Waiters. Eng 101

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Waiters 1

Alexis Waiters

October 28, 2019

English 1011

Professor Christy

Why do good People Turn Bad Online?

Humans are always kind to each other and cheer each other on whenever they achieve

something great… right ? Then why when we go online it’s a whole different story ? Why when

seeing someone in person they are nice but online they are like a demon ? Why is this really ?

Humans are compassionate with each other a lot and speak out the way they feel to one other

reasonably , why online they seem like they are directing not understanding but hate towards one

another . Human beings seem to do things when no one is around or when no one knows it is

them . The internet mostly has everyone anonymous unless said person changes it up . Even

someone as smart and wise as Grey Jenner had been stormed--- targeted online by crowds of

people just for posting simple things .

Some people feel like it’s their right to stop or say something online . When they

look to something and dislike it or think it goes against something , they would say something

about it . This can be good ! But this can also be bad . People can be reasonable and will for a lot

of times but on places like Twitter or Facebook you will look and see them on fire a lot of the

times because most of the people on their don’t know how to say it reasonably , some attack the

subject unprofessionally , through cursing and capitalized letters . Some people feel good about

this like they put the person in their place and taught them a lesson . Online mostly everyone
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doesn’t know who you are and if you do something wrong online you truly wouldn’t get a

punishment as mostly everyone doesn’t know that it’s you on the other side of the screen . The

worst you can get is stormed by a bunch of people or get in trouble with a family member or

friends if they discovered what you did , and that’s the different . “Our hypothesis is that the

design of these platforms could make expressing outrage into a habit , and a habit is something

that’s done without regard to its consequences – it’s insensitive to what happens next , it’s just a

blind response to a stimulus ,” (Crockett 30pp) Crockett really does speak for how the social

media is today and how this can effect the good of people Offline vs Online .

Offline if you do something bad or morally unacceptable you will get punished but online

for the most part of you do the same you most leave with just a few people yelling at you

because they don’t know that it was you who did it, they can’t punish you , they can’t through

you in jail unless they know you did something really wrong . But most of the time that’s not the

case. People disagree with something and unlike face to face were they’re being reasonable they

scream, curse and yell at someone else who was just stating their opinion that had no need of

being yelled at over text .

The internet houses a lot a great things but as well as a lot of bad things that help and hurt

humans, there are good people out there but also a lot of bad people too and that can create a

chaotic whirlwind effect around a bundle of topics and the people involved . The media effects

people in many ways but who knew that a certain topic online can effect the good in a person on

there as well compared to out here .

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Work Cited

Vince, Gaia ‘Why Good People Turn Bad Online.” Mosaic. 3 April 2018,

https://mosaicscience.com/story/why-good-people-turn-bad-online-science-trolls-abuse/ .Accessed 30

October 2019.

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