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Unit 5 Story

1 How much have you learned about orang-utans? Answer the questions.
Check your answers in the story.
1 Name a country where orang-utans live in the wild. 
2 What is orang-utans’ natural habitat? 
3 What dangers do orang-utans face in the wild? 
4 How long do baby orang-utans stay with their mothers? 
5 What do baby orang-utans need to learn? 
6 Where can orang-utans live safely in the wild? 

2 Read the fact file headings and match your answers in Activity 1 to them.
Location 1, Facts and Figures
Behaviour Conservation

3 Look at your fact file. Write questions to find out the missing information.
Then ask and answer with a partner. Complete your file.

Student A  Orang-utans Student B  Orang-utans

Origins Origins
• Orang-utans live in • Orang-utans live in Malaysia and
. Indonesia.
• The name ‘orang-utan’ comes from • The name ‘orang-utan’ comes from
the Malay language. It means ‘person of the the Malay language. It means
forest’. .
Facts and figures Facts and figures
• Height: 1–1.5 metres tall • Height:
• Weight: • Weight: 45–120 kilograms
• Appearance: long arms, long red fur • Appearance: long arms, long red fur
Behaviour Behaviour
• Orang-utans are arboreal. (That means • Orang-utans are arboreal. (That means that
.) they live in trees.)
• Orang-utans are mainly ‘frugivorous’. (That • Orang-utans are mainly ‘frugivorous’. (That
means that they eat fruit.) means .)
They also eat . •  
They also eat leaves, tree bark and insects.
Conservation Conservation
• Conservation status: endangered • Conservation status:
• Dangers: logging, illegal hunting, habitat • Dangers: logging, illegal hunting, habitat
destruction, big farms, forest fires destruction, big farms, forest fires
• 30,000 in the wild •  in the wild
•  in captivity • 625 in captivity

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Unit 5 Vocabulary and grammar 1

1 Complete the words.

Around the world many animals are (1) endangered in their natural habitat. Some animals,
for example, the (2) C r d , have even become
(3) e because of pollution and habitat destruction.
Some species are (4) p – so it is illegal to hunt or hurt them. These animals
include the (5) A p , the (6) I l and
the (7) A f .
Some projects keep animals in (8) c to give the population time to recover.
The (9) E b was nearly extinct, but they were saved and now
there are around 3,000 of them in the world.
Some animals are impossible to keep in zoos, for example the (10) A
b w , which is the biggest animal in the world. It is hard to
protect them in the (11) w but it’s now illegal to hunt them. Sea birds like the
(12) A a are also in danger from the effects of global warming.

2 Complete the dialogue. Use going to and will.

Eulalia:  Have you seen the poster for the Lynx Foundation? They need our help.
Soledad:  I know! I (1) ’m going to raise money for them.
Eulalia:  Cool! I (2) help you, if you want.
Soledad:  OK, great. I (3) organise a cake sale. Can you bake a cake?
Eulalia:  Yes! I love baking. Let’s see … I know! I (4) make my favourite carrot cake.
Soledad:  Great! Mum and I (5) make some chocolate chip cookies.
Eulalia:  Yummy! Good idea. And I (6) ask my sister to make something, too.
Soledad:  OK, great. (7) you (8) do anything else to help them?
Eulalia:  Yes, I (9) raise awareness of the problem. I (10) make a
poster to tell people all about the lynx. I just need to find a nice picture of a lynx.
Soledad:  I (11) draw one for you if you want. I’m good at drawing.
Eulalia:  Thanks – that would be great!

3 Now write a dialogue for Julio and Ana.

Sign-up Sheet  Save the Lynx

Name Project Details
Julio Raise money Organise a ‘Save the Lynx’ party in my street

Ana Lynx spotting Keep a record of anything I see on my camping holiday in

the mountains

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Unit 5 Vocabulary and grammar 2

1 Complete the quiz with the words in the box. Then do the quiz.
Compare your answers with a friend. Who is ‘greener’?

recycle   clean up  use up  sort out  put on  give away  look after  

turn off  cut down  pollute  throw away  waste

Environment Quiz – How green are you?

Write a , B or C .  a = Yes, always.  B = Yes, sometimes.  C = No, never.

1  Do you sort out your rubbish and things like glass, paper and metal? 

2 Do you the lights when you leave the room? 

3 Do you try to leftover food in packed lunches, so you don’t food? 

4 Do you make sure you dangerous things like batteries in the right bins, so that they don’t
the environment? 

5 Do you your old clothes and toys so that they can be reused? 

6  Do you remember to turn down the heating in winter and a jumper instead? 

7 Do you your local environment by helping to parks and rivers? 

8 Millions of trees are to make paper. Do you buy recycled paper? 

2 Read and complete the text by choosing less or fewer.

Recycle!  Recycling glass, paper and metal uses (1) less throw away is often burned or left to rot. Either way this
/ fewer energy than making new materials. That means puts more bad gases into the atmosphere. If we all threw
(2) fewer / less CO2 goes into the atmosphere. away (5) fewer / less food, we could put out (6) less /
fewer bags of rubbish every month.
Energy at home  Simple things like turning the light
off can make a big difference! And if (3) less / fewer There are other things that we shouldn’t throw away.
people in your house leave the lights on, the electricity Modern batteries are better for the environment because
bill will be cheaper! they contain (7) less / fewer dangerous chemicals, but
they have to be sorted out and put in a special bin. We
Rubbish!  Using up leftover food means we make can also try to use (8) fewer / less batteries by buying
(4) fewer / less rubbish every week. Rubbish that we rechargeable ones.

3 Use the notes and less/fewer to write about the other things in the quiz.
Reuse clothes and toys – factories make new things, use energy,
lorries delivering new things to shops
Turn down the temperature – use energy, create CO2, spend money on bills
Clean up the park – see litter, things dangerous to wildlife
Recycled paper – cut down trees, animals lose their habitat

Æe should reuse clothes and toys so that factories make fewer

new things.

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Unit 5 Functions

1 Read and match. In which event do you raise money by … ?

c   1 doing sport   4 being very quiet

  2 not getting dressed   5 wearing different clothes

  3 making things to sell   6 looking for a prize

Ideas for Earth Week  Please add your comments! Sponsored swim
J Good idea! Good exercise!
a b at Class 6D
Maybe – ch eck wh
Cake sale Sponsored silence – 8 hours ey usually do a
are doing. Th
Yippee! Everyone loves
cakes! L But I like talking … sponsored sw im .

I’m not sure! It’s Hmm. Teachers don’t like this one. (How do we
Cake Week next
month , isn’t it ? answer questions in class?)
Too many cakes?
e Treasure hunt
d Non-uniform day
Pyjama day This is fun – everyone likes
This was really popu treasure hunts.
lar at my
Yippee! We did this for Comic Relief. sister’s school. Yes! We can charge £1 to join in.
It was funny! Good idea! We can ra
ise lots of money! What’s the prize?

2 Read and complete with phrases from the box.

That’s a good point.   why don’t we do   Let’s do that!   Hmm, I’m not sure.  
That’s a great idea.   We could do   How about   Yes, that’s true.

A  What shall we do to raise money for Earth Week?
B  (1) Æe could do a cake sale, couldn’t we? Everyone likes cakes!
A  (2) . I like baking, but it’s Cake Week next month. The whole school
is baking cakes for the old people’s home.
B  (3) a non-uniform day? It was really popular at my sister’s school.
A  (4) We did that last time.
B  (5) I forgot about that. OK, (6) a treasure hunt?
A  (7) Everyone likes treasure hunts, don’t they?
B  Yes, we can charge £1 to join in.
A  (8)

3 Write another dialogue. Use the suggestions in Activity 1 and the dialogue
in Activity 2 to help you.

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