts of
secured the continuance of Mr. Harry their bodies; so as to harmoniou<.;]y
T "-
he ......a1sses
Z entznayer's
Cashier. A. Jacobs as editor of Our Town. Mr. develop them is where hygienic gym

Jacobs has already served two years work comes in-to do for your body
in this capacity. having contributed what YOUr daily work fails to do ane
Advertising Manager. generously both talent and time to also to teach you corrective work to Reopened September 17, 1917. 126 '\tV'indsor Ave.
it to bring the paper up to a higher stand- do at home and while at your dailY ~~==============================
Send all letters and news em anI. As president of the Franklin occupation. or walking along the -
P. O. Box 404. Paper Company. and active in other street. (,Al'TAIN ISInOIn: A. ilIILL}:R SVXItA Y EYENING i'mSICAL
Send all advertising copy to P. O. husiness interests. he Is compclled to Next week will be given some of SOON TO GO TO EUROPE
Box 820. make many sacrifices of valuable time the exercises that one can do at The Little Church on the Hill an-
Make all remittances to P. O. Bo.x in behalf of this civic work. and the home. at work. or while walking out lie Will AccomlllUir Other Iligh Offi. nounces the following program for Ls
118. Civic Association takes this opportun- of doors to correct common deformi- clllls oi PenllsylvlUua RuJlrollll rally day musical this Sunday even-
Our Town is on sale at the depot ity of expressing its great apprecia- ties. such as round ::;houlders, fl1t ing at 7.45 o'clock:
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. tion of what he has done and is doing chests, etc.• etc. Captain Isidore A. Miller, of Dudley Organ recital by the church organ-
Davis. for the public welfare. The Associa- Fair success has been met thus far and Stewart avenues, on Saturday last ist, Vera Bernice Chesly.
E ntered as second-class matter, Oc- I .
P t om e at tion bespeaks for Mr. Jacohs tIe ac- in attendance of the gymnasium smce accepted a commission in the Railway The ch10ir will be assisted by two
tober 15, 1914, at the os c the tive support of the associate editors. opening on the first of the month. Eng,ineers Division. United States Re- well-known artists. Herman J. Bub,
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under and of the public generally. After the schedule is learned by the serve Corps. He is now awaiting in- tenor soloist. and Alvetta Bliss. violin-
Act of March 3, 1879. I An expression of appreciation is' fellows. it is hoped that "there will structions from the War Department ist.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1917 I also due to Miss Maizie J. Simpson, be something doing all the time." Join as to when he will leave for Europe. Congregational singing of choice
cashier. Mr. H. C. Gara. advertising now and get into the classes from the Captain Miller has .:ved in Narberth hymns. led by organ, violin and choir.
E'"'MERGENCY PHONE CALLS manager, and to all others who have beginning and get the full benefits. since the fall of 1912. He is married Brief address by the pastor.
Fire 350.
Police 1250.
done what they could to make Our
Town a success.
I $1411 lWY8 THRE}: UOUSES
and has one daughter. Miss Anita A pleasant Sunday evening. We
Cooper Miller. He has been connect- welcome you.
A••T. I,oos, _ ed with the Pennsylvania Railroad
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSIlIl', President Civic Association. ' Six Itooms in }:acll /lnll on Jlaln Llnl'; for the last seventeen years. having O}'}'IC};RS ANn CIIAIRilIEN OF' TIH~
I, ., ~,
I Formerl)' Tollgate Bulhlln7'S . advanced through the various clerical
A startlin<r low icvtJ! for Mam Lme positions until he became chief ac-
, . .. I I
AJIRJUCAN }'OJt(;}:S ABROAD houses was'" established by sales ill countant. in the office of the general
of "Our Town." published weekly at --- sJOme of the most exclusive towns manager. President-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.
Narberth. Pa., required by Act ot Washington, D. C., October 3, 1917. along the Lancaster pike. Warren Captain Miller is one of the rail- Vice-President-Mrs. Ellery K. Tay-
August 24. 1912. To the Public:- Cressman tire district engineer. and road men whom Brigadier General W. lor.
EdltQr-Harry A. Jacobs, Narberth, The time is approaching to give George V.;. Deaves, l'Ocal superintend- W. Atterbury requested to be sent to Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. Ro)"
Pa. thought to bringing Christmas che~r ont for the State Highway Depart- Europe to assist him in his work as F":. Clark.
Managing Editor-Harry A. Jacobs, tiD the American soldiers and sailors ment. sold three six-room houses for director general of transport.ation. I Recording Secretary-Mrs. Harry
Narberth. Pa. abroad. $140 and four "sentry boxes" for a ,A. Jacobs.
Business Manager-Harry A. Jacobs,
Narberth, Pa. .
Arrangements have been perfected total of $46.
whereby the Christmas mail to the The houses and I~oxes were former-
I Treasurer-Mrs. l<;dward Cockrill.
Publisher-Narberth Civic Assocla- America~ Expeditio.nar y Forces. in ly tollgate houses. The best price Legislation-Mrs. Walter Dothard.
tion. Narberth. Pa.. . ., Europe IS. to be ~lehvered by Chnst- paid was $125. offered by Fred L. The Woman's Committee. Douncll of Current Events-Mrs. James Don-
Owners-Narberth CIVIC Assoclatl~n. mas mormng. Without the fUllest c.o- Baily. of Ardmore, who bought the National Defense, is urging all women nelly.
Officers-President. A. J. Loos; vIC.e- operation on the part of the pubhc. ChurCh road tollgate. adjoining his to register for service. A registry HospitalitY-Mrs. Robt. Dothard.
presidents. A. C. Shand, J. B. WII- it will be impossible to aecompllsh property. to make sure that some bureau will be open in Narberth all Community Marketing-Mrs. W. !vL
liams. James Artman; secretary this result. other purchaser would not take it and day October 19 for this purpose. An- Cameron.
and treasurer, George W. Coles
~he three e.ssential. r?spects . in put it on a little strip 'Of land nearby. nouncement will be made next week
winch the pubhc can a1(1 1ll assurmg The St. Davids tollhouse was with- as to its location. Opportunity will
Directors-George H. Henry. W. a happy Christmas at the front are: I drawn from sale. in view of the low be given every woman to register for
Arthur Cole, Frederick L. Rose. A. Mail early. address intelligently. and bids, A COMPLETE LINE OF
some kind of work whether agricul-
E. WQhlert, Mrs. William S. Horner, pack securely. For this reason it is tural. clerical, domestic, industrial. SCHOOL SUPPLIES
Mrs. George H. Henry. Fletcher W. urgently requested that all persons ~nss ;lIcCAR'I'}:U :\UURU:D professional. public service, social AT
Stites, E. A. Muschamp, H. C. Gara. having Christmas lllail for the soldiers service. Red Cross and Allied Relief,
Henry Rose. Edward S. Haws. Mrs. 1 and sailors and the civilian units at- At 7.30 o'clock Friday evenin~ Mis~ miscellaneous or contributions. Every I
Roy E. Clark. William D. Smedley, tached to the army in Europe, observe Mary Simes McCarter was married to housewife should make a point of see-
Mrs. Lester VV'. Nickerson. elosely the folIowing directions: CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
Mr. Royden Jessup Hunt, of Haddon- ing that every woman in her house-
(Signed) HARRY A. JACOBS. 1. Mails to reach the soldiers in field. New Jersey. The decoratlon~ hold over sixteen years of age regis-
Business Manager. France by Christmas morning must be were beautiful. Miss Rue MacGowen ters on October 19. Over 150 different
Sworn to and subscribed before mil p'osted not later than November 15. was bridesmaid and Mr. Warner Hunt kinds of work are listed on the regis- H. C. FRITSCH
this eighteenth day of September, 2. Every package must bear con- was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Royden tration cards. Prtpertles For Bent and Sal.
1917 s·picuously the. words "Christmas J. Hunt will occupy their house at 407 Fire Insuranee
(Seal) Walter :U. Barber, Mail," the complete address of the per- Essex avenue, Narberth. October 8. The powers that be-:-love. money. Bell PhoDe Ili2 W.
Notary. son for whom it is intended. and. in 1917. I ambition, and a good dmner. Wall Bnlldlng. Narberth. P..
My comnlission expires Feb. 5. 1919. the upper lefthand corner, the name
and address of the sender.
3. Every parcel must be so packed
Every woman In Narberth. mistress and wrapped as to admit easy inspec-
or maid. should register on October tion by the postmaster. No parcel
19 for service. Out of the millions will be dispatched to }<'ranee which
of things women can do, only 150 are has n~t the postmaster's certificate
The Merion .Title & Trust Co.
mentioned on the registration card. that it contains no prohibited articles. Statement Close of Business September 29, 1917
but the range is wide enough to in- A. S. Burleson,
clude everybody. Postmaster General. r RESOURCES LIABILITIES
Newton D. Baker,
Mr. Richard S. Bond. secretary of Secretary of War. Mortgages and Judgments $779,767.38 Capital Stock $150,000.00
Home Entertainment of sailors and Josephus DanIels, Call Loans on Collateral. . . . . . . . . .. 425,060.00 Surplus 125,000.00
marines. connected with the Central Secretary of the Navy. Time Loans on Collateral. . . . . . . . .. 85,618.00
Y. M. C. A. at 1421 Arch street, Philo.' Investment Securities. . . . . . . . . . . .. 260,636.40 Undivided Profits................ 130,890.41
delphia, writes an appealing letter to To the Editor of Our Town: Commercial Paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 478,808.33 Deposits 2,238,827.37
the Civic Association regarding enter- Beginning October 11 there will be Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 165,883.79
tainment of the boys over week-ends. drill on Thursday nights of each week Cash on H~nd and in Banks. . . . .. 448,943.88
A hearty response will doubtless be commencing promptly at 8 o'clock
made to this a.ppeal. Our 'Own boys, sharp. From 8 to 8.30 will be devoted $2,644,717.78
far away, are being entertained by to non-commissioned officers' school.
others In this way. Let us recipro- and from 8.30 to 9.45 company drill.
cate. There wll1 be no further drills on

What has put the "kibosh" on sub·,

Monday nights.
B. T. WhIte,
Subscriptions Received Here for the Second Liberty Loan
scriptions to the War Library Fund? Captain Narberth Guard.
When you settle down comfortably Narberth, Pa., October 8, 1917. NARBERTH OFFICE, ARCADE BUILDING
in y!Our easy chair to read the even-
ing papers, magazines or books, think Beware of the woman who doesIl't OPEN FROM 8 A. M., TO 4 P. M.
of the soldier and sailor boys deprived like candy. flowers. or babies. Ar:!
of many amusements and reading there any? SATURDAYS 8 A. M. TO NOON. FRIDAY EVENINGS 7 UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK

_______________________......4 .
News of!ite aLlturcqtS
ne" ••John "un Ness, J\IiRlster
I (Continued rrom First Page)
Automobiles to hire at all hours of day
The usual fall communion will he Miscellaneous Items of Interest I -- and night.
Merion Meeting House is opened for observed in this church next Sunday to Scouts of Troop 1 Mrs. G. D. Warder, who has been SABlE CENSORE Phone 1289 or 825
spending the ~'Imlller with relativ JS • NAltBERTB. PA.
worship every First-day at 11 A. at the hour of morning worship. T:lis
M. Visitors are cordiaUy welcome. - - - In Cleveland, Chicago and Hunting-
will be preceded by a pUblic recep-
A registry book is kept for visitors. tion of new members. In connection At the regular meeting of the Boy ton, has returned to her home at 102
All are asked to register their names. with this communion service thdre Scouts, Troop No.1, which was h~ld Hampden avenue.
In the Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium hat
will be a preparatory meeting on Friday night, Fred and Irvin Dodge, OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH. Wednesday evening of this weck at of Passaic, N. J., were received as Many of OUr boys have gone tc UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
which all those who are to partalre France; many thousands more will
Early Mass on Sunday tram April of the Sacrament next Sunday are members by transfer. follow. We must back them up in Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
John Wilson resigned as Color
1st to October 31st at 6.30 A. M. From urged to be present. every way at our command. One way Bryne)ovls Cerlilled WEST PBILA.
November 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. Bearer to join the Bugle Corps, and Milk
The Sunday school will meet each is to buy Liberty Loan Bonds.
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the Sunday at 10 A. M. There is a place Paul Braden was elected to act :IS
(Pedrlalle Society) OVERBROOK

year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and and a welcome for all. New scho1'lrs Wilson's successor. Special ;;:;::ernse y "
Herbert Krell reported for the Paul Wechler, of Narberth, who left WVNNEFIELD
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening have been enrolled each Sunday this
devotions and other services at regular Program Committee that a treasure on September 19 for Camp Meade, hus (Roberts· '" Sharpless' BALA.CVNWY I
fall. hunt would soon be conducted and been made a corporal. Paul drilled Dairies) NARBERTB
times. The Christian Endeavor Society that each scout who wanted to join with the Narberth Guard for several Cream Bullermllk
will meet Sunday at 7 p. M. The in the competition should pay into weeks before leaving for Camp Meade.
METUODIST EPISCOPAL CIIURCII leaders next Sunday are Lydie Bolich Table and Whlpplno WYNNEWOOD
the treasury of the Program Commit· Cream.
and John Wilson. tee five cents. Mr. Cole offered to Our fellow-townsman Fletcher W
The Little Church on t1le HDI. Next Sunday evening, beginning supply one prize and the other woultl Stites addressed a large audience at
Rev. C. G. Koppel, PastAlr.
promptly at 7.45, will be held t:1C be purchased with the fund estab- Royers'ford on Sunday last, and on
evangelistic meeting to be address031 lished by the entrance fees.
by Ted Mercer and Tom Farmer
Tuesday evening spoke ,before the
Several scouts reported turning in Boarer·'or Trade at Easton, Pa. The
Rally Day These men are speakers of unusual packages for the Parcel Post feature subject of Mr. Stites' address was "The 45th and Parrish Sts.
!l.45-Sunday School Rally of all de- merit. Both were converted in t:'e of the coming Y. M. C. A. Fair. Awakening of a Nation."
partments. Every member preser.t. Jerry McCauley Mission of New YOlk
Come on time, it counts.
11.00-Stlrring patriotic
The Boy Scout garden has been
City and have been marvelously usp,d carefully mowed and is ready for a
serviLe. .in soul winning. We are exceedingly more f\uccessfulseason next year.
For correct ~ation
the directions to be placed upon mail

"The Flags of Freedom." Entire p"o- fortunate in securing their se!'vicef. The Bugle Corps, consisting of for men in the reglUlar army, National "MEATS of
gram with recitations, dialogue, for next Sunday night.
Chureh Notes
Kreamer, Davis and Wilson is being Guard and National Army at the
trained by Mr. Fred Patton, of Wood- various mobilization camps and con-
music decorations furnished by till!
sunda'y school. Cradle hymns by the At a recent meeting of the Pastor's side avenue. They already know tonments In the United States, con- Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
primary children. Bible class a complete organization four marches and are practising suIt notice in the post office lobby.
7.00-Rally of the Epworth League. was effected and plans made for others. The corps would like more
Speaker, Mr. Dale Wolf, Social Ser- future work. The following officers buglers and a few drummers.
vice Sec. Y. M. C. A. ·were elected: President, Mrs. W. H.
Tom Farmer was an accomplished
The foot ball team is now prac- thief at twelve years of age and f<:>r
Miesen's Bakery
7.45-Special musical service. Organ Martin; secretarY, Mrs. A. C. Staples; ticing twice a week on the school over thirty years associated with BUILDING
recital. Vera Bernice Chesly. Chell' treasurer, Mrs. Anna Campbell. athletic field.
The Christian Endeavor Society held noted criminals
Many scouts are working hard for and Jessie James. He spent over fH-
such as "Black Ba!·t" Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies,
assisted by Herman J. Bub, tenor. Candy, Ice Cream
Elvetta Bliss, violinist. Singing ot their first meeting of the session last merit badge honors. How about you? teen years in jail, but now has CATERING FOR PARTIES
choice hymns with organ, violin. Sunday evening. The following officers Wilson was fifteen years old Fri· changed from "Cracking Safes tJ 1----------------
choir. were chosen: President, Miss Agnes day, so he got many paddlings from
Winning Men for Christ." Hear him A man that whispers down a well,
~ew ~[ember!l M. Rose; vice-phesldent, Miss Made- members of the troop.
in the Presbyterian Church next Sun- About the goods he has to .ell,
leine V. McCoy; secretary, Miss Sydnle Signed, Can't reap so many golden dollars,
:-<ineteen new members represent- E. Bolich; treasurer, Miss Edith J. day night. As one who climbs a tree and boiler••
K2 & Dl, by C.
ing ten families, were received into Humphreys; pianists, Misses McCoy
On Friday, October 5. Mr. and Mrs.
church fellowship last Sunday. SiX-
teen united by letter and three 01, an;h:j~:~~:·, Bible class were enter- LA~CASTER PIKE '1'OLL·GATf;S Carroll Downes and Mrs. C. T. Moore ram-M~Ginl~~
motored to Baltimore, and on Satur- U 17~S!, PhiladeiiC1:~
123 South
profession of faith. The Infant son tained at the home of the teacher, -.--
I Values .as ap~hed to toll-gate house~ day to Annapolis, where they arrived
of Dr. and I\'Irs. Harry Hartley and Rev. John Van Ness, Friday. Octobp.T
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P 5. A short business meeting was fell h.eavll y tins week at the sales ot in time to see the foot ball game be-
Seasholtz were baptized. Wit:l the held t elect officers and make plans the disused houses along the Lancas- tween Annapolis and West Virgillla.
congregation filling the church the for th~ coming winter. tel' Pike, but the incident serves .to They found Carroll Downes, Jr.. in
communion service was the largest on
record. re
New members are desired, and will note the last chapter in a long
eiv a hearty welcome any Sun- tory of one of the most notable
excellent health and doing very well
in his stUdies. The party reached FOR SALE!
Items of Interest da~ U:ornlng at 10 o'clock. ways In America. A history or the home Sunday evening after a very in- Nine rooms and bath; hot water
development of t.hp. early West conld teresting and "eventful" trIp. heat, electric lights; high ground. Lot
Six scholars joined the school lart be almost entirely wt'itten around the 60x125. For quick sale, $5000.
SundaY. Adjustments have been made TWO.CENT POSTAL rAUnS AND
career of this one road. Mrs. Charles V. ~oel and Mrd. CALDWELL & CO.
to provide more space. THltEE.C};NT STAl'H'S AND Beginning as a mere footpath from Charles A. Fletcher, of Narberth 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - -
A business meeting followed by a STA~H'ED EXVEI,OPES Market Street Ferry over the ScllUyl- avenue, have left for a two week:,'
social hour will be held by the Ep-
worth League this Friday night 1n
kill (whose tolls as late of 1770 con- stay at Fort Totton, New York, where
lJnder the Act of CongresS ap- stituted one-fourth of the city's rev- they will be the guests of Captain
George B. Suplee
the church. proved October 3, 1917, changing the enues), It was replaced by a path Lawrason and Mrs. Lawrason, of the Steam & Hot Water Heating
Rally Day next Sunday with fo.11' rates of postage, the department will
big services. You are welcome.
for sumpter horses and mules, and United States Coast Artillery. Cap-
begin Issuing two-cent postal cards finally the turnpike was started in tain Lawrasoll will be remembered
and three-cent postage stamps and 1791 and completed five years later to having been the guest of Mrs. Charles Bell Telephone.
UAPTIST CHURCII O}' stamped envelopes as s'oon as a sup- Lancaster, which soon became the V. Noel several months ago and has
THE EVANGEL ply can be manufactured. It will not
capital of Pennsylva.nla. Thence the made many friends in Narberth.
be possible, however, to provide them road stretched, by later connections,
Frank Crist
Avery S. Demmy, Pastor in sufficient quantities to exchange over the Alleghenies and long was
stamps or one-cent postal cards, two- the principal highway to the West.
On Saturday, OctolJer 6th, Mrs. Mil- MEATS & PROVISIONS
leI' Burkhardt, 100 Maple avenue, Cl1-
Narberth, pa. cent stamps or two-cent envelopes Hiih Grade Butter
When the turnpike had been in use tertained at dinner the Young
held by the public or by postmasters. some forty years a diarist noted that Women's Auxiliary of Tioga M. l<]. Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
Sunday services: It will, therefore, be necessary. begin-
Sunday will be Rally Day in the ning November 2d, 1917, when the new there were about "eight tllOusand Church, of which she has been super-
Dutch waggons" engaged in traffic in ten dent for eighteen years. This We Still Have Remaining
church and Bible school and In the postag·e rates become effective for and that this was the greatest freight organization has a membership of
morning they will hold a joint ser- postmasters to continue the sale of
10.00 A. M.-prayer service. velopes while their stock lasts and for
line in the country. Often it was thirty-eight young ladles thirty of
one-cent post cards and two-cent en- called the Conestoga Road, b.ecaus~ whom were the guests of'Mrs. Burk-
For Sale
10.30 A. M.-Special Rally Day the public to affix aclditional stamps so much of the traffic was diverted hardt. Monthly meetings are held at TWO OFTBE
to that place; the wagons also ha the homes of the members The "0-

Leader, Miss Cora Thompson.

to envelopes and cards to the alllount that name, and the famil!ar "stogie" ciety has for its object t11~ doing ~ of
7.00 P. M.-Young people's meeting. of Increase of postage.
gets Its name because drivers of the charitable work along home misslon-
Conestoga wagons desired a cheap ary lines, its principal channel of
Five Houses
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. This Narberth and Forrest Aves.
wl1l be an evening with the grand LIS'!' O}' UNCLALlrEU LETTERS smoke. usefulness being through the Dea-
old hymns. A number will be illl'.il- AT NARBIUtTlI POST OFFICE ,In its palmy days the Lancaster coness' Home, 611 Vine street, PhlIa- Also a BUNGALOW on Avon Road,
trated with lantern slides. The pn'J- PIke was lined throughout its length delphia. A special collection taken at Anthwyn Farms. Don't miss this oppor-
tor will speak On the subject, "Sacred Mr. W1l1iam McCarthy. with taverns-The Compass, Swan, each meeting Is applied to purchasing tunity of securing a good home.
MUSic in the Christian Religion." Miss Edmonio Robertson. Hat, Rising Sun, Ship, Sw~n,. Eagle, flowers, which are sent to the Metho- WM. D. SMI::DLEY.
8.00 P. M., Wednesday-Prayer Mrs. William Lang. etc., a few of which are stIll III ser- dist Hospital. In addition to the mem-
meeting. There were forty-two pres- Mrs. George Lee. vice, most having been torn down or hers of the society Mrs Burkhardt
ent last week.
Mrs. Annie H. Jones. devote d t 0 0 tlIeI' uses. Al 0 n g this llad as ller guest •Mrs. . G. Merritt
8.00 P. M.-Friday, the 12th, in the Mrs. Mable Hall. road many of our early statesmen Davis, formerly of St. Paul Minn.
Definite plans to register the na-
church parlors, there will be a Get- Edward S. Haws, and other leading men traveled at me who gave an Interesting adcount oC
Postmaster. tion's woman power were approved by
Acqluainted-Social, under the auspices great average speed of almost siX the work of the Home Missionary 80-
the Women's Committee of the Coun-
of the Ladies' Aid Society, to which miles an hour ~o Lancaster: at one ciety, with whiCh she had been con- cil of National Defense. It was dear-
all members of the church and con- FO]t Tn ..~ CA~rp ~[EADE ROYS .time the largest mla?d town 111 Amer- nected in that city.
ly stated that, while listing of all
gregation and our friends who have ica. women is desired, registration is pure-
recently come to Narberth are invited. Will anyone who has not already The toll-gates have gone, but the
ly VOluntary, and only women seek-
planned to dispose of their mage.- new State road affords passage for NKW SCHEDULE }'OR
zines, etc., Idndly call up Mr. Harry automobiles which make the distance
Joslyn, 110 Elmwood avenue, phone in one-sixth of the time consumed by
}ml) CROSS WORKIWO~1 Ing Government service will assume
any obligation. October 19 Is the
1690-W, who is personally collecting our ancestors in stage coaches. yet The resumption of activities by day set for Narberth women to regis-
Rev. Andrew S. Rurke, Rector
and sending magazines to the boys at one may believe that automobiles, IQther organizations using the com' tel'. Some central part of the town
munity room in the Narberth Y. M. C. will be selected and it will be made
The services at All Saints' P. E Camp Meade, who through him, have railways, telephones and airplanes A. Building has necessitated a re-ar- as easy as possible for all the wo-
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood made an earnest plea for reading mat- have not developed any greater men rangement of the Red Cross schedule. men to register with as little time
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol· tel'. than those who laid sure the founda-
tions of the Thirteen Colonies and The room is now open for Red Cross taken from their numerous other
lows: purposes as follows:- duties as possible. It is expected that
11.00 A. M.-Holy communion. WAnN~G TO MOTOR CAn OWNERS opened along this turnpike an ave-
nue to the rich lands of the West. Monday-Morning, afternoon and the Narberth women will respond to
9.45 A. M.-Sunday school. evening. : this as they have done to all other
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng prayer and There have been a number of thefts The center of population is now not Tuesday-Morning. calls of the nation, nobly.
sermon. of tires, rugs, etc.. from cars left far from Indianapolis, which, when
standing In front of houses in Nar- the first toll-gate on the Lancaster Wednesday-Morning and afternoon. E. Verna.
4.00 P. M.-Evening prayer.
All Episcopalians living in this berth during the past few weeks. Let Pike was erected, was a howling wil- Friday-Morning and afternoon.
Mrs. F. W. Stites. in charge of the EPwon'ru LEAGUE
vicinity are most cordially invited to each owner watch his car and we will derness. By railway one may reach
attend any of the services at All be able to catch the one doing this that point almost as quickly as the w~rk here, requests members to ad-
Saints' Church. work. stage-coach took our ancestors to vise her when they can attend. Tile On Friday evening there will be a
The church has prOVided f"ee Lancaster. society is very appreciative of the social and business meeting of the
'busses that leave Wynnewood and The wise doctor may not know what action 'Of the King's Daughters in giv- Epworth League at the Methodist
Narberth stations at 10.40 on Sunday Is the matter with the patient-but Hope is the froth of 0. man's im- ing up the use of the room on their Chur·ch. A large attendance is de·
mornings. You are urged to use them. he knows enough not to say so. agination. regular Wednesda}' to the Red Cross. sired.

, ".
NAltBEltTIl. PA.-Oun TOWN-OCTOBER 11.1917

Store Your AutolTIobile LIBERTY LOAN POSTERS SCHOOL NOTES sch()lol building. The new elementary
buildIngs are ready for your inspec-
tion, although there are minor things
At WALTON BROTHERS Boy Scouts Distribute Over Two not completed.
The senior ·class of 1916 can well be
NEW FIR E P RO 0 P G A RAG E Thousand in Narberth proud of its gift to the school. The
teacher's combination demonstration
COR. ESSEX &: HAVERFORD. Phone 672 Narberth scouts put in a busy day. laboratory desl, and the two labora-
Saturday distributing over two thOU-I '1 tory tables are installed.

HARRY B. WALL ROLL OF HONOR sand Liberty Bond posters.

They tacked the publicity features I UNWRAPPEn ANn UNAnDRESSEU
Plumbing, Gas Fitting on posts and bulletin
trees from one end of the town ~o I
boards and.
and Heating The following men ot Nar- the other and across town severa] I TIn; UNITEJ) STATES EXPEDI·
berth have answered the call ways, and then delivered a poster to rrIONARY }'OnCES IN EUROPE
NARBERTH. PA for the defense of our country:
every store and house in the borough. The United States Military Academy, .
In addition. they distributed about West Point, has been added to the list • Washington, July 16, 1917.
1500 automobile wind shield poster:,. 'of Institutions granting certificate Order No. 510.
1I. 'WILLIS DAVIS, Proprietor GEO. W. FRALEY I It is doubtful if any other town or privileges to Narberth High. This The classification of articles mail-
GEO. GARDNER city in the country is as thoroughly privilege is granted only to schools· llble under Section 8 of the A<::t of
Prime Meats THOS. G. HALL
posted on the Second Liberty Loan that are recommended bv the National I August 24. 1912, authorizing the
Department of Educati~n as being I establishment of the parcel post ser-
Horne Dressed Poultry. Buller. E~~s and Game. as is Narberth.
Fancy FrUIt and Ve~et"hles. "A STORE FOR W. S. McCLELLAN The work was enthusiastically and schools of first rank. Vice, is .extended so as to include un-
PARTICULAR PEOPLE" THOS. MONROE thoroughly done by the scouts. William Durbin, Class of 1917, now ,vrapp~d a~d unaddressed copie'> of
Telephone. NARBERTH. PA. GEO. W. RUSSELL attending Swarthmore. visited the m~gazllles mtended for soldiers and


Finest Photoplay The-
atre ollis Size In the
sch(Jlol for several hours on Monda-y. sailors of the United States Expedi-
Miss Mary McCarter and Miss tionary Forces in Europe when mailed
Yerr Uttle JUssed UIlller Rill for WlIr Eleanor Ward were welcome guests by others than tiLe publishers, the
last week. In the midst of the import- postage thereon to be prepaid at the
Enllre World. JOS. T. MAGARITY' ant week for Miss McCarter she rate of one cent a copy regafllles~
Photoplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.30 FRED.C. PATTEN The $2.700,000,000 War Tax bill thought of school, another example of of weight. Magazines to be accepted
PhUa..Pa. which is now a law "catches" almost Narberth school spirit. for mailing under this order must
PROGRAM I JAMES McLEES ever~'one from the cradle to' the grave. The school, through Principal Mel- have printed in the upper right han'!
IIU;XICAN nOUDER SERVICE For good measure, it levies a few new chi-or, has received words of greeting ~orner of the front cover the follow-
)ne lV...,k, Commencing 1I10nda)', October 8 II REZO BROOKS
l>lrcct From Successful New York Engage-I' MARION CHENEY taxes on the heirs. and best wishes from the followin:;!; mg:
Baby's first dash of talcum powder teachers of last yea.r: Misses Read, NotIce to Rendcr
ment nt tho Globe Tbentre. lVllllam ~'ox's HAL. KNUTZEN
~ew 'Vonder rhoto-l'antas)' When you finish reading this maga-
A. C. MILLER will, under the two per cent. manu- Melchior. Kemery, McCarter. Wilson
zine place a one-cent stamp' on this

"~:C~lId~e~dBet!.e~neFI~en~~~~" I
W. LAXLEY PEEBLES facturers' tax on cosmetics help Uncle and Mr. Rogers.
RICHARD STOCKTON WHITE notic.e, hand same to any postal em-
Sam carryon the war. After death, A mothers' meeting called last week
NATIONAL GUARDS ploye and it will be placed in the
Cost O\'t'r $500.000--1300 ChillI Aet·on;-()ne the funeral collectors will get the in- to consider problems 'of the first grade,
JOHN R. BRACKEN hands of our soldiers or sailors at
Glnnt. J<;lght l'cet Six Inches Toll heritance tax at advances 'On the pres- was largely attended. In the near the front.
J. C. BRINTON, 3rd Regt. ent rate of from one per cent. on future announcement will be made for No wrapping-no address.
Five $100 Cash Prizes EARL DICKIE, 3rd Regt.
$50,000 to ten per cent. on $1,000.000. dates for meetings for all grades. The
J~. S. Rurlcson, .(
~-or tho Best 'Vrltten Rcvlews Those who have profited most by I nature 'Of the meetings will be rounl]
Any Bo)' or Girl Under H Can Compcte Regt. Postmaster General.
RUSSEL N. LUKENS the war, the recipients of enormous table conferences between directors,
1IIAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS ~EAR GEO. W. R. MARTIN, 2nd Lt., excess war profits, wil pay the most parents and faculty.
AS rOSSlnI,}; TO 10.1i; A. M., 12.00; 2.00, A truthful man never makes a suc·
3rd Regt. to help carry it 'On. Almost half the Dates to Remember
3.45, 5.45, 7.45. 9.45 I'. 111.
---- JOHN McQUISTON, First Regt
total am(Junt 0:
the bill, or about
~1~,1l0,OOO,OOO, IS to be collected from
Institute Week-October 22d.
School closes Oc!'ober 19th, 2.30 P.
cess as a fisherman.


~. '11 b d I M . and reopens October 29th, 8.40 OUR TOWN ",JU gladly print
(Continued from First Page)
ne .WI e taxe W len he goes to A. M. I any news Item about any subject
a. m~vIng picture show if the admis- School social function, Saturday,
VINCENT F. CUNNINGHAM SlOn IS more than fiV~ .cents, one-tenth October 20th. . that Is of Interest to Narberth
Since his conversion Mr. Farmer RICHARD STOCKTON WHITE folks, but In order to meet
has accomplished a magnificent per- ,of. the. cost of the ticket. That rate Have you visited the school lately?
DR. WM. M. CAMERON the printing schCJIule, all "copy"
sonal evangelism among all classes. WIIJ effect all who attend amusementr" if not, you have surprises awaiting
RUSSELL NELSON LUKENS -manuscrIpts-must rench the
from. the man in the gallery to the yOIl. Note the lawn, driveway steps
He tells his st.ory with a directnesG NAVAL 'fUAINING SCHOOL I
one III the box. .' . editor by B P. M. Monday each
and intense appeal and a message of
hope and encouragement that holds
his audience in rapt attention. I Iist- i
A ~lOst of stamp t~xes, designated
and walks. Then enter the hmldmgs.
Note improvements
to. ral~e $30,000.00~, WIll get the man laboratory and art room of the high
With httle money In many ways. His I
in lunch room, week.

con-I'7;~'~;;;;;;;;;.~ ;-~;-;-;.;;~;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~~
ened to him for nearly an hour ,one I RICHARD BURNS
evening and every man in the room'
was leaning on the edge of his chair i
greatest consolation is that the
sumption taxes, which would
made him pay 'on coffee, tea and
have I'i .. ..

drinking in the wonderful message I

He finished his remarks with the most'
fervent prayer I have ever heard.
sugar, were stricken from the bill.
Some confusion and misinterpreta-
tion has arisen out of the wording of
Narberth Register
Two Line., JOe per i••ue; Sc for each ac1c1itionalline
Mr. Edward C. Mercer is a man of LESTER JEFFERIES the section imposing stamp taxes on
an entirely different t.ype, coming JOSEPH LARKIN
JOHN MOWRER, JR. ,negotiable instruments. This has been ACCOUNTANTS
from one ofthe oldest families in lIIEATS, ETC.
WALTER NASH nlisconstrued to mean that a tax has Greene, Andrew Do)·les'. Phone, 398.
America. His great grandfather be- 5 Chestnut ave. Phone, 677-M. See display advertisement In thlB ISBue.
PERRY REDIFER been placed 'On bank checks. The bill I{elm, II. C. Cotter, Howard F. Phone. 1298.
ing General Hugh Mercer of Revolu- says:
tionary fame and a member of Wash- ALAN ROSE 202 Dudley ave. See display advertisement In this ISBue.
WM. C. SIMPSON "Drafts or checks payable otherwise Cole, lV. Arthur Phone. 632-R. ADVERTISING Crist, Frnnk Phone. 644-W.
ington's staff. See display advertisement In this Issue.
ROBERT TOWNE than at sight, or on demand," etc., two Ideas. Plans. Copy. Art. Typography. lIIlLK
Mr. Mercer was born in the 'White FRANK WINNE Sc~tt-I'owen Halrles. Phone. Preston 2398.
cents for eaCh $200. The official in- Censore, SableAUioOll~~~.ILES
House, the nephew of President I W. W. WESTCOAT terpretation of this is that as a check See display ndvertlsement In this Issue.
See display advertisement In this ISBue.
Arthur. HAROLD SPEAKMAN 'V. S., J. I'. AcknOWledgements SlnlPson, JUlnes C. 232 Essex ave.
is payable at sight and on demand, iT. ~lcClellnn,
It was while at the University of I STANLEY MERRITT LUKENS and alfidavlts. automobile licenses. OlDce Phone, 636. or 1420 Chestnut st.
therefore, is excluded from tax. hrs., 12 to land atter 6 P. M. l\WSlC
Virginia and as a leading member of ALLEN T. KIRK BAKEUS Cowin, T. Stnart. Plano Tencher.
fraternities and other social clubs The man of moderate means, as ~[(e"en, 1'. Phone, 352-J. 206 ~lerlon ave. Phone. Narberth 347-R.
AVIATION well as the wealthy, is affected by the See displaY ndvertlsement In this ISBue. Loo., ~ ..nn)· II. Plallo 'reacher and Accom.
that he learnt to drink. The habit NORMAN KRIEBEL BANKS panisl. 417 Havertord ave. Phone 316-J
gradually grew until he became 9.n HENRY T. NASH income tax section. Normal rates ~Ierlon Title & Tru.t Co. Phone. Ardmore 3. Studio, No. r. Arcade Bldg.• Narberth. •
ROLAND K. HEWITT have been doubled and exemp- See display advertisement In this Iseue. "·h'·t-Ioek. Koth"rlnc L. teacher ot plano
habitual drunkard and after forging
CANADIAN AVIATION CORPS tions lowered to $1000 for single pel'- Suzzero. Tony DARBERS 406 S. Narberth ave. Phone. 584-:11. .
his father's name to checks, he was NOTAltl' rUnLIC
finally disowned by his family. GEORGE McCAIG I sons and $2000 for married ones. Sur- 224 Haverford ave. Jctl'erles, J. II. III Narberth ave,
MARINE RESERVES Itaxes for incomes above $5000 rangp SUller, F. A. BLACHSMITIIS Phone. 666-111.
It was in August of 1904 that 'On the 0I'TICIA~5
verge of suicide and a physical wreck JOSEPH LIGHT I f rom one t 0 fif ty per cent., the maxi- 728 l\lontgomery ave. Phone. 328. Fenton, Carl F. 506 Essex ave. Phone. 638-W.
Phlla. address. 18Pr. Chestnut st.
CHUDLEIGH R. LONG . mum applYing' to incomes of morE.' DUILDERS
that he was met by Mr. Farmer, who than $1,000,000. This section is ex. Smedley, 'Vm. ndvertlsement
H. Phone. 600.In thIs Issue. PAINTEUS
}'IELD ARTILLERY, 21ST See dIsplay Cole, James R.
took him home and gave ·him a good 246 Havertord ave. Phone 1225-J
GEORGE H. SHONN (C01'p.) pected to raise $600.000,000. CANDY, ETC.
meal and started his conversion. I AlImULANCE CORPS Incl ded i tl
n Ie axes imposed on
l)a\'18, II. E. Phone, 1254-W.
See dlspla)' advertisement In this IBBue.
W. G. Cummer. Phone. 12-62 'w.
210 Elmwood ave.. Narberth.
Since that time ~e has done a won- W..lzer. Fred.
ANDREW A. BAKER manufacturers are levies of one- CAUPJo;NTERS ANH DUILDEUS
derful work in the prisons and slums 117 Winsor aVe. Phone. 1247-J.
wh'Cre he came in touch with many!
QUABTERMASTERS' RESERVE quarter a cent a foot on motion plc- Je~~nriu~~;8~:': Phone. 382-M. rAl'ER JIANGEUS
EDWIN H. WIPF ture films, two per cent. on the sale CONTRACTORS Denver, Rlclmrd A. Arcade Building.
college men, wh'o, though "down and THEODORE RITCHIE price of chewing gum, and three per Shnnd. A. c. Jr. CommercIal Trust Bldg., Witt", Phone, Narberth 1693-W.
out" through sinful living, took heart' lieu. A. no Woodbine ave.
The foregoing is correct, SO cent. on m'Otor cars, musical instrn- Phlla. Phone. Spruce 5263: Narberth 1214-J Phone, 1203-W. Flrst..class work.
upon hearing Mercer's story. i far as known-any additions or ments and jewelry.
Cameron, Dr. W. 111. Phone. 395-W.
"Arcndla," 16th and Chestnut StB., Phil&.
He has a wonderful mastery of the' changes may be left with Post- See dlsplny advertisement In this IMue
Drowning one's tax troubles in drink Orr, 112Dr.Essex ave. Elmwood avo Phone, 393-W.
gnglish lan~lJage and tells his story i master Haws. A. L.I0l I'I,UMBINO, ETO. .
or sending them up in smoke will cost Phlla. Phone, Filbert 425~, Keith Bldg. Suplee, Gro. D. Phone. 1289.
in a straightforward and griping man- t ENGINEERS RESERVE
nero I M. M. SHEEDY, Capt. more. The levies on all kinds of Howard's. PhO~,Rr~~.ISTS See display advertisement
Wall, II. n. Phone. 319-J.
In this Issue.
The impressi-on both Mr. Mercer and HOSPITAL CORPS drinks and tobacco soar. The new See display advertisement In this ISBue. See display advertisement In this Issue.
Mr. Farmer made upon the young men I' MAURICE B. DU MARAIS rate on whiskey is $2.10 a gallon ane] Pugh, VerI 22~~~~:~J~IANS REAl, ESTATE
Coldwell &: Co. Phone. 1271-W.
who heard them last year when they :-----------------1 beer $2.50 a barrel. Wine taxes will
be d'oubled. Even grape juice will be Imperlnl Grocery
Nar. Phone. 650-W. Ard. Phone, 168-J.
Co. Phone, Narberth 606.
See dIsplay adverllsement In thlB Issue.
Frltseh, II. C. Phone, 252-W.
spoke to our Men's Club was most See display advertisement In this Issue.
remarkable. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - taxed a cent a gallon. See display ndvertlsement In this Issue. Godfrey, Wm. D.
A person cannot escape tax by GARDEN NURSERIES 114 Woodside ave. Phone, 686-W
The men talked about this visit for BOOKS WANTED Wohlert, A. E. Phone. 696. Nash, Robert J. Phone. 606. .
weel,s and seemed to be thoroughly t rave.1 E i ght per cent. is assessed See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue. 1II0ney for First and Second Mortgages.
impressed with the awful conse- Do your bit by dropping, all of your on passenger tickets.
tickets also pay a tax.
Steams'hlp GROCERS
Imperial Grocery Co. Phone. Narberth 606. Gam-lIleGlnley Co. Phone, 1258-W.
quences of sin. magazines in at the local Y. M. C. A. See dIsplay ndvertlsement In this lll8ue. See display advertleement In this IBsue
HAULING, ETC. Ml\ler, John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone, 661:J.
No one should Iniss the opportunity so that same may be forwarded to our Waiton Dros. Phone, 672. Shop. 246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1226-J'.
of hearing this message from men who boys in the Army and Navy. See display advertisement In this Issue. SOIlOOLS, ETO.
COllDUTTEES OF COUNCIL INSURANCE Zentma)'er's, The 1Il1sses. Phone. Nar. 661-J.
really know and talk like men wIth Books are also accepted for Library Bowman. Samuel P. (Lite.) See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.
Siouls on fire with a desIre to help purposes in the FIeld. 116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 653-W. SHOEMAKERS
Finance and Law-A. P. Redifer, l\Jl\ler Phone. 659-M. P. O. Box. Tamef, Harry
others and save them from the sor- Several large donations have al- chairman; W. D. Smedley, H. D. Nar- DnrJ;hardt, L. (Lite, FIre. Accident, Health, Auto, etc.) 246 Woodbine ave.
row and suffering Wilich follow upon radY been made and we hope to be rlgan.. Jones, Chas. R. Good Wear Shoe. Repair Shop,
305 S. Narberth ave. Phone, 682-J. Constantine, B. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
'wrong doIng. able to soon send a good size box Highway Committee-H. D NIl!- Jones, 'Vm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,
C. Adrian Casner. away. 680-.T. Phlla. address, Penn Mutual Bldg. The above department should be ot tbe
rigan, chairman: W. R. D. Hali, Fre,t. SnYder, Robt, greatest use to the community, the list con-
Do It now. L. Rose. 313 WoodBlde ave. Phone, 383. tains the name of every profe.Blonal man,
Trotter Bros. (Fire, etc.) tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc., ""be
POST OFFICE INFORMATIO:V Police and Health-W. D. Smedley, 209 Woodside aVe. Phone. 1262-R. does or can In any way serve his tellow-
chairman: William J. Henderson. LAWYEUS to\vnsman, and who Is progressive enough
BOARD OF HEALTH. Gilroy, John 211 Essex ave. Phone, 1246-R. to add name to list ot Register.
Fred. L. Rose. Phlla. address, LIncoln Bldg. As It Is dlmcult tor those contributing
Office opens-7.25 A. M. Henry, Geo. M. 107 Chestnut ave. Phone, 608. their time and efforts to the production ot
Office closes-7.M P. M. Presldent-Chas. E. Kreamer. Water, Fire and Light Commlttee-
Phlla. address. Finance Bldg. "Our Town" to personally either know or
Ma.ils arrive-6.26, 6.43, 10.37, 11.50 Secretary-A. P. Redifer. W. R. D. Hall, chairman; William.J ScheU, 1I0mcs )1. Interview all such, It would be most help-
Health Ofllcer-W. S. McClellan. Henderson, Fred. L. Rose. 208 Sabine ave. Phone, 1246-W. tul It those not now found In the printed
A. M.: 12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M. Stlte8, Fleteher W. 413 Havertord ave. list would send In a memo ot tbelr name..
Mails dispatched-9.00, 10.37 A. M., Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, Ordlna.nce Committee-William J. Phone. 372-W Phil a. address. Crozer Bldg. addrell8, phone numbers and businesses or
12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M. T. B. Du Marias, Carden Warner and Henderson, chairman: A. P. Re1ifer, MeDonald LIGHTING FIXTURES
Joh... Narberth phone, 1288.
profeMlons tor listing. This will cost lUI tol-
lows: 10 cents eacb Issue tor I linea; 6 cantil
Edward S, Haws, Postmaster. Chas. V. Noel. W. R. D. Hall. 1631 Che.t. .t., Phlla. Phone, Spruce 8138. for eaoh additional lIne.

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