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FIRST SEM STUDENTS! GODBLESS AND GOODLUCK. Hope this will help at least.

Even though I’m not your teacher

this Semester.

St. Bartholomew

St. Dominic

St. Gemma

St. Gabriel

St. Ephrem

St. Isidore

SECOND SEM STUDENTS! LABAN! GOODLUCK AND GODBLESS! Kaya nyo yan! Thank you for this memorable and
challenging year of 2020!

St. Basil

St. Anastasia

St. Alphonsus

St. Ambrose

St. Hilary

St. Boniface

Chapter 9: Current and Future Trends in media and information

MASSIVE ONLINE CONTENT (MOOC) - form of distance learning that provides free academic knowledge online,
commonly known as Massive Open Online Courses.

UBIQUITOUS LEARNING - new way of learning everywhere with the use of technology, it is a learning that comes
from one to one computing brought about by technological advances.

Udacity - self paced or asynchronous and is more focused on vocational courses

Coursera - offers many courses and is synchronous

EdX - consists of weekly learning sequences composed of audios, videos, and exercises that will help the students
learn the topic

WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY - also known as wearable gadgets or wearables

• Smart Watches - wrist worn devices that acts as a minicomputer

• Fitness Trackers - worn in order to count the number of steps made and the number of calories burned

• Sport Watches - used by athletes to gain more information about the chosen sport

 Head Mounted Displays (HMD) - provide computer generated virtual reality

• Smart Clothing - garments with electronics

• Smart Jewelry - discreetly notify the user of text messages when their phone is out of reach

• Implantable - devices that are surgically attached somewhere under your skin, it might be for medical
reasons like insulin pump, etc.
3d environment - allows you to create objects in three dimensional space and usually have a figurative


• Desktop Virtual Reality - users see the 3d environment on a screen

• Immersive Virtual Reality - users are immersed in a non-physical world


• 3D Printer - prints out 3-dimensional objects, a process that creates a 3-dimensional solid objects from a
digital file

• Holograms - three dimensional images that have been created using a photographic projection

Chapter 10: Media and Information Literate Individual

= Improve Quality of life

= Greater Political Participation

= Better Economic Opportunities

= Improve Learning Environment

= More Cohesive Social Units

= Others – Disaster Risk Preparedness

Cohesion - Group cohesiveness, group cohesion, or social cohesion is the strong bond that links everyone (Sticking

John Adair’s action-center-leadership or ACL (1973) are:

1. The need to accomplish the task

2. The need to maintain the social cohesive unit
3. The sum of the group’s individual needs.

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every
family. – Kofi Annan

Chapter 11: PEOPLE MEDIA

People as Media - Refers to human beings as a source of information. Among all sources of media information, the
people themselves are considered to be one of the oldest forms of media. This is because ever since the dawn of
civilization, way before the advent of technology, people have been passing information to one another and from
generation to generation.

Verbal Elements in people media

- Delivery - refers to how the person relays the message to the intended recipients. This includes the choice of words
and verbal expressions as well as the tone of the voice used by a speaker when relaying the message to a recipient

Non-Verbal Elements

- Facial Expressions - are nonverbal means of communicating a message to recipients. The recipient also interprets
the context of the message with the mood of the speaker by his or her facial expression.
- Body Language - it includes posture, hand gestures, head and eye movement. They are also non-verbal means of
communicating a message to the recipients.

- Clothing and Adornment - The way we dress and decorate ourselves can also be a non-verbal means of
communication. Adornment for the purpose of this lessen refers to the items that we add to our clothing (e.g.
jewelry, eyewear, makeup) as well as the alterations in our body (piercings, tattoos, surgery) to help convey a certain
message without having to use words.

Conversation - is an informal talk that occurs between two persons (also referred to as dialogue) or among a small
group of people in which there is an exchange of information and/or ideas.

Subjective Ideas - Is aimed towards understanding and awareness

Objective Facts - Promotes discussion regarding a common knowledge.

Other People -May be to compliment or to criticize a person or group of people.

Oneself -Which may convey information about oneself or to relay personal experiences


1. FUNCTIONAL CONVERSATION-Is aimed at passing information to help an individual achieve a certain goal

2. SMALL TALK -Is not so much focused on the topic but more on the social bonding experience between people who
are just acquainted or are usually physically and emotionally distant from each other

3 Interview -Is a formal talk between two or more people where the interviewer tries to gather facts or opinions
from the interviewee by asking questions. These are often used in the field of journalism and job searching activities.

Interview Classification

Open-ended interviews -This type of interview does not require a preparation for a set of questions to be asked by
the interviewer.

Closed or Fixed-response interviews - This type has a fixed set of questions as well as a set of fixed answers

Public Speaking- Refers to presenting a speech in structured manner to a live audience with the aim of informing,
entertaining, inspiring or influencing them. It is also termed as oration.
Folklore - Refers to presenting a speech in structured manner to a live audience with the aim of informing,
entertaining, inspiring or influencing them. It is also termed as oration.
Dance- Is a form of human expression or art which is composed of intentionally-chosen sequence of human
movements usually in harmony with a musical instrument.
Song- Is a musical piece intended to be sung by the human voice, sometimes with an accompaniment of musical

Stage play -Is a theatrical performance consisting of actors and actresses with respective roles and exchanging lines
in a dialogue based on a script written by a playwright.

PEOPLE IN THE MEDIA -Media Personalities are people who are widely recognized to present information over a
variety of media platforms

SVD- is one among these many people in media: multimedia specialist, researcher, planner, writer, director,
producer, broadcast journalist, illustrator, animator, operator, technician and other work in the technical side. Or, a
media person can work as a teacher.

An SVD Priest as a Media Person

Fr. Margarito Alingasa, SVD

• In January 1984, Fr. Alingasa assumed the responsibility of managing DYRF upon the death of Fr. Anselmo
Bustos, SVD. DYRF airs music, religious information, news and public service.
Chapter 12: Text Information and Media

Text - is a sequence of characters and the words that they form can be encoded into formats that can be read by the
computer. (Rouse, 2005)

Advantages and Disadvantages- Used to induce a deep emotional response: making people act Simple text
complement messages while complex ones give more control to the text more control to the writer in choosing the
words needed to convey message.

Typography- is how text looks. This is the total result of the font used, its size, the line length, line spacing, style of
characters, and presence and arrangement of punctuations.

CRAAP- Currency / Relevance / Authority / Accuracy / Purpose

Elements of Good Textual Design in Media

1. Hierarchy
2. Contrast
3. Line Height
4. Letter Spacing
5. Line Length

Principles of Good Textual Design

1. User-Friendly headers 8.Clean Graphical Implementation
2. Scannable Text 9. Use of Separators
3. White Space 10. Good margins
4. Consistency
5. Density of Text
6. Emphasis on important elements
7. Organization of Information

Chapter 13: Visual Information and Media

VISUAL MEDIA- Sources of data or information in the form of visual representation.

Non – Projected Visual Media- Is a type of visual media that requires no projection material or electric power.

-cartoon -comic strip
-chart -flash cards

Projected Visual Media- Uses bright light to pass through a transparent picture, by means of a lens, or electronic

-film strip
-overhead projector

Visual Design- Visual message design refers to design principles and elements in the production of visual media and
information that take into consideration the visual perception of the audience in regards with their prior knowledge,
culture, etc.

Principles of Design- The principles of design are the recipe for a good work of art. The principles combined the
elements to an aesthetic placement of things that would produce a good design.
1. Center of Interest
2. Balance
3. Harmony
4. Contrast
5. Directional Movement
6. Rhythm

Elements of Visual Design

1. Line
2. Color
3. Texture
4. Shape
5. Form
6. Value
7. Size

Kind of lines
• vertical lines
-straight lines moving up and down
• horizontal lines
-lines which are parallel to the horizon
• diagonal lines
-lines that are slant
• zigzag lines
-lines made up of diagonal lines
• curve lines
-lines with gradual change in direction

Shape- is a self-contain area from a series of lines. Shapes may vary in value color or texture.
• circles
• squares and rectangles
• triangles
• spirals
Form- describes the depth of 3D objects. It is achieved by combining 2 or more shapes and may vary in texture, color
and size
Texture- describes the surface of an object or element. A texture can be created when a single element is repeated
resulting to a pattern
Types of Texture
• tactile texture
-also called as “real texture”
-a 3D texture which people can actually feel or touch
• implied texture
-a 2D texture which can be seen but not touched
Color Palette- is a set of color used in emphasizing, distinguishing and organizing information or elements in a
design. the choice and combination of colors in a visual design is very crucial in delivering the message to the
intended audience.

color meanings

red hot, violence,warfare,love,passion,prosperity,danger and power

orange change,movement,health,vitality,command

yellow happiness,deceit,warning,happiness and positivity

green growth,envy,abundance,nature
Blue calmness,responsibility,strong and piece
purple royalty,mourning,romantic,wealth and luxury
black power,elegance,formality,death and mystery
white purity,cleanliness,virtue
gray mood swings,conservative,modern,professionalism
brown earthiness,dull,reliability and dependability
beige and tan piety,simplicity and humility
cream and ivory quiet,elegance and calmness

Typography- describes the font style used in the visual design including the size, alignment, color, spacing, outline
and texture.

Chapter 14: Audio Information and Media

Audio- Audio is a sound that human can hear. In computers, audio is the sound system of the computer.
 Audio usually has a digital representation.
 All audio has a duration, audio also has a property called number of channels.
 The sampling frequency of a file refers to the number of samples per second.
 Bit depth would tell the user how many bits are in each sample.
 Channel mapping would tell the audio file what sound would play on which audio output peripheral.

Format and Types

 Uncompressed Audio format
 Lossless Audio Format
 Lossy Compressed Audio Format

Software’s that can be used to produced audio:


II. Hearing vs Listening, Learning out Loud


 Is simply the ability to perceive or notice sound through the sense of hearing.
 Hearing happens naturally and it does not require attention nor effort to accomplish.
 Something that has to be consciously done.
 It is hearing with focus.
 Listening requires concentration so that the brain may process information.

There is a new form of media that has been introduced recently, and it is called learning out loud, which is a form of
media that uses audio in learning.

MIDI- Musical Instrument Digital Interface

WMA- Windows Media Video
MP3- also known as MPEG-1
MPEG- Moving Pictures Experts Group
WAV- Waveform Audio File Format
PCM- Pulse Code Modulation

Chapter 15: Motion Information and Media

Motion Media -is a form of media that consists of moving text and graphics on a display which are used to convey
Motion Graphics -is a group of graphics that makes use of video and/or animation technology in a way that would
create an illusion of motion.

10 kinds of Format
1) Flash Video Format (.flv)
2) AVI Format (.avi)- Audio Video Interleave Format (.avi)
3) Quicktime Format (.mov)
4) MP4 Format (.mp4)
5) MPG Format (.mpg)
6) Windows Media Video Format (.wmv)
7) 3GP File Extension (.3gp)- 3rd Generation Partnership
8) Advanced Streaming Format (.asf)
9) RealMedia Format (.rm)
10) Flash Movie Format (.swf)

4 types of motion Media

1) Animation-These are made by images that were made from scratch using a computer or by hand.
2) Motion Pictures, Movies, Films and Videos- They are made by photographing frames of live images or
scenes. They are therefore made through a series of photographs.
3) Interactive Videos - This type is mostly used in video games, where the video has already been created and
player is given the chance of how to interact with it and affect its scenes.
4) Streaming Media- This is not an actual form of motion media, but is media that is streamed live or broadcast
over the Internet.

7 Sources
1) Adobe After Effects
2) Nuke
3) Fusion 8
4) Apple Motion
5) Cinema 4D
6) Maya
7) Blender

12 Basic design principles

1) Squash and Stretch- Exaggerating the proportions of an object while it is in motion would give the object a
greater sense of weight and volume.
2) Staging- Staging sets the mood, creates focus and clarifies what is happening in the scene.
3) Straight Ahead Action & Pose to Pose- Straight ahead action refers to the technique of drawing each pose,
one right after another until the end of the scene in reachable, and this can yield a fluid animation style.
4) Slow In and Slow Out - This principle adds physics when accelerating or decelerating.
5) Arc - This principle adds gravity to the motion.
6) Secondary Action - Secondary actions helps primary action. This actions does not take attention away from
the primary action.
7) Timing - Timing may help establish personalities of characters and the emotions they express when utilized
8) Solid Drawing - Solid drawing enhances the realism of the drawing, adds form, and gives the media a three-
dimensional feel.
9) Appeal - The character or scene can be ugly or dark, but with a certain level of charm that makes sense within
the story of the motion media.
10) Anticipation - Anticipation is used to prepare the audience for something or an action to happen. It is used
to make the action appear more realistic.
11) Exaggeration - Exaggerating is a principle that keeps the media from being static and dull. The level of
exaggeration is determined on how much realism the producer wants in the motion media.
12) Follow Through and Overlapping Action - Follow through is when all of the object’s body should continue to
move even after the character has stopped.

Animatron- Is a powerful and user-friendly website that allows you to animate objects right in your browser. It is
simple yet intuitive interface allows you to enjoy animation creating professional-like results.

Chapter 16: Manipulative Media and Information

Manipulative Information- Is information used by a person or group of people to influence the public to think in
such a way that favors the proponent’s own interests.


1. Deprogramming
2. Reprogramming
3. Fixing the Information

Four Conversational Maxims

1. Quantity
2. Quality
3. Relation
4. Manner

Formats and Types

• Shaping of Text- The text being used is the key to manipulating the target audience for any written media

• Shaping of Images- Making image more creative by using software tools for photo editing.


• To influence the public to believe in their philosophy.
• Black Propaganda – an act of disseminating manipulated information and making the public believe that the
source comes from one side of a conflict when in fact it is from the opposing side.
• White Propaganda – source is not distorted and intention is transparent and usually for common good.

POLITICAL CAMPAIGN- Political campaign are activities to promote a politician running for a particular office or a
political party in general.

ADVERTISING- Advertising is the act of influencing an audience to patronize a product, a service or even an idea.

ACTIVISM- Activism is a movement started by an individual or a group of people which goal is to either be take into
action, to prevent or to guide social changes.

HOAXING- Hoaxing is a form of manipulation which aims to let the audience believe in a lie or a false object.

Design Principles

 Use simple layouts and make your headlines or cover statement on point.

Design in Natural Order

 Organize your information from most to least important.

Photos over illustration

 People are more enthusiastic to see and absorb real world photos rather than cartoons or sketches.

Appeal to Emotion over reason

 Suppressing one’s capacity to think is a great strategy in delivering manipulative media.


 Analyze, select, and target your audience including their socio-economic profile, standpoint in varied issues
and impulsiveness.


 Manipulative media reinforces the message by showing more or complementary materials that are easy to

Multimedia Information and Media

Multimedia- Refers to combined forms of information such as text, audio, video, images, and animation in a variety
of application environments and settings.

Multimedia Application - This is an application or software which utilizes a collection of multiple media sources such
as text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation, and/or video to create a multimedia material or output.

Multimedia System- This is a system capable of processing multimedia data and applications.

Hypermedia - Is a non-linear format of representing information in a specific material or commonly on the internet

Importance of Multimedia


a. Product and Company Presentation

b. Trade Productions and Expos

c. Training and Development of Workers

d. Company Digital Boards


a. Courseware and Simulated Learning

b. E-Learning and Distance Learning

c. Book and Knowledge Databases

d. Classroom Teaching and Learning


a. Games
b. Movies
c. Videos on Demand
d. Social Media


a. Television

b. Home Viewers Interaction

Public places

a. Information Kiosks

b. Security Panels and Applications

Key Issues for Multimedia System

• Storage- Multimedia materials usually require a lot of storage

• Transmission- Large multimedia files require higher bandwidth to be transmitted over a network

• Conversion- Analog to digital conversion will need recording equipment and tools

• Universality- There is no singular format or type for each multimedia element resulting to lacking playback
support across all devices

Multimedia Elements

1. Text- Most common component in multimedia presentation. It represents a specific information or direction

2. Image- With the advent of advance mobile phones and digital cameras, almost everybody who has an inclination
in technology can capture and edit digital photos.

3. Audio- Serves as one of the effective alternatives in transmitting or receiving information. Audio allows you to
gain information as texts without using your eyes.

4. Video- One of trending medium of today, video allows people to see, read and hear information all in one file or

5. Animation- Though still recognized as motion media (the same with videos),animation revolves around animated
objects which are drawn or computer-generated

Phases of Multimedia Production

 Pre-production
Also called “planning stage”. The preproduction phase allows the multimedia team to analyze the needs of audience,
elaborated the material idea and identify the needed resources
 Production
Storyboards and scripts are now converted into actual piece of art
 Post-production
After you take all necessary shots, it is time for you to compile them into 1 single output.
 Release and Feedback
After completing and exporting your project, you are ready now to share what you have created to the world

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