Our Town November 16, 1918

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Y. M.C. A.


Betty Baxter's Gossip
The Celebration•. Started By The Fire Department's Paul I{evere I For the Y. M. C. A.
Dash. Wound Up With A Big Affair In Which Everybody Participated The Evangel Circle of King's
Daughters held their regular monthly
meeting Wednesday, November 6th.
You can just bet your life-no, that their "Fhilauelphia dignity" for the :,u;lChe~1l wa:.; served, 1\1rs. Samuel
won't uo; that's too weak. Let us 8.2!l, donned bathrobes and received Bowman and Mrs...Derby acting hos-
start again. "early morning guests" at 3.30 A. M.,
tesses, after which the president, ;lIrs.
~ot in the memory of the oldest in- and never thought a thing about it.
Fred Derby opened the business ses-
habitant is there a day that-no, that Meanwhile, the fire bell was ringing sion with Scripture reading and
won't do, either. How about his? as though the whole town were on fire Red Cross wool distributed prayer. --_._--.;.---
Bit'f! Bang! Boom, but that was-- -and so it was, with rejoicing, and the
As a matter of fact, what we are try- church bells were ringing, and auto at Red Cross Workroom in Y. The ladies of the Circle decided to
hold a rummage sale Friday, November
• ing to say is that Narberth just natu- horns were honking, and passing loco-
M. C. A., Monday, Wednesday :';:l1H1. Any dona tions for this sale will "Der Tag" Day is Saturday.
rally blew the lid off the borough last motives were screeching, and more be greatly appreciated. Old clothing
Monday in celebration of the Great houses were lighting up every minute, and Friday. and shoes for men. women and chilo
Victory. Of course, everybody has and the fire company apparatus and Read below of your opportunity.
dren; furniture, dishes, pictures or
said the same thing, but we insist on Doc Howard, all in a streaking blaze any old thing.
putting it down in black and white for of redlight and noise were continuing l'Ir. Ross Howenstein was home on This Saturday, :'\O\'ember Hi, should
Kindly send all articles to the Bap- go down in the history of Narberth as
the benefit of future historians, to their wild ride, and Count du Marais a furlough last week.
tist Church, Thursday, November 21st, "Del' Tag" on which every family gave
wit.: Our town has never seen another was holding a reception in front of
after 10 o'clock A. "I. of their ready cash in appreciation of
day like "Ionday, and probably never Doc Fiedler's and receiving and ex- :\Iiss Ruth Haws has returned to
will. tending congratulations, and all the the efforts of our local Young l\Ien's
\1oncher Col1ege, B::ltimore. On Wednesday, November 6th, the Christian Association to serve all of
We'd also like to record for history time the noise kept getting louder and
Narberth Circle of King's Daughters, the better interests of our residents.
the name of the gent, and incidentally wilder, until Howard Davis got so ex-
pay tribute to the same, that started cited he said he couldn't tell whether 1111'S. S. A. Rndolph spent the week- held first monthly meeting. in the Women and Girls the only pleaders.
end in Atlantic City. basement of the l~vangel Baptist
the local celebration, but everybodY has he was serving papers or throwing
Church. Not the Board of Directors or the
been so completely engulfed in excite- hand grenades. The attendance was not as large as usual committee of men hitherto to be
ment and enthusiasm ever since the '[ A delegation of our Italian resi- illrs. \\'illiam C"hic has left usual, owing to illness and various held essential in promotion of a finan-
big noise started that It has been im- dents and fellow·citizens were on the Hazleton to visit her sister, ether causes-but the members pres' cial appeal, but the Ladies' Auxiliary
possible "up to the hour of going to ,job almost as soon as the good news
ent enjoyed their re-union, after the directing a loyal corps of Narberth
press," to identify the particular party reached the town, parading around
Two thousand dolhll's reward. Read summer recess, and also enjoyed and girls are hoping to go "Over the Top"
and hand him the medal. with their flags and shouting the glad
notice in Post OfIice. did full justice to a good luncheon. with cash donations commensurate
TLe P.::ul Revere Dash of the tidings of peace to everyone. After lunch an important business with their efforts and interest in this
Firemen. Everybody in the Parade.
Take it any way you please, it was And all day long the jUbliation con· Dr. C. '1'. I·'arie;.; has arrived safely meeting was held, during which finan- "TAG DAY" for the benefit of the
in Fra!~ce. cial matters were attended to, and the ;\'arberth Y. ill. C. A.
a great day for Narberth, and our peo- tinued. In the meanwhile the Home winter's work arranged.
pie did their full share and then some Guard was planning the parade which All agreed that they would gladly
:\liss Elizabeth Spe~tl:man has been
in celebrating the great occasion. From took place in the evening. And it was mend clothes for our soldiers, at the Will Canvass Homes lind Meft Trains
the Paul Revere dash of the I~ire De- Isome big parade. Two bands, and the awarded a scholarship to the Ithaca
regular mouthly meeting. The girls' section of the campaign·
partmellt up and down our streets Home Guard, and the Red Cross worl,- Conservatory of "rusic. The King's Daughters wish to an· ers will call at each home in Narberth
shortl)' after 3 A. M., followed by Doc ers, and Officer Hill on horseback act- nounce that they expect to hold their ,vith a supply of the official tags and
Howard and Mrs. Howard in their own ing as chief marshal, assisted by Chief Mrs. Donald Trotter and 1111'S. Mal-
Autumn Hummage Sale, on Friday, a box into which each person who is
buzz wagon, until the last note was Flag Bearer Howard Fritsch, and men, colm Trotter are visiting at the home
Xovember 22nd, and would he very tagged may place as smal1 or as large
blown by the band cornetist in front women and children, and then more of J\'[r. William .10nes.
gra teful for donations of any kind, for a cash cont.ribution as they feel the
of the i. 1\1. C. A., a:tert1~e parade was In~en, women and children, anll automo- that purpose. appeal warrants.
over late Monday IlIght, It was a rare 11)1les, and then everybody else in town The speaJdng at the "Victory" cele- F'ricnqs will Jdridly send articles for Each mid·day commuters' train will
old day. not included in the foregoing groups. h,'ation Monday evening by Rev. .John the sale, to the basement of the Evan- be met by other girls, thereby giving
Perfectly respect a ble and orderly Before the pa rade started speeches Van Ness, Hev. I~. 1\1. Grey and \V. gel Baptist Chnrch. not later than the men their opportunity to aid in
residents jumped into their clothes and were made from the balcony of the Y. n. D. Hall was right to the point. the morning of November 21st. making firm the financial foundation
dashed out into the street to sing and :\1. C. A. by Hev. Van 1'\ess and Rev. of this institution. AJI who read this
laugh and go caJling on their neigh- Grey, and W. R. D. Hal1, president of Fred H. Harsh. of Xarberth, has :'Iliss Augusta \\"itherow entertained article will be given their choice in
bors. Other perfectlY respectable ciU- Council. been advanced to rank of Corporal at at tea at her home last Saturday one of these two ways if physically
zens. who may be seen at the railway It sure was a great day and a great Camp Meigs, D. C. ' afternoon. Among the guests invited possible, and each worker will be en-
station any Illorning waiting in all Inight. were I\!isses Louise Boynton, .June couraged as each person tagged gives
Capt. Hamel' G. Vawter has charge of C,'os,;. \\'inefred Williams, Agnes to the limit of their pocket wealth.
recruiting for Infantry Training, Field Hose. .Jean .Justice, Rosa Sample, Ruth C ne man saw his obligation volun-
NARBERTH WEATHER REPORT Artillery Training and Machine Gun .Jones, Adeline Larzelere. E1p.anor Wil- tarily.
High. Low. Training at the various Camps. He is son, Dorothy Durbin. l~bba Sjolmlm.
Barometer, sea level 30.05 30.05 a resident of Narberth, 115 Elmwood I~dythe HumpheYs. Sydney Bolish. Just the othor day a man stepped

Humidity, per cent....... 89
68 29
67 "Our ,Jown" avenue. Ruth Haws, Marian Haws, Estelle nto the secretary's office and intro-
Cohic, ]{llth Prescnt!. :\Iargllcrill' duced himself as a member wishing
The citizens of Xarberth are urged :\~uellel'. l\Iarian Grahllm. Adah Cl~Y- to pay his dues for the year. In the
Precipit<ltion to bl{e an increllsed interest in \Var ton, Anna F'ryer, Frieda Sluebel. Ruth Icourse of the conversation' he men-
Total this week .01 inch Stamps and Thrift Stamps. Our sales ~iamon? Casse~. ;\Iildr~d Graham, :\,el-1 tioned the fact that he traveled and
Total this month to date.... .01 inch
C. D.
will be have bcen splendid, but the amount he Snllth. Emily Smith, Betty J\Ic- spent a very short time in Narberth
yet to be sold to complete our quat:l Caig, Ruth Clay, Mrs. 1\1cCrea, l\1rs. making it impossible to take part i~
(A standard Weather Bureau rain for the year ending December 31st Ho~lin S. Touhi1l, Mrs. Lester .lef- l',ssociation activity, but that he felt
gauge has been instal1ed, hence the
new item of precipitation. The accu- issued on will require our united efforts. ferles, Mrs. Malcolm Trotter, !\Irs. membership dues a just obligation on
L'Ct's push Narberth over the top. Donald Trotter, l\lrs. Chester Smith. his shoulders as a citizen of Narberth.
rate rainfall will be given eac:h week I a is easily possible if we al1 help a Mrs. 1\'ewton Compton. lVII's. .John He then asked how the general finan·
as above.) little. Neiman of 1\'arberth, Miss EthelwYll cial condition of our association stood


Your pledge for the War Chest
Saturdays Vandiver and ;',!iss Grace Vandiver at this time, and on being told con-
Elaine Hammerstein is featured in of Bala, Miss Katherine Thorup- servation during war times had pre-
the gripping photo-drama "Her l\Ian" son of Cynwyd, Miss Carolyn Day vented a campaign for contributing'"
Fund is due and payable to the
to be shown at the Palace Theatre, of Swarthmore. ;',Jiss Anna Cooper
Treasurer, Chas. V. Noel, or the
Merion Title and Trust Company, beginning Ardmore, on \Vednesday. The story of Ardmore. Miss Grace Sti1lwagon of
is based on Charles Neville Bucl,'s Ardmore, IIliss l\largaretta Van Pelt of
(C".,/illll"/ (Ill Pltflt' 2)

at- Narberth.
ilOvel. "The Battle Cry" in which a New Hope, Pa. (~LASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEN'I.'S
If you pay by check, make
Miss Mildred Harris poured anlI
checks payable to the War Chest
Fund, or mail direct to Chas. V. This Issue Xorthern girl goes into the Cumber-
land Mountains to reform a whole com- Miss .Jane Laird, Miss I\Iargaret Mayes In Two cents per word each insertion cash
advance. No advertisement accePt~d un"
;\'oel. Treasurer. munity. In her attempt to eliminate and Miss Ethelmae Fallon assisted in Jees cash accompanIes copy.
mountain feuds a stirring adventure receiving. In the evening there was WANTED-~ rent p~'iva~~~;';g~


in place of is woven into a story of true love. a smalJ informal dance for the re-
ceiVing party. The folJowing gentle-
near residence. Lt. Comdr. F. T.
Van Auken, U. S. N., 100 Elmwood
CLUB, 1918.1919
Parcel Post packages may be sent to men were present: Mr. Gass, Mr. avenue, Narberth. (Gp)
individuals serving with the Red Cross, Donald Goodman, Mr. \Villiam Harris,
President, ~rs. C. P. Fowler.
Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. W. Young.
Thursdays Y. 1\1. C. A., Knights of ColumbUS
1\1r. Charles McCarter, Mr. Edward WANTED:-Girl for housework, also
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Edward' or other similar organizations operat- El'dle, Mr. Leon Hildith. laundress by the day. Mrs. Edwin
C. Batchelor. I ing in connection with the military A. Jonas, 408 Haverford avenue, Nar-
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Harry A as forces of the Allies in Europe or the berth. (6p)
TreMUirer, Mrs. Edgar H. Cockrm
A. E. F. elsewhere abroad. Limit
eleven pounds. No export license re-
Don't Forget I will frame your pictures and save
you 1?1D to 25% on prices you pay in
Chairmen of Committees To Save and Bundle Your
FoOil Conservation, Mrs. A. B. Ross.
Hospita:Hty, Mrs. Charles A, Verna ..
heretofore quired. Rate $.12 per pound. Package
must contain only articles as Christ· Newspapers
the City. .
Telephone Narberth 1261-W for prices
and to see samples of attractive line
Legislartion, Mrs'. William H. Russ-ell mas gifts. Last day for mailing No- Y. M. C. A. Collection-Nov. 30th of mouldings.
MU'Sic, Mrs. Joseph A. Bllirclay. vember 20th. ' C. T. Weaver. 334 DadleJ Ave•• N.rbertb.

selecting neighbors for us. Anything

An E~l)erlmellt in Co-operative
To the Editor of Our Town:
for the money though, I suppose.

Have you noticed Constable Walzer

JournallllllI-1\o paid \Vorkers• The ;\arhcrth Hnll1c Guard lVas the wearing, a crutch? Is Doing a Man's Job "Over There." He Will Appreciate
. .__.. ~._....__ . first local organization to celebrate the eT!\.
Owncd ami Publishcd cvcry Saturday signing of the armistice, or at least the
and Welcome These Comforts:
by the N arbcrth Civic Association. rather premature announcement of the
fact. Although we found later that
Subscription price one dollar per the news was phony, the Guard proved Y. M. C. A. NOTES
year in advance. _._ .... ,.. that its he,art was i n tIe 1 l"lglt
. I pacel
.-- -C'l'-V-I-C'-A'S'S·'OCIATIO" by lJarading in honor of the occasion III /I I u~
til 1I1/'(
", last Thursday night. Headed by the memberships, thereby necessitating the FOOT POWDERS STATIONERY.
President-Joseph H. Nash. r:'Il:n. t C:lpt:lln Hartley and the carrying of a large floating debt that
Of course, we

Vice-presidents-A. C. Shand, James Guard's own band, the latter consist- is now becoming most urgent, volun- Telephones.
Artman, A J. Loos. ing of Boy Scout Fatten, who was tarily contributed a sum in extess of Ileliver - any
1267 p I a ce - any
Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. M. Coles- abusing a cornet, and Tax Collector his membership, saying, "If the Home I time.
worthy. eay .Tones, resplendent in his summer Worl, is not supported to the fullest
Directors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs: C furs, banging a drum. these doughty extent the War Work would not be The Brightest Spot in Narberth
P. Fowler, Henry C. Gara, W'. R. D. heroes. like :\'apoleon's Army, marched po,sii,:e,
Hall. George i\1. Henry, H. R: Hlll~gaS, up the hi1l and down again, only un- A worthwhile example was set by A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Charles E. HUlll P hr e y s, Daplllel LeRltcd~' Iilce the great French soldier, they this friend which should be followed
E. A. i\luschamp i\1rs. A erry e 1- •
. 1\'1' A B' R Fletche' W repeated the operatIon several times. I by all those who have the best inter-
fe!, IS. . . oss, I . •.
Stites, Walton 1\1. Wentz, A. E. Woh- At freq~lent mtervals the Captam ests of onr ?Ommulllt y .at heart. and
lert, Mrs. Charles W. Young. halted IllS company and fired a blank that, surely, IS every reSIdent.
_____.__ ea,rtridge salute. In order to get his NOTICE
HARRY A. JACOBS, ::l,l:e in the pJpcr, probahly. the Cap-. Have Removed to my
- - - - - - ---. ' - -
Editor. taln stopped the gang in front of
my door and made such a racket that
BOWLING New Address
Mrs. Roy E. Clark ,\, J. Loos it woke the babY, whom I had just r\arberth Bowling Club defeated the 234 Woo~ bine Ave
W. T. Melchior Henry Rose
Associate 'Ellitors pllt to sleep after working on the job Paoli !\Ien's Cluh at the Y. M. C. A. Narberth, Pa.
for about two hours. I\len ot wmllIes Wednesday, October 2:1. all three Phone Narberth 305
l\IAIZIE .J. SBIPSON, call allpreciate my feelings when I say games.
Will give my CUstomers
Cashier I was keeping house alone with the i\lr. Shanlc, Paoli's best bowler and every 8ttl"nrion in evcry rc"
infant that evening. anchor man, was missing from the ~~:~~.nab%~rk good; prices
Send all le~ters and news Items to One of the officers of high rank, line·up. We regret his loss, as I be-
P. O. Box 966. French Dry Cleaning,
ta P. O. in faet very rank, said he was not lieve he was the only howler in the D. eing and Pressing
Send all advertising copy
greatly impressed with Narberth's Main Line League to die of Influenza.
Box 39.
Mal{e all remittances to P. O. Box patriotism as manifested that evening. Narberth's new line-up appears to be NarberthTailoring Co.
To quote his words, "You might think the right "dope." Assistant Captain
Our Town Is on sale at the depot we were marching through a Chinese "Doc" Hartley ran the team. It must
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. graveyard for all the signs of life and, have taken a lot of self-denial on
Davis. i
enthusiasm that was shown by the 'Toc's" part to keep himself on the
LEE'S GARAGE Essex Ave. abo Haverford
A venue Narberth 1605

Entered as second-class matter Home Towners." It wasn't until the side lines, as "Doc" is rolling strong. Ove~land Sales and Service Agency
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at parade reached Woodbine avenue that Every man rolled true to form. We
:'\arberth, Pennsylvania, under the act they received any welcome and it was cannot give too much praise to our REPAIHS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
of March. 1879.
_.-. -~- ._.---_... --------
lelt for our public spirited and patr!- new bowlers, Walker, Goski and Hale, L. C. SHAHAN
otic Italian fellow citizens to show up as you can see by their averages.
SA TURDA Y, KOVEM13ER 16, 1918. the rest of the town. These boys from Narberth has won ten games 179; McKell, 171; Walker, 20:~: Savill,


the land of macaroni and olive 011 straight. Three from Paoli, Rosemont
. . 'F'
joined In the procession with a WIll, I and Bryn "lawr • Ire, an one rom
d f' 176. Total, 930. Frank Crist
Fire. 350 I
showing that they at least, were fully Wayne Men's Club. Rosemont Men's Club. MEATS & PROVISIONS
Police, 1250 alive to and appreciated all the por- Don't forget l\Ionday nights are prac- First Game-Durnell, 154; Hacl,-
Hith Grade Butter
tentous history-making events of the tlce nights. \\'e want all bowlers in ford, 139; Miller, 136; l\lagruder, 151;
Tf'lellhone-Narbertb 644 A.
times. After what these same fellow- town to come out and roll. It is good Townsend, 224. Total, 804.
citizens did at the late Narbrook Fail', sport and will keep you "fit." Second Game-Durnell, 153; Hack-
there isn't any room for douht as to We don't want to crow too early ford. 151; Miller, 152; l\Iagruder, 177; H. C. FRITSCH
IIh" ar" ;l1l' 1l'al LH' (ones Ilf :\arhenh; in the season, hut it looks as if Nar- Townsend, 21:~. Total, 846. PnpertJell }o'or Rent and Sal.
after last Saturday night's parade berth might come through this year. Third Game-Durnell. 178. Hack- t'Jre Insurance
there is less douht than ever. Come down some bowling night and ford, 179; Miller, 1,,:~; l\lagrudel', I;W; Bell Phone 862 lV.
watch the team. Townsend, 192. Total, 8:12. \1',111 Bunding. Narberth, Pa.
Scores of games rolled and averages
rbrb~rth, November 6, 1918.
If you see it In the 1.edger-c;ue:'s of pla~'ers as follows:

Narb£rth, October 23, 1918.

First Game-Goski. 156; Hartley,
216; Hale. 173; Walker, 1,,1; l\lcKell,
your old newspapers until the last
First Game-Hartly. lIS; Foote, 158. Total 8,,4.
Of course nobody can have much Seeond Game-Goski. 1S2: Hart- Saturday of each month. The Ladies'
l:l!1: ~lcKell. 158; Scanlin, 184; Sa-
THE Narberth Guard sympa .
thy for the Postmaster since IIe
I I' I I I viii. IS7. Total. 7:Hi. ley, 136; Hale, 136; Walker. 205; i\Ic- AUXiliary 1-,; planning to colIect anll
drills every Thursday contlIlues t Illt. I eft- lUnde( I " 1001' .aI'- I S, eCOIHI Gan\e-
' I'"lalt Ie:;,. II.l~,
'I' Foote, Kell, 167. Total, 826. sell this otherwise wastell material as
w Ilie I resu ts III Ilirectl1lg! -
evening in the Fire House, rangement. I' II r ' I' 11'
Post Office traffic in a sort of Figure 8 ' I;: I); l\lc "e ,_~:-I: Scan 11l, ,; ,I; Savill,
,Third Came-Gosld. 1!l!l; Hartley, one me·ans to cover the Y. l\'l. C. A.
l 17~; Saviii, 19S: Walker. 22::; ~lcKell,
7.45 to 8.45 . . I I
[Ol'ma~lOn alH . malces t Ie lIew p ace
I 1(j(. Tota, /"".
Third Game-Hartley. 1;17: Hale, 1,,4. Total, !14(j.
(~oal hiH which it has so ahly met in
the past. I'lave your hlll](l~e of news-
_ more ll.lConVell1ent than the o.ld. He HiS; ~lcKell, 1::2; Goski, I!JO; Savill, Gljn f.l;;,wr Fire Company.
~:.:lIllhlIllS that the lobb)~ cOlltlllues. to 172. Total, sl!l. papers neatly tiell 011 that day. ready
First Game-Doyle, lU:; Coffman, for "all.
EDITORIAL I'escmhle the forum o[ a debatlllg
society, which not only annoys the Wayne Men's Club. 147: Rodgers, 202; H. Gaul, 101; J.
cler~s but interferes with box holders. First Game-Kimes. 16;1; McKnight, E:ing. 1:':". Total, 70:1. Phone, Ardmore 967 W Day and Night
Second Game·-Doyle, 154; Coffman,
Beginning this issue, Ol'l! Toll':\' will It is true lllany people stand right 146; Hale, H,,; .Tones, HHJ; Allen. 193.
be issued el'<:I'\' Saturc!av Ins lead of in your way and gab when you are Total, sa6.
141; Hodgers, IS!): H. Gaul, !l!J; J.
E:ing, 142. Total. G!l5.
'I'l 1 'I" - I } trying to get through and although Secoll" Gallle-I~I'mes, 1',":;', I\lc-
, lurs( ay. 'l'} -
Ie pUll ISllers 11'10 lal'e u
until this issue, printed Ulil Tow:\' have there is never anything in your box Knight, 16!l; Hale, 140; Jones, 16S: AI-
• Ou
Third Game--Doyle, 1;I;l; Coffman, Hauling and MOVing
ll!l; Rodgers, 153; H. Gaul. 162; J. A"'VWHERE
gone out of husinl'ss, and the nell' eun- but bills anll circUlars, you have a len, 17". Total, 837.
cern who have takell up' the printing for feeling that someone is going to send Third Game-Kimes, 158; ~lcKnight, King, 177. Total, 764. Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA,
us can arrange fur Saturday only as the you money one of these Ilays llnd you 16,,; Hale. 15!J; Jones, 148; Allen, 184. 1. Walker. 9, 194 2-!). 2. Goski, 10,
186 1-5. 3. Savill, 7, 182 5-7. 4. Hart-
date of publieatiull. L~onsequelltly it will intend to be right on the ,ioh when Totel, 814.
he well for uur contrihutors to know, it comes. There's another pest, whom I ley, 7, 167 1-7. ". l\leKell. 12, Hi9 ;;-12. HARRY B. WALL
that they may send in reading itcms up it may have been your misfortune to I N<lrberth, Cctcber ZO, 1918.' 6. Hale, 8,155 7-8. 7. Lairll, 3, 153 1-3.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
until \\'ednesday noon. encounter. I refer to the fellow who First Game-Laird, 174; Goski, 204; Team average. S88.
____ _ opens his box and keeps it open while Hale. I:1!l; Walker, 212; l\lcKell, 152. and Heating
Y I I j' 11 1\1 he stands in front of it and reads his Total, 881. NARBERTH. PA
. h ar. lerttl'
I o.,:sI were scarce 'J'}on 011-
I mall although there are half a dozen Second Game-Lairll, 144; Goski, Reputation and Character.
1,ay. m IClr lome lUII'll. ,Ie goO( ' . . <ll' I r-7' 'Valker 167', McKell, Reputution is whut men thill!{ you
Peacc news drcw them into thc city ,holders of adJacent boxes waitmg for 1. , Ha e, I ,
whcre life was topsy tUI'\'Y for a day. ' him to get out of the way so they may 205. Total. 884.
are. churactel' is whut .~·ou nre. Both
are Important, hut c!luracter Is (nllis-
Why Go To City?
get their mail. Now, then, I propose Third Game-Laird, 142; Goski, 191;
perlsllhle to success. Without chllr o iof Buy Your

that we compromise with the Post- Hale, 151; Walker, 16[,; l\IcKeIl. 152.
actt~r .I'OU Hr'e not Iik<>I~' to have a
'To the Editor of Our Town: master. Let's hire a hall for the gab- Total, 801. good reputntlon-\"el'y long. :" VICTROLAS
. Deal' SiI.. -'-1 wonder why the Vic- festers so that they may abandon the: Paoli Men's Club. " - and
tory parade on Monday evening Post Office lobby as a place to all': . ..,:. RECORDS
their troubles-but only on condition: First Game-Earl, 164; Mathias, Meanness Hard to Overcome.
slightell Narberth avenue betweiln Some nH'n's ml'nnneSS consists of
that Ed, Haws f1xexs up those doors 160; Supplee, 143; Steigerwalk, 137;
Windsor and Woodbine? This, r be- their stinginess with their meaus. At
so' that we may enter anll leave the Hatch, 169. Total. 773,
lieve, is regarded as one of the main "'hell they give up their mellnness
building in the good old Republican' Second Game-~Earl, .139; Mathias, AZPELL'S
thoroughfares of the town, and this the~' will he willIng to give IIp more
way; namely by keeping to the right. 129; SUP~lee, 18:.;_ s.telgerwalk, 166;
blocl, presented a much brighter ap-
pearance than did many' others on
Will not some kind reader comment Hatch, 16w. Total, /36.
of their' nlt':lIIS. SUl'll men; however,
nre pretty hHnl to l'Oll\'ert.
on this proposal? Third Game-Earl, 162; Mathias,
the route. Besides, there are at

166; Supplee, 140; Steigerwalk, 169; 32 E. LANCASTER AVE.

least nine service stars in this Hatch, 145. Total, 782. Daily Thought. ARDMORE, PA.
block, representing Robert Town, Earl Fear not. lest existen('1' f'loslnu: ~'O\lr
An ideal marriage is a duet. The Narberth, November .4, 1918.
Dickie, Lestcr Jefferies, Horace 11I'I'ounl :11111 mine shall IWllW the IlkI'
Pessimist says the average marriage A COMPLETF LINE OF
Smedley, Benjamin Durbin. Robert First Game-Goski, 181; Hale, 158; no IIIOI·P. 'i'hf' eternal Snld from !hnt
is a duel. howl hns pOlll'l'd 11 million huhhles 't\ld
Durbin, William Durbin. a brother of Md>ell, 187; Walker, 233; Savill, 164.
wlll POUI·.-UllIur.
C. L. Metzgar, and Carl Weyman Total, 923, AT
(whose wife is now at the home of The firm of Caldwell & Co. has: Second Game-Goski, 167; Hale,
her parents, 1I1r. and Mrs. Norman sent its list of Narberth houses to 145; McKell, 150; Walker, 189; Savill, Impossibilities. DAVI~'·'
Jefferies). "KaIser BI1l and Emperor Karl." 222. Total, 873. We cllnllol voll! l'lght into 'O\Tulll;, or CANDY
CURIOUS, THAT'S ALL. John ought to be more careful in Third Game-Goski, 201; Hartley, I\'rnnl:' Into '·hrht.-Frnurtf'.

You will find it convenient to

Became l\!1asons During War.
The follOWing are hut II few of tho
l\fasons who became distinguished dur-
Ing the Civil war: l\:lcClelllln, Han-
~ocl;:, Lognn, Piclwt, Gnrfield, McKin-
have an account with ley, Albert Plh:e, Miles and Gl'n, John
Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight
Corson Smith of 1lIlnois. 'l'he latler
was unfed as II M,lsonlc writeI' and uu-
thai'. and sen'ed In thp Civil 'I' a I' In

THE MERION TITLE &TRUST CO. every gl'olle trom DrlvutC to brlg"adler
genel·ul. Later ne oeeame Iteutenunt
Incurablp.. Too.
Little Edith WllS very fonr] of hear- GLEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME
govel'1lor of IllinOIS lind l!enel'lll grand ing her father pla~- the gllllnl·. bllt
one el'enlng he plll('el! l\ table knife OUR PHOOUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
master or the Grano Lodge of Illinois UNDER BAC' ERIOLOGICAL CONTROL

Narberth Office, Arcade Building

and granll master of Grauel Encamp-
ment KnIghts Templars of Amerlcn.-
across thp. strlng-s and it s01lnrled
somewhat liI;:e a ukulp.le. Er]lth lis·
teuell for a mOl1ll'llt lIlll! IllPn s:lld: Pasteurized Milk
Proceedings Groud Lodge of Quebec.
l!)JG. "Pnpn. what mal,es the mUSic s01lnll Brynel0'rJ~lkcerlilied WEST PUILA.
so siel;:?" (Pedrlallc society) OVERBROOK
Special .. Guernsey" MERION

Checking Accounts Saving Accounts Object Lesson,

Stnlrl nuc! "'erloll~ Mary f"lt 1;('('111.1' Life's Quiet Places.
Withollt the sllenc(' of life there (Roberts'&: Sharpie,,""
r('spon",ihlp for th" <!eporlllll'1l1 of h,'I' Dairies) NARBt.RTH
~'ouug""r si"'I"I·. !\(lIl·;"::lret. who WllS pn-
can he no tl'ne gl·entness. nnrl 110 lIlan
can he ~rent In tl1l' honrs of e:;:pl'('s, Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE
7.00 P. l\I.--B. Y. P. U. meeting. Sub· tire]~' ~n :,kin~ in H SPU:-:;P of (It1tlot"nll). slon nnd llail~' acl'l\'it~· nnlpss he has Table and Whipping WYNl'.EWOOD
ject, "Temperance." The Pastor will At n l'hildl'pn's P:II'ly on" aft""11 0n
fll'st he('n great in the slll'nt plnc('s of
give .an object lesson on "What Came 1\Iar~' wa" 1I0nlti"r1 to set' hpl' ",i"l"r his indi\'i(]nnl life.-Theor]OI·l' L~'lIlan
~rEmON MEETING HOUSE e!wwing ,A"1I11I wltll all th., l'Ig""" a11rl
Out of the Bottle." Frost.
Merion Meeting House is opened for
i.45 P. l\1.-Evening worship.
ahan(l"ll of hel' Ilalu,·e. HlI"tilY"''''pep'
A ing the oITelHlt'I' i1,! n II l'orn"r. :\lal'Y
group of young ladies in native cos- pointed out a thi 1'(1 Ii t tIl' g"u,,"1 who
worship every First-day at 11 A.
tume will impersonate the life and cus· wus mannglng her ",tick of g"UI1l with Dogs' Claim on Humanity. 45th and Parrish Sts.
M. Visitors are cordially \velcome.
A regiSJtry book is kept for visitors'. toms of women in the Orient, giving cOlllmpnrlahle IlIlH),'ratioll :1I1d re"lralnt. fl\~~;~n;:,~:;::;:~,('I:~.~~~ \:;I~~:~n:t~~~g~~~ 1---------------·,· -_.
illustrations with dialogue and song. "l\Inrg:lI"pt." slH~ Ruifl :-:eY(ln:lJ~\ "1 wHnt hold 011 human fl'jl'lll]S and pl·otectors.
A!l are asked to register their Ilia-mes.
This will be a unique and inspiring ~·ou to notice how u lall~' ('hews gUI1l." It Is I'IlP f)ulllit~' whl('h gin's dOg"s their HOWARD F. COTlER
service for Sunday evening. gl'ea test :Hh'a ntnge ol'er nil other ani-
Church Notes. mals as pets. "MEATS of
Itev. R. 1". Cowie)", Uector A masked social will be held by the
Pulse in Animals.
Young People's Union Friday ('vening i The normal pul"e. beats pl'r minute I I QUALITY ,l
• ' In the (]omcstlc annuals nt·p as fol- A Chronic Disease. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
Early Mass on Sunday from April l"ovember 22. ~ lows: Horses, 30 to 42; ('nttlc. 38 to It if' lila' g"l·ttlng" a lettpl' f!'OlTI home
1 to October 31 at 7 A. M. From The :\lissionary Circle wiII hold,;-)O; sheep. ~onts and ho~s. 70 to SO; to pll'l\ liP an old-town nI'WSIHIjIt'I' and
Novemlher 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M.
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout th(
their monthly meeting in the church' and dogs, SO to 100. The puIsI' I){'ats find till' mpn wh·, wer(' ('haslng polito
Tuesday afternoon at 2.30, November fnster in YOllllg thlln In oIl] nnlmals, fenl f1fli('(l tfln .,"Pill'S :Ia'f1 ~tilJ Pll~:Iged
year. Masses on holyda)'s, 6.30 and
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening
lB. Subject, "The Call for Service." i Excitement and l\ nervous tempera' In the "j)OI·t.-'l'ol,',lo Bladt'.
The :\len's Association will meet at ment llIay cause II more 1'lIpid pulse.
Real Estate
devotions and other services at regu- the home of Mr. Howard Jefferies' 'Vhen excl'cislng and hnmel]illtely IIf-
Jackson's Masonic Reccrd Lost.
lar timac;. M nI . t! 18t! l\i[ B tel', the rate Is higher than when the
. a (ay evenmg Ie 1. r. rown,' animal Is at rest. Gplwl'al .Tnt'kson was a nOled :\Ia, sOU~:"i.~d~talion NARBERTH, PA.
Just back from the battle front in son of the War of 1812, nnl] it Is
ALL SAINTS' P. E. CJlURcn France, wills peak. I clalnlPel that he received his Masonry
Rev. Andrew S. Uurke, Reetor
Thursday evening the 21st the Bible Tall Trees. In an arm~' 1011~e. As a matter of
School will hold appropriate eercises I The tlillest of California's "hl~ trees" fact. no ahsolute record has l'VC r Attractive. New Houses
cenebrating its twenty-eighth anniver- . is three hundred and t",ent~'-five feet Iwen found of when and where An· Are Becoming Scarce
The s'ervices at All Saints' P. E
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood
sary. i in hei~ht. hut amon~ the great gum I
drt'w Jackson wns made a lila son. He
: trees of Australia. not to mention Brlt- nftel'ward hecllme gl'and mnstpr of tlw I have remaining for sale a very
avenues, for next Sun1ay are as fol- I Ish Columbia's ~rent firs. mHny specl- Grand Lodge of Tennessce. It is hl'- attractive
lows: THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'mens nre more than foUl' hUlH]red feet lIel'el] that the recOl'l]s of a 10l1;.:-t' in
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. I in height, and one, which wns fclled in Tenlws"pt' which wer!! bUI'I]('(1 :;em" HOUSE ON ANTHWYN ROAD
9.45 A. M.-Sunday school. Rev. John Vnn Nes~, Minister I southeast Australia. mpasurpd four ngo IYOIIll] show It.
11.00 A. M.-Holy Communion and I hunl1l'el] nnd senmty-one feet-the tnll·
sermon. :\Ieetings for next Sunday: est tree on reeo:·l1. I
All teachers and members are re- 10.00 A. IlL-Sunday School. , I Teach Children Correct Speech. Don't hesitate if you want a good home.
quested to be on hand promptly next 11.00 A. 1\I.-l\lorning worship with Aftcl' ail. tllP hest plael' to ('nrl'\" 01',
Sunday morning at 9.45. Come and I Special Clothes for Motorists. n campaign fOI' hl'ttl'r slwel'h is 'I:ighf WM. D_ SMEDLEY
sermon by the Pastor on "The Hope of '
bring a friend with you. the "'orld." It WI1S in 1flOO that a well-knowD in till' hom I' with OlP liltl" 1'11'('11' thnt
Children not affiliated with any tallO!' In Chiellgo Introduced specially three limes a day gnthl'rs alumt tIll'
i.OO P. I\L-Christian Endeavor designl'(] l'1othlng for motorists. His I (lining l'OOln tahle. 01' lwrhllps it Is Oil!>'
Sunday school are most cordially in
meeting. announceml'nt 1'1':111 in pal·t as follows: i the l\itelll'lI tahle, it ml1l,l's 110 l]iff"r- to mail us your Razor Blades as well as
vited to come to All Sa-ints'. your Razors when they need
Senior section led by l\liss 1\Iadeline "WI' can furnish II lentlll'r challffl'lII"s i encl'. 1I11l! thp slime lit tIe elrell' whll'll
--------- IIlceoy. suit, jnl'ket, tl'ousprs. cap anr] gogglcs I In thl' I'vl'nillg gnllwrs II hout the sharpening up
t:NGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH .Junior section led by :\Iiss Faith, complete In nn~' color fOU!H] in kiel i hl':l!·th. FO!' it is the spl'('('l1 whil'h WI'
l\IcAuliffe. gloves at $:;0 the outfit." ! IW:ll' ahont llS at home that clings to
Safety Razor Sharpening Co•
7.30 P. l\1.-Evening worship with 1 U_s_ tl_Ir:...o_\.:.:I!:":;.I.:.\~l.:..:if~e.:..--.::E::~x.:.:-c::'I.:.:la.:.:n:.::~:.:e::.
Organized 176;)-Ar(lmore, I}a. PllILADELPIUA, l'A.
sermon by the Pastor on "The Con-
Single I~dge malles , 2e each
Hm', Charles Walker Anschutz, n. n.,
quest of Fear."
Church Notes ' YOUR TIME HAS ARRIVED Gillette Blades :
Hnzors IIl1l1ell ,
:.Ic each
2;)c eacll
Services every Sunday. The Westminster Circle will meet on I With the end of the war in sight. if you have not already made your fortune
Morning at 10.45. Thursday evening of this week at the in munitions stocks, shipping shares 01' in some one of the industries that \\'e gllara!ltee complete satisfaction.
Evening, 7.45. home of :\Irs. Braden. on Cleveland have been enjoying profitable war business, yOIl still have left :\lail oreIer,' given prompt attention.
Sunday school at 9.45 A. M. Try liS.
avenue. The hostcsses will be 1\Irs.
Christian l':ndeavor meeting at 7. THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY OF ALL -----------------------
Braden and 1\lrs. Colesworthy.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at S o'clock.
A number of the ladies are planning Owing to the opening of vast new oil fields, oil operators from all over
10 attend the fall rally of the l\lission- the country are rushing to Kentucky, and the State is SEETH ING WITH EX·
Bull Dog Bunting Flags
You are most cordially invited to

come aJH] worship with us ; the pews ary Society. to be held next JlondaY CITEMENT. Kentucky oil wells produced, in 1917, for their shareholder"
are all free; yO;! will be most we'- afternoon and evening, in the First more than .
come. Church of Germantown. TEN MILLION DOLLARS
All the meetings of next Sunday will
naturnlly be in the order of Thanks- and the present year will see still larger returns. Some experienced me'l II "\ v,,~.~
giving services for the victory of the anticipated these conditions and the w \. -- "~
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor United States and the Allied nations BOSTON·KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY :h: r. Ct. . , .. $3.2;;
and prayer for a righteous and per- 4x 6 ct. . '............... . 4.~0
"The Little Church on the Hill" several lIlonths ago secured a vast acreage of well selected territory, "'hicll ax II ct. . 6.00
manent peace. 6x1O ct. 8.00
gives every indication of being highly productive. The BOSTON·KEN- IIxl2 ct 12.00
Sunday, Xovember 17: TUCKY OIL COMPANY is organized under the laws of Delaware, Capital lOxIa ct. . 17.;;0
fJ.45 A. M.-Sunday School for all
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Bull Dog' Hunting Ping-I" loo}{ hf'ttPr. w~ar
EVANGEL stock $250,0110 all comlllon. full-pa id and non-assessable. The properties lIetter nlHl AnE better than imitations. l"uHt
ages. comprise 1:),,0 acres in Rowan County and H60 acres in Clay County, Kentuclly. Colnrs.
Men's Class taught by Han. F. W. SEIn'ICE FJ.AGS
Stites at 10 A. M.
Avery S. Demmy, Pastor These holdings have been purchased outright and are OWNED BY THE COM- ., x3 ft
PANY. NO LEASES, NO RENTALS, NO ROYALTIES. We. are close to 2%d ct
aX II ct
6xl0 ct.·
11.00 A, M.-Morning servlce, ser· 3 xa ft........ :l.aO IIxt2 ft 12.00
Services on Sunday as follows: production, pipe lines and refineries. Kentucky cl'\lde oil is in great demand 4 >:6 ct•....... 4.r.O 10xta ct 17./10
mon by the Pastor on the topic "God's and is of the highest grade. We are not seekiug ~'our subscriptions for the Thj~ Hll1ullC'st SI7.CH 11:t\'e 1, ~ or 3 tltars
9.45 A. l\1.-Bible school. ~ewcd on. Larg-pr Rlzes, any nunllH'r 0'
Hand." purpose of buying lands. OUR LANDS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID ~tars fH~wcd on at Dc cacho Spnce prOVided
11.00 A. M.-l\lorning worship.
3.00 P. M.-Children's church with FOR. We want your subscriptions to DRILL WELLS and thereby malle tor later additions. Loose Rtan~, 50c dozen.
7.00 P. M.-B. Y. P. U. meeting. 111..11 Onler. l'roml't1)· );'lUed
obect talk, by the Pastor. money for all of the shareholders. We want to begin drilling AT ONCE aud
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship.
7.00 P. 1\I.-Special music and ser·
mon by Pastor on "The Day." These
8.00 P. M.-Wednesday-Song and the BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY makes its first limited offering of
its treasury shares at TEN CENTS PER SHARE. We give notice now that
Quaker City Flag Co, 78, 10th 8t
prayer service.
sermons will lay particular emphosis the next offering of these shares will be at FIFTEEN CENTS, and your orders
on the good news of the surrender of will have to be received promptly in order to take advantage of the present
Germany and' the conclusion of the offer of TEN CENTS. YOII can participate in the success of the BOSTON· ra.l"a':M~6inle~~
war. U [23 South 17l'! S!, PhiladelPbJa: ~
To Outwit tho!" Pickpocket. KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY if you act promptly. BOSTON KENTUCKY is
The Epworth League Social and
The hlluntlllg fear of bl~llIg held up a conservative company, managed by oil men who know how to produce oil.
Giulders' meeting will be held on Mon-
day evening at 8 P. 1\1., and the official
and I.~ft pellnll,~ss "ut in a :>trunge ellr acreag~ is unusually large and aliI' capitalization is uuusually small.
world Is done uwu~· ",ltll l>;V u little de- OUY YOUR SHARES NOW BEFORE DRILLING BEGINS. THE PRICE
GARAnteed Roofs
board will be held the same evening. vice ~o sllJull thu t It muy be eurried GOES UP P.S THE DRILL GOES DOWN. Send your subscriptions, which
on the l;:e~'-ring, where no self·rl'spect-
will be entered in the order received, to OUR TOWN will gladly print
ing holdnp mun would thlnl;: of look-
BAPTIST CHURCH any news Item about any subject
Ing. It hilS a capacity of one reserve I
bill. The bill, whether a one or n E. P. GAGE COMPANY that Is 01 Interest to N nrbertb
Avery S. Demmy, Pastor hundl'ed, when closely rolled, fits Into Investment Bankers. lolks, but In order to meet
the burrel of the holder. A mun who 161 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass, the prlntfng sche-clule, all ""copy"
Services on Sunday as follows: has lost his keys might become eX-j -manuscripts-must reach the
cIted If the holdet· contulned u thou- ':tlltor by G P. M. Monday each
9.45 A. M.-Bible school.
11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Sub-
sund-dollul' bill. but the Ilve\:uge
zen cun use the dl'l'lce sufely enough.
References: Dun or Bradstreet, Hanover Trust Company,
Tremont Trust Company, International Trust Co.
Registrar and Transfer Agent: Hanover Trust Company,
ject, "Glad Tidings of Great Joy." -Populur Science Monthly. Auditors: Bureau of Business Statistics.

fashions nnd the weather and how we

Don't wait until your
MoorS ~[NING
think the water feels nnd tastes tills
year, and all sucll things!"
col d develops Spanish "But," asked ?III'S. Sea. "you were

going to tell me about the place about
Influenza or pneumonia. us which is !lot protected."
"Oh yes," ,.;aid Mrs. Sarnh, "bullets
from A'Uns can hit us an~'where and
Helping at Home-
IZill it quick. ~MAttf

not hurt us In the least but roll right
of!' us, except In one spot which is
soft, just above our eyes. That Is the
part to keep out of the range of our
Y ESTERDAY afternoon as I
walked into Mrs. Shep..
herd's home just across the
"Good-day," said Mrs. Sell Elephant, enemies." street, I heard her say over the
as she saw 1111'S. Sarah Sea Imellhant. "'l'hnnks fOI' telling me," suid Mrs. telephone: "That's all I'll need
"How are you today?" I Sen, "I am Yel'~' glad to Imow it and today, thank you."
"NIcely thank yOll, nnd how ahout i so glnd that all the rl'st of my big
yourself?" , bod~' Is sllfp, '1uij p sufI' I" A few minutes later, she ex..
Standard cold remedy Cor 20 years-in tablet "Well Indeetl," snid Mrs. Spa I~ie­
form-safe, Kure. no opiates-breaks up Q cold
in 24 hours-relieves grip in 3 days. Money phant, [6f,nerally known llS Mrs. Sell, Rarest of Gifts,
claimed, "There! I've forgotten
back if it rails. The Ilcnuinc box has a Red to!,
with Mr. Hill's picturc. At Ali D:CIl Storcd, "They sny there llre going to be One of tl\(' ran'st of gifts is ~lle abil-
the coffee. I must telephone
great dnys lllH'ad al1d thnt if every Ity to do a favor so ns to leave no at once."
OVERSEAS CJ{RIST~L\S PACKAGE Mr. Sen E1ephnnt doesn't get the Mr,.;. burrlensome sense of ohligatlon,
TO DE SENT UNDER THE Sea Elephant he wnnts tlwrp'l\ he Ii I wondered, as she made a
A~IEmtAN nED CROSS hattie," flaid Mrs. Sal'nh Sea I·;!l'phnnt. Meaning of Difficulty. second call, whith was the more
"Isl1't thnt glorious?" saill ~Irs. Sea. Whnt is a rlifliculty? "Somethl',.;;- important-the war or her
"Thnt's the sort of n Sl'a 1';lephaJlt thut flhows what we really nre." wns 11
The Christmas presents [or the sol-
ma te I haye. And so h:w(' you. Wlwl1 gl'ellt philosopher's answer. forgotten coffee? If she had
diers abroad will be ,sent under the
direction of the Red Cross. The pack- other Mr. Sea lmephllnts got in t1w only made a list and checked off A series of
ages must be ~ent before November wny of OUI' Mr. Sea Eleplwnts befon' each article, I know she could have saved intimate calks
they hod usl;:ed us to marry the1l1, thl'y Each Season Has Its Charms. a telephone message. And every te1e, on conserving
20. Three main line divisions wiN
quickly fought nnd got them out of Eadl sea::oon 11:Is its own outdoor telephone
be open t() receive the packages on phone call saved releases the telephone usage written
the way:" ('hm'III, even Winter, when heavy
the arrival o[ the labels [rom the men by a woman,
in France.
"Yes," said Mrs. Sarnh, "1 wouldn't !o;nows ('(lvel' tlte earth. [{ead ThOl" equipment and the time of the operator from a wom-
give n fig for a husband who woulrln't !'uu ar,d ,John Burroughs and learn for serving the needs of the wat program. an's point of
The Bryn Mawr Branch, 809 Lan-
fight for me." how til\, trael,s of small animal,.; on view and for
caster a\'enue, Bryn Mawr, will ibe
open daily from 3 to 7 P. M.
uDpur HlP," snic1 :\Irs. Spa, "I don't the snow's sllrfaee show the life of The Telephone Company is looking to women,
think ~'oll'l'e saying much, for what in the woods and how tlte ~race and women in the home to help, and it is
The Ardmore Branch will be open the wOI'I(I. or til(' sea, does n fig Illenn slt:ulow of twigs, the beaut~' IIml \·al'i·
from 3 to 7 daIly. to ~'ou?"
just by avoiding "extra" telephone calls
The ~arbertll Branch will be open ety of the secrl pods of weerls and the
"r.I'hnt's 80," agTepc1 l\Irs. Ranth, un activity of hirrls cause tlte strollel' 10 that women can do their part.
dai1ly from 2 until 5 and Monday and fig do!'sn't n1('lln anything to me. Gra- forget the cold, while tlll' tinldlng of
'Wednesday evenings. cious, no! Why n fig wo1l1(1 he lost smnll stn'allls through a douhle mar-
Full particulars about the packages THE Dl~I,I. 'l'F.I,F.PHO:\,E CO. Ill" P ..\ ,.,
In the flea and Jigs most cpl'tainly don't gin of Icicles is music to his ears. BUSINESS OJ"FICfJ.
mav be had at th8 Post Office or the menn II nyl hing" to me. the little silly, 1230 AIlCII ST.. PIIILAUE1.I'lIIA.
Red Cros" rooms. Notice will be g,iven sticky things."
when the lahels arrive. "Why did ~'Ol1 sn~' thnt?" nsl,ed Mr". Broaden Your Mind.
------~----_.-- - ----- --- ------_._---
Sea. BI'ush the colJ\\'ehs out of ~'(Jur minrt
"I just used it as an expression IImi Rid yOllrself of the ruiJbish of Ilreju·

it showl' how much we l'a~' wilhout dIce and prepossession. No longer iJe
Fi.-est PhotoplaY The- content with sUl'face thinking, whiclt Chase Procrastination.
atre 01 II.. Size in the Is not thinking nt nil. l<'orm the habit
Entire World. A di5<tasteful dllt~' is doubled b~' pro-
of looking nt eYeQ'thing from mure His Last Hope GO:le. crastination. 'VI' suffer not only the
P"~loph.;vs-Conlinuous10 A. 1\1. to 11.30
P. M. than uue point of view. Balance, In an Oklahoma court an attol'o unpleasllntnefls of the actunl rloing", hilt
Phila.• Pa. weigh, tl'St, ohserq~. annlyze, m!'rli- ne~' had been IIIllIlY times o\"I'I'I'uled thl' scnrcel~' IC'fls rllscomfol't of pro-
tat!'. Thus :1Ione can yOll gain opin- by the court duriJ1~ the mOl'nill;'; ses-
PROGRAM ions tlta t are really ~'our own and real· sion, The attol'lll'~' arri\"erl in tho
longed dreading,
WEEK Comm6nclhO Monduy November 11th Iy well based. ']'hus alone cnn you court room at 1 ::l:i [1. m., \\"herea~
A Paramount Picture grow in sllccpss-wlnning power of court had adjoul'IJ(~d to 1 ::,0, TI;e Spasmodic Sermon.
minrl,-Exchange. court nnd the at 1oriley disa;,:;\'('('d liS Beea use a fello\\' ;.;ets a I'eputntion
First Pro.entatlon
to what was, ill fact. the corl'Pct tillie,
and the ,discussioll enderl wi t h the
n"' a 1'0undl'1' is no indicatioll that he
is moving in high socinl eil'c1es.-ln·
Wanted to Know Photographer. j('spairin~ stntellll'lIt by the aUoI'ney: dillnapolis Star.
"fbe Man From Funeral Range" Arthur, aged IlYe, was a Sunday Very well, ~'OUI' hOllor. Let's have it
Firat National Attraction
school pupil and listened attentlvelv
to his teacher telling the class abol;t
Christ. Next rla~' he went visiting
that wa~'. I had hOlled, however, that'
the time of (la~' was one suhject on
which we lui:,:ht In:;ree,"-Lllw Notes,
I Daily Thought,
VIt1:up j" like a I'idl slone, hest set
CHARLIE CHAPLIN with his mother II nd on the nmntd
\',as a picture of Christ, to which hi~
In First Pr~lcntation of His Second Million
Dollar Comody mother called his attention. explain'
ing that Christ WllS the suhject of hi~
"SHOULDER ARMS" "It's Our Big Season of the Year."
le~son the pre\'lous dllY. ,\.fter sur·
,\S l'OS8I1U.,£ TO 10.15 A. 111., 12.00, 2.00,
3.45, 5.45. 7.45, 11.30 P. M.
thinking. 1 sa\1 that absollllply witll-
ont thinldng, for I mennt to say that
1 wouldn't give an~·thing for a lila II
veying the pictUl'e thoughtfully for a
moment he suddenly exclainH'rl: "But
who took it ?"-Chlcago Exam incl'.
Narberth Register
Two Lines, 10c per issue; Sc for each additional line
who wouldn't fight for his wif"."
GOOD MORNING! "That's better," said 1\11'''. Spa.
Seek Healthy View Point. MILK
"Well, all the Sea Elephants will tight ACCOUXTANTS
Rehn U. C. Certified Public Account~nt. Seolt-I'owt'lI Dalrle•• Phone, Preston 2398,
for their mllles. '1'here urI' lots of If you desire to posses a hl'OIllI,
6EO. B. SUPLEE huttles nl'ounrl tne Illutlng season-lot"
of them."
healthy point of view. ollsen'e t hi!
horde of restless, unha)J)J~' men lind
202' Dudley ave, Phone. Narberth 300'W,
Cult-, lV. Arlhur. Phone, Spruce 1638.
Ideas, Plans, COpy. Art. TypographY,
. Rt'c display u.(h'ertisement In tbl8 1I!ume.
T. Sluart Cowin. 20G ~lerlon ave,
See display auve.rliHeJlll'nt In this tssue.
"There are :ndeed," said Mrs. ~arah. women who have failed to find happi· L008, Fanny II. Plano teacher.

Plumbing Establisbment "'VI' never fight," said !III's. Spa.

"No, ladies never do," said :111':->,
ness thmugh n worship of fnlse gorIs,
and who linrl it only after having
found a pll1'Jlose that would etIectively
Lees' GurnJ.:l.'-Hf'pairllll;. Etc. Phone, IGOr,.
See l1b..; plaY ullvertlsC'lllcnt ill this issue.
StUdio, Arcade Bldg, Phone. 316-,J.
Sjouulm. )Ii~", ElJl.IU. :\J Wile Teacher and Ac..
cOlllpanisl, ~~s luna U\'C.. Narberth.
NOT,\ltl1 f'UBLIC
IS NOW LOCATED AT Surah. "I ,;uppose 11Ie~' Illight allll HANKS
JelTerh,., J. II. 111 Narberth ave,
~"'rlon Title & Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore 3,
sometimes It would do a great dpal of serve hllmanit~'. The~' will teach ~·ou a See display advertisement In tbl. loou... Phone, 666-M.
104 Forrest Ave. good but thpy never huve-aud cu"-
tom is custom."
lesson on the futility of striving aftpr
the things that SI'I'\'e no useful end.
T)'Hon, Warren R. 200 Woodbine ave.
Phone, 1202-W.
~lIwdley. Wm. D. Phone, 600, OI'TICIAl't1'l
At Your Service "Ther sa~'," remarked ~Irs. Sell. Get n ht'alth~' vip\':IHtint u(lon life! See displaY advertisement tn tbls l!1!1ue. Fenton. Curl F. 506 I~8sex ave. Phone. tl~"'·"
CANDY. ETC. Phlla. address, 1806 Chestnut st. Locust 528.
Prompt attention given all orders. "thnt there Is one part uhout us which \I",'ls, II. E. Phone, 1254-W. l'AIN'rEUS
Estimates Cheerfully Given, cnll he hurt so thnt we nre killell." See displaY ad vertlsement In thl. looue. Cole, James It. -
"Yes," ngreed Mrs. Sarllh, "that Is All Biblical Towns. C,\ln'EXTIUtS AND nUILnESS 216 Haverford ave. Phone, Spruce 1638,
It was at Lyddll. which was "ni~b
.It"nldus, ehas. L. " .. G. Curlllllcr. Phone. 1~-t.i2 \V.
Don't forget to take your drink 01 tru()." 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-114. "'~~~cr~;;I~:::~~d UVe" r.:arberth.
"'1',,11 me about it," begged :III'';, Sen. unto ,IoPlll1," that Pell'r rr~stored
117 Winsor ave, Phone, 12~7-J,
Spring Valley Mineral Water "I would li!,e to keep that part out of Aenens. "who had k('pt his bed pight
Orr, nr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Phone, 393-W. l'AI'I<;tt HANGERS
morning and evening, for your sIght' if dllngel'ons enemies wel'(' ~'e:u's and was slcl, of the pa!s~'," and Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4252, Keith Bldg. Denver. Rlclmrd A. Arcade Building,
DRUGGISTS Phon., Narberth 1693-W.
health's sake around as I hl'~lr theY sometillll'S al'('. it was. of COUI·Sp. in .Toppn itself that Howard'B. Phone, 1267, 'Vlttc. Geo. A. FaIrview ave.
SIlr1ng' "alley lUlneral Wllter should with guns IUlll rllies anll otlll'r fir,,· Pet!'r restorpd ']'ahltha to life. Here See displaY advertisement In thl. looue. Phone, Cynwyd 778-J, First-class work.
also he lodged fol' a tillle "with one ELECTRICIANS 1'J10TO I'LAYS
be in cl'er;,' borne at this time. Sure arJn~." 1'uJ.;'h, Veri 225 lono. ave. "ArcRdla," 16th and Chestnut 8t8., PhlJa-.
Illlil certain prcyentativo of Constipa. ""I''','' snid ?III'S. Sarah, "solllp,:me" Simon n tal1lll'r. whose house Is hy :'o:ar. Phone, 650-'V. Ard, Phone, 163-J. See display ndvertlspment In thl. I.ou.
the seaside," and it was hr're that he PLUIIIIUNG. ETC.
tloll, Ncu!'"lt!!., Rhcumatism, Kidney w(' aI'!' shot nt, 'VI' are lil,f' seals you FISH ,\:\,D OYSTERS SUI,lee. Gao. n. Phone, 1289,
saw the wOllrll'rfnl \'Ision whieh tllu~ht IJIlllerlal Gr""cr~' Co. Phone, Nar~erth 606, See display advertisement In thlo looue,
Ilnll LIYer Trouble, Gastric Catarrh, know allll WI' have very useful, valu- See displaY udvertlsement In. th. Issue. Wall, U. n. Phone, 319-J.
him the universality of Chrlstillnity.
Dronchlal fatarrh, Heartburn, Nel", ahle oil in us." GARDEN NURSERIES See dl.play advertisement In thlo I••u.,
l'ollsness allli all Digestive Troubles, "All vpl'r well" snid :III'''. Spa, "hut ----,--- l'rlmr08e :t"lower Shop. Ardmore, pa. Cut
flowe,rs and plant•• funeral Ilealgns.
Caldwell & Co. Phone, 1271-W.
Keep on tJie bighwll)' of good health. I'm not g"lIpI'OU". I Iwef"r to kpep Care of the Telephone. \\'ohlert, A. -E. See display advertisement In thl. I••ue,
Orller a bottle tOllay. m~' oil for nl~·"elf." ~Iontgomery ave, Phone. 696 Narberth. Fritsch, n. C. Phone, 252-W.
"So (10 I." saill :lII·s. Sarllh, "onl~' 1 The telellhone is a line receptacle GROCERS See display advertisement In thl. 1.lue,
}'OR SALE for gel'llis of en'.·y kind. anr! littll' at- 1lI1llerlt.1 Groeer)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Godtre~', Wm. D.
was tpllillg rOll some facts." "ee display ull,'ertlsement In thl. losue. 114 Woodside a\'e. Phone, 686-W.
tl'ntioll is paill to sh'I'ilizing this !lIuch- UAULIN(;. ETC. Nash, Robert J. Phone, 605.
"y"s, 1~0 ahend." sllid 1\lrs. Sell.
HOWARD'S Drug Store ""','-'." nliltinup!l 1\Irs. Snrah, "you
kno\\' ,,:lll'l! the mllting Sf'aSon COlll!'S
used maehill!'. It shou]rl he washed
out with alcohol as oftl'n as I'eqllh'l~d,
\\'"lIon Bros. Phone. 672,
':';ce display advertisement In thle ISBue.
~loney for First and Seeond Mortgag...
Sinlilsoll, Ja.mes C. 232 Essex ave.
Phone, 636, or 1420 Che.tnut It.
NARBERTH, PA. nroulHl 1I1HI "'I' ure chosen by the and to l«'ep the dnst. Ollt of it lIlake )lowman, Sumuel I'. (Lite.) Gum-lIleGlnley Co. Phone, 1258-W.
11 slIlall round r'oW'I' of soft It'll t hl'l' 01' 116 Elmwood ave, Phone, 653-W. See display advertisement In thl. I..ue
hllndsollll' :IIi'. Sen Elpphllnts ns their
PICTURES FRAMED 'mntl's we all Ue nbout the hench and
chat and gossip and hnve the very
hell\'Y cloth Ilnd stitch a hl'01111 rihhon
around thl' l'd~l'. Ihrough whieh clIn be
I"rldlllrdt, IIliller. General Insurance.
100 Maple ave. Phone, 659-M.
J"nes, Chus. R.
. Mllier. John A. 243 Iono. ave, Phone, 661:'},
Shop, 246 Haverford ave, Phone. 1226·J,
At reasonable prices best of times. It's our big senson of
TelephOne: Narberth 1261-W for prices the r('ar.
run a dra \\'ing string' or elasl ic. Put
this O\'er the transmitter.
30,. S. Narberth l}ve. Phone, 682·J.
J"nes, "'m. J. 103 S, Narberth ave, Phon.,
';~O·J. Phlla. add res., Penn Mutual Bldg,
I Goo<l Wear Shoe Repair Shop
Con.tantine. n. G. Y. M. C, A. Bldg.
'rhe above tIepartmcnt .hould be ot the.
1"'otter Dros. (Fire, etc,) greatest use to the community the lI.t can·
aDd to see samples. II "I've henrd of folks who go to sum- ~09 Woodside ave, Phone. 1262-R. tolns the name at every prote"lonal man,
CHAS. T. WEAVER mer resorts and winter resorts nnd to Well Described. LAWYERS tradesman, mechanlo, shopkeeper, etc.. who
places for the baths, or the mountain I; lira". John 211 Essex o.ve. Phone, 1246-R. does or can In any way .erve hi. fellow'
334 oDlZdley Avenue, N"rberth A short time ago we \\'el'e rliscusslng Philo.. address, Lincoln Bldg. townsman, and who Is progreo.lve enougb-
ah', or for l;;ome other reason. ,Vell, Iotltes. Fletcher W. 41 a Ho.verford ave. to add name to lI.t of RegIster,
n [rlpnrl. who, while h('I' hl1l1' had Phone, 372-W Phlla. addre.o, Crozer Bide. Ao It Is difficult tor tho•• contrlbutlna
our resort is the beach and we lie up- grown white with the ~'elll'S, hnd reo l,helr time ~nd elrort. to the production or
Sammie KneW. on it when It is the mating season for
~h'Donald John. Narberth phone, 1288. Our Town to per.onally eIther know o.
tnined n youthful figure. A few days
"Sammie," snld the visitor, "do you then we are picked out and chosen, 1"33 Chest, .t. Phlla. Phone, spruce 1138. Interview all .uch, It would be mo.t help-
uftel'ward Ruth, referring to her, said, 0 ' ful If those not now found In the prlnte!)
know why people use the expression, "We can hear the tales of adventure· "You Imow who I mean. Auntv-that IIIE,\TS. ETO. lI.t would send In a memo of their no.meo,
'blue Mondny?'" which the Mr. Sea Elephants have to I "tter, Howard F. Phone, 1298. addres., phone number. and buotne••e. at
Indy who looks so young hehl~d and ~P" tll .."laY advertl.ement In thll luull. prot•••lon. tor 1I.tlng. Thl. wlll co.t al tal·
"Sure," said Snmmle, "thnt wns the tell us and we can talk of the new s(, old in front."-Chicngo Tribune. Crist, Frank. Phone. 368. low.: 10 cent. eo.ch I..ue tor 2 lID.I; I; ceDb
~y I spilled the bluing on mn's lace styles-though we never have any real- See dl.plaY advertisement In thIs luue. for each additional line.
~rtains when tile Indy come to wnsh." I¥ new on~s. Still we cnn discuss

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