Our Town April 26, 1917

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U 't 0 . d t
•,TUf)' 01 View Values Lower
Rousing I lIighWIl)' at $90,164
m rgamze a The jury, appointed to consiper the ! "
MOO~ing i freeing of Montgomery avenUfJ, in Discussed at Community Club ITo Be by. Line~!gan~zed M~l1n The following men of Nar-
I Lower Merion has agreed upon ~he
berth have answered the call
(By our Special War corfesPloIld~lt). ' price which th~ county of Montgomery
Meeting I CItIzens ASSOCiatIOn for the defense of our country:
Dou't let any onc tell you t lat ar-: should pay for dt, in order to abandoll At a meeting of the Community I"rlday evening, April 27, 8 o'clock, ('H'IL WAn n;TEn'\~S
herth is a Islow
t towIl-not
I' Some us' the ta k'mg 0 f po II s.
afterofwhat, Club Monday ev,ening, Mrs. Imogene Bryn Mawr Fire House, the1 Main DR. B. F. BOYER
!:appened as wee •. of our: The price agreed upon Is $90,H-l. B. Oakley gave an interesting and in- Line Citizens' Association wil organ- WALTER C. GREELY
I.ced a lot to wake us ?ut . 1 t ' This amont is unsatisfactory to the: structive talk on methods of garoage ize a unit of the Home Defense He- GEO. W. FRALEY
apparent apath~'-apparentIS the rl~ 1 'county as well as to the petitioner, the! and refuse disposal employed in s.erve, in co-operation with the :::'tate GEO. GARDNER
word, you may hc sure. Ye SCribe I Philadelphia, Bala and Bryn Mawr: Great Britain and: on the Continent. Committee of PUlblic Safety. Represen- THOS. G. HALL
:" still rubbing his eyes, but is proud- : Turnpike Company. .. Destructor" plants are erected for tatives of the Narberth Unit are In- 'rHOS. MONROE
<:r than ever of the Year 'Round Home i The County Commissioners consIder' r.educing ashes, ga,rbage, tin cans, vlted to attend this meeting, and Jt is GJo~O. W. RUSSELL
Town. . 'that the amount is too great, by from I paper and all form,s of rubbish to an likely that some, if not all, of our
On Thursday evenm~, the 19th, at: $10,000 to $20,000, and the coml,any,: impalpable powderl which is prc~sed aids will attend, and help the p;ood
SI'A ~ISH.'\~n;mCA~
Elm Hall, thcre we:e gathered togeth- accordtlng to a representative, {leems: itlto bricks suitable for pavin/; or work along, and possibly obtain in-
H on very short not lee ahout 1~0 ~en,. is too low by about $60,000. 'building. All refuse is placed in one formation as to methods that will he F. V. CUNNINGHAM
mostly men with wives and famIlIes, At the hearing it was testified that, can, instead of in' separate cam. as of value to our organizations. The .1OS. T. MAGARITY
answering the call for vOluntee~s to the pike's earnings during the past! is done here. Five'tons of this refuse dm;est co-operation among all Main FRED. C. PATTE!'\
the Home Defense neserve: Conslder-, year were about $35,000. are ,equal in heat units to one to!} of' Line units is not on ly desirable, but BE;o.;J. T. WHITE
ing the fact that the meetmg, was not: AttorneY Irvin P. Knipe was :'lllJster coal. It is burned under boilers. wlth- imperative.
widely adverti,;ed..the attend~nc~ was: : at the hearings. out the aid of other fuel. by the use ~- _ JIEXWAN noulH:U SI-:n"ltE
without exaggeratmg one Int. sImpI) I
amazing. Enthusiasm reigne.d fro.m
'o[ a forced draught. The steam pro-,
: duced is used for generating 'O'lec-
,;tart to finish anll the meetlllg WIll
iong be memorable In t Ile anna1s
O f:i
UI.;)n~nl-:n ,trlclt"
, .. for lighting and power, anll the
I residue, as stated, makes a clean, loard
Xarbertb. It was a m~GULAR meet-, Allllual JIN'llllg, Chic Al'soclntloll Lblack brick. There is ahsolntely no
~~r. AUgUS.tu~ Loos, o/~I:len~iViC
ing. no 1I0t. lorget the llllllual mcetlng odor nor smoke by this process. 'fhe forget the annual meeting .JAMES McQUISTON. IHt Regt.
Jl,l:esidcnt of th:, 01 the Xarberth eh'lc Assoclntloll, ,fats from t.he gal'bage. scrap paper. Association Thursday CLARENCE HUMPHREYS, 1st
CiVIC ASSOCiatIOn. preSided. and l~e ; 'I'hllrsda)" e\'elling', S o'clock, April 'broken furlllture and percentage of un-, . ',\p'l "6 8 o'clock at the Hp.gt.
fore introducing- the speal,ers. explalll- i 2fith, at the Y. JI. C. A. burned coal in the ashe5 IUI'irISh, ~ve~n~: A n E::I~ellon of offi~ers andJo;AHL DICKIE. ;~rd Regt.
ell the object of the call; namely, the A llll'ge attendallce is ur!{ed. to 'enough fuel to consume the whole I: t' '. . 1 n 'ld"ress by Hon '
. 't [tIle Reserve 11 IntI' 11'1'llt tIles . h bIt· "et I Irec ors, anl a ,u . , XAYAL COAST DEFEXSE
organiz!l.tion 01 :l; 11111 .0 .' _' I scuss meal' II'" , . . . . , : mass. TIllS Is t e. est so u IOn., Fletcher W. Stites on matters of civic; UESI-;Un;
,;imilar to those III phIladelphIa, Me~ , nlllsllllitlls alld OthCf JIWIIIlCes to discovered for the dIsposal of all klllds . t M St't. i' s well known I
I the Mam health JAMES COOK
;011 and otller P lul'es a o n g . of refuse. It is i n success flo u I/e ra - .111. ere5t.
. I '11' r. t . Ind es effective
s (J speaker 1' GEORGE McCAIG
LillI'. . I
II "'I t I
Oil. I" e c lI'r
". Stl't
•• cs . '\'111 lIe ·t·
- ,tiou ill many CI les a o . br all an" u,
"ev -, 'I
r1S ,1 In Ian a
1\' vs has something worth , ' PJo~RRY REDIFER
!\'Ir William De Kraft, of MenOl.l. I Ih'er 1111 ellHluen( 1lI111 forcelul 1111· ; eral plants are in operation in Ihis, \\ II?I a ~ a.: tl t I rg attendance I I.ESTER JEFFERms
"'110 was active ill organizing, the Ulllt dl't~ss Oil JIIath'rs 01 the highest 'I'ountr" One is 'Iocated at New- W II e to sa), ,I~ a ad e '11 b ' WALTER NASH
•. onr .neighhoring town, stated that
in c I\'II'
' 1Il
' t ercs.t 1. Brighton
. ". Borough . 'IS e xp e
of RIchmond,' . . It IS' .
('(ed hope t IllereWWI 'e ' HENRY C. HOWES
the purpose of the Heserve was non-' , State ISI~nd New York: anothel' at a large ?elegcaltilon tI~om tIe idOemte n Sf FRANKLIN Jo'OSTER
military in character alll1 wa"• p ri - ' Greenvllle,
. S.' C. , , Commullltv ' . u J. '..very res If n 0 f FRANK WINNE
marily intendell to affect only those
whom for various rea;;ons, such as
BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL Such a Destructer, located in Lower: :'\arherth 'interest.ed In k~he ,~e ar~ ~
Merion Township, would take care of, the borough and m rna lUg fl a s~ c - ,
JI,\}UNE com's
nge limit. depenrlents. etc.. were in-
(-Jlgib1e to join the active military
F, al) the refuse in tl.e towns within i~S, and-span home town,
limits, and would work a mirade. In i mena~~s healtl~,
to t~"
as well as a
ro~ :
n :
forces. The age limits are from eigh- : incr.eased Cleanliness, and eJimina~lOn heautllul. should ,lttend this meetlDg. 1 NORMAN KRIEBEL
teen to one hundred years Inclusive.. The Women's Community Club of of the fly and mosquito nuisancc. JlAlUXf~ RESlmn:s
Captain Wilson. a150 of Merion and: Narherth will have a miscellaneous _ l~. C. IRWIN

a leading ;;pirit of thc Unit. in that, ),ooth .If fancy articles ranging in:
town. explainerl that there would be price frOln twenty-five cents to one I
THIMBLE CLUB- Stirring Patriotic Service I The foregoing is correct, so
far as known-any additions or
110 uniformS. titles or other mi1l~ar~' rjollar at the Bryn Mawr
tags attached to an~·Olle. The Idea: Fete to be held on the groundS on'
Hospital, RED CROSS f111Ll)Iain n. L. 1,1~\\'ls, IIf L S. HnttIe.
slLil) Wisconsin, to SpclIk-Jlembers
changes ll1a~' be left with Post-
master Haws.

is to form a hody of citizens !'Iworn: Saturday, May ii. from 12 until 10 P.

to protect their homes anll property, i M. "A~ thc BrY\l Mawr H9l'pital is A rummage sale for the benefit of
01 U. A. n., no)' SC(Juts, HIue Jllckets
From Untlleshlll to l'nrticll)llte-
and those of their neighllOrs, should, the only hospital acce;;sible f01' Main the Hed Cross, under the auspices of f'Ing' Presentntillll- I-:nthusiastlc
emergency arise. , I Line re.sidents it Is urged that every- the Thimble Club, wi1l be held at 244, JlilitlU'r Ill'ullllIstrntloll 'J'hls Suu- On Wednesday afternoon. May 2,
Captain Douaghy, Chie[ o[ the Lo,:- ene i'n Narherth who feel the~" can Woodbine avenue on Saturday, April Ihl)" En'nlllg III tlIe Jlethodist I the Narberth Branch Woman Suffrage
cr Merion policel ncpart~ent, saId eontrihutc something do so at this ~8, all day. Donations will be thank- (:JlUrch. I wiII have a party at the residence of
t hat it was not thc intentIOn to or- time anJ therchy assist in supporting f\llIy receive!1 and It is requested they '" --- ,. i Mrs. W. H. Pugh, fiOI Hnverfard ave-
ganize a body of "wldlery, but merel): this worthy institution. be sent to the above address on Fri-, PatrIOtIsm IS the keynote of Impres- [nue, play to begin at 2.30 promptly,
the banding or wehling, together or '1'he 'folI~wing committee from thc day. the 27th, between the hours ?f 3 : sive religious ceremonies to be held if po,;slble. The prizes are going to
dtizens to aet as Aides to the con~ti- Women's Community Cluh will glad- and r. P. M. Skirmish around a lIttle, this Sunday evening in the Methodist he g,iven, one to a table, alI are alike,"
tuted auUlOrlties, for the suppressIOn tY receive or call for any article i[ and. you will find that you have some- l Episcopal Church on the Hill. a splendid. usefUl article, somewhat
of any po,;slble intcrnal disorders. ,:ou will communicate with them any- thing you do not need, but that some-: The Rev. R. L. ~ewls, chaplain ?f of a luxury nowadaYH anll much want-
The captain was ave..~~e to the ~a:ry- iime before May ii: Mrs. C. T. Moore, one else probably does. You can help I the U. S. BattleshIp Wisconsin, WIll ed. So come and perhaps you will be
ing of fire arm5 o[ llny deSCriptIOn, Mrs. OdelI. Mrs. 'I'. DuMarls, Mrs. C. a good I:ause with little effort and no deliver the principal address. I An the lucky one. The small sum of fifty
IO:xcepting in the vcry remote ev~nt Mattison. Mrs. W. Cameron. Mrs. Don- expense. Don't forget the date. ,American flag will be presented by cents is alI yon are asked to give for
that they bc reuqlre~I, al1dlllg neHy. l\'lrs. Roy Clurk. !\'Irs. C. P. ,MI'. M. I. French, a veteran of the the afternoon of plcasure. Try to re-
that the Lower Merion PolIce Depart- Jo'owler. Mrs. W. Livingston and Mrs.
lllent would issue a sufficient number H. Jacobs.

! Civil War. The banner Is to be re- serve the first Wednesday In May and
celved on behalf of the church by the ,;hould vou want more tickets ask
of night sticks to meet all needs. : Hon. Fletcher W. Stites. Members of anvone ~f the following committee, or,
Mr. B. T. White, of Narberth,
through whose patriotic motives, the
CONTRIBUTORS, NOTICE'. The long-looked for leeture hY. Dr. I the G. A. R.. Blne Jackets from the hetter still, have a table reserved in
Green, of West Chester, has. heen f11ml- ,battleship, Narberth Boy Scouts and your name.
idea ,of forming a protective body was : Iy planned for '1'ucsday, May 1. lothers are to participate in the ser- . Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Mrs. E. Muschamp,
first mentioned iu the borough, offer- 1"01' the past two and a half years i The subject. as heretofore announc- : vice. Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. C. Jo'owler, Mrs. J.
ell his services in the drilling in mili- the foHowlng item has appeared, Wlt,h.,:. erl. will he "The ~ature, ~nl1
tary exercises and evolutions to. all a few exceptions, in every weelt's of Wit and Humor. ~nd wllI he gIVen lecture rooms promptly at seven-
W?rth I The processional will form in the Klinger, Mrs. C. Verna, Committee.

those who carel1 to take up that lllle. issue: i III the schooi auditorIUm at 8.15 P. M. thirty and march Into the church au- The thanks of the Narberth Unit of
This is really a side Issue, however. OUR TOWN will gladly print : Admission. 35 cents. . dltorium in the following orrler: Chap- the Home Defense Reserve are due to
No member of the Reserve will be any news item about any subject : There has been so much 11Ilflculty lain Lewis with other speakers, ac- the Boy Scouts of Narb.erth, who
('xpected to drill, carry a gun or any- : that is of interest to Narbertll ; in inducing, Dr. Green to deliver one companied by a detail of Blue Jackets turned out to assist In the work of
thing of the kind, as there Is no ne-, folks, but In order to meet the : of his lcdures In Narberth, that we from the battleship. members of the organization. They were very heartily
cesslty for it now, but should he de-! printing schedule, all "copy"- i (rust everyone will take advantage or G. A. R., the enllsted men of the con- applauded, When they gave their

~ake tl~5:
!'lire to acquire a knowledge of and i manuscripts-must reach the edl- this opportunity to hear oue of the gregatlon, Boy Scouts escorting the slogan. Chief Donaghy, head of the
part in military T exercises, tor by 6 P. M. MO\l(lay each week. 'hest lecturers in the country. colors, teachers, officers and members Lower Merion Pollee foroo, paid' a
is his opportunity. No doubt ma ~! And still many of our good con- of the Sunday school. Members of tribute to them, and called on them
will be glad to jump at the chance. I I tributors who help so much toward- 1", ~. '1'0 nl-:IJIVf;R }[,UL military organlzatiolls wl1J be in uni- to assist by 'I'eporting anything to the
only for the sake of the physical ben-I making Our Town a success, continue 1'0 AI,I, ]IEN IN SERVICE form. Reserve that might come under their
efits that it offers und the assurance to mail their "copy"-manuscript-on A large chorus choir will lead the notice. The Boy Scouts are trwined
that we will be at lea;;t partially pre-I Tuesday and even sometimes on Wed- H/'Illtln'll :lIllY Not Know. Where congregation in singing, patriotic to b.e observing, and would be a very
pared for what might. happen. h~n nesday~the very day 011 which this The" Ar/' nut T,etters Will Find hymns and the National anthem. The valuable adjunct to the Reserve, should
Thursday evening, the 26th, Mr. W l~ paper is mailed It Is imperative tilat Them pastor, Rev. C. G. Koppel, is to con- any disturbances arise.
will be at Elm Hall ready to mee~ a all items must be in the editor's hands l"or the benefit of those whose rela- duct the ceremonies.
,those who desire to take advan ag,e 011 Monday evening, as hereafter all tives are on duty for their country In order to accommodate all who may Do not forget to send your dollar
of his offer.
It was explained by the
that it was customary for eac t d n
Ch~ r~a~
items received after the specified time "somewhere in the United States," wish to attend the service additional ($1) to Mrs. Fletcher W. Stites and
will not appear in the current week's mall to the soldiers may be addressed seating capacity Is t() be prOVided. The become a member of
issue thereby In most instances mak- In care of whatever departments they l:1ervice begins promptly at seven- and' thus be doing your bit for ,our
I tl~.e ~ed C~oss,
to elect a director, wllo selec e as ing the "copy" stale news for the fol- are under. . forty-five. country.
(Continued on Fourth Page) lowing week. Department headquarters are: The
The EdJtor. Southern-Fort Sam Houston; East- I----------"----~'-"--'--'---' 1
-------- ern-Governor's Island: Central- ,
IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATESI Tile Y. M. C. A. thanks Mrs. Cnar- Chicago; Western-San Francisco. I ATTENTION, H01tIE GUARDS
Friday-April 27th, 7.00 P~ M., lotte Foote, for the $40 reooived, {rom In case it is not known in which
Circus. the splendid and largely attended en- department the man serves address There will be a meeting of the Home Guards Ilt Elm lIall, Thurs.
Wednesday-May 30th, all· day tertainment held on February 26, in letters In care of the Adjutant Gen- day night, at 8 o'clock, for the porpose of drilling. All those who are
Memorial Exercises, Field Elm Hall. Her work, in behalf of the eral's office, War Department, Wash-
day. . interested in socII will kindly be on hand promptly.
association, 16 grea.tly apprecia.ted Ilnd ington, where proper disposition will
highly esteemed. B. T. WHITE.
be made of them.
.NARBERTH, l>A.--OUI~ '!"OWN--APRIL 26. IU17


Mrs. C. '1'1 Moore A. J. Loos

: Mrs. Roy E. Clark Henry Rose
Earl 1<'. Smith W. '1'. Melchior
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
or course, we
deliver - any
p I ace - any

q. M. Henry
ASMociute Editors. A drug store in the most modern sense of the term
Cusbier. NARBERTH WINS recreation walking. Why don't YOll. "'('I,A ult:n LETTEU8 AT
join a club at Overbrook, Merion or 'AnnEU'fli l'OSTOFnCI-;
H. C. GARA. PRACTICE Wynnewood, where YOll can play the
game any day? s. :\1aclclen
Advertising Malinger. Mrs. Sara O'Hara
SOOIl be time to hear from th<! \lain Mr. H. Atkin
Line Fishing Club. Those deep sea Mr. St.ephen Brog-an
naV'igators have been talking ovel' past Anna Dasch
performances all winter, bllt, as a mat- :\1iss ,Josephine Finegan
ter of fact, they suffered more I rom: Mr. Walter Bennger
sea. sickness last summer than from ~:. S. lIun-s. I"ostmastel'.
backs strained by carrying home loads·
of fish.

ender tll(· UirecUon oi I'. W. Huss.
illr,:-er. Uelined I"lIotol)luY8 Evel'J
1'lIesdll,.. "'rJdll,. nnd Suturday.
I,'ri., April 27-Florenee La Badie in
filII. "1'he Fin· Flllllts oi ·..·10," 5 parts.
Sat., April 28-The regula!' fine pro-
SCHOOL NOTES gram or "'J'rillllr,:-It·.. Pictures.

All out next Saturday for the first

big game of the season. We expeet
about twenty-five men from Tony
Biddle's Camp to drill before the
The Merion Title & Trust Co.
2% Interest Paid on Checking Accounts
~% Interest on Savings Accounts


Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays Until Noon. ...

Friday Evenings from 7 Until 9 o'Clock.


SUBSTITUTION t'Irst AnnUJlI Bonquet 11 Groot Succ:ess
Niesen's Bakery
The last meeting of the Boy Scouts,
Anthracite Coal
An Unprofitable Poliey A,prll 20, 1917, was held In the C(jm~
munlty Room of the Y. M. C. .Po., In
the form of a banquet In celebration ot

the first anniversary of the organlza- 1--------·--------

tion of the troop. There w.ere twenty-
Cake, Rolls. Pies.
Candy. Ice Cream
We helieye no more Solid r'oundation can be laid for permanent SllC-; four scouts present-all In full unl-
('ess than the prestige and reputation of meeling people's wants. Mystery! form. Only two sc~uts were ahsent ·
alwayR creates suspicion, and that IS . whv we make persistent . elfort to ha ve Both of . them
ed b were
tl Isick, howev.er,
I t anll MEATS of Narberth, Pa.
• ' . i were miss y, Ie l' assoc a es.
every sale open and above boaI'll without a hint of even attempted substl- i Han. Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. Edw. ITI QUALITY
tulion. We cannot suhslitute our ~Wll or other products. for trade marked' Shaw. the Scout Commissioner: 1\11'. Y. M. C. A. BUILDIND I AM AT THE SERVICE OF
or standard goods called for by eustomers, and he honest to ourselves, our, H. C. Gara, Local Scout Councilm'l1l:
customers and to the manufacturer who has helped dlred trade to us. i Mr. Shaeffer, Y. M. C. A. Secre:al'Y; THE PUBU£ OF NARBERTH
That's wh~' you never find us so short-sighted as to grab at an Immedla.te Mr. W. A. Cole, Scoutmaster; Mr. Hen- _ AZ PE L L'8 Automobiles to hire at all hours of day
long profit at the expense of losing your more valued good will, and tl1e: ry Howes, Assistant Scoutmaster, and '{I;.lof Music Store and night.
future business of a satisfied customer. Plain old-fashioned honesty Is our' Mr. H. C. Poor were guests of t.he SABlE CENSORE• PhoDe 1289 or 625
scouts. 32 t:.st LanCIIster Avenue
watchword. I'rcserilltlolls t'lIled ,\\1 ](ollrs, nil)' lind Night 'rhe scouts wish publicly to t.hank " ARDMORE, PA. Artistic Hairdressing, Electrical Treatment,

.AIIlerlcan Wn\', ::Ilanlcurlng
the fol.lowing ladles. for tll~ir work In VICTOR VI(;TROLAS AND RECORDS
preparing and servlllg their banqcet:
Mrs. W. A. Cole, Mr. Henry Huwes,
I "Why Go to the City'" A. M. CASE
Scalp Treatment, Facial lIIassage, D)·elng.
• • • , Sr., Miss Bertha Piggott and :\lrs. Bleaching, ClipPing, Singeing, Shamlloolnl',
Robt. Snyd.er. AIHm";SSISn ~IAIL ~IATTElt
242 Haverford A\Ie., Narberth
The Busiest Corner in Narberth After the banquet short addre!;!les
were made by Messrs. Garn. Shaeffer,
'1'0 LONnON, };XGLA.NI>
Phone, Narberlh 302-.1

Slites, Howes and Cole who were ~ol- The city of London, England, has
uf the following will form in the iec- lowed by Mr. Shaw with his iII us- been divided Into postal districts, and
'Lure room promptly at 7.30 and lllarch tra-ted talk on "Camping," for w!lich all householders have been advised or
into the church: Chaplain Lewis ac-' we had be.en waiting so long, He tUhl! the Initials of the districts in which, OUR PIIODUCTS ARE' GUARAN1EED
MERION MEETING HOUSE. companied by detail of Blue Jar:kets us about the camp In the Perklo'l1en, they are located and the number or i UNO RBACfERIOLOGiCALCONTROL
Merion Meeting House is opened f::r 'from the hattleshlp. Members of the' -"Camp Delmont"-which belongs to the office delivery for each street men-I .
worship every First-day at 11 A. G. A. H.., I\arberth Boy Scouts, en-, the scouts of Delaware and Mont- t1oned. cor:espondence in I'uture Pasteurized Milk \ CElJltERJES
M, Visitors are cordially welcome. listed men of the congregation, all i gomery counties, from which combina- should bear 111 the address also the B I I C 1111 d --'....;;.,;;,...."-'-..;..;_
A registry book Is kept for visitors. classes and teachers In the maill de-' tion the camp gets Its name. It was number indicating the proper office of rync: °'M~lk er e WEST PHILA.
All are asked to register their names. partment of the .sunday school. ,a very interesting Lecture, being illus- delivery. Americans corresponding' (Pedrlallc: Sodety) OVERBROOK
Prof. C. B. Cochran expects to be Additional seating capacity wlll he trated by pictures taken tbere in ] 316. with people in London. please take Spedal "Guernsey" MERION
with us on First Day, th.e 22nd. prOVided. : Mr. Shaw then told us about the l notice. Milk W\'NNEFIELO
)I1d·Week )IeetJng I
Camp Delmont SaVings Fund In Which By order of Second A,;sistant Post- (Roberts'&: Sharpless' BALA.CYI\W\,D
8'1.'. MARGARET'S CHURCH. An old-fashioned "Love Feast' has a scout gets a card from his scout- master-General. Oalrles) NARBERTH
Early Mass on Sunda.y f~'OIlI .;t"t'll: been arranged for prayer service tl~is master divided Into fortY-;;'Jven i Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE;
lilt to October 31st at C.30 A. M. From i Wednesdar night. Come anll enjoy squares, each larg.e enough to ho:d a i };~LIS'I'IXC: SfllOOl,noys Table and Whipping WYNl\E."(JOO']
November 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. 'this unique service. ; savings stamp which Is sold by the I WII,I, Itt;C,,;IYt; nll'J.(DL\S Cream .•
i scoutmaster for ten cents. When a:
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the
year. Masses on holydays, 6.aO and
lIome )Iuslcal
Mrs. Miller Burkhardt, of 1.00 l\1.1ple Iscout gets his card full of stamps he I Lower Merion township Board or
830 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening avenue. with the assistance of spleIl-1 can go to Camp Delmont for one weel, , Education lws voted to award diplo-
devotions and other services at regula.r did talent from the city will give a and pay 1~ls ~oard by presenting 1lis I mas to memhers of the senior class I
times. musical In her home this Thur:'daYI' card, willch IS only redeemabl.e at: of the Lower Merion High School. at
night at eight o'clock. Silver offer- Camp Delmont. 'Ardmore, who enlist for actual mlli- 46th and Parrish Sts.
TilE PRESnYTERIAN CHURCII ing for th.e cause of Home Missions. The meeting then adjourned. Ii tary duty in one of the regular brandl-! - - - - - - - - - - - - _
Uev. Jolin Ylln Nesll, Minister
Men and women of the congregation
are cordially Invited.
The Tltlrtleth SlIIlIlo)"
Scout Edltc.ri>.
es of the service.

I W.
The meetings for next Sunday are. One new scholar was en,rolled in the A.T TIlE ARt'.\llE i I'lIcklng, Crating, Shipping
as follows: Junior department last Sunday. The "nEJIOXSTRATION SUI'PER" I FURNITURE
10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. i school has rejoiced in receiving 'ww SEItVEn TO NAUnEItTllI'f};S For the first time within seveI'll 1
'11.00 A. M.-Public worship. Ser- , scholars every Sunday for Ihirtr months Charlie Chaplin w:ill app.ear Upholstering nnd Repairing
mon them.e, "The Pre-emlnencr- of: consecutive weeks. Last Thursday' evening a Demon-; In a two part comedy at the Arcade Phone, 641-W.
Christ." stration Supper was served to 13l) per-' T heatre, T ues day, May 1 . i n "A "Ig ," It
7.00 P. M.-Chrlstian Endeavor:. ,\ LI, SAINTS'-· Po t~.- ~HURCft. sons In the Y. M. C. A. Community I at the Show." This will inaugurate ;- -.
meeting. . .. I Room. More would hav.e been around the beginning of "Anniversary W~ek,"
I Wllft.J1Isn's Chocolates and
8.00 P. M.-Evenlng worship. Ser- i ncr. Andrew S. Burke, Pastor. I the tables could they have been seated., of the first year of high-class photo- Douglass' Home.Made Candles at
mon theme, "The Challenge of Inves-:. ---. , > -,,/ This affair was given by Mr. Rol- plays under the pres.ent management.
ehurch NoteH.
'I he serVices at All Saints I.... lins as the representative of manu- Friday of the same week will be the
,Church, Montgomery and Wynnewo()ll fact~rers of food products In co-opera- I first of the famous "Bluebird" pic-
. At the annual congregat,lOn. meet-: avenues, for next Sunday are as fol-! tion with the LadLes' AU~lliary of the tures, which wiII continue every Frl-i Good OId.Fashlonell. JIome.lIlade
mg he~d last Wedn,esday e\elllng en:i 'ows : . I y . M. C. A. Primarily, It's an adver-Iday. A most unusual "Triangle" }'udgc. Tile Kind TJuit ~Iotlier Used
couragmg r.eports were prese~t~ll b~ i 8.0~ A. M'-I!0ly COmmll1l1on. I tlsing stunt; but one without objec- production will be pres.ented au the to lIIake
all .the vaMOUS church .orgalllzations: 9,4" A. M.-Sunday SchOOl.. I tionable features. I
In fact, dt was a Saturday night of this week. Pictures
for the ch~rch y~ar en~mg March 31,
1917. Durmg tlns period the. l'hurch I serlllon.
11.00 A :\1.--Hol)' eOllllllunlO1l and most enjoyable social occasion and of merit will continue throughout the
held no disappointment as to eats. summer, and the management i"olicits H. C. FRITSCH
has expended $6476. Of tillS sum: :tOO P. :\I.-Contirmation elass in· After grace bY Mr. Hopper. the YuU,' }}at.ronage. ProperUes For Bent and Sale
$ 5150 was for the loeal l'hl\rl'h ex- ·._\."t\·(111' . _ Fire Insurance
..' ~ .. " :>. "Star-Spangled Banner" was heartily -
p.enses an? ~1326 for missionary ob- 4.00 P. M.-Evenlng prayer. sung by all In attendance amid the Bell Phone S09 W.
jects. ThiS IS a large advance over· An Invitation is extended to every
all prevIous ye?,rs:
TI' t i wav ng a
Ie pre.en 10lle .who can possibly attend the~c liberally decorated with flags
I f ft
e la wa3 very Y. M. C. A. NOTES
Wall BulldJng. NarlJerth, P..
church membersillp IS 312. . I services. no matter whether you go bunting A Innn that 'Whl~pflr8 down a well.
The Sunda)!: school also presented to All Saints' Church or not 'I ICY 'FI t I St't " d I A CW";lS'fIO~: "'II,), YOl: llt:I,l' USf , About the gOOds he hilS to HeJl,
. . . ~on. e c ler I es rea a reso u- Cnn't J'eal> NO many goJden doJlanl.
an encouragmg report. The lllcreas.e ;\olaY 27 Is the date set for confirma.- ti I d I t f tl As one who climbs a tree and holle~••
In attendance and enrollment has been tlon . Those desiring to join the Call-I b1lo n pte gtl ngpsu~Pdor t ~ I ~e aso;;em'
. . . ' age 0 Ie reSl en m ns presen t
Your loeal secretary is striving I
very grabfymg. Sixty-two new names firmation class, kindly give your, . i' It d I hard to hring the membership of t.he
have been added during the year, mak- names to the rector. ,I cr~I:S' ffwt s a opte.l... d th "Y. M." up to the 200 mark. You call
In the resent enrollment 307. . , N h d Ie a a r was glV"n un er ,e
. Church busses leave r arbert an 'leadership of Mrs David StickneY who help now by Inviting and bringing
g p
Gr.eat prepa.ratlons are being made 'I W~'nnewood stations at 1040 on Sun-' . t d b ' II I . r' I your friends to the building so that
by this church f or the enter t a In.llen , t day mornings They ride .you to and wasT assls e .Y a mem Jers a t Ie they may get all Idea of the equipment
of the Presbytery of ~orth Philadl!l- fr~m the chu~Ch free of charge' so,· aUT XII ~ar'y' tl tl' d b' tl for physical development as well as - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - _
· on nex t T ues day. TIlere WI'11 Ie' • , liS asdIe' llIr l 'Ighsuccess d Ie re-r the opportunllles for service In helP-I
Ph la
a. morning and aftet"lloon session a t '
) by all means, use them.
_ __
auxi ar~ as ma e 0 Ing others. Before Purchasing
the church to which the public Is in-' t;rA~(;EI. 11,\1"1'18'1' (:UlJllCII. . social ,events that. have dli'ect~r The sodal side of the work should I Anything
vited. It is expected that there will ,I)enefitted the Y. M. C. A. treasurer ill appeal t.o them stronglY.
be about 125 ministers and elders' Hn. ,1ulln (:uI'doll; n. J)., AcUng ,generous mea~ure and the effort.s of This invitation Is especially dlre~t- SoImportantasaHome
present. The Ladles' Aid Soci,ety willi 1'lIlltor. ,the . •.....omen should he great):, ap- ell to those of you who are newcomers .
serve luncheon for them at 12.30 In preclated.
to our beautiful town. 'The associa- take a look through my new
the Y. M. C. A. Sunday services: ---- lion wants to give you a hearty wel- houses on the brow of the
At the annual eleclion of tri1stee~ 9.45 A. M.-Bible school. Classes
held last Wednesda~' evening. Mo:,srs. for all ages. Men's and Women's
SUFFRAGE NOTES eome and ma'ke yOll feel "right at hill, two on NfI.rberth Ave.
home," hoth In the town and at the and three on Forrest Ave.
Colesworthy and Shand were re-, Blbie class led by Dr. Gordon. "Y. M:' I
elected, and Mr. H. C. Obdyke was I Everybody . welcome and especlally The liquor eomblne succeeded In, Dr~p a carl~. or better, stop ~n andiW M. E. SM ED LEY
elected in place of Mr. C. X. Beddall.' those who are not connected with an:y defeating the· suffrage bill In the
who, becau~.e of his ahi"ence from, other school. House of Representatives on Tuesday
tlll~ It over '\~Ith Mr. Schaeffel. LetI BUILDER
Narberth, has resigned. ' 11.00 A. M.-Morning worship; SU\I- last, only three votes more needed us mterest you. NARBElRTH PA
Membership in the loeal "Y. M." • •
ject. "Greut and Precious Promises." to l'arry it through. Almost the next analyzed: I
)U;'1'IIOIHST ":1'18eOl'AI, elluuen I 7.00 P. M.--Young Pe~ple's meetmg day Rhode Island granted suffrage I
"'file Uttle Cliurch on the JIm"
. In ehal'g,e of Group 1\0. 1. Leader, to her people, mal<lng the sbcth State $;; 01' full privileges
Lester Peters. Mr. D. Paul Rogel'S to do so since the first of the year.
Senim· Uel1artJllcIlt

$2 or limited privile~es
28 i Nine room nd b tho h t t
will be the speaker. Let every mem- The regular monthly meeting of the $a O\' I '1 1' s a a, a wa er
sunllner PI' VI eges . Iheat, electric lights; high ground. Lot
Cllrlstlllll H. KOllpel, l'llstor ,bel' be present and bring a friend. :'\arherth h1'l1neh will be held Friday,
, 7.45 P. M.-Evening worship; sub- May 4. :{ p. M., at 112 Essex avenue, - - l)Ox125. For quick sale, $5000.
Tota} seniors 87: CALnWELL k CO
Sunday services.: i ject. "The Three Crosses:" 1\1rs. William Cameron being tl~ .Junlor Uepartllwllt I •
9,45-Sunday school. Classes 1'01' ' Wednesday, April 25. 8 P. :\1.- hostess. $3 or full privileges 52
all ages. Prayer and praise meeting.
1l.00-Mornlng worship. Sennon h~' Gordon will lead, SUbject, "Commullit~·
H,\lI" HAY
$1 or full privileges 1'01' 4 months 1Ii
10e weekI)' fOl' year !l
George B. Suplee
the pastor. Clean-Up." Every member shoulll trY' Steam & Hot Water Heating
7,45-Patrlotlc service. Addre!'R by and attend. To hI' Held the SIWIIlIlI SlItlll'du)' III
Chaplain R. L. Lewis. of the U. S Bat- thurch NoteI' )111)'-)111)' 12 $2 women's privileges ............ 17 1
77 Plumbing
tleship Wisconsin. Flag pres.eutf.lion We will only have Dr. Gordon with Bell Telephone.
by Mr. M. I. French, veteran of the us for two more weeks, let us shO\\7 Leal'n how to eare fOI' you\, baby Grand total 181
Civil War. The Hon. F. W. Stltec; will our appreciation by every member at- 111iring the summer months. See the
receive the flag for the chu.rch. Mem- tending the Sunday services and the mOVing, pictures.
For the benefit of those who are
tennis enthusiasts and others the local Frank Crist
bers of the G. A. R. and Narberth prayer meeting.
Boy Scouts will participate In tlw ser-
Bring )'our little ones. All ai'e wel- nSRoc1ation offers the use of Its build- . MEATS & PROVISIONS
eome. lng, Inl'llllllng good shower bat.hs at I
vice. Patriotic music, singing and I Some men learn by doing and sonB Remember the place-Arcade TItea-, a special rate of $3, from May to. Hiah Grade Butter
decora.tions. Processional consisting; learn by being done. lre. Helllemhel' the du te-May 12. I Oetoher. Investigate now. Telephone-Narberth 6... A.
completion, the fete comes at an o'p-

Furol·ture Moved Freteght Hauled portune time,as on account of the

war the use of the hospital with the
Perhaps All Husbands Need Not
Be Treated Like This
Express Packages Carried. Trunks Called for and Delivere~
services of the sistcrs, and th~ help
of the 300 women who form the aux-
Passenger Automobiles - earnIng lllary, wHl be extended to Ule govern- But every girl and every
W ALTON BROS. Nart~~~~72
ment to use at its discretion. , married woman-yes, and
every man, too-should know
something about the proper
RICHARD F. DENVER fOIlOWing~e regarding our
\ownTheFletcher treatment of husbands. Be
;;ure to secure tickets for
Stites, is taken from
Decorative Painting: : Paper Hanging I "The S~ranton Times" of Apl'll :1:
Ellis Parker Butler's play,
. y,
HarrIsburg. Pa.• April 21.-Wlt11 the
ARCADE B..,IL • base ball season in full swing, it oc-
Paper Ha"::in;: represellleJ by 21 LANCASTER AVE., ARDMORE curs to one tllat there is a gentle- to be presented by the Junior
_.~):I~~l:her __ .. man in the house, Hon. Fletcher W. King's Daughters, at the
Stites. of MontJ:omery county; who
HARRY B. WALL made history on the college diamond
some years ago just as he is now
Arcade Theatre
Plumbing, Gas Fitting carving out an enviable record as a ON MONDAY
and Heating first termer here. U. of p. men on
Ticket., 35c and SOc
the northeastern tier, no dOUbt, recall
NARBERTH. PA the tall, lanky chap who held down
third for the Red and Blue in 1902,
BOYLE'S MARKET ·HOUSE 'O:l and '04; the fellow who could pick Mr. Patton, of Woodside avenue. a the use of the Hall free. for any fur-
up the hot ones and send them across, yeteran of the Spanish War, offered ther meetings that may be held and
n. J. ROSE~lUnGY, Proprietor to first in a jiffy, and who, when at to teach a corps of buglers. Mr. Pat- due notice of the next meeting will
hat. kept the hoys in the outfield busy ton thoUg)lt there should he several he sent out shortly. The hat was pass-
Prime Meats hunting for tile sphere. Stites, be- in the lown and cordially invites as: cd arouIllI to take care of some small
Home Dressed poultry. BUller, EI:~s and Game. I
cause of his letting it be known that many as may desire it. instruction in: expenses that had been incurred and
Panev Fru<t and Veget"hlos. "A STORE FOR
PARtiCULAR PEOPLE" he intended to be a free agent this the use of the instrument. : the "loan was greatly over subscrib-
Te,ephone. NARBE:RTH. PA. season as far as the game of Politics' Application forms were passed around ec\.'· Those who haven't signed up i
Hetty Baxl>llr's G08slll. as played on Capitol Hill is concern- and were quickly filled up and signed' should sce the Postmaster at once and
cd. was sent in to deep center-he has hy almost ever)' man present at the obtain an application form.
Haye you started a vegetahle gar- a seat in the second last row. If the meetinl!:. Those who did not attend' That brings up the name of Ed.
LOAN ASSOCIATION lden? men who organized the house figured ma)' ohtain copies of the forms from: Haws. whom we have purposely pass-
that SHtes' throwing arm would be the Postmaster. It needs no prophet i cd over so far to give him his right-
l<'lowers are pretty bllt )·ou cannot crippled through him being placed or wiseacre to predict that every ful p·lace in the climax. This is that
Notice is hereby given that eat them. well near the "fence" they came in for right-mind cd. red-hlooded citizen of place ancl in it we read as follows:
bv resolution of the Board of a shock once the game got under way. :'Iiarherth wllI hasten to accept this· '" .
Directors of the Narberth Mrs. Elery K. Taylor is entertain- He gave them a rude awakening when chance to helong to an organization: I
F"d. Haws was respomnble for the
Building & Loan Association, iug her mother front hiladelphia. tile Sproul probe resolution was uP. I whose objeet is the protection of home! meeting," That ought to be honor
sending in many hard line drives. It and family. . ; fnoug)l for anyhod)',
a special meeting of Stock-
holders will be held on Thurs- We have noticed a big improvement was the Montgomery man's maiden ef- The Firc Department has offered. (To Be ConCluded Next Week)
day, May :l, 1917, at 9 o'clock in a number of local stor.e windows. fort on the "field" here. He more than
made good. He is generally conceded
P. M., at the general meeting to be about tilC best talker in the
place of the Association, Elm Farm labor lis scarce and it is pre-
Hall, Narberth, Pennsylvania, dicted that the cost of living will be he was graduated from Pennsylvania,
to take action on the approval higher this year.
or disapproval of a proposed U G C
house. Mr. Stites is a lawyer. When

he took up tlle practice of law

f 30') Montgomery cOllnty and in Phlladel-
Narberth Register
Two Linel, lOc per issue; Sc for each additional line
increase of capital stock from Prof. ~nd Mrs. ,0{. • asner. 0 "phia. He makes his home at Narherth.
$1.000,000 to $2.000,000. II South Nar~erth aV~llue: spent last a suburb along the main line of the ,\CCOV:ST,\STS CriNt. I·'runk Phone. 644-W.
week-end III AtlantiC City. ' P TI I f Na b tI tart Gr.'"ne. Andrew Se" dlsplllY advertisement In this Issue.
ennsy. le peop C O l ' r er 1 S - r. Chestnllt ave. Phone, 6ii-M. MILK
THOMAS C. TROTTER, Jr.• An' donation~tlle Br:rn ~iawr eel Mr. Stites on his political career Keirn, n. C, lIalmha..h, A. Phone, Cynwyd 766-'V.
, ) hy lll'lking him !lllrgess. Last vear ~o~ Duello)' ave. ArillresN, Narberth P. O. Box 415.
Secretary. 'Hospital fete may be sellt to Mrs. Wm. . ' . - . AJ)\'Jo:RTISIl'(J ISeoU-I'owell nulrl"•. Phone, Preston 2398,
M Cameron 11" EsseX avenue. : they deCIded to send him to Harrls-, Co..·• W. Arthur Phone. ~:l2-H. See display arlvertlserncnt in this issue.
FLETCHER W. STITES, . • "'. 'hurg. He hall the politicians, big and 'I leleas, plalls" CO~y. A:t. T)·pograp,h . y I 1\IOUTGAGES •
SimpMnn, Jt1mp~ C. 232 J';ssex: a \'e.

Solicitor. • I little aga'inst him in the primary but ,\UCIIITF.CTS ASH nUII.UJo.RS Phone. 636, or 1420 Chestnut Bt.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Churchlll, of .
Connecticut are visiting Mr a.nd ~drs pulled thronglt nevertheless, wmmng
. '.

Chas. H. Churchill, of Ess~x avenue: by a clOSe lllargin of sixteen votes. Censor.... SObleAUio01\~~~.ILJo:S
Roron.kl 01U1 Comeron.
10i Chestnut ave. Phone. 608. 1I1V81C
..\zl)ell'N 1\IUHic 8tort~1 Ardmore. Phone l072.. J.
See displny ad'"ertblement tn this issue.
He had easy salling in November. The See display ael"ertlsement In thIs Issue. Cowtn. T. Stuart. Plnno Teacher.
~06 :\Ierlon av•. Phone. Narberth 347-R.
Dr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Cameron. of Montgomery legislator arrayed him- JI·;I~,~trX."~',:·rb~~tl;'I,~~~.m~:;:~e~~, 664.

A RCADIA 1.00•• Fonn,' 11. Plano Teacher and Accom-

CHEsTNUT,Bel.16th S' 112 Essex avenue gave a dinner Oll. self against Baldwin for speaker. All :\leClelllln, W. IS...J. I'. AcknOWledgements panist. 417 Haverford ave. Phone, 316-J.
Htutlln. ~o. Ii Arcncle Bhlg., Narberth.
Finest Photoplay The-
atre 01 1111 Size In .he
Entire World.
. • .
Monday evelllng III houor 0 • rs. .
lmogel;,e B. Oakley.
f M tllrOugll
I· th
session he has
! a spirit o~ independence that is genu-
displayed and
I allld'l\·!ts, automobile
hrs, I~ to I and "fter " P. M.
.. ' " DA~ERS
IIc..nses. Otllce NOTAUY I·UHI.IC
Jeff..rl"•••J. II. 11 I Narberth ave.
Phone, ~66·M.
Photoplays-Continuntu lOA.. M.to 11.30 Inc and Slllcere and that has won for IMI.... n. I. I hone, 35.-.1.
See displa~' udvertisement In this issue. OI'TICIA~lS
P.M. :
Jo·enton. Curl F. 506 Essex ave. Phone. 638-W.
Philo., Pa. 1'he regular monthlr 1l1ceing of the I him the good will of all factionalists. HAXKIS Phllll. ueldress. 1806 Chestnut st.
I • • I I-I .. ta.llt I mand by members 1\lerion Title &: Tru.t Co. Phone. Ardmore 3.
: Women's AUXiliary of tile Narberth e IS In cons ce See dlsplal' advertisement In this Issue. l'AClnXG, MO\'UW. ETC.
PROGRAM Y. M. C. A. will be held in the bulld- i Of the house who, .too bashful. to make nARlU:US lIartmon. "·Ol. JI.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Jo:l'TIIU: Wt:t:t, t)Jo' ,\I'1U1. ~:I : ing on Thursday, April 26, at 2.30' a speech, go to hIm to explam to the Sn::rri'ia,~~~~'rel ave. rAINTEItS
Trillngl" I·r.·...nt. . promptly. : hOUse the merits of tbeir respective IILACKS~IITIIIS Col". Jome. It.
246 Haverford ave. Phone 1225 .. .1.
Tht· ThomON II. lnt'., ~lIllt.·r,·IM~d })ruth...tlOJl i b k b SUIter ••" ~\ n°. (•• CumnJf'r. Pholl£,. 12-62 ·,V.
WIJ.I,UM S. JlAltT ,hiIls. Mr. StitES. gett ng ac to ase 7~8 '~Io~tg~mery ave. Phone, 328.
:!to Elmwoud ave.. Narberth.
In Jo"lrNt l're"'·lIl1.t1oll of l<'rlends of Mr. anll Mrs. Clement: hall. HtiIl follows tile' national game. nUIU)EUS Uenver. Ilichurd 10'. Phone, Ardmore 39.
"'fln; III\S":U'l' ~)A~" Booth regret that tlley are I ' II-Ic e I d tl Ie Ma i n L'n J e in hit - Sm"dl",·. "'IIl. ll. Phone, 600.In this Issue.
,\.ld..d ,\tlr,u.tjon
.\Iondll,". Tn".du)" ..lid W,·dm-..hl)·
MUS. VJo:UX{):,\ C,\STI.Jo:,
eavlllg i
:·:-;arberth for Springfield, Mass. We: ting last season and promIses
:hope hO\.wever, they may decide to reo : dnplicate this year.
I e ~ agu~ .
to I
See ,ilsplny '\llvertlsement
CA:SIl1". Jo:TC.
1l,,,·I•• II. ]~. Phone. lZi,4-W.
See display ad\,ertlHCnlent In this Issue.
Walzpr, }'red.
117 'Vlnsor ave. Phone, 1247-J.
In tlu' Thlrh'.'nUt ChllJlh'r of , I • See dho\p 1a).' :.u.lvertixement tn this h~Nue. Witt... Geo. A. 320 Woodbine ave.
l'ew Chul.!t·r Weeld,·
'J·hur.du,", I,'rldu," Illld Sutnrdu)"
turn to Xarberth 111 the fall.
A part.\' of young people from ~ar- I
Jenkins. Ch"t;. I•.
103 Dudle)" ave. Phone, 3S2-~I.
Phone, 1203-\V. First-Class work.
}'08ter, SOIllI. lV. Phlla. address, 1011 Chest-
Add..d AtlrndlonN
0. IIt:l'IO"S
1':~""I,l\omllly 1I111111lll CllIIrnett-r St"r,'
berth had a theatre party on Satur- (Continued from First Page)
da" at the Lyric Tlleatre. Among man"" Aides as lle thou.ght were ne-
Cook, C. I'. Pholle, 302·W.
CO,'-L. Jo~TC.
See dlsplny ~~,'OI\.~:TrtRlsAemCTeOntRSI!' this Issue.
nut 8t. 131 :\Ierlon ave. Phone, 1233-J.
I'JlOTO 1'1,,\YS
,,\rCRt]e Tht"utre" Narberth.
")'A8'1' ON"; A'l' ROON"~Y'S" Se...1Isplay ad'·ertl.ement In this IBSUe.
AI.o Xew Chul'h-r or llllmur'K l,h'lnl{ )Ioolt those seen there were Miss Virginia ceH~ary. ln a short. crIsp speech, Mr. I Shand. ,\. C. ,Jr. Commercial Trust Bldg.. "Ar..adln." 16th and Chestnut sts.. Phil&.
J J 'L .,

of Xatur.~"Tllta·: ,\l'IlIIAI.S." Downes. Miss Augusla Witherow, ,V1iss L~os nominafel1 Fletcher 'V. Stites as Phlla. Phone. s~;~NeT;~i;; Narberth 1214-J See display advertisement In this Issue.
~:;~I~lo:;.~~~~U~r~:::lJ.~:r."~t~ ~~I~,tU~'~~;;: Margaret May.es, Miss Jane Laird. director and, before you could say Orr. Ur, A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, 393-W. Suplee. GI'O. H. Phone, 12S9.
2.00 :l.41i, 1i.45, 7.4i\. 1M» I'. 1\1. Miss Ruth Jones and Miss Mildred "Jack Robinson," the meeting had sec- Phlla. Phone, IF)'RIlVbeGrGtI4s~T'5s2, Keith Bldg. See (lisplay advertisement In this tssue.
:-;,\TlJIU);U':-; ANlI 110J.lll,"·8-10. 11.4" Wall. II. n. Phone, 319-J.
A. M.. 1.:10. 3.15. 1i. lI.40. K.~O nntl 10 r. M. Harris. ended the nomination and elected our FJ"dler·•. Phone, 625. See display advertlHement In this Issul.
___ "'reatly and deservedly esteemed fel- See display udvertls,:n1ent In this Inue. REAl. ESTATE
1 eo • .. Howllrd'H. Phone. 126 •• Caldw..11 It Co. Phone, 1271-W.
COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES : At Wynnewood, Mrs. C. R. ""iJder. low citizen, direetor of the !\arberth
: of Hathaway lane, returned to her Unit Heme DefenRe Reserve. Then
I "
See dlsplu)' ndvertlsement In this Issue.
Pugh, Yerl 220 lonn. ave.
See display advertisement In this tssue.
Frltseh. II. C. Phone, 252· W.
S..e display advertisement In this Issus.
,home Saturday to discover that her it waH that OUI' l"letcher stood up and Xllr. Pho!'e, ~"O·W. Ard. Ph?ne. 163-J. Godfre,', "'10. D.
'rhe "Nature Day" program of' the; maid had disappeared with several ac{'epted the joh and its responslbll- "HSII AND OYSTE~S 114 ,ypodslde ave. Phone. 685-W.
'C it ('I b roved one' • Inlperlal (.roc.. r~· Co. Phone, Narberth 60G. Nash, Robert J. Phone, 605.
Women s ommUn)' ,u P ! hund'l'ed dollars' worth of clothes and iUes-he cOlllttn't have done othenVlse, See dlsplllY n.'t,·ertlsement In this Issue. 1II0ney for First and Seeond Mortgages.
Or the most interesting for the year. i jewelry. Lower Merion pollcl'men ('v en if he had wanted to-which he (;ARnSEUS YOHt. \VOl. E. 209 Chestnut ave. Phone. Nar.
1285·\V, with Harbert & Claghorn. MaIn
F{)llow ing the busincss of the day.: traced the woman, Mabel Smitl~. a didn't. Hc nlade his \lsual good Yowell, 101 ConwayJo·I.II..r ave. Phone. 334-J. I,lne Rcal Estate. 204 Dalley l:lldg.. Phll&.
solos were reudered Iw Miss Mueller, I I negress. to a Philad'~lpllia lorlging speech. emphasizing the value of pre- Wohlert, A, 10:. Phone, 696. OARDJo:X NUUSEun:s ROOFlN(l. ETC.
(loro-1\leOlnlt')' Co. Pllone, 1258-W.
of Philadelphia; reading by Miss M e - house and she was arrested. pareduess. even though no apparent See dlsplny advertisement In this Issue. See display advertisement In this 118ue.
choir and a paper written by Mrs. Nor- - I
danger was imminent. He said, among
man Jeffries on "Weells" was read bY. Don't forget the Na.rberth School other things, that a war meeting was In;re~rl~1B~~~c"~~\~~tl;'''~~~tf:r~;I~t~S:~::
GROCERS Miller. John A. 243 lona ave. Phone. 661-J.
Shop, Z46 Haverford ave. Phone. 1226-J.
Mrs. Donnelly. 'rhe I~tter contained. Circus this Frida.y, ~Proll 27. Follow a new experience for Narberth, for IIAULlN(;, ETC. Wetherill, 1\I1.R Maude E.
200 Dudley ave. Phone. 1260·R.
many valuable suggestlons and made, the crowd to the Hlgil School Audi- most of the residents at least. and that W~~~°':JI~;1~8~ ~S~~:lls~~~nt In this IS8ue. HEEDS
most of us re~lize hO,'V .neglec,~ful we; dorium on that eventflll evenin" and lif anyone hall predicted the existing IIEATING, STEAM AND WATEIt Ur....r. lI"nr,. A. Phone, 'VIII nut 974. Phlla.
See tllsplllY ad"prtls..ment In thiN Issue.
were of just Mothel Nature. 'be entertained by the frolics of the situation five veal'S ago. he would 1I~~rtN~"~a~berth ave. Phone. 699-J. SnOE1\IAKERS
Aftr the serving of tea by the host-· Narberth school chlldtren. We have have been rhlicliled. He then proceed. INSUltAXCE Tarn"f. lIarry
246 'Voodblne av...
('Kses" Mrs. W. Lil'ingston and Mrs: J. been practicing hard a.nd have some cd to appoint six Aides. each to cover n~\r~na~i':;~~~fl~;e~L~~~ne. 653-W. Good \"par Shoe Rellolr Shop,
Harris. tbe entire club wended its ,~ay novel stunts to sllow. Don't forget his own immelllate district, and six col- nurl:hardt. llimer Phone. 659·1\1. P. O. Box. Constantine, n. G. Y. 111. C. A. Bldg.
to the home of Mrs. Norman Jeff.nes, some loose change for refr,eshments lectlvely for the borough limits. Their J~·e~~~r;a;'lrl~'. Accident. Health. Auto. etc.) Gor.l..n StudioSTUDIO SHOP.
!lhop. 212 Grayllng ave.
there to actually witness ..some ~~ the and side shows. names are: J. Howard Wilson. W. Ar- 403 N. Narberth ave. Phone, 696-W. See display advertisement In this IS8ue.
marvelous results with weeds. as --- thur Cole. James R. Cole. Ed. S. Haws. JO~:~:J~\':hll~: ~~3dr~~s~~~~~th1\l~~~;.t~~~:: Y....l{le Tallorlnll' Co. Phone, 1203-J.
weH as to enjor the many attractions Mr. W. C. Poor ~ave a d'innf:r to Robert G. Savill. Fred Walzer. Sn,·der. Robt. See dlBplay advertisement In this IS8ue.
within her "nature shop." Everyone those members of Ius Sunday school 313 Woodside ave. Phone. 383. Schwortz. Charles Home Town Tailor.
d i h 1 Trotter Brolt. (Fire. etc.) 234 Haverford ave. Phone. 1254-J.
pronounced It. a most complete an class, last Friday even ng, w 0 lave CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ~09 Woodside ave. Phone. 12G2-R. TVPEWRITERS
novel "nature clay," enlist.ed in the Naval Coast ReJerve LAWYERS Dodll'e. E, G, 502 Essex ave.
Defense. Those ,present were Wa.lter Two cents pel" word each Insertion. cash Gilroy, Jolm 211 Essex ave. Phons. 1245-R. Phone, Narberth 638-111.
In advance. No advertisement accepted un- Phlla. address. Lincoln Bldg.
The above department should be of thl
On 1'uesda~·. May g, at 3 P. M.• wll1 Cowan, Kenneth Hamilton, F'l'ank Fos- less cash nccomplLnlee eo Pl'. Hellry, Oeo. M, 107 Chestnut ave. l'hone. 608.
greatest USe to the community. the list eon-
tel', James Cook. E. Perr)" Redifer, Jr" Phlla, address, Finance Bldg. talns the name of every profe18lonal man,
be held the annual business meeting YOIt SAI.Y..-lliock twin no-top cart for Schell, 1I0raee ]II.
children. I to a )"el\rR. Suitable to wheel tradesman. mechanic. shopkeeper. etc., wbo
of the Women's Community Club at Frank Stit
Winne Henry HQwes, Fletdler
208 Sabine ave. Phone. 1246-W.
t' f honor) Dr Romaine two or <lllTel"ent ageH. ('OBt $~3.00: will sell Stites, metcher \V. 4n Havertord &Vs. does or can In any way serve his tellow·
which time will be given a complete es gues a . , .. for $12.00. Praclleall)' now. 217 Price ave- Phone. 372-W Phlla. address, Crozer Bldlr. townsman, and WhO Is progresllve enouch
to add name to list of Register.
report by all officers and chairmen of C. Hoffman and W. C. Poor, nul'. Narbertll. LIGIITING FIXTURES
1I1cDonaid John. Narberth phone, 12S8. As It Is dlmcult tor those contrtbutlllir
committees. !lIAN ,,'AXTll "'OUK around hous.., or 1533 CheBt. st.. Phlla. Phone. Sprucs 3lU. their time and eftortl to the production of
Preparations are under way for a ~roundRr or both, dR.)" or ntonlh. lIanrl)° 1I1ANICURE, ETC. "Our To;wn" to personally either know or
All members of the Women's C2 m - Interview all auch. It would bs moat hslp-
mammoth garden fete and bazaar to "with tools. willing "nd In,lustrlous. Box CaRe, A. 1\1, Phone. 302-J.
See display advertisement I.. this l88ue. tul It those not now tound In ths printed
munlty Club are askEcl to bear in be held on the groundS of the Convent 7~~,_N_a_r_be_r_t_h.
mind that on May 22, at 1 P. M., the
latlt meeting of the year will close
26. Given for the b ena Itt OL
• tb
C new
of Merey at Merion. on May 25 and FOR SALE-At a sacrillce, hlgh-claRs bed Do)·les'.
da"enport, Bcarcely used. No reasonable
orrer retuIsd; al80 reed blLby carriage.

Phone; 398.
See dIsplay advertisement t.. thts lsaue.
Cotter, F, Phone. 1298.
llet would send In & memo ot their nlomes,
address, phone numbers and bualns888s or
protenlons tor listing. Thll will cost .. tol·
lows: 10 oents each l18us tor 2 llnM; I centll
with a box lunclleon at:\d installation See dleplay advertisement In thll l88u8. for eloch additional IIns.
Misericordiae Hospital now nearing !Cood cond.ltton. 319 Conway av..nue.
of officers,

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