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Matti Concannon

EDU 214

Final Lesson Plane

Lesson Plan Title: Second Grade: English- Cause and Effect

Concept / Topic to Teach: Understand the meaning of cause and effect in an event
of writing
General Goal(s): Students will understand and identify the concept of cause and
effect in a piece of writing during events.
Specific Objectives: In a small paragraph and short sentences identify the cause
and effect in an event.
Required Materials: Power Point, computer, projector, white boards, markers,
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Begin the lesson with a scenario expressing cause and
effect. Start with something on the floor and quickly rush and pretend to trip over
the item. Have the students observe the action. Have them record what they see in
their daily workbook journal as a warmup. Begin to ask the student what they saw.
Ask why, to what had happened.
Step-By-Step Procedures:
 Begin the Power Point describing what had just happened. What caused the
teacher to trip and how the teacher tripped.
 Define cause
o Provide examples of just cause.
 Maddie did not want to go to school because she was being
o Have the students identify cause in a scenario.
 “being bullied”
o Have the student create a cause.
 Check students causes, making sure they make sense
 Define effect
o Provide examples of effect.
 Maddie did not want to go to school because she was being
o Have the students identify effect in a scenario.
 “Maddie did not want to go to school”
o Have the student create an effect.
 Provide numerous examples and continue to allow the student to identify
cause and effects in each scenario until student are comfortable to do an
activity independently.

Plan for Independent Practice: Students will complete and matching activity
worksheet that begins with cause and will have to choose the effect that best
matches with that cause.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Review one last time the definition of cause
and effect. Describe how it is part of everyday life and essentially how it will
forever be part of their lives. What they do today will impact their tomorrow and
Assessment Based on Objectives: Students will create a 5-6 slide presentation with
a partner using Power Point. The components of the slide show will be:
 Slide 1: Title, Names
 Slide 2: First cause and effect scenario
 Slide 3: Identifying the first cause and effect scenario
 Slide 4: Second cause and effect scenario
 Slide 5: Identifying the second cause and effect scenario
 Slide 6: (Optional) The End

Possible Connections to Other Subjects: Cause and effect is part of everything

student do in and out of school. For example, with math when completing a multi-
step math problem. If the student does the first thing step wrong that will affect the
ending answer. Its important to know the actions on is about to do, to understand
the result.

Special Needs Component: A student with special needs during the independent
work time for student will have a one on one lesson that further explains the
lesson. They will be able to ask questions and have time to make sure they
understand the activity. While students work on the assessment the student will
work with the teacher to make sure that the teacher knows that the student
understands the material well.

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