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Elements of Partial Differential Equations (Dover Books on

Mathematics) by Ian N. Sneddon ebook

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Series:::: Dover Books on Mathematics+++Paperback:::: 352 pages+++Publisher:::: Dover Publications (August 11, 2006)+++Language::::
English+++ISBN-10:::: 9780486452975+++ISBN-13:::: 978-0486452975+++ASIN:::: 0486452972+++Product Dimensions::::5.5 x 0.7 x 8.5
inches++++++ ISBN10 9780486452975
ISBN13 978-0486452

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Geared toward students of applied rather than pure mathematics, this volume introduces elements of partial differential equations. Its focus is
primarily upon finding solutions to particular equations rather than general theory.Topics include ordinary differential equations in more than two
variables, partial differential equations of the first and second orders, Laplaces equation, the wave equation, and the diffusion equation. A helpful
Appendix offers information on systems of surfaces, and solutions to the odd-numbered problems appear at the end of the book. Readers pursuing
independent study will particularly appreciate the worked examples that appear throughout the text.

Partial Differential Equations (PDE) is a very large field of mathematics. Most of the problems originated in the characterization of fields occurring
in classical and modern physics such as potential and wave equations associated with gravitation, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.Some
books in this subject are quite theoretical, and deal quite extensively with existence proofs such as the necessary and sufficient conditions required
for a solution (Example: Courant Hilbert Methods of Mathematical Physics Volume 2, Petrovskys Lecture on PDE or Sobolevs PDE of
Mathematical Physics ), others are much more applied, and oriented towards explaining and illustrating various techniques, that can be used to
solve various PDE (Example: Morse Fesbachs Methods of Theoretical Physics, Sommerfelds PDE or Farlows PDE for Scientists and
Engineers).The author Ian Sneddon was an outstanding applied mathematician, whosemost outstanding book is Fourier Transform.The present
book is a more modest book, as the title indicates it is an introduction. The book tends to be towards applied side of PDE, though itdevelops the
subject using theorems and proofs (and examples). The content of the book is fairly standard, it overlaps with most other PDE books (equations of
mathematical physics).It does not discuss extensively special functions (this topics can be found in many other books), though the reader is invited
to get acquainted with these functions through solving problems at the end each chapter (Answers to odd number problems can be found at he end
of the book.)Nor does it discuss the use of generalized functions to solve PDE (he book was written in 1957)There are some topics present,
which are usually not included in other books on PDE. I found the discussion on Pfaffian differential equationand its application to Caratheodorys
formulation for the 2nd law of thermodynamics enlightening (those who are familiar with differential forms (see Frankels Geometry of Physics) may
find the exposition somewhat old fashioned, but I think the underlying concept is still the same).The parts of the book I read, I found quite clear,
but still requiring some patience in spite of the fact that I already knew about PDE from other books (in a rather haphazard manner)(there may not
be a royal road to PDE)In summary, this is a sound introduction to PDE. It requires some patience to read, if you are only interested in solving
PDE, you will probably find Farlows better suited for your need.

Elements of Partial Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics) in Science and Math pdf books

Elements of Partial Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)

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