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Andrea P.

8- Pahiyas
Ms. Rivellas

women, and images of embracing couples, all of which suggested

About Asia growth, abundance, and prosperity.
Side by side with the flowering of the plastic arts, philosophy and
Culture, Value, Arts and Music literature, as well as music and dance, flourished in the Hindu
The Indian subcontinent forms an inverted triangle extending from context. India’s best-known philosophical system, Vedanta,
the snow-bound Himalayan ranges of Asia toward the equator. associated with the philosopher Shankara, proposed a monistic
Known also as South Asia, the area includes the countries of India, belief in the identity of the human soul with the divine principle. A
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan; artistically, the rich body of secular literature, including poems and dramas, fables
Tibetan highlands also form part of the region. Stretching some and epics, was written first in Sanskrit and later in a number of
1,800 miles from north to south, and almost the same distance from regional languages, from southern Tamil to northern Kashmiri, from
west to east, the area is home to an ancient and diverse group of western Gujarati to eastern Bengali. Music and dance played an
cultures. important part in the religious and secular life of the subcontinent.
India is the largest single nation of South Asia. Its currently twenty- Hindu religion, culture, and art spread overseas into several parts of
four states exhibit a cultural diversity comparable to that seen Southeast Asia, where the two great epics of India,
among the nations of Europe. The Tamil region of South India has a the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, continue to play an important
language, script,  theatrical role.
musical tradition India is the birthplace of two other major religions that arose during
, dance forms, and an artistic heritage that are quite distinct from the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. One was 
those found in, say, Punjab in the north. It is this diversity that Buddhism
makes the artistic traditions of India so complex and rewarding to , a faith propounded by Prince Siddhartha, who achieved
follow. enlightenment and became known as the 
During the third millennium B.C., spacious cities, displaying Buddha
advanced town planning, were built along the plains of the Indus (literally, “Enlightened One”). The Buddha’s path to nirvana
River. The settlers of these ancient communities traded with the (Buddhist salvation) was a path of moderation that was open to all.
contemporary civilizations of Mesopotamia and used an elegant It denied the caste system of the Hindus and emphasized an upright,
form of pictorial writing that is yet to be deciphered. Steatite seals, moral life. Buddhism gained rapid popularity within India and, at an
delicately carved with figures of animals and occasionally of humans, early date, spread along the Silk Road into China, Korea, and Japan,
testify to their creators’ artistic sensibilities. The great cities of the where it became a major force. The countries of Southeast Asia, too,
Indus Valley flourished for more than a thousand years. imbibed the Buddha’s teachings. Buddhists especially revere the
Between 1800 and 1200 B.C., a steady trickle of Indo-European founder of their faith, who was deified and adored as a god. In early
peoples who called themselves Aryans (Sanskrit arya means “noble”) times, his mortal remains (in the form of ashes following cremation)
entered the Indian subcontinent. They brought with them a group of were interred within relic mounds known as stupas. Relief sculptures
sacred hymns known as the Vedas (“knowledge”), composed in the narrating the life of the Buddha were used to decorate such stupa
ancient Sanskrit language. The Vedic hymns praise an entire group of mounds. The range of auspicious motifs used in a Hindu context—
deities to whom the Aryans offered homage. Several are foliage, women, couples—also formed part of the decorative
personifications of the powerful forces of nature, such as Indra, the scheme of the stupa. Buddhas later built richly decorated temples to
god of thunder and rain and the patron deity of war; the solar deity enshrine an image of the Buddha.
Surya; and Agni, the god of fire. The religion known today as  The other major religion that arose in the sixth century B.C. is
Hinduism traditionally accepted as having been founded by Mahavira, an elder
 has its roots in these ancient texts. Hinduism is a religion without a contemporary of the Buddha. Once he had attained enlightenment,
single founder, a single spokesman, or indeed a single set of fixed he was known as Jina, or “Victor,” and the path he propounded is
tenets. It evolved and changed over the years as the once-nomadic known as 
Aryans spread across the subcontinent, took to settled life, and as Jainism
they mingled with the local populations, adopted several of their . Although similar in many ways to the path of the Buddha, Jainism
beliefs and customs. places greater emphasis on austerity and asceticism, which are
In keeping with its Vedic origins, Hinduism remains a polytheistic upheld as ideals. The faith did not spread beyond India, but it holds
faith that admits the power of a number of deities. The three  an important place within the subcontinent. Jain temples, which
most popular deities enshrine an image of one of the twenty-four jinas, are similar in
 of present-day Hinduism, which draws directly on later texts known many ways to those built to honor Hindu gods; only the narrative
as the Puranas (composed early in the present era), are the god themes and the identity of the sacred images are different.
Shiva, the god Vishnu, and the goddess Shakti (literally, “Power”). India is home to other religions as well, including 
Hindus generally address their worship to one or another of the Islam
three and are accordingly known as Shaivas, Vaishnavas, or Shaktas. , a monotheistic faith. Northwestern India was first penetrated by
Temples were built to enshrine the image of the chosen deity, and Muslim armies in the early eighth century A.D., although Islam did
the exterior walls of these temples were covered with numerous not establish a firm foothold there until the eleventh century. The
sculpted images and masses of decorative carvings. Relief carvings last of the world religions to arise in the subcontinent is Sikhism,
from the myths of the enshrined deity played an important role in which, in certain respects, attempted to bridge the gulf between
glorifying the god whose various manifestations found a place in the Hinduism and Islam.
niches on the temple walls. In addition, sculptors carved a variety of The greater proportion of the art in stone that has survived was used
auspicious motifs that included overflowing foliage, figures of to decorate sacred structures. Secular monuments certainly existed,
and monarchs and nobles built themselves imposing palaces and
Andrea P. Lopez
8- Pahiyas
Ms. Rivellas

mansions. It would appear, however, that such structures were

made in the perishable medium of brick and wood and decorated Asian Music
with terracotta and wood sculptures. In the hot and humid climate East Asia can be viewed as one of the big four among the generally
of much of India, these ancient secular monuments have perished. It urban, literate cultural areas of the world. The other three are South
is only after Islam came to India that secular monuments began to Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Around each of these major
be constructed of stone. Thus it is that the majority of the works of regional cultures one can find many satellite musical systems known
art seen in the South Asian galleries of the Metropolitan Museum, as national forms. In most cases, the fundamental musical concepts
most of them of stone, come from a religious context. The artistic of such national forms reflect the basic ideals of the cultural core.
remains, consisting of sacred images as well as sensuous, often For example, the musics of Iran and Egypt are of one family, as are
flamboyant figures of women, emphasize the intermingling of the those of France and Sweden or of China and Japan. A possible fifth
sacred and the secular in the art of India. addition to the “big four” concept is the Southeast
Asian musical culturecharacterized by the use of knobbed gongs. Its
Asian Holidays documents on music theory from the 18th to the 20th century
 Chinese New Year combine South and East Asian concepts with indigenous insights. Its
 Despite the name, Chinese New Year is actually celebrated most distinctive aspects are its instrument types and resulting
in a lot of countries. The 2019 Chinese New Year is ensembles and forms.
the Year of the Pig and is celebrated on February 5th. It Using instrument type alone as a measure, it is sometimes possible
celebrates the first day of the Chinese Lunar Calendar and to note cultural influences and mixtures of the major traditions in
is the most important yearly festival for the Chinese. Each smaller units. For example, the physical structure and playing
year is named after one of the 12 animals of the Chinese positions of various bowed instruments in mainland Southeast
Zodiac. Asiacan often mark clearly Chinese influence, as in Vietnam, or
Muslim and Chinese forms in confluence, as in the various bowed
 Ching Ming Festival lutes of courtly ensembles in Cambodia and Thailand. By the same
token, the appearance of flat gongs in mainland Southeast Asia
 This Chinese holiday, celebrated on April 5th, is the Ching
shows Chinese connections, while the knobbed gongs clearly stem
Ming Festival (aka Qingming Festival.) Ching, in Chinese,
from Southeast Asian culture proper.
means pure or clean and Ming means brightness. Most
people call this holiday grave-sweeping day because Concepts of music
people head to the cemetery to clean graves. If one turns to distinctions in musical style, one of the first questions
 Ching Ming is a festival to remember those who have left to arise is “What is music?” Two basic definitions will suffice for the
us present discussion. The first definition is cultural: a sonic event can
 Holi be called music if the people who use it call it music, regardless of
one’s own reaction to it. Similarly, certain events that sound musical
 Holi is a spring festival that is celebrated throughout India.
to foreign ears are not music culturally if they are not accepted as
For two days, people party it by dropping powdered
such by native culture carriers. A good example of such a situation is
colors from the rooftops, drench each other with balloons
found in the Middle East, where singing is never allowed in the
filled with colored water and have huge feasts. This festival
mosque, though one may hear performances and even buy records
is held to celebrate the defeat of the mythical
of “readings” from the Qurʾān. Such cultural and functional
creature, Holika. Holi starts off with a big bonfire to help
problems of definition seldom arise in East Asian music, and a more
clear the leavesand twigs of the autumn that has just past.
neutral definition is appropriate. A sound event may be considered
 Holi the Festival of Colors and studied as music if it combines the elements of pitch, rhythm,
 Asian Traditions and Culture and loudness in such a way that they communicate emotionally,
 Buddhism: While there are as as many religions in Asia as aesthetically, or functionally on the levels that either transcend or
there are anywhere else, Buddhism is one of the are unrelated to speech communication. Those who have been
predominant ones. Buddhism was established in moved by a love song or a lament can well appreciate some of
northern Indiaabout 2500 years ago in response to the life the implications of such a view of music. When listening to “exotic”
and teachings of Gautama Siddhartha who was given the music—i.e., that of a tradition outside one’s own background—it is
title "Buddha" or "awakened-one." important to remember that such transcendental values are at work
 Dim Sum: A traditional Chinese meal that consists of lots of for the alien listener as well as for listeners familiar with the
small dishes of a bunch of different kinds of foods, particular musical language in use.
including steamed or fried dumplings. There are many kinds of music in the world, the three most common
 Tea: Tea plays a major role in Asian culture - whether it's in terms being folk, popular, and art music. Folk and popular musichave
China, India or Malaysia - tea ceremonies, in their special indigenous and mixed forms in Asia (as in all the world
their various forms, are a major part of most Asian today), but it is in the literate art traditions of Asia that historical and
cultures. musical distinctions can be made most clearly. In the context of this
discussion, art music is defined as a tradition having, to some
 Origami: Origami is the art of folding paper. While it is
degree, a conscious theoretical basis and a sense of repertoire that
quite popular in Japan, it is believed to have originated in
is played against the highest standards held by informed native
China in the first century AD. One of the most popular
listeners. The performer is often a professional, and there may be a
origami shapes is the crane. The crane is thought to be
known historical depth to the traditions. Thus, there may be art
a sacred animal in Japan and legend has it that if you
music in many nonliterate cultures such as that of the Australian
fold 1,000 paper cranes, your wish will come true.
Aboriginesand that of the tribal courts of Africa. Here, however, the
Andrea P. Lopez
8- Pahiyas
Ms. Rivellas

major concern is with one of the large urban, literate cultures and its also requisite. The tonal vocabulary of 12 tones generated in a cycle
three national variants. Before looking at these musical systems in of fifths is the first common factor. From this tonal vocabulary
detail, it is useful to compare the entire culture with those of the various scales of five to seven notes are chosen. As in the West, the
other major “big” three, South Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. total number of notes in an East Asian scale is often seven, but each
Theoretical systems scale tends to have what could be called a five-tone (pentatonic)
All four major literate cultures, in their ancient forms, laid a strong core. The one scale in which no half steps appear (the so-called
emphasis on the extramusical qualities of music. For example, the anhemitonic pentatonic) is common all over the world, although
study of such concepts as the power of vibrations (in ancient Indian casual listeners often mistake it as being characteristically
music theory) and the relationships between music and other “Oriental.” A few moments spent listening to authentic East Asian
elements in the universe (in Assyrian records as well as in the recordings will reveal clearly that the five black notes on the piano
writings of medieval European scholars) can be matched in East Asia do not represent all the sonic resources of Asian music. Indeed,
by the joint efforts of Chinese musicologists and astrologers to bring there are a great variety of East Asian musics. Some are historically
the music of the empire in tune with the universe. related and others are indigenous. Their three most common
In addition, all four cultures developed mathematically and characteristics are linearity, transparency, and word orientation.
acoustically based music theories. The pitches produced by dividing Linearity means an emphasis on melodic tension and release
the length of a string were the basis of the three non-East Asian supported by or held in further tension by rhythmic devices. This
music theories. String acoustics were known in China as well, but line-and-rhythm orientation and lack of interest in Western-style
East Asian writings use the overtones of end-blown bamboo tubes to harmony are, in fact, major distinctions between most of the world’s
illustrate their systems. It is fascinating that, whatever their origin, music and that of the West. In traditional East Asian music, as well as
the Middle Eastern and South Asian theories produced highly in most other non-Western traditions, all melodic instruments play
variable tone systems while the two ends of the old continent (i.e., the same basic melody. No one fills in the texture with chords. If
the West and China) generated 12 tones based on a cycle of pitches harmonic texture is used, its function is to provide colour rather
5 tones apart (such as C to G to D in the West). This cycle than to generate tension or release by chord progression.
of fifths produced 12 pitches that were mathematically correct, but Heterophony (more than one version of the melody being heard at
the 13th pitch did not match the 1st pitch. In the West this so-called the same time) may occur to enrich the line. The sense of moving
“Pythagorean comma” became bothersome as Western through a time continuum toward an ending, however, is basically
music oriented toward vertical sounds called harmony in which the developed through the tension produced during the wait for a pitch
distance between pitches in chords needed to be the same in every to resolve to a pitch of rest just one tone above or below. In
key. In the 17th century Western acousticians developed a formula Western single line (monophonic) music one feels this melodic
that allowed them to bypass the “natural” tone system by making all tension when, for example, in the key of C major the note B or D
pitches equidistant. The same formula was discovered by a Chinese resolves to C. A Westerner may feel an additional sense of harmonic
mathematician and musicologist, Zhu Zaiyu, in the late 16th century; accompaniment in such an example. While such harmonic
but such “well-tempered” tuning was not accepted in Chinese music orientation is not part of traditional East Asian listening and
practice until very recently, when Western music styles combined although the scales and pitches may be different in East and West,
with indigenous traditions. This is one reason why Asian music this basic principle of melodic tension is the same.
sometimes sounds “out of tune” to Western ears. Transparency refers to the preference in East Asian music for
The scientific base of music is reshaped by each culture into a chamber-music sound ideals; no matter how large an ensemble may
system that meets its needs and tastes. There are differences in the be, the individual instruments are meant to be heard. This differs
sound, the instrumentation, and the forms of Western and Eastern from the orchestral sound ideal, popular in 19th-century Western
music. However, if the wonder of such variants is to be fully music, in which the intention is to merge the sounds of the
appreciated, it must be understood that music is not in fact an individual instruments into one musical colour. A transparent
international language. It consists of a whole series of equally logical texture is a logical choice for a tradition that wishes to emphasize
but sometimes very different closed systems. The word closed is lines; orchestral colour helps to merge various lines into single
used to mean that the musical facets mesh perfectly within a given vertical sonic events called harmony.
system, but they often may prove difficult or impossible to transfer Word orientation refers to the fact that until the 20th century there
to another system. In this light, a given passage of Chinese music was little abstract instrumental music, such as a sonata or
when analyzed or judged with the logic of Beethoven is chaos, but a concerto, in East Asia. A piece had either a text or a title that
Beethoven seems equally illogical when viewed in the context of evoked an image, such as Moon Over the River or Spring Sea.
Chinese, or for that matter Indian, music theory. Such intercultural Perhaps this relates to a general sensitivity to nature in East
clashes can be constructed between almost any of the larger Asian culture as a whole. Whatever its source, it has produced many
systems. In this context, one can see that Chinese music is tonally sonorous and pleasing results.
more foreign to Middle Eastern or Indian music than to Western,
though historically it had closer relations with the other two. There Asia Facts
are, of course, many other musical concepts and styles that traveled Our Asia Facts for Kids shall provide lots of interesting and fun facts
over the Silk Roadbetween China and other parts of Asia, which are on the Asian continent.
treated in the article Chinese music. Asia is the largest continent of our planet, both in size and also when
we consider the population. The Asian continent includes 48
countries, that are members of the United Nations. The continent is
Musical traits common to East Asian cultures
located mainly in the eastern hemisphere and in the northern
In these primary considerations a view of some
general aesthetictraditions common to much of East Asian music is
Andrea P. Lopez
8- Pahiyas
Ms. Rivellas

1. There are 48 countries in Asia (see list on the right of the 10 Some countries in Asia are at high risk for negative impacts of
biggest countries) that are recognised by the United Nations climate change. In 2004, a tsunami hit the coast in India, Thailand,
(Palestine, however, has 'only' observer status as it does not control Indonesia and other countries and killed more than 250,000 people
the majority of the claimed land).  Two of the Asian countries also in more than 14 countries.
share part of their territory on the European continent; Street in Vietnam
these countries are Russia and Turkey.  13. People of Asia: There are many ethnic groups in Asia. This is a
2. More than 4.4 billion people live on the continent. Asia is thus huge continent, where vastly different cultures are practiced. In
the most populous continent. India and China, the most populous countries in Asia, there are many
3. Largest Country: Russia by landmass, even though roughly 40% of different ethnic groups all with their own distinct language and
the country belongs to the European continent. China is the largest culture. Imagine that in India more than 850 different native
country by population. Did you know that in China as many people languages are spoken and used in daily conversations! India is not
live as in Australia, New Zealand, North America, South America and only the second most populous country in Asia, it has also the
Western Europe combined? largest number of poor people and child labourers. One in four
Shanghai in China is the world's most populous city! Indians cannot read or write. Then there are the Arabs, the Russians,
4. Asia Facts - Largest City: Shanghai in China. With more than 24 Koreans, Japanese, Indians, Indonesians and so many more different
million inhabitants Shanghai is also the largest city in the world by cultural groups. There are also vast differences in living standards
population. Tokyo has the largest metropolitan area and has more and poverty. In South-East Asia, most people live in rural areas
inhabitants than the whole of Canada! outside the big cities which are underdeveloped. In fact, four out of
5. Asia Facts - Smallest Country: Maldives. The Indian ocean country ten poor people who live with only $1.9 per day, live in Asia!
is one of the smallest countries in the world and Asia's smallest However, there is also the tiny country of Singapore which is one of
country. It consists of 26 coral atolls which in total consist of more the richest, most modern and influential cities in the world.
than 1190 islands. Singapore is a leading country in modern technology and innovation
Orang Utan in Borneo and a major financial centre.
6. Biggest Island: Borneo in South-East Asia is also the third largest zǎo ān
island in the world and the largest in Asia. The island belongs to 14. Languages in Asia: In Asia more than 2,300 languages are
three countries: Malaysia and Brunei in the north while Indonesia recognised. The most spoken languages are Chinese (all dialects) has
claims the southern part of the island. Borneo is home to vast more than 1.39 billion speakers while Hindi-Urdu languages (used in
rainforests and many animals only live on this island such as the India and Pakistan) are spoken by more than 588 million people and
Bornean Orang-Utan. there are many different languages in the Hindi-Urdu language
7. Longest River: Yangtze River is the longest on the Asian continent. group, more than 1,600 languages exist alone in India. In Indonesia,
It is in China. (6,300metres/3,915miles). The Yangtze is the third 600 languages are spoken and in the Philippines over 100 languages.
longest river in the world after the Amazon and the Nile. 15. Asia Facts: Religion: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and
Yangtze River Confucianism are the main religions in Asia. Many religions originate
8. Highest Mountains: Mount Everest. The mountain in Asia, such as the Islam which is also the most widely followed
(8,849metres/29,035ft) is located in the Himalayan mountain range. religion in Asia. Judaism and Christian faith is practised by smaller
The Himalayas between Nepal and China are the world's highest population groups in the region.
mountains. 16. Tourist attractions in Asia: The most popular attractions are:
Mount Everest in the Himalaya mountains Great Wall in China
9. Asia Facts - Biggest Lake: Caspian Sea. The coastline is shared by Grand Palace in Thailand
five countries: Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Grand Palace in Bangkok/Thailand
Iran. The lake is also among the deepest lakes in the world with a Kyoto and the cherry bloom in Japan
maximum depth of more than 1,000m/3,300ft! Baku, the capital of St Basil's Cathedral and Kremlin in Russia
Azerbaijan, is located at the Caspian Sea. Hagia Sophia in Turkey
Baku at the Caspian Sea Gardens by the Bay in Singapore
10. Driest Place: The Gobi desert is the largest desert in Asia and the Taj Mahal in India
fifth largest desert in the world. This is a cold desert where the Petra in Jordan
temperatures can be very low and sometimes even snow can occur. Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia
Yurt in the Gobi Desert Bali island in Indonesia
A yurt is a typical round tent covered with mats or fabric and is built 17. Main natural resources in Asia are minerals such as aluminium,
by the nomads living in and travelling through the Gobi desert. tin, coal, gold and iron ore. Arab countries also are rich in fossil fuels
11. Asia Facts: There are 12 landlocked countries in Asia: The largest as they have the world's largest deposits of natural gas and oil. Saudi
landlocked country in the world is Kazakhstan in Asia. Kazakhstan is Arabia is the world's largest oil producer. Interesting fact: The
the 9th biggest country in the world! Among the landlocked country of Bhutan in the Himalayas produces most of the renewable
countries in Asia are also Bhutan, Laos, Nepal and Mongolia that are energy through hydropower!
located in the interior of the continent and do not have access to 18. Seven of the Asian countries belong to the Commonwealth
any ocean. States. Queen Elizabeth II of England is the head of the
12. Clima: The Asian continent has a very diverse climate ranging Commonwealth. The Asian nations belonging to the Commonwealth
from arctic climate in Siberia (Russia) to tropical climates in South- are: Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore and Sri
East Asia. Siberia is also on of the coldest places on earth. In the Lanka.
tropical regions of South-East Asia, also the most tropical storms
occur. Cyclones occur mainly in the Philippines and south of Japan.
Andrea P. Lopez
8- Pahiyas
Ms. Rivellas

Culture, Value, Arts and Music African Food- The environment plays a huge part in what kinds
In African culture, the “self” is not separate from the world, it is of foods are consumed in different parts of the African continent.
united and intermingled with the natural and social environment. Most cuisines include fruit, grain, vegetables, milk and meat
products. Quite a number of cultural groups have very similar foods
It is through relations with one’s community and surroundings that in their cuisines. For example, a very common maize/corn-based
an individual becomes a person of volition, whose actions and dish is pap, also named ugali, sadza, nsima, nchima, chima, poshto,
decisions affect the entire group rather than just oneself. tuozafi, ubgali, bugali, sokoro, sokora, depending on which part of
the continent you are eating it.
There is a Xhosa proverb that is common to all African cultures and Music of Africa- African music is as diverse as the people, and has
languages, “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu,” (“A person is a person also been influenced by music from the western world. Traditional
through persons”). music in southern Africa usually involves drums and singing, and
such instruments as the thumb piano accompanied by rattles made
The rich and diverse African culture varies not only from one from some dried fruit or vegetable with seeds inside
country to another, but within each country as well. The culture of Some Interesting African Cultures
each ethnic group centres on family and can be found in each
group’s art, music and oral literature.
• Men from the Latuka tribe in Sudan still practice the tradition of
kidnapping a woman that they want to marry. After a Latuka man
Throughout Africa, the people speak a variety of languages, practice has taken his bride-to-be, he goes back to the father of the woman
numerous religions and reside in various types of dwellings. to ask for his blessing.

The vast majority of people living in Africa are indigenous; however, • To protect their skin from the sun, the Himba people of northern
people from all over the world have migrated to Africa for hundreds Namibia cover themselves with a mixture of red soil and milk fat,
of years. Arabs began crossing into North Africa from the Middle and so they appear to have reddish skin. The otjize mixture is
East in the 7th century, A.D., bringing with them the religion of considered to be a beauty cosmetic. They also use wood ash for
Islam. Europeans began settling in the southern portion of the cleansing the hair because water is scarce.
continent in the mid-17th century, as did South Asians, who settled
in the areas of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. Over the
• The Algerian men of the Ahaggaren Tuareg group wear a veil
centuries, African culture has meshed with cultures from around the
almost all the time, occasionally taking them off when in a family
world, although much of traditional African customs have remained
group or while they travel.

Oral Tradition- Oral tradition is very important in African culture, as

Ethnic groups and African tribes have customs that are unique to
it insures the passage of cultural practices from one generation to
their culture. The customs and traditions of each group have been
woven into a tapestry as colourful and diverse as the people of another.
Africa themselves.
Listening is an equally important skill, which has been perfected by
the traditional oral practices. Numerous songs and dances have
been transmitted by word of mouth.
African Art -African arts and craft include sculpture, weaving,
beading, painting, pottery, jewellery, headgear and dress. Art from
particular regions have distinct characteristics depending on beliefs, Music and Poetry in African Traditions
values and customs, but common themes found in art include
women, couples, children, animals, man with a weapon, or a Naturally, singing is very important to the African society because
combination of these. Masks are usually a representation of religious the melody and rhythm follow the intonation of the song text. The
and spiritual beliefs. They are used for traditional ceremonies to songs are often sung in call-and-response form.
honour deities or ancestors.
In West Africa, a griot is a praise singer or poet who possesses a
Clothing -The type of clothing worn across Africa varies from north repository of oral tradition passed down from generation to
to south, and by religious beliefs and traditional customs. Some generation. They must know the traditional songs and must also be
cultures wear colourful attire, while others wear less colour but able to improvise songs about current events and chance incidents.
include shiny threads in their dressing with minimal jewellery.
Music is a form of communication and it plays a functional role in
African society. Songs accompany marriage, birth, rites of passage,
hunting and even political activities. Music is often used in different
African cultures to ward off evil spirits and to pay respects to good
spirits, the dead and ancestors.
Andrea P. Lopez
8- Pahiyas
Ms. Rivellas

Although the musical styles and instruments vary from region to The wedding is held at night when the moon is full.....The wedding is
region, there are some common forms of musical expression. The held at night when the moon is full. It is considered bad luck if the
most significant instrument in African music is the African drum. It wedding takes place when the moon is not bright. The wedding
expresses the mood of the people and evokes emotion. The beat of celebrations can last several days but the bride’s parents do not
the African drum is the “heartbeat of the community” and its attend because it is too sad for them and the event is intended to be
rhythm is what holds the dancers together. a joyous one. A man can have as many wives as he can afford and
the wives share the responsibilities of the daily chores, such as
Dance is an integral part of the African culture, and it utilizes babysitting, pounding corn, preparing meals and washing clothes.
symbolic gestures, masks, costumes, body painting and props to The practice of polygamy brings more families together and deepens
communicate. The dance movements can be simple or complex with
the interest of the welfare in others. The protection of the family is
intricate actions including fast rotation, ripples of the body and
the core value in most African tribes. Members in the tribe care for
contraction and release. Dance is used to express emotion, whether
one another, share wealth and food and assure that no child is
joyful or sorrowful and it is not limited to just the dancers. Often
spectators will be encouraged to join in. abandoned.In African culture, a child learns at an early age how to
become a good member of his tribe. Each member of the tribe
belongs to an age group that has special services within the tribe.
Traditional African Masks -The African masks that are used in
Each person is expected to contribute to the tribe by doing his share
dances have religious, ceremonial and functional origins. The artist
of the work and obeying its customs.
who carves the mask will ceremonially purify himself and offer
prayers to his ancestors for guidance before he begins the actual
carving of the mask. The rite of passage.....The rite of passage is a controversial African
custom that varies from tribe to tribe. Circumcision, which is usually
The African mask represents a spirit and it is believed that the spirit performed on males is, in some cultures, performed on females as
possesses the dancer as they wear the mask. The chosen dancer well. The ritual is usually spread over a period of several months and
goes into a trance-like state in order to receive guidance and wisdom the one being circumcised is forbidden from screaming or crying
from the ancestors. The dancer will utter and moan the messages because doing so is considered cowardly behaviour.
received and a wise man, who accompanies the dancer will translate
the message.
Circumcision....The African customs of tribal circumcision has often
caused mutilation and even death. The victim seldom seeks medical
Art -Although music and dance are extremely important African care from a hospital because they are often abandoned by their
traditions and are very common forms of communication, many family and their tribe for doing so. It is believed that complications
African people express themselves in other art forms as well. arising from circumcision are the fault of the victim because they are
either being punished for having done something wrong or they are
The Zulu people are well known for their intricatebeadwork. The too weak to be qualified as men.
colour of each bead carries a specific meaning. The beads have been
used to carry messages known as “ucu,” a Zulu term loosely
translated as “love letters”.

It is an African tradition for young girls to send a boy a

beaded bracelet of different colours. The boy will court her for a
while and at the appropriate time, he will ask her the meaning of the

Art and sculpture are prevalent in African culture, and the most

common themes depict a couple, a woman and child, a male with a
weapon or animal, or a “stranger.”Couples are usually freestanding
figures of the same size, representing the importance of “two as
one.” A male and female couple in African art usually depicts
strength and honour rather than love and intimacy, as it is
uncommon for African men and women to publicly display their
affection. A mother and child couple can represent “mother earth”
and her people or the strong bond between mother and child. The
male figure with a weapon or animal, represent honour to departed
ancestors. African men are often honoured in warfare and there is a
great emphasis on weaponry in African art, as it depicts survival and

When the stranger is represented in African art, it usually depicts

someone from a foreign country or tribe that is not welcomed.

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