Waiters Newborn Care PDF

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Tommie Waiters
STUDENT NAME______________________________________

SKILL NAME__Newborn Care

___________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER____________

Description of Skill
newborn starts at the hand of their healthcare providers and must be transitioned properly to their parents for continuity of care. Appropriate
education for the parents and immediate family members regarding the dos and don'ts for newborn care should be included in the discharge
plan so that when the newborn is already safe at home, there is a guarantee that they are well-cared for by their family members.


Watch for one wet diaper per day of life for first 6
days. On day 7, infant will have 8+ dirty diapers a day. Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post)
Have baby sleep on back on firm mattress. Pre- assigned at one and five minutes outside birth. HR, respiratory effort, muscle tone,
reflex irritability, color. Score of 10, option of 0 1 or 2. HR: auscultate at apex w/ neonatal
Report to PCP High/low axillary temp (36.5 – 37.2 C) stethoscope. 0 for no HR, 1 for below 100, 2 for above 100 bpm. Note repsiraotry effort at
chest wall – 1: slow, weak cry. 2: good cry.
Report frequent vomiting, diarrhea, decreased
urination, decreased BM. Intra-Determine muscle tone by assessing flexion of extremities. 0- flaccid 1 – some
reflex. 2- flexion. Determine reflex irritability by rubbing soles of the feet. 0 – no response
1- grimace 2- newborn responded with a cry
Color – pale or blue color- 0. Pink with blue extremities (acrocyanosis) is a 1.
Assess for erythema, edema, oozing outside of
incision, temperature and tell pt to assess for these Post-Breast feeding- 1. Breast feed for first 6 months, and give milk for next 6 mo. Go
over great tips with your patient to foster a successful breast feeding experience –
things. football, sideline, cradle, cross-cradle. Have newborn face pt in belly-to-belly. Hold breast
with thumb on top and fingers below. Rub newborn mouth with nipple. Newborn mouth
covers nipple & 1 in. of areola. Latched – cheek, nose touching breast, sucks with
rounded. cheeks & audible sucking

Client Education
Breastfeeding prevents some childhood
Nurse 8-12 times in a 24 hr period, alternate breasts
cancer, gives maternal antibodies, enhances to stimulate each breast equally for milk production.
cognitive development, reduces risk of Instruct mom to use bulb syringe on suctioning
childhood obesity and DM, reduces breast mouth/nose if baby chokes – compress bulb and
cancer risk, releases oxytocin to promote then insert into mouth. Instruct parent to use sponge
uterine contractions, promotes postpartal wt. bath to clean baby, keep cord dry until it falls off in
7-14 weeks. Keep cord outside diaper, tell provider if
loss, promotes bone density redness at base, foul odor or yellow fluid.

Potential Complications Nursing Interventions

BP drops? Increase IV infusion rate, Epidural – may be frightening so provide encouragement
and support. Give pt bolus of IV fluids prior to epidural block
administer 10-12 L/min non rebreather, to prevent maternal hypotension. Drop in BP can reduce
elevate legs, notify PCP, administer placental perfusion. Monitor fetal hr, o2 sat. have pt sit
vasopressor like ephedrine IV. Monitor fetal upright and curl body downward, over abd. Nurse must
make sure there is no prolonged pressure on an
HR & maternal vitals. anesthetized area. Position patient on her side to prevent
the uterus from compressing the descending vena cava.
Change pt position q 1 hr. Insert indwelling urinary catheter.
Support pt and keep her comfortable


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