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Home / My courses / UGRD.ITES01.2003T / Wook 2-9: Foims of Business anetship / Mitten Quiz? Started on Tuesday, 1 September 2020, 3 ‘State Finshed ‘Completed on Tuesday 1 September 2020, 322 PM Time taken 11 mins 18 secs coin 3 anon Grade 25,00 out of 25.00 (100%) ‘Why would» new business venture choose nat to operate a6 a partnership? Select one all ofthe choices Shoring of profits Ditficuty in leaving a partnership Limited He ‘The combination of 2 oF more fms to form 3 new company, which aten takes 9 new corporate ident, Select one Acquisition Jin ventures Merger cooperatives Why would new business venture chacee to operat a » partnership? Select one 2. Ease of formation baat of eaptal allot the choices 4 Dest of managerial expertise ‘Tre purchase ofa corporation by another corporation or investment group, Select one Acquistion Merger cooperatives joint ventures 1s cusion seven conn ‘Why would new business venture choose not to operate ae partnership? Select one: United lability for general partners all ofthe cholees Unite fe Potential for conflict between partners ‘Why would new business venture choose to operate ae 3 partnership? Select one Diversity of managerial expertise Feibity to respond to changing business condtions all of the choices Relative freedom fom government control In General Partnerships, each partners inviually lable fo all debts and contract of the partnership. Select one: tive Fake ‘Two or mote companies form an alance to pursue spectc project sual fora spectc ime perio. Select one: stodkoolers joint ventures {Cost and complet of formation franchises cooperatives Which of the following is/are the main faums af business erganiztion? Select one all ofthe choices Sole proprietor Lie tabilty company Partnership Which of he folloning isnot an advantage of sole proprietorship? Select one: Absence of special taxes ‘Onmers ight tal profs Relative freedom om government regulation ase of dsalution none ofthe choices 26 enti omen enn 1S sin 16 Which of he flowing isfare dsadvantages of LiitedUsbilty company? Select one: Government restrictions and regulations Cost and complentyof formation Double taxation of profts Stable business Ie Choose form of arganzation by valuing Select one ‘The este and cost of forming the business ‘The abit to aise fonds ‘Owner’ Iabilty for firm's debts allot the choices In Limited Partnerships the dormant partners do not participate atively in the fs operations Select one ive Fake The business organization in which a franchisor supplies the protut concept to the franchises. who sols the goods or services Select one: Joint ventures franchises cooperatives stocknolers Which of he following is net a dsacvantage of sole proprictorehip? Select one: Unstable busines fe Difficty in attracting qualified employees one ofthe choices Large personal tine commitment In Genera Parinersips, exch pariner can co-own asets and share profits Select one ‘ive Fake onion 7 Mak tepowtst Select one Which of the flowing is not a dsadvantage of sole proprietorship? one ofthe choces Untiited Kablty ofthe owner for debts Limited managerial expertise Difficulty in asin capital ‘legal entity ith an estence and Me separate hom ts owners, who therefore are not personaly lable for ie aes, Select one: Sole proprietorship lite laity company franchise parnership sin 19 In Limited Parnrships, each partner is contralled by one or more general partners who have unlimited ono laity Select one ve Fake aan 20 ‘Which ofthe flloning isnot an advantage of sale proprietorship? mak tebowst —— Seletone v0 one ofthe choices Comers rights al profs Owners absolute conta ofthe businase Fase an low cost of formation sion 21 “Choose a form of organization by evaluating mak reoowet Select one all ofthe choees The taxes ‘The ability to atract employees The degree of operating contol the owner can retain 46 umn 2 peers sues 25 = Fors of Business Formed by people with similar interests, sch as customers and supp. Selet one: franchises stodkoolers join ventures ‘Cost and complet of formation cooperatives ‘Which ofthe felling fare an advantages of Limited ably company? Select one Stale business ite United Habit Abily t deny financing Fase of transferring ownership In Limited Partnerships the dormant partners fabiltyis limited to ther investment. Select one: Thue Fake Choose form of arganzation by valuing Select one ‘The desire of how toot to shar profits ‘The aims and objectives ofthe various business the taxes allofthe choices dump Midterm Examination =

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