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Chapter three

Exercise 14. Check Your Knowledge

Correct the errors in the adjective clauses.
1. In our village, there(who) were many people didn't have much money
2. I enjoyed the book that you told me(about) to read it.
3. I still remember the man who he taught me to play the guitar when i
was a boy.
4. I showed my father a picture of the car I am going (which)to buy it as
soon as save enough money.
5. The woman about who I was talking about suddenly walked into the
room. I hope she didn't hear me.
6. The people (Who) appear in the play are amateur actors.
7. I didn't like to spend time with people which (Who) loses their temper
8. While the boy was at the airport, he look pictures of people which was
(Who were) waiting for their planes.
9. People who works in the hunger program they (Who) estimate that
45,000 people worldwide die from starvation and malnutrition-related
diseases every single day of the year.
10.In one cornet of the marketplace, and old man who (There) was playing
a violin.


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