STS-1 Orbiter Final Mission Report

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JSC-17378 STS-1 Orbiter Final Mission Report August 1981 NASA National Aeronautics and ‘Space Administration Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION... soe ORBITER PERFORMANCE SUMMARY SS PROPI ENS. es Orbiter Nain Propulsion Systen . 1.1. Opbitsl Manewwering Systen <7 ss Reaction Control Systen..... +. POR STS aar ee ee Auxiliary Power Unit. Ryarautiesubsysten” It! Power Resctant Storage and btstributton Power-Generation Subsystem +s vos es Eectricat PowerDistribution and’ Control mn panGoDooS Seema Integrated Guidance, Navigation, and Control Dats Processing Syston and Software es Backup Plight Systane Displays and Controts v1.12 ‘Tonmunfeat tons and Track in Tnstrumentation Systems Managenent 2222 tlt Redundancy Wanscement | | ee ENVIROWENTACCONTROC. aio ‘LirE SuPpdeT SySrém Active Thermal Control System... .. +. Air Reviealiration System. 110 t Riv Revitaltestion Pressure Control Syston Kirlock Support _Systens sy eee eee ater-and Waste Wonagonent Syston’ |. CRE STATION AND EQUIPHENT ss SDS Cabin Arrangement. . Gbinenvirament 22 Noise Level Surv icc RR Oo 00000 5c Flight crew equipment’ | FUTai Test Requirements | Mic TES espa Flutter/Buffet . 2... . Toads and Stress Evaluation : MidBo« ection/Door Closing Test - Enery Fight toads eves erodygnte Tress mamic Pressure Distribution . Window Cavity Condittoning Systems . . es : CHANICAL SYSTEMS ss ve eee Purge and Vent Subsysten . +... ‘pbyter/external Tank Separat ion and Unbitical_Bevice PayTas-Ray boars and Radiators nee ees Star Tracker Doors vv ves vse eee ata Probes sss tee Landing DeceYeration Subsysten | Ketothermal Seals ee Crew Escape System . - Byrotecinfes >; Thermal Control +. + Thermal Protection». 5... : Rerothermodynamies +... t itt 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED AERODYNAMICS ss see eee te eee eee Necent eee a Entry ste ee Here ENVIRONVENTS. ‘ACOUSTICS EVALUATION . « VIBRATION EVALUATION |. 5 THERMAL ANALYSIS ©. eee CONTAMINATION wo. soe Lift-off Accelerations - . Landing AcceTerations - + GuasteStatie AeceTerations © Wibractoni ees res ee CREW REPORT Slt TRAINING - 2 ae : STS-1 PRELAUNCH AND ASCENT +... Prelaunch Activity to Crew Ingress ‘The Fir neh dette Cree ines Taunch Attenpt = Apri a Ree Kecent Phase. ‘GENERAL ON-ORBIT OPERATIONS © +. Crew Timelines see ee eee Tero Gravity Operations in Colunbi. Vehicle Surface Observations. . +> ‘ON-ORGIT GUTOANCE, NAVIGATION’ AND’ CONTROL s¥STE Attitude and Translation Maneuvers s+. +e eee ee ee rocessing System jerations + int Control System ieckout. - . ‘Star Tracker, Inertial Measurenent Unit, and it Operations ~ SySTEMSUPERRTIONS | Electrical Power System 22222 Wierd ee Tilt HP a ffommunfereionstdsritienst es acerca : Ruxiliary Power Unit (APU)/Hydraulic System Operations 5 MechanteoT Systems Operations ve ess se ss oe : Fire/Snoke UetectTon syste Cheeks 22222 IIIT ID II IID an Enviromental and Thorval Control systens Performance Operations |<. 131 Radiator Operations ss ess cere terse ee eee ere ee Ll Tabi fivtonis fay) infkviontcs Bay/Water Loop Operations» ++ se ee ee ee 132 0 Pressure Control System Reconfiquration Operations ee TREA/ORBTTCR COMPRTIBIUTTY TESTS soos eee Television Camera Operation --.-++ecee creer te 132 GromOperatedCamras se SLIT IIIT! a 133) Food Operitions TTI LTT DD IIin: te 133 Widow Operations 2222 TII IIIf iiiiis tt 134 Gbintolse LLLP TIiibiiit +e 134 Inflight Maintenance: ices t eee cece ec eee te 14 Proscare-Sutt Doffing and Donning’ Operations | 222112 ee 130) Gee Sapling and Sovdd Solvent Sampling’ sc ss 0s sss ti 135 acts WanaqemsrrisyatenGperstionstayy oe: ye +. 135 w

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