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Let’s Review Module 4 – 8th FORM Mr SAID TBINI

1/ Match the sentence parts to get a coherent paragraph about accommodations. There is
an extra item in column B!
1—Hi Sami. How are you? a. about £10 the night. 1 + ….
2—In your last e-mail you said that you were b. if it’s OK with you. Yours, John. 2+ ….
planning c. I really enjoyed London. 3+ ….
3—You also said that you didn’t want to d. if you like it. 4+ ….
spend e. fine I hope. 5+ ….
4—I suggest that you stay at f. a bed and breakfast place. 6+ ….
5—The price is fairly cheap g. to visit London but you didn’t know 7+ ….
6—I can arrange that where to stay.
7—Please let me know h. a lot of money on accommodation.
2/ Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate questions.
Shop assistant: Hello (1)! …………………………………?
Customer: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a tee-shirt. (2)
Shop assistant: …………………………………………., sir?
Customer: The one over there.
Shop assistant: …………………………………………………, sir?
Customer: Size 32, please.
Shop assistant: ………………………………………………., sir?
Customer: Blue.
Shop assistant: What about this one? (3)
Customer: This is fine (4). …………………………………………?
Shop assistant: £25 only.
Customer: That’s good. I’ll take it. Here’s the money. Good bye (5).
Shop assistant: Thank you (6), sir. Good bye.
3/ John and Anna are from London. They are travelling to Paris to spend their summer
holidays. Before travelling, they must prepare for the trip. First, Anna decided to book a
hotel room. Complete the dialogue with words from the box. There are 2 extra words :

 Receptionist : Plaza hotel. Good morning. Can I (1) ……………………………… you?

 Anna : My name is Anna Sanders and I would like to (2)……………………………a room, please.
 Receptionist: you’re welcome, sir. What kind of room would you like?
 Anna : I would like a (3)…………………………………… room.
a) cash
 Receptionist: may I have your name, please?
 Anna : Mr Anderson. b) book
 Receptionist: Ok, sir. When will you (4)…………………………………………? c) check in
 Anna : Saturday afternoon.
d) help
 Receptionist: Ok and when will you check out?
e) how much
 Anna : Monday noon.(5)…………………………. will that cost ?
 Receptionist: that will be 60 €. f) shopping
 Anna : thank you, madam. See you on Saturday g) double
 Receptionist: see you then. Bye
4/ After booking a hotel room, Anna decided to go shopping for a nice dress to wear in
Paris. She went to a nearby clothes shop. Complete the dialogue :

 Shop assistant: Good morning. (1- offering help )………………………………………………………………..?

 Anna : (2- polite request / buy a dress) ………………………………………………………………………………
 Shop assistant: (3- asking about colour)………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
 Anna : I want a pink dress.
 Shop assistant: ah OK madam. (3- asking about size)………………………………………………………………... ?
 Anna : medium.
 Shop assistant: OK. Here you are. Would you like to try it on ?
 Anna : Yes. (4-asking about the place of the fitting room) ………………………..……………………………?
 Shop assistant: it’s to your left.
 Shop assistant: (after a few minutes ) How was it ?
 Anna : It fits nicely. I will buy it. (5- asking about price) ……………………………………………………… ?
 Shop assistant: 30 pounds.
 Anna: here you are.
 Shop assistant: just a second madam. I will wrap it for you.

5/ John went to the bank. Read the dialogue and circle the correct alternative.

 Bank employee : Good afternoon, sir . What (must / can / should )1 I do for you ?
 John : I’d like to (spend / give / cash)2 a cheque, please.
 Bank employee: Ok. One thousand pounds . Small or big (coins / notes / pounds)3 ?
 John : (5O-pound / 50 pounds / 50-pounds)4 notes will do.
 Bank employee: Just a minute madam. Here you are
 John : Thank you. Good bye.
 Bank employee: you’re welcome. Next please.
6/ After going to the bank, John went to the train station to buy the tickets. Work in
pairs and complete the dialogue between a ticket agent and John.
Time Class Type Number Price
Saturday / at 8 First Second Single Return 2 90 £ / a
am ticket

 Travel agent : Good morning. ……………………………………………………………………………………?

 John : I’d like to ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
 Travel agent : …………………………………………… would you like to travel ?
 John : Saturday at 8 am.
 Travel agent: OK. …………………………………………………… tickets ?
 John: 2 tickets.
 Travel agent: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
 John: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Travel agent: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
 John: …………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Travel agent: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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