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ce. test cope 01243020 FORM TP 2012031 ‘@ JANUARY 2012 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES Paper 02 — General Proficiency 2 hours 40 minutes 10 JANUARY 2012 ( READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This paper has THREE s sctions, as follows: SECTIONA Questions 1,2 and 3 — Individual, Family and Society SECTIONB Part I Questions 4 and 5 — Sustainable Development and Use of Resources Part II Questions 6 and 7 — Regional Integration, SECTIONC Question 8 — Communication Question 9 — Consumer Affairs Question 10 Toutiem @ You MUST answer a total of FIVE questions — TWO ftom SECTION A, TWO. from SECTION B (choose ONF from Part I and ONE from Part II) and ONE, from SECTION C. Gi) Where questions require an explanation, suggestion or proposal, you should develop your response filly. Gil) You are advised to take some time to read through the paper and plan your answers. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE U: Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations All rights reserved. 01243020/JANUARY/F 2012 SECTION A INDIVIDUAL, FAMILY AND SOCIETY Answer TWO questions from this section. ‘Where questions require an explanation, suggestion, proposal or a reason, you should develop your responses fully. 1 @) (b) © @ () (co) @ Define EACH of the following terms: () Matrifocal (mark ) Gi) Matrilineal (mark ) Identify TWO traditional roles of adult male members of the family. (2 marks) Give TWO reasons why the traditional roles of adult male members of the family are changing, (4 marks) (Suggest to the Ministry of Social Services in your country, giving full details, THREE measures social workers may put in place to assist children whose fathers have deserted them. (6 marks) Gi) Explain why EACH measure suggested will be successful. (6 marks) Total 20 marks Identify TWO forms of social control that exist in institutions. (marks) (Name TWO different types of recreational institutions that commonly exist in society. (2 marks) (ii) Describe ONE way in which recreational institutions satisfy society's needs, @ marks) Give TWO characteristics of institutions as organizations. 2 marks) (__ Asayouth group leader, suggest to your parliamentary representative, giving full details, THREE actions the government can take to encourage people to participate in recreational activities. (6 marks) Gi) Explain why EACH of the actions will be successful. (6 marks) Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/JANUARY/F 2012 Residents of the Wella Community staged a peaceful protest to draw attention to the lack of social services in their community. After seeing the protest as a news item on television, someone advised the residents to take their complaints to the ombudsman. (@) Identify TWO social services that the government normally provides to a community. (2 marks) (6) State TWO ways in which the ombudsman may assist the citizens who are affected. (2 marks) (©) Give TWO reasons why Caribbean governments provide social services for their citizens. (4 marks) (@ ——G@_ Suggest to the government, giving full details, THREE ways to encourage citizens to assist in the provision of social servici (6 marks) (ii) Explain why EACH way suggested will be successful (6 marks) Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (01243020/JANUARY/F 2012 4x SECTION B PARTI SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPM! Answer EITHER Question 4 OR Question 5. Where questions require an explanation, suggestion, proposal or a reason, you should develop your responses fully. 4, The table below shows the percentage of the labour force of Country X employed in various sectors for the period 2000 to 2008. Study the table carefully and answer the questions that follow: PERCENTAGE OF THE LABOUR FORCE EMPLOYED IN VARIOUS SECTORS 2000-2008 Year Employment Sector 2000 2004 2008 _ — = ue i Manufacturing 16 12 10 ‘Services 2 15 20 Tourism 21 20 25 ‘Agriculture _[3 8 1B Mining 12 4 3B Fisheries _|n 13 7 ‘Transportation 15 18, 12 Total 100% 100% 100% (a) @)_ Identify the industry that employed the largest percentage of the labour force during the period 2000 to 2008, (mark ) (ii) Identify the industry in which there was a steady decline in the percentage of the labour force employed between 2000 and 2008. (mark ) (6) State TWO types of jobs that are available in agriculture (2 marks) (©) Give TWO reasons why employers prefer to hire persons who have completed at least secondary education, (4 marks) (4) @)_ Suggest to the Ministry of Education in your country, giving full details, THREE actions it may take to assist students in completing their secondary education successfully, (6 marks) Gi) Explain why you believe EACH of these actions will be successful. (6 marks) ‘Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG 01243020JANUARY/F 2012 (@) Explain what is meant by the term ‘non-renewable resource’. (2 marks) (6) @_ Name ONE Caribbean country in which bauxite is mined as a resource. (mark ) i) State ONE use to which bauxite is put. (mark ) (©) Give TWO reasons why conservation of non-renewable resources is important. (4 marks) (@) —@_ Suggest to the government of your country, giving full details, THREE strategies it may use to encourage the conservation of non-renewable resources. (6 marks) (i) Explain why you believe EACH of these strategies will be successful, (6 marks) Total 20 marks PART IL REGIONAL INTEGRATION Answer EITHER Question 6 OR Question 7. All answers MUST be given in complete sentences. ‘Where questions require an explana mn, suggestion, proposal or a reason, you should develop your responses fully. Statements justifying proposals should be relevant and proposals feasible. 6 “CARICOM integration and global challenges.” As a CARICOM official responsible for trade in a country, you have been asked to address the Manufacturing Association on the above topic. In your address, state the meaning of the term ‘globalization’. State TWO negative effects of globalization on manufacturers in the CARICOM countries. Then, describe TWO ways by which the CARICOM Secretariat can inform CARICOM citizens about the importance of the integration process. Finally suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies through which manufacturers may take advantage of globalization. Explain why EACH strategy you suggested will be successfll ‘Total 20 marks “Regionalism: the way forward to a prosperous Caribbean region,” Write an essay on the above topic. Begin your essay by explaining the meaning of the term ‘regionalism’. Identify TWO social factors that encourage regionalism, Explain TWO ways in which unequal distribution of resources in the Caribbean may hinder regionalism among the territories. Suggest THREE strategies, giving full details, that CARICOM countries may use to strengthen the regional integration movement. Explain why you believe EACH of these strategies will be successful Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01243020/SANUARY/F 2012 Answer ONE Question from this set SECTION C OPTIONS ‘Where questions require explanations, suggestions, proposals or reasons, you should develop your answers fully. Statements justify 8 9. 10. ing proposals should be relevant and proposals feasible. COMMUNICATION “The global media has greatly influenced cultural patterns in the region.” Write an essay on the above topic. In your essay, state what is meant by the term ‘mass media’. Next, explain THREE ways in which the global media may influence the lifestyle of Caribbean citizens. Finally, suggest THREE ways, giving full details, in which the artistic works of Caribbean artistes can be protected from illegal use. Explain why EACH way you suggested is likely to be successful Total 20 marks CONSUMER AFFAIRS “Consumers, be aware and be alert: avoid exploitation by suppliers of goods and services!” Prepare an address to consumers in your community. Begin your address by explaining the meaning of the term “black market’. Explain TWO factors that can contribute to black market activities in a country. State TWO ways in which consumer organizations in a country assist in protecting consumers from exploitation. Finally, suggest to the consumers, giving full details, ‘THREE actions they can take to protect themselves from exploitation. Explain why you believe EACH action is likely to be successfl ‘Total 20 marks TOURISM “Our Government is spending US$39 million to develop tourism in my community. I know that economic linkages will occur, but economic leakage is such a big problem in this country.” Write a speech to address the above concem of the citizen. In your speech, define the term ‘economic leakage’ and state TWO ways in which economic leakage occurs in the tourist industry in the Caribbean, Explain TWO ways in which citizens may benefit from the development of tourism in their community. Finally, suggest to hoteliers, giving full details, THREE strategies they may take to encourage greater participation of residents in the tourist industry. Explain why you believe EACH of these strategies is likely to be successfl Total 20 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01243020 ANUARY/F 2012

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