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Chapter 2:

Concurrent force systems

Department of Mechanical Engineering

 To understand the basic characteristics of forces
 To understand the classification of force systems
 To understand some force principles

 To know how to obtain the resultant of forces in 2D

and 3D systems
 To know how to obtain the components of forces in
2D and 3D systems

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Characteristics of forces
 Force: Vector with magnitude and direction
 Magnitude – a positive numerical value representing
the size or amount of the force

 Directions – the slope and the sense of a line segment

used to represent the force
– Described by angles or dimensions
– A negative sign usually represents opposite
 Point of application
– A point where the force is applied
– A line of action = a straight line extending through
the point of application in the direction of the
 The force is a physical quantity that needs to be
represented using a mathematical quantity

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direction j

1000 N

α magnitude

Point of application
Line of action

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Vector to represent Force

A vector is the mathematical representation that

best describes a force

A vector is characterized by its magnitude and


 Mathoperations and manipulations of vectors

can be used in the force analysis
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Free, sliding, and fixed vectors
 Vectors have magnitudes, slopes, and senses, and lines of

 A free vector
– The application line does not pass a certain point in space
 A sliding vector
– The application line passes a certain point in space
 A fixed vector
– The application line passes a certain point in space
– The application point of the vector is fixed

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Vector/force notation
 Thesymbol representing the force  bold face
or underlined letters

 The magnitude of the force  lightface (in the

text book, + italic)

A= A or A= A

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Classification of forces
 Based on the characteristic of the interacting bodies:
– Contacting vs. Non-contacting forces
 Surface force (contacting force)
– Examples:
» Pushing/pulling force
» Frictions
 Body force (non-contacting force)
– Examples:
» Gravitational force
» Electromagnetic force
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Classification of forces
 Based on the area (or volume) over
which the force is acting
– Distributed vs. Concentrated forces
 Distributed force
– The application area is relatively large
compare to the whole loaded body
– Uniform vs. Non-uniform
 Concentrated force
– The application area is relatively small
compare to the whole loaded body

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What is a force system?
 A number of forces (in 2D or 3D system)
that is treated as a group:
 A concurrent force system
– All of the action lines intersect at a
common point
 A coplanar force system
– All of the forces lie in the same plane
 A parallel force system
– All of the action lines are parallel
 A collinear force system
– All of the forces share a common line of
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The external and internal effects
A force exerted on the body has two effects:
– External effects
» Change of motion
» Resisting forces (reactions)
– Internal effects
» The tendency of the body to deform  develop
strain, stresses
– If the force system does not produce change of
» The forces are said to be in balance
» The body is said to be in (mechanical)
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External and internal effects
 Example 1: The body changes in motion

Not fixed, no (horizontal) support

 Example 2: The body deforms and produces

(support) reactions  The forces must be in
Fixed support
Support Reactions
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Principle for force systems
 Two or more force systems are equivalent when their
applications to a body produce the same external effect
 Transmissibility
 Reduction =
– A process to create a simpler equivalent system
– to reduce the number of forces by obtaining the
“resultant” of the forces
 Resolution =
– The opposite of reduction
– to find “the components” of a force vector 
“breaking up” the resultant forces

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Principle of Transmissibility
 Many times, the rigid body assumption is taken  only the
external effects are the interest
 The external effect of a force on a rigid body is the same for
all points of application of the force along its line of action



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Resultant of Forces –
Review on vector addition

 Vector addition
R = A+B =B+A
 Triangle method (head-to-tail A R
– Note: the tail of the first vector
and the head of the last vector B
become the tail and head of the
resultant  principle of the force
 Parallelogram method
– Note: the resultant is the diagonal
of the parallelogram formed by
the vectors being summed
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Resultant of Forces – Review on geometric laws

 Law of Sines A

 Laws of Cosines b

c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos γ γ
β C
b 2 = a 2 + c 2 − 2ac cos β a
a = b + c − 2ac cos α
2 2 2

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Resultant of two concurrent forces

Pay attention to the angle

 The magnitude of the resultant (R) is given by
and the sign of the last
R 2 = F12 + F22 − 2 F1 F2 cos γ term !!!
R 2 = F12 + F22 + 2 F1 F2 cos φ

 The direction (relative to the direction of F1) can be given by the law
of sines
F2 sin φ
sin β =

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Resultant of three concurrent forces and more
 Basically it is a repetition of finding resultant of two
 The sequence of the addition process is arbitrary
 The “force polygons” may be different
 The final resultant has to be the same

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Resultant of more than two forces
 The polygon method becomes tedious when dealing
with three and more forces
 It’s getting worse when we deal with 3D cases
 It is preferable to use “rectangular-component”

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Example Problem 2-1
 Determine:
– The resultant force (R)
– The angle θ between the R and the x-axis
 Answer:
– The magnitude of R is given by
R 2 = 900 2 + 600 2 + 2(900)(600) cos 400
R = 1413.3 ≈ 1413lb
– The angle α between the R and the 900-lb
force is given by
sin α sin(1800 − 400 )
600 1413.3
α = 15.836o
– The angle θ therefore is
θ = 15.8360 + 350 = 50.80 Department of Mechanical Engineering
Example Problem 2-2

 Determine
– The resultant R
– The angle between the R
and the x-axis

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Another example

 If the resultant of the force

system is zero, determine
– The force FB
– The angle between the FB
and the x-axis

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Force components

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Resolution of a force into components

 The components of a resultant force are

not unique !!
R = A + B = (G + I ) + H
=C+D = E+F

 The direction of the components must be

fixed (given)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

How to obtain the components of a force
(arbitrary component directions)?
Parallel to u
 Steps:
– Draw lines parallel to u and v crossing
the tip of the R
– Together with the original u and v
lines, these two lines produce the
– The sides of the parallelogram
represent the components of R
Parallel to v – Use law of sines to determine the
magnitudes of the components
Fu Fv 900
= =
sin 45o sin 25o sin 110 o
900 sin 45o
Fu = = 677 N
sin 110 0
900 sin 250
Fv = = 405 N
sin 110 o
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Example Problem 2-5
 Determine the components of F = 100 kN along
the bars AB and AC

 Hints:
– Construct the force triangle/parallelogram
– Determine the angles α, β, γ
– Utilize the law of sines
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Another example
 Determine the magnitude of the components of
R in the directions along u and v, when R =
1500 N

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Rectangular components of a force
 What and Why rectangular components?
– Rectangular components  all of the components are perpendicular to
each other (mutually perpendicular)
– Why? One of the angle is 90o ==> simple
 Utilization of unit vectors
 Rectangular components in 2D and 3D
 Utilization of the Cartesian c.s.
Arbitrary rectangular

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The Cartesian coordinate system
 The Cartesian coordinate axes z
are arranged following the
right-hand system (shown on
the right)
 The setting of the system is
arbitrary, but the results of the
analysis must be independent of
the chosen system y

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Unit vectors
 A dimensionless vector of unit magnitude
 The very basic coordinate system used to specify coordinates in
the space is the Cartesian c.s.
 The unit vectors along the Cartesian coordinate axis x, y and z
are i, j, k, respectively
 The symbol en will be used to indicate a unit vector in some n-
direction (not x, y, nor z)
 Any vector can be represented as a multiplication of a
magnitude and a unit vector
A = A e n = Ae n
A is in the positive
en = =
direction along n

B is in the negative
direction along n
B = − B e n = − Be n
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The rectangular components of a force in 2D system
 While the components must be perpendicular to each other, the directions
do not have to be parallel or perpendicular to the horizontal or vertical

F = Fx + Fy = Fx i + Fy j
Fx = F cos θ
F Fy = F sin θ
Fy = Fy j
F = Fx + Fy
2 2

j θ = tan −1
θ Fx = Fx i Fx
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The rectangular components in 3D systems
k en

F = Fx + Fy + Fz Fz = Fz k

= Fx i + Fy j + Fz k
F = Fe n F

F Fx i + Fy j + Fz k θz
en = =
Fx = F cos θ x θx θy

Fy = F cos θ y Fx = Fx i Fy = Fy j

Fz = F cos θ z j y

F = Fx + Fy + F e n = cos θ x i + cos θ y j + cos θ z k
2 2 2

Fx Fy Fz
θ x = cos−1
θ y = cos −1
θ z = cos −1

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dot Products of two vectors

A • B = B • A = A B cos θ = AB cos θ

It’s a scalar !!!
Special cosines:

θ Cos 0o = 1
Cos 30o = ½ √3
Cos 45o = ½ √2
Cos 60o = 0.5
Cos 90o = 0

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dot products and rectangular components
 The dot product can be used to obtain the rectangular
components of a force (a vector in general)

An = A • e n = A cos θ n (magnitude)

A n = Ane n (the vectorial component

in the n direction)

A n = ( A • e n )e n
The component along en

At = A − A n
The component along et

Remember, en and et are perpendicular

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Cartesian rectangular components
 The dot product is particularly useful when the unit vectors
are of the Cartesian system (the i, j, k)
y Fx = F • i = F cos θ
Fy = F • j = F cos(90 − θ )
Fy = Fy j
= F sin θ
j Also, in 3D,
θ Fx = Fx i
i Fz = F • k

F = Fx + Fy = Fx i + Fy j = (F • i )i + (F • j) j
Department of Mechanical Engineering
More usage of dot products …

 Dot products of two vectors written in Cartesian system

A • B = Ax Bx + Ay B y + Az Bz
 The magnitude of a vector (could be a force vector),
here A is the vector magnitude

A • A = A2 cos 0 = A2 = Ax Ax + Ay Ay + Az Az
 The angle between two vectors (say between vectors A
and B)
 Ax Bx + Ay B y + Az Bz 
θ = cos 
 AB 
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The rectangular components of arbitrary direction

Fz = Fz k

F = Fx + Fy + Fz
= Fx i + Fy j + Fz k θzn

F = Fne n + Ft et Fx = Fx i Fn Fy = Fy j

θxn θyn

Fn = F • e n
j y
= ( Fx i + Fy j + Fz k ) • e n
= Fx i • e n + Fy j • e n + Fz k • e n x Can you show the following?

= Fx cos θ xn + Fy cos θ yn + Fz cos θ zn e n = cos θ xn i + cos θ yn j + cos θ znk

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Summarizing ….
 The components of a force resultant are not unique
 Graphical methods (triangular or parallelogram methods)
combined with law of sinus and law of cosines can be used to
obtain components in arbitrary direction
 Rectangular components are components of a force (vector) that
perpendicular to each other
 The dot product can be used to
– obtain rectangular components of a force vector
– obtain the magnitude of a force vector (by performing self-
– Obtain the angle between two (force) vectors
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Example Problem 2-6
 Find the x and y scalar components of the
 Find the x’ and y’ scalar components of
the force
 Express the force F in Cartesian vector
form for the xy- and x’y’- axes

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Example Problem 2-6
Fx = F cos θ Fy = F cos(90 − θ )
Fx ' = F cos β Fy ' = F cos(90 − β )
θ = 90 − 28 = 62o
β = 62 − 30 = 32 o

Fx = 450 cos 62 = 211N

Fy = 450 sin 62 = 397 N
Fx ' = 450 cos 32 = 382 N
Fy = 450 sin 32 = 238 N Writing the F in Cartesian vector form:

F = (211i + 397 j) N = (382e x ' + 238e y ' ) N

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Example Problem 2-8 B

 Find the angles θx, θy, and θz

(θx is the angle between OB and
x axis and so on ..)
 The x, y, and x scalar
components of the force.
 The rectangular component Fn of
the force along line OA
 The rectangular component of
the force perpendicular to line
OA (say Ft)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Example Problem 2-8 B

 To find the angles:

– Find the length of the 3
diagonal OB, say d θ x = cos −1
= 59 .0 o

– d = 5.831 m 4
θ y = cos −1 = 46.7 o
– Use cosines to get the 5.831
angles θ z = cos −1 = 59.0o

 The scalar components in the Fx = F cos θ x = 12.862kN

x, y, and z directions: Fy = F cos θ y = 17.150kN
Fz = F cos θ z = 12.862kN

F = (12.862i + 17.150 j + 12.862k )kN

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Example Problem 2-8
 To find the rectangular component Fn
of the force along line OA:
– Needs the unit vector along OA
– Method 1 : Follow the method
described in the book
– Method 2: utilize the vector
position of A (basically vector
rA 3i + 1j + 3k
eOA = =
OA = rA = 3i + 1j + 3k rA 32 + 12 + 32
3i + 1j + 3k
– Remember, that any vector can = = 0.688i + 0.230 j + 0.688k
be represented as a multiplication 4.36
of its magnitude and a unit vector
along its line of application

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Example Problem 8-2
FOA = F • eOA
 The scalar component of F along OA
FOA = (12.862i + 17.150 j + 12.862k ) • (0.688i + 0.230 j + 0.688k )
FOA = 12.862 × 0.688 + 17.150 × 0.230 + 12.862 × 0.688 = 21.643kN

 The vector component of F along OA

FOA = (F • e OA )e OA = 21.6(0.688i + 0.230 j + 0.688k )
= 14.86i + 4.97 j + 14.86k

 The vector component of F perpendicular to OA

Ft = F − FOA = (12.862i + 17.150 j + 12.862k ) − (14.86i + 4.97 j + 14.86k )
= (−2i + 12.18 j + 2k )

 The scalar component of F perpendicular to OA

Ft =| Ft |=| (−2i + 12.18 j − 2k ) |= (−2) 2 + 12.182 + (−2) 2 = 12.50kN

Check: F = FOA
+ Ft 2 = 21.6432 + 12.50 2 ≈ 25kN Department of Mechanical Engineering
Resultants by rectangular components

 The Cartesian rectangular components of forces can be

utilized to obtain the resultant of the forces
y •Adding the x vector components, we obtain the x
vector component of the resultant
R x = ∑ Fx = F1 x + F2 x
F1 •Adding the y vector components, we obtain the y
vector component of the resultant

R y = ∑ Fy = F1 y + F2 y

F1x x

•The resultant can be obtained by performing the

F2 vector addition of these two vector components
R = R x + R y = Rx i + R y j
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Resultants by rectangular components

 The scalar components of the resultant

R x = F1 x + F2 x = ( F1x + F2 x )i = Rx i
R y = F1 y + F2 y = ( F1 y + F2 y ) j = R y j

 The magnitude of the resultant R= R +R 2


 The angles formed by the resultant and the Cartesian axes

Rx Ry
θ x = cos −1
θ y = cos −1

 All of the above results can be easily extended for 3D system

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Please do example problems 2-9, 2-10, and 2-11

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HW Problem 2-20
 Determine the non-rectangular components of R

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HW Problem 2-37
 Determine the
components of F1 and F2
in x-y and x’-y’ systems

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HW Problem 2-44

 Express the cable tension in Cartesian

 Determine the magnitude of the
rectangular component of the cable force
 Determine the angle α between cables
AD and BD

Typo in the problem!!!


Don’t worry if you don’t get the solution in the back of the
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HW Problem 2-46

 Determine the scalar components

 Express the force in Cartesian
vector form
 Determine the angle α between the
force and line AB

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HW problems 2-55
 Given: F1 = 500 lb, F2 = 300
lb, F3 = 200 lb
 Determine the resultant
 Express the resultant in the
Cartesian format
 Find the angles formed by the
resultant and the coordinate

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HW Problem 2-49
 Given T1 and T2 are 650 lb,
 Determine P so that the resultant of T1, T2 and P is

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