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2 February 2011

LOONG on China
Tax revamps: Paving the way for more rate hikes

Pauline Loong +852 2532 1126 –

Monetary policy: Freeing the hostage

The government is clearing the way for more aggressive interest rate moves.
Tax changes mooted over the past week essentially free monetary policy from having
to tiptoe around price tools for fear of knock-on effects from local government entities
struggling to service and repay their massive debts. The proposed changes are
expected to strengthen local balance sheets by widening tax channels.

With the interest-rate option no longer off limits, the central bank can now consider
increasing returns on bank deposits as part of a broader strategy to defuse rancour
over rising food prices, which must be concentrating minds in Beijing in the wake of
protests that toppled governments in Tunisia and Jordan.

Local revenues: why it matters

We see recent moves to restructure the tax system, starting with resources and
property, as part of a broader plan to strengthen local government finances and free
monetary policy from having to tiptoe around price tools for fear of knock-on effects on
the banking system.
The changes widen tax channels for local governments, which have been borrowing
heavily from banks through off-balance sheet vehicles to pay for stimulus projects.
The debts racked up by these vehicles are estimated at Rmb7.38tr at end-2009,
according to an unofficial statement by the banking regulator.
But the loans are becoming a problem. In the headlong rush two years ago to kickstart
the economy, many projects were launched with little thought for commercial viability.
A fifth of these loans have since been classified as “questionable” by the banking
Local governments, which implicitly guarantee the borrowings, are themselves cash-
strapped. Their major source of revenue is land sales. With the crackdown on home
prices, this income is set to fall. With the interest rate option back on the table, a
stronger balance sheet removes the nagging fear of domino effects.
With the interest-rate option no longer off limits, the central bank can now consider
increasing returns on bank deposits, perhaps with a hike over Chinese New Year, as
part of a broader strategy to defuse rancour over rising prices

Why now?
GROWING RANCOUR: Managing inflation expectations at grassroots is now a policy
priority that goes beyond the economy. The froth in asset markets is spilling over into
the real economy – creating rising grassroots resentment that the government is
anxious to contain.
The Party has long regarded price stability as the public’s day-to-day test of its ability
to rule. Perceptions that inflation is running out of control compound community
rancour already high over labour issues and illegal land grabs. Three developments
are putting new pressure on the government:

1. High food prices at home and demonstrations toppling governments abroad

Please read carefully the important disclosures at the end of this publication.
against a backdrop of anger over high food costs

2. Negative real returns on bank deposits encouraging illegal fund-raising

3. Home prices still unaffordable
TUNISIA CONCENTRATES MINDS. It cannot be a comfort to Chinese policymakers
that demonstrations in Tunisia aimed at bringing down the country’s ageing strongman
began with protests over expensive food or that these protests are spreading.
Jordan’s cabinet has been forced out. Egyptians are packing city squares daily to
demand that the government step in. Syria is facing demonstrations this weekend in
what has been labelled “A Day of Rage”. Even in tightly-controlled Sudan, students
are on the streets protesting against high food prices.
Global food prices surged 25% in 2010 and are higher today than in mid-2008 when
high food costs had also led to riots in many countries.

Food inflation is a particular concern for China.

Families experience inflation mainly through rising food costs as there is so little slack
in the household budget. Statisticians may assume away food prices as being
seasonal but when feeding the family takes up a third or half of its income, the
hardships are very real. Two years ago, three people were killed in a supermarket
stampede to buy cut-price cooking oil as inflation soared to an 11-year high.
THE KERBSIDE OPTION. The central bank has already flagged its intention to
increase returns on bank deposits. Governor Zhou Xiaochuan was quoted by the
state-run China News Service last week as saying the People’s Bank of China
(PBOC) aims to keep average deposit rates above the inflation rate in the medium
Negative real returns on bank deposits are not just pushing money into asset markets.
They are also encouraging deposits at underground finance houses that offer market
These institutions undertake sizeable fund-raisings but operate outside of government
control. There is no official data but a study by the PBOC puts informal lending in the
city of Wenzhou at Rmb56bn in mid-April last year, equivalent to 11% of the
outstanding loans of domestic commercial banks in the city. Anecdotal evidence also
points to that the scale of operations is substantial. A single crackdown in the city of
Shenzhen earlier this year uncovered Rmb12.7bn (US$1.86bn) in illegal transactions.
And a sting operation last year in several coastal cities uncovered Rmb100bn
(US$14.6bn) in fund transfers.

Raising official deposit rates would help steer funds back into the official system.
WHEN ASSETS TRUMP DEPOSITS. Inflation expectations and low returns from the
real economy are pushing not just speculators but families into asset markets. Money
in the bank has been a losing proposition. The benchmark one-year deposit rate for
Chinese banks is 2.75%. CPI in 2010 was 3.3%.

Consider the impact of inflation expectation on home prices. Inflation expectations

have kept demand and prices resilient despite harsh government measures. The cost
of new homes in 70 major cities in December went up by 0.3% mom and 7.6% yoy
and for secondhand homes by 0.5% mom and 5% yoy. Slowing but still growing.

Tax changes ahead

Among the tax changes flagged by the National Development and Reform
Commission (NDRC) and the Finance Ministry in the past week:
Resources Tax: Tax on oil and natural gas will be price-based instead of volume-
based, extending nationwide in stages an earlier pilot programme in Xinjiang. Local
governments do not benefit from price rallies in resource commodities under the
volume-based system but they can expect billions of yuan in additional revenue under
the price-based system.
Property Tax: Shanghai and Chongqing are planning to introduce property taxes
similar to those levied annually on residential properties in countries such as the US.
The move will mean recurring income for local governments that currently rely mainly
on one-off land sales for revenue.

Income Tax: The Finance Ministry is planning to introduce new taxes for high-income
A bigger cut: A tax-sharing system introduced in 1994 gave the central government a
bigger slice of the country's revenues. The National People’s Congress in March is
expected to change the system to allow local authorities to keep a bigger share.
A bigger say: The current proposal is that provincial governments will be allowed to
decide on local tax categories, rates and cuts in changes spread over five years.


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OUTPERFORM: The stock's total return is expected to exceed a relevant OVERWEIGHT: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, is
benchmark's total return by 5% or more over the next 12 months. expected to outperform the relevant primary market index over the next 12
NEUTRAL: The stock's total return is expected to be within +/-5% of a relevant NEUTRAL: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, is
benchmark's total return. expected to perform in line with the relevant primary market index over the next
12 months.
UNDERPERFORM: The stock's total return is expected to be below a relevant UNDERWEIGHT: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe,
benchmark's total return by 5% or more over the next 12 months. is expected to underperform the relevant primary market index over the next 12
TRADING BUY: The stock's total return is expected to exceed a relevant TRADING BUY: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, is
benchmark's total return by 5% or more over the next 3 months. expected to outperform the relevant primary market index over the next 3
TRADING SELL: The stock's total return is expected to be below a relevant TRADING SELL: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe,
benchmark's total return by 5% or more over the next 3 months. is expected to underperform the relevant primary market index over the next 3

* This framework only applies to stocks listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, Bursa Malaysia, Stock Exchange of Thailand and Jakarta Stock Exchange. Occasionally, it is permitted for the total expected returns to be
temporarily outside the prescribed ranges due to extreme market volatility or other justifiable company or industry-specific reasons.

CIMB Research Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No. 198701620M)



OUTPERFORM: Expected positive total returns of 15% or more over the next OVERWEIGHT: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe,
12 months. has a high number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of +15% or
better over the next 12 months.
NEUTRAL: Expected total returns of between -15% and +15% over the next NEUTRAL: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, has
12 months. either (i) an equal number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of
+15% (or better) or -15% (or worse), or (ii) stocks that are predominantly
expected to have total returns that will range from +15% to -15%; both over the
next 12 months.
UNDERPERFORM: Expected negative total returns of 15% or more over the UNDERWEIGHT: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe,
next 12 months. has a high number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of -15% or
worse over the next 12 months.
TRADING BUY: Expected positive total returns of 15% or more over the next 3 TRADING BUY: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe,
months. has a high number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of +15% or
better over the next 3 months.
TRADING SELL: Expected negative total returns of 15% or more over the next TRADING SELL: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe,
3 months. has a high number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of -15% or
worse over the next 3 months.

** This framework only applies to stocks listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and China listings on the Singapore Stock Exchange. Occasionally, it is permitted for the total expected returns to be temporarily outside the
prescribed ranges due to extreme market volatility or other justifiable company or industry-specific reasons.


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