Diamond Way Black Coat PDF

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Cee ee) c - Black Coat Invocation of the Protector Black Coat © Diamond Way Buddhist Genters USA 2003 Baition Diamond Way Budclhist Center, PO. Box 27901-452, San Francisco, CA 94127, USA. Tek #1415-661-467 axe + 1415-665-2261 Email: publshingétdlamondway ong -wonw diamondvay-buddhiss ong Dear Friends, {This short imvocatton of Black Coal (Tih. Bernakchen, ‘Skt. Mabakala), the central protector of the Karma Kagyu School, was given by the 8th Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje, i the form presented bere. Today, 400 years later, it 5 still recited 10 the original tune, The following explanations are given to increase people's access to this important protective energy, which is manifesting with increasing visibility around the world. Since 1972, it bas spearheaded the unique growth of the Karma Kagyu lineage in countries of a Western culture. Whoever feels a strong connection to other Buddhist protectors or has received their initiations should know that they are all active in bis power-field as well. In essence they are the same— the love and protective activity of unlimited space. ‘This invocation may be done with empowerment (Tib, Wang), spoken authorisation (Tib. Lung) or while expecting to receive these. In itself, the text 18 a ‘simple explanation (Tib. Tri). Whoever recites it daily will become fearless and the protection will only grow. Please use it a Invocation of the Protector Black Coat ‘Overview of the Invocation First, everything disappears into space. In front of us, the limitless potential of mind manifests the wind and fire of libera- ting wisdom. Above appears a vast open skull-cup held by three small skulls. It contains the five kinds of meat and bodily fluids, which represent our senses and their ‘objects. Through the heat of the fire and wind they all boil up. The content radiates clear light and wonderful fragrance; our whole perception is purified. ‘The letters OM, AH and HUNG manifest above the skull-cup and their light invokes the blessing of the body, speech and mind of all the Buddhas and Bodhisatwvas. When the letters dissolve into the imagined fluid it becomes wisdom nectar of immaculate laste and fragrance. Behind this perfect offering, the whole Kagyu Refuge manifests as clouds in the sky. Especially Black Coat and Radiant Goddess (Tib, Palden Lhamo, Skt. Shri Devi) appear together with their retinue, all surrounded by flames. We present them all the traditional perfect offerings, all the joys of our senses and the highest bliss of space itself, the source of every- thing. We wish all beings and ourselves. the power to protect the Karmapa’s teachings (currently the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Thaye Dorje). Black Coat holds the skull-cup containing the life-blood of the ego and the chopping-knife which destroys all hindrances. The cut-off heads worn as a garland around his neck signify his conquest of all unenlightend mental funtions When he appears in union, sitting with his consort Radiant Goddess, it denotes the highest level of insight. They then ride an indestructible mule through oceans of blood. In her four hands, Radiant Goddess holds a mirror showing the world, a diamond dagger (Tib. phurba) cutting the disturbing feelings, a trident showing her awakened inner energies and «t snake- lasso with which she catches all disturbing influences. Their mighty powerfield vibrates with the syllables HUNG and JO. Invocation of the Protector Black Coat ‘om ma dak né chii tong par jang (neigh wr a allege inept tong pai ngang le ye shi chi Out se, hg som ype lung me thé je teng nyi du -as wind and fire, On top ofa fireplace of (three) skulls stands thd par sha nga dii tsi nga sl ei wi the ve ess adh fie lung me kl wai dam tshik pai ‘The in farther, hich rn the aie diitsi rab bar 6 nyi de ore te sal) ol Rating igh yeshe dii tsi chen drang ne inves the wid ca, yer me om dang ah hung gi whic meres int the doling contents. ‘Through the blessing of OM, A and HUNG, jin lab dri ro thsung me jur the tt a grace ofthe recar becomes od eparin. tsa gyii lama yidam Iha tsog dang Ye ove all be ro a neg las, dans, pawo khandro ché chong thsog chen drang aks an aii, the dha poets iin ji nam khar trin shin tib par jur ‘hey seein ft fw in pa ihe clads yidam kiin dii tsa wai lama cho e ith gt tothe rc am, ulon oa yas kén chok kiin dii tsa wai lama chd We gets it tothe ot lama, union of he three foes ché chong kiin dil tsa wai lama cho ‘We giveth i tthe root lama, union ofthe Dhan protest. che par ché chong ber gyi na za chen tnparelr eves fo he Dhan rot ack oat palden thamo rang jung jal mo ni and Radon Gude ~Sfarien Queen che cham khor dang che pa ché par ji ote a er ae jal po nam mang thé se, ngag chi dak, ng of te Netrn Dion, Master of arias, arama, dorje legpa, sin gon, shing chong dang Good Dison, Protector aan! har fre, Pare Land Protector khar nak dorje jal po la sog pai Diamond King ote Bac Ce, an 00, karmapa yi ten pa chong nam la ‘ono post Karp acing ple ey zag me sha nga diitsi nga chok gi these comple pe ve Kn oe ee Kind of eta, torma tsa je pen tsa amrita this pet tual et Toma), the eit meal wos, he vena dza ge raktai yon chab cho par she ‘and the intrinsically pure drink of blood (Rakta). do yon nga dang sang wai ché pa dang ‘We ko you evunthing png oe he see, there fig de kho na yi kin zang ché pai ché and thule it he emp eat of verthing, ché chi chén dank yon ten dzog pa dei dh the unestanding ht o a ie ofa al epee quai, ne tsul ji shin tog pai go sum ji ‘sith ty ech and mind t6 pa ma lii pa yi td par ji ‘we pray ine pole way ché la dé dén sél wa tab pa ni Please full our beneficial wishes dak sog kiin la chog dang thin mong gi and perme all bigs the pf and eer ng6 drub ten thok di la ts6l wa dang attainments gt now che par thse ring ne me pal jor je petal, wa lng ito ska filo che ad dem yi la sam thse ke chig tsam nyi la Saal ors be fil oon they ae made drub ne karmapa yi she pa kiin so that we can azomplish ll Karaps's wishes, dak gi ma Id. nyur du drub pa dang Ady and vit xin karmapa yi ten la né je nam yee harks etchings dak gi thal wa shin du lok pa yi Deconpey datiney s niipa da ta nyi du tsal du sol snd de tar ché td de pe ge wa de May eesti pot cel og hoe ls and eid rae ma jur dro wa sem chen tham che kin twig al ngs, fone paren, dzog pe sang ye go phang thob chir ngo tothe peectte ofthe Bas, Since this i an invocation and we invite our protectors itis good to put a gift on the altar while ‘you do the practice. It's common to put a cup of tea together with a biscuit, which is then thrown away afterwaris.

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