Csec Social Studies Jan 2013 p3

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rest cope 01243032 FORM TP 2013032 JANUARY 2013 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES Paper 032 — General Proficiency T hour 10 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper consists of FIVE questions. You MUST answer ALL the questions on this paper. 2. Use this answer booklet to respond to the questions. For EACH question, write your answer in the space provided, 3. Ifyou need additional paper on which to write your answers, request it from the supervisor. 4, Attach any additional paper that you use securely to this answer booklet. 5. Retum this answer booklet at the end of the examination. 6 Youare advised to take some time to read through the paper and plan your answers. Ministry of Education Sports and Youth Affaire DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 01243032/J ANUARY/F/2013 -25 Before you write your answers, choose ONE of the following research topies and write it in the space provided. Research Topics: (The causes of traffic congestion on Pegal Street in my community (ii) Views of residents in my community on the financing of general elections in my country Topie: Answer the following questions related to the topic you have chosen. 1, (a) _ State ONE reason why you would want to investigate the topic you have chosen, (@ marks) (6) Write a problem statement based on the topic you have chosen. Begin your statement with the following: ‘The study will (2 marks) (©) Identify ONE term in the topic that you would define (1 mark ) (@) Interviews may be used to gather information, Apart from interviews, identify TWO other research instruments that would help to gather information on the topic you have chosen, (@ marks) (@) Identify ONE problem a researcher may:experience in gathering information during an interview. sf (mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243032/JANUARY/F 2013 oO 2 @ ) © 3 @ ) State ONE way the researcher can solve the problem identified in (¢). (mark) ‘Total 9 marks State ONE research question for the topic you have chosen. Identify TWO sources you may use to obtain information on the topic which you have chosen. (@ marks) Write ONE question for an interview schedule that could be used to obtain information ‘on the topic you have chosen. (mark) ‘Total 4 marks Describe the method you would use to select the sample for the study you have chosen. @ marks) Give ONE reason why you have selected the method of sampling you described in (a) above for your study. (mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01243032/JANUARY/F 2013 -4 (©) Inresearch, it is ethical for the researcher to protect the members of the sample from danger or harm. State TWO ways by which the researcher may protect the information provided by the sample, (@ marks) Total 5 marks Questions 4 and 5 are based on the following ease study. Answer BOTH questions. ‘The factors contributing to the decline in the fish population in Duboth Duboth is a small community. It is located on the westem side of the Pecan Harbour and on the easter side of the Pecan wetlands. In 2010, 80% of the male population in Duboth between the ages of 18 and 70 depended on fishing for a living. Reports have indicated that the fish population in Duboth has declined significantly. A survey was conducted to determine the factors contributing to the decline in the fish population. One thousand, two hundred fishermen between the ages of 18 and 70 were interviewed to ascertain their views on the issue. The survey revealed that 600 of the fishermen believed that the decline in the fish population was because of the destruction of the mangroves. One hundred and eighty fishermen believed that the use of dynamite as a fishing method destroyed the fish population, 300 believed that pollution of the harbour led to the depletion of the fish population and 120 stated that overfishing caused the depletion. The findings were documented and presented to the community for discussion on the findings, implications, recommendations and also proposals for solution. (@ State the MAIN focus of the study conducted by the researchers. (@ marks) (6) Write TWO statements of fact about Duboth, (@ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01243032/JANUARY/F 2013 (©) State the percentage of the male population in the 18 to 70 age group whose livelihood ‘was from fishing. (mark) (@) Write ONE research question for the problem that was investigated. (mark) (©) State TWO important findings of the study conducted by the researchers. (2 marks) ‘Total 8 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243032/JANUARY/F 2013 6- 5. (a) ()_Thetable below gives the data which was collected from the research. Calculate the percentage for each cause and insert it in the correct place in the table. Causes Frequency Percentage Destruction of mangoes 600 ‘Use of dynamites 180 Pollution of harbour 300 Overfishing 120 Total 1200 100 marks) (ii) In the grid provided below draw a bar graph to show the data collected from the sample. Give the bar graph a title and label the vertical axis. (Remember to label all the bars.) Title _ (5 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01243032/J ANUARY/F 2013 Te (6) Write TWO statements about the data that you have displayed in the bar graph on page 5. ‘@ marks) (©) State TWO recommendations which the researchers could make to the authorities based on their findings. @ marks) ‘Total 14 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. Ministry of Education ‘Sports and Youth Afiais 01243032/JANUARY/F 2013

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