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involves risks

Cryptocurrency can be interesting, but it can involve risks. You can

lose part, or even all, of your funds. Here we explain what risks
there are and how you can take them into account with your
cryptocurrency choices.

The most important

risk of cryptocurrency

Do you know the risks of Cyrptocurrency? Then you can better

decide which risk you can take. The best known general risks are
price risk, market risk, concentration risk. But there are even more
risks that you have to take into account.

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Market risk Liquidity risk
Market risk is the risk that the market will This is the risk that it
rise of fall a lot as a result of changing will be difficult for you
mood among investors of bad news to sell your
about Cryptocurrency or even a hack or cryptocurrency due to
scam. We also call this the volatillity of the little or no demand
market. The market is generally very senstive of for it at that time.

Price risk
Price risk is the risk that your investement will lose value. This risk differs per
cryptocurrency and depends, among
other things, on:

the results of the invesment itself

supply and demand of the cryptocurrency

changing mood with investors

Scam risk Politcal risk
Unfortunately not every project in Government measures
cryptocurrency has the best intentions. or political decisions
Although we take a critical look at every project can also have a
when listing them, we encourage everyone to negetive effect on the
immerse themselves in the project they want to value of your
invest in and do their own research thoroughly. investments. We call
this a political risk.


Ok, now you know more

about the risks of

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Tips for
becoming a
responsable trader

Only invest what you can afford to lose:

Do not invest your whole life savings in
cryptocurrencies, or any investment in general.

Only invest in what you know:

Don’t follow random tips or gut feelings. If you
want to invest in a certain asset, familiarise
yourself with its history and tendencies.

Keep emotions out of trading:

BE Traders of all levels can rely too heavily on

their emotions while trading. This is a mistake
as fear, greed and excitement can play a hand
in making bad decisions. Always have a trading
plan, and stick to it no matter what happens.

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