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Q2. Fill in the blanks with past tense form of the verb: 1) Snow on the mountains. (fall) 2) Water in the taps. (freeze) 3) Our aircraft over the mountains. (fly) 4) We these story books at a sale. (buy) 5) Suresh quickly the ball to the wicket keeper. (throw) Scanned with CamScanner 6) The maid the bell. (ring) 7) The boy behind the curtain, (hide) 8) They to the station. (go) 9) She the scissor in the cupboard. (keep) 10) Rohan his folder with sequins. (decorate) Q3. Fill in blanks with simple past tense or past continuous form of the verb given in the brackets: oo. * 1) They (arrive) when mother (still cooked) ahd the maid (lay) the table 2) We (enjoy) the match on television when suddenly the light (go) off, 3) As he (get) into the bus ,it (start) suddenly and he (fall) back on the road. 4) As my teacher (walk) towards the classroom she suddenly (remember) something 5) While he (water) the plants it (begin) to rain. Scanned with CamScanner

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