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Part 1

What excites you about the opportunity to support Meetup?

R//: Having worked other sort of campaigns such as sales, finance and collections makes me realize the
true essence of my drive, workwise. I am a natural caregiver who has little to no issues when it comes to
socializing. Being able to assume the Meetup challenge is just the push I need to get to the next level of
my realization as a person. The sole idea of helping others get together for a same social cause, personal
motive, general activity, business matter, or “just because”, makes me feel a useful asset to society. A
group is as strong as its weakest link, so having the opportunity of building up unity towards a positive
goal is more than enough inspiration for me to put in my full and undivided commitment to the cause,
no matter what it takes.

Part 2

What are the most important fundamentals of any customer service interaction?

First and foremost, coat yourself in profound respect. Once you have acknowledged that the person on
the other end is someone in need of your assistance, and that it is in your hands to solve an issue that
could define the course of a meetup, your mentality towards the assistance climbs in the priority scale
to number one. Your ability to identify the reason of the contact through probing questions will
objectively simplify the encounter of the resolution. The proper language is a key to establish the bond
with your customer, so you must keep it simple, understandable, and useful.

How would you answer how-to questions for a sophisticated web platform like Meetup?

The best way to answer any type of customer service question is to make your customer feel
comfortable and understood for them to be more openly responsive to your probing questions. A simple
step-by-step outline with the right piece of information will lead a Meetup user to accomplish their
objective. No matter how sophisticated a platform can be, it is up to the expert to make it seem simple
and user-friendly.

How would you troubleshoot bug reports from users?

Bug reports are very common, specially when using the mobile or app version of a product. Through
probing questions, I would determine if the problem is truly a bug in the system or just a device issue. E.
g. request a screenshot from the customer of the device where the Meetup platform is being used. Also,
verify their active internet connection, the operative system they are using to check for compatibility
issues, and if I have the possibility, test it out with a dummy simulator along the guiding process.

How would you respond to feature requests from users?

I would first have to verify that the actual demand follows the Meetup policies. Specially regarding
permissions in the system that can be granted per paid membership versus free subscription. If feature
request cannot be obliged, try to offer the proper alternatives within the Meetup platform that cn
possibly solve the customer’s demand and/or inquiries.


Provide sample responses to these email support requests from Meetup Organizers.
Remember, you can reference the Meetup Help Center but make sure each response is 100%
your own.

Support Ticket #1
I’ve been hosting the NYC Pizza Fanatics Meetup for over 6 years. Recently, we hosted
a pizza making contest where participants could only use ingredients from a local
bodega. It was a ton of fun, and I have lots of great pictures to share. It looks like you
changed your app recently, can you explain how I can upload photos from my phone?


Big Slice
Organizer, NYC Pizza Fanatics

How do you respond?

Dear Big Slice,

Thank you for entrusting Meetup with such a great event of yours, year after year. Our many selections
have recently changed for the picture platform in the app to make it quicker, safer, and easier to access.
Just follow these steps: Go to your active Meetup of preference, click on the “Photos” tab, then click on
“Upload photos”, select the album where you want to add the pictures or “New Album”, select the
file(s), and finally click on “Add photos”.

I hope you were able to find this useful. Any further questions, please don´t hesitate to ask or sign in at
our Meetup Help Center.

Warm regards,

Meetup Team
Support Ticket #2
Dear Meetup Team,

I’ve been running my meetup for 5 years and I don’t want to stop, but I can no longer afford to
pay my organizer dues subscription. Can you help?



How do you respond?

Dear Patrick,

At Meetup we are grateful for wonderful customers like you. Although, contributions are especially
important to stay afloat and operating for you, loyalty is something we personally believe must always
be rewarded. Which is why we’re offering you a full UNLIMMITED 1-month subscription for FREE! And
just because we know how much you love, you also get a 50% OFF any subscription of your
choice for the following month. Enter this (HF720-D) discount code and don’t let the Meetups stop!

Any further questions, please don´t hesitate to ask or sign in at our Meetup Help Center.

Warm regards,

Meetup Team


Finally, teach us how to do something that some people might consider difficult, but you know
how to do well. You’ll get extra points for finding the right combination of brevity and creativity.

Your Instructions:

Voice projection when singing a high key: Step by step

1. Stand straight up with your feet apart from each other, just to the extent of your shoulders,
2. Make sure your face, neck, and upper back muscles are fully relaxed, your chin is at a 90° angle
from your chest, without tilting your head.
3. Take a deep nasal breath while you bring one of your hands fully open, but all fingers together
right below you xiphoid apophysis, right in the mid line, where your thorax transitions to
abdomen. (Yes. Exactly where you push when doing the Heimlich maneuver).
4. Holding the relaxed position, start singing the words “Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi” while tensing your
diaphragm and pushing the wall of your abdomen against the hand that you have on top of it. At
the same time, arch your soft palate enough to release any possible obstruction against the air
coming from inside of you, while articulating correctly by opening your mouth and positioning
your lips as needed for the sound to come as uninterrupted as possible.
5. Hold the air flow out as long as possible and repeat with 4 keys above and 4 keys below your
comfort key in order to enrich your vocal registry.
6. Finally, grab a microphone, invite your Live Music Meetup friends over, and prepare yourself to
be the new Rockstar on the tabloids! Because, “It’s never too late to be what you might have
been” – George Eliot.

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