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MGC 1010: Week 8

Lecture overview
Human resource management
• The strategic role of HRM
• Environmental influences on HRM
Dr Tui McKeown
• The changing nature of careers
• Attracting an effective workforce
• Developing an effective workforce
• Maintaining an effective workforce

Human resource
management (HRM)
‘Activities undertaken to attract, develop
and maintain an effective workforce within
an organisation.’

(Samson and Daft 2009: 438)


The Harvard Map
Stakeholder interests and situational factors: Key assumptions underlying HRM
• Proactive approach, linked to strategic
HR policy decisions about: planning and cultural change
• Extent of employee influence (participation)
• Flow of human resources • View of people as capital for development, not
• Reward systems as a cost
• Work systems
• Possibility of common interests and mutually
beneficial relationships between stakeholders,
Outcomes of HR decisions:
rather than conflicts
• Degree of employee commitment
• Competence of employees
• Cost effectiveness of HR policy choices
• Congruence between employee and employer goals


Evolution of Australian HRM -

Stages The strategic role of HRM
1 - 1900-1940s, Welfare and administration - hiring Three key elements of a strategic approach
staff, keeping records to HRM:
2 - 1940s-1970s, Expanded welfare and 1. All managers are HR managers.
administration - personnel functions
2. Employees are assets.
3 - Mid-1970s - late 1990s, HRM (expanded HRM
functions: planning, IR, training and 3. HRM is a matching process.
development, OH&S) • Integrating organisational strategy and goals
4 - 2000 - present, Strategic HRM - a more with the correct approach to managing the
strategic focus - devolution of traditional HRM to firm’s human capital.
line managers

The strategic role of HRM The strategic role of HRM

Current strategic issues of concern to

managers are: <<Insert Exhibit 12.1 Samson 3e p439>>
– Becoming more competitive on a global
– Improving quality, innovation and customer
– Managing mergers and acquisitions.
– Applying new information technology for

Environmental influences Environmental influences

on HRM on HRM
• Competitive strategy
‘Our strength is the quality of our people.’ – Organisational strategy demands for skills
‘Our people are our most important and employees.
resource.’ – Building human capital.
• The economic value of the knowledge,
• HRM is crucial experience, skills and capabilities of employees.
– Without the right people, even the brightest
idea is doomed to failure.
• Human resource executives need to be
involved in competitive strategy.


Environmental influences Environmental influences

on HRM on HRM
• Competitive strategy
– Globalisation
• Competing on a global basis brings new
challenges to HRM.
• International human resource management
– Addresses the complexity that results from recruiting,
selecting, developing and maintaining a diverse
workforce on a global scale.

Environmental influences The changing nature of

on HRM careers
• Competitive strategy
– Information technology • The changing social contract
• Human resource information system
– An integrated computer system designed to provide
data and information used in HR planning and decision
– Can dramatically improve effectiveness of long-term
planning in HR.

The changing nature of Attracting an effective

careers workforce
• HR issues in the new workplace: • Matching model:
– Becoming an employer of choice – Employer and applicant try to match each
– Teams and projects other’s needs, interests and values.
– Temporary employees • HR Planning.
– Technology • Selecting.
– Work/life balance
– Downsizing


Attracting an effective Attracting an effective

workforce workforce
• Human resource planning • Human resource planning
– The forecasting of HR needs and the – HR planning begins with several questions
projected matching of individuals with • Emerging new technologies?
expected job vacancies. • Volume of business?
• Is turnover a problem, is it avoidable?

Attracting an effective Attracting an effective

workforce workforce
• Recruiting
• Human resource planning – Activities or practices that define the
– Use responses to ask: characteristics of applicants to whom the
• How many senior managers are needed? selection procedures are ultimately applied.
• What types of engineers will we need, how – Are internal applicants preferred?
many? – Advertising, government employment
• Are people with adequate computer skills service, private employment agencies, job
available? fairs, employee referrals.
• What administrative personnel (technicians,
secretaries) will we need to support managers
and engineers?
• Can we use temporary, contingent or virtual

Attracting an effective Attracting an effective

workforce workforce
• Recruiting
– Assessing organisational needs • Recruiting
• Job analysis – Realistic job previews (RJP)
– The systematic process of gathering and interpreting • Gives applicants all information about the job
information about the essential duties, tasks and and the organisation.
responsibilities of a job.
– Legal considerations
• Job description
– A concise summary of the specific tasks and • Affirmative action.
responsibilities of a particular job. • Equal opportunity employer .
• Job specification – E-cruiting
– An outline of the knowledge skills, education and
physical abilities needed to adequately perform a job.
• Internet recruiting.
– Other recent approaches
• Employee referrals.


Attracting an effective Attracting an effective

workforce workforce
• Selecting • Selecting
– The process of determining the skills, – Selection devices (assessing applicants)
abilities and other attributes a person needs • Application form
to perform a particular job. • Interview
• Employment tests
– Validity • Assessment centre
• The relationship between one’s score on a – Selection based on performance on a series of
selection device and one’s future job simulated managerial tasks.

Developing an effective workforce

Training and development
Developing an effective
– On-the-job training workforce - Training and development
– Orientation training – Performance appraisal
• The process of observing and evaluating an
– Classroom training/Self-directed employee’s performance, recording the
learning/Computer-based training assessment and providing feedback.
– In-house development in corporate • Assessing performance accurately.
universities e.g. McDonald’s Hamburger University • Performance evaluation errors:
– Promotion from within – Stereotyping - Categorising employees based on one or
a few traits or characteristics.
• Grows and expands employee abilities. – Halo effect - When an employee receives the same
– Workforce optimisation rating on all dimensions regardless of performance on
individual ones.
• Putting the right people in the right jobs. – Solution: use a behaviourally-anchored rating scale (

Maintaining an effective workforce Maintaining an effective workforce

– Compensation & Benefits - Benefits
– Monetary payments & non-monetary goods/
commodities used to reward employees. – Make up 40 per cent of labour costs.
• Wages, salaries – Some are required by law.
• Benefits (car), holidays • e.g. Superannuation, holiday leave loading,
worker’s compensation.
– Wage and salary systems
• Skill-based / Competency-based/ Job-based? – Others can be provided by the
– Compensation equity? organisation.
• e.g. Health insurance, onsite fitness centres.
• Job evaluation
• e.g. Subsidised child care, tennis and squash
– Wage and salary surveys courts.
• Study other organisations’ corresponding
• Provided to maintain an effective workplace.
– Pay for performance


Maintaining an effective THE HRM FRAMEWORK

• Termination: • A long history of government support for union
– Retire involvement
– Voluntary • Since early 1990s, major shift toward enterprise
• Turnover or individual agreements
– Involuntary • Increasing reliance on civil law processes
• Mergers, cutbacks • Growth of regulation relating to human rights,
• Poor performance discrimination, EEO, OH&S, environmental
– Exit interview matters
• Determine reasons

• Establishing, maintaining and terminating the
• Managing diversity employment relationship
• Ageing workforce • The regulatory and environmental context
• HR Planning: Job analysis, descriptions and
• Skills shortages specifications
• Work-life balance (WLB) • Recruitment and selection processes
• Outsourcing HRM • Maintaining the relationship - remuneration,
• Measuring HRM effectiveness training and development, performance appraisal
33 34

• Impacts of information technology: HRIS and
• Flexible organisations, flexible workers. Call
centres, teleworking, hot-desking
• Terminating the employment relationship - careful
management needed
• Contemporary issues: diversity, ageing workforce,
skill shortages, work-life balance, oursourcing,
measuring HRM effectiveness
• Human resource flow or changes will affect other
HRM and general management functions

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