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I had been a student for almost the entirety of my lifetime.

From pre-school until college I had

experienced every single happening in and out of school an educational being. I had experienced every
start of classes, every late waking, every congestion going to school, I had experienced everything. But
almost 5 months ago everything changes, a normal student had to adapt to a very new normal
circumstance. This year, a new school year comes a new normal. A new normal wherein everything that
I have experienced and learned about my school life suddenly changed. Everything was on a digital
scale, a digital university for its digital students. Tackling this through day by day I have grown accustom
to the new traditions and culture of taking an online class. But this new school year comes with a bit of
another round of change, a new system, a modular system. With these succeeding changes, I don’t
know if we students can handle continuous changes. Will we keep up or will we just burn out?

In line with these my expectations for this subject would be both for the students and for the
professor. Because I know that both efforts and both hardships come from both pupils of the class.
Whatever the hardships and work the students do to survive the new normal education that is what also
the professor does. Firstly, I expect that with this new normal both sides will form a bond of
communication. One of the essential bonds the student and professor must develop, more so for this
digital education, is communication. Communication play big parts in maintaining the order on how both
of us will understand each other in terms of studies, lessons, questions, and the likes. Next is I expect
that with the new system both will try to help each other succeed and never let one burn out. There is a
fine line between studying hard and over studying hard. When a student studies hard he/she develops
learning, knowledge, and wisdom within the range of the lessons, but over studying can result to
exhaustion and burnout. When a student becomes exhausted every part of his life can be affected, from
his/her mental health, to his physical health, and so on. Thus, giving the right adequate and right
amount of work to students that will inhibit learning and not exhaustion should be the case. For the
students/my classmates, I expect them that we will not give a hard time for the professor and exhibit
proper studying habits and manners that will make the professor proud. One of my last expectations is
that although this is a formally inducive environment, I wish that there would also be a joy and fun in
learning through the course. Interactive learning is one of the types of learning where I learn more. I
hope there would be these types of teaching styles.

In learning there will always be 2 strings connected in a loop. If one does not pull and one does
not push, the cycle will stop, and the string will snap. If both pushes and if both pulls the string will also
not go in with the cycle. The only time the cycle will flow is that both of them know when to push and
when to pull. That is the essence of a relationship, and I thin that should also be the essence of a
teacher-student relationship where there will be gives and receives in order to learn and teach

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