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MODULE 3 orig.

Makes dispositions Supplements the
(ARTS. 825-839) without reference to orig. will,
& independent of explaining, adding,
Subsection 5. – Codicils and Incorporation the orig. will altering any of its
by Reference dispositions.
Provides for full Doesn’t revoke
ART. 825. A CODICIL is a supplement or disposition of the entirely the prior
addition to a will made after the execution of testator’s estate; will
a will and annexed to be taken as a part may revoke the
thereof, by which any disposition made in the whole prior will by
original will is explained, added to, or altered. substituting a new
and last disposition
✓ Derived from the Latin word for the same.
“CODEX” Prior will and Will and codicil as
subsequent will—as single instrument;
✓ Literally means: a little code or a little
two separate wills, construed
will (although of course, it may be may be construed together.
larger/longer than a will) independently of
✓ Always refers to the original will each other.
✓ If there’s entirely no reference at all =
considered as new will
✓ an instrument that makes dispositions
independent of those in the original
will, without explaining/modifying No. A notarial and holographic will can
such orig. will = new will (not a never be revoked by an invalid codicil.
✓ codicil always related to a prior will A valid will can never be revoked,
expressly/impliedly by an invalid codicil.
ART. 826. In order that a codicil may be
always made AFTER a will EFFECTIVE, it shall be executed as in
the case of a will.
However, even the codicil may later on
be revoked by another will or codicil. FORMALITIES OF CODICILS
1.Notarial or Ordinary Codicil
Codicil shall prevail—it being the later
expression of the testator’s wishes (57 2.Holographic Codicil
Am. Jur. Wills, Sec. 608)
A notarial and holographic will may be
SUBSEQUENT CODICIL revoked by either a notarial or
WILL holographic will.
New or separate will Forms part of the
If a codicil is not executed with the ➢ Where a will, executed as required by
formalities of a will, said codicil = void the Civil Code, incorporates into itself
by reference any document/paper
ART. 827. If a will, executed as required
➢ Purpose: to provide for those cases
by this Code, incorporate into itself by
when a testator wishes to incorporate
reference any document of paper, such
to his will only by reference (i.e.,
document or paper shall not be
without copying the whole thing)
considered as part of the will unless the
certain documents, papers
ff. requisites are present:
➢ Testator saves time and energy.
REQUISITES FOR VALIDITY OF ➢ When, in a will, reference is made to
DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY an inventory of the properties of the
REFERENCE: testator, which has thus been made
part of the will, & the will has an
1.The document/paper referred to in the will attestation clause that meets the
must be IN EXISTENCE at the time of the requirements of the law, no
execution of the will; attestation clause is necessary for the
said inventory,
2.The will must CLEARLY DESCRIBE and
IDENTIFY the same, stating among other *G.R.: Only notarial wills can have this
things the # of pages thereof; Incorporation by Reference
3.It must be identified by CLEAR and (Art. 827 (4) speaks of “witnesses”)
document/paper referred to therein; and ART. 805. Every will, other than a
holographic will, must be subscribed at the
4.It must be SIGNED by the testator and the end thereof by the testator himself / by the
witnesses on each & every page, EXCEPT in testator’s name written by some other person
case of voluminous books of in his presence & by his express direction, &
attested & subscribed by 3/more credible
account/inventories. witnesses in the presence of the testator & of
one another.
➢ # of pages of voluminous
accounts/inventories must be stated The testator/the person requested by him to
➢ The EXCEPTION refers only to the write his name & the instrumental witnesses
signing of all pages of the will shall also sign, as aforesaid, each &
➢ While not every page has to be every page thereof, except the last, on the left
signed, still it’s believed that there margin, & all the pages shall be numbered
must be a signature on at least correlatively in letters places on the upper
part of each page.
SEVERAL pages thereof for the
purpose of identifying the same as the The attestation shall state the # of pages used
documents really referred to. upon which the will is written, & the fact that
the testator signed the will & every page
INCORPORATION OF REFERENCE thereof, or caused some other person to write
his name, under his express direction, in the
presence of the instrumental witnesses, & that revise/revoke the will at any time
the latter witnessed and signed the will & all before his death)
the pages thereof in the presence of the ➢ Heirs do not acquire any vested right
testator & of one another. to the disposition in a will until
If the attestation clause is in a language not AFTER the testator’s death.
known to the witnesses, it shall be interpreted ➢ Provisions in a will which are ordered
to them. to effected immediately, even during
all right, provided that t he proper
*EXCEPTION(S): formalities and requisites are present,
1.If a holographic will happen to have at least but they are not really testamentary
3 credible & qualified witnesses = there can dispositions.
be a proper incorporation by reference. ➢ Not essential for both will & codicil to
be presented for probate at the same
2.If a holographic will + with no witnesses time (Macam vs. Gatmaitan)
refers to a document entirely WRITTEN, ➢ Codicil may revoke EXPRESSLY or
DATED, & SIGNED in the handwriting of IMPLIEDLY a will
the testator = there can be a proper ➢ Upon revocation, the
incorporation by reference. will/testamentary disposition intended
to be revoked ceases to exist &
PAROLE EVIDENCE- preserves the
inoperative as if it has never been
integrity of written documents/agreements
May be admitted to prove the identity of the ➢ Will—being a unilateral disposition of
document as incorporated property acquires binding force only
at the death of the testator
Subsection 6. – Revocation of Wills and ➢ No rights are conferred at the time of
Testamentary Dispositions a will’s EXECUTION
ART. 828. A will may be revoked by the ➢ No title vests in the beneficiary during
testator AT ANY TIME before his DEATH. the life of the testator.
Any waiver or restriction of this right is ART. 829. A revocation done
VOID. OUTSIDE of the PH, by a person who
terminating the potential capacity of the will in this country, is VALID when it is done
to operate at the death of the testator, according to the LAW OF THE PLACE
manifested by some outward/visible act/sign, WHERE THE WILL WAS MADE, or
symbolic thereof according to the LAW OF THE PLACE
➢ Ambulatory and Revocable DOMICILE at the time; and if the
characteristic of a will (during the revocation takes place in this country,
testator’s lifetime he can alter,
when it is in accordance to the provisions When the acts referred to are executed
of this Code. before the diplomatic/consular official of the
Republic of the PH. in a foreign country, the
CONFLICTS RULES FOR solemnities established by PH Laws shall be
REVOCATION OF WILLS observed in their execution.

REVOCATION REVOCATION Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their

DONE OUTSIDE DONE IN THE PH acts/property, & those which have for their
OF THE PH object public order, public policy, & good
1.TESTATOR Follow PH Law customs shall not be rendered ineffective by
NOT DOMICILED (Civil Code) w/not laws/judgments promulgated, or by
IN THE PH— domiciled in the Ph. determinations or conventions agreed upon
A.Follow the law of in a foreign country.
place where WILL
ART. 830. No will shall be revoked except in
B.Law of place the following cases:
where testator was
time of the
revocation. (Art. 829) 2.By some WILL, CODICIL, or OTHER
WRITING EXECUTED as provided in
2.TESTATOR case of wills; or
(since his domicile is with the intention of revoking it, by the
here); or testator himself, or by some other person in
his presence & by his express direction.
B.The general rule of
Lex Loci If burned, torn, cancelled, or obliterated by
Celebrationis of the
some other person, without the express
(Art. 17, NCC); or direction of the testator, the will may still be
established, & the estate distributed in
C.Law of the place accordance therewith, if its contents, & due
where the will was execution, & the fact of its unauthorized
made. destruction, cancellation, or obliteration are
established according to the Rules of Court.

ART. 17. The forms and solemnities of
contracts, wills, & other public instruments 1.By IMPLICATION OF LAW
shall be governed by the laws of the country
in which they are executed.
➢ Produced by operation of law when attempt against the life of the testator, his or
certain acts or events take place after her spouse, descendants, or ascendants;
a will has been made, rendering void
or useless either the whole will/certain 3. Any person who has accused the testator
of a crime for which the law prescribes
testamentary dispositions therein.
imprisonment for six years or more, if the
➢ Why is this allowed? accusation has been found groundless;
A: Because there may be certain
changes in the family/domestic 4. Any heir of full age who, having knowledge
relations /in the status of his property, of the violent death of the testator, should fail
such that the law presumes a change to report it to an officer of the law within a
month, unless the authorities have already
of mind on the part of testator.
taken action; this prohibition shall not apply
to cases wherein, according to law, there is no
obligation to make an accusation;
1.A. (Art. 854) PRETERITION—revokes the
institution of an heir. 5. Any person convicted of adultery or
concubinage with the spouse of the testator;
The preterition/omission of 1, some/all of
the compulsory heirs in the direct line, 6. Any person who by fraud, violence,
whether living at the time of the execution of intimidation, or undue influence should
the will/born after the death of the testator, cause the testator to make a will or to change
shall annul the institution of heir; but the one already made;
devisees & legacies shall be valid insofar as
they are not inofficious. 7. Any person who by the same means
prevents another from making a will, or from
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die revoking one already made, or who
before the testator, the institution shall be supplants, conceals, or alters the latter's will;
effectual, w/o prejudice to the right of
representation. 8. Any person who falsifies or forges a
supposed will of the decedent.

1.B. (Art. 1032) ACT OF

UNWORTHINESS—by an heir, 1.C. (Arts. 935, 936) JUDICIAL ACTION
devisee/legatee revokes the testamentary FOR RECOVERY OF DEBT—revokes a
provisions in his favor. legacy of credit/remission of debt.

The following are incapable of succeeding by Article 935. The legacy of a credit against a
reason of unworthiness: third person or of the remission or release of
a debt of the legatee shall be effective only as
1. Parents who have abandoned their regards that part of the credit or debt existing
children or induced their daughters to lead a at the time of the death of the testator.
corrupt or immoral life, or attempted against
their virtue; In the first case, the estate shall comply with
the legacy by assigning to the legatee all rights
2. Any person who has been convicted of an of action it may have against the debtor. In
the second case, by giving the legatee an distribution of the properties of the spouses,
acquittance, should he request one. the custody and support of the common
children, and the delivery of third
In both cases, the legacy shall comprise all presumptive legitimes, unless such matters
interests on the credit or debt which may be had been adjudicated in previous judicial
due the testator at the time of his death. proceedings.

Article 936. The legacy referred to in the 1.F. (Art. 63, par. 4. FC) DECREE OF
preceding article shall lapse if the testator, LEGAL SEPARATION—a spouse may still
after having made it, should bring an action inherit from the other spouse, unless found
against the debtor for the payment of his guilty of any of the grounds of LS.
debt, even if such payment should not have
been effected at the time of his death. The decree of legal separation shall have the
following effects:
The legacy to the debtor of the thing pledged
by him is understood to discharge only the 1.The spouses shall be entitled to live
right of pledge. separately from each other, but the marriage
bonds shall not be severed;
1.D. (Art. 44, FC) BOTH SPOUSES OF 2.The absolute community or the conjugal
SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE ACTED IN partnership shall be dissolved and liquidated
BAD FAITH but the offending spouse shall have no right
to any share of the net profits earned by the
If both spouses of the subsequent marriage absolute community or the conjugal
acted in bad faith, said marriage shall be void partnership, which shall be forfeited in
ab initio and all donations by reason of accordance with the provisions of Article
marriage and testamentary dispositions made 43(2);
by one in favor of the other are revoked by
operation of law. 3.The custody of the minor children shall be
awarded to the innocent spouse, subject to
the provisions of Article 213 of this Code;
1.E. (Art. 50, FC) ANNULLED/VOID AB and
INITIO MARRIAGES—revoke testamentary
dispositions made by 1 spouse in favor of the 4. The offending spouse shall be disqualified
other. from inheriting from the innocent spouse by
intestate succession. Moreover, provisions in
The effects provided for by paragraphs (2), favor of the offending spouse made in the
(3), (4) and (5) of Article 43 and by Article 44 will of the innocent spouse shall be revoked
shall also apply in the proper cases to by operation of law.
marriages which are declared ab initio or
annulled by final judgment under Articles 40
and 45.

The final judgment in such cases shall 1.G. (Art. 957) ALIENATION,
provide for the liquidation, partition and TRANSFORMATION / LOSS OF
BEQUEATHED PROPERTY—revokes a C.Subsequent instrument must either contain
legacy of such property. an EXPRESS REVOCATORY CLAUSE or
be INCOMPATIBLE with the prior will.
The legacy or devise shall be without effect:
1.If the testator transforms the thing When there’s a When the provisions
bequeathed in such a manner that it does not revocatory clause thereof are partially
retain either the form or the denomination it expressly revoking or absolutely
had; the previous will/a inconsistent with
part thereof. those of the previous
2.If the testator by any title or for any cause wills.
alienates the thing bequeathed or any part May be effected by:
thereof, it being understood that in the latter 1.Subsequent will May be effected only
case the legacy or devise shall be without 2.Codicil by:
effect only with respect to the part thus 3.Non-testamentary 1.Subsequent will
alienated. If after the alienation the thing writing executed as in 2.Codicil
should again belong to the testator, even if it case of wills.
be by reason of nullity of the contract, the ART. 831.
legacy or devise shall not thereafter be valid, Subsequent wills
unless the reacquisition shall have been which do not revoke
effected by virtue of the exercise of the right the previous ones in
of repurchase; an express manner,
annul only such
3.If the thing bequeathed is totally lost during dispositions in the
the lifetime of the testator, or after his death prior wills as are
without the heir's fault. Nevertheless, the inconsistent with or
person obliged to pay the legacy or devise contrary to those
shall be liable for eviction if the thing contained in the later
bequeathed should not have been wills.
determinate as to its kind, in accordance with
the provisions of article 928.

➢ Revocation by the Execution of A testator who revokes his will with a present
Another Will or Codicil intention of making a NEW ONE
immediately, and as a SUBSTITUTE, & the
REQUISITES: new will is NOT MADE, or if MADE, fails
to take effect for any reason = presumed that
A.The subsequent instrument must the testator preferred the old will than
REQUIREMENTS of a will; (essential that a
revoking will = a valid will) The old one will be admitted to probate in
the absence of evidence overcoming the
B.Testator must possess TESTAMENTARY presumption provided that contents can be
CAPACITY; ascertained.
➢ TEARING—remove; torn
The revocation made in the subsequent will ➢ CANCELLING—to decide not to
must indeed be a definite one. A mere conduct, destroy
declaration that sometime in the future, the
➢ OBLITERATING—remove utterly
1st would be revoked, is not enough. There’s
nothing wrong in making the revocation from recognition/memory
conditional, that is, revocation takes place
only of the condition is fulfilled.
➢ BURNING—sufficient even if small
3.By DESTRUCTION OF THE WILL part of the instrument be burned;

➢ Revocation by an Overt Act Even the entire handwriting be

BTCO = Burning, Tearing, Cancelling,
Obliterating If thrown in the fire with intent to
REQUISITES: revoke, burned in 3 places without
scorching the writing = revoked even
A.There must be an OVERT ACT specified if unknown to the testator, someone
by law; got it

B.COMPLETION of at least the

If accidentally burned = nooo
SUBJECTIVE PHASE of the overt act;
revocation; no intent to revoke
revoke) Envelope of the will is burned + will
itself untouched = noooo revocation
D.Testator at the time of revoking must have even if there be intention; no overt
CAPACITY to make the will. act of burning the will.
E.Performed by the testator himself/by some
➢ TEARING—slight tear sufficient to
other person in his presence & by his express

UNAUTHORIZED DESTRUCTION— The greater the degree of tearing the

A will may still be proved as lost or = the greater the evidence of animus
destroyed. However this is possible only if revocandi
the will is attested; if the will if holographic, it
cannot be probated if it is lost, even if the
Tearing in 3 pieces = sufficient
loss/destruction was unauthorized.

Includes cutting (a clause may be

IN ITS ORDINARY SENSE: revoked by cutting the same from the
➢ BURNING—being on fire; affecting
with/as if with heat.
Mere act of crumpling or removal of If all parts are cancelled/obliterated, or if
fastener = noooo intent to revoke the signature if cancelled/obliterated, the
whole will = revoked
Tearing of signature alone = revoked
provided that other requisites are If the will is mutilated by ERROR = no
present, (signature goes to the very animo revocandi + no revocation
heart of the will) DOCTRINE OF PRESUMED
REVOCATION—in the absence of other
HUMPTY DUMPTY RULE—once evidence, it shall be presumed that the
a will has been torn & revoked it can testator destroyed the will with animus
no longer be revived by putting the revocandi:
pieces together.
1.Where the will cannot be found following
the DEATH of the testator & it’s shown that
➢ CANCELLING—effected by it was in the testator’s possession when last
diagonal/horizontal lines, crisscrosses,
2.Where the will cannot be found following
or the word: “cancelled” written upon the DEATH of the testator & it’s shown that
the face of the will. the testator had READY ACCESS to it; and
Marks made upon a will by the 3.Where it’s shown that the will was in the
testator are effective as a revocation CUSTODY of the testator AFTER its
by cancellation regardless of their execution, and subsequently, it was found
depth, faintness/other characteristics, among the testator’s effects after his death in
such a state of mutilation, cancellation,
if they were placed there for the
obliteration as represents a sufficient act of
purpose of cancelling the will. revocation within the meaning of the
applicable statute.
Cancellation of the signature of
witnesses to a Holographic will leaves
the will valid, since no witnesses are
after all required. ART. 832. A revocation made in a
subsequent will shall take effect, even if the
➢ OBLITERATING—erasing/scraping new will should become inoperative by
off any word/disposition, which the reason of the incapacity of the heirs, devisees
testator intends to revoke. or legatees designated therein, or by their
Renders the will illegible. renunciation.

Revocation by CANCELLING / ➢ There’s a difference bet. an

totally/partially. BUT INEFFECTIVE WILL
➢ Invalid revoking will cannot revoke.
➢ A valid but ineffective will = can
➢ If the revoking will both invalid +
ineffective = no revocation
Subsection 7.—Republication and Revival
of Wills.

ART. 833. A revocation of a will based on a ART. 835. The testator cannot republish,
false cause or an illegal cause is null and void. without reproducing in a subsequent will,
the dispositions contained in a previous
➢ Revocation by Mistake or Revocation one which is void as to its form.
on False or Illegal Cause
➢ False or illegal cause must appear
upon the face of the will.
ART. 836. The execution of a codicil
➢ Where the facts alleged by the
referring to a previous will has the effect
testator were peculiarly within his
of republishing the will as modified by
knowledge, or the testator must have
the codicil.
known the truth of the facts alleged
by him, it does not matter whether REPUBLICATION—process of re-
they are true/not, the revocation is establishing a will, which has become
absolute. useless because it was void/had been
ART.834. The recognition of an illegitimate
child does not lose its legal effect, even It is an act of the testator whereby he
though the will wherein it was made should reproduces in a subsequent will the
be revoked. dispositions contained in a previous will
which is VOID as to its form/executes a
➢ Revocation on the Recognition of an
codicil to his will.
Illegitimate Child
➢ Applicable only if the recognizing will HOW IS REPUBLICATION MADE?
is extrinsically valid—otherwise there
would be no recognition that can be 1.EXPRESS or REPUBLICATION BY
revoked. RE-EXECUTION (Art. 835)
➢ Where a will is essentially revocable,
➢ Re-execution of the original will
RECOGNITION is irrevocable
➢ Cures the defects
(unless there be vitiated consent)
➢ Recognition is not really a 2.IMPLIED/CONSTRUCTIVE or
testamentary disposition. REPUBLICATION BY REFERENCE
➢ Recognition does not wait for the (Art. 836)
testator’s death to become effective.
➢ Executes a CODICIL to his will
ART. 278 Recognition shall be made in ➢ Codicil revives the previous will
the record of birth, a will, a statement ➢ Old will is republished as of the date
before a court of record, or in any of the codicil, and makes it effective,
authentic writing.
as it were, from the new & later date.
➢ A will republished by a codicil is second will does not revive the first will,
governed by the STATUTE enacted which can be revived only by another will
subsequent to the execution of the or codicil.
will, but which was operative when
the codicil was executed ➢ A void will or a revoked one is a
nullity, devoid of any effect, and is
➢ To republish a WILL VOID as to its
form, all the dispositions must be
reproduced/copied in the ➢ The only ways of giving effect to it
new/subsequent will are:
➢ To republish a WILL VALID as to 1.Republication (abovementioned; two
its form, but already revoked, the kinds—re-execution & reference by a codicil
execution of a codicil which makes
reference to the revoked will is 2.Revival-- Restoration to validity of a
sufficient. (Mere reference is enough, previously revoked will by operation of
no necessity of reproducing all the,
previous dispositions)
Article 837. If after making a will, the testator
REPUBLIC REVIVAL REVOCAT makes a second will expressly revoking the
ATION ION first, the revocation of the second will does
not revive the first will, which can be revived
Takes place Restoratio An act of the only by another will or codicil.
by an act of n to mind,
the testator; validity of terminating
a the potential Article 854. The preterition or omission of
Corrects previously capacity of one, some, or all of the compulsory heirs in
extrinsic and revoked the will to the direct line, whether living at the time of
intrinsic will by operate at the execution of the will or born after the
defects. operation the death of death of the testator, shall annul the
of law. the testator, institution of heir; but the devises and
manifested legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not
Takes by some inofficious.
place by outward/visi
operation ble act/sign, If the omitted compulsory heirs should die
of law. symbol before the testator, the institution shall be
effectual, without prejudice to the right of
Restores a representation.
ART. 837. If after making a will, the Article 837. If after Where there is
testator makes a second will expressly making a will, the merely an
testator makes a inconsistency
revoking the first, the revocation of the
second will expressly between 2 wills, but
revoking the first, the there’s no the allowance of wills after the testator's a
revocation of the REVOCATORY death shall govern.
second will does not CLAUSE, upon
revive the first will, destruction of the 2nd The Supreme Court shall formulate such
which can be revived will, the 1st is additional Rules of Court as may be
only by another will automatically necessary for the allowance of wills on
or codicil. REVIVED, petition of the testator.
regardless of the
intention of the Subject to the right of appeal, the allowance
testator, provided of the will, either during the lifetime of the
that the first will has testator or after his death, shall be conclusive
been preserved as to its due execution.
PROBATE—act of proving before a
competent court the due execution of a will
If the revoking will be disallowed because it’s by a person possessed of testamentary
not valid, it can’t produce the effect of capacity, as well as the approval thereof by
annulling the previous will. said court.

PRINCIPLE OF INSTANTER ➢ A.k.a “probation”, “legalization”,

“protocolization”, “authentication”
When there’s an express revocation of the 1st (Manahan vs. Manahan)
will by the 2nd will, the 3rd will cannot revive
the 1st will. Express revocation is always final It is a special proceeding mandatorily for the
and executory. purpose of establishing the validity of a will.

The revoking clause in the 2nd will is not ➢ Probate is one thing, the validity of
testamentary in character, but operates to the testamentary provisions is
revoke the prior will upon the execution of another.
the will containing it, hence, the revocation of ➢ Probate decides the execution of the
the 2nd will doesn’t revive the 1st will which has document and the testamentary
already become a nullity. capacity of the testator.
➢ A final judgment on probated will,
albeit erroneous, is binding on the
Subsection 8.—Allowance and whole world.
Disallowance of Wills
ART. 838. No will shall pass either real or PROBATE MUST STATE?
personal property unless it is proved and
allowed in accordance with the Rules of 1.Fact that the testator is dead, and place &
Court. time of said death

The testator himself may, during his lifetime, 2.That the deceased left a will, copy of which
petition the court having jurisdiction for the has to be attached to the petition
allowance of his will. In such case, the
pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court for 3.That the will was executed in accordance
with legal requirements

4.Names, ages, addresses of the executor & 2.POST MORTEM—probate after the death
all interested parties/heirs of the testator; by any person interested in
the estate.
5.Probable value & character of the property
6.Name of the individual whose appointment
as executor is being asked for 1.Probate Proper—deals with extrinsic validity
of the will
7.If the will has not been delivered to the
court, the name of the person who is 2.Inquiry into the intrinsic validity and
supposed to have the will in his custody. distribution of the property.

➢ At any time AFTER the testator dies,

the will may be presented for probate
KINDS OF PROBATE: (when is it by any executor, devisee, legatee,
commenced?) interested person (Rule 76, Sec. 1
1.ANTE MORTEM—probate during the ➢ Court can motu propio set the time &
testator’s lifetime; by the testator himself. place for proving the will delivered to
After a will has been probated during the ➢ An expressly revoked will is NOT
lifetime of the testator, it doesn’t necessarily admissible to probate
mean that he can’t alter/revoke the same ➢ However, a revoked will may of
before his death. course be admitted to probate, if the
subsequent will that had allegedly
Should the testator make a new will, it would revoked it, is proved to be VOID and
also be allowable on his petition, & if he is disallowed.
should die before he had a chance to present
such petition, the ordinary probate NECESSITY OF PROBATE
proceedings after the testator’s death would
be in order. 1.Essential because under Art. 838, No will
shall pass either real or personal property
PROCEDURE FOR ANTE MORTEM unless it is proved and allowed in accordance
PROBATE with the Rules of Court.

1.Testator himself petitions the competent ➢ Even if only 1 heir has been
court for the probate of his will instituted, there must still be the
2.He follows the procedure for the POST ADJUDICATION.
MORTEM of ordinary probate, except
insofar as the Supreme Court may impose
additional rules for ante mortem probates
in Timbol vs. Cano held that it— 6.Even a VOID will, or one that has been
REFUSED for PROBATE (approval by the
1.Orders the probate proper of the will court) may in certain cases give rise to a
2.Grants letters testamentary/letters with a
will annexed Article 1430. When a will is declared void
because it has not been executed in
3.Hears and approves claims against the accordance with the formalities required by
estate law, but one of the intestate heirs, after the
settlement of the debts of the deceased, pays
4.Orders the payment of the lawful debts a legacy in compliance with a clause in the
defective will, the payment is effective and
5.Authorizes the sale, mortgage, or any other irrevocable.
encumbrance of real estate
The paying intestate heir must have
6.Directs the delivery of the estate or KNOWN of the defect in the will, or of its
properties to those who are entitled thereto. being VOID, otherwise = NO NATURAL
2.So essential is probate that a provision in a INDEBITI (undue payment) in which
will stating that “the will shall not be recovery may be had.
presented before the courts” is a VOID
PROVISION, for a person cannot by his The heirs concerned may
actuations deprive a competent court of its EXTRAJUDICIALLY AGREE to the
jurisdiction. partition the property among them, even
though such partition is not in accordance
3.Probate is a proceeding IN REM. with the provisions of the will.

➢ Cannot be dispensed with or If any heir isn’t included in the partition, and
substituted by any other proceeding, feels aggrieved, his remedy = ask for the
judicial or extrajudicial without PROBATE of the will
offending public policy
➢ Requiring publication, among other Even if there are NO DEBTS, if the heirs
things desires that transmission of the property to
them by virtue of the will, the will must first
4.The right of a person to dispose of his be probated, and the provisions in the will
property by virtue of a will may be rendered must NOT be disregarded unless said
NUGATORY (of no consequence) provisions are contrary to law.

5.Because of absent legatees and devisees, or Even if a will is never probated, prop. may be
such of them as may have no knowledge of transmitted if a partition agreement is entered
the will, could be CHEATED of their into, the provisions of which are based on the
inheritance thru the conclusion of some of will. (Chua vs. Court of Appeals)
the heirs who might agree to the partition of
the estate among themselves to the exclusion Where part of estate is NOT
of all others. DISTRIBUTED YET, recourse =
ACTION FOR RECONVEYANCE. (not to 6. If the testator acted by mistake or did not
reopen probate proceedings) intend that the instrument he signed should
be his will at the time of affixing his signature
A probate judgment long closed cannot be thereto.
attacked by a mere MOTION FOR
Voluntary act of the Judicial decree; VIOLENCE—in order to wrest consent,
testator; serious/irresistible force is employed upon
Must always be for a the testator. (Art. 1335)
With or without legal cause
cause; INTIMIDATION—when the testator is
Always total except: compelled by a reasonable & well-grounded
May be partial/total when the ground of fear of an imminent & grave evil upon his
fraud/influence for
person/property, or upon the
Take place during example affects only
the LIFETIME of certain portions of person/property of his spouse, descendants,
the testator the will or ascendants to execute the will. (Art. 1335)

Usually invoked after MISTAKE—mistake of execution which may

the testator’s death. either be:

1.a mistake as to the IDENTITY or

character of the instrument which he signed;
ART. 839. The will shall be disallowed in
any of the following cases: 2.mistake as to the CONTENTS of the will
1.If the formalities required by law have not
been complied with; FRAUD—if by misrepresentation &
deception the testator is led into making a
2. If the testator was insane, or otherwise will different from that he would have made
mentally incapable of making a will, at the but for the misrepresentation or deception.
time of its execution;
UNDUE INFLUENCE—when a person
3. If it was executed through force or under takes improper advantage of his power over
duress, or the influence of fear, or threats; the will of another, depriving the latter of a
reasonable freedom of choice. (Art. 1337)
4. If it was procured by undue and improper
pressure and influence, on the part of the
beneficiary or of some other person;

5. If the signature of the testator was

procured by fraud;

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