The T At: Major It But It

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Department of Labor of Puerto Rico, t o misunderstandings, b u t t o unions lous

employersand b y so-called
headed by ClarenceSenior,hashad being ’ a t fault, &Ir. Perez said ‘unions’ which are in reality nothlng
an office in NewYorkCity since i t would be necessary t o call a rneet- b u t rackets which’bang on the fringe
1948, and does the major jobin ing of the executlveboard to deal of the 12bor movementinorder to
assisting thePuertoRicanmigrant withsuch cases. When askedhow explolt the new immigrants,” and it
to find employment,housingand manytimes it hadbeennecessary calIed upon the
adjustment on the mainland. But it t o call such a meeting, Mr. Perez Committee of the AFL-CIO “tocome
is not equipped to handle complalnts said“never.” into New York City to help us once
I againstunions, andas
these com- “Whenthecomplaintsareabout and for all get rid of the so-talled
plaints kept increasing, i t asked the d~shonest unidns there is nothing ‘unions’ which are blackening the
unions in New YorkCity t o take that I oranybodycoulddoabout name of the trade union movement.”
some responsibility in handling such i t because labor hasn’tcleaned up A t the time of this writing, Mr.
problemsthemselves. The result of yet. Being a labor representative Perezsaidhehad as yet hadno
thisrequestwastheAFL-CIO La- myself, T couldn’t take action of any reply on the matter from the Ethical
bor AdvisoryCommitteeonPuerto klnd,” Mr. Perez said. PracticesCommittee, b u t explained
Rican Affairs, formed in- 1955. It ’ T h e committeeholds anannual that “those things take a long time.”
has onefull-timestaffmemberand conference, a t which time it passes So thePuertoRicans work, and
is supported by $5415 monthly con- resolutions. Atitslastannual con- wait. Contrary topopular mythology,
tributions from its sixty member lo- ference, the committee passed resolu- the New York Department of Wel-
cals. It is“limited”inits work. tions “On the Hungarian Situation,” fare has reported that Puirto Rican
Perez, the committee’s di- “On a Citation .to Governor Munoz workers mare quicker to leave the wel-
rector, says that most of the com- Marin of Puerto Rico,” “On Civil fare l~sts than any other “nat~orial”
mittee’scornplaintsare due to mis- Rights,” “On Mayor Wagner’s ,Ac- category of workers. They havecome
understanding between the workers ceptance of SpanishCitation”and here to work-our industry needs
and the bosses or the workers and the “On Discrimination in Housingand them. They come as Americanciti-
uniondelegates, andthatmost of Schools.” It alsopassed a resolution zens, but because of languageand
t h e complaintscan be handledby noting that “It has been the sad his- cultural background, they come ’ as
a phone call. ,When asked what hap- tory of everygeneration of immi- strangers. You have just read some-
pens t o complaints ,that are not due grants to beexploited by unscrupu- thingaboutthe welcome they get.

AS OUR TEXT for today, let’s be- last analysis, the decisionherestill the diverting of precipitationfrom
gin by recalling t h a t ingenious lies beyond the realm of human onearea t o another would have ef-
French film, Generals TV&Amt But- jurisdiction. The primary respons- fectsnotonlyuponthecrops or
t o m . Thesituationthere exploited ibllitystilldependsupon“acts of reservoirs immediately involved, but
for comic effectconcernstwoad- God” in accordancewiththe hal- also upon property values in general.
joiningtowns thatwant different lowed principle, “Man proposes, God All told,tremendous sums could
kinds of weather, and petition their disposes.” changehands;andintestine brawls
saints accordingly.Onetown wants B u t t o expose a further problem aboutthe“bureaucraticyyallocating
d r y weather, for grapes; theother here, let us suppose that men do of good weather could make the al-
wet weather, for cabbages. And this perfecttheirability t o control t h e tercations between Communism and
conflict of material interests, involv- weatherby sheerly“scientificJy or Capiralism look pale by comparison.
ingrival processionb each designed materialmeans.Fromthen on, ob- For very good “positive”reasons,
t o enlist the special favors of Heaven viously, God w d let them make over we’d be in a position hke that of the
a t t h e expense of the other faction, some of HIStraditionally heavy work superstitioussavage
who believes
’ !ea& te picturesquequzrrels evez in this are2 of motions and rnctives. thatthe y ~ m sin his g x d e n can
’ inthe
midst of attemptstomake Fromthen on,, thesubject of each flourish only if the yams in his neigh-
peace. day’s weather wdl iiot be mereIy a bor’s gardenwithcr,sincethere is ’
Despitethesepositivegrounds of matter of prognostication and/or not enough good fortune. . availabIe
conf!ict, we mightsaythzt, ir? the prayer. It will zlso becgrne decidedly for bothgardens ( 2 m a l ~ ~ o ustate
a Controversial Issue, with squabbles of mind which our grand mixture of
KENNETH BURKE, poet a.nd that could become quite tough. industrialismand worldpolitics has
critic, iJ th.e author of Permanence For millions andeven billions of recently been expanding to “global”
andChahge:AnAnatoniy of Pur- dollars wouId become involved in proportions).
pose and other books. d<
decisions on weather-policy,”since Already, though the Scientific Co-
322 The NATION
1 ,

ercing of the Weather ( a s practiced against rnelarichoIy, sour against racy”) designed tp Ccimplcment”the
by skdlcd Clmatogogues) i s stillin sour, salt to remove salt humors. methods, with
correspondmg con-
itsInfancy,newspapershavepub- T h a t is, thinking along such lines, flicts as regards jockeyin& for office,
lished many , reports of grumbling. some theorists and practitioners argumentsover policies, thehonest
CIoud-seedmg in
some states has might hold +at the systematic frus- or corrupt favoring of rival interests,
been said to lob other states of their tration of lnttle hurricanes would but plus the rhetorical
r~ghtfulshire of rainfall,asestab- outrageNaturetothepointwhere the advocates of honestpohcies are
llshed by I ancient
meteorological In exasperation she burst the bonds made to look corrupt and the crooks
custom datingfromtimes
before imposed upon her by
man-made - a k made to look honest.
weatherbecamesubject t o control meteorologicalpolicy, andbroke in-
by legal contract. Or, on exactly the PLEASE GET me straight. I’m not
to a tempestuous rash that made her saying that men shouId nottinker
opposlte slde, there’have been re- present Hazels and Connies seem by
ports of complamts that cloud-seed- w ~ t ht h e weather, tothebest of
comparison like
merechicken-pox. their atbillty. Nor am I saying t h a t
rg111 the Far West shows up several
So our best
against a they should not perfect anyother
dayslarerasextrarainfallinareas super-hurncane, according t o this
of theEast whereagricultural in- positive ,power over the resources of
school, would be got by inoculating nature. I am merely asking that We
vestments,established & the basis the Caribbean area dally with dpses
of previous’conditions,callfor but bring ourselves t o recognize explicit-
light rainfall. Andwehaveoften ly what kinds of $7-obbernr will rqces-
heard speculations aboutthe pos- sarily accompany 211 ‘such “progress:”
sibility thatthe weather is being Too many people be‘coml’sb da’zzled
affected by the. various” thermo-nu- with the promise of the “,$ositives,33
clear,experiments now methodically they unconscibusly 6qnsRire ’ rwith
poisoning the world’s atmosphere. one another to overlook thk lidgatives
(the correspondingmoralisticthbu-
shalt-not’s, with the institutions ap:
ALL SUCH claims arenecessarily proprlate to those negatives, and the
tentative and inaccurate. But at‘least particular problems that go with
indicate just how those institutions),
gravely Controversial the subject of of tiny hurricanelets-and thus she
morbidity would be avoided by There’s too much of an easy-going
the weather couldbecome, once a teltdencgtoassumemerely t h a t ‘‘If
technique ‘for the scientificcoercing boostershots thatkept it always
with us, but in a non-vlrulent form. we were’ibsti’sc~ientificenough,J’ all
of the weather is established. this pother would be :eiinimated. And
I can even think of ultimate iron- M7E COULD go on and on. For the I submit that, if we view the “pro-
ies exactly
opposite weather is perenniaI
a subject of mises” of applied ’ science i n t h a t
theoriesonthecareandcure of conversation. But I wanttodrive ,light, we’re in for a mighty bump.
weather. Thus, one school of weather- homeoneparticularpoint,Ghich I I n sum, I’d propose that we form
doctorsmight favorahallopathic thinkbearsdlrectly on thematter our expectancies along these lines:
treatment of hurricanes,contending of the part
that appliedscience Every new pqsitive power must be
that ’ they should be discouraged (“technology”)canbeexpected to a source of coqzflict, the occasion for
from the very start. Others might in- playin matters affecting human re- anew battle over p ~ o p t sy ~ i-iglzttr
cline towards a’ homeopathic remedy lations. (with all (I thenegativity of the
inaccordancewith the Halynemann So far as.our present cCfable”about ‘‘Keep, Off-No Trespassing”prin-
principle of ri?niZin ~ i w t i l i b ucurem’tur,
~ weather-control, is concerned, the ciple that hedges all
ortheequivalentin Milton’s view conclusion seems obvious. Insofar as dwinity doth hedge ‘a king). Every
of tragedyasstated in hispreface themeansandmethods of control- new power must raise new demands
t o Santsom Agowistes: ling the weather do become a recog- uponourmoral scruples, plus cor-
nized part -of ourposltivescientific respondingincrease in legislation t o
Tragedy, as it was anciently com- rnake up for the defisiencies in moral
posed, hath everbeenheld the grav- powers, then necessarily a corres-
est, moralest,
and most profitable pondmg new batch of moralistic con- scruples and for moral though trou-
of all other poems;therefore said by trols wdl be needed. We should need blous
tendenciestoward disobed-
Aristotle to be of power, by raising awholenew area of r e g u l n t i o n ~ ,es- ience, plus corresponding increases
pity and fear, or terror, t o purge tablishedby ZegisZ,attom. Similarly, inactual or imaginedcorruption t o
the mind of thoseandsuchlike pas- since anylaw is powerless unless do withtheesercising of thispar-
sions-that is, t o temperandreduce there are penalties t o enforce it and ticular power, plus theincentive t o
them, to just measure with a kind agencles to impose and ’enforce those protect special interests not only by
of delight, stirred up by reading or identifyingtheseinterestswithlove
penalties,this will meannewareas
seeini those passions well mutated.
Nor is Nature wantmg in her own of crime (crime being made bv law, of God,countryand good oId Spe-
effects to makegood his’ assertion- since no act is a , crlmeuntil i t is dunk Academy, but also by identify-
for so, inphysic,thrngs of melan- legally so defmed). Also, it will mean ingopponentswithwhatevername
cholic hue and quality are used a new set of institutions (“bureauc- or movement happens a t the t i m e t o

Aprd 13, 1957 323

be uppermost in the public imagina- ciated with the “prorylissory” po- peace of mind will be your rewaid.
tion as the perfect instance of Un-’ sition. “What do the calamity-howlers
adulterated Evil. It makes things look too damned want? Do they want us, to go back
Say’ if you will, that all this simple-and precisely at a time when and live in trees? Our escape from
negativity would not be (that the they are becoming more and more nature, great as it is, is but a be-
dialectic of material positive and complex. ginning as compared with the great
moral negative would be abolished), heights we are yet to attain, once
“if men were but scientific enough.” SO LET ME end on a polemically man has perfected science to the
And unquestionably,, you can define slanted sloganizing of mine enemy’s point where he can have complete
“science” in such a way that this position: control ,over his own destiny. Man’s
“positive position’: follows from “Man in the, state of nature was ability to Gevelop New Needs is but
your definition. comparatively weak. But with the in its infancy. Just as we prcjgressed
It’s not my purpose here to argue aid of his inventions,, he has be- from movies to radio and television,
with that view, which is by defini-’ come comparatively strong. In his so we.shall invent the tasties and feel-
tion unassailable. I would but have weakness, there was bondage; in his its, not t?, mention the smellies.
us admonish ourselves that, at least strength there is the hope of free- We shall have artificial insemination
“for a long time to come,” “until dom. Above all, the kinds of tech- in artificial wombs. We shall perfect
people do become scientific enough”’ nological strength which man has, our educational mechanisms to the
every additions to the p&tive pow-
developed hold , out ‘hopes for ,us, point where, if you want to learn
ers of appEed science, will be an add;- since they so clearly testify to the somethink, instead:, of the present’
powers of human reason. According- antediluvian methods of study, with
tion ‘to the realm of hurna?h co?$ict.
ly, the more thoroughly we learn to their corresponding wasteful expen-
You can also observe, if you will,
act in accordance with the rational diture of energy, you will simply thke
that there are Sources of conflict just
genius of the instruments and meth- a pill and acquire the new aptitude
as pressing, and maybe even more
ods which applied science has per- by suggestion in your sleep. We’ll
pressing, in any failure to perfect the
fected, the more freedom we can ex- have a highLclass real estate boom
resources of technology. And you are
pect to acquire for ourselves and our on the far side of the moon, with
right’ alas. For regardless of whether progeny. Science can be said to have cheap ,lots on the side that fronts on
technology holds out the promises ‘failed’ us only in the sense that we the backyard view of Earth. And if
that its apologists claim for it (the have failed science through not b’e- there is any one still crude ‘enough
material “positives” without the cor-
ing scientific enough. But we have to sleep soundly enough ‘to snore,
responding batch of ethical “nega- already made great strides in the science &ill perfect his bazoo by
tives”), there certainly seems to be direction of. scientific rationality. clamping upon it an Eolian Harp
no other “hope” (ar least if people And with the help of education and that, in the process of his respiration,
must go ‘on proliferating like the of orianizations like the ,United Na- will give forth a resonance of heaven-
plague, and if all the wo;ld is to tions, we can hope for coiltinued ly concordancies. So enjoy the Great
pick up our bad habit of making no improvement. Adventure. And to enjoy it, above
distinction between gadgetry sand a “Accordingly, a ‘positive’ attitude all be positive i?t your attitude.”
high standard , of living-for this is justified-and any who speak
equation helps stimulate the fabu- otherwise are but ‘neo-mediaeval
lous wastage of our resources in tim- THE POSITIVE is such a sure-fire
prophets of gloom and doom who slogan, 1”m sure that, if the minus
ber, land, minerals’ water and man- would turn back the clock of prog- sign in mathemaiics were only now
hours resulting from the production ress.’ Every advance that we now invented, the device would be advo-
and distribution of commercial prod- point to with pride was first viewed cated in the name of Positive Nega-
ucts most of which are culturally with alarm. So- don’t make the mis- tivity (in contrast with the previous
worse than wdrthless). 1take of selling mankind short, or absence of this symbol, a past de-
IO argue about, whether we you’ll be caught by the up&ng. plorablti condition that would be
/ “should” or “should not” subscribe True, there are temporary’ fluctua- characteriied as Negative Negativ-
to technology is like being halfway tions, and the in-and-out trader may ity). Yet I feel positively certain
over Niagara Falls in a barrel and get ‘badly burned-but an invest- that the full implications of this cur-
ask&g yourself whether or not to ment in culture for the long pull1 is rent stylistic unction (presumably
turn back. You go right ahead’ and, safe. The investor can be confi-dent so different from the days when the
maybe you’ll break your neck,: and that things will go on appreciating Ten Commandments were f&mu-
maybe you won’t. The New Powers of themselves. Particularly if he, bias lated as a code for the guidalice of
are here, and that’s that, including a backlog of sound industrial stocks, human conduct) are not understood
the Grand Bombastic Apocalypse of he Can feel confident; for in addi- --and above all, thkse implications
atomic energy, ,with its mighty con: tion to real appreciation in the worth (as regards the relations between
itrib&on to the transforming of of his holdings, their market value positives and negatives) are conceal-
scientific Xruth into conspiratorial will keep pace with whatever degree ed from us when ,we adopt too “posi-
secrecy.’ What burns me up is the of mfla:ion the cultdre runs into. tive” an attitude towards the
(Lpositlve” unction so often asso- So be ‘positive”in your attitude, and “promises” of “progress.”
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