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Final Term Examination (Fall, 2019)

Program: BS English
Subject Name: Classical Drama

Student Name: ________________________________ CMS No: ____________________

Semester: ______________ Session: ______________________Date: ________________

Total Marks: 50 Time: 140 minutes

Q: Attempt four questions in total. (50)

Note: Question one is compulsory.
Q1. Write short note on any two of the following topics. (7X7) = 14

i. Elizabethan drama

ii. Role of Chorus in Greek tragedy

iii. Composition of drama

Q2. Is Dr. Faustus a Medieval hero or a Renaissance hero? Comment. (12)

Q3. Discuss Hamlet as a typical Shakespearean tragedy. (12)

Q4. What is the role of justice and revenge reflected through the choices made by characters

in Oedipus Rex, Dr. Faustus, and Hamlet? (12)

Q5. How does Sophocles try to develop the idea of fate in his play? (12)

Q6. What is Hamlet’s dilemma? Discuss with examples. (12)

Q7. Discuss the tragedies that you have read so far in the light of Feminism. (12)


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