TeacherSelfAssessmentRubric PDF

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How MYP is my teaching?

Dimension 1: lB Implementation
To what extent do you meet the lB standards and practices as they impact teaching and
• Do you understand the philosophy and pedagogy of the MYP?
• Are you able to articulate what the MYP is and why you are participating? 5 4 3 2 1 0
• How does the learner profile inform your instruction?
• How is teaching different than it was before implementing the MYP?
• Do the MYP fundamental concepts guide your planing, delivery, and
assessment of student progress?
Dimension 2: Equity
To what extent are all students in your classroom prepared and have the opportunity for
successful participation in the MYP?
• Do you believe that all students can achieve at high levels? 5 4 3 2 1 0
• Do you use equitable teaching practices?
a How do you support studednts who may need additional support
to be
successful in your classroom?
Dimension 3: Articulation
To what extent is the subject you teach aligned vertically and horizontally across the
grade levels and the content areas?
• Are you an active participant in your department planning sessions?
a Do you encourage and support colleagues to plan horizontally and
• Do you ensure that your instruction/curriculum is aligned with the MYP aims 5 4 3 2 1 0 a.
and objectives and your state/provencial standards?
a Do you communicate your plans with others so there is a possibility
vertical and interdisciplinary planning?
of horizontal,
• Do you support your MYP coordinators efforst to plan for articulation? a.
Dimension 4: Assessment
To what extent do you assess student learning in a meaningful way with MYP assessment
criteria? This dimension includes the degree to which you use formative and summative a.
assessment measures.
• Do you use lB assessment criteria?
a Do you use common assessments to discuss instructional strategies
and 5 4 3 2 1 0
• Do you use a variety of methods to assess students (both formative and
a How do your students contribute to and gain understanding
of assessment

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Dimension 5: Relevance and Personalization
To what extent does teaching and learning in your classroom address the educational
needs and interestes of diverse learners? This also includes the extent to which students
are required to take responsibility for their own learning and have opportunities to
develop and engage with their own interests in your classroom. 543210
• How are different learning styles recognized, addressed and assessed?
• Are students engaged?
• What does engagement look like in your classroom?
• How do you support and reach diverse learners?
Dimension 6: Collaborative Planning
To what extent do you plan collaboratively (considering the degree to which it is possible
at your school)?
5 4 3 2 1 0
• How do you use common planning time?
• Do you maximize opportunities to collaborate with colleagues?
• Do you and your colleagues meet to review and discuss student work?
Dimension 7: Strategic Focus
To what extent do teaching and learning in your classroom align with the schools
improvement plan?
• To what extent is the schools strategic ploan aligned with the lB mission and
school mission?
• Do you support the schools strategic plan and does your instruction reflect that
5 4 3 2 1 0
• Are your classroom policies consistent with the school improvement plan and
lB mission?
• Do you seek and maximize opportunities for professional development that

improves teaching and learning in the MYP?
• Does your_daily instruction connect to a bigger vision (lB_mission, School mission)?
Dimension 8: Student Support
To what extent do you offer all students the academic support and guidance necessary for
high achievement? This also measures the extent to which strategies are in place to
support MYP participation for all students regardless of personal circumstances.
• How do students know you care about the success of each of them as
4 3 2 1 0
• Is academic support available to all students?
• How do you identify students for support?
• Do students know that they can talk to you about more than academics?
• Do you have clear expectations that connect to the MYP?
Dimension 9: Data Drive Decision Making
To what extent do you collect, track, and analyze student data on a regular basis to inform
your instructional practices and help students improve performance?
5 4 3 2 1 0
• What student data is collected and how is it used?
• How frequently is student data reported to students? Parents?
• How is student data used to inform instruction?

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