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Siti Muthoharoh S .KM.,M.kes


1. Ani Navita Aprilia 0119004

2. Era mastutik 0119016
3. Gigin pidhiana 0119038
4. Roudhotul latifah 0119044



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Mojokerto, 16nd September 2020

Name NIM Signature

Ani Navita Aprilia 0119004
Era mastutik 0119016
Gigin pidhiana 0119038
Roudhotul latifah 0119044

Praise be uppon us for the presence of Allah SWT, because of Allah SWT bless we can
finish this papers the tittle “immune System”.

When we make this papers, we got much guidance and support from Mrs. Siti
Muthoharoh,S.KM.,M.Kes as facilitator in the material that discussed in this papers. And doesn’t
forget the member of the group that participate in the settlement of this papers.
Hopefully this papers can helpful for the development of insight and knowledge of

Mojokerto, 16nd September 2020



A. Background
Imonology or Immunity is resistance to diseases, especially infectious diseases.
The combination of cells, molecules and tissues that play a role in resistance to infection
is called the immune system. Coordinated reactions of cells, molecules against microbes
and other materials are called immune responses. The immune system needs the body to
maintain its integrity against the dangers that various materials can pose in the
Modern lifestyles demand everything to be done quickly and instantly. This also
affects the diet such as breakfast in the vehicle, lunch in a hurry, and night due to fatigue
so there is no appetite. Not to mention the quality of food consumed, air pollution, lack of
exercise and stress. If it continues, the endurance will continue to decrease, lethargic,
quickly tired and prone to disease. Until now many young people have degenerative
diseases. Modern stress and lifestyle conditions as well as pollution, unbalanced diet and
fatigue lower the endurance of the body thus lowering the adequacy of antibodies.
Symptoms of decreased endurance are often neglected so that various infectious diseases
arise, premature aging at an early age.
A. How Is The Definition Of The Immune System?
B. How Does The Immune System Function?
C. How Types Of Immune System?
D. How Are The Factors That Condescending The Immune System?
E. How Is The Immune System Disorders?
F. How Is The Mechanism Of The Immune System?
A. To Know the Definitions Immune System
B. To Know the Function Of Immune System
C. To Know the Types Of Immune System
D. To Know the Factors That Condescending Immune System
E. To Know the Immune System Disorders
F. To Know the Mechanisms Of Immune System




Immunology is the study of the process of defense or immunity to a macromolecular compound

or foreign organisms that enter into the body. Historically this term was later used to describe
protection against infectious diseases. To protect itself, the body needs a mechanism that can
differentiate the cells themselves (Self) dariagen-agent penginvasi (nonself).

the immune system is a biological protection system outside influences conducted by specialized
cells and organs in an organism. If the immune system is working properly, this system will
protect the body against bacterial and viral infections, as well as destroy cancer cells and other
foreign substances in the body. If the immune system is weakened, its ability to protect the body
also decreases, thus causing pathogens, including the viruses that cause colds and flu, can
develop in the body. The immune system also provides oversight of the tumor cells, and
inhibition of this system has also been reported to increase the risk of some types of cancer.


 The immune system has several functions for the body, namely as: Defense body,
warding off harmful ingredients so the body does not hurt, and if the immune cells that is
responsible for this pertahana getting interference or is not working properly, then it will
be easy to get sick oranmg
 The balance, or homeostatic function is meant to keep the balance of body components.
 Patrolling, some of the immune cells have kemampuna to monitor throughout the body. If
there are cells that have mutations patrolman then the cells will be destroyed.

The human immune system is divided by 2 is:

 Based on How to Keep Yourself from Disease

1. Body Defense System or inate Non-Specific Immunity

Non-Specific Body Defense Systems is a defense body does not distinguish microbial
pathogens from one another. Can detect foreign objects and protect the body from damage, but
can not recognize foreign substances that enter the body. The immune system is already present
in the body since birth. The characteristics are:

a) not selective
b) unable to remember what happened before infection
c) so the host response reacts immediately recognize invading microorganisms
d) has a component that can counteract the objects to get into the body.

This defense system is obtained in several ways, namely:

1) Defense who are in the Body Surface
(a) Physical defense
Defense is physically carried by the outer layers of the body, the skin and mucous
membranes, which function in the way of entry of pathogens into the body.
(b) defense mechanical
Defense is mechanically carried by the nose hairs and cilia in the trachea. Nose hair serve
to filter the air inhaled from a variety of harmful particles and microbes. While the function
of cilia sweep harmful particles trapped in the mucus and then removed from the body.
(c) Chemical defense
Defense is chemically conducted by secretions produced by the skin and mucous
membranes. The secretions contain chemical substances that can inhibit the growth of
microbes. Examples of these are oil secretions and sweat.
(d) Biological defense
Biological defense committed by harmless bacteria populations (Flora norm) that live on
the skin and mucous membranes. The bacteria protect the body by competing with
pathogenic bacteria to acquire nutrients.
2) Inflammatory Response (Inflammation)
Inflammation is the body's response to tissue damage, for example due to scratches or
concussion. The process of inflammation is a collection of four symptoms at once, ie, dolor
(pain), rubor (redness), calor (heat), and tumor (swelling). Inflammation serves to prevent the
spread of infection and speed wound healing. Inflammatory reaction also serves as a signal of
danger and as a command so that white blood cells (neutrophils and monocytes) perform
phagocytosis against microbes which infect the body. Inflammatory mechanism can be explained
as follows:
(a) Tissue damage as a result of the wound, resulting in pathogen able to bypass the body's
defenses and infect cells of the body.
(b) Infected tissue will stimulate mast cells to excrete histamine and prostaglandins.
(c) Blood vessel dilation that increases the speed of blood flow that increased vascular
3) phagocytosis
Phagocytosis is a defense mechanism carried by phagocytic cells by way of digesting
microbes / foreign particles. Phagocytic cells are of two types, namely mononuclear phagocytes
and polymorphonuclear phagocytes. Examples of mononuclear phagocytes are monocytes (in the
blood) and migrating to the network will act as macrophages. Examples of polymorphonuclear
phagocytes are granulocytes, namely neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells (mast
4) antimicrobial proteins
Proteins that play a role in non-specific defense system is a complement proteins and
interferon. Complement proteins kill pathogens by forming a hole in the cell wall and plasma
membrane of the bacteria. This causes Ca2 + ions out of the cell, while fluids and salts from the
outside of bacteria will enter it and cause destruction of the bacterial cell.
Interferon is produced by cells infected with the virus. Interferon is produced when the
virus enters the body through the skin and mucous membranes. Furthermore, interferon binds to
uninfected cells. These cells then form a binding substance that can prevent viral replication so
that virus attacks can be prevented.

 Body Defense System Specific or Adaptive Immunity

Body Defense System Specification is the body's defense against certain pathogens that
enter the body. The system works when the pathogen has successfully passed the non-specific
defense system. The immune system is obtained for the adaptation process. The characteristics
a) be selective
b) Does not have the same reaction to all kinds of foreign objects
c) Able to recall previous infections
d) Involves the formation of certain cells and chemicals (antibodies)
e) Deceleration time between exposure and maximal response
This defense system is obtained in several ways, namely:
1) lymphocytes
 B lymphocytes (B cells)
The process of formation and maturation of B cells occurs in the bone marrow. B cells play
a role in the formation of humoral immunity by forming antibodies. B cells can be distinguished:
 Plasma B cells, functioning to form antibodies.
 B cells pengingant, functioning ever given antigen into the body and stimulates the formation
of plasma B cells in the event of a second infection.
 B cell splitting, serves to form plasma B cells and B cells reminders.
 T lymphocytes (T cells)
The process of formation of T cells occurs in the bone marrow, while the maturation process
occurs in the thymus gland. T cells play a role in the formation of cellular immunity, ie by
attacking the antigen-producing cells directly. T cells also help the production of antibodies by B
cells plasma. T cells can be distinguished:
 Killer T cells, functioning invading pathogens that enter the body, the body of the infected
cells, and cancer cells directly.
 Helper T cells, B cells function to stimulate the formation of plasma and other T cells and
activates macrophages to perform phagocytosis.
 Suppressor T cells, functioning to reduce and stop the immune response by decreasing the
production of antibodies and reduces the activity of killer T cells. Suppressor T cells will
work after the infection successfully treated.

2) Antibody (Immunoglobulin / Ig)

Antibodies will be formed when there is an antigen into the body. Antigens are protein
compounds that exist in the foreign cell pathogens or cancer cells. Antibodies also called
immunoglobulins or serum globulin protein, because it serves to protect the body through the
process of immunity (immune). Antibodies are protein compounds that function by binding
antigen, to be arrested and destroyed by macrophages.
Antibodies are composed of two identical polypeptide chains, two light chains and two
heavy chains. The four chains linked together by disulfide bonds and molecular shapes like the
letter Y. Each arm of the molecule has the antigen binding site. Some way of working in
inactivating antigen antibody, namely:
 Neutralization (blocking the binding site for the virus, bacteria or opsonization wrap)
 Agglutination particles containing antigens, such as microbes
 Precipitation (precipitation) soluble antigen
 Complement fixation (the complement activation)


The immune system has a tightly relationship with our way of life. Here are the factors
degrading our keimunan system:

1. Unhealthy way of life

2. Shortage of food substances
3. Air pollution or natural surroundings
4. Fatigue
5. Stress and anxiety
6. Lack of exercise
7. Excessive antibiotic usage

If the immune system goes down, it's easier for us to get an outbreak. People who have low
immune systems easy to feel tired, not excited, sentiasa catarrh, intestinal infections (food that
does not comply will cause vomiting and nausea), wound difficult to heal, allergies and so on. In
addition, the immune system is irregular may also cause injury to the cells.


a) Allergy
Allergy or hypersensitivity is an excessive immune response against the
compound into the body. Compounds are called allergens. Allergens can be dust, pollen,
insect bites, cat hair, and certain types of food, such as shrimp.
The process begins with the entry of allergies allergens into the body which then
stimulate the B cells to secrete antibod plasma IgE. Allergens first enter the body will not
cause allergy, but IgE binds to mast cells are formed. As a result, when allergens enter
the body a second time, the allergen binds to IgE binds to mast cells that have been. Mast
cells then release histamine which plays a role in the inflammatory process. The
inflammatory response resulting in the onset of allergic symptoms such as sneezing, itchy
skin, watery eyes, runny nose, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms of allergies can be
stopped with antihistamines.
b) autoimmunity
Autoimmunity is a disorder of the immune system when antibodies are produced
precisely attack the body's own cells because they can not distinguish the body's own
cells with foreign cells. Autoimmunity can be caused by the failure of the process of T
cell maturation in the thymus gland. Autoimmunity cause some disorders, namely:
1) Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is caused by antibodies that attack the beta cells in the pancreas that
produce the hormone insulin function. This resulted in the body lacks insulin hormone that
increases blood sugar levels.
2) myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis is caused by antibodies that attack the striated muscle striated muscle
that is damaged.
3) Addison's disease
Addison's disease is caused by antibodies that attack the adrenal gland. This resulted in
decreased body weight, decreased blood kadargula, fatigue, and increased skin
4) lupus
Lupus is caused by antibodies that attack the body itself. In patients with lupus, antibodies
attack the body in two ways, namely:
(1)Antibodies attack the body's tissues directly. For example, antibodies that attack red
blood cells, causing anemia.
(2)Antibodies to join the antigen to form immune complexes dianamakan bond.
5) Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis)
Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints for a long time.
AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a collection of various diseases caused
by a weakened immune system. The disease is caused by infection with HIV (Human
Immunodeficiency Virus) that attacks the T cells


Described as a state body. If countries do not have a strong defense, it would be

easy to get resistance from both inside and outside, so that eventually the country will be
destroyed. So is the case of our body. If we do not have a high body defenses eventually
our bodies will fall ill and may lead to death. It takes the immune system to keep our
bodies can fight any attack both from within and from outside.

A healthy immune system is when the body can distinguish between self and
foreign substances that enter the body. Usually when there is a foreign object that triggers
an immune response into the body (antigens) recognized that there was the process of self
defense. Broadly speaking, the body's immune system is divided into cells by the immune
system humoral and cellular immune system. Humoral immune system consists of
antibodies (immunoglobulins) and secretions (saliva, tears, earwax, sweat, gastric acid,
pepsin, etc.). While the immune system in a cellular form in macrophages, lymphocytes,
neutrophils circulating in our bodies.

Our body has a lot of defense mechanisms which consist of a wide variety of
immune system are lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, bone marrow) and limfatiknya
system. Our organs are also included in the body's defense mechanism is the heart, liver,
kidneys and lungs. The lymphatic system will be said to be impaired if it appears bulge
enlarged gland than in general. This is because the lymph node is fighting germs that
enter the body. Lymphoid organs such as the thymus itself has a responsibility in the
formation of T cells and is important for the newborn, because without a thymus, a
newborn baby will have a poor immune system. Leukocytes (white blood cells) produced
by the thymus, spleen and bone marrow. The leukocytes circulating in the body between
the organs of the body through the lymph vessels and blood vessels. Thus, the immune
system works well coordinated monitoring body from germs or other substances that can
cause problems for the body.

There are two types of leukocytes in general, that phagocytes in charge of

consuming organisms that enter the body and lymphocytes were tasked remember and
recognize that enters the body and helps the body destroy them. While other cells are
neutrophils, which charge against bacteria. Lymphocytes itself consists of two types, B
lymphocytes and T lymphocytes produced by bone marrow lymphocytes, live in it and if
mature into B lymphocytes, or leave the bone marrow to the thymus and become T-cell
lymphocytes and T lymphocytes B have functions different where limfost B serves to
locate the target and sent troops to lock their existence. Meanwhile, an army of T cells
that can destroy when the B cell has identified them

If there are antigens (foreign substances that enter the body) is detected, then
several types of cells work together to find out who they are and responding. These cells
trigger the B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, a special protein that leads to a specific
antigen. Own antibodies could neutralize toxins produced from a wide variety of
organisms, as well as antibodies can activate a group of proteins called complement that
are part of the immune system and help destroy bacteria, viruses, or infected cells.



The immune system is a system of protection of biological outer influences carried out by
cells and special organs in an organism. If the immune system works properly, it will protect the
body against infection. If the immune system weakens, its ability to protect the body is also
reduced, thus causing pathogens, including viruses that cause fever and flu, to develop in the
body. If the system is overactive there will be autoimmunity such as allergies or hypersensitivity.


After knowing the theory about immunology, we are expected to be able to increase or
maintain our immunity by living a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid various infections. In
addition, the knowledge we can also apply to daily life.

Perry & Potter.2005.Fundamental of Nursing, 2nd Edition Volume 2.Jakarta: EGC

Wartonah, Tarwoto. 2006. Kebutuhan manusia dan proses keperawatan. Jakarta: EGC

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