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Asslammualaikum wbt and a very good morning to our lovely lecturer madam
lizarose and fellow friends. My name is Shafinaz binti Idris. So, today im going to be
speaking to you about debunking weight loss myths.

*look at the ppt and have Q&A with audience about picture that have been showed

Once upon a time, some one have told me some silly joke and make me still
remember until now. She said “ I wish weight were like virginity! Once you lose it you could
never get it back” yah , I think this joke is quite dirty yah but I don’t care. We are already 18
years old.

So, what I going to tell you is everyone want to be beautiful and handsome. Have a
36-34 body size. Everyone want to look beauty.

Eating infrequently causes weight loss. The hype is skipping meals is an effective
way to restrict calories and lose weight. In the reality most nutritionists now recommend
eating smaller, more frequent meals as the key to weight loss, since skipping meals can
actually slow your metabolism. “By skipping meals, we tend to get over-hungry, and we
make less healthy choices at subsequent meals,” D’Ambrosio adds.

All carbs are bad for you. The hype: In the ’90s and ’00s, low-carb diets were thought
to be the key to weight loss, giving even whole grains and fruits a bad rep. Unfortunately, the
Atkins craze just won’t die.

The reality: Carbs in the form of whole grains and fruit are an important source of
energy; the problem is refined carbohydrates and white flour products found in highly-
processed packaged foods. While many people do lose weight on low-carb diets, it’s largely
because they’re cutting out cakes and cookies — and the results don’t tend to last. “When
our carbohydrates are cut too low, our body actually resorts to breaking down our muscle
before it would go to fat tissue,” explains D’Ambrosio. “When you’re planning on losing
weight, fibre [found in carbohydrates] is your friend, and carbohydrates can be used
strategically to ward off hunger.”

So, actually in order to have more healthy life and beautifull externally and internally
is you must control your daily food intake, daily water intake and frequent exercise. So last
but not least, beauty is not about look, body size, make up or cloth. True beauty is comes
from being yourself. Stay health and stay tune.

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