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Mid- Semester Examination September

H 103-: Development of Societies

Do a critical reading of the picture from the perspective of gender and labour in
Indian households. It is psychology of Indian or rular area people that a women
are made for housework or work done in home releted and the man are suppose
to do work of outside of home so they get earning to fulfilled they daily
requiredment of life.

That why it is biggest fact why there is discrimination in gender towards work or
labour in india households. But this is changing slowly slowly but it take a vey long
time to change this himan psychology.

In Indian culture man is dominate towards womans, that why all women are
generally do house works. In the vision of people that men have more potential to
do any work with efficiency.

In this picture , we can see in this picture all are women there is no man who is
doing a work of house. All the house works done by womens.

Is running a house only a mother’s job- no this is not a jon of womens but family
life is changing, and so, too, is the role mothers and fathers play at work
and at home. As more mothers have entered the U.S. workforce in the past
several decades, The claim that housewives staying at home spending more time
around their children are better, much-more-responsible/effective mothers than
their career-mom counterparts.
But time: quantity equal quality?
What do you think of the unpaid labour women are doing in houses?

Feminism in India We need to remember that empowerment cannot be found by

simply rejecting the unpaid domestic work women have been shouldering for
decades in favour of working outside the homes. Because when women step out of
the house to work, the question of ‘who will do the housework’ still remains. And
because domestic work is still gendered, the responsibility eventually falls on
women themselves. This promotes ideas like women aren’t competent workers, or
that they have other priorities beyond their work.”

What all are the ambitions mother’s have sacrificed for running a house ?

 women we are constantly making sacrifices—whether we are seeking

success in our careers or staying home and putting our professional
ambitions on hold, sacrifice is inevitable.

If we pursue a career then we sacrifice time in three ways; time with

our children, time developing nurturing friendships, and time to
If we decide to stay at home then we sacrifice our career ambitions, a
sense of worth beyond the cooking and cleaning and changing diapers,
and time to ourselves.
How does non-participation of woman in paid employment due to patriarchal
family structure affect economy?

India particularly, is a country where this phenomenon is at its worst, with women
putting in 352 minutes a day into domestic work while men put in only 51.8. While
to the common observer, this might not seem like a problem, the fact that 49 per
cent of women in a country of 1.3 billion people don’t have their work accounted
for in the annual GDP, throws up several problems.

Do you think it’s time to think about the inequalities women and children face in
families due to hierarchical nature of familial structure? How can we have a family
based on equality?

This gender ideology is also reflected in the social discourse, as frequently

the couple recreates the dominant social discourse in which is referred the
essential characteristics in which men and women differ ignoring the
sociopolitical context. This discourse states that the differences between
men and women in relation to home and work are the result of personal
choice, that there are differences in innate abilities of men and women for
household chores and work outside the home, and that these differences
guide the choice for certain jobs and even that preference for home toward
work is a free choice in the case of women

DEEP CONVERSATION with my mother and I ask her about the difficulties of
multitasking ask her what were her ambitions in life when she was a child or
while she was studying- ask her about her regrets in life-ask her what makes her
happy- ask her about her ambitions for her own daughter.

Basically I and my mother belong from middle family and agriculture farmer
section. My mon has 2 elder brother but my parents of my mother send schools
to her brother onlys some time my mother get interest in study but the backward
culture at that time see not got little education. But her brother get proper
eduction. My mother parents are force her to do only houework such like cooking
,sweep,mop etc . My parent get married in small age. She not get any change to
think or dream to do anything. Now days days see why her not give her proper
knowelege of education. Now days she perform multitasks works in her daily life
such she walks eairly in morning and take out milk from cows and buffaolos. And
get feed food them.

Then she prepared for breakfast for all family and then she get ready and make
food food for us and then she go to farm and help to my father in there field to
cut the crops and then she come home at evening then agin she feed food to a
domestic animakls and take out mils and then she prepared food gor all the family
,members. Then she get ready for sleep this routhine for by here all. I am
watchinfg this routine dailuy.

She is only one dream that I am become educated and selp dependend person in
my life.

DEEP CONVERSATION about the above mentioned issues with my sister . she also
watch my mother daily my mother keep tolding her to study if she not get job she
also do same works like my mom.
She sister is told me that there is one fixid no paod jobs for women or girl to
runnunig house.

But girls all have a dream, like boys they donot get proper freedom to achived
them .

Ans 2)

My opinion about Social Change and Innovation. How can you make use of
scientific knowledge or technical skill for improving the life situations of people in
your society?

.1 Encourage mental health care for caregivers

 works for the Mental Health of Caregivers from the lower socio-economic
background. team of psychological counsellors who work with Caregivers through
specially designed Support Groups,

2. Help underprivileged children gain access to affordable education

Despite the fact that Education is the fundamental right of all children by birth.

 25 % of all seats in private unaided schools for children from socio-economic
disadvantaged backgrounds

 good education and change the standard of living of their future generations.

3 Encourage children to think beyond the classroom  productively utilising the

available interest clubs space (Visual Arts, Performance Arts, Technical Arts, and
Sports) in schools through highly-skilled volunteers.

 4 Ensure children have access to quality education. They have 10 formal

interactions with each parent within a year to equip them with the knowledge and
skills required to demand quality education. 

5 Open a world of possibilities for children to pursue their interest

Most rural students grow up with limited knowledge of a narrow scope of careers
to pursue; not for lack of skills or capability, but for lack of awareness and
information about the diverse opportunities waiting for them out in the world. 

6 Promote sports as a career pathchild is introduced to the power of sports

through a structured sports program in low-income schools and communities.

. They focus not only on training but also in ensuring the the children grow into
better human being. To become a world class player, one needs to inculcate the
right mindset, the correct habits, and teamwork along with game sense

7. Help medical students become better doctorsHealthcare delivery needs to be

based on best practices in the world. 

  8 Promote safe spaces for children

Apni Shala builds Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) opportunities for children
in municipal schools, low-budget private schools and other NGOs, primarily in two
of the most disadvantaged wards.

 Their SEL programme covers several aspects of day-to-day lives that encourages
them to grow as strong and confident individuals who take initiative and voice
their opinions.

9. Empower at-risk youth to be Digital Marketers profit organisation that works

towards improving the lives of at-risk youth in Mumbai by providing with in
graphic designing, video editing, social media marketing, using Microsoft Office

 we resist social change

Resistance against quotas

ne of the main reasons for resistance against policies of affirmative action is that
such policies are viewed as providing preferential treatment to certain social
groups regardless of ability. However, it is important to understand that the
objective of affirmative action has never been equal treatment, and it in fact,
doesn’t violate any notion of fairness as perceived by society
“deservingness” really mean
It is important to understand the psychological deterrents which influence our
belief of “fairness” and “deservingness”. According to the just world hypothesis,
those who believe in a just world believe that everything happens for a reason, so
they rationalize outcomes by making causal attributions to possibly unrelated
factors that help them bridge the gap in meaning in their minds.

The status quo problem

An appeal to fairness in maintaining the status quo is problematic as people’s
experience of the status quo varies greatly and is often rooted in their
sociopolitical and economic backgrounds, some of which are subject to historical
subjugation and consequent inequality. While it intuitively makes sense that
people who benefit from the status-quo are motivated to defend it and resist
social-change , those who are disadvantaged by the status quo also tend to
support the system.

. Social Change and Modernity

Those who organized the conference on which this volume is
based—including the editors—decided to use the terms "social
change" and "modernity" as the organizing concepts for this

 Theories of Social Change

Change is such an evident feature of social reality that any social-
scientific theory, whatever its conceptual starting point, must
sooner or later address it. At the same time it is essential to note
that the ways social change has been identified have varied
greatly in the history of thought

  Patterns of Structural and Cultural Change

Among the most persistent themes that appear in the evolutionist
and neoevolutionist literature are those of differentiation,
integration, conflict,
and, in particular, the relationship among these. The notion of
differentiation (or specialization) was central in the work of Adam
Smith, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim. The
same notion informs the work of a number of contemporary
theorists, notably Parsons. Yet both the causes and consequences
of social differentiation remain unclear; they are explored by
many of the contributors to this volume.
Modernity and New Social Movements

  Modernity and Social Inequality

A number of the contributions to this volume take up the
reciprocal relations among structured inequality, group
contradictions and the conflicts that arise from them, and
modernity. These relations are evidently complex. Inequality
plays a large role in shaping modernity because it generates class
and group conflicts, which become the basis of the institutional
invention and innovation that come to constitute the structures of
modernity. The increasing proliferation of roles and institutional
structures, however, provides an ever-increasing number of
structural bases for inequality. Indeed, some have identified
distinctive patterns of inequality (such as class, gender, and race)
as the fundamental characteristic of modernity

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