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Integrated Science June 2004 P1






Time - 75 minutes

+">' t

REA D'I' fI E F-O L L0 W I N G D I R L C'l' I 0 n' S L'\ R Ii l" U L L J''

L In addition to this test booklet, you shoLrld have an an sw er sltct:t.

2. Each item i1 this test has four sugg,ested answers Iette rcci (A), (ll), (C), (D) Read eaclt itertt yt
are about to allswer and decide which choice is bcst'
artcl slrade the space ltavit
3. On your answer sheet, fincl the number rvhich corresponds to )our itetn
the same letter as the ansrver you have chosen. Look at hou'il is clolte in tlr: satrrple
itenl belo'

SarnPle Item

Benzene dissolves stains caused b'r

(A) fiuit Sample r\irsiver

(B) paint
(C) starch @@,CO
(D) tar

The best answer to this itern is l'tar'", so answer space (D) has been blackeried.

4. If you want to cSange your alswer, be sure to erasc your olcl ans-w'et'coltrpletely before
y-ott fill
your new choice.
'Whenyouaretoldtobegin,turntfrr:pageandu'orkasclLrickll anclascarcftrl lyasyoucan' If yc
cannot answer an item, omit it ancl go on to the next otle . \'t;r.t catr cclnte
back to tlte harder itet
later. Your score will be tlre total nr"ttttber of ctirr,,-ct arls\\'cl:.

6. This testconsists of 60 itenrs' Yotr will have 7-5 ttlitlutes to al)s\\'el thenl'

7. Donotbeconcernedthattheanswcrsheetprrovidesspaccsf,:t tnoreansrver:ithanthereareiten
in this test.

T t-t,p E Le o<7

Itent I refers irr llii ,-i iair.';lii it o I a r,,.: ii ir': rr i L $,'1r i,-'h ofthe fbllorving blood groups ltas r

section of'a ilor..cr l r iigen a ncl. as a resu lt. can be usecl in trart
lir :;ion ttr fi n)' pcrson'/
II (,,\) n
(L!; B
tII (( ) AIl
(I)) O
t. ',1. I't i ci r c' i'l I lc lb I ltrrvi n g cheur icals i s tl rorrgl rt

crr:rrtIi irritc ii-r h1 perten,;icln in lrtrrrrrtrrs'l

(,,\ ) Sc'ciitrnr clrlori, le

riii I-'_11.,:_,,'t tiCS
r! \ i' iiI1,. o I'irragrrr:sia
l. Whiclr r-rf ihc fulioliirrg palts of llre flr:w,r.rr il)r ilt,r'ir.r
DFoC u trcs l i:.r !i; qatnetes'/

\. 'r I 1 \t, hiclt oi'the IoIlou ingsubstances isNOI

(B) Ii l'"i ,,\l-t \'' assor:iatcd .vith excretiorr by tl
(c) III k cllte',",)
(D) IV
(;\ ) 1l i !s 5;-t I is
1n wh ich parlofthe nrale reproductive systertr
ii.i; C'atb,:'irClc;ricir-

is sperm produced?
((') Clucose{srrgr r)
(i)) i-.irea

(A) Prostate glancl

(B) Sernirralvesicle
d,. \\'hicir ,.lf tire iirilou ilrg -<tatcrnerrts arecr.r
(C) J-estes
(D) Vas clef'er ct,s

l. Short sigh:cttytcoitlecaitirotseetJi
: u r :, iu ir r 1..'iassi unr iod ide sol Lrtiorr, lr ;rs used tarr t r;t'je cl-, cicalJi'
tocarry oui ii i\-rrj test. The lbod eroLrp being I Short-:.iglrtec pe o;'ic hirve eyetral
tested was -
thatalc trrc irtng.
i ii Shorl-siqlrteri reo1,.i,3 1121.. c ir ci.rk c)
(A) fatandoils tilLtscles.
(B) prctein
(C) starch (,{) I attcl ,lI otr 11,

iD) sugar (l,t) Iancliillcnl-v

(( ) Iianclllionir
(t1) I. IIarrd lll
4. Which of the follou,ing is a 1'unctiorr of the
lvhitc blcod celis?

(A) "l'rart spr,'rlt i lr 11 rrfLt.rri.qci r

(B) f ra n :riror'[ i rr g i-: i-c i: r c,. :, i r,l i ox irJ e

(c) Ptoduction ofartii bt dies
rf)) Fonnatic.rn ol-clots

(lO ON 1'O 1f li Nt:X'{ I'r\[ii

9. Mr Jones is near sighted. lrr order to correct 14. \\'ir ich ofthe frcllorvinl; toxic gases f unctiol
h is v ision he should use bl, bind irrg to the haemoglobin in the red blot
(A) amagnifyingglass
(B) apairofbinoculars (/\) Chlorine
(C) spectacles with concave lcrr:;es ([]l Sulphurdioxid;
(D) . spectacles with convex lerrsr:s (Cl Carbon rrlono) ide
(l)l Attrttrt;nia
.beings is approxinrately t 5. l'ollorvir g gases or sources (
W h ich o f the
energy is NOT neces.(,ary to staft a fire?
(A) t0e6
j (B) t6Yo (A) Fuel
: (C) 2lYo (B) Nitrogerr
(D) 30oA (Cl) OxYgctt
(D) IJeat

11. Liquids arrd gases normally expancl when

-fhisbe- 16. Whichelectricaluniti;ameasureof
haviour explains the working ofa rel=;istance?

(A) waterpunrp (A) AnrPc,re

(t]) vacuunr cleaner (B ) 'Jhln
(C) tyre-pressure gauge (C ) Volt
(D) mercury thennonrcter (D) Watt

12. By wh ich process <loes water pass liorn tlre l'7 , W lndow sntad,: froln ir,rn rvill rustquickly b'
oceantotheatmosphere? thr: scasicle. I his is br:cadse the air by tlr,
seaside lras a high percentage of
(A) C<,rndensation
(B) Evaporatiori (A) r:arbon dioxide
(C) Precipitation (8.) iodine'rapour
(D) Respirarion
[l,.l ,ilJ,r,li.n,"no,,

13. Which of the following staterrents i:;NOT

. true about recycling? I(ecyclirrg I B. One ad vantagc ofa fluorescent Ianr p, over i
bult:-t1,pt filan:rent lantyr, is that it generally
(A) decreases waste in tlte cnv iro rnteltt
(B) saves orl raw'materials tlrat havc to (A) produc,es ttrore lteat energy
be usecl in productiolt (tl ) c:asts shadows that are lcss sharlr
(C) requirescollection andsortingo lw,zrste (C] ) plrovidesa more'orange-lookirrg ligh
(D) can be dorre 6rrly with non-biocle- (D) issintplertocorttrolforbriglrtrtess
gradable tnaterizrls



t9. Which of the following pl-I values arc ussoci- 24. 'I'hr: rlia;;r'iinr [rr:lo*,slrows arr athle tic tritcl
ated with acidic soiltypes? rvir lr prrrts Iabtrlled (A), (R ), ((l), ( D).

II. 6 I
ilI. 9
w!_a B
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II arrd lll only
(D) I,Il and III

24. The pc.int about which a lever runrs is called

(A) ef{brt
(R) fulcrurn r\ ritcc rvas helrJ along rlre track above. Tht
(C) lever arrn rvincl ''v a.l blowing in the direction ofE. Alorrtr
(D) loadarm u,lricir pafi of the trac:k rrill the athletes movr

2r. Decayed organic matter is called

2!;. 'I-hc hanclle of a cricket bat is usually elastic
(A) hurnus Th is prr--perty
(B) limestone
(C) sediment (A) enables the ba srnan to apply largr
(D) soil forces
(ll i rnakcs the bat r turdy
(C) erbsorbs rnore r;ltock if tlre batsntar
Physical exercise is LEAST irnportarr t in the get.s hit on his fingcrs
prevention of (I)) r'educes the sh,tck ttr (lre batsnran'
' hancls
(A) obcsity
(B) heartdisease
(C) scurvy zti. 'I'hc pitcilr ol'thc note procluccd
bv a vibratinl
(D) hypertension strirrg i:, NOT aff-ectcd by its

(A) r:olour
23. Which of the followingtlevices isNCIT a watcr (B) lerrgth
safcty devicc'/ (c) thicktrcss
(f)) lensiolr
(A) lnflatable balloon
(B) Inllatable tube
(c) Lif-e raft
(D) Lil'ejacket


27 . l'he lift force of arr aircraft depends orr J0. /r seisnrograph isan i tstrulttentthatrecot

I. the shape of thc wings (,\) ealtlrr-1 uakc ac ti v i t1

il. the size of the rvings (B) hurnid it1'ol'tlrc air
III. the density olllre rvirrgs (( ) air ternpe latrrrc
lv. the shade of'the wirrgs (l)) u,ind speed

(A) lorrly
(B) II and III on ly !.S:fI_!L! t'ef-ers to tlt:: diagrarrr of'a
(c) I,ll and III only sr:ctiorr ofan ovary be low.
(D) I, Il, III, and IV

28. Various lengths of rvood cut fronr tlre sanre

beam are placed in turn on a plarre vvh ich is
then incl ined ata fi xed ausle. Which systern
is the LEAST stable?


rA T'r

\xt - Il:I

vr\ 31. 'l'lrestrLrcture labelled II isthe

\h\ :- (l\.) endosperm rrur:lcus
/fl i rnale s;ex cell
{r -t ((. ) pollen-tubq 4u :letts
\.r,'r --- (D) rnicropyle
(D) _

29. Which of the following ,'r'eatlter sysienrs is

NOT a cyclonic storrn?

(A) Hurricane
(B) '['omado
(c) 'Iyphoorr
(D) Tliunderstonn

,. I

Items 32 - 3l refer to the diagram below. 35. In rnan. ivlOS'l'absorption ofdigested foor
takes prlace irr the

(A) urlon
\ (B) duodetrLum
I (C) ileurn
\ (D) :;tornach
m 36. 'T'he d iagrarn
br:low slto'rvs the ntovement o
I panicles betrveen trvo solutions.

Cotton wool rret Cofton wool wet

wlth hYdroch-lorlc wlth concentrated
32. In wh ich structu re d oes fert i I i z.ati o n take p ace?
I aciLcl

(A) I
(B) rr
'I'he pr,rcess being illustrated in tlrediagrarr
(c) IIi above i s
(D) rv
(A) erbsorption
(B) dialysis
33. Which structure releases fbmale scx c;ells'/ (C) cliffusicrrt
(D.) ostnosis
(A) I
(ts) il
(c) IIr 37. Wlr ich ofthe fo ilorving endocrine glands se
(D) rv cretes insulin?

(r\) u\tlrerrLl
34. A vaccine can increase the body's resi stance (tl) Ovary
because it (C) .l'ancrcas
(D) I'ituitary
(A) containstoxinswhichkillpathogens
in the blood
(B) stirnulatesdevelopmentofantibodies 38. Wh ich o lthe f<-rllorving, strr"rctures helps our
wh ich inactivate the patl'rog cns serrse ol'balancje?
(C) produces antiger rs rvlt ich d issolve in
plasma, ki I I ingthe pathoger: s (A) Cochlea
(D) makespathogens clump together in (fl) f:ardru:n
the blood, renderi ng therrr irrelTec- (Cl) C)ssicles
tive (D) Semi-circularcanals



39. Conduction is BEST illustrated bythep'as- tl1. Wlr ich cle,c:trical c,:rnponent is rrsed for ntak-
sage ofheat irrg direct cc,nnection to tlri: prl"ver supply?

(A) through rvires (At [: erx

(B) alongnretals (lJ) Iruse

(C) through space ((l) I'lui;
(D) alongwith gases (D) l-ransfomter

40. Which of the following is found in clinical 45. Whiclr ofthe follorving gases is required for
thermometers, but NOJ' in other 1fi91rncrr)l- cornbttstic'ni)
(A) Carbondioxidc
(A) Constrictiort (l]) Ox;'gen
(B) Glassindex (Cr) Suphurdioxide
(C) Magnifiedscale (D) Carbon monoxide
(D) Mercury

,]6. W h i ch o I'tli e fo I lovv i ng rvot r ld NOT protect an

4t. Seawatercan bemade fit fclrdrirtking by tlte iron gate fiorn rusting?
process of
(A) Cal'vanizing
(A) evaporation (B) Pairrtirrg
(B) filtration (C) S/ashing
(C) distillation (D) oiJing
(D) neutralisation

47. A slrip isrrradeofironand istobeused inthe

42. Which nrethod BEST forcatch ing sh'oals o1-
is sca. Wlrich 'cfthe lbllorvin g metals is MOST
fish which swim near the surface 'rf the su itable as a coat to preverrt it from rusting?

(,\) AluLniniurrr
(A) Hand lines (U) Ccprper
(B) Longlines (( ) Nliqrncsiurn
(C) Driftnets (D) 7.irx:

43. Spotttaneous bush fires may trc caused rvlten

there is fuel, heat and

(A) oxygen
(B) carbondioxide
(C) dried grass
(D) sulphur

| .r


rliO ON:'l'O T'tlll NIrXT PACE


48. ln ordertodetermine wlrich type ofsoil. (A), (U). (C). or(D), retaine<l the tnost water.
Kim carried outan experirrrent using the apparattt:; sltc,rvn bel,cw.

100 cmt
cotton yeel-.---

weter drained _-

Which ofthe soils retained the MOST l,atcr?

49. What is the correct order of oreanisms in aL 51, Adclirrg con:lrnon s:rlt to water product
food chain? liqu i,J that is, when c xrpared rvitlr water

(A) Canrivores-) producers-+ l'rerbi vores, (A) greerter irr pl I

(B) Producers-> herbivorcs -+ r'anr i vores, (B) greaiter in density
(c) HerDrvorcs-+ producels-+ c a.nll \'ores (C) lessirrchem,calreactivity
(D) Pruducers-+camivores *) herbivorcsr riD) lessinelectr,calconductivity

50. The fol lowing are physio logical effi:cts ofthe 52. I'he {brce wh ich acts on all bodies in wa
body. r;ausirrg therlr to appear to have Iess weigl
L Production ofVitamin f)
IL Sweating I,A) upthrust
IIL Sunbum r:tl) lift
IV. 'I'anningoftheskin (C) gravity
(D) ,h.,s, .. ,.
Which of tlre above may result fronr long
exposure to the sun'/
53. \\'hich of tlre following hazards are usui
(A) Ionly asscc:iated r,,, ith dcep-sea diving'/
(R) II and III only
(C) I[,III and tV only I. Rrrpture of-eardrurn
(D) I,ll,lll and IV ]I Bends (air bubbles trapped in
b|:od streanr)
ilt F-pilcpsy
{V Cororrary thrombosis

(,4) lonly
(l]) IIotrl-v
(r:) I arrd II only
\ (D) ll. Illarrcl I! only


54. Which oftlre lbl lorving bocl ies would e xpcri- 57. Which ol'the tbllorving types ofgasolene ar,
ence tlre LEAST resistance to motion irt NIOSl I il<ely' to rninirn ize pol lutiort lt'otrt inter
water wlren movirrg in the clirection of-the nal corulDustion engincs ?
[. l-eaclecl gasolette
II. [Jrr lcaded gaso]ette
IIl. lliglrsLllphurgtLsolerle
IV. [,on sulphurgasolene

(A) I ancllll only

(B) Iland IV only'
(B)FD, (c) il I and IV on ly
_...'' (D) I. III arrd IV orr,y

'l Ire Ioacl t.t'ansported b1' I ttuck is irtcreased tc

(c)H5> al'rove the rttaxitnunr load capacity of tht
t rr.ru:k. \\' h i ch o I'the fo [ |c w i n g is N4 OST I i ke|1

tO c'ccur'l
L trurck wi ll o vertu m.
II. 1'lre suspensiorr of the truck will be
III. stability ol'tiretruck willbe in'
f,5. Wh ich ofthe lbl lorvin g statern ents rtfet' to the cre a:;ed.
reflection ofliglrt?
(^) I ouly'
L'l'heangleofirrcidenceiseclualtotlre (ll; I ll onl1,
angle of reflection. (c) I and II only
II. I'he incidertt ray, the rellerctcd ray (D) I Ii ancl III
and the ttorntal lie in the sarrre
plane. kely to
59. \\' lr : ch p,it i r o f c ond itior rs is N'{OS'f Ii

I Il. 'l-he incident and reflected rerys tt'avcl

car.rse accidcttts?
in the sanie direction.
(Ai R.ough loacl sur'lirce : Sttrootlt velticle
(A) I arrd II only,
(B) I and lll only (Lr) Srrrooth road surfhce : ltouglr vehicle
(C) IIand III onll' t1'r e s
(D) I. Il and III (C) Ii.oLrgh load sur
.ace : Rough vehicle
(D) lSrnootlr road su rlace : Snrooth vehi-
56. A colour wheel consists of'l'l Ii{EE colours, cle t\ res
red, blue and green, LTACI I occu;ryittg atr
equalarea. lfthe wheel is spurt atavery high
60. Wlrich l<irrd ol-fl ont is fot'lned'uvltert thel'e is a
speed, the colour seen wou ld be
rapid fall itr air p't essure'/

(A) cyan
(n) r..bld
(B) rnagenta
(ll) CtcclLrded
(C) 1'ellow (cl) litationary
(D) rvhite
(D) 'Watrr


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