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1. Oblique twists. ...

2. Hip stretch. ...
3. Hamstring stretch with a towel. ...
4. Diagonal squats. ...
5. Upper back hyper extensions with head rotation. ...
6. Seated inner thigh stretch. ...
7. Doorway chest and shoulder stretch. ...
8. Wall shoulder and arm stretch.


Types of aerobic exercise

 Walking. Walking is a low-impact exercise that's safely accessible to adults of
most fitness levels. ...
 Swimming. According to Harvard Medical School, more vigorous activities can do
even more for your heart than walking. ...
 Biking.


Examples of exercises that develop muscular strength and power include resistance training,
such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance band
exercises. Running, cycling, and climbing hills are also options

Due Oct 22, 12:59 AM

MIDTERM EXAMINATION Write a five-minute speech about your enduring form of interaction
(unforgettable experience) in life. As you craft your speech, you have to be observant with the principles
in writing good speech. Please take note of the concepts and theories infused in the previous discussions.
The modules, video clips and your classmate’s responses in the comment box will provide you relevant
concepts in writing an effective speech. Good luck!

1. Squats

Squats are versatile, and you can do them with no equipment. "The most
important thing with the squat is proper form," says Jim White, owner of Jim
White Fitness & Nutrition Studios in Virginia Beach and Norfolk, Virginia.
Stand tall with your feet at hip-width distance apart, shoulders relaxed. Look
ahead to keep your neck aligned with your spine, and hold your arms straight
in front of you or on your hips. Slowly squat as if you're about to take a seat in
the coveted office chair behind you, keeping your heels planted on the ground
and torso upright. Aim for eight to 12 reps.

2. Lunges

Here's another move that will keep your core and legs toned, White says.
Make sure your upper body is straight, shoulders are back and relaxed and
your chin is up. Step forward with one leg, and lower your hips until both
knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. The front knee should be directly above
the ankle; your other knee shouldn’t touch the floor. Maintain weight on your
heels when you push back up to your standing position. Want a challenge?
White suggests adding a bicep curl with dumbbells or walking forward during
lunges to keep things interesting. Eight to 12 reps will do the trick.

Guys, make a plan to stay fit.

Maybe you're no stranger to the gym – but are you using your time there well?
That's another story. "There are more people exercising than any other time in
history, thanks to a boom in health clubs and workout trends," says Fairfax
Hackley, a personal trainer and former bodybuilder. “But we are more obese,
more sedentary, with more aches and pains and diseases than any other
country." Sticking to just one boring, same-old routine in your dark and gloomy
gym won’t do it. Here are seven exercises men should consider adding to
their daily routines:

2 of 9

Samantha Costa, Staff Writer

Samantha Costa is a Health + Wellness reporter at U.S. News. You can

follow her on Twitter, ...  READ MORE

2. Lunges
Here's another move that will keep your core and legs toned, White says. Make sure
your upper body is straight, shoulders are back and relaxed and your chin is up. Step
forward with one leg, and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree
angle. The front knee should be directly above the ankle; your other knee shouldn’t
touch the floor. Maintain weight on your heels when you push back up to your standing
position. Want a challenge? White suggests adding a bicep curl with dumbbells or
walking forward during lunges to keep things interesting. Eight to 12 reps will do the

3. Cardio

Sweating it out for 20 to 40 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical might be the only kind
of cardio you’re familiar with, but it won't necesarily impact your metabolic rate – or how
fast your body burns calories – says Nick Balestriere, a health coach at True Health
Integrative Systems in Boca Raton, Florida. Consider adding an anaerobic exercise –
like sprinting or jumping – when you're done with an aerobic activity, which brings your
exercise to a more intense level and boosts your metabolism in the process.

4. Yoga

Take a deep breath. Namaste. “A lack of deep breathing really begins to exacerbate

other problems in the human body,” Hackley says. To improve your breathing and
flexibility, consider taking a yoga class. During intense yoga workouts, breathing slows
down, as opposed to speeding up like it would during a brisk cardio routine. In addition
to training your body to breathe, you’ll also stretch tight or unused muscles, White says.
That's important because inflexible muscles can lead to lower back problems, tightness
and muscle tears, he adds.

5. Planks

Ugh! Planks. You love them or hate them, but this grunt-worthy exercise will strengthen
your core. “They’re great for spinal stability and back pain,” Balestriere says. Get low to
the ground as if you’re going to do a pushup, with your elbows bent 90 degrees and
both forearms resting on the floor. Keep your body a straight line from the top of your
head to the tips of your heels. Cup your wrists together if they hurt from the pressure.
“Start off trying to do it as long as you can, then try to beat that every day,” White says.

6. Body-weight resistance

Building muscle isn't just for bodybuilders. When you’re doing resistance exercises,
you’re building and maintaining the amount of thickness in your bones, otherwise
referred to as bone mass and density. This kind of exercise is easy to squeeze into your
daily routine, too, even if you're on the road. Balestriere suggests purchasing
inexpensive suspension straps, which you can carry in your bag. “You have the ability to
do single arm chest presses, leg curls and core work, and you don’t even need to leave
your hotel room,” Balestriere says. “Resistance training is extremely important for both
genders in preventing osteoporosis.”

7. Functional training

Functional exercises train the muscles that are used for everyday activities like mowing
the lawn – such as the chest, triceps, quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. “Functional
training can make you stronger for your job,” Balestriere says. By sprinting, jumping,
lifting, twisting and bending, you prepare your body for common daily tasks by
simulating the movements they require. You might, for example,
incorporate kettlebells and weights into your lunges to simulate vacuuming, or do
deadlifts to work the muscles you'll need for yardwork.
The Top 5 Muscular Endurance Exercises
1. Plank.
2. Body weight squats.
3. Walking lunges.
4. Pushups.
5. Situps.
6. Improving endurance.
7. Talk to your doctor.

Men are predisposed to being less flexible thanks to their gender. Unless you
have been a gymnast, dancer, a yoga enthusiast or have excess of elastin in
your body, most likely your body is inflexible and stiff. Cramps, muscle pulls,
strains and sprains, early morning stiffness, skeletal imbalance and joint
problems are all symptoms of inflexible joints.

Make flexibility training a part of your workouts.

1. Oblique twists
Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet off the floor. Place your arms
out to the sides in line with your shoulders. Drop both your legs over to the
right and just before they can touch the floor, lift them over to the left side. Do
10-12 reps.

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2. Hip stretch
Lie on your back and bend both knees with feet on the floor. Now lift up your
right leg and place the right ankle just near the left knee (on the thigh). Grab
your left thigh with both hands and pull the right leg in towards your chest.
Feel a stretch in the left hip. Consciously keep your head and shoulders
relaxed on the floor.

Hold for 20 seconds as you try to pull it in further very slowly; and then switch

3. Hamstring stretch with a towel

Lie on your back with your left knee bent and foot on the floor. Place the
centre of a long towel on under your right foot. Hold on to the ends of the
towel with your hands and raise the right leg as high as it can go.

Slowly pull it in further without bending the knee, holding for 20 seconds.
Repeat with the left leg.

4. Diagonal squats
Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Now squat down towards the right by
pushing out your right hip bending the right knee and extending the left leg.
This will open up your right hip.

Go back to standing taking care not to jerk and lock the knees. Do 10-12 reps
on the right and then repeat on the left.

5. Upper back hyper extensions with head rotation

Lie face down on your tummy. Place your hands near your shoulders and rest
your elbows on the floor. Lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor by
squeezing your back muscles. As you lift up, turn your head to one side as far
as possible.

Bring it back to centre as you come down. On the next rep, turn your head to
the other side. Do a total of 12 reps. Focus on trying to lift higher with each rep
as if you are trying to curve the upper back.

6. Seated inner thigh stretch

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and soles of the feet touching each other.
Sit up tall and straight. Do not lean forwards or backwards and do not round
the back. Hold on to your feet with your hands and slide them in; as close into
your body as you can.

Consciously press the knees down towards the floor. Hold for 20 seconds.

7. Doorway chest and shoulder stretch

Stand with your forearms on the doorway. Step into the doorway with one leg
and push your torso forwards, opening up the chest and front of the shoulder.
Hold for 20 seconds.
Then do the same thing with your arms extended high up on the doorway.

8. Wall shoulder and arm stretch

Place your right hand on the wall keeping the arm straight and in line with the
shoulder. Now begin to turn away from your hand as far as possible. Feel the
stretch in the front of your shoulder and biceps. Hold for 20 seconds and
repeat with the left arm.

9. Overhead triceps stretch

Sit on a bench or floor. Bend your right elbow behind your head. With your
left hand pull the elbow towards the left. Keep your head lifted, shoulders
pulled down away from the ears and chest opened up. Do not arch your back.
Hold for 20 seconds and repeat with the other arm.

10. Hip flexor stretch with towel

Stand with all your weight on the left leg. Place the centre of your towel on the
top of your right foot. Take the foot behind and hold on to the ends of the
towel behind your hip. Now raise your arms up bringing the foot as high up as
possible. Feel a stretch in the front of the hip and thigh while you feel a
contraction in the back and back of the hip. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat
with the other leg.

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