Sunshiner Mohit Qualifies HCL Techbee: Virtual Co-Curricular Activities

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The Sunshiner

O c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 | I s s u e 1 7

Inside this issue

Sunshiner Mohit qualifies
Cover story 1
HCL’s TechBee is an early career program
Virtual co-curricular
1 for individuals looking out for full time
jobs after completing class 12th. This pro-
Helping connect gram includes a 12 month long training for
children with tech- 2 entry level IT jobs. HCL provides financial
assistance to the trainees in form of a sti-
Meet our firebrand pend. After successful completion, the in-
member dividuals can pursue higher education like
The adventure of
B.Sc and M.Tech from institutes like BITS
3 Pilani and BCA and MCA from SASTRA
Kaju & Kishmish
while training on the job at HCL offices in
Develop a relation- India.
ship at purpose
The selection process is quite stringent.
Horrific impact of Each application is evaluated on the basis
of multiple parameters followed by an online test and then an interview.
जीने की कला 6
We feel happy to share that our child Mohit has qualified the HCL
TECHBEE program. We wish him a bright career ahead and are also
Obituary 7
thankful to HCL to launch such a unique program which will definitely
Editor’s Note 8 help deserving individuals who are capable and need financial assis-
tance to pursue their goals.

Virtual Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities have always been an inte-
gral part of academics as well as overall develop-
ment of a child. Keeping this in mind during the
lockdown, virtual story telling competition was
organized by New Golden Public School and the
children made models and presented the concept
of drip irrigation. Fascinating way of learning and
keeping oneself productively occupied !!

P a g e 1 | Cover story
Page 2 | Special Feature

Helping connect children with technology

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest– Benjamin


During these pandemic times when teaching & learning has become
digitalized, it has become a big challenge for us and our kids at Sun-
shine Society...the challenge to have a gadget which can be used for
getting access to online classes and to get academic material....the
challenge to see that at no cost education should stop for any child.
Sunshine Society is grateful to many who have come forward helping

On the occassion of International Literacy Day, 8th September, Mrs.

Shashi Srivastava has donated a smart phone to our child, Himani

Other samaritans who came forward to help and because of whom our
children have been able to continue with their classes are Anjuli
Ma'am who gave phone to Neelam, Archana Sharma to Deepak, Sunil
Mehta to Anil, Mr. Arora to Rohit,
Madhulika to Mohit, N. D. Tiwari to Ruchi and Quint redwood welling-
ton to Rama.

Nandita Ahuja – lively & efficacious

Meet our firebrand member

Nandita Ahuja has added enthusiasm to the group of members. Re-

tired English teacher from Sanskriti school, Nandita maa’m has been
teaching English to our children and helping them out with the prob-
lems they face in understanding English. Nandita ma’am also adds
glitz and glamour to Sunshine Society.

Forever ready to participate in all the Sunshine events, activities and

causes she is a big support in strengthening the team Sunshine. Al-
ways ready to walk step to step, meet our firebrand member -Nandita

The Sunshiner
Page 3 | Creative Contributions

The Adventure of Kaju & Kishmish- Episode1

Vedant Garg, Class 8, Noida

It had only been about 3 to 4 months after the arrival of my pet cats
Kaju and Kishmish, when the first big episode featuring them occurred
(yeah there have been several, hence exciting life with them). My ma-
ma, (mom’s brother) and his family had come to visit us from Banga-
lore during Diwali of 2019. I personally was very excited to introduce
my cats to my cousin for the first time. I expected their stay to be a
long, entertaining and fruitful one. Well it sure was an adventurous

On the eve of Diwali, during a nice Sunday evening when my sister

and Mami were busy decorating rangoli outside the front door Kaju, one of my pet cats had
been eyeing the door suspiciously. As soon as the door opened for my sister to come in,
Kaju bolted with a speed of Ferrari engine. My house is positioned right next to one stair-
case, and therefore Kaju chose that as his path for escape. Naturally I and my dad chased
him but we were no match to Kaju’s speed. Within a moment, he managed to lose us and
run away. The next two hours were spent carrying various cat toys and treats all across the
tower and shouting out all kinds of weird whistles, cat meows and what not. I am pretty
sure we had been declared as maniacs by the society residents. That evening had been
eventful enough. Nobody talked much; everyone just ate their dinner and then went to
sleep. Kaju’s photo had been circulated on all society whatsapp groups but I doubt if it was
helpful with all the aunties spamming whatsapp with Happy Diwali posts.

The next morning we talked with the society management and went to see the camera foot-
age recorded at various places. I have to say it felt really cool watching and forwarding those
camera tapes. It almost felt like I was in some detective movie but seeing the situation I did-
n’t mention it. The best lead we got from the footage was seeing some cat coming out of our
tower from the basement but it wasn’t Kaju. We divided different areas amongst ourselves
and tried looking in every single possible area, but we didn’t find him.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we had lost hope. We hadn’t given up but we
knew the chances of finding Kaju were slim. I am going to be honest when I say that the
Diwali of 2019 was truly devastating for me. While others celebrated with their families I
just crept up on my bed laying there the whole time. It was about 2 am when I woke up to
see a soft white fur ball curled up beside me. That was when I truly slept in peace, “ My
Kaju was with me”……… I will share more episodes if you like this one.
Stay hooked!

PS: If u wanted to know about how he got found, apparently, he was

stuck in some shaft and my mom jumped in from a small window like spi-
der woman and rescued him. Obviously scaring the guts out of everyone
in the search party. But what matters is that in the end, Kaju was back
to where he belonged and we all lived happily ever after.

The Sunshiner
Page 4 | Citizen’s Voice

Develop a relationship at purpose

Maj. Gen. Vinod Anand, Noida
“To love is the most important thing in life. What do we mean by
love? When you love someone because that person loves you in
return, surely that is not love. To love is that extraordinary feel-
ing of affection without asking anything in return” -----J. Krishna-

Love is the core of a purposeful relationship. Pure love is based on giv-

ing without expecting anything in return. Even people who do not hes-
itate to harm each other at every opportunity for selfish motives keep
saying “I love you “. This has no meaning because love is an inner
process that you bring to a relationship. A relationship that is at pur-
pose derives depth and meaning on the basis of selfless giving.

For that blissful feeling of fullness rather than misery and emptiness in life one needs to
give love without any expectations. Some of the following practices will go a long way in cre-
ating a purposeful relationship of everlasting love.

In a relationship of pure love, one needs to give up the need to understand why your part-
ner wants to do and think the way he/she does. This implies that one need not understand
the other all the time. Selfless love blooms when you give up the need to understand every-
thing about each other, honor and respect the differences and accept the other person as
he/ she is. Togetherness does not mean understanding each other. It implies helping each
other to lead a life of his/her own choosing. You are together not to understand each other
but to help each other lead a life at purpose.

No one likes to be proven wrong. One needs to honor that feeling in others. In a loving rela-
tionship no one is superior or inferior. Both need to respect this equation of equality. Every
individual has a right to his/her point of view. The need to make the other person feel that
he/she is wrong or to prove that you are right leads to difficulties and deterioration in rela-
tionships. The answer lies in respecting the partners feelings/ view point even if you have
felt differently as long as the dictates of your conscience are not compromised. “I am Right”
or “You are wrong” is a sure recipe for disaster in any relationship.

We need to allow our partner to be themselves. This implies gifting privacy and space to
each other. Space in togetherness is automatically created when love is based on uncondi-
tional giving rather than taking. Love your partner for what they are rather than what you
think they should be or for what they ought to be doing to please you. Jealousy, doubt and
fear are created in relationships when people believe that they have a right to dictate what
the other person should be. Everyone needs solitude for contemplation, self-examination
and time for indulging in own time activities. Relationships flourish when space is allowed
and encouraged and deteriorate if an attempt is made to limit the partner’s space by keep-
ing track of them or insisting that all their time be spent with you.

Love cannot flourish where there is a feeling that you own the other person or have a right
to dominate or control them in any way because no one likes to be owned or possessed by
any other person. An attempt to dictate how your partner should behave or think will prove
to be counter productive in any relationship. Unconditional love grows through giving not
demanding and through respect not criticism. We need to overcome the urge of possession
or ownership of our partner.

The Sunshiner
Page 5 | Citizen’s Voice

Horrific impact of pandemic and lockdown

Mental Disorder amongst our youths particularly the students
Need for kind attention

B.K. Das Chaudhary, Noida

Pandemic has taken quite a toll on mental health of many youth, students in particu-
lar and even senior citizens. The pandemic has isolated people greatly. Relationships are
critical for our wellbeing.

The forced inactivity caused by pandemic lockdown has given rise to digestive problems, in-
creased stress with adverse effect on skin, hair and nails and loss of certainty, loss of in-
come, job related pressure and covid related fears have taken a toll on the very mental
health of many. For university students fear of worst economic contractions, waned job are
cause of great concern and at times even encourging suicidal tendencies. The stakeholders
should find ways for assessing the present learning outcomes and to improve it. The gov-
ernment should balance covid and economic management front both side by side.

About forty percent students have not received mid day meals as schools are shut since
March 2020.Decades of national efforts to reduce the inequalities and access to education
and improving access to nutrition are at great risk today. As per a survey fifty percent of
youth are badly hit by mental stress due to pandemic lockdown.

Closure of schools, colleges, universities and training centres have badly effected many who
combine study with work. The covid virus has had a devastating effect on education and
training of young as their studies have been delayed and fear of failing also haunts them
badly. Lower income groups have less access to internet and suffer from the very lack of
equipments and even space at home. Thus, pandemic is not only destroying the employ-
ment prospects of many youth but also disrupting their education and training affecting
the mental well-being of many. The career prospects are becoming very dim and this
should not be allowed to happen in our developing country for long. Economic slowdown
and rising unemployment is already giving great shocks to the nation and students are
missing much needed social contacts handy to them during schooling and in the play

Bachon ka bachpan chhin gaya hai aur kam dhandhey sab band ho gaye hain, janey kab
hamara desh fir normalcy key yug main lotega. Sarkar bhi majbor hai halat kuch aisey
hain. Prabhu hi koi rasta nikal sakta hai aur sab yahi dua mangte hain har roz.

The Sunshiner
Page 6 | Citizen’s Voice

जीने की कला
ऩॊकज कुभाय लभश्रा, नॉएडा

एक शाभ भाॉ ने ददनबय की रम्फी थकान एवॊ काभ के फाद जफ डीनय फनामा
तो उन्होंने ऩाऩा के साभने एक प्रेट सब्जी औय एक जरी हुई योटी ऩयोसी।
ु े रग यहा था कक इस जरी हुई योटी ऩय कोई कुछ कहे गा। ऩयन्तु ऩाऩा ने
उस योटी को आयाभ से खा लरमा ऩयन्तु भैंने भाॉ को ऩाऩा से उस जरी योटी
के लरए "सॉयी” फोरते हुए जरूय सन ु ा था। औय भैं मे कबी नहीॊ बर ू सकता
जो ऩाऩा ने कहा "प्रिमे, भझ
ु े जरी हुई कड़क योटी फेहद ऩसॊद है ।"

दे य यात को भैने ऩाऩा से ऩछ

ू ा, क्मा उन्हें सचभच
ु जरी योटी ऩसॊद है ?

उन्होंने भझ
ु े अऩनी फाहों भें रेते हुए कहा - तम्
ु हायी भाॉ ने आज ददनबय ढे य
साया काभ ककमा, औय वो सचभच ु फहुत थकी हुई थी। औय...वैसे बी...एक जरी योटी ककसी को ठे स नहीॊ
ऩहुॊचाती ऩयन्तु कठोय-कटू शब्द जरूय ऩहुॊचाते हैं।

ु हें ऩता है फेटा - जजॊदगी बयी ऩड़ी है अऩर्
ू ण चीजों से...अऩर्
ू ण रोगों से... कलभमों से...दोषों से...भैं स्वमॊ
सवणश्रेष्ठ नहीॊ, साधायर् हूॉ औय शामद ही ककसी काभ भें ठीक हूॉ।

भैंने इतने सारों भें सीखा है कक-

"एक दस
ू ये की गरततमों को स्वीकाय कयों...अनदे खी कयों... औय चन
ू ो... ऩसॊद कयो...आऩसी सॊफध
ॊ ों को सेलरब्रेट
कयना।" लभत्रों, जजदॊ गी फहुत छोटी है ...उसे हय सफ
ु ह द:ु ख...ऩछतावे...खेद के साथ जागते हुए फफाणद न कयें । जो
रोग तभ
ु से अच्छा व्मवहाय कयते हैं, उन्हें प्माय कयों ओय जो नहीॊ कयते उनके लरए दमा सहानब
ु तू त यखो।

ककसी ने क्मा खूफ कहा है-

"भेये ऩास वक्त नहीॊ उन रोगों से नपयत कयने का जो भझ

ु े ऩसॊद नहीॊ कयते,
क्मोंकक भैं व्मस्त हूॉ उन रोगों को प्माय कयने भें जो भझ
ु े ऩसॊद कयते हैं।"

तो लभत्रों, जजदॊ गी का आनॊद रीजजमे...उसका रत्फु ़ उठाइए...उसकी सभाजप्त... उसका अॊत तो तनजचचत है ......।
अतः आऩ सफ स्वस्थ यहें , सख
ु ी यहें एवॊ सभद्ध
ृ यहें , साथ ही अऩने काभ भें व्मस्त यहें एवॊ भस्त यहें ।

सदै व िसन्न यदहमे।

जो िाप्त है , ऩमाणप्त है ।।

The Sunshiner
Page 7


We lost our child Neha, a student of class 4. Neha was suffering from intestinal
perforation and was hospitalized at Safdarjung hospital. She was operated upon
for the illness but was unable to cope up. She was put on ventilator but she could
not survive. Eldest of all the siblings, it is a huge loss for the family as well as Sun-
shine Society. Neha will always be remembered as a cheerful and a beautiful child.
May her soul rest in peace.

Your passion to contribute towards educating will be remembered always.

Your smile will be cherished always.

May your noble soul rest in eternal peace

Mrs. Mohini was a sponsor of one of the child of Sunshine Society. She passed
away due to cancer. Sunshine Society will always remember her very fondly.

The Sunshiner
Pa g e 8

Editor’s Note

“Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as you can.” —
Hillary Clinton

So apt!! Keep doing good because it makes our life meaningful and beautiful.

Warm Greetings!!

The pandemic times have been really nerve-wracking and challenging for all. And so has been with
Sunshine Society. With almost all the outdoor activities, schools, after schools closed, we have been
finding it tough to engage our children meaningfully because of restraints like unavailability of re-
sources like laptops, tablets or smart phones in order to help the children with their studies and
other co curricular activities online. But with the help of many well wishers this has not stopped
completely and we have been finding ways to get the resources available to as many children as
possible. Though it has been tough!! When it comes to betterment of our children nothing can deter
it. This phase shall also pass soon.

We hope you had a wonderful time reading this issue. Here, once again we will like to take the op-
portunity to thank you for believing in & supporting Sunshine Society. Keep connected with us by
liking & following our Facebook page and our linkedIn

If you have time and can spare some, then Sunshine Society needs you as a Volunteer. You may
write to us at the below mentioned email to understand the various areas where your expertise can
be utilized.

Sunshine also invites more participation from our readers in the form of articles, anecdotes, quotes,
poems, stories, experiences, creative photography, drawing or painting. Your contribution should
focus on issues related with senior citizen, children and environment. In case
this you
fake have ideas to im-
provise the e-newsletter or add a section or if you have a query/ “Ho
feedback/ denied,
smile I please feel
free and write to me at the below mentioned email addresses. w e a r I can
w every-
Keep writing and smiling! day, my
coul wings
No roses and fly; I
Shaloo Mishra d I here; I will nev-
Editor have er know | sunshine.society11@gmail.combe looked the feel-
thor- ing of
Me” oughly the sky,
Arpi- Every
morning And now
ta Mal-
and eve- I'm
hotra, ry late drenche
Indirapu- night;
d in this
ram In all poverty;
types of my heart
I need light, pumps
some- only to
one; just No flow- keep me
Disclaimer: The views, opinions, thoughts and the originality expressed through articles
ers or inalive,
this publication are
anyone, for any kind
solely of their respective authors. And Sunshine Society will not be responsible of plagiarism (if any)
To be grances;
Afraid of
able to my es-
this feel-
The Sunshiner see; past cape to ing;

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